Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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What sex there is in this story I will get to in time. If you are reading purely for descriptions of intercourse, go read another story. Some of this material is autobiographical, but the sex would have been only in my dreams.
To any female readers: I think it rather obvious that this is written from a mostly male perspective.
I am not as familiar as I would wish with female emotional and physical response to love making.
I think I know how to lick pussy, but my wife is the only sexual partner I have ever had, and she never gives me verbal feedback. I have had to adapt my love making skills based on what I have read and on her non verbal response to what I try. If she gets wetter, whimpers, her sphincter muscles start contracting, etc. I think I am doing good and she is enjoying herself.
If any of you women see something I could have had my characters do or say that would have given more intense pleasure to their partner, don't email me. I would like to edit the encounter to include your suggestions, but I am repenting of visiting these erotic sites
I think it only fair to recognize Frank Downey's believable stories as an inspiration to me. I like the fact that not everyone is beautiful and well endowed.
Rose MarieMy name is Rose Marie Fontana. I come from a broken home. My Mom caught my dad trying to sexually stimulate me when I was just a toddler. She kicked him out, and she has been supporting us ever since. Until I was old enough to stay home by myself, I spent the day at a babysitter's along with the nine other kids she was watching.
When I got old enough to be interested in sex, at first the boys weren't too interested in me. Maybe that was because I was pudgy. When I finally did have a boyfriend over, we really made out and ended up fucking. He must have told some of his friends because lots of boys started asking if they could come over.
It was easy to have a boy over and spend a couple hours in bed before Mom got home. Off and on, I have probably slept with most of the junior and senior boys and many of the sophomores and freshmen. In fact, most of the boys my age and younger had their first time with me. Ever since Maggie Benson graduated, no even before, ever since she hooked up with Chuck, I've been the cum depository.
If one of the boys asks me if I'd like to have sex, I always say yes. Sex is always pleasant, but it somehow leaves me unsatisfied. I tell them what to do to please me and they usually do it. Many of them have gotten really good at it. I hope the other girls will appreciate what I have done for them. As for me, it has gotten to be rather blah, even with the best of them ... I keep hoping that the next time will be better, but it never seems to be much different.
Now that I am a junior, I am eligible for the naked in school program. It shouldn't be hard for me because almost every one in school has already seen me naked. The girls have seen me in the gym shower rooms, and the boys have seen me at home in bed.
PatMy name is Thomas Patrick Flaherty. I answer to Tom, but I like Pat best. I don't answer to TP. My initials are sort of unfortunate. You know kids pick on anyone they can, and it has been easy to pick on me.
My birthday is December 15th, but because I could already read, when the other kids my age started kindergarden, they put me in first grade. I was only five. Obviously, I was the youngest kid in my class. Up until this year, I have always been the smallest kid in my class. I was always the last kid chosen for any team.
Yes, I was easy to pick on, but a witty rejoinder helps a lot. I figured out a good response. When a class A-hole says, "TP huh, you know what TP is for.' I come back with, " Yes, its for wiping up S --, you're not a S -- are you?" That usually leaves them spluttering, and they seldom come back for more.
I love football, and in fall of my freshman year, I tried to turn out for the team. I was small, but I was fast. Unfortunately, the coach thought I was so small that he didn't even let me practice the first week.
By spring, when they measured me at the end of ninth grade, I was still only five feet tall, and I weighed one hundred and twenty-five pounds soaking wet. Anyway that summer I grew six inches.
When I started fall term as a sophomore, I was five feet six, but I still only weighed only one hundred and thirty-five pounds. I was rail thin. It didn't take much to knock me down.
That year I turned out for cross-country, wrestling, and track. I was never the best in any sport, but I was second in my weight class in wrestling.
During the year I didn't gain much weight, but I did grow another six inches, and I was in pretty good shape for such a skinny rail.
In spring when I ran track, I still didn't have enough muscle to be as fast as I had been as a kid, but I did have stamina. With so little weight to haul around, and after running all year, I could run distances better than most kids. Unfortunately for me, my school, Westport High School, had three of the four best milers in the state. If I had attended the highschool across town, I would have been second or third best and would have been in every meet. Against any school except Westport I could have picked up points.
Here I was fourth by a long way, and only the three best got to enter the meets. Once, I did get to run in a four mile relay. I came in ninth or tenth. I was half a lap behind the leaders, but I was under five minutes. They added up the times for the four best milers on our team and we came in first. No surprise there, but my time did help the team. In a relay, you have to have four times, and I was fourth best. My share of those points got me a letter. I couldn't afford a jacket though.
Well, here I am a Junior, six feet tall, and still rail thin. I did put on a few pounds over the summer, and I now weigh somewhere between one hundred-forty-five and one hundred-fifty pounds depending if I am trying to make my wrestling weight or not.
As a Junior, I am eligible for the naked in school program. I'm actually sort of looking forward to it. It will probably be the only chance I will ever get to have a girl grope me. Ordinarily to grope and be groped by a girl you have to be alone with her. Painfully shy me will never get up the courage to ask a girl for a date. No date, no groping.
