HunterChapter 3 free porn video

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The next day was more of the same as far as hogs went. I figured that I had enough rabbits with six to test the market. If Mr. Benson didn't want the rabbits, I would try to peddle them myself. Sam and I headed for another empty field where I expected to find some wild hogs. It was near the farm of my near neighbor, Jeb Hanson, and I had heard that he was troubled by wild hogs. I planned to drop by to see him about hunting on his property next week.

Sam was as eager as I was to find hogs, so he jumped off the driver's seat as soon as I told him to. This was at the near side of the field, and it was one that pa had not used in a couple of years. He had been letting it lie fallow in hopes of bringing it back to useful production. The last crop had been okra, and the yield had been so low that it was not worth harvesting. Thus, there were a lot of okra plants for hogs to munch on. They were pretty well dried up, but that did not seem to deter the hogs.

I hoped to pick up a boar or sow as our first prey. That was the safer order of battle, and it would give Sam a chance to run down pigs and piglets. Yep, it was only about 10 minutes after Sam jumped from the buckboard that I heard his bark of being chased. Based on the close shave from last time with the sow, I swapped out the buckshot in the left barrel for another modified shell. I didn't want to take a chance on Sam being hurt. He was too important to my hunting to let that happen. I had rather miss a shot than let Sam get hurt.

I had moved to the bed of the buckboard to stand to wait for Sam to deliver his first prize, and that gave me enough elevation to see the dog and his pursuer racing toward me. At that distance, I could not tell if the chaser was a sow or a boar. It really made no difference, but I suspected that it was a boar by the way Sam was running flat out.

Finally they were close enough for me to see that the pursuer was indeed a boar, but it was not as large as the previous ones, so it must be a fairly young one. No matter, a boar was a boar as far as killing and selling it was concerned, so I was ready for it when it got close enough for me to be sure of my shot.

Sam did his usual thing of making a sharp turn when he got close to me so that I would have a favorable shooting angle on the boar. I already had my shotgun at my shoulder and my finger on the trigger, so I was prepared when the boar swerved to follow Sam. There were a lot of bushes in the way, but I had to shoot to protect Sam, so I let go with the first shot.

The slug hit a heavy brush limb that I had not noticed, and it was diverted slightly from my initial aiming point. The result was that the slug plowed into the boar a bit farther toward the tail than I had planned. This was enough to tear the boar's belly open and spill its guts that got tangled around the boar's hind legs. Dammit, that was wasting a lot of saleable meat, and I was really pissed off. However, it was enough to knock the boar down after a couple of steps, and Sam was saved.

The fallen boar kicked and fought death for at least three minutes before it gave out. I hated for the animal to suffer like that, but I could not afford to waste another shot at it. Shotgun shells cost 3¢ each, and I could not afford that expense to salve my conscience. Sam did walk around the boar at a safe distance to satisfy himself that it was no longer a danger. When he trotted toward the buckboard, I knew that it was safe for me to hop to the ground, and I praised Sam for his skill.

Sam walked away after a couple of minutes of that, and I went to see what I needed to do to salvage the dead boar. I stuffed as much as I could of the boar's guts back into the body and used the windlass to pull it onto the buckboard's bed. I had so damned much blood on my hands by the time I finished the job that I had to use a clean croker sack to wipe them off. Shit! What a mess! Not only that, I was going to have a big job of cleaning the spilled blood out of the buckboard when I got home. At least, I hoped to get $15 for the boar from Mr. Benson.

After a short rest, Sam was ready to return to the hunt. He actually was ready before I finished with the first kill, but I held him back so that I would not have my attention divided when he came back with our next victim.

Sam was gone about 15 minutes this time, and I wondered what was keeping him. Well, he finally showed up, and he was being chased again. By the nature of the creatures, this had to be a sow, and she was a veritable monster. I swear that she must have weighed 300 pounds.

Again, I had two of the modified shells loaded in the shotgun, so I was as ready for the monster as I could be. She was so large that she did not run, she lumbered like a giant boulder inexorably moving toward its target. Sam had no trouble staying ahead of the sow, and he was making life even more frustrating for her by dodging back and forth so that she automatically changed directions as she tried to follow him.

