Long RelieverChapter 9 free porn video

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The Orioles were in the middle of their west coast swing in early June when Susan got a telephone call from Lars Jensen.

"I'm in the neighborhood!" he declared.

"You're already out for the summer semester?" she said.

"No. I'm in Washington. It's a university business thing. But you're only about fifty miles away, and I've got my Avis rental."

"I ... wrote to you, Lars, about my ... meeting somebody."

"Already in an exclusive relationship?" he said. "I thought we really clicked when you were in Coral Gables in March."

Well, there was no denying that, and Susan didn't try.

"We did click, Lars. But a lot has happened. I wrote to you about it."

"Oh, I got the emails. But listen, Suz, I didn't expect you to be an exclusive relationship right off the bat. I mean, I confess, our little weekend in March, well, that wasn't my last contact with the female race."

"I didn't really expect it to be, Lars. Especially with all those coeds wandering around the 'U' in their short-shorts."

"Coeds are off-limits to the teaching staff," he said. "That's a strict rule that I almost never break."

"Almost never, huh?"

"Well, they are appallingly numerous down there, those coeds. There is temptation at every intersection."

"And yet you're willing to drive all the way to suburban Baltimore to see little old me?"

"What can I tell you?" Lars said breezily. "I can't forget the way you looked at me that day when you came to visit, when I first opened my door."

"I guess I was pretty needy-looking," Susan said.

"I don't know if you were needy, Sweetie, but God knows you were greedy."

"I won't deny that you performed a service," Susan said, "and you performed it well. But, as I said, Lars, there've been some intervening events."

"Something serious going on? You're in an exclusive relationship already?"

"It's too early for sweeping announcements, but, yes, I think this could get serious," she said.

"But don't you see, Susan? Our circumstances have been reversed. There you were in Lauderdale, eager to come down and ... talk about old times. And when you did, I was there for you. And now, here I am, about the same distance away, and now I'm the eager one."

"Remember I told you I was a nanny," Susan said. "In a couple hours, I'll have two young children here home from school to look after."

"You couldn't farm them out to a neighbor? Go out to dinner with me?"

"Not a chance," she said. "I'm pretty much their exclusive caretaker when their father's on the road."

"He's not the one you wrote to me about?"

"No, I'm not boffing my employer. But the man I'm seeing is a member of the team."

"When you left my place, I thought we definitely had something going," Lars said. "We even discussed my coming up here this summer."

"You're not wrong," she said. "But you know what they say: Shit happens."

"The children's father is on the road?" he said.


"So then, your fellow is on the road also, right?"

"It doesn't make any difference, Lars."

"I could come up later. Late enough the children would be in bed."


"You told me about your novel. I'd like to have a chance to see the manuscript. Is it going well?"

"Quite well, thanks. I have a publisher."

"Why, that's wonderful! We need to talk about this! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, Lars. I'm proud of me, too."

"How far along is it?"

"It's well-along. Perhaps half done, with a solid outline for its completion."

"That's absolutely thrilling. Has anyone seen it?"

"Only my editor. Oh, and D ... And my ... friend."

"Do you have copies? Would you trust me to read it? Offer a few suggestions perhaps?"

"I'd trust you to read it, Lars, but I wouldn't trust you to come up here to pick it up."

"I'm not about to force myself on you, Susan."

"What scares me is, you might not have to."

"I knew we had something real, back in March," he said.

"We had superior sex," she said. "Whether one can call that 'something real' is perhaps questionable."

"I won't tell anyone if you don't," he said.

"It's out of the question, Lars. You can't stay here, even for a night. And I can't leave the children to go anywhere with you."

"But I could come by, get a copy of your manuscript. The parts you've already sent to your editor. No possibility of my stealing your book."

"I know you won't steal my book, Lars."

"Well, then?"

"I mean it, Lars. You can't stay here. I'm here with two small children."

"I won't stay. Give me the address again, and I'll look you up on MapQuest."

As promised, Lars didn't arrive at the house until after 10:30 that evening. For the intervening hours, Susan silently kicked herself for allowing him any opportunity at all to visit her under these circumstances.

The children were asleep when, watching for him so that he wouldn't ring the noisy doorbell, she met him at the door and let him inside.

"You look wonderful!" he said, lightly kissing her on the cheek.

Well, Susan thought. It's not like he's going to overpower me. I know what he wants, but he's already been told that it's not going to happen.

