My Cumuppance free porn video

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In my youth I'd always enjoyed an interesting and varied sex life but now, being as I'd recently passed my fortieth birthday, things were slowing down a just a little. The men weren't queuing up to fuck me in droves anymore, not like they had when I was younger, prettier... and firmer. But I was still getting my share, partly from Barney who'd lived with me and the boys for a year or so now. Barney is about my age and built like a brick shit-house with a temper to match. He works hard during the week on whatever building site or other is hiring and on Saturday he goes out with the lads, gets plastered and then comes home where he proceeds to knock me about a bit before sating his sexual needs by screwing me. Regrettably, his 'needs' last all of a few seconds and mostly consists of no more than five or six quick thrusts before he shots his load up my demanding pussy. Needless to say, this is not enough for a girl with my appetites and I'm always left needing more.

As to my boys, they're twins called Jack and Jim. They're now fourteen... no, I tell a lie, they're fifteen now and they are the apples of my eyes. Who their father is, I don't know - I was going through several men a week at the time they were conceived. They've always been a bit 'peculiar' in the personality department (which I have always put down to the constant stream of 'uncles' coming and going throughout their lives) but this tendency has only got worse since Barney moved in with us and they are now developing vicious streaks just like him.

Some of my closer female friends (not that sluts like me have many female friends) keep suggesting that I toss Barney out - the flat is rented from the Council in my name, after all - but I point out that, the Saturday beatings and lack of sexual gratification apart, he's not that bad. He earns good money and is generous to a fault. And there's always some bloke I know who, in these days of high unemployment, has got nothing better to do in a morning other than to screw the local nymphomaniac! Needless to say, this only happens when Barney is out at work and the boys are in school...

Anyway, it all started one Tuesday morning last spring. I was in bed with the men of the family out... or, to be strictly accurate, I was on the bed, my wrists and ankles bound with rope to the bed legs. I was stark naked apart from a clothes peg attached to each of my nipples. The curtains were drawn so no-one outside could see Arthur strutting his stuff as he marched around the room. Poor old Arthur... I'd known him for over twenty years now and it was he who'd introduced me to the d/s scene and shown me what a sub-slut I really was. Now in his sixties and a widower to boot, he couldn't get it up anymore and so he was reduced to calling round my place once a fortnight and, after dressing up in his black leather gear and silver chains, torturing and humiliating me. Over the 'phone last week, he'd promised me some thing new today, but I couldn't imagine what this could possibly be as, after all this time, we must have used every sex toy available and every fantasy dreamable.

"Come on, Arthur," I asked him now that he'd turned up at the flat. "What you got in mind?"

Arthur sighed and shock his head sadly. "After all this time you've still not got it right, have you?"

I tutted briefly and tried again. "Master? What humiliations are you intending to subject me to this day?"

Drawing his skinny frame up as straight as it would go, Arthur smiled at me. "Today, slut, you're going to get a full six inches up your undeserving fanny!"

Well, that sounded good. "You got some viagra then?" I teased.

"Silence, slut!" he ordered, slapping me hard between the legs and causing me to flinch. "No. It's something far more... interesting."

Not another new vibrator, I thought to myself. At least let's hope he remembered to buy batteries this time.

Dropping out of character, Arthur returned to his normal voice and said, "Back in a minute, ducks," before moving rapidly out through the bedroom door. Straining my ears, I could just about hear him opening then closing the front door before he returned... leading a huge Alsatian dog on a lead! The mutt moved round to the side of the bed and. placing it's paws up on the sheets, it started to enthusiastically lick my face.

I squirmed and tried to avoid the beast's wet tongue. "Get it off, Arthur!"

Arthur heaved on the lead and, after a bit of a struggle, hauled the animal away from me. Tilting my head round again, I checked and confirmed my fears - this was most definitely a male dog! "Arthur... you're not intending to do what I think you are, are you?" I inquired with a sinking heart.

"Yes, of course I am, I've hired Brutus here for the day... he's specially trained, you know. I found this site on the Internet... it's perfectly safe. Lots of women love it. You'll enjoy it once you get used to the idea."

"I don't think I will," I began. "In fact, I don't think this is a good idea at all, Arthur. Just untie me and take the dog for a walk. I'll see you in a fortnight, okay?"

Raising himself up again and reverting to character, Arthur responded angrily, "Quiet, slag! You will do as I require and thank me for it!"

"Arthur, I said 'No' and I meant it! Now get rid of the dog!"

To my relief, Arthur lead Brutus back out of the bedroom... but only as far as the kitchen from where I could hear the sounds of a can being opened. Next thing I know, the pair are back in the bedroom and Arthur is smearing dog food into my pubic hair, up the crack of my bum and forcing some into my pussy hole. "Good God, Arthur," I protested loudly as these indignities continued. He smiled... and slipped the lead off the dog...

