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Only one thing made piano and organ lessons worthwhile. I hated the piano and organ, I hated music, I hated recitals, and I hated practicing. But, I loved the lessons, because I loved Miss Bailey. She was my first love. I’d been going to her since before I was six years old. Now, at fourteen, I gotta admit, I was pretty good at playing the piano and organ, both, although I hated them. I just went because of her. If I had some crusty old white-haired broad for a teacher, I would have thrown a fit and refused, flat-out refused to go. But I loved Miss Bailey. She was truly fine. She was small, and kinda old-fashioned ... but I loved her. She has long dark hair, which she usually keeps in a braid. She wears glasses, and I think they just made her look prettier. She has a beautiful face, and a cute nose, and two bright blue eyes. Her lips are fat, and ... probably ... kissable. I don’t know much about kissing, ‘cause I haven’t yet had the nerve to kiss a girl yet. Plus no girls around here seem to like me. Back to Miss Bailey. She always wears bright red lipstick, and it makes her very ... appealing. She has really nice ... breasts, if I may ... and nice long legs, even though she’s fairly short. I am actually taller than her, and I’ve just started growing.

Anyway. I loved her since before I can remember, but I loved her from a distance, as a student should. I would never have been brave enough to say anything to her ... before what happened ... happened. On that fateful day, my Mom and Dad got their wires crossed, and my dad had to rush me across town to Miss Bailey’s, and then hurry off to pick up my mom from the school. Because of the way it happened, the timing of it, I was a good thirty minutes early. I figured I’d do what I usually did when I was a little early, go on in, and sit in her living room until she was ready for me. She let us kids do that, she told us to come on in, and to be quiet, so we didn’t disturb the lesson of the person before us. I could do that. I had a book to read. I could do that.

As my dad drove away, I went up the steps, into her house. Miss Bailey lived by herself, in an old Victorian in the nice part of town. She must have made a pretty good living, giving piano and organ lessons. She drove a nice car, and always dressed in new, fashionable clothes. More than once I’d heard my mom talking her down, calling her “Miss Priss” and stuff like that, but I knew my mom was just jealous. Well ... Miss Bailey was a bit Prissy. But I love her anyway. I don’t care if she’s fifteen years older than me, I love her.

Once, after football practice, Todd Wilmont did the funniest thing, in the showers. He grabbed his weenie, and started rubbing it. It did what mine does sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, it got all stiff and hard, and he kept going, and some white stuff squirted out of it, and he sighed all happy like. Some of the other guys did it too, but I was too embarrassed. That night after I went to bed I tried it, though, and it worked like a charm. It felt so good I loved it, and I’ve done it every night since. Ever since that first night I thought of Miss Bailey when I did it, and it made it really special, and I think it’s just made me love her even more.

I did the craziest thing once, when I was at her house, waiting for my lesson. I got there early, as I often did, my Mom dropping me off. I quietly went into the living room, to wait for her to get done with the student before me. Heh, that’s a funny story, in itself ... Elbert McWitt is before me, and he’s the worst piano student ever. He’s a senior, and he’s a quarterback, and he’s good at football. He sucks at piano, though, I have no idea why he wastes his time or his parent’s money. Anyway, he’s so big the guys don’t make fun of him for taking piano lessons like they do me. He’s stomp their butts into the ground.

Anyway, back to my ... confession. I went into the living room to wait. Her piano and organ are in the parlor, in the front of the house. My dad had picked me up from school, and for some reason that day, I really had to pee. I went down the hallway to her bathroom, and silently shut the door. I was excited just to be in the room where she took her bath, and I pulled aside the shower curtain, and peeked in, thinking, this is where she is naked. That really excited me, and I had to stop and hurriedly pee, because I know it’s hard to pee when you get ... excited, and I was getting just that, thinking of her naked.

As I turned, something caught my eye. In the corner was the dirty clothes hamper. I drew a trembling breath. Could I be so lucky? I approached it and lifted the lid. Sweet jeezus, I thought. There, on top, in plain view, was a pair of her ... well, my mom calls them bloomers, and my sister calls them panties. Miss Bailey’s used panties. I reverently fished them out, and stood there, in shock. After a moment I dared to raise them to my face, and smelled her odor. It was intense, and I had to stop and re-arrange my weenie, which had gotten painfully hard. I pressed the panties to my nose again, and breathed in her wonderful scent. After a moment I examined them closely, there was a slight stain in the crotch of them, and a tiny brown streak in the seat. I was so much in love I almost wanted to scream. I know what she smells like, I told myself, now I know what she smells like.

