Devlin's StoryChapter 24 free porn video

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Devlin was on her way back to her dorm room when she saw Jeff. He saw her at the same time and cut across the lawn directly at her. She really didn't want to talk to him, she had just enough time to dump her books and get ready for Cindy's party.

"Devlin?" he said when they were close enough. "Got a couple of minutes?"

She didn't, not really, but she smiled anyway. Maybe she could make this short. "A couple. What's up?"

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday." He looked down. "I, uh, I know I acted hastily, and I wanted to apologize for that. I know we haven't been seeing much of each other lately, and--"

"Not seeing much of each other?" She laughed once. "We haven't been seeing each other at all, Jeff."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to apologize for that, and I wanted to make it up to you. The Church is having a benefit dinner tonight to raise money for our building fund and I got us two tickets. It's a good chance to meet the other people in the Church and let them get to know you. I know you haven't wanted to, but it's really important that you do."

"You should have asked me a few days ago," she said gently. "I already have plans for tonight."

"That doesn't matter," he said quickly. "Look, we haven't got much time. You'll have to change, of course, some of the ladies have commented about how you dress, and, well, women don't belong in pants, even jeans. I know you have that nice dark blue dress you've worn from time to time. It's long enough to be decent, and--"

"My plans don't matter?" she asked, interrupting him.


"You said my plans don't matter."

"Devlin, this is important."

"And my plans aren't?" This was too much. He hadn't learned anything from their talk earlier. He hadn't heard anything she'd said. And now he was telling her how to dress?

He put his hand on her arm. "Devlin, look, we haven't got much time. The dinner starts in an hour, and it'll take us almost that long to get there."

She pulled her arm free. "No."


"You heard me." She stepped back slightly. "Jeff, no. I'm not going with you."

"But this is the best chance you'll have to meet the Church Elders, Devlin. They need to get to know you. They've wanted to for some time, but you never have the time for them. You know that doesn't create a very favorable impression. There've been all sorts of rumors about you, and...""

Certainty congealed in her stomach like a lump of ice. "And I'll never have time for them. I won't join your Church, Jeff, I thought you understood that by now."

He waved that away and grabbed her arm again. "The Elders need to see you dressed up, you know, all proper and demure, not like the rumors I've heard."

"Rumors?" She pulled her arm away again. "What rumors?"

"Oh, you know, rumors."

"What rumors."

He looked down, looked away, anywhere but at her. "Um, that we've been, you know, like husband and wife in my apartment. I don't know how they'd know that, and we really shouldn't, it's wrong, and... and... well, there've been others. Somebody said they saw you in that yellow top you have, you know, the one that seems like it's molded to your, um, your... you know." He made a vague motion in front of his chest.

"They're called breasts, Jeff." She could feel her temper rising. "Every woman has a pair." She clenched her fists, trying to hold back her rising anger. "Go on, what else did they say?"

"But they're so big." He looked at her chest, and then looked away. "Some of the women think you had a doctor to make them so big, and that's wrong, we shouldn't be meddling with what God gave us, our bodies are the way they are for a reason. Now I know you didn't, but how could I tell them that I knew?

"My sister said a couple of women saw you downtown in a really short skirt, you know, that red one you have. It was like you were parading yourself for the men. They were saying only a... a wanton woman would wear something like that, and, well, I know you're not that way, you're so demure and chaste, well, except when we're, you know, when we're like husband and wife in my apartment, and--"

"The only red skirt I have isn't that long, Jeff. It's the proper length for a skirt in the business place today."

"But it's so short and loose. Why a gust of wind could pick it up and show everything!"

She took a half-step back. "Jeff?" She kept her voice quiet. Everybody had told her she had to break up with him. She'd put it off and put it off because she felt comfortable around him. But now she realized she'd been mistaking comfort for a straightjacket. He wanted to force her into one, and she wasn't going to go.

"Jeff, I'm not going with you tonight." She took a deep breath. "I'm not going with you any other night, either."

"But..." He glanced at his watch.