The brute immediately jumped up onto the bed and started to lick up the food with his tongue. The warm, rough surface tickled the crack of my arse and, as it touched the rosebud buried there, caused me to gasp. Then the dog turned its attention to another part of my anatomy and my cunt was invaded by that questing member. Despite my initial horror, I quickly discovered that the sensation was a most pleasurable; true, Brutus lack the finesse and forward planning of many of my human lovers, but the length and texture of his probe made up for that and it wasn't long before I was getting rather moist and starting to groan slightly. Glancing to one side, I could see Arthur standing there with what could only be called an "I told you so" expression plastered all over his ugly mug. Then, as quickly as it began, the dog removed his tongue and, following his training, he edged further up the bed and straddled me.

Arthur then moved quicker than I've seen him go in a long time. "Lift your hips!" he ordered me and I instinctively obeyed. Arthur rammed two pillows under my bum and stepped back. "It's better doggy fashion," he said with a smile, "but Brutus is well trained... he'll know what to do."

And the dog certainly did know what to do as he rammed his erect prick into me without so much as a by your leave. My eyes opened wide as the animal started to hump away, tossing more energy into the procedure than Barney did in a month of Saturdays. "My God!" I screamed, "He's great! I'm cumming already! Shhhhiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!... Ohhh! Ohhhhhhh! Oooooohhhhhhh... goddddddd!!!!"

And I came. And that was just the first time. Brutus was a sexual powerhouse, a dynamo. He humped and thrusted, thrusted and humped, quickly turning me into a quivering mound of sated jelly. He kept on going... and going... and going. I must have climaxed six... maybe seven times before he finally shot his hot seed into me and we both collapsed back onto the sodden sheets.

"Okay, Arthur, you can get him off me know," I hinted as my 'Master' continued to stand to one side looking pleased with himself.

"Did you enjoy that, bitch?"

"Yes, I did, Master... now get this mutt off me."

"I can't."

"What do you mean, you can't?"

"A fact of nature. The web site explained it more fully but, basically, a dog's cock has a knot like thing that comes up while it's fucking... something to do with stopping other dogs screwing the same bitch too soon after fornication. You'll be joined like that for... well, ten minutes... maybe as much as half an hour..."

"Oh. terrific," I said in a voice tinged with resignation. "Go and put the kettle on then, pet..."

Half an hour and two cups of tea later, with one arm untied to allow me to drink and with Arthur on the loo, the dog finally managed to pull itself free. I breathed a sign of relief and put my mug down... only to discover that Brutus was still standing over me and was now cocking a leg! "No!" I shouted, trying to push him off with my free arm, "Don't! Get off! Arthur!" But it was no good. The dog continued with his intentions and soon a stream of warm canine piss was splashing over my face as I frantically turned my head from side to side in a forlorn effort to escape the worst of it. "Arthur!" I spluttered... and in he rushed. After quickly sizing up the situation, he shouted, "Bad dog!" and started to tug at Brutus's collar... but I did notice a twinkle was there in his eyes and a chuckle was in his tone as he did so. The dog was finally removed back into the corridor and Arthur returned, openly smiling as he looked as my wet face and soaking hair. "A dog that's into watersports... my, how kinky!"

"Kinky or not, you old fart," I replied, rather angry now, "You'd best free me or I'll be frying your useless balls for a lunchtime snack before long!"

"No... I don't think so. It's still early... I think I'll leave you like that for an hour or so. You know you love it."

"No..." cut in a new voice, joining in the conversation, "If our mother wants to be released, you'd better hurry up and untie her."

"Jack! Jim! What... what are you doing here!" I spluttered as I tried to cover my bare pussy with my free hand.

The boys exchanged a glance and smiled. "Spying on you, mother."

That took the wind out of my sails, I can tell you. "Spying? What do you mean, spying?"

Again those grins. "Simple, mother," explained Jack pulling an ear piece from where it had been nestling unnoticed by me. Then, affecting a falsetto tone, he continued, "My God! He's great! I'm cumming already! Shhhhiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!... Ohhh! Ohhhhhhh! Oooooohhhhhhh... goddddddd!!!!"

"Or words to that effect," his twin continued.

"And what's the point of all this?" asked Arthur. "Apart from embarrassing your mum, that is."

"Well, there's two points really... one of which doesn't concern you at all but the other does - directly."

"How's that?" asked my companion.

"Well, it's simple really. We have all this on tape, 'Master' and unless you give us... say, ten pounds each a week, we'll let Barney hear what's been going on."