I knew I couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. I slid the panties in my pocket, the pocket on the other side from where she’d sit, during my lesson, and exited the room. I was on cloud nine. My lesson was difficult, I couldn’t concentrate, with her sitting right there beside me. I kept remembering the intimate smells of her body and thinking of what was in my pocket. I hoped she didn’t notice my ... excitedness, and I hoped she wouldn’t miss the panties that evening. She gave lessons all day Tuesday, and half a dozen other guys went through her house that day. It could have been any one of them.

Her panties are still one of my most treasured possessions, although sadly, her scent has faded. I still check her bathroom occasionally, but I haven’t gotten lucky again. Well, I haven’t gotten lucky until what happened ... happened.

I was eager to read the book I’d brought. Ralph Everhardt had loaned it to me, and told me the good parts were underlined. It was about a man and woman stranded on an island, and he said there were “good” parts to it. I knew what he meant. He meant sex stuff. Sure enough, it was engrossing ... and stimulating. I was anxious to read more of it, though I had to hide it from my parents. I figured I’d do well to hide it from Miss Bailey, too, I didn’t want her disappointed in me, because I was reading smut.

Anyway, I went inside. Oddly, the house was silent. Usually Elbert was pounding away at the keyboard, hitting every wrong note he could find. He was a really bad piano player, I just can’t say it often enough. The silence today was a blessing.

It was quiet, in the house. I made my way into the living room, and got ready for a little quiet moment with my book. The house was silent except for a strange noise. A repetitive slapping noise that seemed kinda loud once I noticed it. Then, weirdly, I heard what sounded like a dog or something make a long groaning noise. How strange. Then a smaller quieter girlish-sounding groan. The slapping kept up all through it. What the heck? I thought.

I stood in the center of the room, and listened with all my might. The noises were coming from the hallway. I slowly, quietly moved in that direction. Once again, I heard what sounded like a female moan. Someone sounded like they were in pain. I wondered if Miss Bailey was alright. What if she had fallen or something? She could be hurt and laying on the floor. And where was Elbert? Was he even here? I didn’t see his books or his bag in the living room. Maybe his stuff was in the parlor, where the piano was. Or, maybe he wasn’t here at all. Maybe he’d missed his lesson today.

I heard the low groan again, and the higher girlish sounding one. What the heck, I thought. I needed to find out what was going on, just to make sure everybody was okay. I might be a hero, before this was over.

I stealthily moved down the hall, peeking in each door. At the end, I got the surprise of my life. The door was open, maybe an inch. She was in there. And Elbert was there, too. All I could see of him was his naked buttocks, his pants were pulled all the way down his legs. Miss Bailey was laying on her stomach on her bed, her dress pulled up over her back. Her panties were hanging from the heel on her right foot. He was ... and I’m going out on a limb here, and saying the worst word I know, a word I’ve never dared to speak out loud before ... he was fucking her. Having sexual intercourse with her. Vigorously. He was pounding her hard, her whole body was shaking every time he slammed into her. That slapping noise I heard was his legs, hitting her thighs.

I just stood there, peeking in the door, with my mouth open. I was hypnotized. I’d heard about this, before, but I’d never seen it, I’d never even seen pictures of it being done. I’d seen naked girls before, in Playboy, but I’d never seen ... sex. Sadly, I couldn’t really see Miss Bailey like I wanted to. She still had her blouse on, and Elbert was in the way of my seeing her ... girl parts. I badly wanted to see her, though. Bad.

I stood there and watched for I don’t know how long ... maybe five or six minutes. I had a thought, wondering if she’d actually wanted to do this ... did he maybe just start in on her? Did he love her like I did, and he just couldn’t stand it any more? I could see that happening. Surely she’d be screaming, though, if he did that. I could see her face from the side, and she didn’t seem upset ... I couldn’t really tell if she was enjoying it, or not ... she kinda seemed to be, though.

Wow, I thought. I felt jealous of him, he was getting to do what I wanted most in the world ... although I didn’t really know it before now. I guess this is what they call making love, I decided, although it seemed a bit violent ... for love. I still didn’t know everything about sex I wanted too ... this was quite an education, though. I just stood there and stared, my mouth open.

