Sod's LawChapter 5 free porn video

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Saturday 25th June 1983

I waited for her to trot out the ‘let’s just be good friends’ routine, but I was surprised.

“This has never happened to me before,” she said reflectively. “It’s not like a crush or an infatuation, I’ve done both of those and I won’t be fooled again into thinking they’re the real thing. But this – what’s going on here with us – this is different.”

Oh, it was’t the ‘good friends’ talk. “I agree. Go on. I’m listening.”

“I’ve never felt as totally at ease with anyone, as I do with you. And it’s been like that since the moment we met. In no time it felt as if I’d known you all my life and you were so comfortable to be with.”

She stopped again and assumed an enquiring expression.

“You’re asking if I feel the same,” I said. “And you’re absolutely right. I felt an instant rapport with you, a closeness. I didn’t understand it then and I still don’t. Now don’t get what I’m going to say wrong, will you? I was puzzled because from past experience I thought that you weren’t my type – I mean physically.”

She frowned.

“I told you not to take it the wrong way,” I said patiently with a hint of gentle reproof. “I was puzzled because it felt so right and I definitely wanted you. I wanted to get to know you better, much better. I was jealous when the other men of the House went out with you–”

“They didn’t–”

“Yes, I know they didn’t get anywhere. They both actually apologised. Anyhow, It was soon clear to me that you were very much my type, and it felt natural that we made such rapid progress with each other. You’ll agree we haven’t been together very long to feel this way?”

We both laughed. It was self-evident.

“David,” she said earnestly, “I feel as if we’ve been together for months if not years. You understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes, perfectly. It seems too good to be true.”


Her smile showed her pleasure that I understood her. She was so pretty when she smiled: her eyes sparkled! Then she looked more serious.

“The problem is that things that seem too good to be true usually are. I feel a little guilty that I pushed too hard – last night and today. I mean – stripping off in front of you, going braless, and last night – more or less inviting you to...” She left the sentence unfinished.

“You’re not really sorry you did any of those things, are you?” I said with a grin. “But you think that wiser counsels should prevail. It was just so exhilarating to find each other, we got carried away. I mean, for goodness’ sake: quoting Shakespeare!”

We both laughed at that one.

“You see?” she said with a loving smile, and reaching for my hand and giving it a good fondle. “We understand each other so well, almost too well!”

At that moment our food arrived.

After the meal, as we sat with the inevitable coffee, and both knew there was more to say.

“David, I’m saying this more for myself than for you, after all, I’ve been making the running haven’t I?”

“I wasn’t trying to avoid you, love–”

“No, I didn’t mean that, just that I seemed unable to stop launching myself at you. I still get urges that way!” She giggled then, and I loved it.

“I’m asking–” she began.

“That we go slower, get to know each other better,” I said.

“Once again we think alike. David, this is uncanny. Yes. Slower, but with progress! Can we do that?”

“Darling, honestly I don’t know. I can try, but you are devilishly hard to resist.”

She smiled contentedly at that and shook her head.

“Is that shake of your head that you don’t believe that of yourself, or you’re not sure we’re going to manage it?”

“Both!” and she laughed, her eyes twinkling. “I think I’ll feel safer if I stay at my place. Once the smell of paint has gone down, I’ll move in then. In any case, I’m off to London on the fourth and I’ll be going home early next week to see my parents before then.”

I couldn’t help feeling disappointed. At last we were clearly together, beginning a relationship that was of more importance than I’d had since Susan. Already our days together were disappearing.

“David, if I go home on Monday until Wednesday, you’ll be working those days anyway, won’t you? We’ll have tomorrow, and then I’ll move the rest of my things over and begin to unpack then and continue on Thursday and Friday. Again you’ll be at work all day, but we’ll have the evenings, even if I’m unpacking.”

She had seen my expression and was trying to help me see sense!

I nodded, “Yes, you’re right of course. Then we’ll have the weekend together before you go on Monday.”

I drove her back to her place. We parked outside the house.

“It’s pretty bare in there now,” she said. “Glenda is leaving on Tuesday, moving the last of her things home for the long vac. Jill goes on Thursday evening, so between us by Thursday we have to finish cleaning the house to get our deposits back. We’ll do a bit tomorrow. Might even get Glenda to give us a hand, after all it’s her deposit as well!”