Sam made his usual turn to his left and scooted out of the way. I was so impressed with the size of this sow that I was tempted to fire both barrels at the same time to make sure that I knocked her down. Fortunately, I was not so reckless, and fired only one load at her as soon as I had a good view of her side.

This time, there were no bushes in the way, and I saw the slug hit her. Even as large as she was, she was staggered by the impact of the slug. The sow took four more steps and crashed to the ground. That was followed by a skid of at least five feet before she came to a full stop.

Once she stopped moving, Sam trotted up to her and sniffed. That was when I knew for sure that the hog was dead. I jumped to the ground, and Sam came up for his usual reassurance of how proud and pleased I was with his performance. This lasted for the usual couple of minutes, and then he moved out of the way. He lay down, but I knew that he was alert, so I began to move the hog into the buckboard.

I had worked with the windlass for a minute or so and had to stop to rest. That hog was so damned heavy that I wondered if I would be able to get her onto the bed of the buckboard. While I was paused to catch my breath, I saw a man on a horse approaching me. I soon recognized him as the neighbor, Jeb Hanson, whom I had planned to visit before returning home.

He rode up and said, "Howdy, Jack. I heard the gunfire and figured that I had better check on it. I was afraid that somebody was in trouble what with all of the wild pigs in the neighborhood. I'm glad to see that you are alright and are shooting the hogs. If you get bored over here, please feel welcome to visit my place to do some shooting. These damned wild hogs are giving me a fit."

"Howdy, Jeb. Yeah, I am in the business of providing meat to Mr. Benson's butcher shop. He buys the hogs I shoot, and that lets me spend my time hunting instead of farming. I am sure as Hell a better hunter than I am a farmer. Thanks for the offer of letting me hunt on your property. I can swing through next week to take a few of those damned hogs you are complaining about. Where would be the best place for me to look?"

"I don't know the answer to that for sure. I see hogs every where I go. They are rooting out my crops so fast that I wonder if I will get much of a yield this year. Every one of the damned things that you shoot means more food on my family's table. I would be happy if you could clean them out for me, but I don't think that is possible. There's just too damned many of the blasted animals."

"Okay, I'll concentrate on the fields where you have seeds already in the ground. That should help you some."

"Yeah, it sure will. Say, that's one hell of a big sow. Do you need help getting it loaded?"

"I sure do! She's so damned big that she is overloading my windlass crank. Maybe it will be easier to turn the crank with both of us working on it at the same time. I'd take it right neighborly if you cranked with me."

Jeb and I still had a major job getting that monster sow up the ramp and into the buckboard. When I got home, I had to use the new horse to help me pull it up to bleed out. Tomorrow, I figure that I will have to use the full sized farm wagon and both horses to get all of the meat into town. I've got over 500 pounds just from today's kills. I have to stop here because this old horse is going to have a hard time hauling this load over the rough ground.

Jeb said that he had to leave because of a heavy work load, so I thanked him for his help and promised to kill as many of his wild hogs as I could manage. He left a little bit happier than when he showed up, and I was ready to start home. Our speed home was so slow that Sam got impatient and preferred to walk, rather than ride. This poor old horse deserved a long rest once we finally got home.

After lunch, I worked on getting the two new carcasses hung up on my crossbeam. Even the new younger horse had to labor to pull that latest sow up high enough for the blood to drain. Tomorrow, I wasn't going to fool around—I was going to drive the wagon under each carcass and lower it directly onto the wagon bed.

That evening, we talked about what Mary wanted to do for a garden. She said that she could manage one acre along with the other things she had to do, and that sounded reasonable to me. She had a list of the seed and other things she needed from town, and I promised to pick them up before returning home.

That night, sex with Mary was sort of low key, if that kind of experience could ever be called low key. She said that she had to tone down some of the fucking because her pussy was still sore from last night. I can't say that I liked it, but I did understand her problem and was sympathetic. Each of us came just once, and we went to sleep.

The next morning we were up before the sun and hurried through breakfast. The reason for the rush was that I had no idea how long it was going to take me to get all of the meat loaded. It was obvious that the new horse had been trained to work as a draft animal, but it was also obvious that he didn't like it. However, I did manage to show him who was boss. I didn't know his name, so I started calling him Dun because that was his color—sort of an off-brown. I also thought that he was kind of dumb, but I didn't want to call him that in case I later wanted to sell him. After all, who would buy a horse named "Dumb?"

