Custom Check free porn video

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The door to the customs office slowly creaked opened and a woman entered the room. She was young, attractive and scantily attired, dressed more for the warmer climes than for the weather that she had just left. For a brief second she stood tentatively in the doorway and looked about, letting her eyes pass over the spartan interior of the customs office.

There was not much to see. Besides the waist high counter that stood but two paces before her, dividing the room in half, there was a small, potbelly stove in the corner of the room upon which sat an old metal coffee pot. As well a tall, three-legged stool stood behind the counter and a framed photograph of some official was hung upon the opposing wall. Two flags bordered the portrait. On the top of the counter sat an old style telephone, one of those black, bulky ones with a dial. Outside that there was a pile of official looking stamps scattered about one end of the counter and a ashtray overflowing with cigarette butts at the other end of the counter and a small silver bell beside it.

The woman took a cautious step forward, still glancing around as she stepped up to the low counter. As she did she released the door without thinking and let it swing shut of its own accord. The door, connected by a heavy spring to the outer frame, slammed shut with a resonating bang that surprised and startled the woman.

Out of reflex she spun around and glanced behind herself, bewildered by the suddenness of the sound and embarrassed as she slowly realized that it had been her own folly that had startled her. Thus she was distracted when the guard entered the room.

The custom guard had been in an adjoining room when he had heard the door originally open. The sound of the woman's footsteps as she entered the building and the slamming of the door had confirmed for him that he had a customer. Quickly he buttoned up his uniform, secured his holster and put on his hat. It had been late in the day and he had not expected anyone to cross the border at this hour. He had gone into the backroom just a few minutes before, planning to prepare his supper. Now however that would have to wait. Duty called.

"Gutten abend Fraulein." the custom guard said as he entered the room.

His voice startled her. Surprised the woman quickly turned about and starred wide-eyed at the man who had just entered the room. The man was tall, very tall in fact and broad shouldered, whose bearing immediately told of a military background. While young and attractive, the man had a rugged appearance and an air of seriousness and maturity. He was attired in a dark, grey military uniform that barely contained the man's muscular frame. The woman's eyes quickly darted over the man, appraising what she saw. Her gaze took in everything about the guard, his appearance, his bearing, right down to the pistol and holster that hung from his uniform.

The guard came to a halt at the counter, standing beside the stool instead of sitting on it. Towering over the woman he placed the palms of his massive hands upon the countertop and looked down her. The woman blushed as her gaze met his gaze, as she saw his dark, deep set eyes look down at her. Instantly she knew that he was appraising her in the same manner as she had just done to him. Embarrassed by the sensation she turned her eyes away, yet still she sensed his eyes moving over her body.

Thought flickered within her head and uncalled for images flooded the woman's mind, images that teased at the potential and stirred expectation within her. The guard was big, powerful looking she thought. Young and rugged just like I like men to be. A smile slowly formed on her plump, full lips and cautiously she glanced back at the guard. His eyes were still moving over her.

Her body reacted instantly, betraying her before the dark stare of the custom guard. A shiver ran down her spine causing her to tremble with expectation, raising goosebumps on her naked arms and causing her nipples to stand erect beneath her light dress. The guard's gaze fell upon her bosom for a moment. Sensing his eyes upon her caused in a small gasp of anticipation to exit her parted lips. Excited the woman's cheeks became flushed with colour once again.

The man had appraised the woman as he had entered the room and walked the short distance to the counter where she stood. He had worked this job for over a year now and was very good at judging those who tried to cross the border from his checkpoint. Instantly the guard recognized the woman as being a foreigner. Her clothing alone revealed that to him. The sunglasses that concealed her eyes, her short-cropped blonde hair that gave her a boyish appearance and the flimsy spring dress that clung to her figure screamed that she was not a citizen, that she was in fact a capitalist whore. Her behaviour told him even more.

"Gutten abend Fraulein." the custom guard said once more as he came to a halt behind the counter.

For the next few moments there was silence in the room. The woman failed to respond to the guard's greeting once more. Instead she stood there for a second or two with her mouth slightly apart simply staring at him. It appeared that her mind was elsewhere for when at last she did respond it was for her to look away as if embarrassed.

Yes a capitalist whore thought the guard as he slowly began to become impatient with the woman. Oh, she was certainly attractive he thought as he stared down at the blushing woman. He had noticed that immediately upon entering the room. She was shorter than him with a fair complexion, and a fullness of body and form that was appealing. In fact staring down at her exposed cleavage the guard felt a stirring within himself that was certainly in contradiction to all his training. Yes he thought to himself contemptuously, very attractive and very desirable but still a western whore!

Still, regardless what he thought of her appearance or how it stirred him physically, he was a soldier on duty and he was quickly becoming annoyed at her. It was late and the border would soon close. Clearing his throat he spoke once more, firmly addressing the woman.

"Gutten abend Fraulein."

"What?" stammered the woman as if suddenly stirred from a dream, her voice soft, yet hesitant.

"Good evening Miss." the guard repeated, this time in English. His voice was edged with frustration and a slight touch of annoyance. An American he thought smiling to himself. He had been right; she was exactly what he had thought she was.

The woman however saw only the guard's smile as he spoke to her and to her it was a warm, friendly smile that was meant for her. The moistness that had formed between her thighs now became a tingle, a tingle of excitement and desire.

"Good evening." said the woman to the guard, smiling warmly at him as she did.

"How might I help you?" asked the guard courteously. His words were heavily accented but they were clear and direct.

"I'd like to cross back into the west," replied the woman. She continued to stare at the guard through her sunglasses, and to smile at him. What a wonderful voice she thought to herself; so strong, so firm, so manly.