"You wouldn't!" exclaimed Arthur.

"We would," the twins chorused.

"They would," I confirmed from the bed.

"But the bastard would kill me!"

"We know... so you'd best pay up."

Taking two notes from out of his brown leather wallet, Arthur tossed them towards my lads, scowled a bit, picked up his clothing and left. Jim turned to the bed where I was still laying and began to untie me. "Now, mother, let's talk things over, shall we?"

"And what do you want from me? I know you two."

Again they smiled. "For a long time we've known that you're a slut..."

"You shouldn't talk to me like that!" I protested. "I am your mother. after all!"

"And why not? Why shouldn't we tell the truth? It's what you are - a sex crazed whore."

"No I'm not... I've never charged anyone for 'it' in my life!"

"Not in cash maybe... but certainly in kind."

"Well... that's true..." I was forced to concede.

"But before we tell you what we want, mum, you'd best come into the lounge."

"I'll just slip a dressing gown on then lads." I said, reaching out for my terry towelling one.

"Don't bother mum. You've got nothing on show that we haven't seen before."

"Well, draw the curtains in the lounge at least... I don't want all the neighbours to see what I've got."

The boys laughed. "Mother dear, there's hardly a male in the area who hasn't enjoyed your charms, let alone seen then," chortled James.

"Besides," tossed in Jim, "you get a kick out of being 'seen'. You're always giving men flashes of your boobs or panties!"

Swallowing hard, yet acknowledging the truth of the matter, I followed the boys into the lounge, taking a glance out of the large panoramic window towards the sister tower-block that sat only a hundred yards or so away.

"Undo the nets then," prompted Jim.

"You can't be serious!" I protested aloud... yet I did have to acknowledge that the thought of being seen like this by the people living across the way had me getting damp already.

"Look at her nipples," Jim exclaimed. "They're standing proud already. What a old slag she is!"

"Do it, mother..."

"Alright, boys... give me a few seconds." I grasped the net curtains and, with a swish, pulled them back. Then I couldn't help myself... I just stood there, my feet apart and arms spread, and waited for a few long moments to give anyone who was looking a good view.

"Now turn round, mum, and look at the television." I did as I was told... then gasped in horror as the screen flickered into life and there, in full living colour, I could see a miniature me in the throes of passion, being fucked by a large dog while a ridiculously dressed old man walked around the bed, ogling the events taking place before him. "We thought we'd show these to Barney..."

My knees went weak and I just had to sit down. I shook my head.

"There's several cameras hidden in your room... and we have great shots of you with at least twelve different men... all of whom are paying us nicely to keep quiet. And now its time for you to contribute."

"But... but I've no money, you know that!"

"No, that's not what we want from you."

"So what do you want from me?"

"We want you to show us how to enjoy sex," explained Jim

"Which shouldn't be hard for you considering your experience," chipped in James.

"Well... okay. That's not too bad, I suppose..." I grudgingly admitted.

"No, mother... I don't think you've quite got this, have you? We don't want you to tell us about sex, we want you to show us."

"But... isn't that what it seems I've been doing for awhile - showing you all about sex?"

"No you old tart! Not showing - doing! We want to have sex with you."

"But... but I'm your mother! We can't!"

"Why not?"

"Well... for a start, i's illegal. It's called incest"

"Illegal or not, that's want we want... or else it's a trip to the accident department for you when we show Barney what you've been up to!"

"You wouldn't... I'm your mother!" I pleaded, playing the emotional card.

"Do you want to risk it?

Thinking about the grief Barney would inflict on me on a Saturday night for no reason whatsoever, I did worry about what he would do given good reason...

"But boys... be reasonable..."

Another glance shot between the pair and, working as one (a trick they'd always been good at) they unzipped their pants and dropped then several inches. I gasped as I beheld their tackle - my 'boys' had certainly been growing up while I'd not been looking! Each of them sported at least eight inches of thick, fit looking prick... and both magnificent organs were preparing themselves for action! Despite myself, I felt my pussy automatically responding. I coughed and cleared my throat. "Why... erm... why don't you close the curtains, Jack?" I suggested...

"And that's the whole story, Miss Woolford?"

"Yes, doctor. Jack did me first in traditional mercenary manner, then his brother had a go. We had a break of half an hour or so then had another go - doggy fashion this time with Jim buggering me from behind while I introduced Jack to the pleasures of oral sex. It was the start of something really... pleasant. Both the lads were virile, willing to learn and eager. With boys like them about, what did I need with my other lovers? I got rid of them and settled down to educating my sons as best I could."

"And how long did this go on for?"

"Three... four months. Then one of the boy's blackmail victims ran out of money, got desperate and committed suicide leaving a note behind. The cops investigated and my relationship with the lads came out in the process."

