SummoningChapter 2 free porn video

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"Ornias (trans. "pesky"), the first demon mentioned in the book of Solomon..."

I had tried getting the demon to tell me about itself, about the ring, about why its symbol had been drawn on the last page of Sara's journal. However, despite being unable to break the ring's hold, it refused to utter anything but threats concerning what it would do to me when the ring no longer stayed its hand. So I decided to employ the tool most often by writers when they are sniffing for just enough facts to make the impossible plausible.

I started surfing the Internet.

"Solomon... began to pray to God to that He would hand him authority over the demon. His prayers were answered, as God sent the archangel Michael to deliver a ring to Solomon with the seal of God, so that he could imprison demons and force them to help construct the temple."

A ring given from God to Solomon to imprison demons and bend them to his will? Holy shit!!

"Solomon than sealed the demon with his ring and ordered him to cut stone for the temple."

Sealed! The demon Ornias must be connected somehow to the ring, and subject to its commands. But... why won't it do what I say?

"Solomon then commanded Ornias to bring him the Beelzeboul, the Prince of Demons. Ornias was able to throw the ring at Beelzeboul, who winced in pain, and then returned with Ornias to Solomon."

The other symbols on the ring must stand for demons that have been trapped and forced to do the will of Solomon! From the number of symbols on the sides of the ring, that must be dozens!

The cone of force emanating from the ring held steady with Ornias in its grip. He had lost interest in my search on the computer, and had turned his back to me inside the light coming from the stone. I stood up, thinking that what I was about to do needed the formality of being on my feet. Then I sucked in a deep breath and said in a loud voice:

"Demon Ornias, I command thee with the power of the ring of Solomon to do my bidding!"

The demon turned toward me, hissing in what I mistakenly thought was pain.

"Impudent whelp! Nothing you can say can make surrender my powers to your will!"

As it continued hissing, I realized that it was not in pain... unless laughing itself silly constituted pain for a demon.

I left my two newly sculpted wax beauties immobile in the small office and returned to my prowl around the house, knowing that my next stop would yield at least a few of the regulars. I again touched my power source mentally, and made myself invisible to those I might come into contact with.

The small back bedroom was known as the "encounter" room. A small futon sat on one side behind a wood and glass coffee table, and folding chairs were set up in a semi-circle facing it. Arrayed on the walls were various implements of S/M Gerry had collected... actually, that he had bought with the group's money and hung on the walls of his house. Floggers, single-tails, cuffs, chains, clamps... here used for decoration, but within easy reach should they be needed. Still, the area was mostly used for conversation and cooling off after intense sessions either in the living room or in the dungeon.

Surprisingly, only three people were in the room. One was someone for whom I felt great affection, if only because of how nice a person he was, even if his sexuality was a bit confused. Everybody called him Sam, if only because it made it easier to treat him in a more gender-neutral fashion. His birth name was Samuel, but if he could, he would rather have been born Samantha. Sam was a pre-op transsexual, taking the hormones and hoping for the day when he could afford the cost of the actual operation that would completely transform him. In the meantime, he lived his life as normally as most of the rest of us, saving his true passions for nights like this, when he dressed in full drag.

Having seen drag queens before, the sight of a man dressed as a woman would generally not startle me. However, given that Sam was 6' 7" if an inch, it was hard to think of him as feminine in nearly any way. Still, he worked at it, wearing clothes that complemented his body's lack of curves, wearing tasteful makeup instead of gaudy drag-queen pancake. More than that, he was truly a submissive at heart, liking to sit on the floor at the demonstrations, to volunteer for anything that required a modicum of pain or humiliation. One time, apparently out of need and longing, he asked if he could worship my feet. I was about to say no when Sara gripped my hand and shook her head slightly. So I accepted, and Sam gratefully bent over my feet, removing my shoes with care and ceremony, and then rolling my socks carefully down, kissing each inch of skin lovingly as it was exposed. It was a curious experience to say the least, made more so by the fact that he knew what he was doing, and it felt fantastic. Afterward, the three of us sat in the encounter room and talked about it, with Sam offering to do it anytime I wanted. I thanked him for his offer, then nodded at Sara and whispered, "But it might make her jealous!" and we all broke up in laughter.