Anyway, I finally got him to handle the empty wagon pretty well, and I was able to get him to move the wagon where it was needed. By the time all of the meat was loaded into the wagon, the load was just short of 800 pounds, by my estimate. I threw a tarp over the load to keep as much of the road dust off it as possible and headed toward town with Mary's list in my pocket.

Half an hour later, I pulled up behind Mr. Benson's shop and went in the back door to let him know that I had arrived. He had a couple of customers, so I had to wait, but I didn't mind based on what I guessed would be my income from this load.

When he could, he hung a "closed for 30 minutes" sign on his door and went out back to see what I had. He was glad to get the six rabbits and offered me 25¢ each for them. After a little haggling, I got 27¢. I knew that he was going to sell them, as is, for 50¢. I figured that I had gotten a fair price, so I settled for the $1.62. He said that he would take as many rabbits as I could bring in at that price. I agreed to that, but I knew that I was going to be concentrating on wild hogs, and any rabbits would be a side issue.

At last, we got down to the important stuff. He was impressed by the three adult hogs that I had, and he weighed them. The total weight for the adults was 736 pounds. The total weight for the pigs was 87 pounds. I was a little miffed at that, but I couldn't argue with the scale.

I walked away with $60.97, a veritable fortune for somebody like me. Mr. Benson reassured me that he would take every pound of pig and hog that I could deliver to him. He had contracted for a cold room to store the meat, so he figured to be able to take every pound that I brought in. I liked the sound of that! He said that the cold room would be ready for use before the really hot weather started, and he expected that he would not lose any meat over the summer, in contrast to what he usually ran into.

My next stop was at the feed and seed store where I picked up what Mary wanted. The bill there was almost $6, so I hoped that she could find a good use for what she wanted. She was going in heavy for potatoes, green beans, and carrots. Other stuff was radishes, lettuce, and onions. Man, my mouth watered just thinking about that. With the other things she wanted and the feed I bought for the cow and the horses, I had a hefty load to haul home.

It was just after normal lunch time when I got home, but Mary fixed me a good meal to hold me until supper. The featured item on the menu was some of her delicious rabbit stew, and I ate a double helping of that. I could afford to do that with the amount of money I was bringing home from selling meat to Mr. Benson.

That afternoon, I took care of some of the chores around the yard and barn that I had neglected in favor of hunting. I didn't want to let them get too far ahead of me. It was late afternoon before I was caught up, and I enjoyed sitting on the veranda in the shade and feeling the late afternoon breeze. Mary joined me, and we talked about what we might do with all of the money that I was earning. One thing she needed was a sewing machine, and she had seen exactly the one she wanted in the Sears catalog. I promised to get it for her as soon as we had enough money.

That evening, we skipped the sex and just went to bed. Mary said that she was still sore and wanted a break. Naturally, I went along. She said that she and pa had made love about three times a week, and she was saving Saturday for the big night. We could work out the other times to fit our needs.

The next day, I was up early to get the garden plowed before it got hot. That would make it easier on me and on the horse. I was going to use the older horse, Sarah, because she was used to me and plowing. I figured that I would have to train Dun to plowing. I put in the garden close to the house and well so that Mary would have an easier time with it. It only took me about two hours to plow the garden, so I had the rest of the day to laze away.

Instead, I worked on the windlass to get more mechanical advantage when winding it up. I had a couple of gears salvaged from a broken down windmill, and I managed to mount them so that I had close to a 5:1 mechanical advantage when I cranked that modified windlass. That was going to make life as a hunter a lot more enjoyable.

Thank goodness, I finished in time for supper because this was Saturday. It was bath time almost before I knew it, and this whole evening was a repeat of what we had done, including me licking and such on Mary's pussy. Man, let me tell you that I was beat by the time I finally got to sleep, but I loved every minute of the sex play.