"And where are your boys now?"

"Lockwood Young Offenders Institution, doctor."

"And you? How long are you here with us?"

"Ten years. Ten for Incest running concurrently with eight for having sex with minors."

"Hmmm... well, we'll be having some regular chats during that period Miss Woolford. As prison psychiatrist, it's my job to try to get to the bottom of your problems."

"I don't have any problems, doctor. I just enjoy sex. Well, I do have one problem..." I ended, sadly

"And what problem is that?" she prompted.

"No fucking men!"

She snorted. "That's part of the price to be paid, I'm afraid. Well, till the same time next week. Okay, Officer Trueman, you can take her back to her cell now."

The guard detached herself from the wall she had been supporting during the interview. "Alright, Woolford, you heard the doctor. Move!"

Standing up, I moved to the door, the screw falling in behind me. As we moved down the corridor, she snorted. "Right kinky little bastard, ain't you?"

"Not really, Officer. Just active."

"You keep saying that. To me you're just kinky. Right, move into the toilet block."

"But I don't need to go..."

"Do what I say, bitch!"

Having already learned how it could be a mistake to annoy the guards, I hung a right and did what I was told. As I turned round in the middle of the communal bathroom, I could seen Officer Trueman closing the door. She turned to face me and ordered me down onto my knees. As I did what I was told, she closed the gap between us and then pulled the hem of her skirt up. She wasn't wearing any knickers and her pussy was shaven. "Tongue me, bitch!" she brusquely order. I smiled and, grabbing her arse with both hands, set to work. Maybe life inside wasn't going to be all that bad after all...

Officer Trueman's juices trickled into my mouth and down my chin as my tongue eagerly explored her pussy, seeking out her already swollen clit. She eased her feet further apart and placed both her hands onto the back of my head, forcing my mouth even closer to her as her fingers entwined themselves in my hair. Small moans of pleasure escaped from her gasping mouth as I continued to knead her buttocks with my hands. "Inside!" she suddenly ordered, "I want your finger up my bum!" I have to admit that I've never been all that keen on inserting any part of my anatomy up the bum of anyone but here, couched on the floor of a communal toilet inside a prison, I had little choice but to obey the instructions that I was being given by one of my own jailers. Plucking up my courage, I swiftly located her puckered opening and then I forced my forefinger past her resisting muscle and deep into her. "Wiggle it about!" she cried and I hastened to obey. "Good! Good!" she encouraged before extolling me to tongue her faster and deeper... and then, almost without a sound, her body convulsed as her orgasm swept over her. As her hands loosened from behind my head, I pulled my face out of her groin and my finger from deep in her arse. "Get washed," she ordered in softer tones as she pulled the hem of her dress back into place.

As I soaped my finger clean, Officer Trueman moved behind me and stood there all official again, hands arms behind her back while we looked into each others eyes through the silvered glass of the mirror that hung above the water-filled basin. "So, Woolford," she started, pleasantly enough, "your two young boys, they were blackmailing a dozen men, were they?"

"Yes, Officer Trueman... though one man committed suicide when he ran into financial difficulties. So now only eleven are still about."

"Hmmm... and their identities never came out, did they?"

"No. The Court was very keen to protect them in return for them testifying against my lads. So, no, only a few people know who they were."

"Including you?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Yes, I know who they are... it was me that they were screwing at the time they were caught on film. The kids then demanded that they pay up or they'd show the resulting videos to both my very jealous, very vicious, boyfriend and to their own partners... so they all paid up."

"And the videos? What happened to them?"

"Oh, they were never found. My lads had hidden them away and they've never told where. But why do you want to know all this?"

The prison officer's reflection smiled at me as she moved closer, her hand sliding under my skirt before riding up my thigh and slipping into my cotton knickers. "Because it struck me that, if you had a partner on the outside and if you knew who the victims were and where the videos were hidden, that partner could still make the scam work..."

"And could get... well, not rich. None of the victims were rich..."

"But," she replied as her finger slipped up into my pussy, "it would boost my income."

"And what would I get out of this?" I asked suspiciously, gripping the hard white edge of the porcelain basin before me.

"Twenty percent of the proceeds paid into an account for you when you get out. Plus a little fun while you're stuck in here. And a large chunk of Accident Insurance."

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked, already suspecting the answer and transferring a hand away from the bowl and up to my breast where I began to squeeze myself gently.

"You sectioned prisoners are kept separated from the general population for a very good reason. Good, honest crooks hate perverts like you Were you to find yourself in the wrong corridor at the wrong time..." The screw's voice trailed away meaningfully.

I shuddered. "I get the picture. Can I have a day to think about it?"