Actually, she thought, it would be useful to have Lars' views on her manuscript. She had always admired and respected his literary opinions. And he was, after all, an assistant professor of English, and with more publishing credits than she had.

"Can I get you a drink?" she said. "Coffee?"

"Too late for coffee for me," he said. "How about some scotch and water?"

"I'll see what Arlie's got. I think he has some. Maybe you should come into the kitchen and mix it yourself to suit."

While she leaned over slightly to check the liquor cabinet, Lars pressed his groin against her from behind. The gesture was crude but effective. Susan felt a wave of responsiveness.

But she stood up and moved away slightly. "It's not going to happen, Lars," she said.

"Nothing will happen that we don't both want to happen," he said. It sounded more like a threat than a promise.

"Here's the scotch, and there's the water," she said. "Sit down in the front room, there, and I'll go get you a copy of the manuscript." She left him there and went upstairs to her room.

She came back with fourteen chapters of her manuscript, neatly tied away in an accordion folder. She handed it to him and sat down across from him in the living room.

"You're not having anything?" he said.

"No. I think one of us should remain entirely sober."

"It's very quiet here. The children are nestled all snug in their beds. Couldn't I stay? I could be up and out before daybreak. The nosy neighbors would see nothing."

"Ain't gonna happen, Lars," she said, although she knew she was far closer to surrender than she should have been.

"I'm staying in town, in Baltimore, for the night," he said. "Supposing I came back by tomorrow, in the harsh light of day. Perhaps while your little charges are off in school? By then, I could give you a comment or two about your manuscript."

"You're going to stay up and read it into the wee hours?"

"I won't come by until lunch time," he said. "You can make me lunch."

She wanted him.

God damn it, he's oily and so cocksure that I'd like to just tell him to go fuck himself! But what I really want is for him to fuck me!

"If you're driving downtown," she said, "you probably shouldn't have a second drink. I'll look for you here around noon tomorrow."

Somewhat to her surprise, Lars didn't beg. He left promptly.

Susan went up to bed as soon as she was certain that Lars had, indeed, driven off in his rental car. She was disgusted with herself, knowing how very nearly she had come to giving in. After all, she and Dan had voiced no commitments to each other. All they had was their short-term intimate relationship and, perhaps, a tacit understanding.

Well, of course they had an understanding. Certainly, she acknowledged to herself, she would have no patience with news that Dan Preston was banging some bimbo while the Orioles were out on the West Coast.

Nor was there any doubt whatsoever that Dan's expectations did not include a free pass for her to renew auld acquaintances with historic bed buddies from Miami.

But, damn it to hell! Lars Jensen was a sexy man. Attractive and vigorous and young and here! She could be as disgusted with herself as she wanted. The bottom line was that, in her bed, under the sheets, she could feel the moistness.

And she had invited the bastard back for lunch tomorrow! How reckless was that?

She had expected a call from Lars sometime during the morning, but it wasn't forthcoming. At just after noon, she saw his car drive up outside. Always circumspect, he parked on the street, and not in Arlie's ample driveway parking area.

Her manuscript in hand, he came in, once again giving Susan an avuncular kiss on the cheek.

"I've made sandwiches," she said. "And there's coffee, or iced tea. Are you driving back to Washington today?"

"Don't need to. I can head back to Miami from BWI," he said. "And there's a choice of flights."

"The children will be home in three hours," she said.


They both knew that her decision had been made. She felt guilty about it, but eager, too. Dan Preston, after all, had no permanent claim on her. No express promises had been exchanged. And she owed it to herself, to have this perhaps-final fling. What better way to gauge her truest feelings for Dan than to take this final chance to compare him to her most recent past lover?

The rationalizations abounded.

"Did you have any opportunity to look at my manuscript?" she said.

"I did. It was ... interesting. I was ... I had some difficulty, Susan, in detecting any form of ... symbolism at work. It was a straightforward, a very linear presentation..."

"I shouldn't have neglected to caution you, Lars, that my novel is only intended as popular literature. It reads like a mass-market romance because that is, indeed, precisely the audience for whom it was intended."

"Well, perhaps, then, it serves its purpose," he said. "Certainly you have a fine prose style. I suppose I was expecting a more ... a more literary effort. Your poetry, certainly, would suggest that direction, for your first major prose work."

"Sorry not to have more fully met your expectations," she said, not hiding her displeasure at his critique. "You must have overestimated my talents."

