- 3 years ago
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Devlin leaned forward, nestling her breasts into her bra. Then she reached back, hooking the strap into place. She ran her fingers under the shoulder straps until they felt right. After a toss of her hair she picked up the t-shirt from the chair where she'd thrown it and pulled it on.
"I really should be leaving in a couple of minutes," Danny said, looking at his watch.
"I'm sorry I'm taking too long," Devlin replied, "but I thought you wanted this to look realistic." They hadn't spent the night in the Extended Stay room; instead they had met that morning, coming in through the side entrance. The night before Danny had mentioned something about messing up the room a little to make it 'lived in'. Devlin had given that some thought, and brought her own ideas about 'lived in' with her.
She had collected a coke can from the dorm, and a couple of juicy romance novels. She had also picked up a couple of tourist brochures from the lobby. She left these on top of the dresser where the maid would see them. She had a sweater she folded over the back of the chair--she had put that chair under the overhead light as if she'd been reading. She even put a napkin and a half-eaten pastry in the trash can. Those were the 'little' signs somebody had been there.
She'd decided the bed needed to look messy, not just turned down with the bed clothes slightly roughed up. So this morning, no sooner had they gotten to the room, than she pulled half the covers off the bed. Danny had been a little surprised, but when she sprawled on the bed, her legs open in naked invitation, he got the idea.
They had sex partially under the covers. They'd tried various positions, though she had to admit that riding his cock, while personally satisfying, didn't really mess up the bed all that much. Afterwards, as Danny headed for the showers, Devlin pulled the covers back up and smoothed them out. Now the bed had that definite 'used' look. Then, with an impish smile on her face, she'd stepped into the shower and given Danny a blow-job.
He hadn't complained, though it did take a few extra minutes. As far as Devlin was concerned no guy in his right mind would complain about a blow-job in the morning.
"Ready to face the day?" she asked when she finally stood up. She gave her mouth a quick rinse after swallowing his offering, and then gave him a full-body kiss.
Danny slipped a finger down into her sex, rubbing gently around her clit. After a few seconds she leaned back against the wall, propping one leg on the edge of the tub. Danny spent some time cherishing her breasts; it all combined to push her to a wet, messy climax that left her leaning against the side of the shower panting for breath.
After he'd left the shower she did a rinse, emerging with a towel wrapped around her. She'd spoiled the 'modesty bit' as he called it by doing a lot of bending over.
"I wish you wouldn't do that," Danny finally said.
"You mean showing of like that?"
"Precisely. You know we don't have time for it."
She laughed and relented. "Fair enough. It's no fair to you, and I'd just end up thinking about it all day."
"Do you end up masturbating or something?"
"Sometimes." She shrugged. "You'd probably be surprised at how many girls masturbate."
He laughed. "Not really. I figure that at certain ages they do it just as often as guys do."
"Um, maybe. I don't think girls are brought up thinking they need the release of a climax as often as guys. What do you think of the room?"
Danny looked around. "If I didn't know better I'd say we'd spent the night here."
"What time do you have to be at work?"
He looked at his watch. "Not for a bit, about 15 minutes or so."
She gave him a smile. "I'll try to hurry, but don't hold your breath."
He glanced at his watch. "How much longer?"
"How long have you and Sue been married?" she replied. "You know you never ask a woman that question. We'll have to work out our timing in the morning. I'll be a little faster tomorrow. Some mornings I'm not terribly organized, and this was one of them."
Danny didn't say anything, he just settled in the chair and watched what was on TV. But he jumped up eagerly when she finally picked up her coat and umbrella.
"Are you sure you don't want to do this in the evening instead?"
Danny shook his head. "I think the morning works out better, at least for now. This way we have an alarm that'll stop us from spending too long at it. In the evening we'd have too much temptation to keep going."
"Well, yeah," she conceded, "but I was thinking of the rest of your schedule. I'm sure you have more than a few early morning meetings."
