My Winnings free porn video

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“I won her in a card game. I told you that last week.”

“You’re not kidding are you, John.”


“And you’re willing to bet her, now, in this game?” I asked him.


“OK, I raise a thousand.” A couple gasps came from around the table as I said it. John and I were the only ones left in it.

“And I call with little Sammi, here. I guess that puts me all in.”

“Full House, Aces over Queens to your ... Oh, my that’s a pretty flush, John. Look at all those hearts. Too bad the seven’s not in there. Uht oh. Looks like I own a little Sammi now, doesn’t it?”

He moved on me in anger and she took him down. Face first. Wow. I’ve seen some moves to take people down, but never one like that. Pretty cool.

She looked down at him. “I don’t like being called Sammi. Never have. Sam, I am. I don’t like you, John. Never did, but it doesn’t matter. I’m Master Charles’s property now. Sir? Master Charles? Can I get you anything?

“Yes, please, Sam, and it’s Charlie. Just Charlie, for now. Grab us a beer. I don’t think we’re welcome anymore.” Since John got pissed and tried to go off on me, I gathered my winnings; my money, and my new pet girl, with her three suitcases, and left. Wow, she was cute, too. I thought John was kidding. I thought he MET her at a card game.

She explained. It was all in fun. The college senior getting help paying for school by being a pet slave, until John won her in that card game a couple months ago. His predecessor bet her away and John didn’t live up to the rules. Well, more so, he was just making her life a bit miserable, but she was in a bind and couldn’t just up and leave. She told me thank you, that her luck had changed with mine, IF I was going to play by the original rules, allowing her to be a full-time student while she took care of the house and me.

“How much is this going to cost me?” I asked her.

“About fifty to a hundred a week. I have tuition and all, I just need money for books, bus fare, and living expenses, to include a roof, a bed, and a bathroom.”

“A deal at twice the price.”

“It’s almost over, unless I get accepted into the master’s program.”

“We can only hope.” I chuckled. She giggled. “We’ll be fine. I like your style, Sam. What are you studying, anyway?”

“Enemy. Spelled NMME. Nano and micro mechanical engineering. Yes, it’s a thing now.”

“How neat! We’ll have plenty to talk about over dinner, that’s for sure.”

“How’s that, Charlie?”

“I’m an inventor, and a manufacturer of designer electronics. Spaceborne comm platforms of one type or another, as well as a couple other little things I came up with that don’t leave the ground very often. In any case, I may bend your ear once in a while.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Can I ask the big question, now, or is it too early in our relationship for that.”

“Ask away, Master Charles.”

“Did you and John ever...”

“Oh, God no! I dressed sexy for him when I made dinner and such, but I never let him do any more than pat me on the butt. He repulsed me, to be honest. He didn’t like that and made my life a bit miserable, but he stayed with and met the basic agreement and I had a roof, bed, and bath. He had me doing everything, though, and wore me down a bit. I hope you understand this is all supposed to be in fun, well, except the part about me actually being a student. I can really help out around the house, though, and make your life a lot easier.”

“Sounds like a winner. The company will be nice, too. Fred isn’t educated, and therefore has little value as a conversationalist once he’s gotten his ears scratched and he’s happy.”

“Oh, for a minute there I thought you had another room mate.”

“No, more of an overseer. Fred is ruler and monarch of all he ponders. And let me tell you, he ponders a lot. He doesn’t do much, but he ponders a bunch. Speaking of pondering, or not, do you have any other relationships I should know about, you know, people out at the house and all.”

“No, sir. Orphaned at twelve, aunt raised me until she passed a few years ago after she got me into college. Had a girlfriend for a while, but she met a guy and decided to straighten her kinks out a bit. No. No one else. You?”

“No. Same story. A long time ago in a land far away.”

“Well, fear not, Master Charles, Slave Samantha is here to do your bidding.” She smiled at me.

“Sam, define sexy, as in ‘dressed sexy for him’.”

“Stockings and garters showing under a very short mini skirt. See through gauze tops with contrasting lingerie, high heels. I love high heels and live in them whenever possible. If I’m mowing the lawn, or exercising, I’ll find something appropriate, but I’m in heels just about any other time. I loved seeing my mother in them and want to emulate her. She was a treasure. So was Daddy. He liked her in them as well, so I just sort of ... I like them.”

Once we got to the house, I showed her around. She asked the big question on her mind. I knew it would come up as soon as she said, ‘bus fare’. I lived in the country. Not too far off the beaten path, but far enough to keep her off the buses.

“Master Charles,” I looked at her with a glare, then a smile. She giggled. “OK! Charlie, I usually ride the bus. We’re kind of out in the boonies. I love it. It’s gorgeous, but little girls with little legs like mine probably don’t walk five miles to a bus stop in the morning before school.”

“You drive a stick?” She shrugged. “It’s Friday night. Saturday, we find out, then we put wheels under your backside and off you go. You do have a license, right?”

“Yes, I just haven’t had the money for another car.”

“We’ll fix that tomorrow. You’ve had driver education and all that, I hope. I don’t want my insurance company to cause me a seizure with the price of insurance.”

“Yes, all that, and never a ticket or an accident. Clean record and real, live, bought and paid for, driver’s ed. Shouldn’t be an arm and a leg, but I hate to be a burden, at all. It would be better on a bus route.”

“We’ll see about that.”

I took her to the guest room, with her bags, and dropped them off. It had its own bathroom, so she’d have most of what she needed here.

“Roof, bed, and bath, you said. Well, you have all three right here. Mini fridge is under the desk. Kitchen’s down the hall. You saw that, though, so why don’t we call it a night and we’ll talk in the morning over coffee.”

She nodded, reached up and kissed my cheek. “Thanks for being nice about this whole thing. It can really blow up in a girl’s face if ... Never mind. Thanks. I feel a lot better being around you than that John character. Something about him just ... I don’t know. He just seems weird sometimes, though.”