"Papers please." asked the guard extending his hand towards the woman. He tried to ignore the way the woman stared at him, to ignore the sign's of arousal that was clearly visible in her response to him. He was on duty and while he was flattered by what he sensed, responding to it would be unprofessional. Besides thought the guard, this might all be a trick. She was after all an American, the enemy of his people. No responding would not be correct.

Responding to the guard's request the woman placed a small, cream colour handbag on the counter and opened it. From within she removed her passport. Carefully she placed it into the guard's extended hand, ensuring that her fingers brushed against his flesh as she did.

American whore he thought, smiling contemptuously to himself as he opened the document and flipped slowly through its pages. The passport was new, recently issued and marked only with the entrance stamp of his country. Unusual the guard thought. Again he flipped through the document carefully checking each page.

"Please remove your glasses," the guard said in a low tone as he finally turned to the identification page of the document and stopped.

"What," asked the woman in a startled voice?

"Your glasses, Fraulein, please removed them," the guard said once more, this time looking up from the papers and starring sternly at the woman. The woman's face was red with embarrassment and it was obvious that her mind had been elsewhere. A glistening of perspiration was upon her brow and a glanced at her heaving cleavage clearly indicated that the woman was excited.

Blushing once more the woman raised her hands to her sunglasses and slowly removed them. Slowly she folded them close and then placed them carefully on the counter top. The guard watched with interest, staring directly into the woman's gaze as her eyes were revealed.

The woman had deep blue-grey eyes that sparkled with excitement in the bare light that illuminated the office. Confidently she met the guard's gaze and held it with her eyes, smiling suggestively to the man as he compared her face against the grainy photo that was in her passport. The man stared at her intently noting the glint in her eyes and the smile on her lips. She was indeed attractive he thought silently to himself, even desirable, yet she is still a foreigner and one who should not be trusted. Silently rebuking himself, the guard returned to doing his job, giving no indication that the woman across from him had stirred anything within him.

Closing the woman's passport, the guard set it down on the counter, placing it closer to him than the woman, giving no indication that she could reclaim it. Then look the woman once more in the eye, and showing no emotion whatsoever the guard spoke.

"Luggage?" asked the guard in an authoritative voice.

"None!" replied the woman in a soft, gentle voice, her eyes gazing deep into the guard's face, returning his gaze.

"Was!" snapped the guard, looking thoughtfully at the woman before him. Impossible he thought silently to himself, yet he could see no bags with her except her handbag. Snapping up her passport once more he quickly flipped through the pages stopping on the page that bore the access stamp of his country.

"You entered my country three day's ago Fraulein," the guard said in a firm voice, closing the passport once more and staring intently at the young woman, "and you tell me that you have no luggage!"

"Yes!" the woman replied looking innocently, yet firmly into the guard's face.

The guard stared back blankly at the woman, his thought's buried behind is stern visage. His eyes held hers for a moment, searching for the answer that for the moment eluded him. Something was wrong about this woman. The guard knew this, experience told him so but he could not prove it. Not yet anyways.

"Auto?" the guard asked after a second or two of thought and reflection. His eyes flickered away from the woman's for a moment, glancing deliberately over her shoulder towards the door to the customs office. After a brief moment the guard turned his gaze upon the woman once more.

Instinctively the woman's gaze followed the guard's. Because he had shot a searching glance over her shoulder the woman was forced to turn in that direction to see what he was looking at. Seeing only the door to the room the woman turned back to face the guard. To her surprise she found that the guard was staring down at her, his eyes obviously playing over her body, silently undressing her. Blood rushed to her face, and wetness stirred between her legs once more as she realized that the guard was more man than official. A smile slowly appeared on her face and collecting herself, the woman returned the guard's stare with one of her own, holding herself before him in as pose that was clearly inviting.

"Fraulein," the guard said in a low but firm voice. "I asked if you had an auto, a car? Do you Fraulein?"

The woman blinked with surprise and then blushed. She had not expected the guard to continue in such a formal way. She had not imagined that he would have resisted her obvious charms. Her eyes lowered away from his gaze, and as redness returned to her cheeks, she stared instead at the counter and her bag that she clutched before her.

The guard saw the woman's discomfort and embarrassment. Good he thought silently to himself. Perhaps she will cooperate now instead of flaunting her sex at him. Not that she was not attractive or even desirable. Given other circumstances he would enjoy taking this woman to his bed. But not now, not when the woman is arrogant enough to think that he would be derelict in his duties because a woman with good tits threw herself at him. Never! He knew his duty.

"Will you answer me Fraulein?" the guard snapped after the woman failed to respond. Anger clung to his words and woman lowered her head even further, rebuked by his stern voice.

"No..." she replied in a soft, hesitant voice.

"No?" questioned the guard looking at the woman in disbelief. "No you will not reply Fraulein, or no you do not have a car?"

"No, I don't have a car!" the woman replied. As she did she forced herself to take a deep breath and look up into the guard's inquiring face. The face was hard, etched with wonder at the woman's reply, lacking any sign of interest beyond that of his duties. It took a great deal of effort for the woman not to look away.

The guard had met the woman's gaze with the resolve of his duty as a soldier of his nation backing him up. He was of course stunned at the woman's reply for it was incomprehensible for a visitor to his country to be without a car, and more importantly without bags. His eyes narrowed as he stared down at the young woman, thinking about this situation. Something was wrong with this woman, he knew it and while a part of him saw the hurt that was in her face, experience told him that this could all be a ruse, a trick either to catch him up by agents of his own government or by an enemy trying to sneak across the border.