Danny laughed. "Tell me about it. You'd be surprised at how many people think 7:30 is a wonderful time for a meeting. Get it out of the way early and so on. Of course they get up at 4:30, and they'd be in at the office at 5:30 if they could."
"What's stopping them?"
"No customers. I know one who... he's in Customer Service, and if he had his way he'd be in at 5:00 and go home at Noon. Trouble is, most customer service complaints are from Noon till 3:00."
"What time does he go to bed?"
"8:30 or 9:00, I think."
"Yuck. Doesn't leave much time for a social life."
Danny chuckled. "Is it any surprise that he's single?" He shook his head. "No, the hard part is making people like Dennis conform to the rest of the world."
Devlin stopped at the front doors and buttoned up her coat. Last night it had started raining, the cold, persistent rain that would wash away the snow but freeze at nights to produce ice, though by late afternoon it was supposed to get up in the 50's. This was the start of the mid-February 'heat wave' that the Midwest always went through when the temperature rose into the 50's and 60's for a week or so. It was a teaser for the warmer weather yet to come.
She turned to say something to Danny. He was watching a woman walk across the lobby, three little girls in tow. All four were wearing denim skirts--though to his credit Danny was ignoring the little girls.
She wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt as short as the woman was wearing, not on a day like this; the cold air would rush right up her legs. The little girls did look cute in their outfits. They were probably off to a day of day-care or something like that while their mother was busy.
Danny had always seemed to have a fascination with skirts, especially the ones she wore. She'd worn a tight little miniskirt one time that had kept him wound up for hours. Another time she'd worn a little cotton flip skirt, a flirty little blue and white checked thing that she just loved because of the way it moved and floated around her legs. They'd gone upstairs and had fantastic sex. He'd insisted she keep it on; he flipped it up, pulled away her panties and eaten her past all endurance. They'd done it lying on the bed, standing up against the dresser and desk, and doggy style against the windows. His cum was running down her legs and he still couldn't seem to get enough.
He'd finally fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion. When he awoke she was in the kitchen, wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and doing her homework. She was much too tender to touch between the legs and for the first time in more than a year she really felt like she'd had enough sex.
Devlin laughed softly to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot. That wasn't a feeling she'd had very often while in high school. She had that skirt in her closet, she'd have to wear it again some time, especially if they could have a couple of hours alone. She glanced at the time/temperature display on the corner of a building. She'd have to wait for the weather to warm up, though. For all that she liked showing off her legs, skirts were something you wore only when it was warmer than it was today.
She saw the Athletic Club farther down the street. She still had to decide what she wanted to wear to Cindy's party. She had stored some of her clothes at the Athletic Club--it was much better than putting them in the lockers in the basement of the dorm, and she could use the showers at the Club without arousing any undue comment.
"Somebody has a glow about them," Connie said when Devlin joined her roommate in the Linkins Dining Center. Connie smiled mischievously. "If I didn't know better I'd say you just got laid."
"Yeah, I did," Devlin said. "An hour ago I was naked on the bed while we ravished each other's bodies having pig-ugly sex." An hour before Danny had been filling her with his cock. She'd been trying to pull him deeper inside her, trying to get him to touch those spots that would send her out of her mind. She'd succeeded, too, but she couldn't tell these girls that.
"Pig ugly sex?" Rebecca asked as the others laughed. She was a Junior who lived across the hall. "I've heard sex described many ways, but never as 'pig-ugly'."
"That's when you're rolling around on the bed making all sorts of grunting noises," Devlin said as she took off her coat and hung up her umbrella. "There's nothing delicate and romantic about it, it's just hard sex for its own sake."
Rebecca and her roommate Alexa both laughed. "I wouldn't mind something else hard like that," Alexa said. "Guys keep treating me like I'm so delicate that I'll fracture if they touch me wrong." She was thin with skin almost as pale as Krissi's.
"Consequently she doesn't get much," Rebecca said, "not that I'm getting much, either. So, Devlin, did you really have sex this morning?"