On this night, though, Sam was in a lather. Even as I was trying to walk in, he blew past me, whizzing across the hall into the master bedroom and slamming the door behind him. Inside the encounter room, the two men left behind laughed uproariously at his departure.

In my mind I knew them as Frick and Frack, though their real names could have been Smith and Jones for all I knew. They were a couple, but both were submissive, and loved to come to the monthlies so that a male or female dominant could treat them to the masochism that they couldn't physically inflict on themselves. Most often I would see one of them running from the dungeon, either clad in a pink thong or nothing at all, displaying the angry red welts of a thorough beating and grinning at the discomfort some felt at their fleshy exhibitionism. Then, after the rough stuff was over, they'd wind up in this room on the futon, wrapped around each other, occasionally kissing, reliving their night with anyone who would care to listen. None of it would have bothered me, except for their unconscionable teasing of Sam, who they thought aberrant because he wanted to be a woman and submit to a man, while they wanted to be men and submit to anyone. It irritated me that they could be so condescending, so completely without sympathy, while they pranced and paraded around the house like they owned the place. In my thoughts, they were pigs, snuffling and oinking in someone else's pigsty.

Perhaps the ring picked up on these thoughts without my conscious direction, while my attention was focused on what was wrong with Sam. When I turned from the closed door of the master bedroom to look into the encounter room, I was surprised to see that Frick and Frack were undergoing some sort of transformation. They flopped around on the futon, writhing as their bodies were forced to change. Their faces morphed, their eyes getting beadier and more pig-like; their noses were grew more bulbous, transforming into snouts. Whiskers sprouted from around and under their new noses, while tails started to sprout from their asses. Their fingers folded into fists, then hardened into hooves. Their voices, so high-pitched when they laughed at others' misfortune, turned harsh and guttural as their cries turned into grunts and squeals. They were not men, nor were they pigs... they were pig-men, knowing nothing now of dungeons and dominants, only knowing the needs of pigs: to eat, to wallow, to shit... and to rut.

Even in the dim light of the encounter room, I could see Frick's penis extending, as Frack turned over on the futon and put his ass up in the air. They both grunted eagerly as Frick approached Frack from behind... until Frack let out a high-pitched squeal as Frick drove his cock home in the other pig-man's ass.

Not being into homo-bestiality, I pulled the door closed and left the pair to their new lives as carnival act curiosities.

Ornias paid no attention to me as I continued my Internet surfing, looking for ways to compel it to obey my commands. Despite hours leafing through web page after web page, I could find nothing substantial regarding the ring of Solomon, how to use it, or how to make an uncooperative demon obey the dictates of the one who wielded it. Sighing in frustration, I turned away from the computer... only to find Ornias grinning obscenely at me from behind its prison of light.

"Ready to give up now, aren't you, worm?" it hissed. "Can't find any answers to the mystery of the ring, and so now you're just going to quit. Typical human scum. How the likes of you ever forged a bond with the ring of Solomon, I'll never know."

Forged a bond? With the ring? Did it mean when it shrunk to fit around my finger? Or did it mean something else? Since it wouldn't answer my questions, I didn't know if there was any way to really find out.

Idly, I examined the last page of Sara's journal again. Something bothered me about it, something I had put aside while dealing with the more immediate question of the ring and the demon. But, having no solution to those puzzles, I looked more closely at the symbol.

It was well drawn and very clear, which made it likely that Sara hadn't done it. It was also oddly discolored, a curious brown that looked more like a stain than ink. I poked it with my fingernail...

Ornias let out a sharp hiss from inside his phantom cage.

