Library Ao free porn video

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I was in the local library near the river, looking at some books on computer programming. In walked a young brown hair girl in a very short dress with bike pants. She looked around and seeing no one looking, she hiked the bike pants up giving herself either a wedgie or rubbing her clit. I think the later. She came into the isle I was in and said loudly “Bloody hell none?”

I quietly mentioned “You should not shout in the library, it is a quiet place. Can I help?”

She looked at me, a portly 55 year old, 165cm with a weight of 90k, thinning white hair. “I’m looking for some dick pictures both soft and hard. I can’t see any books under dicks.”

I smiled at her “How old are you?”

Looking strangely at me see stated “I’m 17 and a half.”

Thinking to myself I felt she is either lying or perhaps mentally 13. “The type of books you mentioned will not be found in a library. You can see drawings in medical books or in some art books but in most cases they will be of soft images not hard.” I walked with her to the art books.

Just then an older girl came in “Molly what are you doing?” This lady looked about 25, smartly dresses around 30A easily 20 say 26 hips. Light brown hair, round face with a nice heart shape lips smiling. Very nice.

Molly replied “Mum this man is helping me to look at some art books.” Molly saw some art books and walked off.

I introduced myself “I’m Harry, your daughter was looking for some, well, unusual books titles which are generally not found in libraries and being a bit vocal.”

“Thank you, we have just moved here because of some family problems. I sorry she intruded on you. I think I know what she was looking for! O, sorry, I’m Megan or Meg for short.” Meg offered her hand and I shook it. A very fine small lady hand. It seem to hide within my hand.

“Well if I see her around I will assist or direct as necessary. She told me she was 17, is that correct?” I asked.

“Yes physically 17, sometimes mentally 13 though on some subjects.” Quietly continuing “Was she looking for some information on the male body part?” Meg asked.

Looking at Molly “Yes, I directed her to the art books. Does she has a need for it? There are some books here about children who seem to develop early in that area. Would that help you?”

I took Meg to the early adult child section and showed her some books. She quickly looked at three of them, then with the fourth her eyes opened. “Shit, this describes what she is going through. How can I borrow the book, I’ve only just moved here.” Meg whispered.

Taking Meg to the counter they issued her with a library card and she left with Molly. I returned to my book. I could no longer concentrate on my book. I went and hired the book and drove home.

Opening my garage and parked my car, I could see a removal van across the road taking in furniture. There was no one else or any new cars parked in the street. Closing my car side of the garage. I made a cuppa and went to my computer desk on the other side of the garage. Reading a page in the library book, with nearly every word I could see Meg and Molly. Dam I gave up reading and played Minecraft on my PC.

As I live on my own I like to sit in the garage saying hi to the people walking pass. Some stop and talk whilst other especially the ladies, I like to check out. A few of the walkers have made it into my story lines and wishful thinking. At 6pm I closed the door, mainly to avoid the cane toads and mossies.

The next morning I opened the garage and saw Meg across he road. I waved. On recognising me she came over. I offered her a seat next to my computer. I have two chairs for when visitors call or my grandson comes around to play computer games. We sat down. “Thank you for the book. I read the whole book last night and I now understand what is and has happening to her. As we live close, I’ll tell you she is a nymphomaniac with sex. We have found her with boys and men of all ages. My ex believed it was me causing it and he left me for an older woman. Every boyfriend I seen to have within a few days Molly had had sex with them as well, so some were happy with, others disgusted. I’m telling you this as as soon as she see you she will be over. All she could talk about last night were the art books and your kindness. The book has given me some idea’s on treatment but the main line is just accept. No matter what we do, she will find a way to have sex. Please if she wants it with you, I mean when she has it with you, please don’t hurt her. I do have her on the pill for safety. I also get blood checks every quarter for those other diseases, lucky for now none todate. Can I ask are you married?

I took in Meg story, What a life for her. “Widow. It’s been 5 years now so I am over it. The C. What about you, my first thought was you were only 25?” I replied.

Meg relaxed, sitting back on the chair showing her silky white undies. “No I wish, It these small boobs, they make me look young I’m 40, OK 46 now. Everyone always seen to put my age young. Thank you I will take that as a compliment.” now really smiling at me with those jade green eyes.

“Well if you allow me I would love to remove your clothes and make love to you. I love the way you have dresses today, front button dress with only a few buttons done up. No bra over your lovely sexy A size boobies and lovely sexy white satin panties now showing a wet patch.” I asked.

Meg smiled and reached over and grabbed my prick. I pushed the button to close the garage door. We stood up and stripped off our clothes. I pulled her to me and kissed those sexy boobies. Meg then dropped to her knees and started to suck my 9 inches into her mouth. She found it difficult to get her mouth around as I am built like a coke can but nearly three times the length. Yes it has been measured. Moving the chair I gently moved her back onto the floor. Meg opened her legs wide I knelt down and started to taste. I ran my tongue along her crack, on returning to her clit Meg grabbed my hair and pulled me on top of her. I entered her pussy. It was wet, warm, tight, inviting, I could feel her juices soaking my cock. I started slowly for Meg to accommodate my size. She responded with urgency so I rammed into her as Meg rapped her legs around me. We just pounded each other and I shot my load into her as she came bouncing all over the floor. We collapsed on each other.

After a few minutes we separated and got dressed. I opened the garage door. Meg stated “I need that, I know it was just raw sex, but it was lovely thank you Harry. We need to do this again if you want to?”

I smiled “I will be available for you anytime Meg, Yes like you I did need it as well. Thank you.”

Meg kissed me and left for her duplex across the road. I just sat back in my chair to recover.

I fell asleep for around an hour.

I was disturbed by some kid bikes going up and down the street. Molly came out and when she saw me she ran across the street. She gave me a big hug. I returned the hug. Looking around my computer setup she asked “Do you know much about computers, I have a hand me down laptop but it is slow and always running out of memory?”

I replied “Yes I do have some knowledge, bring over your laptop and I’ll have a look.”