"Really, Susan, I didn't mean it that way at all! Far be it from me to turn up my nose at popular literature. Let me be the first to wish you every possible success with the novel!"

"Would you like for me to make you another sandwich for the plane?" she said. "It's disgraceful, the stuff they try to give you to eat on airlines these days. And, say, as long as you've already scanned the manuscript, why don't you go ahead and leave it here now? I can always make good use of an extra copy."

By a little after one, Lars Jensen was on his way to catch an earlier-than-expected flight from BWI to Miami.

Susan closed the door behind him, sighed a deep, deep sigh, and told herself the harsh, undeniable truth: It hadn't been loyalty to Dan Preston that had saved her from a senseless noontime fling with Lars Jensen. It had only been his arrogant, condescending reaction to her book.

She knew that if the son of a bitch had said one positive thing about her novel, she'd have fucked him steadily until the school bus turned the far corner of the street.

Monday was an open date at home, although the club's charter flight back from Oakland hadn't arrived at BWI until the wee hours of Monday morning. As arranged by telephone before Arlie even got back to the house, Susan met him at the door when he arrived, gave him a quick hug, and left with Dan for his place. They would arrive there shortly before dawn, and they would sleep very late on Monday morning ... afterward.

The west-coast swing had not gone well, and the Orioles now were only three games over .500 on the season. Mid-June, however, was providing a relative break in the Orioles' schedule. They'd had an off-day on Thursday between the Seattle and Oakland series, another day off now at home on Monday, and there would be still-another Monday off in the coming week, just before their next western swing to Minnesota, Chicago and Cleveland.

The pitching staff, Dan hoped, would become (relatively) rested with those frequent breaks. The season was just over a third of the way through, and already the strain on the starters was obvious. Dan was quietly breaking his own "July 20" rule and beginning to worry about whether the club was ever going to get untracked.

But for right now, he was just glad to have Susan back in his arms again. The cross-country flight had been anything but restful. They had hit bad weather over the Midwest, and only the most accomplished snoozers on the club had managed to sleep through it all.

Dan had definitely been up for Susan's pre-dawn eagerness to make love, but afterward it became clear that she, too, had been awake for most of the night before his arrival. They both slept through until the early afternoon.

Dan made sandwiches for lunch and, over second cups of coffee, they planned the remainder of their afternoon. Susan wanted to purchase a new laser printer. "I've killed the old printer working on this novel," she told Dan, "and anyway, it's too noisy and too slow. I've got all kinds of money squirreled away, thanks to this free-room-and-board job. I can afford it!"

"I know just the place to look for one," Dan said. "It's only a few miles from here, and they've got all the best brands to choose from."

Dan's choice turned out to be a Best Buy store in a major shopping plaza, and Susan found an HP LaserJet printer that suited her needs perfectly. "It's almost $300," she said, "but it's gorgeous, and I've heard really good things about this model."

"It's as big as all outdoors," Dan said.

"Nonsense. It's as big as a breadbox. Okay, a really, really large breadbox."

"Lucky for you I'm here to carry it out to your car," Dan said.

"Yes, I don't know what I'd do if I had to cart this all the way out to the car all by myself. Maybe I'd have had to ask one of the clerks here to help me. Oh, the humanity!"

"I'll bet you've got student loans like everything," Dan said, evidently making an oblique reference to the printer's high cost.

"Oh, yeah. I got 'em all right. But this novel of mine, it's going to be an enormous success. Oprah's gonna select it for her Book Club. It'll hit the New York Times Best-Seller List, and I'll pay off all my student loans in one swell foop!"

"Or you could just hook up with some overpaid professional athlete. Some aging-but-still-virile guy being paid obscene sums of money for periodic displays of incredible athletic skill, and he could help you with the student loans."

"I'm already 'hooked up, ' as you so delicately put it, with an overpaid professional athlete. But he's not paying my bills just yet. There's a word, you know, for young women who accept money in exchange for sexual favors."

"Debt-free?" Dan said.

"That's two words," she said, grinning.


"I happen to have still-another overpaid professional baseball-type person who is paying me a splendiferous amount of money to care for his children and maintain his household. It happens that my budget permits me not only to pay timely installments on my student loans, but also to purchase, for cash money, this heavy-duty laser printer. And I haven't even had to ask my publisher for an advance on my novel!"

"Okay, so what you're saying is, you're already more or less solvent."

"I am. However, despite not requiring your financial assistance, I do enjoy your company, very much."