Suddenly Miss Bailey let out a loud yip, like a dog or something. She squirmed and bounced on the bed, and her feet trembled, so much that her panties fell in the floor. She gasped and groaned, and Elbert groaned too, stopping the pounding, and leaning into her, his butt clenched tightly.

Oh my god, I thought, they are coming. Or cumming, however you spell it. I knew about this, at least. They are having an orgasm. They finally settled down, and Elbert pulled away from her, and sat beside her on the bed. She turned over, and sat on the edge of the bed, her legs still spread apart.

“Thank you, Elbert,” Miss Bailey said, and he laughed. I knew then that she’d wanted it, or at least been willing. That excited me a bit more, to know that she liked things like that. Like sex.

But, oh, what I really liked. I was getting to see what I really liked, since he’d moved out from inbetween her legs. She was now exposed to my gaze. Her legs were still spread pretty widely, and I got to see all of her girl parts, not as well as I wanted to, of course, because I was ten or fifteen feet away. But it was enough. I gotta admit, once again, I’ve never seen a girl ... down there. I’ve seen them in Playboy, but just their ... fuzz, their hair. I’ve never seen one spread out, like Miss Bailey was. I could see some flesh down there, and hair, course, she had a pretty good patch of hair. I could see some kind of fleshy lips or something, going up and down. It was so sexy I thought I’d shoot off, right then and there, in my pants.

About this time, for some reason, although I was being very quiet, for some reason she looked up, to the door, and I guess she could tell somebody was out there. She sat up fast, slapping her legs together, and yanked her dress down, covering herself. She never said anything, though, and I don’t think Elbert ever realized I was there. I can virtually guarantee it, since he didn’t pound my ass the next day at school. Anyway, I flew back down the hall to the living room, and sat on the couch and grabbed my book. I was embarrassed both for her and even myself, that I’d seen something so intimate. But, good gosh, was I ever excited. My weenie was so hard I had to press it up under my waistband. I wondered if I should just run out the door and run home. I really wondered what would happen next.

I heard noises in the hallway, and Elbert strode into the living room. He hardly looked at me, I was just a kid to him. He went on into the parlor, and moments later I heard the front door slam. He was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Richard...” I heard Miss Bailey say my name. I looked up. She was standing in the hallway, looking at me. She looked so beautiful I wanted to cry. For some weird reason it didn’t bother me a bit to know that another person ... another man had just had his way with her. What I was thinking of, of all things, was if she’d had time, in the moments since I’d run back down the hall, and now ... if she’d had time to put her panties back on. It excited me greatly to think she might still be bare ... down there, underneath her dress.

“Richard, please come in the kitchen and let me fix you some tea. We need to talk,” she said, going through the living room, and into the kitchen. I gulped a breath, dropped my book, and followed her.

She opened the icebox, and took out a pitcher of tea. She poured two glasses, and sat at the table, motioning me to sit. I sat, trembling. I took a drink and almost spilled it because my hands were shaking so. I’m sure she noticed.

“Richard...” she said slowly. I dared to meet her eyes. She seemed embarrassed and I felt bad for her. I wanted to comfort her and to tell her it was all alright, not to worry.

“This is a very small, tightly knit community,” she said. I nodded. My mom had said the same thing, before. I wondered what this had to do with her ... getting ... having sex. She went on. “A single woman, such as myself ... could have her reputation damaged greatly ... if word were to get out ... of certain ... acts she might have allowed, in the heat of passion.”

“Miss Bailey,” I said, almost gushing, “don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

“So you did see,” she said, sighing heavily. “Richard ... I’m sorry, I’m very sorry ... you had to see that...”

“Miss Bailey ... don’t be sorry...” I said. I stared at her, imploringly. “It was ... it was beautiful...”

She laughed, short and sharp. “I imagine it was a lot of things ... I’m not sure if beautiful is one of them,” she said. I’m not sure what she meant, but it was okay. I understood.

“Miss Bailey...” my lips trembled. My mouth said crazy stuff, without my brain being involved. “Miss Bailey, I love you! I always have! I would never hurt you ... I would never tell on you...”