She ran back to her house and came over with the laptop. I asked “I need your power leads as this will take some time. Please walk across the road, not run, some drivers around here do not look out for people!” Molly went back home and I started the laptop.

On returning I asked Molly for her password. Looking sheepish she replied “Do you really need to know?”

“Yes, how can I sort it out. I will need to reboot it a few times?” I answered.

“Bigdicks69, don’t tell mum please?” she answered quietly. I laughed.

“OK I’ll change the password for ease.” I replied.

“Can I stay here to see what you do please?” she requested

“Yes, sure, I’ll step you through.” I answered and I started. The hard drive was taken up with another account. I found the account but could not access. I asked “Who is Billy?”

“That’s my brother, Why?” Molly answered

“That file has a large chunk of HDD memory. Do you know his password?” I requested.

Molly replied “No but every time he use to use it he always said f’inghell.”

I changed to his account and tried various passwords and after the 5th attempt I got in. It needed a capital f and h. I looked at his stuff and found, in video’s, a lot of memory. On opening one it was of him playing with himself, another was with a girl, but no face. The third was with an older man and Molly. She smiled “That’s Dad he always came into my bed after mum was asleep.”

I asked Molly to get her mum please and she went off to collect.

Collecting a new portable HDD I copied across all of the files from Billy’s account. This took about 45 minutes. Molly returned just as the transfer finished. I showed Meg the video. She was livid.

I grabbed her hand and sat her on my lap. Molly was on the spare chair. I asked “Did you not know Meg?” giving her a hug.

Molly replied “No Dad told me never to tell her always say it was one of my brothers. Mum I use to f with them as well. You know about my brothers. Dad said he would have me put away if anyone found out. I never knew about this filming.”

I asked “How is the divorce going?” Meg looked at me in horror.

“Not very well he is hiding all information from me.” Meg replied.

I smiled “Molly how old were you when this happened?”

Molly smiled not seeing anything wrong “I was 14 in that video, but I started having sex with him at 11 years old. I sat on his lap one night when you were out Mum. I pulled out his prick and started to lick it like a lollipop. He took off my shorts and sat me down on his hard prick. He was not the first though. He soon came in me and then told me never to tell you. Which I never did but now he has hurt you I will tell. Just after that you put me on the pill I have to take daily after you found me in bed with Billy.”

I mentioned “You have just made your divorce very easy Meg. I’ll help you out in this. Molly I will need your laptop for a few days, however I have another one you can borrow until I fix it OK.”

“Yes please Harry.” Molly smiled.

I got out a small laptop mini notebook. Found the lead and powered it up. Opened an account for Molly with her a new password. I showed her how to work it. She was very happy and it was faster than her old one. It was also connected to my internet which she found out when she used it in her bedroom.

We sent Molly home to play with her laptop. Meg asked “How much and what do you mean my divorce will be quickly done?”

“Smiling I answered “Nothing it was given to me to fix or throw away. Now sit here whilst we do a letter to your ex.”

I did the letter according to Megan wishes for the divorce including all of his known assets he tried to hide. Meg did collect some papers from her files. I then mentioned what Molly said and copied the video to a spare small key. I pointed out in Meg’s letter a tech had found the files and should report them but after a payment they advised they would not report. After some two hours Meg was happy with the letter. I used my PO Box for return reply for her safety. I printed out two copies and addressed an envelope. Meg signed the letter. We walked to the postbox and sent it off.

Holding hands on the way back Meg felt relieved. I informed her “He will ring you and you need to answer the call, the first call and say the tech still has the PC for safety. Don’t let him talk to Molly as she will tell him everything and she is native in this type of matter. I will put the laptop away from my house as it is your insurance. I do have another copy of Billy’s files on another hard drive, which we will review. OK?”

Meg cuddled my arm, “Thank you, now what is this payment the tech has to have?” smiling.

I looked down her blouse and slightly opened it. “A few hours of me playing with these?”

Laughing Meg stated “Anytime, anytime.”

We kissed and walked back to her house. Molly had found the internet access was available when she was in her bedroom. We found her lying on her bed no panties playing with herself looking at the TV show of Baywatch and Bondi rescue. Closing her door, we went into Meg’s room, undressing we made love on her bed. After I rolled off her she used her pillow to clean up the left over spunk juices from me and herself. I looked at her. Meg stated “I want our smell to fall asleep with tonight please.” I smiled nodding my head. Just as we got out of bed Molly came into the room.

When she saw the size of my prick she exclaimed “Mum how can you fit that into your pussy?”

Meg replied “Well I have had you three kids so I can accommodate. Harry would rip you apart if he tried it with you. Now do you understand the promise I asked of you.”

She stepped closed to me and held me genitally rubbing me. “Yes Mum I understand. Sorry Harry I will never have sex with you because of the size of it. But it is nice, maybe one day.”

I pulled away before she made me hard and got dressed. I explained “Molly if your Dad or your brothers rings you within the next week or so, Please, for your mums safety, don’t tell them where you live or anything about me. I’m hoping I have assisted your mum in getting the separation permanent. Is this understood?”

Molly smiled “Yes I’ll tell him he has upset both mum and me and I will hang up or give the call to mum.” We smiled at her and gave Molly a big hug which she enjoyed.

I returned home very happy with today’s happenings. I had a good night sleep.

Two days later Meg and Molly came over around 10am looking very happy. Meg stated “I got the call last night. He did not want to speak to Molly. He has agreed to everything including 50% of his company, which he disclosed last night held 4 homes he has yet to sell. My legal solicitor is not happy I did not inform her of the letter and asked for a copy I refused saying it was very personal between us. You should be getting a letter from him with his full list of assets and company balance sheet. He is increasing his payment to me until everything is sorted. He has just told his legal people to settle everything now. I do have to go down to Vic, will you look after our house when we go?”

“I don’t want to go mum. I told you that last night?” Molly stated.

“Will you stay here, with me, when your mum goes? And Yes Meg.” I answered.

“Yes please, please mummy, I will keep our promise about Harry.” Molly pleaded.

Meg looked at me “Sure Harry.”