“We’ll talk in the morning, but if you go to a poker game with me it will be as a date, not as a chip. Just letting you know, I don’t bet people. I bet on people, like I’m betting on you, but you won’t be put on the line like those last two losers did to you. OK?”

She smiled and nodded. “Thanks, again, Charlie. What time to you get up on the weekends?”

“Probably earlier than you, but we’ll see. No special time, hon.” I left her to her devices and went to bed.

Then woke up to the smell of coffee. Okayyyy. When I got out to the kitchen, I met a pretty little auburn-haired girl with short hair and long legs. She was a little busty, having gorgeous round breasts, which were at that time unencumbered by a bra. The little chemise she was wearing covered her butt, and nothing else. I could see the lace edged boy shorts when she reached into the fridge for some eggs and bacon. Her nipples were showing from the other direction. The chemise had to be silk. Gorgeous.

“You OK with eggs and bacon?”

“Definitely. You got the coffee maker figured out?” I poured myself a cup and took it to the table.

“It’s a Bunn. Pour water in, coffee comes out. Even a girl can do it.” She giggled. “I don’t know about the strength, I kinda just made a WAG, a wild assed guess, on that, but hopefully you’ll show me the measurements someday.”

“Exactly what you did was fine. You probably used two even scoops.” She nodded, then I saw her rummaging. Pan, cookie sheet, and just let her go. “Mmmmmm,” I sounded out. She looked at me as if to question what I was doing sitting there just making weird noises. “I’m admiring my winnings. As little slave girls go, I do say, you are a pretty one, and you evidently know your way around a kitchen. I might also add that I can understand why John was acting creepily around you, if that’s how you felt about it. You are a very attractive girl, Samantha. Any man who wasn’t, or isn’t, at least somewhat aroused by your appearance definitely has a medical issue, probably death.” I chuckled and got a smile from her.

“Thank you, but it’s my way of paying my way, so to speak, but just the same as you wouldn’t force a magazine into anything, I wouldn’t want to be forced into anything for providing a visual. I know it’s not the same and might even be dangerous around a less stable individual, but I’ve tried to make the right choices, and I can always go wait tables if I have to. I just would rather not.”

“I would rather you didn’t either. I like the view. I also think you’re smart. I can’t wait for those discussions. You find everything you need last night?”

“Like the inside of my eyelids? Yes. It’s a nice house. Oh, and you have two guest rooms. Would you rather I take the small one down the hall in back?”

“Not yet. Let’s see how it works out, first. That one shares a bathroom with the workout room, and is a guest bathroom as well, so it’d be less private for you. I don’t have any scheduled guests, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Just let it go for now.”

“OK, but if that changes, I’d be more than happy to move. I’ve lived without a bidet for ... Well, forever, so a few more months or years won’t change anything. And that shower. I can’t wait to see what being under that many shower heads feels like, but again, the bathtub shower in back will be fine if I need to move. Just let me know.”

“I will. I promise, but for now, just hang in there with the bidet and the waterfall thing. We’re going to try you out in a car with a stick today. If that doesn’t work out, we may have to put you in a truck. I don’t want to buy you a car until I know you can stand me and Fred.” He came in when he heard his name and rubbed up against her ankles, startling her a bit. She recovered nicely. “Watch out for him. He could accidentally on purpose trip someone if they aren’t careful. In any case, that’s the plan. You need anything in town?”

“Maybe a couple of feminine items, if that’s OK. And, of course, whatever you want for dinner for the next few days. I did offer to cook and clean for you, as much as I can. Part of my bargain, if you will.”

“Sounds good. I’ll have you drive us into town, if you have the coordination to make that work, and we’ll spend the morning shopping.”

“Master Charles, I do declare I can walk and chew gum at the same time. I don’t think the coordination is going to be the problem. The shift pattern and the clutch pedal travel may cause issues, but we’ll just have to see. I may surprise you.”

“I hope so. I don’t know if I trust you in my truck or not. It’s awfully nice and all.” She giggled again. Nice sound, to be sure.

We ate, and I have to say, I was pleased. She’s a pretty good breakfast cook. Let’s see how she does with more than 4 ingredients, like eggs, bacon, toast, and butter. Oh, and coffee. That’s five.

The Barracuda was facing outwards, so she didn’t even have to try to back it out. I showed her the correct button on the controller for the door we were behind, which went up when she pushed it. She just started it, and with the seat all the way forward and a pillow under her cute little rumpus, she pushed the clutch to the floor, put it in first and gently let the clutch out while giving it a couple hundred Rs. Smooth as silk. She’s gotta be a ringer. In any case, this wasn’t her first rodeo.

She drove us to a shopping center strip mall about five miles away, at the edge of town, and we were off and running. We hit the health aisles for her goodies, I grabbed some deodorant, then we traipsed through the grocery area, with her picking my brain about meals and picking the shelves clean to match the food stuffs to the food fantasies. She made some recommendations that sounded really good, so I advised her to follow through with her thought process. I saw no downside for me at all, barring uncontrolled weight gain. It sounded a lot like I was going to be eating better very soon.

At my age, that meant a bit higher activity level, too, so I’d have to keep that in mind. I do have a workout room with lots of neat toys in it, but twice a week may not cut the mustard any more, what with chicken cordon bleu, et al, in the works. I was thinking out loud about most of that, causing my new little slave no end of entertainment. She was laughing at my musings and addition of calories, exaggerating in the millions as she’d pick up brussels sprouts, kale, sweet onions, and other terribly fattening foods. Sam was fun to be around. This was going to be good for my inner self. I could tell that already.

Many years ago I was hurt badly by a woman and have steered away from them since, at least for serious relationships, but now, I might just open up enough to enjoy the presence of this cute, bordering on gorgeous, woman. There are cuties and there are beauties, but rarely does a woman appear possessing both. This one could be said to do that. A change of dress and makeup could make her an elegant lady with shortly coiffed locks, or a cute little elven creature with a pixie cut. Versatile.