Until I was fourteen, the only naked women I had ever seen were some natives in National Geographic. Then I happened to see my Mom before she took off. Our apartment at that time was small. My folks bedroom was also the living room. I walked in on Mom when she was changing clothes. I didn't know until then that women's breasts could sag so far when they were older.
Now since Mom took off, I'm living in the basement of our unfinished house. Did I mention that I went to the high school across town until we moved over here when Mom left. One more reason to pick on me. In addition to being small and a nerd, I am new.
So far my sexual experience has been limited to mother palm and her five daughters. Last year I stayed over night with my friend Bud, and he showed me how to masturbate. He had found an old mens magazine with semi naked women in suggestive positions. It may have been one that his dad had before he joined the church. Most of the women had G strings and bare breasts except for pasties with tassels. One even had her legs spread and her hand under her G string stimulating herself. That magazine must have been pretty daring in those days before Hugh Heffner and Larry Flint.
We spread out the magazine, turned to the page with the prettiest woman, pulled out our dicks, and he showed me how to stroke myself until I produced precum.
Bud also told me that earlier that year he had been down in his room alone with a slightly older and very pretty cousin. They hadn't let the fact that they were cousins keep them from taking advantage of being alone together. They made out. No intercourse, but they stimulated each other. I don't know how successful he was but, she stimulated him until he came. I almost came thinking about it.
I didn't immediately start masturbating on a regular basis, probably because of the church. My Mom and Dad had not gone to any church, maybe because they disagreed on which church to attend. One of my aunts however was a devout member and she had persuaded me to attend.
At church I learned a standard of morality that made me uncomfortable about engaging in any sexual activity. The church standard would not allow anything short of complete abstinence until marriage, not even petting.
The young people in the church did not always abide by the moral standard. Bud belongs to the church, and he certainly does not. There are plenty of other kids like him. In fact, the bishop's own daughter recently spent nine months living with her aunt. I don't know what all besides hormones is pushing good kids to do this sort of thing, but the program sure isn't helping.
As to my own sexual activity, I was sort of on the cusp. I would have liked to do a lot of that stuff, but I didn't, at least I didn't at first. I didn't like the idea of having to confess to the bishop. What finally pushed me over the edge was waiting for the bus at the corner cigar store down town.
When Mom left, and we moved across town to our basement, I finished out the year at my former school. To get there, I had to take the bus and transfer down town. On the way home I had a thirty minute wait on the corner by the cigar store.
While I was waiting, I would go in to the store and look at men's magazines on the display rack. The pictures were a lot more explicit than the ones in that old magazine Bud showed me. It was the stories though that really made my prick come to attention. I would often leave the store with blue balls. One of those times, I took care of the ache in my balls by masturbating. The intense pleasure during ejaculation, plus the relief to my aching balls made me very much want to do it again, so I did. Masturbation became an every day, even twice, or three times a day activity.
Now in my junior year my left hand pocket has the bottom seam cut open. I don't wear any underpants. I sit in the back of the room. And when I am in a class with one of the school beauties or my foxy English teacher, I imagine what it would be like to have them spread their legs for me, and I quietly reach into my pocket and stroke my self. I don't usually come right there in class. In fact, I deliberately try to stretch out the pleasure. It makes the feelings more intense. Between classes, I hurry into the restroom to finish myself off.
Monday Morning Rose MarieI was out late with Joe Brown last night, and we did it a couple times in the back seat of his car. I slept in, so I skipped breakfast. Fewer calories in a day won't hurt.
Anyway I got to school late, and heard my name over the loud speaker. I headed for the office to strip. I wish they told you in advance though, so I could have worn some sexy underwear. Actually, today, I wasn't wearing any. I will though tomorrow.
I found an empty box, tossed my sweater and skirt in the box. I kept my shoes and sox. I have a couple classes in other buildings, and it is better to have shoes when you are walking on those sidewalks. I was ready to go to class as soon as they told me who my partner was.
PatI had a church youth group meeting and got home late last night. I'm still attending My aunt's church across town near our former apartment. Anyway because I got to bed late, I set my alarm later and skipped breakfast. I barely got to school on time.
Not long after I got here, I heard my name over the loud speaker. I guess it is my turn. It's not all bad. At least I will get a free lunch. I wish I had worn underwear today though. I wonder who I will get as a partner.
When I got to the office Rose Marie was just tossing her sweater and skirt into her box. Looks like she was ready for action. Skirt and sweater. No panties and bra. I know Rose Marie from home room and this year from several of my classes. She has a reputation, but I didn't know she went without panties to be ready.
I quickly stripped and tossed my pants and shirt into a box. Mister Tilling then came into the room. "I see you both figured out why you were called to the office. Are there any questions about the program?"
"Just one. Who is my partner?"
Rose Marie of course. You know you have nearly all your classes together. All the others have been here, disrobed, been paired up, and have gone to home room. You two were just barely on time for school. With this slight delay, you would be late for home room. You may go directly to first period. You won't be marked absent from home room.
Rose MariePat is a surprise partner. He is one of the only guys who hasn't had sex with me. I had heard he was not very well equipped, but he looks adequate for the job. Nothing to write home about, but nothing to be ashamed of either. I am surprised about the rest of his body too. He isn't a football lineman type, but the muscles he does have are defined. I don't think he has an ounce of fat.