Smiling “Yes sure, I have her clean my bathrooms, wash the floor, clean out the cupboards, wash the windows!”

Molly screamed “What!” Meg laughed and had to sit down at Molly’s reaction.

“Yes I’ll look after our treasure, When are you going?” I asked.

Meg replied “On Monday for one or two nights. Sure it’s OK?”

“Sure Meg rest easy, she will possibility spend her time on her laptop here.” I answered.

We went out to the surf club for lunch. We had a good chatty time. I really enjoy Meg’s company.

The following Friday my daughter rang and ask me to look after my grandson for the next 5 days as they needed to go away. I agreed asking hat he bring over his laptop. Charles came over on Saturday morning and I dropped my daughter and son in law at the airport getting Charles to drive back now he has his Provisional licence. Charles is a quiet nerdy boy with study on his mind. As soon as I got home I remembered my commitment to Meg. We called over to her place. Introducing Charles to Meg and Molly. I told them he would be staying with us.

Molly not on this planet asked “The laptop is giving funny messages can you fix please?”

Charles replied “Can you show me? Grampa has taught me to fix my problems, maybe I can help!”

Molly asked “Mum the problem only occurs when I am in my bedroom, can I take Charlie into my room please?”

Meg replied “Yes but leave the door open.” They left.

“Well that’s a change, Charles does not like being called Charlie, as they are both 17 is it OK for them to enjoy each other. Though I’m not sure what experience he has with girls. His last girlfriend was at 14 I believe.” I smiled

“Well” a smiling Megan replied “let nature take it’s course. She is protected. How long is he staying with you?”

“About 4 to 5 nights I believe, so en less they try to breed like rabbits I will be very busy entertaining both. Don’t you worry about Molly, I will take care of her, like she was my daughter. Get your things done in Vic. That’s more important for your mental health.” I mentioned.

Meg smiled at me “Thank you Harry.”

Charles and Molly came out of the bedroom. Charles stated “Grampa you forgot to update the virus scanner. It’s all done now and working fine. Can I get my laptop please so I can play a computer game with Molly please?”

I looked at Meg, “Is it OK for Molly to come over, they can play in the lounge room. Come over any time to check on them?”

Meg smiled “Yes OK, Molly you know the rules.”

Molly ran to her mum bent over and kissed her showing us males the thin thong she was wearing under her short summer dress. Charles looked away with a red face. I smiled. “Yes mum, come on Charlie, I’ll get my laptop and cords.” As they crossed the road with Molly walking very close to Charles. Meg and I laughed as I opened the garage door. I mentioned about the view. Meg laughed.

“Well if he is pure, I don’t think he will be by this weekend is over. Ah good luck to them. If they want to sleep together just let them, otherwise they will do it behind your back and I prefer that you knew. If he has any questions at least he can ask you if it’s out in the open.”

I put my arm around Megan and kissed her. “Come over when you are ready, would you like to go out for dinner or have it at home or call in a meal. If those two kids start playing the game Charles really likes, they will eat anything we put in front of them.”

Meg kissed me “I’ll let you know later, This gives me a chance to clean up and get ready for Vic.”

I left for home.

When I entered Charles had his favourite game running on Molly’s laptop. It was a web browser game. They were really enjoying each other company as friends. After an hour they came to me. Charles asked “Grampa can we get some drinks and chips please?”

I replied “Yes you know where they are, show Molly please as she is staying here from Sunday as well, for a few days.” They got what they wanted and returned back to the lounge room. This time they sat next to each other very close. I smiled as I passed them to go into the kitchen.

After three hours of playing Charles asked if they could watch a DVD as the game was very slow with too many players. Again I mentioned “You know where they are either pick a movie you both want and if you don’t agree, pick one each and agree to watch each other’s movie.” They agreed and selected a mutual movie. They sat very close together on the lounge holding each other, not necessarily their hands. They ended laying on the lounge together. When I passed I smiled at them Charles went red in the face. Molly beamed.

I asked “Molly are you playing with Charles?”
She beamed at me “Kinda, Charlie has never done it before. Can I teach him please, pretty please?”

“Charles, Do you want to learn?” He nodded his head, too afraid to speak. “Well go the bedroom and remember what she teaches you. Sex is a mutual action and you both should enjoy it. It not just one getting all of the pleasure.” They left for the bed room just as they were to close the door I called “Molly, forgotten something?” She came back to the lounge and picked up her thong. Smiling at me, Molly then hugged and kissed me on my lips. She danced back to Charles and closing the door.

Around an hour later Meg came over. I closed the garage door and took her to the kids bedroom. Slowly opening the door they were at it like rabbits. I closed the door and took Meg to my bedroom.

I stripped her, stripped myself. Laying Meg on the bed I started to open her legs and lick up the plentiful juices. She pulled me around and started to suck on the knob of my prick as well as licking the body. Meg rolled me over fully onto the bed and mounted me. The feeling of her tight pussy sinking down the sides of my prick was heavenly. She bounced up and down a few times before I raised myself up and suckled each of her sexy A size boobies. She held my head against her beautiful boobs and came in an exquisite fashion. The feeling of her coming and the juices running down my rod made me pound her faster. I rolled her over and pounded that pussy This time we came together bouncing around the bed. I rolled her onto her side and stayed inside of her. We looked at each other. Meg stated “Well its not just the kids acting like rabbits.” I smiled.

We rested for around 30 minutes when we saw the kids naked at the door. With the eternal question all teenagers ask “Whats for dinner please, we are hungry?” They asked together.

“You two have a quick shower and we will go out for dinner. We need a shower ourselves.”

They ran to the bathroom. I let them have five minutes in the shower. I started my shower with Meg in my ensuite. This makes the water in the main shower cold. We quickly showered and dried each other. We finished dressing just as the kids came in dressed.

“Grampa you have run out of hot water. It only lasted some 5 minutes.” Stated Charles.

I smiled “No I pinched it for the two of us. You had five minutes to clean yourselves?”

Molly smiled “Yes Harry as if. Cold showers are not fun.”

Meg laughed “Well normally you clean yourselves first then have sex young lady?”