She turned towards me and I reciprocated. We naturally put lips together and kissed, then separated, looked at each other, grinned, and fell upon each other, soft lips moving mouths opening, tongues duelling. Her hands swept over my shoulders and over my arms, as mine caressed her sides down to her hips. We were panting when we forced ourselves apart.

She looked sad. “I wish we’d met before I committed to that work experience in London. I’d never have gone. Someone’s law again!” and she giggled.

I was just about to say it would stop us moving too fast, but we could still meet now and again.

“You will be able to come to London? At least being apart will slow us down. Except when we meet! Then I suspect the reverse may happen!”

How did she do that, speaking my thoughts?

“Yes,” I said, “and I’ll pay for you to come up here.”

She hummed with pleasure and fell into another torrid hug and kiss. Then she decisively broke the embrace and opened the car door.

“See you tomorrow,” she said with her smile, and left the car, shutting the door firmly but quietly. She walked away, and watching her bottom sway I wished the path to the door were longer, then she turned and waved when she reached the house door before entering.

I drove home feeling happy.

When she did not arrive on Sunday morning, I wondered if I should have picked her up, but remembered that she said she’d help Jill with cleaning. She arrived mid-afternoon and between us we began the process of unpacking some of her things.

Christian was making a roast pork dinner so I had appended our names. I took two bottles of wine, a Grenache and a Durif Syra, which were gratefully accepted by Kim, Nuala and Harry. The conversation centred on Kim’s impending stay in Cologne, a city Harry had visited on one of his jaunts, and alsoon Helen’s summer in London. Kim was quite upset.

“You’ve only just got together, and now you’re going to be apart for the whole of the summer,” she said plaintively, as if it were she who was to be separated!

“Yes, but I’ll be living here from September onwards, and we will still be seeing each other on some weekends.” Helen told her. “Honestly Kim, it will do us good – give us a chance to appreciate each other and think about things more. Neither of us is looking to be going out to find someone else!”

“I suppose not,” Kim said, seemingly unconvinced.

“Kim, we trust each other,” I said. “I’ll be working all through the summer and so will Helen. I’ll have a heap of holiday time saved for when Helen has finished her work experience. We can have extra time together then. Deferred gratification if you like.”

After dinner, Helen and I almost went to bed, by which I mean we lay on the bed together fully dressed and hugged and stroked. By common unspoken consent we both avoided arousing the other.

Then I walked her back to her empty house. We parted with hugs, kisses and mutual assurances of seeing each other on Thursday if the house cleaning went well.

It was quite a new experience for me, walking home from a girlfriend’s house, having had a fairly platonic evening together, and with hopes for later in the week. It felt good, and I found I did not mind the separation too much.

We seemed to have settled together, and there was no fear that she would somehow find someone else and jettison me! Life was getting better.

I was enthralled by how much in tune we were, how we thought the same things. I began to think that we would have a perfect relationship. The future looked serene and unruffled, I thought. As it happened that was unrealistic and naïve, and would prove so sooner rather than later.

I had realised at work on Monday morning that I had no means of contacting her, and it turned out that she did not phone me while she was at her parents’, nor did she arrive at the House on Thursday afternoon or evening. I had left work and come home early in case she arrived, but by eight that evening I began to worry. At 8.02pm she rang and I ‘just happened’ to be next to the phone in the kitchen.

“Sorry!” she exclaimed before I could get a word in. “Jill and I have been working all day and we’ve nearly finished at last. I just now got a feeling you’d be worried, so, could you come and collect me and the rest of my stuff about ten?”

“Yes,” I said. “I can do that. Looking forward to it.”

The phone call awoke something in me. She had not contacted me the whole time she’d been away. I assumed her family had a phone; she knew our House number, so why didn’t she call?

When I got to the House, the front door was open and there was a small heap of assorted household items in the hallway and two rucksacks. Helen was wielding a vacuum cleaner in what I assumed to be the living room.

“That pile in the hall,” she shouted over the machine’s shrill whine, “that’s all mine. It’s going with me.”