"Does that mean there will be additional sexual favors, even if, foolishly, you refuse to accept compensation?"

"If we can haul this printer back to your house, I think I could dispense a favor or two even before you take me out to dinner tonight. That is, if a man of your age can summon up the energy for another round."

"I've been celibate since five o'clock this morning," Dan said. "That's coming up on eleven hours -- seven or eight of which I have spent sleeping. I'm reasonably confident I can get it up again before dinner. Twice, maybe, even."

"You're not having to take those little blue pills, are you, Dan? I mean, I don't want to challenge you unduly, here."

"More 'old-guy' jokes, Susan? Do you never tire of putting me down because of my advanced age?"

"Actually, no, I don't. You, Daniel Preston, are the oldest man I have ever shagged! And by a considerable margin. Naturally, I feel some anxiety about subjecting you to excessive strain."

"What about that professor you told me about? Wasn't he an old fart?"

Susan was certain that Dan's question had made her blush deeply. However, either he didn't notice or decided to refrain from comment. "He wasn't a professor when I knew him in college. He was just a grad student. He's maybe twenty-nine or thirty. I never slept with a professor when I was a student. That would have been cheesy."

"You never had a crush on any of your professors?"

"There were one or two that might have rated a passing fantasy, but as I said, when you're still a student, banging professors is ever-so-tacky. Banging the guy in Florida, who, by the way, is only an assistant professor and a much younger man, well, that was just fun!"

"Just unlock the car, Missy, and drive. When we get back to the house, I promise I'll preserve my energy by lying on my back and letting you do all the work."

"When I left Lauderdale in March, me and the Professor were working out ways we could get back together after his semester ended. He was in line to be my Significant Other until further notice."

"School down there must be just about out by now," Dan said.

"Yeah. I had to send Lars a 'Dear John' email."

"His name is Lars?"

"Oh, please! I've mentioned his name to you before this."

"Yeah ... but, Lars?"

"Don't make fun of him. He was there when I needed him. He's good in bed, too. Lots of youthful energy."

"So the prof's a young dude."

"That's right. Probably not even like thirty yet."

"Swedish guy, right? They're supposed to be pretty sexy."

"I don't know," Susan said. "He was born right here in the U.S.A. But I guess he's got to have some kind of Scandinavian heritage."


"Stop it!" Susan said, but she was laughing.

Behind the laughter, her thoughts wandered back to the past week. Long before Arlie and Dan had returned from out west, she had checked and re-checked the house to assure that no shred of physical evidence could possibly betray the fact that Lars had been a guest of the Stone household and had even drunk a bit of Arlie's scotch.

Very late Monday night, after Dan had demonstrated not only to Susan's satisfaction but to his own that he wasn't over the hill, she drove back to Arlie's to spend the remainder of the night in her own bed.

Dan made her promise to leave the printer in the trunk of her car overnight and to get Arlie's help Tuesday in taking it up to her room. She readily agreed. She could lift the unwieldy box that held the printer, but it would indeed be difficult for a smallish woman to carry it into the house and up the stairs.

Tuesday morning, she was up in time to relieve Arlie of breakfast-preparation duties. Toby had a summer league baseball game late that morning, and she had already decided to accompany Arlie and Christy to watch the game.

"You could have stayed over with Dan and come back after lunch today," Arlie said.

"We were together from four a.m. until after ten last night," Susan said. "It was a sufficiency."

"I fear the bloom is off the rose," Arlie said.

"Not so. The bloom is definitely still blooming," Susan told him. "But sometimes, the ... uh... rose petals just need a little recovery time."

"I think this metaphor has gone as far as we can take it," Arlie said, smiling.

"What's a metaphor?" Toby asked.

"They're talking about her and Dan doing it," Christy explained.


Christy pretended to be addressing her little brother: "Grown-ups think they can say anything they want to in code, and we children won't get it."

"Well, I don't get it," Toby said.

"There's nothing for you to get, Son," Arlie said. "Your sister is just getting too big for her britches."

Later, out of the children's hearing, Susan apologized to Arlie for discussing her love life —- however cryptically —- in front of the children. "I had no idea Christy had already figured out that Dan and I were lovers," she said.

"You had no idea because you just hadn't given the matter any thought," Arlie said. "When you think about it, even for a moment, you'll realize that of course she's figured it out."

"I feel pretty dense," Susan said. "And I'm sorry if I'm giving your children the wrong message."

"What wrong message?" Arlie said. "You mean, the message that adult men and women sleep with one another?"