Startled, I looked up, but its back was still to me and I couldn't tell what had caused it to break its sullen silence.

I placed my finger on the page near the top of the symbol, and raked my fingernail across it from top to bottom, seeing if I could peel some of the ink from the page.

This time, Ornias roared as if being attacked, and whirled toward me in his prison. As I looked up from the page in the journal, I was startled by the gnashing of its fangs as it beat against the walls of its cage of light, trying to get at me.

A large scratch oozing ichor had formed, running from the top of its head to the bottom of its torso.

I ran my fingernail across the symbol from left to right, pressing down harder this time. Before my eyes, a larger gash began to form from right to left across Ornias' torso, and the demon screamed in agony until the wound finally stopped forming as it found the left edge of its chest.

Wrapping its gnarled arms and claws across the new furrow that had just formed in its flesh, Ornias looked at me like an unrepentant child pouting after a spanking, its features awash in a mix of emotions - anger, defiance, pain...


For the first time in days, I found reason to smile.

Leaving Frick and Frack to their piggish antics, I crossed to the door of the master bedroom and stepped inside. Sam was huddled in the middle of the immense four-post bed, crying silently.

Like the rest many rooms that uninvited guests would never see, the master bedroom was decorated in BDSM-chic. Above the bed were mirrored panels; anchored to the ceiling was a naked wooden beam, over which ropes could be thrown and tied. There were all manner of hooks and pulleys attached to the beam, which could be used for immobilizing or displaying the bound in various positions. Again, Gerry had used club funds to equip his bedroom with many different types of toys, which were either displayed openly or were within easy reach in various chests and bureaus around the room.

Sam remained ignorant of my presence, which was what I wanted for the moment. I stood at the end of the bed and looked down on him, empathizing with the pain he felt. I didn't really have to look into his mind, as his sadness was being broadcast with such force that those without powerful supernatural forces at their command could feel it.

But I was struck by an image in the front of his mind. Sam saw himself as a kind of Pinocchio. However, instead of being a puppet boy wanting to be real, he saw himself as a fake person, a limbo person... neither male nor female. And what he wanted with all his heart was to be a real woman, one that could move forward in fulfilling the desire to be submissive to a powerful, desirable man.

Of all the people in the house on this night, Sam had always treated me decently, though he had done it as much because of his friendship with Sara than for any other reason. But, looking deeper into his mind, I saw that he genuinely liked me, and found that one time that he had worshipped my feet to be genuinely erotic... and his invitation to do it again was not in jest. He would have gladly knelt before me tonight or any other night and kissed and licked my feet until I told him to stop, and his only complaint would be being told to stop.

To this point, I had used the power of the ring in anger. But, looking at Sam huddled miserable and alone on the bed I decided one thing. If nothing else good came of this night, I would use the powers I had been given to try and make one very decent person happy.

I stepped up beside the bed and let myself become visible to Sam, then sat down beside him. He looked up in alarm, and might have tried to roll away from me on the bed if I hadn't been sending calming thoughts into his brain through the ring. I took his hand and squeezed.

"Frustrating night, huh?" I began. "I saw you run out the encounter room. Frick and Frack on your case?"

New tears formed at the corners of Sam's eyes. He took a couple of deep breaths and then, as if afraid his voice would fail him, simply nodded. Then, recalling all the drama surrounding Sara and Ramon and me, his eyes widened. "Daniel, you really shouldn't be here..."

"Shhhh. I've already heard that from Gerry, and I told him where he could stick it. By the time we're done here tonight, everything will be settled once and for all." I reinforced that more soothing thoughts, and he settled back on the bed, still troubled but much less agitated.

I didn't know exactly what to say... how to begin offering Sam the chance to live his heart's desire. I could just change him and be done with it, but... I wanted this to be something he chose for himself, rather than have it forced upon him. At least that much I could do in the spirit of being his friend.

"Sam... do you believe in magic?" I blurted out.