Molly blushed, we laughed.

Molly and Meg went home to get dressed for dinner. Charles and I just went casual.

I asked “Hello Charlie, accepting the name now?”

“Grampa, Molly is very nice. Polite and intelligent, she hides it though. Is it OK for her and me to lick and suck each other privates parts? It’s not a question I can ask my parents.” Charles asked.

I smiled “Yes it’s OK. People, when you think about it, have been doing it for thousand of years. That’s why the human population has exploded. It’s not new but biology and the survival of the fittest. That’s how you came into this world mate.” He smiled at me with an understanding mind.

The girls joined us looking beautiful and sexy. I took them to another surf club. This did have some dancing. The two of them really enjoyed each other and did not allow anyone to butt in which did surprise Meg.

Megan stated “Well looks like Charlie has tamed Molly for the time being. It this was 12 months ago she would have been in the middle of a dozen boys letting them do what they want to her and she would have had them hard and exposed.

The music finished. The kids joined us and we finished our drinks. Charles had the pleasure of driving us home in my car. Meg and I had 2 bottles of wines. They, being under age, did not have any hard stuff. Yes we were pulled over for a breathalyser near home and Charles passed. The policeman complemented Charles for his non drinking and the fact he was taken his parents home who certainly had some drink. We smiled at the remark, holding hands in the back of the car. Charles was ecstatic at his compliment. On returning home I slept with Meg and the rabbits enjoyed each other.

The next morning I woke Meg by eating her out. She was juicy and came flooding my face. The bitter sweet taste was a good way to wake up. Meg kissed me then ran to the toilet. I walk in semi hard and started the shower. Meg joined and we had a good shower together. As the kids were still asleep we slipped out and got the Sunday newspaper. I also got some eggs, bacon, 2 loaves of bread and some cans of bake beans. We heard the kids in the shower on returning. Meg made the bacon and eggs, I did the toast and heated the bake beans. By the time the kids got dressed, they came out for breakfast. Looking at the meal, Charles stated “What a lovely man’s breakfast!”
Molly said “I’ll never eat all of that?”

We sat down and eat. It was a quiet meal as we were all hungry. When everyone had finished their plates including Molly I asked “Anymore for toast?”

Charles stated “Yes please, 2 pieces. Grampa sit down I can do it.” He went to the kitchen.

I replied “2 for me and thanks Grandson.”

Meg and Molly asked for one each to finish off a lovely breakfast.

Whilst sitting around I asked Charles “Has mum and dad got your car yet?”

‘No” he replied sadly.

I went into the garage and got a car key. “Charles here is the key for Grandma’s car. Would you like it? If so there are a few rules.” His face lit up

“Yes please Grandpa.” He replied very happy.

I explained “Rule one, If your phone rings whilst you are driving you ignore it, until either the journey is complete or you have pulled over and put the car into a full park. There is no reason to either lose your licence or pay the government $1k which is the latest fine. Understood?”

“Sure Grampa, Yes, I agree. I know you do the same.” He complemented

I continued “Rule 2 and this applies to you Molly as well. No sex in the car whilst it is moving. That is one of the major causes of young kids in traffic accidents. If you want to have sex then pull over, Lock the Door, and enjoy yourselves. Don’t kid yourself you can drive and have sex. It’s just not worth it. Do you two understand?”

Looking at each other, then me “Yes Grampa/Harry we understand.”

Molly continues “Yes that would account for a lot of females having major head injuries and in some cases bitten of penises. I never related the two until now.”

Meg asked “And how do you know that Molly?”

Molly replied “It was a fact given in school but with no reason in a study of young people accidents in Vic. Mum when can I get a learners permit please?”

Meg replied “I’ll talk about that after I return from Vic. OK!”

“Yes Mum.” Molly answered not happy with a put off.

To put a happy note out I asked “Well Charles or is it Charlie now? Where are you taking us for lunch?”

“Only Molly calls me Charlie please Grampa. How about that pub on the highway and next to the river, the one you enjoy watching the water skiing?

I smiled “Yes a nice place to take our ladies. What time tomorrow are you flying out Meg.”

Her phone went off. Meg answered and returned to us “We have a court appearance at 10am tomorrow morning. I’ll book a ticket for tonight and return Wednesday.

We went to the computer and booked the tickets online. It was costly due to late bookings. Meg was staying with her mother. She rang her mum and mentioned the change. She, with her new boyfriend will pick her up at 10.30 tonight. Meg needed to be at the airport by 6.30 tonight. I agreed to drop her off. Meg kissed me for all of the help I gave her. The kids were playing on the computers in the lounge room. I mentioned pack a bag for Molly or are you giving her a door key.

Meg looked at me “Yes easier just to give her a door key, Thanks again Harry.” She went home and packed a bag. On returning an hour later, Meg was dressed in a lovely summer dress with a low front. Opening the top Meg said “Easy access for my boobs for you sexy Harry.”

I smiled “Thanks.” and reached in to tease.

Well it’s 11.30 “Chauffeur Charles are you ready?” I shouted.

“In a minute Grampa? Yes, Molly we won. OK time to exit.” Charles shouted.

Meg gave Molly another dress and more underwear to change into. By 11.40 we were on out way, Charles in his new car. And yes it happened. His phone rang. He gave it to Molly.

She answered “Charles answering service can I help you?”

“Yes Charles is here but unable to answer. He is driving, any message please?”

“Yes we should stop in about 30 minutes, then he will be allowed to return your call. His grandfather has told him not to answer any calls whilst he is driving. Thank you. Goodbye.”

Charles asked “Was that mum or dad you spoke to?”

“Your Mum I believe.” replied Molly.

My phone went off. It was my daughter. “Yes darling. That was his new girlfriend answering his phone and yes we are being driven by Charles for practice.”

“Yes I am with him and his new girlfriend, we are going to the pub for lunch and no he will not be drinking as he has to drive us home safely.”

“By the way did you get or organise a car for him yet?”

“No your plan it later, that’s all right, he’s driving one of my cars at present.”