"Hey Pat, since we we're not in a rush to get to first period, let's grab our backpacks and go out into the hall. We are supposed to be out there during the class break anyway, and it is only a few minutes."
"OK Rosie. Is it OK to call you Rosie?"
"Call me anything you like. Just call. Well I guess that is silly, You are practically the only guy who has never called me. Why is that? Most guys think I am passable, and you should know I never turn anyone down. Do you think I'm fat and ugly."
"Far from it. You are beautiful. You used to be a little pudgy, but I think all the exercise must agree with you. You are very shapely and quite desirable."
"So why not call?"
"Two reasons. The main one is that I'm painfully insecure and shy. You know. Pipsqueak, right fielder, bench warmer. And..."
"But you're not a pipsqueak, and you know I'm very approachable."
"Six months of being six feet tall doesn't erase ten years of being a runt. Some guys cope, like Ed Bauer, but he had lots of friends and lots of gall. And as to approachability. I couldn't have asked you out. You would have expected sex."
"And what's wrong with that? Most guys think that's great."
"It's fine for you and for them, but I belong to a church that teaches me to reserve sex until marriage. Even if shy insecure me got up the courage to ask a beautiful girl like you for a date, I doubt if I could have handled the temptation of being alone with you, and of knowing you wanted to have sex. It would be too easy to cross the line."
"Wow! I have never known a guy like you."
"Yeah! We are peculiar people."
'Oh there's the bell. Here they come."
Two things I got out of our conversation. Pat is a nice guy, if a little shy, and he thinks I am beautiful. Makes me feel a little warm inside, and actually a little wet. I don't suppose I'm going to get any relief from him, but I should get fondled plenty during the next five minutes, and I can ask for relief at the start of first period.
Sheesh! The girls are mostly just walking right by Pat. He's actually sort of good looking. Why aren't they taking advantage. Well maybe he's OK with that since he doesn't want sex.
Why haven't more guys come over to finger me. They know I like it. The little I'm getting isn't going to leave me worked up enough to be worth asking for relief. I was wetter right after Pat told me that I was beautiful than I am right now.
PatWell, I didn't get as much groping as I expected. I can think of three possible reasons: One, the program has made sex so common that nobody feels the need to grope a stranger. Two, I'm even more unpopular than I thought. Three, I somehow radiate the fact that I am not comfortable about being groped, and people are being nice to me.
I don't know about the last one though. I had a little trepidation because I might have to tell the bishop about this, but I don't think he can blame me for having to participate because my parents did not get me exempted. And I was really looking forward to finding out what it is like getting groped. The little that occurred this time hardly counts.
When we got into first period English, Miss Adair said, "Rose Marie and Pat, welcome. Rose Marie, you can take your ususal seat. Pat, for this week, I want you to sit in front here by Rose Marie instead of in back where you usually do."
This wasn't fair. Miss Adair was one of the prettiest teachers in the school, raven black hair, dark brown eyes with long black eyelashes, long legs and curves in the right places. Usually when I got into her classroom, I immediately went to my seat in back and started thinking about her naked. By the time class started I would have an advanced hard-on, and get busy stroking it. In fact I could feel myself swelling a little bit now.
Miss Adair asked if either of us needed relief. I was surprised that Rosie didn't take her up on it, she who wants sex every chance she gets.
Miss Adair looked at my swelling member. "You sure, Pat?"
I shook my head. "Not yet."
I didn't touch myself during class, but I couldn't keep my mind off the subject, especially when Miss Adair sat on her desk and crossed her legs. I don't know if she pointed her long legs at me on purpose, but when she crossed them, I could see up her skirt and even got a flash of panties. It was almost painful. I had to keep looking at her, because if I turned and looked at Rosie sitting there in the buff next to me it would have been worse. I couldn't just stare at the blank wall on the other side. Anyway I finished class with a raging hard-on, and I wouldn't be able to go into the bathroom to give myself relief because I was supposed to be out in the halls available for reasonable requests.
Rose MarieWhen we went out in the hall after first period, Pat was sporting a throbbing boner. I don't know what happened to turn him on like that but the girls should be a lot more interested now. I would be.
"Hey Pat! You're going to get it this time. The girls will see your flag pole is up and come running."
Well I was right here they come.
I just hope the attention he gets, attracts the males and spills over on me. Last hour was pretty tame.
PatWell, my hard-on seems to have attracted the girls. Juniors, sophomores, frosh, even a few seniors who seemed to take it as a challenge, I was fondled and stroked nonstop, and when one senior bent down, kissed it, and sucked it into her mouth, I almost lost it and squirted all over her.
I'm throbbing so bad I am going to have to ask for relief next period. Its not like I would have time to relieve myself, and the bishop will just have to forgive me.
Rose Marie
When Pat started out for our next class, I could see he was hurting. I was worked up but not anywhere near as bad as him.
"Are you going to ask for relief."
"I think I'm going to have to."