He looked at me curiously from the bed. "Sometimes, I guess. Sara's into that sort of thing, you know, and she's occasionally given me books to read and stuff. But... magic? I don't know."

I squeezed his hand again and smiled. "I know what you're saying. I suppose that, up until a few days ago, I would have said the same thing. But something's happened to me, Sam. Something that's wonderful in some ways, and extremely scary in others." I lowered my voice slightly. "I've found true power, Sam. Mystical, mythic power. And I've been using it."

Sam looked at me as if I'd lost my mind, for which I couldn't blame him.

I stood up and pulled him easily to his feet, aided by the power of the ring. That startled him even more.

"Come with me. I want to show you something." I lead him across the hall into the encounter room.

The demon Ornias scowled at me from its prison of light, knowing that I had found a bit of leverage upon which to open a dialogue.

"Shall we talk, demon? Or do you prefer... ?" I tapped the top of the symbol with my fingernail, hard. A gash opened above the demon's eyes, and it screamed again in pain and frustration, clawing madly at its eyes as ichor ran into them from above. However, its manner remained defiant.

"Puny mortal. Demons are cursed to bear the wrath of the holy, and the live in the fires of the underworld. You might have found a way to inflict pain and mark my body... but its nothing compared to the torment I have suffered at the hands of others more fearsome than you."

I nodded. In the thousands of years since Solomon, and in the years before then, even a minor demon such as Ornias must have been through some tough scrapes. A few scratches and cuts probably wouldn't do much more than enrage it, and that would not get me the answers I wanted. So it was time to try something else.

I got up from my chair, carrying the journal. "Orny my boy, I'd like to introduce you to someone very dear to my heart. Can you say 'Frigidaire'?"

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Ms Faris and Kiara Cole are playing games in the yard on Cinco de Mayo while exchanging heated glances. Kiara spies Chris Diamond, Ms Faris’s stepbrother, and suggests they fuck with him. Chris comes over as the girls talk about how into Kiara Ms Faris is. When he gets close enough, the girls offer to let him play ball with them because they’re really good at playing with balls. They bounce and jiggle to tease Chris until Claudia Monet calls the kids in to help her and Chris Valiant...

2 years ago
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Front Row

Your name was Eric Marts, and today, you were the happiest eighteen-year old in the world. You had moved into a house that you had rented for a relatively cheap price, and you would be staying there for as long as you could, until you found a more permanent residence after college. But that wasn't what made you happy. Next to your home, was another house, which occupied three very beautiful girls: Jessica Harts, sexy eighteen-year old college student. Jenny Harts, twenty-year old college...

3 years ago
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Family SecretChapter 2

"Well, I certainly don't want to go pick her up," Abby said, pulling the brush through her hair. She loved her hair. So black, so silky, so long. It wasn't the only beautiful thing about her but people seemed to notice it first. It framed her thin delicately featured face perfectly. She rested a hand across her chest and admired the long fingers, the long, crimson nails. It was no wonder that men adored her, competed for her attention. She caught the reflection of her brother in the...

2 years ago
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Off to Russia with my sexy interpretor

My travel agent was able to add Sasha to my flight and accommodations. We both slept most of the flight, and hit the ground fully refreshed. She got us a cab, checked us in at the hotel desk, and even managed to upgrade us to a suite for only $12 more a day. Ah, the ability to speak the host countries language fluently. We entered the suite and it was fit for royalty. Sasha went to freshen up, and I mixed a drink for each of us. She came back in the room wearing nothing but a smile, Let's work...

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy turned on her cell phone, and set it down on the instrument panel. The light, although not very bright, managed to displace the overwhelming and depressing darkness inside the cabin. She looked over at Ben and saw that he was looking a little pale. “Is that better?” Betsy asked. “It’s much better,” Ben said. “Good. I got Sharon’s cell phone next to the two guys who are trapped in the back,” Betsy said. “How are they?” “They keep drifting in and out of consciousness. They aren’t...