"Well. Unmarried men and women."

Arlie laughed. "Does this look like the Baptist Seminary to you? I don't mind if my kids find out people have sex outside of marriage. Christy is very curious about it right now, and I've had to caution her not to cross-examine you about Dan's and your relationship. But the fact of it? That's not taboo. Not as far as I'm concerned."

"I'll try to talk to her a little bit, woman to woman," Susan said. "If she's got a few questions, it will be good for her to get her answers from me."

"Go for it!" Arlie said, grinning. "Better from you than from me."

Susan forgot about the new printer until after they'd returned from Toby's game in the early afternoon. Arlie still had ample time for a late lunch and a shower before he'd need to head for Camden Yards for that night's game.

"Before you clean up, could you carry my new printer up to my room for me?" she asked, offering him her car keys. "It's in the trunk, and it's quite heavy."

"You want me to set it up for you?" he asked.

"No. Your time is pretty short. If you can just get it up there, I'll be able to take it from there. Go ahead and take your shower afterward. Meanwhile, I'll make us all some lunch."

After taking the printer box to Susan's room, Arlie came back to the kitchen carrying a framed photograph with him. "Where did you get this?" he asked Susan.

She glanced at the photo. "That's my mother," she said. "What do you mean, where did I get it?"

"Your mother?" he said.

"Yes. What is it?"

"I know her!" Arlie said.

"You do?"

"We went to school together, in Wooster!"

"High school?" Susan asked. She still wasn't tracking.

"In Ohio. In Wooster," Arlie said. "I had a tremendous crush on her! Hell, I was in love with her!"

"And? You didn't know she was someone you knew ... until now?"

"No! How could I know?"

"Well, you two have been e-mailing back and forth. Didn't you recognize her name? How about my mom? Wouldn't she recognize your name?"

"She's using her married name. I knew her as Lissie. Lissie Hanratty."

"Well, you don't have a married name," Susan said. "And 'Arliss' is pretty unusual."

"In high school -- all through school, actually -- I went by my stepfather's name. I was 'Swifty McDonald' to all the other kids. And we moved away after my junior year in Wooster. I graduated from high school in Missouri. When I started college, they insisted on my using my legal name: my birth-father's name. Your mom never knew any 'Arlie Stone.'"

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LongshotChapter 8

Lying on her side under the shade of a river birch, the dark round hill of Zuri’s belly moved slightly with each slow, deep breath as she slept. Passing high above us, a long white wisp of visibly curved cirrus cloud momentarily dimmed the sunline, stilling the whirring sounds of insects. Spinward, the closest building of the polis remained a quarter of the way up the cylinder. Compared to the nomadic adventures of our childhoods, we’d been making very slow progress along the ringriver...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 9

19 YAL Our wanderings became circumscribed by our daughters. Ananya and Hotene, names we had chosen from the Old Sol cultures associated with their phenotypes, largely slept when we did. Thankfully, they usually went down at around the same time, after Hotene’s nightly fight; the staggered circadian rhythms that kept our sleepless human ancestors on guard at the mouths of their caves were synchronized in homo liberas twins, repurposed to Longshot’s watches. Our family expanded to three...

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LongshotChapter 10

20 YAL At first our mother’s departure felt much like the trips she had taken in the past when Zuri and I were children. But as the days of her absence continued, we realised that she wasn’t coming back. “Daddy?” Ananya’s high voice piped above my head as she swayed side to side on my shoulders. “Yes, sweetheart?” “How many stars are there?” My eldest daughter – Ananya had emerged into the world two minutes before her sister – had recently become obsessed with counting and numbers....

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LongshotChapter 11

Frowning at the carving in my hands, I smoothed a curve of dark brown wood with the pad of my thumb. I’d been playing with Ship’s printer algorithms for weeks, trying to convince the AI to produce wood with an interesting structure that avoided becoming interlocked. Working on the meter-long post with a chip knife had convinced me that the latest sample might actually be a usable result. I had started carving a few years ago. Carrying a sleeping Ananya in my arms along a rocky beach at the...

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LongshotChapter 12

The bats were just beginning to come out by the time I made it to the polis. Avians had apparently never been successfully adapted to the habitat, for reasons we still didn’t understand; the only birds we ever saw were flightless rails, parrots, and some ground-hugging species. But bats had thrived, especially in the canyon and rainforest biomes, from where they emerged each evening to hunt for insects. We had taught the children to spot them at dusk by listening for the faint rustle of...