"Please choose me. I don't think I have ever seen a harder more throbbing rod. It makes my mouth water. Please, let me take care of it. I promise, you won't be sorry. And as soon as I get you off, I'll ask for relief and choose you."
"I'm OK about you taking care of me, but I don't know about me taking care of you. I won't know what to do."
"Don't worry. I'll tell you exactly what I like."
"Ok, I'll give it a go."
PatShe grabbed my hand as we headed for class, and that made sure that my pole kept throbbing.
When we got into history, Mr. Riley asked if we needed relief. He was looking at my stiffie and having a hard time not drooling. Anyway I said, "Yes, any volunteers?" and Rosie shot up her hand. I said, "Great," and she came right up.
I leaned back against the desk and she knelt between my legs, her boobs brushing my thighs.
Oh she was good. It probably didn't take her more than two minutes to reduce me to a quivering pulp. First she licked up and down my dick, hitting every good spot. Then she sucked the knob into her mouth, massaged it with her tongue, and started sucking on it like it was a baby bottle, but frequently wiggling her tongue back and forth between sucks stimulating my fraenum. When she knew I was getting close, she put her nose against my pubes, took the whole length into her mouth, and started swallowing, her tongue massaging the shaft and her throat muscles squeezing the knob. Then she started this deep vibration in her throat, like a cat purring. I shot two or three squirts directly down her throat before she backed off and started slurping and swallowing.
Kids told me afterward that I was jerking and trembling and that I let out a holler they could have heard in the office.
I was still collecting my wits when I heard Rosie's voice, "That was fun, but turnabout is fair play. Pat, I'm going to tell you how I like it." She leaned back on the desk and motioned for me to move in front of her.
"Kiss and suck on my tits before you go down."
I enthusiastically complied.
"Oh, that feels good, but we don't have all day, so move on down."I kissed down her stomach to her bush. She wasn't trimmed, and I liked her that way.
When I got there she said, "Now take the flat of your tongue and lap from bottom to top all the way up my slit. Mmm, that's good!"
"Now make your tongue narrow and slip it in as you lick me. Good!"
"Now lick left, up, right, up, center, up, long licks. Great! Feel me swelling and opening up."
I nodded and buried my tongue even deeper.
"Mmff, Rosie, You taste sooo good." I took a breath, then I went back to licking, and Rosie kept coaching.
"Now make long deep licks up the center, but wiggle your tongue back and forth as you go up. Good! Keep going, keep going, there feel that. That's my clit."
"Now swirl your tongue around my clit, clockwise for a while, then counter-clockwise. Now suck it into your mouth and massage it with your tongue. MMMM"
"Keep that up, but stop for a second, and put your fingers in your mouth and slobber on them. Now slip your middle finger into my vagina and slide it in and out while you keep sucking and wiggling your tongue on my clit. Oh, MMMMMM, Oh, That's GOOD!"
"Keep fingering but curl it a little. In and out, curl a little more, keep sucking and licking. Oh so good, so GOOD!"
"Curl a little more. In and out. Feel that spongy spot? That's my G spot. Massage it."
"Keep sucking and licking my clit and massaging the spot. Feel me starting to squeeze?"
"Now, slip your finger out, squeeze three fingers together, and slide them in. Now, in, out, massage the spot. Keep sucking. In, out, massage the spot."
"So Close! In. Out. Massage. Keep sucking, licking ... Vibrate your tongue! Vibrate your fingers!"
I felt her squeezing my fingers tighter and tighter. Her thighs squeezed my head. She put her hands on the back of my head and pulled me into her pussy, almost smothering me
I kept enthusiastically licking, sucking, vibrating my tongue and fingers. Then suddenly, she started to pulse around my fingers, and her hips started jumping and bucking."
There had been some Rah, Rah, Go, Go, from some of the kids, but now the whole class was cheering.
When she finally stopped jerking and started relaxing, I stopped working her clit and spot. I just kept kissing her with my nose buried in her muff.
"Wow! Pat, that was great. The best I ever had from a first timer. No, almost the best I ever had period. You are a star pupil."
She tried to stand, but her legs were wobbly. "Help me to my seat, Handsome."
I put my arm around her and her boobs bumped against me as she leaned into me on the way to her seat. Boy she felt good.
I sat down beside her, and Mr Riley called the class to order.
"Well, class, I don't know if we could call this historic, but I will say that Rosie with Pat's assistance has given you a good demonstration of how to eat cock and an even greater tutorial of how a man should go down on a girl to satisfy her. If you guys learned anything here today, your young ladies should be a lot happier with your future performance. I think Rose and Pat deserve a round of applause."
By their clapping and cheering, I think the class agreed.
Rose MarieAs we went out into the hall after history, Pat put his arm around me. I think he likes the feeling of our naked bodies rubbing together as much as I do. We backed against the wall and held each others hands as the kids came up to grope us.
"Hey, Pat and Rosie, I hear you guys put on quite a show in history."
"Skill and experience will shine every time."
"Along with enthusiasm." Pat quipped
I think we got even more groping than we had the period before, but it didn't get much of a rise out of either of us. I 'm pretty sure Pat was just as satisfied as I was. That was spectacular. Too bad I wouldn't be able to take more advantage of the good education I had given him. My pussy tingled a little bit just thinking of that possibility.