She drove us home, doing extremely well with the car. She did admit on the way home to having a Honda Civic when she was in high school. It was her aunt’s and on its last legs, but it got her around, then when it broke down late in her freshman year of college, she sold it for parts and did without. In any case, she had emergency transportation, if she wanted it. Only a couple months. It’s early April, and the cover would be coming off the pool soon. Oh, come to think of it...

“Sam, are you staying the summer? School’s out in a month or two, so I was wondering...”

She was backing into the garage when she answered. “That would be nice, if I could. I can take a couple classes this summer.” A red light flashed brightly into the car, so she stopped. Pretty bright girl. No panic or anything. “My masters path has some that are math drivel that have to be taken, with no labs or anything, and I need to get them out of the way.” She put the car in neutral, shut it off, and put it in first. “If it’s OK with you, it would certainly be OK with me. Do you set the brake in the garage?” I shook my head.

“No, no reason, and please do plan on that. Unless we come to hate each other rather quickly, I think this will all be very good. I’m comfortable around you. Around a girl, I should admit, for the first time in quite a long time.” As we got out and carried stuff inside, I told her, “I’d like to grill some fish for a late lunch then turn you loose on your path of destruction and devastation of my physique starting tomorrow. Would that be OK? I already had it out to thaw, so if it’s OK...”

“That sound good, Charlie. What kind of fish is it?”

“Tuna. Homemade. Well, self-caught. The Good Lord made it, but I absconded with it from its abode to mine. All in the rules. Now it’s lunch. Tuna steaks with a salad was all I was planning on.”

“Sounds grand. Where and how were you able to catch your own tuna? That generally requires an ocean and some sort of access to a large motorized floating contraption.”

“Ahhh, yes, my dear. Water and a boat. One I own, the other I just use occasionally with the permission of the People’s Republic of California.”

“Interesting. More interesting all the time, actually. Inventor, gentleman, boat owner, purveyor of fine cars.”

“Hey, little girl. Watch your mouth. I didn’t purvey anything. And, I let you drive it. Be nice.” I smiled as she broke out in laughter while I was lemon peppering the fish steaks. “Believe it or not, I bought that car in high school with my own money, and rebuilt it, a bit at a time, then, when I had saved enough, had it painted the original green color and voila, instant collector’s item. To me it’s just my first car. To a collector, I don’t know. I was offered seventy-five for it once, but I didn’t want to part with it.

“Seventy-five hundred dollars?”

“No, doll, seventy-five thousand. I have all the money I’ll ever need. I’ll never have another Barracuda, though, that was my own, and that I fixed from a beater into a dream machine. It’s worth a lot more to me in my garage, and I’ll bet you a dollar I don’t have fifteen grand in it ... Total. Even with the new tires I just put on it last year!”

“Wow! And you let me drive it?”

“Sure. It’s just a car, and it needs to be driven once in a while. This will actually be good for it, just make sure to park in the faculty lot near the engineering building and we’ll be fine.”

“How am I going to do that? I’m a senior, not a TA or anything.”

“It’s all in the stickers, doll. It’s all in the stickers. I’ll let Dr. Reynolds know you have it and you’re parking there, and it’ll be OK.”

“The dean? How do you know her, Master Charles! Yes, I’m kissing up to the boss. I think he knows the dean at the school I’m going to, so I don’t want to miss any opportunities to get my nose brown.”

“School chums. Denise is younger than she looks. High stress jobs will do that to you. She used to be in the corporate world and aged about an extra twenty years climbing that ladder, only to hit a glass ceiling. We needed her here more than they did, so I helped get her back into a sane position where she could shine. She did, and now she’s the boss. We dated once, even. Once. About a million years ago. She’s more like a sister to me now and lets me keep my hand in the education arena so I can have a cool parking sticker on my car. One of the perks of being former military, an educator, an engineer, AND a member of civil society. I sub for her now and again and hold a couple labs in the EE side of the school. Anyway, there’s a faculty parking sticker on your temporary chariot. Just be careful with it. The clutch and the tires are both fairly, at least relatively, new. No burnouts and no racing.” I smiled and got her to do the same.

She hugged me, thanking me for the store trip and kissed my cheek, running off to the room with her new bounty of pads and plugs while I got the fish ready. We had already put all the groceries away while we were talking, me showing her where everything was and getting it all sorted. When she returned, she started on the salad and before I knew it, we were on the back porch eating fish and salad, enjoying a beautiful day.

I remembered to ask her about what she did to John when he moved to attack me, after the card game. “Oh, that? Dad had me in self-defense and martial arts classes since I was little. Ten, I think. He thought it would keep me from turning into one of those ‘snotty teenaged brats’. Maybe that’s what did it. Maybe it was just the love they gave me. Who knows? In any case I had about eight years of instruction, I practice, read, and workout a lot, and if I ever get a decent job, or win the lottery, I’ll start up again. That specific thing was probably Krav Maga, but I’d have to see it on film to know. A lot of what I do is blended.”

“Wow. Stay close. After that, I feel safe with you around.” She chuckled. I was serious.

She cooked, cleaned, vacuumed, and kept Freddie fed and entertained for several weeks, then just the day before her university graduation, she was sitting at the table, looking a touch forlorn. I had to ask.

“Samantha, hon, what’s wrong? You’ve been doing so well, graduating with honors, accepted into the master’s program, all that. What’s up, young lady?”

“I don’t have anyone to share it with, Charlie. My family is gone, I have no friends, and except for you and Fred, I guess I’ve come to realize, I’m alone. Really, really alone.” A tear fell.