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Best cocksucking day of my life

I was new to cocksucking, having only sucked four cocks in my life. Actually the first cock, I only held it in my mouth for a few seconds. Then the guy sucked me. I was so ashamed of what had just happened I couldn’t wait to get away from him. I had met him on a city street where gay men cruised. I got out of my van and waited for someone to stop and offer me a ride. He took me to his home where we did the deed. Well, the shame lasted for only about a week. I wanted to do it again. I went back...

Group Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Kitana Lure Summer Pixi Sharing His Shaft and Semen

Hands On Hardcore has got a hot one right here for you – get ready to lose your load as you watch Kitana Lure, Summer Pixi, and Josh enjoying some morning anal and oral to start the day off properly. Josh made the mistake of nearly leaving his blonde Russian stunner, Kitana, home alone with their bi-sexual roommate and Hungarian brunette stunner, Summer. But luckily for him, he caught these babes in the heat of the moment just before he was to head off to work. What he walks in on is his...

4 years ago
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Chrissy Max the Dog Mom and Me

Having learned how to relax and let Max knot with her, she loved to have him fill her with gallons of dog cum. When the knot would pop out and cum would flow from her for several minutes. After a couple fucks from Max, she was used up. I, however, was hard as a rock and ready to explode. Just as Chrissy started to suck my cock, the door to the kitchen opened and my mother walked in. I didn’t notice her when she walked into the den, until she screamed”Art, what the fuck is going...

1 year ago
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Getting My Groove On In Boca Raton

Young girl takes matters into her own hands to seek relief from 3 elderly gentlemenI live in Montgomery, Alabama, with my mom Carla and brother Tristan. I’m 20 years old, 5ft6, and I carry, lets say, ten pounds of puppy-fat. I don’t actually know for sure, because I have never really been ‘in shape’, and besides, it doesn’t bother me.I wear my hear shortish, and right now it is colored blue. What else? I have small tits, black pubes, and I don’t shave.My brother is two years younger then me....

4 years ago
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The Restroom

You just had to take of your pantyhose, the tear in them was just to big and embarrassing. Even if that meant walking into the only unoccupied ladies-room that said it was out of service. Not that it really did matter since you wouldn't use anything in it anyway and the lock seemed to work.You checked the floor and it was pretty dirty but at least you couldn't see any pieces of glass on it so you took of your shoes and you noticed that it sounded like someone walked into the mens room next door...

3 years ago
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The Sissy App

The Sissy App 1. Setup "This is the longest user agreement I've ever read!" thought Rick as he scrolled and scrolled through the hundreds of pages of legalese on his recently-downloaded smartphone app. The "Sissy App" User License Agreement was indeed voluminous, containing numerous sections detailing the GRA Software Corporation's exemption from penalties, payments or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes, for any harm that may come to a user when using the Sissy...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Karma RX Second Appearance

Karma Rx is a self-proclaimed narcissist. I mean just look at the slut! She’s masturbating to her own dirty movie, and of course it’s her filthy blowbang for Blacks on Blondes’ sister site, Interracial Blowbang! Right in the middle of her jerk-off session, Karma’s “Daddy” comes over with a couple buddies. Daddy has a new friend that wants to get into the JizBiz, and another who’s just horny. Since Karma does whatever Daddy says, Karma’s going to...

3 years ago
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Three Dicks No Waiting

I was in the college library, when another advance pro-Mongolic studies student by the name of Lionel, came and sat beside me. He asked 'so David did you get what Prof. was hinting at in today's class.' I looked at him and gave a weary smile and replied 'only neanderthal mind would have missed the sexual implication that was at work there.' Lionel looked at me and continued 'Paul,Reuben and I was wondering what would have happen if the hunters had been trapped without female companionship for...