As we walked to chemistry, Pat kept holding my hand.
"You know, Pat. If you ever were to ask me for a date, you wouldn't have to fuck me. You could just lick my pussy and keep me quite happy. That really was one of the best orgasms I've ever had ... I would have taken that over ninety per cent of the fucking I get."
"I would love to go out with you Rosie, but we'd have to go someplace where we could wear clothes. If we were to go to a school function this week and we were nude together, I might just end up being one of your fuck buddies. I know that when I was eating you, I sure wanted to finish you off with my penis."
He gave my hand a squeeze. This from a guy who said he was the king of shy.
When we got to class, Mr. Ankiel asked if either of us needed relief, but we each told him no thanks.
Today we were finishing up a lab from Friday, so we got to wear lab aprons.
It seemed like no time until we were on our way to lunch. Pat put his arm around me, and I leaned into him a little. It felt good to have my boob brush against him, and he seemed to enjoy it too.
PatWhen we got to the cafeteria we got our trays and carried our lunches over to a table.
As soon as we sat down, Don Jamison came over to our table. He's this years imitation of Eddie Bauer.
"Hey Pat are you Polish?"
"Obviously not with a name like Flaherty."
"Gee, I though you might be, cause I heard you were sporting quite a polish sausage in the hall before second period."
I glad I had lots of practice at this sort of thing. "Are you jealous Don. You will have to ask Rosie, but I think what I fed her was certainly a lot more filling than anything I ever saw on you."
"Yeah, but Rosie really wouldn't know. She always drained me so fast that I never had time to reach full erection."
Some of the rest of Rosie's friends came over, and Don turned his attention elsewhere for a while. A couple of the others had also been chosen for the program this week, so when they got to our table, we were no longer the only center of attention.
My afternoon schedule was PE, art, and biology. Rosie had both art and biology with me. Mr. Tilling was right about our having most of our classes together. We had all our classes together except PE.
I was sort of looking forward to showering in the girls locker room.
Rose MarieI had been looking forward to PE and to showering in the boys locker room. After all, I am insatiable when it comes to sex, or at least I have been ... I did get turned on by all the fondling I got in the shower. One of the boys even got me off, but somehow it wasn't as satisfying as I had expected it to be.
When I got out of gym, Pat was just coming out of the girls locker room sporting another boner.
Pat grabbed my hand. "Hey, Rosie, the girls worked me over pretty good in there. I think I may have to ask for relief again. Are you willing."
"I sure am, but we'll have to wait for art class. Right now I think we have more customers coming over wanting to cop a feel."
We both backed against the wall still holding hands while the kids felt us up. By time to head for class we were both even more in need of relief. Pat's dick seemed to be pulsing, and I had juices running down my legs.
"I'm going to give you relief as soon as we get to class, but I'm really horny too, and I'm going to expect you to return the favor."
"With pleasure, Rosie. With g r e a t pleasure!"
"For a guy who doesn't believe in sex, you seem remarkably enthusiastic."
"Well, I already have to tell the bishop that I let you suck my cock and that I ate your pussy. Doing it again a few more times is not going to make that any worse."
"Well then, since you already have to confess anyway, do you want to come over to my place after school and fuck me?"
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Returning home from Egypt and a long week with Cleopatra, Agnes and I did very little but sleep for two days. I had lingering dreams of the Queen of the Nile. Visions of her beautiful naked body haunted my sleep. My mind kept replaying videos of Agnes and Cleo wrapped together moaning as their tongues brought one orgasm after another.The constant dreams kept me in an almost continuous state of arousal. Because Agnes and I never wore any clothes to bed, I was awakened several times by my sweet...
HistoricalAh, the first flush of new love. We didn't neglect our studies; it's possible (knowing some of our peers) that we both did more than most, but we were very conscious of each other's presence and touched whenever possible. We took time out to go for walks; nothing strenuous at first, just strolls in Derbyshire. I showed her places I loved, where there are birds, other wild-life and trees. I got her to hug an ancient Sessile Oak in Padley Gorge; she looked very thoughtful after that. One day...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
CHAPTER 1 The three principals of nut distributors Billings, Jolliffe and Oliphant, their wide range of tree and in ground products marketed under the BJO logo, had just completed interviewing the three top contenders for selection as the company’s replacement CEO. The previous CEO had absconded with an undisclosed amount of the company’s money. A professional bounty hunter and had found him living in New Guinea with two women and she recovered all but $27,430 of the money and left him in a...
I showed Rose-Marie what I'd written about her. For the most part, she approved. "I want to say my bit, Edward. Yours is a bit ... limited." So ... here is her 'two pen'orth'... As Edward said, I grew up in a very restrictive home environment. I didn't know any better, of course, and I was happy enough. When I was old enough for school, they sent me to a small, private, independent 'Christian' school. It was actually a very good school. Although less ... free ... than a State...
Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...
Marie’s Big Mistake: Case No. 11-198-9 By Will [email protected] Marie sat in the back seat of the Dismay city police car, the tears were running down her face as she stared out into the dark. The blue and red lights on the roof of the car sliced through the blackness of the night and flashed ominously on her parent’s house. Outside the car her mom and dad were pleading with the officers not to take her, but...