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“Are you all right Anna?” Charlotte worried about Anna more than Jenna. “Yes Mother,” Anna bravely answering. “Did he punish you?” Anna didn’t seem to be that upset over the whole thing. Maybe Lord Michael was just testing her to see if she would be obedient. Charlotte could tell that Lord Michael liked his women submissive. “Yes,” Anna’s head hung down, not wanting to look in her mother’s eyes, ashamed at the way she had responded to the punishment. “Well, at least it’s over,”...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Angela White Persuasive Busty Arguments

Angela White’s persuasive busty arguments make boxer Manuel Ferrara pause his workout to punch those big tits with his veiny cock instead! Get ready for a 4K Hardcore porn action movie extraordinaire, featuring one of our hottest models ever! Angela While is a long-haired top-heavy babe with pussy nipples and a nice big ass. She masturbates under the summer sun and gets super horny, which makes her return to the gym and grab her boyfriend by the balls. Manuel Ferrara’s massive...

1 year ago
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RetreadsChapter 38

The defense force had a long way to go. The ships were coming along nicely but we were desperately short on people. No matter how automated or how much the AI's handled, it still required people to occupy the stations and make decisions. A destroyer alone required a complement of over a hundred. We already had more ships than there was personnel to run them. Hel, dad and mom were running a friggin' battleship! They were beautiful ships, though. Monika and Philip (George and Gail's twins)...

4 years ago
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Me And My Girlfriend On Her Birthday

Hello friends my name is jay from Mumbai. Forgive me for my mistakes as this is my first story on iss. This is how I and my girlfriend finally had sex and that too for her birthday. For those who want hot action u may have to wait as this may be a lengthy story but if you don’t want to wait then you can change to another story. So beginning with the story – I and my gf were dating for 3 years and we only had oral sex till now. Last week was her birthday and I had to surprise her in a very...

2 years ago
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Captive FamilyChapter 11

Lisa had the urge to pull the horny little slut off her husband, but that soon passed as Bobby sat down beside her and ran a hand down over her sopping wet cuntmound. Instinctively, she opened her legs wider to let the youth insert two long fingers into her itching cunthole. "Ohhh, yeahhhh! You're real wet, Red!", he observed, inserting another finger into her saturated twat. "I bet you want Hero to fuck you again too, don't you? Huh? Ummmm, yeah! You do... don't you, baby?" Bobby's...

2 years ago
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Filipino Maid and the Spoiled BratChapter 2

Joanne used to bring her baby, Daniel, to our house while she worked. It spooked me, I was sure that kid looked like me. No one else seemed to notice. Even my bitch mother said she found the little fellow cute, and kept Joanne on. Probably because she couldn’t find another maid. I finally made love with Julie; and it was a life changing event. She was a beauty, she was my girlfriend, we were in love; I’d been infatuated with Joanne, but my love for Julie was different. It wasn’t secret;...

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BillyChapter 3 Visiting Pittsburgh

My thoughts were put on hold when I pulled into the driveway of the two story frame house that would always be part of my memory of my dad. I had grown up here and I had nothing but fond memories of my childhood. Mom and dad were the center of my universe and they were always there for me. I learned early on growing up that it was always best to confide in them with anything that bothered me. They seemed to be full of good advice and could make the best of times better and the worst of times...

4 years ago
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Padosan Indian Aunty Ka Kiya Gangbang

Hi guys mera naam arman hai . Mai indrapuram ghaziabad mei rehta hun. Mere loda 5 inch ka hai Jo bhi mujhe contact karna chahta ho woh mujhe pe contact kar sakta hai. Yeh khani meri sexy padosan indian aunty ‘riya’ ke bare mei hai . Mai jab 3 saal pehle yahan delhi se shift hua tha pehle hi din mai uske 32-28-34 ke figure pe fida ho gya tha. Meri unse zyada baat nhi hoti thi . Par woh meri mummy ki acchi dost thi . Ek baar unki beti ne eq dance competition mei part liya. Mummy ne unse uski...

3 years ago
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Cosplay is Consent

Darius Whitaker a normal black man who got incredibly lucky, as one day when he was smoking some weed on the couch a mystical forest fairy exploded from the end of his blunt with her hair on fire, screaming at the top of her lungs. "What the fuck?!" Darius would exclaim, quickly grabbing his glass of coke from the table and dumping it on the head of the small green lady. "Thank you!" She'd exclaim, looking at him with teary eyes. "A-as a reward for saving me I will give you one wish!" She...