She was silent for a few moments. “Well, what an interesting afternoon this has been,” she finally said, regarding me as if I was some curious museum piece, or maybe a peculiar animal. “Thank you, Richard ... thank you for that ... revelation ... I like you very much, too. You are one of my best students.”

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Work Experience for Morgan

My name is Morgan, and I am a 17 year old male student in my final year of high school. My family owns a gym, hence I have had ample opportunities to develop a finely toned body, which has held me in good stead when attracting the attentions of the opposite sex. You can gather from that comment that I’m not a virgin, having lost that status nearly a year ago courtesy of one of the slightly older female fitness instructors at the family gym. She continues to instruct me in the skills that send...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 62 Moody Morgan

At 9.30am Jane and Andrew arrived. They were impressed with the unit and it’s views. Then went down in the lift at 9.45 to the 5th floor to attend the meeting. Mr Morgan was not happy, too many people for his place. Helena introduced herself but let Jane and Andrew pass without introduction. Harry was not happy ‘He is a dictator and a bossy one at that, only 6 people were to attend now he has 30 attending, he is a nasty one, I have truth him.’ Helena replied ‘I got that feeling yesterday, go...

1 year ago
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Market ForcesChapter 2 An Organisation

I looked again at the photographs. I'd often fantasised about having Rebecca like that but somehow things had never worked out that way. I handed the photographs back to Clegg. "There's only one trouble with your suggestion though," I said as I pulled an envelop from my own jacket, took out the sheet of paper within and handed it to Clegg. He peered at it and read it out laughing, "Rebecca, I'm sorry. This will be a shock but there's no easy way to say it. I think we should end it....

2 years ago
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Taming Morgan

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for the overwhelming response that I've gotten to this story so far. I set out intending to give the reader a storytelling experience without dead ends or confusing link-threads. Unfortunately, this means that I have to post the story a full chapter at a time, so the writing happens in great big chunks. Chapter 2 is ready to read, so I hope that those of you who enjoyed the first one will keep coming back for more. Please continue to leave your...

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Top Ten PantsSpunks ndash Miss Lorna Morgan

I had to include this even though this was far from the first time She’d made me spunk my pants – that started back in the magazine era, at about the time the Internet was taking off. Her’s was one of the first websites devoted to one model, and the first ‘Top Ten Pants-Spunks’ was when I was downloading sample pics of Her.I rarely whip it out for rubbing when I’m looking at pics, not just because that’s not on if you’re parked up somewhere, but because I don’t need to most of the time – I know...

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Brotherly Love Alaina Morgan

Note : This story is completely fictional! Only two days until my eighteenth birthday. I ad never been so excited in my life, nor had I ever experienced such freedom. My brother, Aiden, had promised he would give me the best gift in the world, and I knew he would. He always gave me expensive, elaborate gifts. He was twenty thee, going on twenty four, and I had always looked up to him. HE wasn't the ordinary brother who ignores their little sister. He actually paid attention to me and hund out...

3 years ago
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My big titted neighbor

My name is Dan and this is a made up story about something I wanted to happen in my youth. I had just finished up with high school. I was going to attend college in a couple of months. My parents said I didn't have to find a job that summer. That was just fine with me. I wanted to kick back for awhile. The one thing my parents did say was that I needed to help our next door neighbor Paula. She told my parents she needed me to help move some furniture around. My folks told me not to ask for, or...

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Silver Pt 01

**************** If you are younger than 18 or you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately. This story contains graphic situations that are sexual in nature performed by consenting adults. This is my very first story. I now have a greater admiration for the writers here on Literotica because as I found out the hard way, it isn’t as easy as you would think! This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with...

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Beastly Isekai Tales of the CrossBreeding SlutPrincess 3

The aftermath of her daily activities had indeed made Livia into an utterly erotic oral Goddess: she was currently making a show of her pulpy lips and luscious tongue on an innocent lollipop the Guildmistress had provided her, albeit without any sexual ulterior motive, but Rhea couldn't help but face-palm at how it turned out. Livia seemed amused at the situation as she sucked on the candy in an explicit manner while staring at Rhea with a sultry look. This rookie sure didn't know what was...

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Shweta ki chudai 12 mein

Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you all readers. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni ek aur story suna reha(padha) hun. To sabse pehle mein story ke characters ka introduction aapse karwata hun. Iss story mein bhi mein yani raju (27year old, slim built, medium height, Fair and weight about 55 kgs.) Chodoo ke kirdar mein hun. Mere sath do chudakkad lady hein ek hei meri landlady Shweta about 30-31 years ki medium...