"Jeff, I..." She swallowed. Krissi had told her there would be a moment when she would have to be herself and just lay it out for Jeff. Sue and Connie--Connie of all people--had said the same thing. She hadn't really listened, but now she knew she should have.

"Jeff, you want me to be something I can't be. Your Church wants me to be that way, too, and I-I can't."


She held up her hand, cutting him off. "I can't be the little woman in the background, Jeff, you know, the one supporting her man. Your Church wants me to be a supporter, helping you from behind. They see you, they don't see me." She shook her head. "I can't do that. I'm me, I'm independent, I can't be just a helper."

"You don't have to be," he said. "The Church has plenty of independent women. They help run the Church itself and--"

"Help." She cut him off. "There's that word again. You've told me I should quit school, that I should be more like your sister." She shook her head. "I suppose if I did they'd find me a job."

"Sure." He brightened up. "They could find you a job, even in the big companies here in town. They can get you this great job, but one so you can be home for the kids and...""

"Kids?! How did kids get into this."

He looked puzzled. "But that's what a woman normally does, raise the kids. That's why she needs to be home."

"No. Certainly not, at least not yet."

"But we've been trying to make a baby, haven't we? I mean, this is how it's done. I'm surprised you haven't had one yet. We've certainly tried enough times. Of course it's probably a good thing you didn't get pregnant, I mean after all, a baby without the sanctity of marriage? That's... that just can't be allowed to happen."

Devlin felt her jaw dropping. Didn't he understand she was on birth control? She'd only told him that at least a dozen times in the last two years. She couldn't believe that. Had he been ignoring her for that long?

"Anyway, that's why a woman should only have a job like a secretary," he said. "She needs to focus her attention on the family and helping her husband succeed."

"Jeff," she said quietly. She had to repeat herself twice before he looked at her. "Jeff, you don't understand, do you?"


"I'm not going to be a secretary, Jeff. I'm not going to be somebody's helper. Sure, I want kids, but not now. I--"

"But a woman is supposed to be the helpmeet of the man."

She dug her fingers into her palms. He still wasn't listening. She couldn't get through to him, and now she realized she never would.

Jeff started lecturing her about the role of a woman. She ignored it, fighting her frustration and anger back down. She needed to keep a civil tongue in her head. Screaming at him wouldn't help, no matter how good it would make her feel. When he finally paused she forced herself to smile.

"I'll always treasure that summer before college, Jeff. And last year, for the first couple of months of the semester, that was magic. I'll have those memories of us, Jeff, and I'll always remember you. But please don't try to be part of my life any more."

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "I won't be your helpmeet, Jeff, I won't be your wife. I don't want to be any of those things."

He looked thunderstruck. "Devlin? Are you... are you saying... we're not..."

"Please don't try to see me any more, Jeff." There, she'd said it. "Please don't call me, and don't wait for me after class, either."

She turned to leave, and he put his hand on her arm, stopping her. "Devlin, wait. It doesn't have to be like this. We can--"

"We can... what? Work things out?" She shook her head. "No, no, I don't think so. This is long past 'working things out'. I never should have started seeing you in the first place. I'm breaking up with you, Jeff. I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see or talk to anyone from your Church. I don't want you in my life at all." She searched his face. "Is that clear?"

"Devlin, I--"

"I have many fond memories of our time together, Jeff, don't spoil them now." She looked down at his hand; he snatched it back, his face red. "Good-bye, Jeff."

She walked away, her fingernails cutting into her palms. She felt empty. She felt like she was burning up. She wanted to cry, she wanted to throw up, she wanted to do something, hit something, do anything. She could feel her tears now, and the cold little tracks they were leaving on her face. She didn't try to wipe them away. There'd be time for that later.

She heard footsteps behind her. She half-turned, expecting to see Jeff, but it was another girl, one wrapped up in a heavy coat and muffler against the cold, and clearly going somewhere else. Jeff was standing where she'd left him, watching her, a blank look on his face.