Yes insurance is covered, he crashes he pays he first $3000.”

“Yes I’ll get him to ring you when we stop. Part of agreeing to drive was he was not to answer his phone for anyone including you and me. OK.”

“OK. See you darling. Bye” I hung up.

“Good luck Charles You heard my side, your mum is going to give you the third degree on your girlfriend who she found to be very formal and business like. Molly you did a good job in answering his phone. Good girl.” I stated. Charles smiled. He was concentrating on the road. We arrived in about 7 minutes. He parked the car well. We walked into the busy pub and got a table over looking the river. Charles rang his mum and quickly finished the call. We ordered steaks, salad and chips. Meg and I had some wine, the kids some soft drink. It was a lovely meal.

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What Raleigh had come to find her mother about, was to ask her advice about something. While Bob and Megan had been tiptoeing through the minefield of their attraction to each other, Hamako and Raleigh had "taken a walk" around the yacht, so they could be apart from Akio. That's because they were talking about him. "So you agree we should work on Akio and break him down?" asked Raleigh. "I don't know what that means," said Hamako. "We tease him, and get him all worked up, and then...

4 years ago
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A Wild Bachelor Party

My parents always had dreams of me being a doctor or a lawyer. I really didn't have the grades for any of those career options. I wasn't even sure I wanted to go to college. I really didn't know what the hell I wanted to do. I wanted to take my time and find something that interested me. I always liked to entertain people. I thought maybe I could be an entertainer. Except the kind of entertaining I wanted to do was with my body. I've always been told that I'm quite beautiful. I can't be a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Life Of A Hot South Indian Mom

Hi guys, my name is Arun. I am 18 years old. I am studying in first year of college. I belong to a quite rich family. My mom, Ramya is 37 years old. She was married to my 45 years old dad Ramesh when she was 18. Since her parents found out about her love story with her classmate, she was forced to marry. She was an all-rounder in those days. Besides her love, she was able to concentrate on studies too. After her marriage, she missed having sex with her lover. My dad was not interested in sex,...

1 year ago
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DrippingJockstraphotmalecomChapter 5

The next two Saturdays following my latest 'meetings' with Mistress Angel reverted back to the normal routine that I was now used to. Regrettable, things went a little wrong the next weekend... and, no, it wasn't because Mistress Angel had returned. No, this was just because the Mistress was in a foul mood. Bill had clearly upset her the previous evening for, when I arrived, he was already locked in his coffin, probably having spent his entire night there. I took breakfast up my Mistress...

2 years ago
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Slut Wife at Employee Bonus Party

Slut Wife at Employee Bonus Party Tina and I go out for the evening for a bonus party for our employees; Tina not knowing is to be a large part of the bonuses then some money for each to be given out. Tina wear a skirt that was not too tarty, just above the knee and it showed off her shapely ass and legs. The thin white blouse she wears was nearly see through and to be a bit more provocative my wife was wearing a black lace bra. The contrast in color was clearly visible through the blouse,...

4 years ago
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Doctor Pennai Moodu Eatri Oothen 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor pennai eppadi usar seithu matter poten endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar karthick vayathu 24 aagugirathu.  Naan oru cab driver, naan vaithu irukum car bence pola irukum. Naan ippozhuthu thaan cab driver velai paarka aarambithu irukiren. Oru naal enaku cab booking vanthathu, athu sariyaaga iravu 10 maniku vanthathu naanum angu sendren. Andru sendru paarthaal athu oru pub, angu niraiya pengal elam...

3 years ago
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He Came In The Night

Her eyes flashed open as she came instantly awake in her moonlit room. Something must have started her, but what? At first her senses detected nothing. She could see nothing, hear nothing, or even smell anything out of the ordinary, but then she felt a slight chill in the air, which was out of the ordinary. She just sensed something or someone was in there with her, something that seemed wrong, but she had no idea what it could be. Her eyes slowly scanned the room, first the door and then the...

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Gokul Dham Society Part 8211 1

Subh ka time rahta h jethalal ke ghr pr :- Phone bajta h .Daya phone uthati h . Daya: hello Sundar: hello bena me sundar bol raha hu ahmdabad se .Rakhi aane wali h isliye tumhe ahmbad aana h . Daya: ha veera me tapu or babuji kal subah hi ahmdabad k liye nikal rahe h .Or sab kesa chal raha h .? Sudar: sab thik h behna accha me abhi busy hu yha aane pr bat krte h . Daya: thik h veera (phone kat deti h ) Jetha: (khush hote huve ) kal ahmdabad ja rahe ho mujhe chhod kr .? Daya: ap bhi chliye...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Part one

The groom watched, with a slight bulge in his pants as his bride walked towards him, secretly cursing the deal they had made.   They had taken the last 3 months off from their love making, because she had asked if they could.   She thought it would make their wedding night more special.   They had cuddled, hugged, kissed everything else but never all the way.   He felt like a teenage boy watching her walk towards him with a hard on in his Tux.   She had said he would love her dress but...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 4 Meetings

The scout was breathless, riding a thoroughly lathered horse. Captain Legios of the High King's Heavy Weapons Company took the man's salute. "Captain! There's a carriage about two miles ahead, heading north. There are about three hundred of the God-King's cavalry chasing them, a couple of miles or so further back." The man looked back south, where the dust clouds were clearly visible. Legios didn't hesitate, but instead swung to his newest lieutenant. "Lieutenant Smyla, go with Big...

2 years ago
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Kimron Mind Switch OuttakesChapter 5 Kim and Ron give their bodies

Self consciously, the next day neither had spoken much to the other at school. Fortunately, there had been no calls from Wade requiring their action. And surreptitiously, both had contacted Wade separately telling him that they would NOT be available for assignments that night. When school had ended, they walked to Kim's home and let themselves in. Kim dutifully prepared a snack for them and they settled down to watch the video Kim had selected: BOLERO starring Bo Derrick. Obviously, it was...