The guard cleared his throat suddenly, startling the woman who instinctively stepped a few inches away from the counter. The guard smiled at the woman's reaction and then picked up her passport once more and quickly flicked to the page bearing the access stamp of his nation.

"So Fraulein," the guard said in a low, deliberate voice. "Your passport shows that you entered my country three days ago, yet you stand before me without baggage or transportation. Tell me Fraulein, where have you stayed for those three days that you did not need fresh clothing and how did you move about without a car. This checkpoint is a fair distance from the city, Fraulein. Do you expect me to believe you walked here by yourself?"

"No," replied the woman, her voice sharp and defensive. "I hitched a ride here!"

"You hitched a ride, Fraulein?" repeated the guard noting the change in the woman's tone and posture. "And with whom did you hitch a ride?"

"With a friend." came the woman's reply.

"A friend, Fraulein?" repeated the guard once more. He stared into her defiant face and realized that he was going to have to detain her. Wherever she had been, and with whomever she had been with were unknowns that must be inquired into. It was obvious from her expression that she was challenging him to force her to speak, believing in her western arrogance that her appearance and appeal would protect her. Confident that in the end, she, the American whore would be released victorious, free to leave and go as she chose. The guard smiled once more to himself and thought no. No, the woman would not go free and if it was in his power, he would see her broken.

"A friend!" the guard said once more, this time as a statement of fact. Closing the passport that he still held in his hand he slowly slipped it into the pocket of his tunic. As he did, he watched the woman, looking for any change in her attitude or bearing. It did not take long to show on her face. Her eyes widened in disbelief, perhaps even fear as the passport slipped into his pocket and he slowly buttoned it close.

"Fraulein, I must ask to examine your handbag," the guard said in a steady firm voice, extending his hand as he spoke. "Please give it here!"

"What?" said the woman, her voice quivering as she spoke. At the same instance the woman took another step back away from the counter. Before her she clutched her handbag as if to protect it from a thief.

"Nein, Fraulein!" the custom guard snapped sharply at the woman. As he spoke he placed his hand on the gun that he wore at his hip. "If you continue Fraulein, if you take one more step towards the door you will force me to draw my pistol. I assure you Fraulein I will shoot. I have no reservations in this regard. Now step back here and give me your purse!"

"But..." stammered the woman, her eyes travelling from the guard's face to the hand that was now hidden behind the counter, the hand that was on his gun.

"Nein, Fraulein!" interrupted the custom guard. Slowly he drew his pistol and pointed it at the trembling woman. "There will be no buts! You will obey or I will shoot, verstehen Sie!"

The woman stared at the gun for a second and then nodded. Whether she truly understood or not was unimportant. As she slowly stepped back towards the counter, the custom guard, still holding his pistol on her, reached out with his other hand and took the handbag away from the woman.

"Gut!" he muttered half to himself, half to the woman after taking the bag firmly into his grasp. Carefully, he replaced his pistol into his holster and then returned his attention to the bag. Quickly unsnapping the clasp that secured it, the guard yanked the bag open, turned it upside down and proceeded to empty its contents onto the counter top. As he did, he watched the woman's face. He smiled with confidence and satisfaction, silently congratulating himself, as the woman looked away her cheeks flushed with colour.

"So, Fraulein, let us see what we have here." the guard said deliberately drawing the woman's attention back to what he was doing. Upon the counter there was a small pile of debris. Small coins were scattered here and there, covered by a clip of bills of various denominations. There was also a tube of lipstick and something else, hidden beneath the pile of bills. Reaching down the guard lifted the bills from the top of the pile to reveal what was there.

"Mein Gott!" declared the guard in a surprised voice. His eyes went from the counter top to the woman and back again. Quickly he snatched up the object that was lying there and thrust it towards the woman.

"Was, Fraulein, is this?" snapped the guard angrily. In his hand was a vibrator, lavender in colour, small, no more than four inches in length and an inch in diameter. A woman's sex toy, it sat in the guard's out stretched hand, screaming silently for the woman to reclaim it, to confess ownership of the intimate object. The woman however looked away and refused to speak.

"So, that is how it is to be Fraulein!" declared the guard. Quickly he stepped away from the counter and began walking around it towards the woman. As he did he drew his pistol once more and pointed it her. The object that had been in his extended hand was thrust absentmindedly into his pants pocket.

"Now Fraulein, you will come with me!" the guard said as he reached the end of the counter. Pointing the weapon at the woman the guard gestured with the barrel of the pistol from the woman towards the door that led into the backroom of the guardhouse.

"But..." stammered the woman again, her face reflecting obvious fear and hesitation.

"Nein Fraulein!" growled the guard impatiently. "I have said there will be no buts. You will do as I say or I will be forced to shoot you."

The guard raised his pistol and pointed directly into the woman's face, emphasising his threat. The woman's eyes widened at the sight of the weapon so close to her. The guard once more indicated for the woman to move. This time, her head dropped in resignation, the woman obeyed. Carefully she squeezed pass the guard and walked slowly towards the door he had indicated.

"Go on." the guard said firmly as the woman reached the door. "Open it Fraulein."

Slowly the woman extended her hand and took hold of the door handle. It was a lever type and it offered little resistance as she pressed down upon it. As the latch slipped free, the door swung inward revealing the room beyond.

"Enter Fraulein!" the guard commanded. He had followed her over and was now standing a few feet behind her. His pistol was still out and he held it at the ready, pointed deliberately at the centre of her back. The woman looked from the room to the guard and then moved into it, the realization that she had no choice clearly etched on her face.