She remembered that first night they'd been together back in high school at that dance, and how wonderful the next few weeks had been. The world had seemed brighter. Everything had seemed fresh and new. That was a memory she'd keep in her heart forever, but it was just that, a memory. What had happened in the last few months was a memory, too, but not one she wanted to keep.

"How could I have been so blind?" she muttered. She hit her fist against her leg. "I know what it was, I got hooked on his goddamned cock, not that he was ever that good with it." She laughed bitterly. The other girls on the floor accused guys of thinking with their dicks, and for the last two years she'd done the same thing, only she didn't have the proper anatomy to do it. No wonder she'd gotten screwed up over him.

Connie wasn't in when she got back to her room, that was just as well. Devlin threw her books on her desk and sat on her bed, snuffling. She'd been so stupid. She'd been so blind. Everyone had told her, and she had blithely ignored them. How could she be so dumb?

Alexa must have heard her. "What's wrong?" she asked, coming to the door.

"I just broke up with Jeff." Devlin pulled idly at her coat, realizing she still had it on.

"Good for you, girl. You should have done that a long time ago."

"Yeah, then why do I feel so miserable?" She wanted to lock the door, pull the covers over her head, and shut out the world. An hour ago she'd been bubbling along, thinking about the party at Cindy's, and now...

"Breaking up is supposed to be hard." She pulled Devlin to her feet. "Come on, I've got just the thing for you." She had a small refrigerator next to the desk in her room. She opened it and took out a small container of chocolate ice cream.

"Here," she said, filling a dish, "this is good for what ails you."

"Is that... is that low-fat?"

"Of course not. Eating low-fat chocolate ice cream is a sin or a crime against nature, or something like that, especially when you've just broken up with your boyfriend."

Devlin tentatively took a bite. It did taste good, much better than the low-fat ice cream she occasionally got after dinner. She took another, and was surprised to see the dish was empty.

"Uh, sorry." She handed Alexa the dish. "I, uh..."

Alexa took it and put it on her desk. "Come on," she said, picking up her coat. "You need more help than a single dish of ice cream can fix."

She took Devlin to the restaurant across the street from the Athletic Club. A few minutes later Connie joined them.

"I just heard," she said as she slid into the booth. She handed Devlin a tissue and studied her face. "How are you feeling?"

"You heard?" Devlin looked up from the iced tea in front of her. "Who told you?"

Connie smiled. "Girl, it's all over the floor back at the dorm. You finally had the gumption to break up with him. It's about time, too; everybody's saying that."

"Yeah," Devlin said, "I should have done it months ago."

The waitress put a large bowl of vanilla ice cream in the middle of the table, along with a bottle of chocolate syrup. "One Break-up From the Miserable Jerk Special," she said. She put a box of tissues in front of Devlin. "It comes with this, but I don't have any spare trash cans."

"So," Connie said as she filled Devlin's bowl. "Tell us all about it. What happened? What did he say, and what did you tell him?"

Haltingly, Devlin recounted what had happened. Somewhere in there Alexa bought a bottle of wine.

"I'm too young to drink," Devlin said. "At least in this state."

"This is an exception," Alexa said. She poured Devlin a glass of wine. "Trust me, you need this."

"But won't we get in trouble?"

Alexa shook her head and pushed the glass at Devlin. "Go ahead, just a sip for starters."

Hesitantly Devlin took a sip. Ever since she'd turned 15 her mother had given her a glass of champagne at New Years. This was like that, only not as bubbly.

The first two glasses didn't seem to have any affect; after the third, though, Connie urged her to tell them what she really thought of Jeff.

Alexa nodded as Devlin's explanation ended in hiccups and a few tears. "Well, he's a definite scuzzball." Alexa hiccupped, too. "I met him once, some guy I was dating, an engineer, God help me, and there was this, I don't know, this social thing; the engineering students stand around and talk about engineering while their dates pretend to be interested." She hiccupped a third time. "He looked so uptight I knew it had to be him."