2 years ago
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A TS Fantasy 1

A TS Fantasy By Paul G Jutras It was Paul's day off and after some hair removing lotion to the body and the polish on his toenails dried, he dressed up as Paula in a white T-shirt, blue shorts and white sandals. His toenails were painted a hot pink. On that day his Uncle Ryan and his family were going to Universal Studios and asked if Paul wanted to go along. Having always wanted to go as a female, Paula jumped at the chance. Fixing up everything she needed in her hip...

3 years ago
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My fantasy starts with us being at a party

Posted on July 2, 2008 written by my previous gf Julie…….. – fully dressed for the occasion in something very sexy and revealing, look good feel good I always say.There are many gorgeous party a****l up for it people at this magnificent house (you know the sort where they have a parking attendant to park your car when you arrive) big drive, and Jacuzzi’s in every corner) and for once im not the shy little women that never grew up hanging around waiting for attention – im a flirtatious, lusty,...

4 years ago
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Were By Morpheus Werewolves exist. Yes, Weres exist... but they are not what you think they are. Not by a long shot. They are not the creatures of nightmares, the monsters who run across the movie screens. Instead, they are your neighbor... your classmate... or even your girlfriend. My name is Darek Ross and I am 16, having just turned so a little over a week earlier. And though my birthday had been exciting, it was nothing compared to that night, to what was coming. It was...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Wife Hello Fuckbuddy

Hi I am Jimmy Cooper divorced Parsi Male 37 living in Mumbai.This true story happened 6 years back.I had just been divorced and lonely. I turned to the internet to find anyone to talk to. I don’t remember when or how I began chatting with Leena – but she was funny, easy to chat with, smart, seductive and sexy. She sent me a couple pictures of her, nothing to sexy, but enough to get a good idea of her body type, her smile and her eyes. I am a sucker for a nice smile and a contagious laugh and...

2 years ago
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Catherine Bell PostBaby Desires

Catherine Bell, better known in the last eight years as Lt. Col. Sarah McKenzie, USMC (or "Mac") knew there was more than one reason she was cast for her role in the TV series, JAG. One reason was her demonstrated acting ability. That was definitely true because Catherine is an astounding and very convincing actress. But, there were some other obvious reasons -- Catherine's beauty and her shapely figure. Anyone that doesn't know that sex appeal is a huge characteristic desired in TV shows...

1 year ago
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My Professor Fucked My Mom

Hi, everyone. My name is Tom. This sex story really happened two months back and it’s bit lengthy so please cooperate. I am now 21 years old. I am studying in a medical college in Coimbatore now. My family is from Kerala. My dad Jacob is having some business in Bahrain, he is 49 now. My mom Reenu is a housewife and she is 40 years old. I have a small sister Anu and she is one year old. Since I left to college, mom and Anu stays alone and we are going to rebuild our house. So my dad asked me to...

1 year ago
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Analized Valentina Nappi Cums Hard For Big Black Cock

Valentina Nappi might be a penthouse pet, but that doesn’t mean that this Italian beauty is not a filthy anal whore. She loves huge cocks up her tight ass and to make them cum. Valentina Nappi is exceptionally beautiful. Her big ass and big natural tits are displayed in ways that would make anyone go wild. She then demands to be fucked. Prince Yashua enters to give this babe the cock she craves. She drops to her knees to worship the big black cock. He then leads her across the room and...

3 years ago
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Fucking Paki Cute Hunk

Salam ISS readers,mein rizi from attock ,age 25y,511ht,33w,tall handsome,sexi gay boy,aap logon ne meri stories read ki aur mujh se contact kia is k liay sab ka shukaria,yeh meri real gay story hai jaisa k mein apko bta chukka hun k mein gay top hun,lakin bottom bhi bun jata hun agar koi cute twink mil jaye below 20 years,story parhain aur agar gaysex ka mood ho to mujh se contact karain Yeh 2008 ki baat hai,mein apni job pe normal kaam ker raha tha,un dino mujhy sex kiay almost 3 month ho...

1 year ago
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Every summer we go to the same camping spot and spend a month. It is not too bad. The place we go is kind of secluded. There are a few other campers there, mostly the same people every summer. We got every set up and started to enjoy ourselves. Our camp neighbors, the Johnsons were all set up too. Several days had gone by and my family loaded up and went into town. My dad told me to be good and they would be back in about four hours. I was happy to have some time alone. I sat outside for a few...

2 years ago
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Very First time with a guy

I have always considered myself straight, my entire life hasbeen consumed by woman, I am attracted to them, I want them, I desire them and I have sex with them. But and this is big but, I have always had a fascination with cocks, ever since the first time I saw one as a teenager in the locker room. I know as men we are not suppose to look at other guys cocks but I was fascinated by them. I of course being a heterosexual male put it out of my mind. I went of to college and had lots of sex with...

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The Training of Lucy

"Hello, Lucy. You're right on time. Get undressed and we'll begin." Lucy was standing in the living room of Sean's house. She had had one session with him before, and it had only left her hungry for more. In the intervening time, they had continued their online meetings and play, but since she had experienced Sean's domination in real life, the virtual meetings were now just a pale imitation. Part of her desire stemmed from the care he had taken in engineering their first encounter. Surely if...

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White BBW mom Banged

Unlike most of her co-workers, Donna enjoyed her job at the post office. She had been working behind the counter for over twenty years now and had long ago established a rhythm that made things go by smoothly and quickly.Donna also enjoyed talking to people and this job brought them to her in droves. Sure there was the occasional asshole or the distraught person who made things difficult. But most of the time the conversations were enjoyable.And after all these years she hardly even noticed how...

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Naked Family Ep 1 The Journey Begins

Dillon slowly opened his eyes as awoke from a deep sleep. It was still dark outside and he immediately sunk his face back into his pillow as he attempted to return to sleep. “Come on Dillon! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” , the girl exclaimed while grabbing a spare pillow and hitting Dillon on the back. “All right. I’ll get up. Stop hitting me”, said Dillon. Dillon finally opened his eyes all the way and sat up. He awoke to the sight of his younger sister, Florence. She was the persistent...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Two

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Two: Caught With Consequences Cameron Rivers' first memory of feeling different to everyone else was when he was eight years old. The other boys liked to play with bikes and toy trucks and toy cars but he much preferred his younger sister's Barbie. But even then he was smart enough not to say so. He used the excuse that he had to play with her because she was his sister; that gave him an excuse to play with her dolls. He started dressing...