"Gut," declared the guard following her into the sparely furnished room. "Now Fraulein, you will remain here. As you can see there is no escape from this room. No windows or doors save this one and I will be guarding it. You will not be crossing the border to night Fraulein. Nein! Instead you will be questioned about what you were doing here in my country, without luggage or a car, with this decadent capitalist object for three days."

The guard paused for a second taking a moment to appreciate the situation. The woman had glanced around the room as he had spoke, recognizing what he said to be the truth. Her face fell as she realized that there was no escape. Her breast heaved in distress and she fidgeted with her hands, refusing to look at the guard.

"Now Fraulein you will remove your clothing." the guard said bluntly to the woman.

"What?" gasped the woman in surprise, her head snapping up and her eyes fixing upon the guard's face. The shock and disbelief was obvious in her expression. The guard smiled at her reaction.

"Yes Fraulein," the guard said once more. "I will leave you for a moment to call for assistance. While I am gone you will remove all your clothing and wait. I will be calling for a female officer to come here and examine you. It will be a thorough examination I assure you. Cooperate and it will be quick and private, between you and the female guard. Resist and I assure you that you will have an audience. A very large audience, verstehen sie Fraulein!"

"Yes!" the woman said, hurt and anger tinting her voice. Yet she held his gaze with her eyes, exchanging a look that still suggested that surprised or not, embarrassed by the situation and helpless before the armed guard, she would still stand her ground. No matter what!

"Gut," said the guard once more, ignoring what he saw as last minute posturing. Glare at me rebelliously if you wish, but you will lose in the end. Duty will prevail against the games of an American harlot.

"Now I will leave you to undress. A female guard will be here soon. Obey her and all will be alright."

The guard did not wait for a response from the woman. Stepping backwards he exited the room, closing the door separating the two rooms. The woman was left alone to do as she had been commanded; yet she did not. Instead she glanced about her appraising the place where she had been left.

The room appeared smaller that the other, about half the size of the customs office. There were no doors save the one leading to the office and no windows. There was a single large wooden table, old and sturdily made in the centre of the room with a metal cup, plate and utensils on it, and a mismatched chair that stood next to it. As well there was a matching potbelly stove similar to the one sitting in the customs office. Beyond this the only other piece of furniture was an old, metal frame bed that looked very uncomfortable and extremely rickety.

A shiver ran down the woman's back and instinctively she embraced herself, attempting to stem the fear that was building in her. Shaking the feeling from her, she walked quietly over to the door to the room. Pressing her ear to the door she strained to hear what was happening in the other room.

Fortunately the door was thin and cracked so it took little or no effort to hear beyond it. Unfortunately by the time the woman had decided to spy on the guard it was too late. All she caught was a guttural word or two and then the sound of the phone being replaced on its cradle. Then came the sound of the guard's boots upon the flooring, pounding hard as he walked towards the door. Frightened the woman quickly backed away into the centre of the room.

The swung open and the guard stood there glaring directly at the woman. His face was stern, hardened with resolve. As he spied the woman his eyes narrowed and anger crept into his expression coupled with frustration. He took two steps into the room and then closed the door behind him.

The guard said nothing to the woman, just stared at her for a second, his powerful arms dangling limply at his side. Then casually he reached up and removed his hat exposing a head of closely cropped blonde hair. Turning where he stood, the guard hung it on one of the hooks by the door. Then to the woman's horror the guard took hold of the snaps and buckles to the harness of his holster. Slowly he undid this, slipping it off when he was done and hanging it from the same hook beside the door.

The guard paused for a second, noted the expression of concern upon the woman's face but still said nothing. As he met her gaze with his own, the guard slowly began to undo his tunic, unfastening one button after another. When this was done he slipped it off and turned to hang it on the second hook that was positioned beside the door. The woman took one more step backwards as she began to realize what was about to occur. Her eyes widened with shock and fear became etched upon her face as silently she watched the guard reach into his pocket and pull out a pair of surgical gloves.

"What are you doing?" the woman asked anxiously, watching the guard roll up the sleeves of his shirt.

"You were told to remove your clothing Fraulein!" the custom guard said in a stern tone, ignoring the woman's question. As he spoke he put one glove on one hand and the other on the other hand. The latex snapped audibly against his flesh as he pulled them up his arms.

"But..." stammered the woman.

"Nein Fraulein!" snapped the guard taking a step towards her. "You were told to remove your clothes, now do it!"

"No... !" cried the woman in fear. Again she stepped backwards, retreating from the approaching guard. This time however there was no more room to retreat. The woman banged up against the table that stood in the centre of the room. The force of her movement knocked over the cup that had been sitting on it sending it rolling off the table and clattering to the floor. Instinctively, the woman turned to see what was blocking her way and what had made the noise.

The guard saw his opportunity and took it. Quickly he rushed forward and taking hold of the woman spun her about so that she was now facing the table. Size and strength ruled, with the guard easily dominating the moment. Forcefully he took hold of the woman's right arm and pinned it behind her back. His left hand shot out and grasped the woman's neck from behind and his momentum carried her forward. In a second before she could even react the guard had slammed her against the table and pinned her there.

"No!" she cried as her body struck the tabletop. The guard however did not listen. Instead pinning the woman firmly against the table, using her twisted arm to immobilize her, the guard quickly reached down and unfastened his belt. With one smooth move he pulled it from his pant loops and then slipped about the wrist of the arm that he was holding. The woman squirmed against his actions, her free arm flailing and her legs kicking wildly. Unfortunately her attempts were weak and futile.