"Scuzzball." Devlin rolled the word around on her tongue. "Yeah, and you're right, he's uptight, too, and so's his whole Church." She reached for her glass, snagging it on the second try. "You know what I liked about him?"

"It had to be s-something," Connie said. "It wasn't his perso-perso--It wasn't him."

"His dingus. His dick. I liked it because it was about this long." She held her hands nearly a foot apart.

"You're kidding," Alexa said, her eyes wide. "Guy's things don't get that big. They'd have too much blood loss or something."

"I don't know," Connie said. "No blood means no thinking, and that describes a guy with a hard-on. He's not doing any thinking, his dick is, and it's got only one thought in its little head."

"Jeff's is that long, trust me, I measured it one night." Devlin set her hands on the table, still holding them apart. "The first time I danced with him, you know how guys'll get hard when you dance with 'em..."

"Sometimes that's the best thing about dancin' with 'em," Connie said, nodding slowly.

Devlin nodded. "Yeah, even if they stuff socks in their shorts to make their ding-dongs seem bigger." She tried, and failed to take a bite of ice cream. "I am drunk," she said, putting the spoon back.

"No matter, feels good. Probably feel like hell tomorrow." She paused, trying to remember what she'd been talking about. "Oh, yeah. Jeff's dick. Yeah. We were dancing, and it kept getting' bigger an' bigger. Stupid me, I just had to see how big it was. Didn't believe guys could get that big."

She waved her hand airily. "I've seen other dicks, big ones, little ones..." She giggled. "There was this guy, teeniest little dick you ever saw. Swear it was only that long." She held her thumb and finger about 3" apart. "Looked like a babies', you know? But he an' his wife, they've got three kids, so it was obviously long enough."

"If they're his." Alexa licked her lips and leaned forward. "What's it like, you know, when they're that big? I've always wondered."

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I woke up this morning all in heart was beating ten to the massive bosoms were skin was all clammy!! I knew it was not true...You see...I had this amazing dream that sent me into another world..I was walking along the forest..near our farm..just silly lonely aul me..and I felt I was being watched...the hairs on my arm and the nape of my neck stood on edge...I quickened my pace but ears all a-listening...As I got to the clearing..he was standing...

2 years ago
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Brute Force

This little tale is my response to a rather unpleasant lurker on FictionMania whose idea of commenting on a story is to say how revolted s/he is that the transformee doesn't immediately raise holy hell and force whoever did it to change her back to the original male self. Warning: This story has some rather brutal "on-stage" sex. Brute Force - By Ellie Dauber Sgt. Jeff Rikker slowly opened his eyes. He was a prisoner. He knew that. He and his squad had been scouting a suspected...

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Glory hole discovery

I discovered glory holes when I was 19 years old when I was a student at a Midwestern university. That summer, I stayed near campus to take a couple of extra classes and work. Stereotypically, I was "young, dumb and full of cum."After getting out of work late one night, I was too horned up to sleep and I was bored with the handful of porn magazines and videotapes I had (this was the 80's). There was an adult bookstore off the highway about a half an hour away. I had never been in one before,...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 22

[West Georgia] I left there and went by Ted’s. He was outside working on a plow as I drove up. Lois was beside him to hand him tools. “Hi,” I said. He said, “Hi, or should I say, ‘Greetings, oh great one?’” He grinned. “What the hell?” “I’ve been talking to Janice and your dad. They both told me of your elevation.” As he said, that Lois had put down the tools and came to me giving me a full body hug with some neck nuzzling. “Thank you for leading the salvation and giving me the...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Husband Helps Bull Seduce Wife

Sumant is a regular guy with a regular job. Having spent years studying, he has now managed to get a job and got the courage to marry the girl he has been dating since college. Everything has been going well and he has a very satisfactory sex life. His wife is a shapely young woman, who has an explosive sexual side. Sumant tries very hard to satisfy Anjali but he always feels that another powerful man could handle her better. Sumant has openly discussed this with Anjali that he would like to...