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LongshotChapter 13

After dinner was cleared away and recycled, we rose one level farther. Mother had told the truth: the dome at the top of the tower was completely clear, allowing me to look directly overhead at last. A ramp from the open capsule doors took us up to a square sleeping platform in the center, from where I could see the city spread out beneath us and the darkened habitat beyond. Immediately, I felt much more comfortable. Standing above the center of the ringriver allowed me to observe it as I...

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LongshotChapter 14

“So Mom’s pregnant,” Zuri said. I looked at my sister in surprise as I climbed down from the crouching factotum. “You knew?” She raised an eyebrow. “Of course. She never does anything without a plan.” Returning to the intimacy of family allowed me to forget my new responsibilities for a long time. Fear of command was replaced with the immediate task of raising Hotene and Ananya, thoughts of the immensity of our voyage and my responsibility for it subsumed by the simple act of waking up...

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LongshotChapter 15

30 YAL Sitting on the stern shore of Lake Numi I felt the alert from Ship enter my mind like a rock shearing from the face of an incomprehensibly tall cliff, falling through infinite divisions of femtoseconds before plunging into the shallow waters of my brain. Glancing at Mother, I saw her eyes film over in response to the same message. You have this, she subvocalized, her voice low and calm in my ear. Longshot was beginning to turn. In the depths of interstellar space the vessel’s...

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LongshotChapter 16

My children’s reaction to Mother’s departure reflected their personalities perfectly. Ananya was saddened by the news, but held up stoically, leaving our conversation determined to make her grandmother’s last day with the family as pleasant as possible. Kirra, too young to fully understand what was happening, appeared to be mostly confused, but quickly settled into nonchalance. I reserved a chance for storminess later when realisation set in. In contrast, my second daughter’s response was...

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LongshotChapter 17

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Repeating the words taught to us over the thunder of the falls, I raised a wooden bowl filled with ringriver water above Ananya’s head. While Zuri and I had retained Mother’s observances and celebrations, we’d remade many of her rituals. There were no death-defying plunges for our daughters, no endurance marches naked in the cold. Waking the children just before dawn, it had taken just half an hour of walking before...

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LongshotChapter 18

Nibbling kernels the colors of stained glass from a steaming corn cob, I listened to little Kirra babbling happily, entirely unaware of the tension that flashed back and forth across the campsite as we ate supper. Stirring the leaves above our heads in soft whispers, the dry evening breeze carried a hint of crispness, a promise of the season’s swift turning. With our old black pot removed from the RTG, the heating element’s radioactive decay warmed our small circle as darkness closed...

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LongshotChapter 19

Brushing wood chips from my legs, I looked up to see Zuri appear between columns of black spruce trees with the white bulk of a facto following at her heels. As she drew closer, I read her stride as less walk than strut. Her full lips cast into a smirk, bouncing on the balls of her feet, everything about my sister wordlessly communicated I know something you don’t. Forbidden to us as children, the boreal forest had become a popular destination for my daughters during our summer migrations....

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LongshotChapter 20

“I want to give you something.” “Hmmmm?” Hovering at the edge of sleep, drained by the demands of the day, I rolled within the warmth of the merged sleeping cocoons towards my sister, feeling her long legs brushing against mine. The inside of our tent was dim, the taiga biome’s linelight cool and grey through the thin fabric. Hiking to the bow had taken us three days, our progress slowed by an unexpectedly early microwinter, the snow falling so deep we’d been forced to stop while the factos...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 21

Entirely capable of fending for themselves, the rest of the camp left Zuri and I undisturbed the next morning. Crossed wrists held under my hand, my sister bucked hard against me, her eyes squeezing shut, screaming hard as I finally allowed her to join me in climax. Shuddering, back arched as I released inside her, we collapsed together, gasping. Around us I could hear sounds of activity as the camp rose with the dawn. “So good...” Zuri moaned, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth as...

2 years ago
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Longboat KeyChapter 2 Lindas Day

I was shaking as Roger and I walked to the room at the waterside hotel. How did I get into this? I knew I had sort of pushed the whole affair (is affair the right word), but Steve would have said something if he truly objected. He hadn't, and I knew the whole idea, sort of, turned him on. Why do I keep using "sort of?" Either it does or it doesn't, and the same goes for me. Am I going through with this? Steve had been teasing me for years about other couples, never seriously, I think....