HOW IT ALL STARTED Part IV Marie It is the first day of the new school year. I've recently turned 18, and am in Year 13 - the year when I apply for college, take some pretty serious exams, and start my adult life. It is a year of promise and opportunity; but on this day, it also seems likely to be a year when I will have to navigate through a pretty difficult phase of my personal development. I've recently exposed my alter ego Katie to the world during the eighteenth birthday...
Marie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds. Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction. She had hundreds of erotic stories on her tablet, which had been stolen five months ago. Whoever stole it had edited some of the racier stories so they appeared to be diary entries. One day she was a popular cheerleader, who all the boys wanted to date and all the girls envied....
Marie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds.Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction. She had hundreds of erotic stories on her tablet, which had been stolen five months ago. Whoever stole it had edited some of the racier stories so they appeared to be diary entries. One day she was a popular cheerleader, who all the boys wanted to date and all the girls envied. Then...
College SexMarie 8950 wordsIt was hot in Savannah, and the humidity madeMarie's simple muslin dress cling. She held Mr.Marrow's hand and tried not to step in the horsedroppings with her bare feet as they made their wayto the hotel. Inside, after visiting with the deskclerk, he led her up two flights of stairs to a room. It was the first time Marie had visited Savannah, thefirst time she had seen a building so big, and therewere so many white folks. Mr. Marrow was takenaback...
MarieMarie, eine wundersch?ne 19-j?hrige junge Dame, wurde mit allen Attributen eines Models gesegnet. Bei ihr musste der liebe Gott ein Auge zugekniffen haben, als es hie?; Bitte anstellen, Sch?nheit, Anmut und Grazie werden verteilt. Die junge Frau musste mindestens zweimal in jeder Schlange angestanden haben, so perfekt war sie gebaut. Sie war 170 cm gro?, hatte K?rbchengr??e 75c, leicht gebr?unte Haut und schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die Sonne darauf viel, glitzerten ihre Haare wie ein golden...
"Timothy, no. I don't have ti," Marie's complaint was cut short.She was still getting used to Timothy's youthful eagerness and energy. Adjusting from not having a man for ten years of what seemed a permanently hard cock pointing at her, took some getting used to.It was only a few minutes since Timothy was grunting and filling Marie with his cream, and he was ready again.When he arrived, Marie had warned Timothy he couldn't stay long because she was going to a friend's."Just a quick...
MatureSeven Months With Marie- Part Six: “The Challenge” Fall 2004 Marie and I were approaching the five month mark. She was the kinkiest girl I had ever met by far and away. Our first sexual encounter had been a threesome with our co-worker (and my land-lady/next door neighbor) Karen. It had started as a joke, and Karen had started filming me walking around her house drunk and naked. Then things got heated and the whole thing ended up on tape. After that Marie and I were together...
Patrick Becomes PatsyCross dresser, Oral/Anal, Multiple Partners, Handball, Fist, Flashing, Kinky, ExtremePatrick watched the weather report as another hurricane headed his way thinking “I need to get Patsy ready, Desmond is due in 2 hours”. Patrick was an in the closet transvestite, 100% male by day and a shapely cross dresser by night. At a height of 5ft, slim, a head full of hair, shaped eyebrows and completely hairless elsewhere with the latest in natural feeling artificial breast, Patsy...
Marie arrived home two days after she'd left school. She went straight to the front door, figuring she could grab her luggage later. She wanted to get the confrontation with her parents out of the way.Their contact since she had left for school had been limited to a few text messages and an occasional email. She walked up to the door and tried to open it, she was surprised when her face slammed into it. Her parents were home, both cars were in the driveway, but the door was locked which...
College SexMarie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...
LesbianMarie's bag was packed and in her car. She took one more look around the house. Everything was good, so she set off on her short break. Marie had booked herself in a five-star hotel. It was a gift to herself for being a bad girl.After checking in, Marie went straight to her third-floor room. It was better than she expected.Marie bounced on the bed, 'Oh, yes,' she said to herself.She hadn't gone there to pick a man up, but if she did, her bouncy bed would be a great place to fuck.Marie...
MatureMarie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds. Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction. She had hundreds of erotic stories on her tablet, which had been stolen five months ago. Whoever stole it had edited some of the racier stories so they appeared to be diary entries. One day she was a popular cheerleader, who all the boys wanted to date and all the girls envied. Then...
„You told her? Are you crazy?“ Jenny can’t believe what her step-brother is telling her. How does he not realize that this was a bad idea? “Of course I told her.” Steve says, “You don’t build a relationship on a lie.” In comparison to his sister, Steve seems pretty calm about the fact that he could have scared Marie of for good. And that after only one date. At the very least he is confident that he made the right choice in telling Marie about him and his sister. “Lying is completely...
Marie's Mom For the past two weeks Marie noticed when she got home that her mother was already there, locked in her bedroom. She could hear sounds on the other side of the door but was unable to clearly hear what was going on, and it bothered her that Mona was keeping something from her. The next week, when she got home from work, again she heard Mona in her room, and this time the door was not locked. Quickly moving to the end of the hallway, she turned off the hall light and returned to the...