Having looped the belt around the wrist of the woman's pinned arm, the guard pulled it tight. He then released his grip on the woman's arm and took hold of belt strap, keeping the woman pinned with the weight of his body. Pressing down upon her, his groin shoved against her ass, the woman gasped with surprise at the firmness that she detected in his pants.

The guard however took no notice of this, focused as he was at securing the woman's arms and ending her resistance. His free hand snapped out and took hold of her left arm, which had been flailing madly to one side, lashing out at him in a futile attempt to force him to release her. Once he had firmly grasped her arm he pulled it behind her back, pinning it against her back so that her two wrists were crisscrossed. Then as quickly as possible he lashed the belt strap about her wrists, pulling it tight as he did, weaving it in and out to ensure that once secure she would not be able to free herself.

All of this took but a few minutes, yet to the woman, angry at the guard, embarrassed at the situation and afraid of what was about to happen it had seemed like an eternity. Her heart raced with excitement and her body trembled with rage. When at last the guard had tightened the last loop of the belt about her wrist, and had stepped away satisfied at his work, the woman tried to free herself. But it was to no avail and after a few desperate attempts; she gave up, collapsing against the table waiting for what would come next.

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Custom Made Vaginas Pt 01

This is a story about extra sensory mind control. It is a fictional story about what I wish I could do to a woman’s body with my mind. It happened to me on a rainy afternoon out on my Harley trying to get home. The thunderstorm was raging with lightning striking close by. The terrain was flat. Scanning the landscape, there were no bridges or buildings in which I could hide. I just kept on the throttle, hoping I would get out of the storm before the lightning hit me. I was wrong. I do not...

3 years ago
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Custom Threesome

In this story you will be able to set up and enjoy your fantasy threesome. You'll be able to select your gender and orientation, and the gender, orientation, and stats of your partners. I'm hoping for a big story so if you feel you can contribute please do!

2 years ago
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Custom Girls

By some stroke of luck, our hero finds themselves in possession of immense power. With a simple App, they can alter the behavior of any of the women in their life. With a daily allowance of 10 "gems", the app's currency, they can buy commands that the women must follow whether they want to or not. The user may not enter their own commands, but instead each day are given a list of options, pertaining to categories such as Face, Breasts, etc, ranging from a simple "Show off cleavage" to giving...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Custom Cuckoldress

Tonight's the night. My boyfriend has been insistent that I try to fuck another man. I've been hesitant because it seems so bizarre, but, ultimately if we do it safely, I guess once can't hurt, right? We've had a few group dates with an African American man named Markus, and decided he'll be the one. I'm fairly anxious, I've never been with anyone other than my boyfriend. I've been trying to keep my head on my shoulders. We arrive to the hotel. Underneath my clothes I'm wearing some dangerous...

2 years ago
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Custom Story or something

Sally ran down the hall, basically dragging John along with her. She was horny. Really fucking horny. And John was the only cock she could find. So, naturally, she took him down the hall of Jessica's house, and then into the guest room. Turning around behind her and locking the door, she stared down John, who was staring back at her in disbelief. John wasn't exactly the most popular or social person, but Sally was. And so, due to social norms, it was obviously impossible for them to be...

2 years ago
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It was just beginning to become a dark and stormy night when the door to the hut creaked open and the girl strode in. I had just got the fire started and was boiling water for my noodles and turned around in some surprise."Room for one more?" she asked in what I guessed was a Canadian accent. She was in her mid twenties, red hair, fit looking and, I noticed after she'd shrugged out of her backpack and hiking jacket, the owner of a sensational rack, which she caught me trying not to get caught...

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Inspired by this post by chrisffn099 My first job after school was in an office where an older guy took a wee fancy to me. Everyone knew he was gay but he was never a pushy or creepy type so, I was happy for us to go out sometimes together for the day on business or hang out with him at times on office nights out. He always asked me if I was going out with someone even though he knew I was single. Looking back, although I had no thoughts about him sexually at...

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Sliding lotion over my curves as I step out of the shower, enjoying the smell of cocoa butter and coconut as it wafts through the air, and anticipating the hours ahead. The aroma makes my pussy tingle with memories of past rendezvous, some brief and others enthralling, all thoughts give me a rush of sensations over my skin. I slip on a new leopard print bra, sexy black dress, no panties and red heels. I can feel the lubrication between my legs as I step in to the car for my short drive up to...

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Checkmate The rain was pouring down as Paul stepped onto the soaked sidewalk. The dim streetlights barely kept the darkness of night at bay. Pulling his jacket collar up against his neck in attempts to keep the rain out, Paul quickened his pace. "What a dismal evening!" he grumbled as rain ran down his face and soaked his hair. "So much for that great weekend of fun and sun!" Looking at his watch, Paul could see he was already late for his double date with his roommate Steve....

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Nolan Hencheck got off the bus, making a face at the surveillance camera on his way out. He had no plans to do anything bad, but he was fifteen years old, and resented surveillance. His mother had switched towns because the school board kept adding one ban after another to the dress code, and she was tired of buying new clothes when his old ones still fit and were in wearable condition. Nolan was glad; he'd heard from his old friends that the school had finally decided it was shorter (and...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 127 Bed Check

It was quiet in the rest of the house. Almost an unnatural calm had settled in the wake of the ceremony. It was interesting for Key to note that all the Tanzuru had withdrawn from inside. Maintaining slightly more than a token presence at the home's perimeter. Whether this was due to no member of the household being perceived any longer as a threat or to simply allow members of the royal guard to 'party' was anyone's guess. Key didn't give the matter much thought. It gave her much...