Devlin gave them all a beatific smile. "How romantic can you feel at this hour of the morning, especially if you didn't spend the night together?"
Connie rolled her eyes. "She wishes she had sex, but from what she's said lately her boyfriend would be done in two minutes, maybe three at the outside."
"Even that much would be an improvement," Alexa said softly.
Connie looked at Devlin out of the corner of her eye. "You know? I could almost believe it, though. I've heard you complain about how fast he is. You two could do it twice and still have time to do your dancercise and get here for breakfast."
"She wouldn't have that glow in her face," Alexa said. "If she showed any emotion at all it would be anger from wanting to rip the guy's head off for being so fast."
"No, I wouldn't want to rip his head off," Devlin said. "Not if he lasted only two minutes."
"True," Rebecca said with a nod. "You'd go for something a little lower and a little more personal. You know, the other head, the little one that does most of a guy's thinking for him."
"I think that's too kind," Alexa said. "I'm not convinced a guy does any thinking with either head." She leaned forward and dropped her voice. "There was this one guy I met last month at a dance. He kept pressing me to go back to his dorm room with him, you know, but I'd heard about him from some of the other girls, all talk, but no action. Anyway..."
Devlin listened with half an ear as Alexa described in raw detail her encounter with a guy she nicknamed "the one-minute wonder". They knew she was seeing Jeff, they knew she was uneasy about her relationship with him, and somewhere they'd agreed not to talk about him unless she brought him up first. She decided to see how lunch went today. Maybe she'd ask their advice tomorrow at breakfast--though she had a good idea what that advice would be: dump him. Everybody was saying the same thing.
As she headed for her first class she wondered how Jeff would react if he knew she'd had sex with Danny this morning. He'd probably think she was a slut or something. In a narrow, technical sense she probably was. But slut was such a harsh word for what she and Danny did. Necessity, that word fit--Danny's sex-drive had a necessity about it. What about her own? Well, she'd be a fool to say the day didn't go better if she got laid. She remembered talking with Danny about it at the Athletic Club.
They'd been lying on the bed, cuddling together as they drifted back down from their climaxes. She liked those times and the way they nestled together.
"You have to be the most orgasmic woman I've ever met," Danny murmured, kissing her on the forehead.
"Lots of practice," she replied. "I read somewhere that the more you cum, the easier it is for you to cum." She kissed him on the end of the nose and ran her hands over his shoulders. "I've certainly had a lot of practice."
"There's more to it than that. It isn't just a practice."
"Well, true. It's emotional, too, and I like how I feel after a climax." She laughed softly, which made her aware of his cock still inside her. "I like how I feel during a climax, too."
"And before, don't forget those moments just before you cum when you're clinging to me and trying to pull me deeper, those moments when you know you're going to cum, but haven't yet."
"I could never forget those." She ran her hands over his nipples, trying to get them to stand up. "Shall we see how I like it a second time today?"
"There's another word that describes you: insatiable."
"Well, true. By the way, I don't recall hearing 'no' in there."
And they'd done it again, which had made him late getting back from 'lunch' and meant she was so late getting to class that she'd skipped it instead. But that climax had buoyed her up the rest of the day and then some.
She felt happy this morning, that happiness that only came from a really strong climax, and it certainly brightened her mood. Everyone else would probably be grumpy from the rain; she'd float along above them, disregarding their comments.
Getting together in the morning with Danny at the Extended Stay Hotel had been her idea. If they were going to be fake a married couple living there, she'd concluded, it was much better to give the maid actual messy sheets and used towels, rather than trying to fake it. Danny hadn't wanted to--it meant the kids had to get up earlier than he'd wanted, but that meant they went to bed earlier, which wasn't a bad thing. His sitter, Mrs. Witherspoon, had agreed, even though the kids went to bed the moment they got to her place. She didn't even question why Danny had to go in an hour earlier than he had been. At that hour of the morning she wasn't thinking very clearly.