Maybe I shouldn’t have, but I wiped it away with my thumb, and picked her up, carrying her into the family room, setting her in my lap on the couch, and holding her while rocking gently as she continued to cry. We had been on very friendly terms. I thought that’s what she wanted, so I let it happen that way. She rested her hand on my arm and rubbed her thumb on it. Then reached out with the other and with both thumbs, stroked the skin of my wrist and hand. It was intimate. Not sexy. Intimate. Close. Touching. Emotional. She stopped crying, heaving less and less between breaths, the sobs relinquishing to normal breathing.

“Is there something wrong with me, Charlie?”

“No, sweetie, nothing I can think of. Why do you ask?”

“You’ve never tried to kiss me. This is the first time you’ve really held me. You’ve been a perfect gentleman.”

“I didn’t want to hurt our friendship, little one. I cherish the last six weeks, and hope you stay. You are a wonderful person and I feel fortunate that you desire to stay here. My life is better with you in it.”

“If I asked you to kiss me, would you?”

I kissed her, and almost had a heart attack. The connection, the electrical, heated, emotional connection was a bit more than I was prepared for.

“Did you feel that?” she asked.

“I’m afraid so. I’m afraid I’ll want another.” I kissed her again, and she certainly kissed me. “Can I be the one to keep you from being alone, sweetheart? Is it possible that we could...”

“Yes, Master Charles. Yes. I think I may be in love. Funny, though, you’re not a girl.”

“No matter. You are. If you can’t be the lesbian in our relationship, I’ll do it.”

SHE SLAPPED ME. Then kissed me again.

I kissed her goodnight that night, and watched yearningly as she disappeared into her room.

Her graduation was beautiful. She did graduate with honors and was noted with four others as the top five students in the class. Two above and two below her, score and achievement wise. A proud moment for her. And she had someone to share it with. I made sure of that.

Back home that afternoon, and with a couple weeks to blow before her summer classes started, I decided to treat her to a vacation, so told her to pack very little and very quickly. Not really in the mood to question anything, she did as she was told. She did ask about the weather. I told her moderate and sunny, almost always. Then we had the airport talk. She told me this wasn’t the way to Lambert, and I had to agree. She was right. We were headed to a private field where I kept my plane. She hadn’t seen that yet either. The one time I disappeared for a couple days, I just told her I was flying somewhere, and did. I didn’t tell her how or any of that. At the time, we were roommates. Now we were growing together.

We pulled up to the hangar, getting out and opening the door. The little plane inside was a bit more than she was expecting. I had decided on a King Air 350ER for many reasons, none of them speed related. It was only about 6 times faster than highway speed, but it had long range and I had it configured as a flying laboratory with a few seats and a galley on it. Between that, and a lavatory, it was really a technogeek’s flying office. I had a couple more things I needed it for, then I was trading it in on a jet. Total honesty, I wanted to be able to make longer flights, faster. I had my eye on a Cessna Citation Ten Plus. That was my goal. Back in the real world, I showed her around the plane and put our bags on board. Using our little tractor, I pulled it out on the apron, then put the truck inside. The hangar looks pretty big and pretty empty in that configuration.

“Master Charles, I’m feeling quite helpless at this point, not knowing where we’re going or what we’re doing. Are you going to steal me away, into the figurative night, taking my life and my innocence, never for me to be seen as the virtuous maiden again?” She smiled at me.


“Oh, talkative this morning, aren’t we?”

“No.” I smiled at her.

“I would be frightened, Master, but that kiss day before yesterday, then the following kiss goodnight at bedtime, and subsequent lip and tongue meshing yesterday, both before and after graduation, and this morning, of course, have calmed my nerves. More so it’s that I don’t care if you sully my virtue, as your slave and pet, I offer it to you, in fact. Master Charles, did you hear when I said I thought I was in love with you?”


We closed and locked up the hangar, then I had her follow me around on the preflight. I had an idea, and if dreams come true, and goals are realized, my life may become easier. I’d know soon. Very soon.

We boarded the plane and after a quick check inside, I put her in the copilot’s seat, took mine, showed her how to buckle in, and proceeded to get us going. Once the engines were started and we were ready to leave, I looked at her, seriously.

“I think I’ve fallen for you, too, Samantha. I have ulterior motives, and at this time I need to ask a very serious, life changing question.” She nodded. “This is not a proposal, yet, but would you, for the next few hours, consider not leaving my home, my life, or my heart.” Her eyes brightened. “Again, this is a purely selfish position I am in. I need you more than you need me, at this point.” A tear fell. “Let me get this baby in the air, and we’ll talk some more over Kansas, OK?” She nodded again, wiping her eyes with a paper towel from the cubby by the seat.

I taxied to the end of the runway, checked with the local municipal controllers, who watched our airspace, then eased the throttles forward, taking off to the southwest, and not altering that course much.

“West. We’re heading toward the land of fruits and nuts. Are we stopping when our hats float, or before that, dear sir?”


“Wow, got a five-letter word out of him that time. Progress.”

“Stop teasing me. You are not too old to spank, and this thing has a very capable auto pilot.”

“No, Otto, don’t let him spank me!” We both cracked up at her antics. She’s a cute and funny girl. Fun to be around.

Once I got us to flight level two six zero and leveled out, I continued. “Set your feet on those pedals down there and hold the yoke. The wheel.” She nodded and did as I asked then I moved the plane around a little. “Feel the movements as I turned and went up and down?” She nodded. “You ever thought about flying, Sam? Ever wanted to ‘break the surly bonds’?”

She got a grin on her face that was hard to decipher. It was something between a six-year-old getting the newest Barbie for Christmas, and a Publisher’s Clearinghouse grand prize winner. I couldn’t tell which, but...

“OH. MY. GOD. Master, are you asking me to fly with you?”

“Yes, and more, if this conversation ends the way I want it to.”

She squealed. Thank god for the headsets. The sound system cut the squeal’s decibel level to a point where it wouldn’t physically damage my ear drums.