4 years ago
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Longboat KeyChapter 3 Breakfast Steve again

Early morning light filtered in the room. I got up first. In the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then inspected Beau for damage. Finding him fit for duty, I cleaned him up and reentered the bedroom. Hearing me, Maggie got up and left to do her duties. I heard the shower, the hair dryer—then an hour later again woke to see her open the bathroom door. She returned with hair perfect, lipstick, ultra red over full lips her breasts naked and her nipples hard. I was impressed. Beau was impressed. I...

3 years ago
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LongreachChapter 2

Eric and Alex talked for days, which turned into weeks, planning. The crew of the Misty had gotten permission to "visit" the compound that Eric had, with his ships help, restored to almost pristine condition. One of the things that Alex had asked Eric to do, was to have his crew scanned by an empath from the compound, to see if they had a spy. They did, and it was Mara Bates of all people! She had assumed that Alex would be suspicious, and had arranged for someone who looked to be a spy to...

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LongreachChapter 3

For over a year we worked our asses off at Longreach. We carefully selected people to migrate to our new base. Besides the repair ship, Marn; we also had a mining/refinery ship! It was busy converting raw material into useful finished products for us. The base on the planet which we named Alton, was located on the continent where Eric had spent so much time. The second base was named Caston. Both bases were recruiting people for various positions. One thing we wanted was a trained army. Not...

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LongreachChapter 4

Commodore Barnhart was prompt. While I waited for the commodore, I looked into hiring guards for myself and my ship. Station security was supposed to safe-keep all ships that were docked, but things had been known to happen in the past. The front desk suggested a company called, Triad Security. As the commodore had also mentioned Triad, I gave them a call. I was impressed that they knew my name, right from the start. Apparently I had made a 'whose who' list. I talked to a partner about...

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LongreachChapter 5

Eric looked at the screen and marveled at the hugeness of the "engine" that had appeared with it's accompanying ships it had given a lift to. The LP was as good as it's word. League of Planets freighters were even now separating from the hyper engine, and making their slow ponderous way to orbit. The engine had shortened an otherwise much longer trip for the majority of these ships. It also carried within it an interstellar communications suite. Eric marveled at how much space the...

4 years ago
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LongreachChapter 6

Eric was aboard CCS-14, monitoring the advancing Terran Federation ships, as they moved towards his task force. After a little over two years, Longreach now had a nice little navy formed; thanks in part to the TF's policy of dropping civility, and trying to force planets into subjugation. Eric had helped this fledgling navy with a bit of technical support. For example, a small task force such as this should not try to take on a force of the size of the battle group that was now approaching...

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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

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SchlongChapter 2

Betsy Lou Krupke was as close to the girl next door as I had. She spent the first few years of her life in Wisconsin and had that healthy, farm girl look about her, blond pigtails, freckles and all. She was a twenty year younger version of her mother, albeit over 70 pounds lighter, and without her mother's trademark blue gingham dress, similar to what Dorothy wore in The Wizard of Oz. Her father was a cop — Officer Krupke. He was just as gullible as his namesake from West Side Story, but...

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SchlongChapter 7

The rest of the way to school was just plain weird. Betsy Lou was always back where I could see her, almost like she was afraid she'd get lost if I got out of her sight. I knew she was watching me but every time I turned around, she was looking someplace else. The assemblage at the gate seemed larger today and they had that "Hi, Schlong" thing down pat. Just about everyone I passed on the way to my locker said something to me, too. Guys and girls. That was new. We were in different...

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Belonging **Author's Note: This story deals with mature subject matter and explicit sexual encounter. Please do not read further if this is not to your taste. Even though I love to write but was never good at it, or had the drive to write much. So after a long break i thought I would give it a try again with a very short one. I waited on the bed as moonlight filtered through the small window into the dark room, its been almost a month since he was here as he works in the...

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I want him so badly, I want him at all times. If I could fuck him a thousand times a day, it wouldn’t be enough. I can’t get enough of him. I can’t get enough of running my fingers through his chest hair and kissing his neck. I can’t get enough of the feeling of him teasing me by gently brushing his fingers along my back, or kissing and licking my nipples, or softly rubbing against my pussy- always ready and begging for him. Our relationship hasn’t been long. We haven’t spent every waking...

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Makalya and I had been flirting more than usual. It started back in January. We had been in the same class since August, but never started talking to each other until Winter quarter. Even then, it was just flirting with our words, we sat a couple rows apart. But when the third and final section of the class came in the Spring, we decided to sit beside each other. Instead of desks, like most classrooms, all of our had tables that sat two, and the first day of class I was caught off guard by...