2 years ago
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Customer Service II

Customer Service II By Teri Franken [email protected] As Rikki stood up, it became apparent that she was also aroused; her own cock was tenting her panties! The delivery guy looked down, realized that Rikki was not the woman he thought, he turned bright red, grabbed at his pants, opened the door and ran out with his pants still around his knees! Part 1 "I guess he wasn't happy with his tip after all," laughed Rikki as she came back to meet us in the dining room. We were all...

3 years ago
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Doctor Checkup

This is a story of me visiting a doctor for an std checkup.So I wanted to do a STD checkup and went to doctor in UK ,this was the first checkup since I arrived in UK. So i booked an appointment in a closest hospital that did those things. I gave a knock on the doctors door. (The doctor will be named Phil ,for this story) Dr.Phil gave permission to come in , as we greeted I inspected him ,he was average man with a few extra pounds, looking around 38 with glasses. He started with question what...

3 years ago
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Customer Service Rep

When I first met her, I was the sales manager for a Chicago based national distributor of hardware products, nuts, bolts, chains, hammers, and what-nots. My name is Dan Raymond and I worked for Accent nearly 25 years. It was my first job out of college and I started off in inventory control and worked my way up to the sales manager’s position. Periodically we needed to hire additional Customer Service Reps (mostly due to expansion). The process took anywhere between six and eight weeks and...

2 years ago
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Customer Ke Sath Sex

Hi indian sex stories dot net reader. Aaj main aap sabko apne real story ke baremein batane ja raha hu. in this story main aapko bataunga ki kese mene apni customer ke sath sex kiya. To time waste kiye bina start karte hain. Mera naam anup hain aur main ek technician hu. Main delhi ka rehne wala hu. Mera khudka ek mobile shop hain aur waha girls customer jyada atein hain. Ekbar mera shop pe ek ladies customer aai. Uska naam kabita hain. Woh kurta sarwal main kya khub surat or sexy lag rahi thi....

4 years ago
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Customer Survey

Customer Survey By: Bruce Leach Andrew was exhausted. It was another crappy day at work and he just did not want to see anyone. First, the boss chewed his ass out over a small mistake in one of the requisition forms. Who cares if he ordered four extra bags of cement? On a job site this big someone will eventually want it. Then he saw his old girlfriend bringing lunch to Peter! The little weasel never even had the guts to let him know he was moving in on his girlfriend....

1 year ago
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Customer Service

"May I help you, sir," the attractive young saleswoman asked, while Clint scanned the display of night gowns that were marked at twenty percent off. "Uh, yes, maybe," he replied while feeling the material on one of the gowns!!! "Is it a present for your wife?" the lady asked. "Yes," he replied, "it's our tenth wedding anniversary and I just thought that maybe she might like something like this!!!" The saleslady, who introduced herself as Charla, answered quickly, "These might be a little on the...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 201 Giving Away Big Checks

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) I said, "Poor Chloe," as we watched her mother drag the Jezebel into the taxi, and be driven off. Robert left us to do his own stuff. Julia and I wandered upstairs to her room, talking. Right at the top of my list of things to talk about was: "I am VERY sorry I ruined your plan for helping Chloe. It's just that..." "Stop, Mark! What you did was WONDERFUL! I am very, very happy that you showed the strength of character to stand up for yourself despite...

4 years ago
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Customer Service

Customer Service A drabble by Radioactive Loner . Copyright 2001 I irately call customer service. A chirpy voice answers. "Welcome to LifeBank! How can I help you?" "My new credit card is wrong." "How so?" "It has the wrong name." "Sir?" "I'm A-A-R-O-N Fitzpatrick. You have it as E-R-I-N." "I'm terribly sorry, sir. We'll correct that situation right away." A dial tone. Nausea hits. Psychedelic colors obscure my vision. My consciousness...

2 years ago
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Customer Care Wali Ladki Ko Choda

By : Love4you Sbse pehle apne baare me bta du. Mera naan aryan h. Meri height 5’11” h. Aur mera lund 8″ ka hai. Abhi main graduation kr raha hu. 12th aur 2nd yr tk meri ek gf thi. Bt fir usse break up ho gya tha. Colg ke 3rd yr me sex ki kami ki wajah se mujhe har tarah ki ladkiyan aur auntiyan pasand ane lagi.main ek mall pe roj jana aur ladkiyon aur auntiyon ko dkhte dkhte mujhe ass kuch jyada hi pasand ane lagi thi. Matakti gaand dkhte hi mera tan jata tha. Ek din mera phone kharab ho gya....

2 years ago
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Customer Service

Customer service By Teri Franken Chapter 1 Okay, so maybe I am a loser, my life was going nowhere and the future was looking pretty bleak. I barely graduated from high school, my parents decided to move to a retirement community in Arizona and that left me to fend for myself here in southern Minnesota. I was working full time at White Castle, the graveyard shift serving food to every derelict that came out at night and believe it or not, Minnesota had a large population of them! I...

2 years ago
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Irregular Checkup

Irregular Checkup I arrived at the doctor’s office about ten minutes early. My wife is always kidding me about for habitually being early to everything. Of course, all doctor’s offices run at least fifteen minutes late just on principal, so I sat in the uncomfortable waiting room seat for about twenty-five minutes. I watched the cute young receptionist from across the room as she registered new patients and answered questions. She wore a low cut blouse and leaned across the desk quite a bit...

3 years ago
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Irregular Checkup

Irregular Checkup I arrived at the doctor's office about ten minutes early. My wife is always kidding me about for habitually being early to everything. Of course, all doctor's offices run at least fifteen minutes late just on principal, so I sat in the uncomfortable waiting room seat for about twenty-five minutes. I watched the cute young receptionist from across the room as she registered new patients and answered questions. She wore a low cut blouse and leaned across the desk quite a bit...