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This was a dream I had some time ago, and thought I would relate it to you as best I can remember. It occurred during a time when I had been without a partner for quite some time, and can still create that instant flash of arousal when I recall the feelings generated. This was the one and only time I can remember being awakened by an orgasm. I have, of course, fleshed it out somewhat to make it readable, but the basic images were part of my dream and I've tried to relate it truthfully. It was...

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Reform School

"Is this really necessary?" I said to my parents "Yes, reform school is the only answer, we're sorry" I watched the car drive of until it was out of sight. The principal of the school told me that the head of my dormitory would escort me to my bed and get me settled in. "Well, I don't even have to ask why you were sent here and by your clothes alone I can see you are a tomboy" said the head of my dorm (Tegan) "I know exactly were to put you". She had allocated me to a bed in the corner and...

3 years ago
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Kristen And The Girls On A Retreat Part 1

I was walking towards Nina’s office and I saw Bernice coming. Her skirt was shorter than usual, and her blouse was tight-fitting. Her beautiful legs caught my attention as she was swaying lightly.“Good morning Bernice, you look lovely.”She leaned in to hug and kiss me on the cheek. I detected the faint odor of Nina’s perfume.“I am doing well and was coming from Nina’s office to drop off some papers. It is no secret that I just love eating her pussy first thing in the morning. It helps to keep...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 18

I was worried about the upcoming trial, and as a result, sleep eluded me. I was in no shape to drive the next morning. Morgan volunteered to drive one of the Oak Leaf vans. Even with Morgan and I taking a van, there would be room in the remaining vehicles for Matthew to get back to Oak Leaf. Our leave taking was brief. Lord Matthew was there; not realizing the significance of our journey, he simply clasped hands and said he looked forward to seeing us at Oak Leaf. Lord Oliver and Elk also...

1 year ago
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Jennifers ReeducationChapter 2

Our entire barracks was sent out to the field for the next two weeks to complete "Rifle Training". This was the most important part of our basic training and I was so nervous that I jumped if I heard the slightest sound. The fact that we were all females seemed to make it a little more tense out at the firing ranges because the trainers were suspicious that the female recruits were all a bunch of pussies and would probably turn the weapons on them out of ignorance or spite. My perspective...

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B5 Chapter 16 Jordans Conquests Cleo Fucks

Chapter 16: Jordan's Conquests - Cleo Fucks Jordan"I want that cock of yours inside of me, Cleo," panted Jordan. "I need to feel it filling me."Cleo stood up and moved away so that Jordan could lay on the bed and present her dripping cunt to her cock. Jordan instinctively lay down on her back with her ass tilted slightly upwards and her pussy lips parting temptingly. Cleo moved between her legs and gently eased her fingers into that sopping hole and bent her head to be able to lick Jordan's...

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Fucking my girlfriend sister

This is Sanjay Jain again, mail me at Sunita my girlfriend usually invited me to her house when her parents were away so that we could fuck, when I got a call I reached her house and rang the door bell, her sister Natasha opened the door. Natasha is around 19 years and as sexy as her sister and knows of our affair. Today she was wearing a really short skirt and a small top without any bra which made her nipples to be clearly seen through the top. She gave me a smile and as I went forward to...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 8 The Princesss Resonance

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Eight: The Princess's Resonance By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Two: Rebirth Ealaín – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My pussy clenched down on Sven's cock as his question echoed around me. I shivered and glanced to my left, locking onto my charge. My wife now. Kora writhed in a daisy chain with the others, lying on her side, performing such a delicious act...

4 years ago
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Lucky Josh part 5

Introduction: Two more friends join the list as the story continues Josh entered the red room and saw why it was named so, all the furniture was red, the carpet and the bed, only the walls were painted white.Mistress Rose sat on the bed and smiled at him when he entered the room.“Hello Josh” she said “I was starting to worry you weren’t going to show up.”“How could I not show up after the great favor you did me?” Josh smiled at her, closing the door.“You like Samantha a lot don’t you?”“Yeah,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 67

These are compliments of Dale As the coffin is being lowered into the ground at a Traffic Warden's funeral, a voice from inside screamed, "I'm not dead! I'm not dead! Let me out!" The Vicar smiles, leans forward sucking air through his teeth, and mutters, "Too fucking late pal! I've already done the paperwork!" A young man calls on his new girl for a first date. "I'm sorry," she exclaims, "I am running a bit late. Please come in and I'll introduce you to my parents, who...