Marie was back in her room. She went straight to the mirror and looked at herself. There was a smug, but confident look on her face.A smile broke out, "You've just been fucked in the ass," Marie said gloating to herself.Marie was a little tender, but she thought it was a small price to pay. Now she had the evening to look forward to.Time went slow. Marie couldn't wait for nine when she was meeting Tom and Ruth. She had dinner, showered, and it came time to chose her outfit. Black nylons and...
MoneyKarenmarie Patrick (Often spelled Karen Marie Patrick) Born August 1, 1963 SLUT AND PROSTITUTEWent to high school in Toledo, Ohio (Catholic school) and graduated in 1981.Moved to Arizona and worked as a dancer and prostitute at the Ranch House Topless Bar (now defunct) in Tucson and she worked primarily at the massage parlor, called the Gentle Touch, also owned by the Ranch House. After the bar closed, she did some streetwalking on 6th Avenue and also on the Miracle Mile/Drachman area, the...
Marie woke at three in the morning, still on top of the bed and naked.Naked except for her garter belt and nylons. She had a pee and got into bed.It was after nine when she woke again. The air was full of the musky smell of sex. Or more accurately the smell of Ryan's cum Marie had rubbed into her skin. Rather than a shower when she got out of bed, Marie went to the kitchen and made a coffee.The phone buzzed. Marie had a text.It was Timothy. He wasn't going to make it today.Timothy didn't...
MatureOver time, their role-playing evolved from a niece and uncle scenario to Bonnie pretending she was Marie and started calling Mark daddy. Telling him how she wanted her daddy to fuck her hard. To grab her from behind and fuck her like a little bitch. Telling him how much she wanted to suck on daddy's big hard cock. When Bonnie first accidentally used the word daddy, one may call it a Freudian slip, she noticed how Mark became more aggressive in his actions. He grabbed her hips and started...
I peaked out of the curtains and saw that the day didn’t look too bad, a little overcast, but patches of blue shining through, and decided I would wear jeans and a warm, black long sleeved top. In my heightened state I picked out a matching pink lace bra and pantie set and put them on. As I slid the panties up, I was thoroughly aware of my wetness and, if I had been alone I would have done something about it, but then if I had been alone I probably wouldn’t be in this state anyway. I put my...
Lesbian176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...
Robin - Friday morning before school I had spent part of the night tossing and turning. I know I spent much of it thinking about what Pat and I had done in the context of what we had overheard last night. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with Pat singing a duet in the shower. I didn't hear the alarm going off in Robert's room so they either didn't use one or they turned it off before it woke me up. I needed to pee badly so I knocked on the bathroom door. Pat said come on...
It was just after five on what had been a really hectic week at work and, as I was making my way home, I decided to pop into ‘Fredericks’, a new bar near the office, and have a relaxing drink. The weather was turning cold, it now being late October, so my plan was to have maybe a couple of glasses of wine and then catch a cab home. If any of my friends were there maybe we would go and get dinner in town somewhere. I was in my work clothes, but I’m pretty relaxed about dress code in the office...
LesbianNext chapter will be the end of this series. It is close to being finished. Please let me know your thoughts, good or bad. I love constructive criticism as long as you give examples. How can I improve my writing if you mention it but not give an example. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------- On their final day, the girls got up in the morning and were happier than Rob had ever seen them. Both girls came down holding hands and looking hotter than ever. Where Sarah...
When we arrived back at the house there was a welcoming committee. It almost felt a little strange, but it was nice to have three beautiful women greet us at the door. Tara, Marie and Lisa smiled and came down to help us drag our bags up to the house. We had a whole extra suitcase full of gifts, mementos and trinkets that we'd picked up in the "junk shops". I was a bit surprised to see Marie and Lisa still there, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I always enjoyed their company. They...
DANIEL, MARIE, & THE HERMAPHRODITE Of the few experiences we've had with others sexually, this one is the topper! I've only seen a couple pictures of a natural hermaphrodite. A girl with a large dick in place of their clit. They even have balls inside them, so they can cum like a man! Otherwise, good looking lady's that I've seen thus far. Just the thought of it opens up several possibilities! Certainly gives me a chubby thinking it over! One day, Marie and I were on our favorite sex...
I kissed Marie and asked her to snuggle up to me again. She asked if I would 'Save her place' while she went to the potty. She promised to be right back. While she was gone I undressed, it was warm in front of that fire. Marie trotted back, she was shivering and cold, she threw her self on those quilts and pushed a freezing cold butt into my crotch. " Could you help warm me please, it is freezing cold in the master bed room and bath" she said. I promised I would light the heater in...
Seventy-one-year-old Marie was watching Timothy mowing her lawn. He was nineteen and did odd jobs for Marie. The son of Marie's friend Margaret.Marie smiled and thought to herself, "If only I was fifty years younger."She caught herself holding her breast. A finger on her nipple."Act your age," Marie said out loud.There hadn't been a man in Marie's life since her husband passed ten years ago. She had always been a sexual woman. Now her only pleasure came from ever-decreasing moments with...