1 year ago
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AIChapter 13

It was three days later that she called mid-afternoon. "Hey, honey," I said tenderly. "Yes," was all she said. I took a deep breath. I'd been hoping hard, but I knew how much I was asking of her. "Everything, Lee? All of it? Cut off the past completely—?" She didn't let me finish. "Yes, everything, all of it. I'm sure, Jack, I love you very much and it's worth it. I decided the other night after we talked but I wanted to sit on it for a day or two and see if there were second...

2 years ago
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My love

This is a narration of my great sexual encounter with my wifes bhabhi. Let me start by describing her – her name is anu and she is about 5 ft 6’’ tall, with long flowing hair and a great figure of 34-25-36. She is three yrs younger to me but we’ve known each an other like friends. We were really close right from childhood and right through the ages we’ve been discussing our personal things. My sexual interest in her started from the time before my marriage when i used to touch her back while...

1 year ago
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New MagusChapter 11

I stood next to the sliding glass door that led to the backyard of Raven’s house and watched Jordan. Her expression had started off as hungry, but it became more intense, giving me the impression of a tigress on the hunt, and I was her next meal. She rose from the couch in one smooth motion. The sheet she’d kept wrapped around her fell to the floor in a pool of warm cotton. I was so focused on her expression and what she might do that I didn’t react to the sight of her nude body. I dropped...

3 years ago
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Girls School Punishment

Girls School Punishment It all started with a dare from my friends. At age 16 we were always getting into mischief and this day was to be my day to prove myself. The local girls school had a policy of no males on the school grounds. A very strict lesbian headmistress who hated all men ran the school. All the teachers and staff were female. I was dared to sneak onto the school grounds and steal the schools flag, which was at the assembly courtyard in the middle of the main...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 22 Welcome to My Home

The week that followed that second visit to the Success Nudist Resort on the shores of Lake Success was a real cloud nine experience for the young master Tom Barry. From the moment he got home with his mom and dad his feet never really touched the ground. There seemed to be a cushion of air beneath him the whole time that made Tom feel like he was floating an inch off the ground everywhere he went. The reason for this euphoric week was, of course, the young and beautiful Belinda Williams....

4 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 12

At seven-thirty I was shaved and showered, standing in the lobby of Delta and Trish’s dorm. They came down in jeans, and we went to breakfast where there was a pretty big contingent of our regulars. Misty and Cherry even showed up but stayed pretty far away from me. Oh well. After breakfast I gave the girls my stuff wrapped up in my sheets. I helped them carry everything to Trish’s car and then walked over to the locker room. I got ready and went out to jog and warm up. A couple of guys were...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 14 Commander Letsgos Office Interlude

The Commander still stared at the torn off rank insignia of the former Midshipman as his Desk, Then hisCom flashed with the top urgent icon. He touched the screen and a Holo transmission from Fleet headquarters solidified. It was the Old man himself, Admiral of the Fleet McElligott. “Where is Midshipman Olafson?” “Sir, the Ex Midshipman is just transferred to the brig. That subject has been dealt with swift and harsh. I doubt he is conscious. Thirty five lashes and off to Brisbane...

1 year ago
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The shitting Boys

Matt lie in his large comfortable bed,with his hands tucked behind his back in silence as he counted the ceiling tiles..1...2...37..."agh" He groaned and shook his head,He just couldnt keep his mind off of his best friend Mickey..They were both Bisexual,Both 18,Both Blonde and sexily built. Matts parents were leaving town for a whole week and Mickey had asked to stay over. Matt had 5 younger sisters,all but one named Adaya were leaving with their parents. Adaya was Bisexual.she was tall.around...

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Miss Pooja 8211 Part II

Hi, I am sahil verma from amritsar, 23 year yeh meri pehli Kahani hai, likhne me koi glti ho to maaf karna. 6 mahine purani baat hai, main apne dost sunil ke bhai ki shadi mein gaya tha, waha ladki ki taraf se kuch stars bhi aaye the, jin mein Harbhajan Mann, Jimmy Shergil, Kamal Heer, Miss Pooja aur Neeru Bhajwa shamil the, jin mein se mera sabh se favorite Jimmy tha, maine socha Jimmy se hello hi kar leni chahiye phir kya pata kabh moka mille. Main Jimmy k pass gya usko wish kiya to usne bade...