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How I Satisfied Three Girl8217s Hidden Desires At Their Flat

Hi everyone, this is Dinesh(name changed) from Andhra Pradesh, this is real story happened.in my life two years back. When I was working at Hyderabad, I found a xxx site to share sexual fantasies, in that I shared my fantasies. The next day I got a message from a girl.named Swathi(not real). She said she has some fantasies like femdom and be a submissive, actually they are three gals studying BTech in a reputed college in Hyderabad., she messaged me with her details and asked me if I was...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2105 In the Blood

Lionel and Sugar showed up at the ranch before Independence Day along with their kids, Leon, Leann, and Honey. It was great to see them and I think Lamar and Donna were happy they'd moved out of the barn duplex. For all its appearance as a simple little dwelling in the village, Lamar and Donna had a huge house and absorbed Lionel's family without a problem. The kids showed up at the silo the next morning. Sugar stood at the door with Honey in her arms and watched as we went through the...

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My Dream

I finally had enough money saved to take the vacation of my dreams. I have always wanted to visit the land of my ancestors and now that was going to happen. I was going to visit Ireland and Scotland; two out of three wasn't so bad. Next time it will be Germany but I just couldn't fit all three places in this time. The real bonus was that I was going to visit some friends that I had made online whilst there. I was a bundle of nerves as the day of departure drew closer. Checking and rechecking...

First Time
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CockSucker It didnt mean I was Gay

I've always thought of myself as straight. I've never had the opportunity to ever be with another man. Sometimes you hear about situations when guys hang out as k**s and while they're drinking or getting high, they give each other blow jobs or jerk each other off.That never happened to me, ever. I've never thought about being with a guy. I've always had my share of women and I've always thought of myself as a guy that enjoys pussy. Never once have I ever thought about a dick.I love women and...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 30 Sadie Hawkins Day

November 1978 Friday wasn’t a good day. The story of Melanie’s accident swept through the school. I didn’t hear any rumors of suicide, which made me feel a bit better. After my second period class, I went to the pay phone and called the number at the hospital that Mrs. Spencer had given me. They called her to the phone, and she told me that Melanie was doing better and that she was awake. Mrs. Spencer told me that they planned to move Melanie out of the ICU late Friday if there were no...

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Being Joanne

Being Joanne by Meryl Davids "Hi", "Hi back", I said, I'd just got back from work, I hated office work, but we needed the money, for when we got married. Jane was a Nurse. I worked at a bank. I used to work as a Nurse, and loved every minute of it, Jane was just about burned out and wanted to get a Nurse managers job, to get her away from direct patient care. I had joked with her that we should swop jobs, "yeah sure", was all she said. I couldn't help the clearly...

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Little Girl Voice

Little Girl Voice I used to thank God, that he gave little girls voices. The way they grow up nowadays it is a good thing. Girls between thirteen and thirty are looking so much the same now that it is mostly the voices that separate them. The high pitch giggles are a distinct giveaway that the girl is too young to fuck. Then I met Breezy. She was young but I figured that she was at least eighteen years old. She smoked, she drank, and could she ever dance. I met her at a party I was...

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Exploring Jasper Chapter 1

I am not a big fan of the bath house scene, but every once in a while, I enjoy visiting one. I have found that the best time to stop by my local spa is in the afternoon, on weekdays. Usually, the only other men I see at that time are older, and not as persistent in their pursuit of at-risk behavior.Typically, I take a shower upon arrival, and then sit down in the hot tub for a while, looking at other men. After a while, when I have become sufficiently aroused at the scenarios that have already...

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School Holiday Job continues

Pushing the lawn mower back towards the house Josh saw Mrs Packer walk towards the bbq table carrying a tray of food and drink. Mrs Packer was tall and curvaceous, her large pendulous breasts swayed from side to side, a brown stubby hard nipple revealed as she swayed her hips strutting in her stilettos. Mrs Packer was divorced her c***dren had been packed off to be with their dad in Sydney. Mrs Packer had been watching Josh work in the garden from the kitchen window, trim trees, spray all the...

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