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Making Love

You are naked, spread eagle on the bed, waiting there for me to lick you. I move in between your legs and sniff toward your pussy. I want to smell you, that sweet smell I love so much....lady, that smell always makes me hot! I bask in the sweet aroma of your sex and notice that you shaved your pussy for me, Wow, this is a first, and usually you do not shave. But I told you that I really wanted to see your pussy completely bald. I wanted you to shave it because a shaved slit makes me so fucking...

3 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbors

My wife and I are in our fifties, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, she lost her desire many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies. But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much longer, and I...

Wife Lovers
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GFs family Midwinter Lodge Retreat 3

My head was spinning. First, I have my bones jumped in the middle of the night and I awake to realize I screwed my future mother-in-law and now I had just witnessed my fiancé’s father having sex with two of his son-in-laws! What the hell was going on!! I had always thought that Tina’s family was a little strange, but sexually they had always seemed rather uptight if anything!I walked over to the railing that looked down into the family room of the large cabin her family had rented and I damn...

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BlacksOnBlondes Sera Ryder 09142021

When young petite Sera Ryder runs away from home the whole neighborhood is on the lookout cause her mom is calling everyone. That includes Mr. Slayher. His daughter happens to be friends with Sera so he is of course alerted and asked to be on the look out for the runaway teen. It’s a quiet weekend with his wife and daughter out of town so Mr. Slayher assures the upset mother he would let her know if he found out anything. Coming back from the store Mr. Slayher happens to find Sera walking...

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NubileFilms Alex Blake Wake Up Sex

Alex Blake is sleeping peacefully as Kyle Mason gets ready for work. He’s just beginning to fasten his tie and do up his buttons when Alex stirs and catches an eyeful of her boyfriend in a state of luscious dishevelment. Crawling to the foot of the bed, she locks lips with Kyle to undo his tie and use the silky material to pull him down with her. Once she’s satisfied Kyle is where she wants him on the bed, Alex gets back on her knees so she can tease her boyfriend with the promise...

4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 29

Session 42: In the last session, I’d asked Lucy some more questions, fucked her mouth, and then woken her up. She didn’t even question the fact that she woke up with my cum in my mouth any more. I think it excited her. Since then, I’d been reflecting on her reaction to believing that I was responsible for Marcie. I mean, she wasn’t wrong to be scared. What I’d done was monstrous. I’d destroyed someone - and not just anyone, but Lucy’s best friend. I’d slowly stripped away her...

2 years ago
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The Lesson

She sat in an armchair, a paperback in her hands, distracting herself byreading while listening to music. ". . . give the devil his due," the lyrics ran into her head. "AndI'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you." She can't stop thinking about it. She had never in her life been more turnedon, more molten. To have him standing before her, his hands behind his head, body stretched,shoulders back, was possibly the hottest thing she had ever imagined. Her discomfortat being in control warred...

3 years ago
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berlandbus als Schicksal

Sie schaute aus dem leicht getönten Fenster des alternden Stagecoach-Busses und seufzte schwer, als die scheinbar endlose Landschaft träge vorbeirollte. Die Klimaanlage ließ den heißen Sommertag kühl erscheinen, aber letztendlich auch langweilig. Es war Rebeccas erste Überlandreise, um ihre Tante für den Sommer in Ravensmoor zu besuchen, und ihre Eltern hatten das Gefühl gehabt, dass der Bus nicht nur die sicherste, sondern auch die billigste Route war, da ihnen mehr Geld für sie übrig blieb...

4 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 36

General Colt 4:12 pm, November 3rd, 2006 10:12 am November 4th, 2006 (local time) I drove away from any conceivable major target. My job here was nearly finished. By now any Association agents will be pulling out. But before that they would no doubt have killed Stone and everybody that was with him. I chuckled to myself. The funny thing about it all was that I never had to order them to do so. Their orders said that neither they nor their prisoners were to fall into enemy hands. But their...

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The Circle Jerk Club 4

The Circle jerk Club 4- The Big FinishIt was a Futanari Gang Bang. I was at the center of a total CD Tranny Gay Bukakke. The last time I saw this much cum juice flying around was right after my operation. I swear they must have super charged my balls.Right before I went off to college my school insisted that everyone get a complete physical before being admitted on campus. They left no stone unturned including what was between my legs. That's when my doctor told me my balls were too...

3 years ago
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Horny Wife gets a BBC

Steven drove home from another long and rough day at the office. His recent workload was taking its toll on him...mentally, physically and emotionally. By the time he rolled into the driveway each night at around 9 o'clock, his wife, Karen, was already in bed sleeping after leaving his cold dinner on the counter.Steven and Karen had been married for five years. The two met as college sophomores and began dating in their junior year. Steven was tall (6'2") and well-toned for his 200-pound frame,...

1 year ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 7

“I can’t believe we agreed to ride with him,” I thought, “it was only yesterday we had lunch.” “Why do you say that?” Julie asked, keeping the conversation going, bouncing with the latest rut in the road. The mid-morning sun glared through a lace curtain, which covered her window, touching her black shirt and pants. The morning sky was a brilliant blue with little wind, and it was obvious the sun would beat down on us later. “We have found evidence that there have been some material...

3 years ago
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Dyanna my neighbor and her daughter

My neighbors were a younger couple with a young daughter. By young I mean about 6 years younger than my wife and I. A couple of weeks after I retired I was working in my back yard when I overheard my neighbor Dyanna talking to what appeared to be a friend, stating that her husband Ron and her were getting a divorce and he had moved in with his father about 75 miles south of us and closer to his job. Dyanna went on to say how they have not had sex in months and when they did it was...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Six

To Be a Man 1 Burt delivered the second of two great metal cylinders filled with milk to the back of the hall and turned to go but stopped when he heard his name. "Burt! I want a word with you." He turned to see Powell, the butler, emerge from the kitchen doorway looking even more stern and unforgiving than he usually did. "Yes sir?" he said, remembering only belatedly a time when this man would have followed his orders to the letter, instead of now, where he was the...