The officer's finger was quickly withdrawn from me as she came over all businesslike again. "Very well... twenty-four hours. But don't disappoint me, Woolford."

"I doubt I shall, Officer Trueman..."

"Good. Now, back to your cell!"

Leaving the toilet block, I was escorted through the deserted corridors and passed a courtyard where, almost as if planned, a party of general prisoners was out exercising in. Spotting me they began to hurl abuse and to spit in my general direction. Luckily, a wall of bars kept us apart but it sure gave me an insight (as if one was needed) as to the levels of hatred that were directed against us Sectioned convicts. Trueman and I finally reached the small corridor of segregated cells where I was destine to spend the next ten years of my life. Eight small cells, each with one bed, a toilet, a television and a smattering of cheap furniture. At the end of the corridor, a bathroom and a communal seating area where meals could be eaten if we fancied some company. Not much, but it was home... a prison within a prison.

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Lynn sat up straighter as she looked down her stomach. Subtle differences in how she saw her bodytold her that her breasts were different. At 28 years old, she knew what she should see when she looked at herself. Her mind picked out subtle differences in the shape and size of her body without relaying the specifics to her. The effect was almost maddening. Was she entirely certain they weren't as full before? Or whether they hung a little lower or bulged off the side of her body rather than...

2 years ago
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Feminized and Chastised

Feminized and chastised... be careful what you wish for. My name was Vic; now she tells me she's going to have me legally change it to Vicky. My wife's name is Nancy, though I'm supposed to call her Mistress or Ma'am. She, on the other hand calls me Sissy or slave. I can' t believe I used to beg her to dominate me; this is no toe- kissing game. I started masturbating to Hustler, especially the ads in back I used to make up fantasies around the trash in the back...

2 years ago
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What The New Day Brings

Flora woke to the sun shining through her bedroom window and, as she became more aware of her surroundings, she realized that she was lying against a man’s strong chest. But, instead of unease from what could have been, she felt satisfaction and peace. She barely remembered the events of the night before but, what she did recall, was filled with love and connection and filled her with a desire to only be closer to the sleeping man in her bed. Closing her eyes, she snuggled closer to him,...

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Valentines Card

Introduction: True love for a man is all about submission to his lady Happy Valentines Day, My Love, Let me tell you how I love you. I love, worship, and adore you with all my heart and soul. I love watching men watching you. It fills me with pride. I watch their eyes dip down your blouse, lighting up as they gaze upon your breasts. I watch their heads turn as you walk by. I love your power over them. I love your power over me. I love preparing your bath. Making you ready for your lovers....

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The Exchange Tower

Sally Brightwall was on one of London’s famous double-decker buses going down the Marsh Wall Rd. She was on her way to the Harbour Exchange Square, where the London Exchange Tower could be found. This new sixteen storey high skyscraper, comprising of not one, but two giant fortifications, was just one of many modern office blocks that rose from what once was waste ground, and now formed the heart of London’s Docklands. Looking at the other passengers on the bus, Sally couldn’t help feeling...

1 year ago
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Erik An afternoon with mom and sister

Please note : This story is completely fictional! "mom," I admitted. "Laura saw us when we were together. Did you know that?" I was worried that all our fun was over. "No, honey," my mother answered, but she did not seem to be very concerned about my revelation. "And... uh... Laura and I did some things together. I couldn't help myself, mom. We were just fooling around." "Did you put your penis in her, Erik?" My mother now seemed more concerned and fixed her eyes on me. "Yes, mom," I admitted....

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Son Make His Mommy A Slut Part VI

Hi everybody I am back with the sixth part of my story “Son Make His Mommy a Slu. I don’t know exactly, how many dicks were entered into my mom’s sex holes (mouth vagina anus) that horrifying day. But after that day my homely conservative mom became a complete slut. Because I used to fuck my mom daily when I am horny and my friend’s and my dad’s friends also used to come to my home to fuck my mom. But my mom never complained anything to anybody because I know my mom is also enjoying our fuck...

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Nadan Ladki Aur Mama Ji

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Patna me apne papa mummy aur vai ke sath rehti hai sandhya. Maa ki tabiyat kharab hogayi to hospital me bharti karna pada. Gharme chhota 15 sal ka vai jagdish aur papa. Maa ko diabetes tha. Maa ko dekhne gaon se mama ji aur unka 10 sal ka beta hira bhi aye the. Papa ya to office me rehte ya to hospital me, ghar me jagdish, hira aur mama ji. Mama ji roj subah shaam do bar hospital jate visiting hours me, baki time ghar me hi rehte. Sandhya ek nadan kisam ki...