Devlin settled in her seat in the classroom, smiling happily at everyone around her. A magazine article she'd read had recommended starting the day with a climax. It certainly made everything seem a lot rosier, even her hardest class. And for the next week or two they'd be doing it every day, just like when she'd been in high school. She definitely liked that idea.
When she walked into the dining area at Linkins she could see Jeff at a table next to the wall. In the last two years he'd grown maybe another inch, but he'd redistributed the weight he was carrying; a little less paunch and a little more in the shoulders. His butt was nice and tight, and his legs, even through his jeans, looked muscular. He certainly looked a lot more attractive than he had in high school.
For once he was looking the wrong way. She dumped her purse on the table and slid into the seat before he could do anything.
"G'morning," she said, "or Good Afternoon, whichever it is."
"Uh, morning. I didn't see you coming."
"So, how've you been?"
"I was surprised you weren't at the dorms this weekend," he said. "I had these tickets to a play that I thought we could go see."
"My mother called Friday afternoon and said she needed to see me." Devlin forced her anger back down. He'd had tickets to a play, and he'd assumed she'd go out with him. No warning, no planning, no checking, he'd just assumed. It was like he didn't think she had a life away from him.
"She's selling the house and she wanted me to know."
"Selling the house?" Jeff looked shocked. "How could she? That's your home."
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I was in Brooklyn for a weeklong class at State University Downstate Medical School, and I found out that on Thursday nights there was Swing dancing at a local gym. If there's any way to find out if the magnetism is there, dancing close to someone is perfect. It's also easy to send little signals and look for the right response. When I'm dancing normally, I hold a woman in one way; but if I'm attracted to her, I hold her in kind of a grip that's more like lovemaking: I give a real firm palm in...
EroticAlexis Crystal has finally arrived at the home of Cherry Kiss in Private Specials, When Cherry Met Alexis… and now it’s time to celebrate in true Private gonzo style! Studs Kristof Cale and Vince Karter are waiting in the gym for the blowjobs to get underway, but there’s one more surprise in store as the sexy Martina Smeraldi joins in on the fun too! Deepthroat, anal, squirting, fisting, DP, rimming and couples of facials too, this is one wild orgy that will go down in history and you can see...
xmoviesforyou"Sir the prototype is ready for testing," A worker advises the head of the project. "Good," The head replies. "Send the bot out into the city and make sure it works. Test everything, I don't want this project to blow up in our faces." The head commands. "Yes sir." -------------------------------- Your walking down the street and it's daytime. As you walk along bedside an alleyway you hear a yell and when to turn to see what it was you see some guys banging up on a girl.
"That was a good job," Dave Madden said. "Keep it up and nobody will get hurt." Dave tugged Jennifer back against him and his hand slipped underneath her sweater to cup her pussy. He rubbed her sensitive cunt lips with his fingers. "You turned into a real hot momma," he said. "I bet your husband never offered to do that." "No," she admitted. "I bet you never had a cock in your mouth either," he said. Jennifer had that choking feeling in her throat again. She'd been afraid he...
Lunch was great. Dinner that night was, too, as Tyler donned the housewife act again and fixed up some pork chops, which Ben devoured with rave reviews. They spent the evening cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie and part of a baseball game. They fucked on the sofa when Tyler got bored during the eighth inning, then showered together before bed. The dinner dishes lay dirty in the sink. The next morning, Tyler made coffee and breakfast - making sure to include a glass of pineapple...
The Scold's Bridle By Olga Turlovna "Of the men who came into the world, those who were cowards or led unrighteous lives may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation" Timaeus (Plato) Prague, Czech Republic, 2013 So here's me, running down a dark cobbled street in the middle of the night, fleeing like my life depends on it. But hold on - what do I mean "like my life depends on it"? Because let's face it, it probably does,...
Ken looked up at the sound of the chimes at his door. "Enter." Susan walked in and faced Ken and came to attention. "At ease, Commander." "Thank you, Sir," Susan said. Then she continued, "Sir, the NAT's are going in, now." Ken stood up and hit save on his computer pad, saving the document he was working on, "Thank you, Susan, I will be right out." Walking to the huge bay window, he looked down on Pluto as Susan walked out of the room. 'What's down there?' he thought then...