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Help mom 3

She stood there looking somewhat astonished to see my penis sticking up so big and hard, delighted, and maybe just a little proud of being the cause of it. "Is that proof enough?" I questioned, grinning sheepishly. "Apparently," she answered. "I think that's lovely!" "Even if I am your son?" I teased. "It's very special," she told me. Seeing that she was not embarrassed, but in fact quite happy, I said, "I think it's special, too. You do look sexy." "Do you really think so?" "Well...considering...

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SweetSinner Kenna James Succumb To His Stepsister

Holly hatches a plan for her and her stepbrother, Ethan, to get his therapist’s winning lottery ticket without having to murder anyone…blackmail! However, when Ethan resists the idea of betraying the woman he really loves – his therapist – Holly resorts to seduction to get him to see her side. With his dick in her mouth, Ethan succumbs to his manipulative stepsister, begging her for a taste of her pussy – which she refuses at every turn. Frustrated and pushed over...

2 years ago
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The Seduction of Amy

(John and Thomas conspire to seduce Amy)John Slater and Thomas Johnson sat on the patio of the Northwest Country Club watching the rain fall from the sky in sheets. It rolled off the roof in torrents, splattering noisily onto the exposed section of the cement patio. The sound almost drowned out the grumbling golfers who were crying into their beers.The two friends had barely gotten in five holes when the heavens opened. Now, they waited, hoping that somehow the weather would clear in the next...

3 years ago
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College Bikini Beatdown

It’d been a few days since you signed up for this ‘bikini battle’ tournament your college was hosting. Since then you made sure to train hard: running and swimming to improve stamina, stretching to improve flexibility, and posting selfies of your bikini body on Instagram. Okay, the last one might not necessarily be preparing, but who could blame you? You bought a cute camo-bikini with pink trim just for the tournament, and at a bargain price! After you saw this ad for it online, you knew you...

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Ronald K Pump Destroys Jarvankas Pussy

The following is an act of fiction. All characters are figments of imagination. (Ronald K. Pump lies in bed, atop the covers. He wears a puffy white bathrobe and has Cocks News blaring in the background. Ronald is in dim spirits. He is sipping a Diet Croak, half-heartedly scrolling his phone, and lamenting his current life.) Ronald: This job sucks. I used to have the most tremendous, most incredible life. I had helicopters and shit. I was banging underwear models, beauty pageant contestants,...

2 years ago
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Working Where the Sun Dont Shine

People get embarrassed at the thought of going to an emergency room over something that they think will be embarrassing. Please don’t. If something is causing you pain, or might even be life-threatening, but might reveal you have sex -- even kinky sex -- don’t worry about it. Especially in large cities, ER staff have seen it all. Nevertheless, they do remember the especially creative things, which often involve the use of things in ways for which they were not designed, in body orifices not...

1 year ago
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The day a knight turned me

I was mad, I was wet and I was angry. It was the middle of summer and it should not be like this, the day had started so well. Hubby dropped me at the mall to do a bit of retail therapy; shoes, makeup and as always lingerie and toys.Now the bastard had left me to make my own way home, pouring rain and in high heels. Laden with bags I trudged to the taxi rank where I saw a huge line and few cars. Just across the way was a bus shelter, almost empty and heaven sent the right bus arrived. I started...

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foreplay poem for the ladies

ForeplayI can feel your spot and you’re dripping wetI whisper in your ear, on your mark, ready, setI kiss your inner thigh and your body just shiversYou twist and moan as your muscles start to quiverYou want it so bad that you start to get pushySo I spread your legs and French kiss your pussyYou taste hot and sweet, like peaches and creamYour bodies so hot I can see the steamIt feels so good that your body just shoutsI have you flipped upside down, and turned inside outYou legs tighten up,...