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Longing Office Sex Toy

The elevator dings and brings me up to my level of the workplace. I hurry along to my desk, eager to see if he shows today. Every day is always a guess. It is part of the torturous fun.As I sit in my computer chair at my desk, I look around excitedly. Sadly, I have yet to see his head above any of the cubicles. I sigh with anxiety. I want him to come to see me. I smooth out my ass-hugging pencil skirt and pull down my blouse to try to reveal my girls more.Now that I am at my small space in the...

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Longing in the Urals

LONGING IN THE URALS I consider myself a fit person. Everest is high up on my list of places to hike and experience, but to do that, I needed to be more fit than ever. Id always wanted to hike the Russian Ural mountains. Little did I know that it would lead me where it did. I should tell you a bit about myself. My names Scott Worrell, I reside in Sydney, Australia, one of the best countries in the world to live in, the best, but that's just me. Early on in my life, my...

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Longing for Innocence

He had just been released from Prison a week ago. Now, He found himself wandering aimlessly through the freezing cold, Harsh streets of Moscow, Russia. He had nothing, No car, no relation with the Outside World (that he had been deprived from for so long.) It seems as though his Family, friends, and 'Connection' had all vanished upon his release from Behind bars. His name: Aleksei Astapkovich. He found himself being imprisoned for Theft because of relations and ties with the Russian...

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Longtime Friends Become Sex Partners

Helen Simpson and Simon Corbett were both in their late fifties and were part of a group of six or seven couples that often met at dances or for a drink or a meal.Whilst some of the group were loud and gregarious neither Helen nor Simon liked to be the centre of attention although they were both sociable and happily joined in conversations.Helen was married to Colin and Simon to Elizabeth but unbeknown to each other and to the rest of the group neither marriage was happy.Simon found Helen to be...

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Longtime Lovers

He lay me down on the bed, crawling up the bed behind me. Leaning over my face, so I could look into his deep brown eyes. He leant in close, and ran his tongue across my lips. I love the way his tongue feels against. Reminds me of past encounters with him, his tongue exploring my body… But now he’s licking my lips. Running his tongue across them, back and forth, till he pushing his tongue between my lips, spreading them apart, sliding into my eager mouth. He kisses me deeply. Lots of tongue....

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Longtime friends

Beau and Stephen had been long-time friends, they often spent time together playing golf, gym, and fishing. Stephen had a secret crush on Beau for quite a long time or it was Stephanie, Stephens' alter ego that did have a crush on Beau. He found himself struggling not to show it when he was around Beau. One day the two were shopping for gifts for their wives. Beau noticed that Stephen's ankles looked really tan. As they were shopping, Beau tried to get a closer look at his ankles, was Stephen...

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Longtime friend Dana finally fucked

I know Dana since I was 14 years old when her family moved in the neighborhood. She was 2 years younger than me and we basically grew up together. We became friends very fast, we went to school together every day, we went together to handball practice (we were both playing for the same club) and we were always together when we went partying because her father was very strict and he would let her out only if I was around and I would make sure that she will get home safe. We had a very strong...

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Longtime coming

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when we were growing up in Florida. I never really knew much about sex or being horny or masturbation or any of that. Until i basically watched by accident a porno i walked in on my brother watching it... So after that I started looking at women differently and wanted to see more, but only stuck with computer pictures at first, didnt know about videos, and then that was when i started getting a hard on and didnt know what to do with...

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Longing for My Marine

Up and down, up and down. My head is softly and slightly moving up and down, as I rest on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, so strong it is beating. We lay there watching TV, once again, another normal night. But this night is different than others. We are sitting on the 3-seater couch, him leaning on one corner, as I lay between his legs, resting my head on him, both facing the TV. His arms are wrapped around me lovingly. I can smell his cologne, the one that I love. It has that slight...

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SchlongChapter 3

It was the day after Labor Day and Betsy Lou wasn't ready when I stopped off at her house on the way to school. Mrs. Krupke invited me in for a glass of Quick, but I was anxious to get going to my first day of junior high. Actually, I was both anxious and nervous, but I still wanted to get there as soon as possible. "You haven't hit your growth spurt yet, Mark." "No, Ma'am," I squeaked. My voice was starting to go through it's indecision of whether it was going to stay soprano or...

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