Dear readers, If you haven’t read Chapters 1-5, I suggest you do so before reading this chapter. You’ll miss out on a lot of previous action unless you start with Chapter 1. * * * * * Tom just grinned at John, ‘Sorry Bud—maybe some other time. We need to be alone tonight—it’s our Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and I don’t have a curfew!’ John and Debbie looked unhappy with Tom’s decision. I breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was John watching me fuck Tom ‘cowgirl’ and...
I got quite a lot of past situations that I want to share, but I really want to tell you all about something that happened to me last week.Last Friday afternoon, I was on my way to the gym. I was just about to walk into the station to catch the train when I heard a lot of cheering, also a voice through a loudspeaker. I also saw a lot of people walking towards that area. I was off that day, I had no real time limits so I followed the group and headed down to the area as well. Once I got there, I...
Submission: An Erotic Journey of Discovery One A tiny bead of perspiration traced a path on the man’s hair and in spite of the difficulty, managed to move to his skin. Moving slowly down, it meandered aimlessly through the crevices of flesh formed by the constricting leather punishment hood and collar and further down the bound man’s body. Glistening in the light from the candles it reflected their glow and became transformed from a clear bit of nothing into a shimmering jewel of passion...
(THE SEDUCTION OF SEVERINE HEART) Severine Heart smoothed her hand over the black lycra mini-skirt and took a deep breath before entering the hotels foyer. She always got a little nervous before interviews and this was her biggest assignment yet. It was important though that she remain calm and professional. Even if the interviewee WAS Clay Corby/ devilish frontman with Californian rock band The Hawkline Monster. Before heading into the lounge – where Clays manager Caroline Moore had arranged...
Hi again, this is raj currently living in Chennai. Any single mothers, ladies, aunties want fun with complete confidentiality inbox me Now coming to the sex story, I live in an apartment close to metro station. I like sea food very much, generally, I go to the beach so that I get fresh fish. But one day while I was going to station it caught my eye, that a fish market is close to the station and while m coming back I gave a try. There was a lady tall, hefty and a bit dark. I went and asked...
My kids had been on their “walk” for a couple of hours now. Of course I knew better. I was sure they were across the street involved in some sort of hot, sticky, depraved and illegal sex act with either one or both of my “classy” neighbors. I didn’t mind. They were my kids, after all, and were bound to be at least as horny as I was. The only problem was, I was feeling left out. Fucking my sixteen year old son, Luke, was a pleasure I had only enjoyed once, yesterday. And I...
I was in the bathroom when she returned with bulging carrier bags and a beautiful big smile on her face, "I'm back darling" she shouted, "Where are you?" I popped my head out of the bathroom door and she laughed when she saw my half shaved face, "Can I do that?" "As long as you promise not to cut my throat" I laughed, She took the razor off me and began using long expert sweeps across my face, she was very good at it until I remarked that the razor smelled really nice and then...
This is the story about my mom. Her name is Hema. She is fair and her statistics are 40-38- 42. She has a well-maintained body. She always wears sarees at home and also for functions. We are four members in our family – I, my sister, mom, and dad. We lived in a flat which had only two bedrooms, a hall, and a kitchen. My parents slept in one bedroom, while my sister slept in the other. So I used to sleep in the hall. Everything was fine and I never had any wrong intentions about anyone in the...
IncestHi every one I am hardy 19yrs old from Mumbai, I have a good physique a foot ball player,and an average height,love to make friends with benefits,currently I am studying in one of a very reputed commerce college in Mumbai.And this is my first story that I am writing please forgive me for mistakes. As you all must be aware of the management fest that happens in the colleges in Mumbai,they are awesome..!! The incident took place 3 months back in June when our college was organising a fest and I...