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Jamacia Mistaka

My wife Brooke and I sail pretty often in the Caribbean. I am a professional captain by trade, and I have a lot of time off. Usually a few weeks at a time and sometimes more, but we don't want to waste too much time getting there. Therefore, we usually charter a boat in the area we wish to sail.We had been talking about chartering in Jamaica. No acceptable boats were available, so we intended to scrub the idea since we don't like hotels. Then my wife found some small beach bungalows for rent....

2 years ago
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Hot Lovemaking Of A Mom And Son 8211 Part 1

I am Ramesh from Kota, Rajasthan. I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight; tall handsome and athletic body. This is completely a fiction story. To tell about my mom her name is Sasmita age 37. She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her. She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks. My father works in Delhi. He comes home once a month. I am doing my engineering 2nd yr in Kota. So I and mom stay at the home most of the time. Mom and I are just like a friend...

3 years ago
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On returning to Claudie’s townhouse, which was on four levels and by French standards, particularly spacious and luxurious with close to 300 square meters or more than 3,300 square feet, laid out in groups of four homes forming squares and with detached two-car garages set off to one side, Yvette excused herself to enjoy a hot shower in the guest bedroom that was always allocated to her by Claudie.The shower helped take away some of the jet lag from Yvette’s travelling and she eagerly changed...

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Educating Bobby and Debbie

Chapter ONE My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. One night I was getting a light bulb from the closet in the hall outside his bedroom door. I heard Bobby and Debbie talking about trying sex, but they were both virgins, and didn't know how to begin or what to do. I knocked on his door and stepped in. I told them I had over heard their conversation. I told them I was not angry with the and they were not in any...

3 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 23 February 8 9

February 8 The plan was for Katie and me to add some anal play to our repertoire today. Katie had me shower with her, even though I had just had a shower twenty minutes before I went over to her house. Just like when she and I were first going to have oral sex, she was afraid she was going to taste something unpleasant, or I would, which would be mortifying. I just shrugged and went along with it. Showering with a sexy girl is a lot of fun, even if you don’t really need to get clean. Who...

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I guy wants to get into the pants of his pretty aerobics instructor

The time, six months ago. The scene, the local YMCA. There I was, a 6 foot, 265 pound blob of 40 year old insecurity and bruised ego, struggling to keep up with the rest of the aerobics class. Sweat stung my eyes and pain radiated from my bad knee — neither sensation was particularly noticeable compared to the pounding of my heart and the gasping sounds of my labored breathing. Pride was the only thing which kept me on my feet and moving. I could tell that the instructor was watching...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 49 Lapse in Leadership

Joseph sat wearily in his office and considered what had transpired during the day. The cook had little to add to the footman’s testimony. The only new piece of information she had to import was also simply a rumor. She said she had heard that Elsa Golrick had died while travelling with her father and not at the manor. She said there was a grave for the girl’s mother – who had died a month before The Fall – but none of the young woman. She said she’d always considered it odd but had never...

4 years ago
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Office Sluts Became My Slaves Part 1

One day after work I was the last man to leave the office late in the night.Just as I locked up from the top floor, I heard noises from the terrace. Giggling and laughing. Being Curious I sneaked up to terrace, and I find the two girls drunk and making out. semi nude.   I quickly grabbed my iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 and started recording in both the phone. In camera I caught them smoking weed, smoking cigarettes, making out, drinking, back bitching colleagues and manager, talking about different...

4 years ago
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All Things to All People Ch 04

Street Walker What has gone on before When graduate student Cynthia Halverston was poisoned by a compound she was working on, it turned her into a willing vessel for any man’s sexual fantasies. Her sense of smell has been magnified while her sense of self has been weakened so much that her mind, in a desperate bid for survival, adopts what men around her secretly desire as it’s sense of purpose. Only strong scents such pine cleaner or eucalyptus can keep her from detecting the desires of the...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 29 Engagements

"You're amazing L," said Danny outside the restaurant. "I like you too, Danny." "Could we continue this evening?" "Are you married," L teased. "I divorced the greedy bitch before ... the inheritance happened. I swear she wanted to bump him off after sweet talking him in his hospital bed. Unbelievable! My uncle whispered to me I should dump the bitch. He wouldn't provide for either of us. I told him I planned to after her demonstration, but not for the money. 'Do it for the...

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Lena and Masie Chapter 2

Len and Masie Ch. 2To say that Len was nervous would be a serious understatement.
He had slept a bit later than usual which was normal if he had masturbated the night before, and when he first woke, he lay there luxuriating in the warmth of his bed. In his semi-comatose state, that time when you are not quite awake or asleep, his mind wandered all over the place, then the events of the previous day came back.He was suddenly wide awake and wondered if it had all been a dream but quickly recalled...

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kavita bhabhi

hello iss readers this is praveen from dehradun and this is my first story. mujhe apna pehla sex experience mila jab main 21 yrs ka tha jise aaj maine aap logon ko batane ka faisla kiya. My age is 23 years i’m 5’9″ tall with good physique. maine apni virginity apne pados me rehne wali bhabhi k saamne loose ki. unki sundarta ke baare me kya bataon aap logon ko. figure 35 30 36 ka hoga. unki seducing body ko dekh kar hi mera penis khada ho jata hai. unke sath sex karne ki tamanna dil me kab se...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Whitney Wright Loves Cops With Big Black Cocks In Her Ass

Detective Prince is back at his old antics as he pulls over Whitney Wright for what she thinks is just a normal traffic stop. Whitney’s talking on the phone with her co-worker as she drives home after a long day when she’s pulled over by Detective Prince. He asks her some questions then finds contraband in her car and decides he’s got to take her in, but not to jail, he’s got other plans for her. Prince takes her back to his place and they start making out immediately, then he bends her over...


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