No rush to fall into my arms after our days apart, just an implied order to load the car. With disappointment I loaded the car, and was sitting in the driver’s seat waiting for her to arrive.

She hugged Jill and said farewell, then fell into the passenger seat and belted herself. Still no hug, no kiss hello. It annoyed me. We set off on the short return journey.

“You didn’t ring while you were away.” I began, letting the statement lie.

Silence. Then, “Was I supposed to?”

“No. I just thought you might. I don’t know your parents’ number. You know mine.”

Another silence. Then, “Sorry.”

“Did you tell them about us?”


“Why not? Ashamed of me?” I was unaccountably annoyed.

“No!” she said becoming animated. “It ... It didn’t feel like the right time ... I suppose that’s why I didn’t phone. I always ask if I can use the phone and I always say who I’m ringing. Always have.”

“No big deal,” I said to lighten my own mood, but I was still unhappy.

“I’m sorry, David. I should have phoned.”

“It’s not a matter of ‘should’, as if it’s some chore to be got through. If I’d had your number, I would have wanted to.”

There was no answer from her to that.

We were nearly home, after all it was a short journey by car. In the silence that followed my last remark, I became unsettled, not by her actions or lack of them, but by my own annoyance. Until I asked her about phoning I had not given the lack of a call much thought and now it had suddenly taken on an importance I had to admit, it did not merit.

We unloaded the car in silence, putting her stuff in the middle of her floor. When we had finished, I went and parked the car away from the front door and made my way to my room, not to hers.

I was washing my hands after moving her stuff when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in!” I shouted from the bathroom. When I emerged, drying my hands on the towel, she was standing just inside the door looking worried. She made no move towards me.

“Why don’t you sit down,” I said and waited for her to comply. I remained standing. She was now getting upset.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, unmoving in the doorway. “You’re upset with me. What have I done?”

Upset? Was I? Then it dawned on me. I was upset and I knew why.

“More what you’ve not done.”

“But I’ve said I was sorry about not phoning.”

“Not that.”

“Then what?”

“Partly that. Last Saturday we were talking about moving too fast, and it seems you took time while at home to realise you want to distance yourself even further from me, in fact to cut me off altogether.”

“David that’s not–”

“Let me finish. Today you were back. No call to say you wouldn’t be coming over or to ask me to come there when I got in from work, which I did early so as to see you. I could have helped or at least made tea. You called me late on, to use me to bring your stuff over.

“When I get there, do I get a hug, a kiss hello? Do you show how pleased you are to see me? No. I get a shout to put your stuff in the car. I load up and wait in the car. You hug Jill then get in the car. Do I get a hug? Kiss? No. Any sign of affection at all since you got back? Not one.

“So I have to conclude you’re having second thoughts about us, and will probably be relieved to be in London over the summer, and away from me. I won’t be surprised if when I call to arrange a visit, I’m put off. I think you’ve changed your mind about us.

“That’s fine. From now on you’ll just be another house mate. You’ve made it clear you want to separate yourself from me.”

Her expression at this was not distress or shame, which I think I rather wanted from her, and thus she showed she did not believe for a moment half of what I said! So as it happened her expression was fitting. Pity! Mockery! Pretended affront!

“David, give up the self-pity for God’s sake! Poor badly done to boy! Ah diddums! Talk about blowing something up out of all proportion. I’m not even going to apologise for your imaginative construction of my motives from what I did or didn’t do.”

In my surprise I made as if to counter her response, but she hadn’t finished and was not going to give me the satisfaction.

“We both said we needed to ease off. OK, so I’ve eased off, so what? I’ve been away for three days, David, three days, not a month or a year!

“When I got back I had the remains of a pig-sty of a house to clean from top to bottom with only Jill to help me, and that’s after working at it last Sunday. I arrived at nine in the morning and worked solidly until I called you. I calculate that’s eleven hours and no lunch or dinner beyond a packet of crisps and an apple.

“So I was and I am dead beat. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not the end of the world that I didn’t fall into your arms with a girlish sigh. If you’d been a bit patient, about now would have been the time to kiss and say hello, here, alone, not in the middle of my house move!