“I’m going to take that as a tentative yes. Hold my hand.” She took my hand but was shaking. Visibly shaking. Tremors. Fear? Excitement? Both? We’d see. “Samantha Burgess, would you be my copilot?” Her smile almost faded. “In life? Sam, will you marry me?” She pulled my hand up and to her lips, kissing it all over my knuckles and the back, then opened it and started kissing my palm, thumb, and my wrist.

“Yes, Charles Baxter, I will. I will absolutely marry you. Thank you. I have, truly fallen in love with the wonderful man who took me as a slave.”

“Good. Now that you have agreed to become my full-time thrall, complete slave, and doer of my will, I will tell you, we’re going fishing. We’re going to San Diego, where I keep my boat.”

“Full-time thrall? Complete slave? Doer of your will? That sounds nice. Charlie, will you teach me how to make love to you? Please? I’ve never been with a man before. Not really.”

“Yes, and don’t expound on ‘not really’. I don’t need, or want, to know. I do know, however, that I have fallen deeply in love with the beautiful, smart, kind, caring, generous, loving person you are. I’ve known I wanted to be closer to you for weeks, but was afraid, like I said the other day, to hurt our friendship. That is most important to me. I want to always be friends first. Always.”

“Agreed. I’ve consented to be your thrall. You’ve told me you were taking me fishing. What is your ulterior motive or are slave girls not to know of their master’s devious plans?”

“Not all that devious, sweet slave of mine. Certainly not in a negative way. I want a new plane and I need a copilot. It’s a little bigger than this, and it takes two to tango in it, so to speak. Legally, it requires a crew of two. It can be flown singularly, but I don’t want the hassle. I just want to go high and fast. Higher and Faster, I guess I should say. Four and a half hours to Hawaii, instead of eight. That kind of faster.”

“And in return for this, your copilot in life gets what? Exactly?”

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“My mother blushed at his words. ‘And already he is dying to serve.’ She said in a mocking voice. ‘By the name of goddess, aren’t you then?’ my father scoffed at my mother. “That made my mother to blush even more. She took my erection from my father’s hand and played with its foreskin, pushing it back and forth. “Dad put his hand around my shoulder and gave me a hug. ‘Look at mom; she blushes like a newlywed virgin. Take my word, my son; she is going to give overtime to your young wand.’ “My...

1 year ago
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Sisters of the Cincinnati

Baby, if you’ve ever wondered, Wondered whatever became of me, I’m living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP. Got kind of tired packing and unpacking, Town to town and up and down the dial Maybe you and me were never meant to be, But baby think of me once in awhile. I’m at WKRP in Cincinnati... Theme by T Wells and H Wilson The hands on the wall clock reached six o’clock, marking the end of afternoon drive time and the work day for most of the staff at WKRP. Bailey Quarters,...

1 year ago
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whips and chains

He shook his head to clear his mind, a bit. Almost there, he said to himself....feeling as giddy as a child with candy. He came to the door, and pulled out the key. He inserted it in the lock, at the exact same moment as the bell's began to chime, some ways further down the street. He unlocked the door, and went inside. The lights were very dim, lit only by a black light bulb. Further down the corridor, he glimpsed a familiar sight....a sight that made him go ice cold, and steamy hot at...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 396

The Newfie Fisherman... It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of Toronto pub. An old man stood beside the puddle holding a stick with a string on the end and jiggled it up and down in the water. A curious gentleman asked what he was doing. 'Fishing, ' replied the old man. 'Poor old fool' thought the gentleman, so he invited the old man to have a drink in the pub. Feeling he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whisky, the gentleman asked, "And...

2 years ago
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Island Secrets Ch 01

The Island Saga Series Book One – Island Secrets – What could a poor, underprivileged girl and a rich over privileged boy have in common? This is the beginning of a series and as such has no sex. Characters and backgrounds are being established. Please read and enjoy. I would appreciate your comments and encouragement for the subsequent chapters as the series unfolds as well. Happy reading and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Island Chica ***** Chapter one –...

1 year ago
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New World Celebrity Edition

A female celebrity wakes up one morning to finds she's in a new reality: either she has changed: different body, no will power, super-charged libido, etc or she finds out the world has changed: she has been stripped of all rights to her liberty and property, she is "free use" for everyone, no one has any respect for her, she's a broke and has been reduced to doing porn, etc.

3 years ago
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Workman Chapter 1

"Oh dear," said the housewife leaning into the doorway. She was wearing jeans and a conservative button-down blouse. "Well, you'd better get started. Would you like some coffee?" "No thanks," he replied without looking up. She got a mug out of the cabinet, and just as she started pouring herself some coffee the doorbell rang. While she was out of the room, the plumber surrupticiously rose to a kneeling position and retrieved a packet from his pocket. He emptied its contents into the...

1 year ago
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My Teachers Love Me

This story is not made up and actually happened. I was in grade 10 and my law teacher was incredibly busty and had the biggest tits my virgin eyes had ever seen. She had massage cleavage showing everyday and it turned me into a staring, drooling cave man. The best part was that she knew what she was doing to me. She would bend over in certain angles to only flash her cleavage to me. Sometimes I would zone out while staring at her tits and I wouldn't even notice that she was smiling and giggling...

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Tutoring Lucy

It has been a while since I tutored, most of my time lately had been taken up with setting up the business with my partner and dealing directly with clients. The next step in growing the business was to take on new staff either as employed or contract depending on where they were. My partner was only a business partner but she had carried out deep tissue massage on me a few times and her hands new exactly what they were doing with my body. That was the message I was trying to get across when I...

2 years ago
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Going into the subject mind

Chapter 1 An old talented friend of hers I had just stepped out of the shower and was ringing wet when the door bell rang. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and proceeded to the front door. I opened the door slightly to find out who was there. "Mrs. Hansen," I mumbled behind the door, "Mom isn't home yet." "I know, I just spoke to her and she told me she would be another hour or so and I could come and wait for her." I opened the door a little more and invited her...