4 years ago
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The Pebble a Sequel

The Pebble - a Sequel By Janet Harris If you remember, I found a magic pebble which enabled my wife Amanda and I to swap bodies when our souls passed through the hole in it. We used it to be each other for several glorious weekends until its power just faded away. We tried all sorts of things to revive it and then gave up and put it away. About six months later, we were making love when Amanda suddenly had a fresh idea. She was on top and, after penetration, as we often...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 148 Photographs and Memories

Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Akami all put their clothes back on before gathering again downstairs in the living room. They were still buzzing with excitement, both from the Christine news and from the fun they'd just had with Alan. (Akami wasn't affected by the first, but she was greatly affected by the second, since she wasn't used to such powerful erotic experiences the way the others were.) However, Alan had asked them to calm down, so they tried their best to stay calm and keep...

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What Happens In Vegas

From the bed I watched my wife of twenty years step into her deep blue lace panties and ease them over the curves over shapely brown thighs. She adjusted the elastic around them to ensure that no stray pubic curls were visible, then ran a finger between her thighs and sighed deeply."Shit G, I've just had a shower and I'm all wet already again." she commented more for her own benefit than mine.D turned, picked up the matching bra from the bed and slipped her arms into it. Her dark nipples were...

2 years ago
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Andy 19

Montagmorgen. Was soll ich mehr sagen? Und dieser Montagmorgen war noch viel schlimmer als alle anderen vorher. Nicht nur, dass die Ferien zu Ende waren, ich musste auch eine Hose anziehen. Zum ersten Mal seit vielen Wochen. Ich mochte das feste Gef?hl nicht, wollte mich wieder frei in einem Rock f?hlen. Und das war nicht das einzig enge. Mein Sport BH zw?ngte mich auch ein. Nicht richtig schlimm, aber eben auch nicht angenehm. Meine normalen BHs waren deutlich besser, selbst wenn sie d...

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Making A Slut Wife

This story starts on a cold winter night. My friend Jack was home to visit for the weekend. As always all the buddy’s got together to drink beer and reminisce. Most of us were married now, so the wives were along for the fun also. We all spent the night eating, drinking and talking. Around midnight most everyone left Bob’s to go home for the night. Leaving Bob, his wife, Jack, my wife Beth and myself. We sat around drinking some more when Jack suggested we start a game of strip poker. We all...

4 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 36

A New Style of Education by Karen Page It might help to read A Bundle of Joy before this chapter. Part 36 - Late afternoon, Thursday 15th December Our small family were all back together. After the welcome home in the wet winter evening, we'd eventually made our way to our year room. The Americans from year D had disappeared, leaving just the ten of us. I would have to thank Melissa later. "So, what was it like to be back at home?" asked Emma. "Strange. It wasn't just...

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A Doodle in the Night

Another chapter in the Doodle universe. This is a work of fiction and any resemblence to anyone living or dead is not intentional. Ditto for the situations. You, the reader, should be of legal age of consent (usually about 18 years old) for the location from where you are connecting. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read the story below. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. Once again,...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 23

It took two days to get Jamison back to County Seat. During that time I rode along with the swing and the midnight shift deputies. It was a bit of a learning experience. I would rather have been an undercover boss, but they knew me quite well by then. We had been through most of our first year together. I had ridden with both deputies several times. In doing so they talked to me like a cop not a boss. We told stories about our days working the roads in Warren County. We answered calls and...

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In Her GenesChapter 9 Clearwater

For Josh and Melanie the first look at the Olsons' house was sobering. It had two stories, with the first floor made of masonry and the upper floor showing aged pine wood sidings. It was small by Southern California standards, puny for Beverly Hills dwellers. A well worn Jeep Cherokee was in the drive way, covered by at least a half foot of snow. Even more snow covered the roof of the house and the small garage. They alighted from the rented Suburban that Josh had arranged to wait for them...

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Any SoldierChapter 13

Bob's ninety days of con leave seemed to flash by. They had been married only two months when it was time for him to report back to Walter Reed. He still hadn't had time to go through the process of getting his car out of the long term storage lot at Riley, and they had no idea what was going to happen to him, so Julia drove him back to Washington. The first place he went, even before signing in, was to Col Bell's office. The psychiatrist was with a patient, but when Bob explained why he...

5 years ago
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Young Love

I want to thank everyone who reads my stories (and FictionMania for publishing them!), but especially those who take the trouble to offer constructive criticism. Thank you. YOUNG LOVE "Stop mooning over that girl's media page and do something about it," Mia Armstrong told her twin brother Mike. "I'm not mooning over her," he insisted, but knew it didn't ring true. His sister had been pulling his leg about his crush for weeks. At sixteen nearly seventeen, these things took on...