“And while I’m at it, no I didn’t mention you to my parents. Why? Because I was ashamed of you? Hah! Don’t flatter yourself! I never discuss my private emotional life with my parents. If the time ever came to formally introduce you, it would be because we had something to tell them and not before.”

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“I want you to pound me with that hand of yours until I cum on your hand. My cum which we will both taste. And then, it’s my turn.” He smiled, so I could tell he liked the sound of that. He continued to pick up his rhythm with his fingers until he was pounding me so hard that he was moving the desk with every stroke. But that was ok, I didn’t mind, that’s the way I wanted it. “Oh…my…god…MR…just…ohhhh” I kept screaming as he stared straight into my eyes and wittingly replied, “Oh, yes….is this...

First Time
1 year ago
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Mom Rides Again

Jean, his mother's younger sister, arrived at the house bright and early on Saturday morning."Hi squirt," she said. Rick didn't resent the slam it was a nickname she had given him when he was born. At the time, she was six and thought the name was cute. They had always been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a typical little girl thought process she felt it was her duty to help take care of him. "Hi Jean," his mother and he said in unison. "What's up?" his mother added."Don't you two...

3 years ago
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Party Time Ch 02

Ben let Sarah go and sat on the toilet, looking at her. She saw herself in the mirror and was astonished: she looked positively lewd. Her face was flushed, her breasts wobbled as she turned to look at herself and her nipples were clearly defined. ‘Oh, God,’ she said. ‘Ben, they’re going to think we’re, well, doing it in here.’ He splashed some water on his face and said tiredly, ‘Let them think whatever they want. If you want, fake an orgasm, a good loud one. That should do Richard some...

2 years ago
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Arlene Gets Hypnotized

This story is based on recent correspondence. * * * My name is Arlene. I am a third year psychology student at Duke University. I met Philip last summer when we were both camp counselors. Philip is six foot two inches tall and very fit. He is a great swimmer and he played a great game of volley ball. I am five feet six inches tall and reasonably athletic. I love swimming and volley ball. We gravitated to each other. We would play with the kids all day and sit around the camp fire late into...

1 year ago
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E Is For Easter

“You gotta catch them all.”“How many is enough?”“Whatever fits in your basket.”As the three of us milled about in the freshly-mowed grass, I surveyed the park filled with hundreds of rambunctious children, and a few determined adults, searching high and low in the trees and bushes for pastel eggs for our town's annual Easter carnival. “Don't you have to find all ten colors to win a prize?”“Those were the instructions,” Stella replied, lowering a pair of sunglasses from her forehead to her...

2 years ago
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The Best Sisters

THE BEST SISTERS By ShannonQ PART ONE Synopsis--The Best Sisters are identical twins. They find that their beauty is beyond their control at times. They live through historical times. They are gorgeous, selfish, become wealthy and love only each other. Rated X Note--Transformation comes in Part Five. ONE The howling wind outside the tiny house chilled Melissa and Michelle...

3 years ago
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Put Me In CoachChapter 17

The Orioles' runaway Division championship in the AL East made for a disappointing year in New York, Boston, and Toronto. Not so much in Tampa Bay. The Devil Rays had done pretty well on the season (despite once again finishing fifth-and-last). There was hope. If anything, Devil Ray fans, seeing the Orioles' success, took some encouragement from it. After all, we'd been right down there in the basement alongside them, for close to a decade; and not so very long ago. Joe Torre got fired,...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Lost Weekend

One of my favorites!-----------------------------------------------My Wife's Lost WeekendbystoriemaxHere are the events that took place last weekend and how I learned all the juicy details. It all started just after I left the house to play golf for the weekend with a friend. My 45 year old, prim and proper school teacher wife was left at home to fend for herself. Now that was nothing unusual but what happened in the next 24 hours was very unusual for both of us. My wife Pam, as I stated...

4 years ago
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BiomancerChapter 8

I didn’t watch the press conference the next morning and when Ronnie went to talk about it, I walked away. I knew what the results were. Me and my Biology book kept the squirrels’ company. Two days later, Dr. Evil, the Sheriff, and a man in a suit, the same age as Doc Martin were waiting for me on the lawn. They came prepared for a wait; cheese, wine, crackers, blankets, water, and a huge battery lantern set on low. It was now almost two hours after midnight, I noticed them arriving hours...