4 years ago
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My fantasy

I have a few fantasies. I will share one for now and would love to hear from you and see what you think.It starts with myself and a woman. We're in a room and start making out and getting each other turned on. Kissing on each other and talking naughty. The woman decides to start taking control and tells me about how she fantasizes about blindfolding a man and making him preform any and all sexual acts she desires! Im incredibly turned on by this and before i could say yes, she pushes me on the...

2 years ago
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Appropriate Punishment

Appropriate Punishment "Hey, Mary, what's up?" "I just came across your old boyfriend, Tony. What's going on with him? He was acting like a fruit, and dressed like a drag queen." "Oh, good. It worked." "What worked, Sue? "Just a little reprograming. He's gonna spend the rest of his life dressing like a whore and acting like one too. He's even got an addiction to giving men blow jobs." "Wait a minute. Are you telling me you did this to him?" "Yeah, because the bastard...

2 years ago
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A foursome with Chris and Mo

We had been swinging for a few years before on the spur of the moment we decided to try naturism. Joe had read about a beach which although, was a fair distance away, it seems was well worth the visit. It was. We found the whole experience relaxing and it was fantastic to swim ‘au naturel’ and get that all over tan. So each year on holidays in France we would seek out the naturist beaches where we could properly relax. On one such occasion I was reading a book while soaking up the sun and Joe...

3 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 6

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 “And homegrown and down-home, that makes one Cookin’ up that old time, long lost recipe for me, woh It’s gettin’ hard to find Guess it ain’t hip enough now You take an average guy, he can’t identify, uh And there’s a short supply of her fine, fine stuff Lemme get on, lemme get on, lemme get on some of that Shake it up, bake it up nice, uh Lemme get on, lemme get on, lemme get on all that I so love my baby’s poundcake.” Van Halen was so much better with Sammy...

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Ronnies Song Ch 04

I apologise to all my readers for the wait! This one is a special chapter to make up for my absence, and I also plan to submit the next chapter soon. I intend to have it written tomorrow. Thanks to all those who have supported Ronnie’s Song! Enjoy.. —— The next few days at camp were terrible. I avoided Aaron at all costs, although he didn’t make any massive attempts to talk to me. As well as this, Nate could sense my misery and tried unsuccessfully to cheer me up. This only made me feel...

2 years ago
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Outcasts Revenge rewrite1

I open my eyes staring at my ceiling and the bright morning light shining in my peripherals. "Myself." What a crock of bull! No one could accept my true self, I thought as I looked between my legs to see her kissing the head of my cock then slowly running her tongue up and down the shaft. She eagerly straddled me placing me inside of her riding me. She slowly pulled my black inside her and it wasn't long before it bottomed out in her pussy. Once see was adjusted to my size she picked up...

2 years ago
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Strictly Wetting

Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Emma wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, but more than that, she wished she’d never agreed to appear on the damn show in the first place. It had all started with Emma’s wish to be a journalist. She had dreamt of being a journalist from an early...

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The Things in the ClosetChapter 7

The following afternoon Lynette had just completed a chapter on the new book and, feeling satisfied with her progress, decided to take a break. In the three days since the priest had blessed the house there had been absolutely no recurrences with Simon and Sarah. 'Perhaps they're gone -- for good, ' thought Lynette, smiling that the house now seemed peaceful and serene, the way it had before the ghosts had made their appearance. Maybe now she and Cherie could settle into the life for...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Clairette 1 by loyalsock

I had just come close to having a second woman drink my piss. So close that I could - well, almost taste it. She told me she was more than willing to suck cock and drink everything I gave her. Though I wasn't really attracted to her, I found her willingness to drink piss irresistible. In fact, I was practically on fire to see her do it along with whatever else might come to mind. Unfortunately though, my desire for her rested heavily on her commitment to act as my personal urinal. Complicating...

1 year ago
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What Dreams May Come

I'm totally infatuated by a woman who works in the cubicle next to mine here at the office. Just a few seconds ago she and I were talking about some of the other women who work at our company and how attractive they are, or aren't. I wanted to tell her badly how much I love her and how I think about her all the time. I wanted to tell her how pretty she looks today and how great her hair smells and that to make love with her would be so wonderful, how just one kiss from her would be all it...

2 years ago
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Daughters Sissy Project Part 1

With a snicker, 21 year old Kristen slipped two pills into her daddy's coffee just as she had done twice a day for the last three months. The pills had first been prescribed for her mom after her surgery, but when Kristen informed her mom's OB/GYN what she had done with them, much to her doctor's delight, she was able to get the prescription renewed for herself. Mom was gone on an extended around the world vacation with her widowed sister, and daddy and Kristen were alone...

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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

3 years ago
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The Roommate II

"The Roommate" Pt. II I heard my nylons zip, my skirts rustle loudly and heard the click of my heels as I spun around to see Ted standing there! He set his briefcase down without taking his eyes off of me. For a split second he must have thought that a woman had just invited herself into the house and had started cooking dinner. Because of the wig, the false eyelashes and all the makeup I sure didn't look like much of a man now and it took Ted a few...

4 years ago
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Strangers on a Steampunk Train Ch 03

No sex between our primary lovers in this chapter, but there is some sexy…I’ll keep a secret. It’s still sexy ,) Enjoy ***** Chapter 3: Demons in the Bed I opened my eyes to find a solid white ceiling staring back at me. No graffiti. No blood or mysterious holes. A solid white ceiling. It was warm. I was in a small bed, with standard-issue red sheets. Soft. It was familiar, even the air seemed familiar. I breathed in and turned my head. I certainly wasn’t in my hovel of an apartment, and I...