2 years ago
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All Hallows Eve 1870

It was a dark rainy night; the full moon peeking out occasionally from the dark ominous clouds. The horse plodded along, its rider hunched over the pommel tired, hungry, and wet. Although Rob wore a rain slicker it did nothing to keep the rain from sneaking under the opening at the top and drenching his clothes under it. The wide-brimmed cowboy hat kept his hair fairly dry but the drips off the brim kept his face wet. He had been in the saddle since early morning, only stopping to rest his...

3 years ago
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Wish Shift Reunion

Part One The Winter of her Heart Wish Shift: Chapter One Reunions 1 A.S. Day 32 She was still trying to sleep. It wasn't her first international trip. The problem was, even with all of the shades down on the windows, you could still see the outline of daylight around them. This made it difficult for her to get relaxed even in ordinary circumstances. Her only consolation this trip was that, for once, the seat was roomy enough. But considering what made that extra room...

1 year ago
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BDSM Club in Netherlands Chapter 2

I was standing at her door with a big folder of medical documents. Knock-knock."Come in." - This was the beutiful confident voice with huge German accent.I opend the door. It was a big dark room with a lot if black and red color. She was sitting at the leather couch doing something on her iPad. I could say she was in her thirties. Tall, blonde with beutiful blue eyes she was dressed very sexually. Black blouse over pushup bra and black leather skirt... awww she was awesome."Take off your shoes....

1 year ago
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A different kind of lust

A Different Kind of Lust Don't even THINK about freaking out about this, people, because its only a one-shot. In fact, this will be my first one-shot on this site. And I may as well go right on ahead and say it... I LOVE(!) Futanari (Futa for short) on Girl stories! Call me a freak if you must, but I think its fucking HOT! I mean the very CONCEPT is just-... All things considered, I thought I may as well start a few one-shots (most involving FutaxGirl) to get me back in a writing mood....

3 years ago
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Just Like My Friend

I suppose it all started after my friend told me his girlfriend liked to dress him in her clothes before sex. I couldn't quite believe it - he was masculine and muscular, a real man's man. He'd confided in me and I teased him about it unmercifully. I mean, really? Being dressed in women's clothes? That was supposed to be a turn-on? He seemed to think so, but I couldn't see it myself. And the more I teased him the less he wanted to talk about it. Eventually, after a couple of weeks or...

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The Angel And The Slut

Tina: My fantasy involves an ultra suave and sophisticated mature man with dashing looks and impeccable manners sweeping me off my feet in a whirlwind of romance. He will wine and dine me in a style to which I am yet to be accustomed. His conversation will be witty and interesting. He will be beautifully dressed in bespoke shirts and suits and wear just a hint of expensive aftershave. By the time the meal is over I’ll be so wrapped up in him that I will be putty in is hands. When he suggests...

4 years ago
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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 26

My dreams were so strange. And not pleasant. Nightmares really. I dreamt that a beautiful woman sliced off my penis. I wanted to wake up. I tried to wake up. But whenever my mind would start to clear, the dreams would start again. Would I be trapped forever? And then I heard an angel's voice. "Sir, he's awake." And then the devil. "Excellent." said Tripp. The room was dim but the light hurt my eyes so I left them closed for the moment. I was lying on my back, on some sort of narrow...

3 years ago
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Asian Bare backing the baby sitter

As a father of two, I rarely have time for dating. I usually get by on random hook-ups when the wife’s away, but recently I experienced a drought. After a couple of rough months, I was dying for release. I arranged for the babysitter to watch my daughters and headed to the bars in a last ditch effort to get laid. Unfortunately, I suffered a night of strikeouts and returned in defeat.As soon as I got in the door, I headed straight for my living room. My plan was to promptly pay the babysitter...