Gay Male
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Customer Service

Starting a couple of weeks ago I changed positions in the company I work for. Now I am on the road as a customer service and sales rep for a trucking company. I wasnt real sure about my decision to accept the job change at first but a change of scenery was sure to do me some good. MOst of the sex I have been getting for the last six months has been with my black boyfriend and only then everyother weekend when my husband was out of town. I thought that the change might give me some extra play...

4 years ago
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Customized Jeans the assless chaps

I had just finished masturbating to a video of a hot guy in ass-less chaps dancing shaking his for tan buttocks watching his clean shaven cock bounce around freely. I wiped the cum off my body, desk area, and computer screen and decided to take a shower to wash myself. As I rubbed the bar of soap over my chest, I thought about the chaps. I knew full well that I couldn't afford a pair of leather chaps on my limited college budget. So I decided on make some alterations to an old pair of jeans. I...

4 years ago
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Kerry And The Security Check

I'm sitting at my desk in the SAS Raddison hotel at Manchester Airport, gently sipping chardonnay. In the mirror above the desk my female self stares back. My hair is dark and shoulder length, my make up very delicate pinks I feel the gentle breeze of the air conditioning around the tops of my opaque black stockings attached by thick suspender straps with metal eyes and clasps to my black transformation corset which has a black lace trim. The corset which I have pulled as tight as I can...

2 years ago
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Customer Satisfaction Beyond Concepts

By : Intruder Dear all, Expecting lot of response for the posting of my experience in a bus from Ankamaly to Cochin, Sorry to say that I got only three responses but it not get worked. What happened is after publishing the letter I used to check my email frequently at least ten times a day whether any ladies from Cochin interested to make friendship with me. Later I come to reality that no one might respond and I lost my hope. As I mentioned that I am working in a service industry and having...

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Customer Service

Customer Service Not many people would view being a parking attendant as a glamorous job. Certainly Nate didn’t expect it to be the kind of job where he’d get much pussy. He expected, and got, long, lonely hours, a stupid shirt with a logo on it, a tiny booth, and no heater. So far the September nights had been kind to him, but God only knew what it would be like when the really bad weather hit. Still, the money was okay and the long quiet nights gave him time to catch up with his reading and...

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Customer Service

It was a small business. It was just Sandy, her husband, and one other guy. I got to know them all real well over the next few years, but it was Sandy that kept me coming in to pick up my orders instead of sending our courier. Their business started getting better, so they hired someone to take Sandy’s place, and she went to work in the back. When I picked up orders, I always went into the back to talk with everyone. They all had their own work rooms, so I’d go for one to the other and visit,...

3 years ago
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Customer catches me smelling her underwear

Business was slow. I gave my helper the day off because there were only two stops that day. The first job went quick and I was pulling up to the second one before 10am. I was planning to meet a buddy and play a round of golf later on so hopefully this job went quick too. Nothing could have prepared me for what actually happened that morning.I was in the suburbs and rolling up an a big ranch style home. It had a long driveway and you couldn't see it from the road. I pulled up to the house and...

5 years ago
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Customer Service

Customer Service It had been a typically slow day in the Walmart electronics department. New games and movies come in on Friday, so usually by mid-week I end up covering some other department as well, just to give me something to do. So it was just luck that I was in the area when a boy came up and asked for help. He looked to be about thirteen, with sandy blond hair and green eyes partially obscured by glasses. "I would like a girl controler, please," he said softly. I thought...

4 years ago
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The Checklist

The ChecklistMark was not sure why he had agreed to what she had ordered of him, but that didn't really matter now. He had agreed to it and knew he would be driven to try and please her regardless of what she demanded of him now. Not that she would really care at all, I mean she had a partner and she had other playmates. It was very clear that he was just being toyed with for her amusement and he was positive that he would be cast aside when he had worn out his value as entertainment. They had...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary little fem sissy faggot needed a check

Hi All - Hope all is well. If you have read my posting you would know that when I was younger one of the older man I used to meet often was a doctor. He would check me out from time to time and many times stitched me up or tended to my wounds, bruises I got from other men. One evening I was at my normal spot at the park waiting to get picked up. The horn sounded and lights flashed (that was my signal from one of my steady older men). I walked to the car seeing the Dr. smiling. opening the door...

4 years ago
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Supermarket Checkout

There are a few supermarkets near us, the main reason i go to one of them is to get served by one of the checkout staff. She is an older lady called Maria who is always dressed well and has a smile and a chat for me.:ast week when I was there one afternoon we got chatting with Maria saying that I was her last customer and would I like to continue our little chat at her place just around the corner. I looked at her as she gave me a wink saying she would get the biscuits and meet me outside in 5...

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Customers teen daughter

I’m a carpenter and have been at the same house for 8 months now. The guy is a asshole, he inherited a shit load of money and he thinks he’s Rockefeller he’s really just a douchebag. But he pays me what I ask. His wife is very nice and attractive so that helps.Their daughter is a bit of a flirt and that really helps she just turned 18 and Is super petite, standing at 5’1 I’m a foot and a half taller than her. Probably a size zero waist. Long red hair and porcelain white skin. She prances around...

2 years ago
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Kilt Check

I caught sight of you out of the corner of my eye. Whipping my head around to make sure that what I thought I saw was real. Yeap, there was a cute ginger man standing there in the street in a kilt. I nudge my friend, whispering for her to check out the hottie in a kilt. She turns her head to look and smiles muttering “Damn” under her breath. We both drool for a moment humming The Scotsman while we stare. We continue wondering around ComFest. We pass by several times. I am sure you have...