3 years ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter One

Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at one time it was a beacon of the worldwide shipping economy. It now suffers from an ongoing civil war, between the struggling government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. In the capital city of Mogadishu, piracy thrives in the chaos as people struggle to survive the violence and turmoil. In essence, it is perfect for someone with certain needs. A strange sound to...

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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 8

Arrian lay on the living room floor at his house. Next to him was a first aid kit. Helen who had tears in her eyes, looked down at her son. She began to remove his shirt, noticing the hole on his left shoulder. "Baby, what happened to you?" She moved his shirt as far as she could, but due to his heavy size, she opted to just cut the shirt with some scissors. The light showed his wound better than his ruined shirt had: she heard the women coming in gasp. "Mom, he's going to be alright...

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being a junior in high school i had an abundance of female classmates to ogle and friends to admire and download into my minds eye for later reference as subjects of my masturbation fantasies. there were quite a few teachers and administrators who were also very worthy of my attention. although athletic i am not a jock nor would i be considered a nerd. my interests are art and writing and since grade school i have developed a reputation of having exceptional artistic talents and have...

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My Girl Shweta

Hi everybody. My name is Osama (changed).studying at an Engg. College in Bangalore and i am very fond of reading and writing. I am about to share true life incidences of my life, whether you believe it or not. Well i am 5-6’.athletic build, not very handsome but girls call me cute. I have a normal 15 cm penis just a bit more than average size(not the 8 inches ones that i commonly read in other stories) My gf is really sexy, if not very beautiful, she is wheatish 5-5’, 32-26-34.she has brown...

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Dark Voyage Winter JenningsChapter 2

I was spending hours with the diminutive, scarlet-haired Sullivan twins, bleary-eyed from the grainy security tapes. Duplicating what more competent investigators with the KCPD were doing. At home, at dinner, I tried to wear a game face for Walker. He had lost Mindy to California, to Stanford, to a more age-appropriate life. I had lost my friend, Mary Packer, but I was determined not to let the gloom prevail. After working all day on her dream restaurant, Euforia, Vanessa was overseeing the...

5 years ago
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Revenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...

2 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 36 Testing Results

Two days later proved to be a major red-letter day for the growing colony. After a relaxed morning Yvette called to remind me that Amanda and Jack Junior were about to undergo testing and suggested that I come to the medical bay for the test period. The two birthday kids were going to be using medical pods as testing booths. I arrived to find Ed and Shawna waiting for my arrival before allowing the duo into the pods. I nodded to Ed, and Amanda was gently led to one pod while her mother...

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My Sex Journey

Dear Readers, I had been with Srinu for around a month when he was just using me for sex every time. We met around 5-6 times and had sex. He was very wild and i loved it every time but i came to know his intentions very soon. After having sex with me for a few times, i understood he just wanted me on the bed and i was not fine with it. I wanted some one who would love me not only physically but also emotionally. I broke up with Srinu and asked him to never come back in my life. One of his...

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Blame it on Bacchus

Vesta, goddess of the hearth, was taking her leisure in her garden when she was startled from her reverie. "Auntie Vesta!" cried the cheerful voice of her uninvited visitor. "So good to find you here!" The portly god who greeted her was Bacchus, god of wine. Vesta sighed and inwardly cringed. In truth, she would have preferred a visit from any other god, even Vulcan, who at least remained civil when he kept his temper in check. Vesta supposed Bacchus may have been tolerable when sober but...

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Old Habits

We broke up. I didn’t bother trying to make it work anymore- I knew it wasn’t going to. He was already gone from me; we were gone from each other. But I decided not to throw away ten years of a relationship. If we couldn’t make it as lovers, maybe we could make it as friends. I pulled up in front of his apartment around seven. I told him I’d be there at six but just couldn’t find the nerve to get ready on time. When I rang the doorbell he opened slowly, as if he wasn’t sure who he saw through...

Straight Sex
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Geena And Me

Geena Kackmarinski was the classic example of the girl who was born into the lap of luxury. Her unintentional conception had been the result of a careless moment after a night of revelry, during a moment of passion and had come as some inconvenience to her busy parents but they compensated to give Geena everything. Her mother and Father were well known in the highest levels of society and their daughter was to be raised for a proper position in that social strata. Geena had a full-time...

Straight Sex
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Army Finger Prints

There is a hot man in Iraq whom wrote me saying that he liked my stories. I know they're Long and Drawn out but it's what is in my head and you can leave me a note telling me if you like them or not.So i didn't know what i could write about but then last night i had a dream and trust me it was good and i hope i put it on here as good as i felt this morning. So with that enjoy.I work for company that has an office out in the country on alot of land. That being said some one has to take care of...