4 years ago
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Seducing the whole family

My husband, Jim, and I are both still trim and fit at the age of 40, with a 16 year old daughter, Tracey, and, as I mentioned, a 14 year old son, Josh. We enjoy a healthy sex life and, by “healthy” I mean that we enjoy sex but would never have considered involving our children in any way. I won’t say that I haven’t admired my son’s muscular physique and I have certainly seen Jim’s lingering glances at our daughter’s very shapely body, but there’s nothing wrong with that and we have not seen...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 40

The actual official launching and christening ceremony for "Vector" was attended by members of the "451 Wives & Widows Association", the crew of "Vector" but not attached personnel, and GmBH executive. Denny had hitched a ride back on R2 for a well earned leave and also to be present at the ceremony. The event was real time shown over Tabes and to the GmBH yards. Part of the ceremony was the unveiling of a plaque made from some debris found in the harbour some time after the...

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Smugglers GoldChapter 6

It was a cool morning so Antal made Piroska wear his heavy tunic draped around her shoulders. It fit her like a robe as she wrapped it around herself and her baby. Breakfast was bread, cheese and the leftover goat's milk. Once they were done Antal took the tiller from Gyorgy allowing him to get something to eat and take care of his necessities. They were still about six hours from making Eregli when a long, slim red-painted boat shot out of a hidden bay heading directly for them. "Shit!"...

4 years ago
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When dressed

Properly start from down to above..When dressed I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an...

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The Sleeepover ndash Chapter 2

by samslam"Okay girls, on to the next event." I call as I walk back into the living room. Maybe I should tone this down a little. "Turn around! We're ready to look at your lovely asses." The girls line up with their backs to me. Okay, maybe I won't tone it down. What a lovely line-up of flesh!I go through a similar routine, running my hands over their bare cheeks and telling each one what I think of their ass."You have an amazing ass, Alex," I say quietly. As my hand glides over her smooth,...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 2

Dear Ladies, and that is what you are, isn't it? Please allow me to step out of the story for a few minutes. We will return to Jim and Annie very shortly. But first let's explore what a Beauty Salon really is. (Please don't drool on the computer screen) A Beauty Salon is a place, a business, maybe even a state of mind, which exists for the sole purpose of enhancing the femininity of the women it services. As their femininity is strengthened, they become prettier, more alluring,...

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The Gym Teacher by loyalsock

Brittany had just pulled her sweater over her truly miraculous chest and was smoothing her pleated skirt across her heavy thighs when Kimmy stopped in front of her locker and whispered, "I don't know why, but your mom is in Mz. Collins'office and they want to see you right away!!!" "My mom, here," Brittany asked nervously, "what in the world is she doing with Mz. Collins!?!" " I dunno," Kimmy replied, "but if I were you I'd get my ass in there pronto, you know how she hates having to ask for...

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Highschool 20

After the last class of the day, I went to the Manga Club Room. when I entered the room,i was not surprised when I looked at the table and saw the blue-haired girl sleeping with her head on a book. . A few years ago, the manga club at Kouh academy used to be quite popular, but after the former president graduated, most of the students eventually quit the club. For a club not to be closed, you must have at least three members. And currently the club has four members. Two are ghost members I've...

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My Wife With My Friend

My name is Khirot and I am 28. I am married to Suhasini last year. She is 26. When I looked her first time I fall in love with her, ooohh.., damn, she is so sexy such a nubile. Not so big boobs, bra size 34, pink lips, brown eye, black hair, and attracting silky belly with killer ass curve. We are lived in Rourkela, odisha where I work in a private company. Our marriage is an arrange type. Me and my wife was a happy couple but ……. think is that I never give her sexually enjoyment because ….....

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wife and the old men

When at college, Beth had gone to a pub with some of our friends. I had to finish an assignment and said I would follow on and join up with them later. When I got there, I just followed the music knowing how Beth loves to dance. The dance floor itself was a darkened room off the main pub area and it seemed like most of the old guys in the pub had moved over to the tables near the dance floor and they were having a great time watching these drunken students dancing. Particularly the girls I'd...

4 years ago
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Better Off BredChapter 9

Before this chapter starts, a few words of warning. My life changed because I read a story, ‘The Belly Riders’, written by Jillian and Pomponio Magnus. If you are not familiar with that story you are probably going to get confused by the upcoming references to it. If you read it later, don’t blame me for any spoilers these chapters might contain. And once again, whilst this is a true story, it is not intended as a ‘how to’ manual, if you want to try this at home, don’t. Unless you take the...

3 years ago
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My Thai MILF 4

A few days later I received a phone call from Lin just to chat and tell me that she was "good" sore from all of our activities. I asked her if she would like to go out for dinner and an "old fashion" date. She giggled like a school girl and told me it had been years that she had been on a real "date". She We set a date and time and she texted me her address along with a few pictures of her getting some sun. On the day of the date she texted me a little bomb shell in that she her Mother lived...

3 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 14

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] Susan and I greeted each other at the door to the condo with a hug and a kiss. We both were beaming, but neither of us mentioned it. We sat at the table with our salads and iced tea, until finally I spoke. "You look great. Have you lost some weight?" Susan was tanned from her vacation with Bill and was clearly slimmer than when I had seen her last. It seemed as though she was making more of an effort than she did while we...

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The Entrapment of Ceri Part 2

Over a week had passed since Ceri had stayed with Sara. She'd kept Sara's panties, unwashed and in her own drawer. She felt odd, every time she went near them, she could feel an urge, a want that she couldn't explain. The aroma, although fading, was unmistakably Sara's.She was being stupid, they were just a dirty pair of knickers belonging to another girl. She decided to keep them a little while longer though. In case she wanted them back, no other reason. She had no reason until a text...

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Washed UpChapter 6

The GPS said we were less than five miles from Bangor when we camped for the night. The skies were really starting to cloud up as we made our camp and pitched our tent. We fixed dinner quickly and had just finished eating when the first raindrops started to fall. We went into the tent and got undressed. When we were in our sleeping bags, I kissed Sam and started to fondle her breasts. "You said you used to make out with another girl," I said. "Did she ever lick your pussy?" "Yu, yes,"...