MatureThe next morning we had to be up early so my Bio-Dad (BD) could drive us over to our cousin Jennie and Amy's house. Their household was just getting moving as we arrived, we dropped our stuff off in the spare room and went to join the family for breakfast. Neither of us had seen our cousins in a few years and yet it seemed like not much had changed. Jennie had definitely gotten taller and was developing quite well. She had a nice set of breasts, not quite as big as Marie’s but quickly...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Introduction: This one happened a few years ago. Only read it if you like slutwife stories..if not..move on. It had been about four months since my wife Anne Marie had taken a cock other than mine. Her latest sexcapade was a doozy, so I thought I would share it with you. It involves some aspects of American Baseball, so I apologize to our European friends if you have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she...
This was not the family that I spent most of my time with, this was my biological fathers family, when I was born my Bio-dad (BD) ran and hid and forced my mom to reach out to his parents so they knew they had another grand child. He finally came around and would spend occasional time with me, but there was always the feeling that he despised having a child so young. On one of these visits I had rented some movies and was hanging out at my aunts house to watch them while BD was off working. ...
First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she has ever been. 5'7" and 135lbs of pure sex appeal. Her legs and her ass are still those of a 25 year old, and her 34B boobs are as perky as ever. She still possesses traffic-stopping beauty and is always turning heads when in public. She has recently added blond highlights to her hair, and the effects are simply stunning. She is the classiest lady you will ever meet, but every once in a while she will act...
Some years ago a group of us through an internet chatroom used to meet up usually once a month at the London fetish fair and other fetish events in the general south east area.This meant that as we were real friends in kink the chatroom had a friendly welcoming respectful atmosphere generally. Newcomers could easily be welcomed and looked after.One of these newcomers was a guy called Chris. Like many of us he was based in the south east. The guy had lots of questions and as with many of us at...
…...The next morning…..waking up I could still feel the sticky residue of cum on my cock, the light of the morning was just streaming through the window. Looking over at Marie, her eyes were closed, my eyes roamed lower and I noticed areas of her shirt were stuck to her body where my cum had dried to her skin. I still remember the feelings going through me that morning, watching her sides rise and fall with each breath, my hand shaking as I raised it up, grazing my fingertips across her...
It was Monday evening, almost dusk, and I was home alone. My husband had left early in the morning for a week long business trip and I was missing him. Although we have been married for over twenty years, I still enjoy the pleasuring of his cock and his tongue. I was anticipating a frustrating week. Also, my two teenaged sons were away, having gone to summer sports camp. But I wasn’t just alone, I was lonely too. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my next door neighbor, Marie, calling. We had...
LesbianIntroduction: Another, more recent sexcapade of my fabulous slut of a wife You guys all know that Anne Marie is a self-admitted slutwife. You know that she very rarely misses the opportunity to get her mouth, pussy and ass stuffed with new cock. Most of the time however, her sexploits are planned out in advance (such as when she gets together with my best friend) or at least when we go out looking for action. Some of the hottest times though, seem to come completely out of nowhere, and that was...
At 39, Anne Marie is stunning. 5’7” or so; 123 lbs; long wild brown hair with blonde highlights. Her lips were made to suck cock and her shaved pussy tastes like peaches (no lie). If you ask me, she looks hotter today than when she was 25, and her sex drive is insatiable. For the last few months, Anne Marie has really started craving young cock. She usually talks about finding a 24 or 25 year old to service her every need; but finding the right “boy” had proven to be a challenge. ...
The sun was just beginning to rise over the resort roof, the pool was still in the shade as I swam back and forth enjoying the quiet surrounding me. My mind was revisiting the events of the night prior, the feeling of that initial push, feeling Marie welcome me back into her. I quickly learned that, while we had to be quiet in all previous encounters due to the risk of family hearing, when privacy was available, Marie was loud. Feeling my cock bottom out inside of her, feeling my balls...
Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...
Seven Months With Marie- Part Five: “The Hurricane” Fall 2004 It had been a month since two of my good friends and I gang banged Marie (see previous story). She was so grateful for me returning the ‘group sex’ favor that our sex life was getting more and more wild and uninhibited. Stopping by Michelle’s house for a threesome had just about become a weekly thing. Our plans for the upcoming weekend however would be drastically different. The news stations had cried wolf so many...
Training Marie Training Marie ??????? When Richard decided it was time to marry, he specifically went to a smaller quiet town. A place where he could find a woman to mold into his idea of a perfect wife.? He moved into a good home on the outskirts of the rural town. Making it a habit of attending the social functions, Richard can meet the local young women.? His striking strong features were just one of his quality attributes that women saw the twenty-eight-year-old man. A tall handsome...
Enjoy and let me know what you think. ______________________________________________ The following morning Sarah seemed to be in a better mood. They met Rob down in the lobby for breakfast before heading out of the day. Marie felt better knowing that Sarah was in a better mood and hoped she was okay with what had happened between. They were sisters and the last thing she wanted for was for things to be awkward between them. They would need to talk about it, but at least she seemed to be...