3 years ago
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Adult Movie House Fun

I went to an adult movie house yesterday and I got more than a movie to watch. I had to ring a bell to enter and I heard someone throw a dead bolt for my entry. I was face to face with this nice looking guy who was chatting with the guy who ran the movies. I nodded hello and payed and entered the theater.It was really dark and I found a seat as I felt my way to one on the aisle in the back. I started watching the current straight porn and relaxed into it. After about 10 minutes I heard the back...

3 years ago
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He started fucking me

Sunday was my 41st birthday and my husband had asked me what i really wanted for this year’s special birthday present. He knew that a girlfriend of mine had done a gang bang this year and that i had an interest in trying one so he finally came out and told me if i wanted to try it he was ok with it and would help me set it up.i am in moradabad now so if any lady or girl need any secreat friendship then mail me I didn’t have to think long after he told me that so we posted on here with some...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Avi Love Cock Blocking Sister

Justin Hunt walks in on his stepsister Avi Love hanging out with her friend Kat Monroe. Kat is totally into Justin, flirting with him while Avi just finds herself increasingly annoyed at her brother. When Avi’s back is turned, Kat takes things a step further by reaching out to start stroking Justin’s hardon. Avi catches Kat in the act and flips out! She kicks her friend out, then confronts Justin in the living room.Avi may be pissed, but Justin has problems of his own. He tells Avi...

3 years ago
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Harry the Hippopotamus Has a Problem

Harry the hippopotamus had a problem that was keeping him from sleeping at night. He had already asked all the other hippopotamuses for their opinions and it looked like a fairly even split with half of them favoring the use of hippopotamuses and the other half certain that hippopotami was the correct plural for their species of animal life in Africa. He was a little confused about using hippopotamuses or hippopotami but he was quite sure that they were in Africa because his mama told him...

1 year ago
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What Happens When You Cheat

He couldn't believe the bitch had done this. He kept asking him self why, why the hell would she do this to him. Mark was racing home to meet his best friend Paul. He had to get advice on what he needed to do. He checks his glove compartment it was still there. As he pulled up to the house he saw Paul's car on the street and Veronicas car in the usual spot. He grabbed his briefcase from the back seat as he got out and lock his car. From the walk up he could see Paul and Veronica in the...

1 year ago
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Ambers office life with her Master Tuesday Chapter 2

Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. This series will have 5 chapters, each for the day of the week about how Ambers life is spend in office with her Master (Lucas). Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didnt wake up on time&hellip, and now Im running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the clothes any...

2 years ago
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When Fantasies Come True

It’s a big step I’m taking today with a man I normally only text. I don’t really know him, so it’s a chance I’m taking today and I’m very nervous. What if someone I know sees me? There are going to be questions, after all. If I go through with this today, then I will know what the next step will be. It is just for a few hours, and then I will be gone. With that thought, I get into my car and drive out to the Resort where we said we will meet for the day. I pay my entrance fee for the day and...

First Time
3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 78

The drama of Mica and Janet dragged on while we worked on episode three of the second season of ‘That Bitch Tory’. On day one of the work on episode three Janet or I had to build the back story for our new character. His entrance into the story was in the last scene in episode two. Tyler spent his first night in Sparta on his grandfather Jamison’s twenty acre farm. Twenty acres was about the size of two city blocks. It seemed like a pretty good sized piece of land to Tyler who had spent the...

3 years ago
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Gay Euro Trip Part Two

When I finished college some years back, I spent some time traveling Europe. I had a great time seeing the sites and sucking the cocks. The following is a steamy account of my adventure. Part 2 After a crazy couple of days in Paris and my hook up with a French hunk, I decided to move on and take the overnight train to Berlin. I was so horny walking into the train station and couldn't help thinking about my night of wild gay sex in Paris. I couldn't wait to get to Berlin and find the best gay...