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Customer Got Fully Satisfied

The day was very hectic as I had project work to be submitted in the college and in the evening had to turn up to the work at 9. During my college days I was really tensed to manage my timing. I was in my final and was also working in a 3 stars hotel as a receptionist in the night time. Sorry forgot to introduce. Hello everyone, I am Danis aged 21 with a height of 5.11” located in Bangalore. I started browsing thi site about 5 months ago and the stories that are found here gives great...

4 years ago
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Witch EyesChapter 4 Reality Check

When Luke woke up, he was barely able to open his eyes. "Mr. Braun? Are you awake?" He forced one eyelid up to see a man in a white coat. "I'm Doctor Waintree. Mr. Braun, you were assaulted and you suffered blunt trauma, mostly to your face. Nothing was broken, but we'd like to keep you for observation." Luke managed a nod. "Your father is here, and your sister. Do you wish to see them?" Again, Luke managed a weak nod. With only one eye barely open, he saw his father and Anna...

2 years ago
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“Captain Sanchez, I demand to speak with my husband and family!” Jennifer Land spat venomously, placing her palms flat on the surface of the big desk. The ceiling fan overhead squeaked as it rocked loosely in its mount. Flies buzzed in the background. A steamy tropical breeze wafted in through the grimy curtains of the office of the “Comandante de Policia”. The office itself was for the most part tastefully decorated, in a third world sort of way. In its center stood a large varnished wood...

1 year ago
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Customs and Traditions

Note : This story is totally fictional! The last event the masses knew of me was the birth of my son, Trajan (named after the popular and beloved Spanish Roman general turned emperor), who was born from the sacred seed of my deceased Father. I cry all of the time thinking about my parents knowing that they would bless this kid and our domestic bliss if they were alive. But at the same time I can't help but relish the feelings that created this marvel of a human being. I also birthed a...

2 years ago
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Blood Pressure Check

I have a medical history of high blood pressure. It's not surprising, even though I'm only twenty-eight years old. My parents were both hypertensive, as were my grandparents. The life-style that I live doesn't help much either. On my days off I drink beer and smoke marijuana, both to excess. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee every day. I don't get much exercise either. My doctor has given me some pills to keep it down and for the most part they work pretty well; except for in one...

4 years ago
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Master PC Reality Check

Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved. Brad sat at the desk in his study with his face in his hands, trying to hold back the tears. There was a heavy weight on his chest. He could feel his heart laboring and he found it difficult to swallow around the knot in his throat. Brad almost wished that his heart would stop; the pain was too much to bear. He knew that committing suicide was the coward's way out. His cherished son, Carl, might have understood, but would surely have much preferred he...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 6 Checkups

Dave sat in an easy chair in the home of Cory and Lean Donaldson, two members of the Atlanta Group. The home was on newly acquired private property on a large plot of land about halfway between Atlanta and Macon, Georgia. The land owner was Owen Bennett. Dave, Alice, Owen, Julie, and Cricket had flown up in Dave’s jet on Friday afternoon to see how the group was progressing in becoming more like the Circle – their group’s espoused goal. Everyone in the room was naked, and mostly they faced a...

3 years ago
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blackmail insecurity check

I was walking past the security checkpoint in my apartment block's underground car park when I was stopped by the guard inside the cubicle. In fact he'd come out the cubicle when he saw me approaching, obviously wanting to say something. I knew most of the guards by name, but not this one. He'd only been around in the last couple of weeks. Not at all bad looking I'd thought, but that was all the notice I'd ever taken of him. "Can you spare a minute, Ms Kubota?" "Sure. What's the problem?" "Not...

1 year ago
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Customer Relations

Delivering pizza wasn't much of a job, but it helped keep me in school, and it did give me the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. Such was the case with Lance Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert was one of my most frequent, and better tipping customers. Judging by the way he eyed me up and down when I made his deliveries, I was almost certain he had a crush on me, which I found flattering as hell given the fact that he was such a great looking guy. Gilbert looked to be in his mid to late...

4 years ago
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Grocery Store checkout

On my way home last night I stopped at a local store to pick up a few items one of which was a box of Magnums, you know rubbers, anyway I'm in the checkout line and the clerk a good looking middle age woman gives me a big smile and says as shes scanning the rubbers "Aren't these the large size" I smile back at her and say "yes thats right" another smile from her and she gives me the total of my purchase as she looks at my crotch and winks..Wait it gets better all I've got is a 5th of Absolute...

4 years ago
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Checkout - © Spitman September / October 2002 Chapter 1 Beth kicked her high-heeled shoes under the table and lifted the spare MelonBreezer that waited invitingly. 'Cheers girls! God, I was ready to get out of those,' she managed to saybetween gulps. A pleasant warmth began to pervade her body in spite of the drink's deliciouslyicy temperature. Even better, she felt like a compact, neat parcel in her tight-fitting,perfectly tailored leather catsuit. She loved its comforting, powerful butclingy...

2 years ago
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Sexual Bucket List item 7 Check

It was just another day at work. I got a call for for a one time service for itssugar ants in a kitchen. No problem its an in an out job. I go in put down my bait make sure there's no other problems spray the outside explain what i did then I'm on my way. I called the customer about 20 minutes ahead of time just to let them know I was coming. I put on my professional work voice deep and strong yet friendly and clear. They picked up, it was a younger girl she said her mother would be bacsatk by...

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