1 year ago
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Brady Berta BoydChapter 3

“Mr. Boyd, I’m surprised to see you this morning. Did you decide not to look at the properties?” “We went out to see the one with the forty acres. We like it and would like to buy it. Do you have the deed?” “I do. I’ll sign it over to you. By the way it was originally owned by a man named Newell and that is what the place goes by. There is no street address. You can go into the land office and show them your deed and they will update the records.” I withdrew money from my account, paid the...

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Mma Meets Mba

I've become tired of stories of simpering females being rescued by manly hunks, so this is my variation on that theme. I know there are different federations out there, I just lumped them all together and called them MMA. Enjoy the story. He rolled his eyes and wrinkled his nose. He was in a gym, more specifically a gym dedicated to training fighters, with the smell of stale sweat, blood, and other things he wasn't too keen on discovering. They were everywhere, punching bags, lifting...

3 years ago
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Paula Needs More

PAULA NEEDS MORE By DBarclay © I woke up early that Saturday morning around 6am. Our move to Australia was virtually all organized! I had a job arranged, the house sold. I just have some odd and end to sort this weekend before we moved to a hotel before flying out. Alan and Kate were going to visit the family for a couple of days while I finished off some work in the house and a friend party to go to in the evening. As I lay there thinking of all the things I had to do, I started to feel horny...

Group Sex
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Commander Rainey

I was sitting with my back to the door when Commander Rainey came in. My feet were up on the windowsill, the weekend’s watch roster on my lap. I’d like to say I was working on it, but really I was kind of staring into space. She tapped twice on the open door. “Come in,” I said without turning, thinking it was one of my girls. “I’m already in,” she answered. I turned to see her halfway to my desk. She waved me down as I started to stand. “Sit, sit. No need to discover military protocol this late...

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I Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Alyson and the black cock

Alyson’s desperate urge for a big black cockAlyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a  twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently.She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the...

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NuruMassage Vicki Chase Bad Influence

Jay Smooth is at the massage parlor and is in a lot of pain. His neck and back are killing him. It’s been like this for months and he’s hoping to get the much-needed relief he needs to get back in shape. When Vicky Chase walks into the room to ask him how his massage went, he says that it was ok but he’s still really sore. She tells him that it’s now after hours and that they should be closed but she doesn’t want an unsatisfied customer on her conscience and can...

2 years ago
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Hot Springs

In my late 20s I learned about clothing optional hot springs. At first I was really nervous about being naked but after a few times it just felt like how things should be. Of course being naked led to some adventures and I'd like to recall a few of those.Deep Creek Hot SpringsDeep Creek was the first hot spring I visited. There is a hike involved which helps keep it from being too crowded. The setting is by a creek so even on warm days it can be fun.--It was fall and I made it down to the hot...

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African Nightmare

African NightmareThis story takes place in Nigeria. The year is 1968 and the country was in the midst of civil war. The Ibo’s, a tribe that lived in the eastern region on Nigeria had broken away following the assassination of the Nigerian Premier. The Ibo’s called their territory Biafra and as this area contained Nigeria’s oil reserves tensions were running high. In the north of the country Fiat the giant Italian car and engineering company were building a dam on the river Niger. It is in this...

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Royal sex with beauty

Hello everybody, I am regular reader of this site. After thinking a lot I thought I will post my story also. I am Abhi and living in Bangalore, I am working in Software Company and had made good for myself. As I am from north India, I did not have any friends so I was looking for time pass. I am young so I was looking for making some girl friend. But as you guys might know if you are outsider it’s so difficult. Since I am horny I started looking for girl to fuck. Through one site I meet one...

1 year ago
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On Display Part 2 [email protected] the end of the row of desks, she had to turn with her backto the windows briefly to turn a corner to the elevators. Thepeople on the last row got a full backlight frontal view of hersupple curves, and perhaps even a glimpse of pussy hair between herlegs as she walked. She knew the image she presented oozed sex! Kim had never felt so embarrassed and out of control. The elevatoropened, and Kim entered. She was thankful that no one else was inthe elevator. It...

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Me My Girlfriend And Her Friend

Well, you guys could call me Amit, 27 Years old from Kathmandu, Nepal. I and my girlfriend (Say Poonam) had been in a relationship since 4-5 years. This story takes back to the time when I was 26 and she was the same age. We planned a night out at her friend’s place. She lives alone. She has a maid to do the chores who comes in the late afternoon and leaves before 5 in the evening. So, it was ideal for all of us to have some fun here. Let’s call her Rozina. She has this house with tenants on...

1 year ago
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Samus and the Reality Altering Upgrades

Samus brought her ship into dock with the station, the docking bay walls closing behind her. In her travels around the galaxy, she had received a signal from an old research station. The signal informed her that the station was inhabited by a scientist AI, programmed to keep inventing for eternity. If she came to investigate, she'd be offered many new ways to "expand" her arsenal. She was here to see if that way true, and she stepped off of her ship, Zero Suit clinging to her curves all the...

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HotwifeXXX Natalie Knight Natalie Takes Every Inch Of The Magic Stick

Petite tiny tit teen blonde girlfriend Natalie is ready to take on her first big black cock. As soon as Isiah whips his bbc out she drops to her knees trying to suck down as many inches as her tiny hot mouth can swallow, all while her boyfriend happily sits, watches, strokes and encourages her to take more and more meat. Natalie loses her mind riding that cock in the closet until Isiah gets her on the bed where he can really dig in that big cock inside her tiny teen pink pussy until he explodes...

2 years ago
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Sexy Indian bhabhis spiritual journey with her Guru

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Ashok was moving into a depression since Savita left. He never expected her to come back. Devastated, Ashok never even came out of the house. The repeated doorbells only irritated him. Furious Ashok immediately calmed down to find Savita at the door. It was a pleasant surprise and made him excited. He asked her to forgive him. Savita could never reveal she was sleeping with a stranger all these days, then with his...

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