3 years ago
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Rob and Barb

I don't know whether I was naïve or just plain stupid, but it had to be one or the other that put me in the situation that I was in. And that? Driving away from the home of my sister in law with her husband's video camera and Beretta 94F on the seat beside me. I don't come off looking too good in the story that led me to this point and all I can say about it is what I said in the first paragraph – naïve or just plain stupid! It all started fifteen years ago when I met Beverly McKay. It...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 7 Samanthas dirty secret

The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck. 'I shall conduct the inspections with just my...

3 years ago
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The End Of A Long Day By Tomb

It was a long hard day. All you wanted to do was to go home and relax. You got out of work much later then you wanted to and it’s too late to go out. You make yourself something to eat and draw yourself a nice bath. I have been up and down this street for a couple hours and I don’t see any lights on in your place so I sneak in the back door. I start to look around for some things I can take. Just then I see you standing there getting naked for your bath. I start to think to myself when not...

4 years ago
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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 4 Love

Chapter 4 Love It took a full day to recover from the previous evening. After I had passed out Master had clearly taken me down and fitted me into the latex sheet that I was currently resting in. I had awoken in the morning expecting Master to untie me and let me prepare for the day. Thankfully he recognised the rest that I needed and as I lay there slowly I begun to feel the lasting effects of last nights session. My body was aching and stung everywhere, none more so than my...

2 years ago
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Short Story after the Sport

When he awoke the bedside next to him was rumpled but empty. Still sleeping, he wondered what day was today and where his wife could be. He quickly remembered, 1. Sunday and 2. Jogging. For some time, she had always something to suspend their figure and now meant to have to change something with regular exercise on this condition.He had a very different opinion. He found his wife just right after ten years of marriage and mid-forties as she was. Curves in the right places and in bed still...

1 year ago
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Chocolate Is All You Need

Hi all. This is varun. It was in December 2015. I accepted a project in Pune in the month of November from an java coaching institute. My part was to train students in aptitude for placements. I was given with 8 days to cover all the topics in two different batches c1 and c2. 4 days in Nov and 4 in December. In d month of Nov my training went very well and all were very impressed. Everyday students used to come up with doubts and for my suggestions. The last session finishes at 4. But I used...

3 years ago
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An Indian Slut

                                                   An Indian SlutHi, My name is Aarti. I am a 34-year-old housewife with 1 kid. I have a very attractive figure of 34-28-34. My hair is black. I am 4’11? tall. I live in New Delhi, India with my husband. His name is Aakash. He is a software programmer in a large multinational company. Our married life was happy till a little while ago.Our problems started with the recession in the US. My husband was in the danger of losing his job. One day, we had...

1 year ago
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Idle Cunts Are the Devils ToolsChapter 11

It felt like it had taken months but it had only been about a week. I had provided a week of constant and consistent rigid discipline for these women. They were still at their core, bitches. Cherry had called herself ‘trifling’ however trifling is the same as ‘annoying’ and annoying would be a major understatement. Describing their core as evil might be a little much as well. Self centered and mean would be closer to the mark, although the two of them had definitely grown noticeably...

2 years ago
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Quality Time With Rashi

By : Pradeep Mukherji Hey, there.It’s my first and real story of some cozy moments with Rashi,my first ever bed partner.I am currently studying in IIT,Delhi and live with a small gujarati family there as paying guest.They are extremely generous towards me.They have their daughter named Rashi,who is a beautiful college going girl with mind blowing assets.Long flowing hair,blue eyes and an everlasting beautiful smile on her pretty face. When I first saw her I was mesmerized.Within a few days we...

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The Builder

Julie arrived home from the office tired and cranky from the hot day and long week. What she wanted was a long cool shower and a drink. These hot, humid days had always left her drained and feeling down. Life had become routine for her, work and home, over and over, sometimes meeting a friend or seeing her sister and her family. But routine it was. She wasn’t unhappy, in fact she was a joyful person, but there was something missing, and that was a special love. She wanted to find someone...

4 years ago
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The Story Teller a Change In Attitude

Chapter One Bruce Jamison watched as the commuter train approached his station. He looked around and saw that all of the people waiting to board the train were staring at the train as if mesmerized by the approach of the huge beast that took them into New York City at this time of the morning, Monday through Friday. Bruce had been riding this train for seven years now; ever since he and Beth had moved to Connecticut. Bruce had met Beth at a friend's party and they had hit it off right away....

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