Moonlight reflected in smiling ripples that formed a silver pathway stretching to the horizon. The night turned her telescope around on me, belittled me, shrank me into inconsequentiality. Out here, on an endless ocean beneath an infinite sky, I was no longer an I, was not even a dot on an i. I was nothing. No matter how hard I tried, I was still nothing. And yet, somehow, I could be anything. The vastness freed me, liberated me. My young heart pounded with the primal thrill of it. My...
Straight SexWhen we returned from Aunt Susan’s, in late August of 1978, we arrived at a house that hadn’t been lived in for almost three months. Our neighbors checked on things for us and watered Mom’s plants, and we had a service to mow the lawn, but other than that, the house sat dormant. So Erin and I, Mom and Dad, engaged in several whirlwind days of cleaning, shopping, and dealing with mundane things. I suppose the routine was what I needed, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I missed Susan more in those...
The sun was coming up as I sat looking down the valley to the east. It was called Peaceful Valley by the rancher I had acquired the land from. It wasn't peaceful for him and it didn't seem that way to me. After a restless night of uneasy sleep, I often came out here in the early morning wondering if I had chosen the right path. This was a self-imposed exile I had set for myself. I lived now in a small rock-walled house I had constructed when I first came here to this ranch. I earned the...
Little Brat My sister is just a little brat. In fact I rarely ever call Courtney anything else. “Hey Brat your boyfriends are here,” I called out to her. “Stop that or I’ll tell dad on you,” she shouted back. Brat was actually quite pretty and in a few days she would become a teenager. I still remember that magic moment when I went from twelve to thirteen. As she strutted down the staircase all eyes were on her. Brat looked great. She was wearing the smallest bikini that I had...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, na paru suraj nanu hyd ninchi 24 years old. Me suggestions ki mali nannu contact avadanike mali me asalu tirchkodanike contact me at Coming to the story Tana discription height 5’10 white complexion pedda pedda boobs anta 34d tana ass aitha inka super okka chinna dot kuda ladu. Inka nadi 5’11 height 7 inch dick white complexion hero lu antha physique ladu bita chala cool bed lo chala wild Okka roju alana tinder gurinchi net lo chasanu try chaidam ani...
Es war ein anstrengender Tag gewesen. In der Schule hatten die Lehrer, trotz der Hitze, einiges von uns abverlangt und ich war müde. Als ich nach hause kam, ging ich erst mal ins Zimmer um ein bisschen auszuruhen. Meine Mutter rief mir nach, dass es bald Mittag gäbe. Sorgfältig schloss ich die Tür meines Zimmers ab. Die Tasche pfefferte ich in eine Ecke, die Schuhe in die andere. Ich ging zum Fenster und schaute raus. Es war ein schöner Tag. Vielleicht würde ich am Nachmittag noch ein bisschen...
Was it the secret desire to meet the savage warrior again that made me go back to the cave of skulls? Or was it the urge to confront my irrational fears — after all, I had begun to study archeology and anthropology at the University, and neither the sight of human bones nor of human artifacts should send me tumbling into a panic. Or maybe it was simply the prospect of the endless months that I would have to spend enwombed in a cave, with nothing to do but keeping the body alive by ingesting...
Me,my brother and Nimmi we are in home and my parents went to work.Nimmi is aunt. She’s my father’s sister.This happened when I was 13 and now I am 20. Now coming back to the story,She went to take bath and after along time I went to peep in her bathroom and she followed me and I was caught by her and she told me how long were doing this?I told a lie by saying “when I saw u fingering”.She went in shy and she gave mybrother food and she had and myself had mine.She made my brotherto sleep and she...
IncestHope was puzzled by one of the things that the camp organised for the refugees to do. Soldiers would get everyone out of one of the tents, women as well as children, and line them up, one behind the other, facing a round piece of green cloth on the dusty ground. They all had to walk briskly onto the cloth and off again at the other side, one after the other, without stopping. Solomon always got a sweet when he did it right, and Hope usually got one too. She suspected that was because she...