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Sharif Dikhne Wali Ek Bhuki Ladki Ki Asliyat

Hello everyone please read first few lines about myself Kehte h na kuch paane ke liye kuch khona padta h to aj apko ek sex se bharpur kahani ka maza lene ke liye thodi se meri intro padni padegi jo ki shayad boring lage kyuki uska koi use ni h i think for boys I am Ashok Sharma please make a note to my Id I am healthy man I am doing job in telecommunication company which has 5th rank n world Ye kahani meri us waqt ki h jab mei 18 saal ka th meri eyes brown h healthy body h and mera land...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Vincent Defern was a man just hitting his stride. The 19 year old Caucasian man had a slender frame, slicked back black hair and practically a permanent smile on his face. Especially now, now that he was so close to...very special fun. He hadn't bothered to shave this morning...since that wouldn't be relevant soon, and he'd gotten dressed quickly in a combo of jeans and a blue t-shirt. He was sitting on an a park bench overlooking a neighborhood, eyes focussed on one house on the other...

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Long Man Hot Summer

In a long line of Minivans and SUV's, Ashley joined the rest of the moms and dads retrieving their little ones from morning kindergarten. She watched the rain trickle down her vehicle's windshield then sat back and closed her eyes. Her young daughter was humming back in her car seat, to no song in particular. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she looked at her blonde hair, with strawberry highlights, pulled up in a clasp. Playing with the wisps of her curls she studied it hanging...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Man

Jason. He is the perfect man to so many of us. 6'5" and 230 lbs. He looks rough because he is. But he is also charming and funny. He is intelligent and well educated which led to him creating several very successful businesses that have made him relatively wealthy and influential. He was well aware of his charm and would often use this to get whatever or whoever he wanted. this charismatic nature led to admiration from men and desire from women. It would be naive to ignore the obvious. Jason...

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I Love You Ch 05

Ludvine was completely besotted with Jake Stone. To her he was the very essence of man, everything that she had ever dreamed of as a little girl, she had found in him. Sure he didn’t seem interested in the whole master/ submissive relationship, he seemed more interested in a good game of cat and mouse. She was sure what ever his fixation with Jezebel was, it would be over soon. The chase only lasted so long before the game got boring. She wanted to show him a different lifestyle, she wanted...

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XMen Generations

August 4th 1977 was the date the death knell of the X-Men had been signed. Cyclops was gone. The leader of the X-Men was dead. Charles Xavier was gone. The founder of the X-Men was in space to find a new home for mutant Skrulls. Jean Grey was gone. The light of the X-Men had resigned out of a fervent belief that Cyclops was still alive. Magneto had returned to Genosha, with Polaris going with him. Bishop had returned to some desolate future. Gambit had resigned to lead the Thieves' Guild....

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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story

Introduction: Amanda gets a taste of the escort life with a big payday. Lets get a few things straight right from the start. This isnt a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting where Im going to stand up and tell everyone how many men I fucked and how much I love sex. Its also not some woe is me, everyone feel sorry for me story either. You see, I fully understand my decisions and even though you may not agree with them theyre my decisions. To be perfectly clear Im not naive and I know how lucky I am to...

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The day finally arrived

The day finally arrived by Sissy Sara It all started with a post on Craig's list in search for a Master to use me, this would be easy for a woman or even a gay man but I'm neither. My name is Sara and I'm a sissy. I'm not a woman or a Man. After going through a lot of replies one took my eye and I replied in the hope for fun. A sissy needs a Master to tell her what to do and give her sissy things to do and this Master seemed to want that too. We exchanged emails and every time I...

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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 7

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 7 …We both fell asleep almost immediately. I got up whilst he was still asleep in the morning and put on his shirt loosely over my naked body. I woke him up with breakfast , we kissed and he left late morning.  I had been lucky to escape him not discovering my penis! I had to think hard about what to do about this. I would just have to have to tell him my secret, that I was really a guy! Bradley was going to take me out to dinner that evening, and I thought it a...


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