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First MMF Threesome Real

This story is true, the events actually happened. This happened With a Ex & before any MM play together with my friend.A buddy had just returned home from the west coast, We met up downtown one day to catch up on years gone past. We had few brews and Rode around some bike trails by the river. I said I better get home before the wife does, I also mentioned that I wanted to stop and rent a movie at the local XXX shop. He laughed at me and asked what I was going to rent exactly? I replied...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jane Wilde Naughty Petite Gets Pounded Hard

Naughty petite slut Jane Wilde knows how to suck and lick a hard white cock. With the beautiful face of an angel and the perverted mind of a naughty star, she plays with your cock in POV experience wearing a sexy tiny blue bikini, enjoy your point of view meanwhile Jane bounces her juicy ass up and down in front of you. She is amazing giving blowjobs, having fun and laughs a lot in every stroke, every tiny cavity is penetrated hardcore wild time. Jane likes to go deep and suck your balls while...

2 years ago
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Night Flight to Bonners Ferry

I'd made the flight from Spokane to Bonner's Ferry many times before, but usually had few charters once winter approached. This day the weather was marginal, leaving me to wonder if I shouldn't tell my passenger that we would have to wait till morning till the front passes. Besides, he was late, and I was tired, hot, and now annoyed as well. He finally showed up, occupying the passenger seat of a tiny red sports convertible. For several minutes he just sat there, as he and his young driver...

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Will she or wont she What would you do

Having been married and untouched for many years, there was a day, not long ago, when I made a decision. Ror me, it was a very big decision. I am not certain if it was due to spring, hearing the new birds in the neighborhood trees, chirping for food as their parents neared, or watching the backyard squirrels as they explored and found each other sexually. For whatever the reason, it was painfully clear to me, I needed go get laid. I was not certain how, but just knowing I was going to make it...

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A HellenicAfrique Love Affair Part 3

A Hellenic-Afrique Love Affair Part 3 I woke up first just after six in the morning following after our furious love fucking with Meletios, all hot, sticky with dry sweat including cum spots and icy caking in some passionate spots and all round. I slipped out of bed quietly still in my blonde wig pearl choker kissing Meletios on his forehead as he let out a low groan still deep in his sleep before strutting off naked in my silver 4-inch spike marabou mules to the bathroom to take a...

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Secret Room

“Hello?” she said. Her mother looked at her. “Who is it?” she asked. “This is she.” Misty said into the phone, ignoring her mother‘s question. “Who may I ask is calling?” She put her hand over the phone a moment later. “It’s Mr. Ménage from down the block.” she said. “They want me to baby-sit tonight. Is it okay?” “Find out how much, first.” her mother told her. “Then ask how late it will be.” “Okay, my mom wants to know how late I’ll be, and how much I get paid.” she said into...

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Milk of Desire Book II Chapter 6 Moms home

By EFon Chapter 6 : Mom's home! So there we were, three teenage girls and two slightly younger teenage guys, all stark naked as the day we were born, sitting around the kitchen table, all recovering from orgasms and reeking of sex. It was a beautiful Saturday until we heard the front door open. "SHIT!" I and my sister both whispered at the same time. I looked at the clock and realized we'd lost track of time and my mother was home. We were all naked, in the kitchen, and...

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Not Myself Tonight

I'm not usually the type of girl that goes out to bars or clubs a lot. Last Friday was an exception to that rule. I had a bad week last week. I got fired from my job, I was fighting with my best friend, and to top it all off, right after storming out of the job I was fired from, I broke my favorite pair of heels on the way to my car in the parking lot. Not a good week at all. On Friday, after I got home early, since I had been fired, I decided to try to relax and take the rest of the day and...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 17

I tried ... really I did. I just couldn’t get there until it was too late. By the middle of February the plows ran. Late one night the chinook wind started to blow, by morning the snow was gone. Fifty two inches of snow melted in six hours. Three days sooner and we could have saved her. Consuelo Juanita Rodriguez de Soto Cabrillo de Pineda, American, died in childbirth at home in Wolf Township, Wyoming. Attempts by snowmobile rescue failed to reach her in time. Mrs. Pineda is survived by...

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