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Meri Friend Neha Ki Virgin Chut Ka Bhosda Bana Diya

Hi I am gaurav from ahmadabad. Me sabko itna bata du pehle ki me roz issue padta hu sabki story bhot mazedar lagi aur padh ke lund bhi khada ho gaya.Me pehle apne baare me bta du me ahmedabad me rehta hu meri height 6 ft 2 inch he. Meri body ek dum perfect and kisi bhi ladki, aurat ko satisfy karne ke liye mera 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota lund he. Ab me aap sabka jyada time zaaya na karte hue sidhi story pe aata hu ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki he jab me office jane ke liye nikal to aur meri ek...

3 years ago
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Teen Neighbor Obsession 3

Taylor: "Ouch, we should have worn something or at least put some sun screen on. I am so burnt from my ass to my tits." Mary: "Me too, it turned me on at first but now it just hurts. I can't even put anything on either. We should have just used the first idea." Taylor: "How were we to know that he would never come looking for us. I am going to go down stairs and try to watch TV or something to take my mind off of the pain." Mary: "I am not staying here by myself. oohhh even...

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Blackmail Part 2

Breathing heavily, I tried to pull my bound wrists free, but to no avail. They were fastened tight, same as my ankles. I couldn't scream for help. The thick, leather penis gag took care of that. I couldn't see who my captors were as my mask blocked out all view. I was trying not to panic, but yet...yet a part of me was enjoying this. I was wearing my tight, black leather briefs, which had a front to back zip, which was half undone, exposing my stiffened cock. I had been blackmailed into...

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Cam Place! If you are one of those folks looking to find a perfect live cam site ThePornDude just landed you on one. Lots of diverse European girls signing up as models on this site each passing day. Find all your fantasy women here whether kinky, red-haired, big tits, assful, small tits or whatever it is you love in these goddamn fucking hot women. They are ready to get down to some nasty action just to keep you busy with a fap. It’s simple, afford the tokens to tip the models and in return...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Teens 3

Story 3 Lately I was feeling sick and bored of my relation with Chris, my little slave guy. I was exhausted and in a big lack of new ideas with him anyway. Also, I knew he was feeling quite the same, so I really didn’t mind when, one day I walked in our room and found him fucking Marry like an a****l. Actually it was a very funny scene for me: no chains, no cuffs or whips, no nothing, than him and Marry and her crazy lame hippie love. Sure I couldn’t help a smile and a big laugh on the inside,...

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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

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It's Game Day! The Producer's never got back to Johnny about the final approval of the rules nor had they told him who the third contestants were going to be.Maggie and Adam were still staying with us. It's early 7 a.m. on game day and Johnny finally gets a call from the Producers. The Producer Alex told Johnny that they changed the concept of the show a little bit and wanted to know if It would be okay to film the show at their house? Said, wanted more of a Reality TV feeling. Johnny agreed....

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The Guys and Me The Glorification of Cock

The Glorification of Cock ? A ?The Guys and Me? Story (DISCLAIMER:? dear reader, it is the author?s most sincere hope that every sentence of the following work of fiction contains at least one small, disgusting gobbet of utter filth, in fact, each paragraph, if I have judged correctly, should be a sickening bucketful of revolting, turd-filled slime.?  As a serial skim-reader himself ? fuck-this-for-a-laugh where?s the fucking dirt? ? who has, shamefully, left unread many opening...

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The Best of Both WorldsChapter 12

After San Antonio our life settled down into a rut... of course, for me, it was rut that led each night to sleeping with four beautiful, sexy, sweet, funny, erotic... you get the picture... women. Yes. It was better than any fantasy I'd ever had... Elizabeth got the job she wanted at the Franklin Zoo. Lisa and I worked out a deal that made her a full time employee of the company, Mary had a big client end up in court — where they won, making her their hero. Amanda finished the book she was...

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Frozen love

Attention!!! I do not own frozen or the frozen characters. Disney owns them all. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elsa stalked down the hallways of the royal pallace. She was so tired of being the 'evil' sister. Her sister Anna was a young, naive, innocent, but very beutiful, girl. She always seemed to atract the innaproprietly long stares and licking lips. In all the  months after Elsa had opened the gates Anna had no less than 26 suiters each one more...

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A Subs Recurring DreamChapter 3

The long and the short of it As charlady came down from her orgasm and endured watching Tammy suck clean her master's cock, a job she always enjoyed the act of, she wondered what else this weekend in the Cairngorms had in store for her. She had always been true to herself in admitting that she was a cum-aholic, wanting, desiring and needing lots of white sticky spunk, in her mouth, her cunt, her arse or even just plastered all over her skin. Although slightly ashamed to admit it she loved...

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