3 years ago
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Padosi Mai Rehne Wali Sexy Bhabhi

Hi dosto, mai ap logon ko ek asi story batane ja raha hu, jo meri life me hakiqat me hui thi. Meri ek sexy bhabi he woh humari porosi me rehti he. Uska husband defense me naukri karte he bhabi bohut sexy he mai roj usko dekhta hu woh aage2 salte to piche se uski gand ko dekhr mera lund khada ho jata hai, usko dabane ka man karta hai, bhabi ka nam dipa bade bade boobs, bade bade gand dekhr roj mera lund khada hote hai bhabi ki figure mast ha boobs size 34 he dekhne me thoda moti sexy he usko...

4 years ago
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Tearing Komal Bhabhi8217s Pussy

Writing hello to all my fellow authors and friends in ISS, this is the experiencist (the one who enjoys experiencing life) author Saurav. I am one of the site’s longtime readers and I have been enjoying a lot of stories but saddened by the fake ones. So ending up all fake stories, I have decided to write my real experiences in the site. Writing about me, I am 21 years old, pursuing Engineering Degree in a reputed college in Bangalore. Basically, I hail from Delhi. I am the youngest of the two...

3 years ago
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Do You Remember

"I've already received ten phone calls from the morning and I am being laughed at." It was my ex-wife expressing her feelings to me. Funny she was doing it to me now. In all our days as husband and wife, (and there were 3150 of them) she did everything but share her feelings with me. "Why? Were you caught wearing a see through bikini on a camera?" I asked her as she stormed into the living room. "This book of yours talks about our marriage in great detail and also accounts the affair...

3 years ago
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Kelly Fucks Her Daddy

Kelly was seventeen years old and lived with her parents in a wealthy Connecticut town. It was the summer before her senior year of high school and she had a part time job as a lifeguard at the local country club. Her family also had a pool in their backyard at home, where she enjoyed tanning in her white string bikini and floating around lazily on a raft with a cold drink and a good book. By nearly everyone's standards, Kelly was a very attractive girl. She had long strawberry blonde hair,...

1 year ago
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 20

The various selling jobs were successful enough that a very nervous Warren and a nearly petrified Matt arrived at the Tee about eight on Thursday evening. Julia, ever conscious of staging, had decided that Andy was the appropriate one to meet them and usher them into the newly opened section. After thinking about Dottie's request for sole use of the section, Julia had decided it was a great idea, and should be used for other families, as well. Warren and Andy had met and had talked on the...

2 years ago
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Afternoon as a Slave

AsI lay on the bed, my legs attached to a spreader bar. I reflected as to how I'd got here. I had been seeing a gorgeous mature lady for a while and had suggested that we might try a little bondage and mild BDSM next time. She had just smiled and said we'll see. on our next meeting I rang the bell and was invited upstairs. My lady was wearing a short black dress she gestured towards the bedroom and followed me in to it.She barked a command at me 'Strip'. There were none of the usual greetings....

2 years ago
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The Evacuee Chapter 7

Introduction: Mary discovers the Childrens secret The three of them slept well for the following few nights, although oddly enough none of them felt inclined to immediately repeat the joys of that first session. It was almost as if they had reached a peak and were now relaxing in the knowledge that what they had done could be repeated anytime they liked. Which is what they did. Over the next few wonderful weeks of summer, while battles raged in the skies over the south coast of Britain, in a...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Karla Kush Breathing Exercises

Karla’s yoga class, in its beautiful outdoor setting, was one of Isaiah and Julia’s favorite activities to do together as a couple. The poses and breathing exercises are intended to synchronize you with your partner. When Isaiah’s girlfriend Julia cancels, they’re not sure what to do. Karla decides she’ll teach him anyway, that way they could practice at home —but as she starts guiding his body he keeps looking back at her, through the corner of his eye. They take deep breaths together but he...

2 years ago
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I Dont Want The World I Want You Part 5 Conclusion

*** When Harry woke up he was in a hospital bed. He felt confused and he didn’t have a clue why he was in hospital. He looked around the room. It was white and green, the same as all hospitals are. He looked to his right to find a window. That’s when he realised that it was night time. How late? He didn’t know but it was dark outside. His neck hurt when he rolled his head to the left to see Adam on the big, tatty brown chair next to the bed. He was sleeping like an angel. He looked adorable,...

2 years ago
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A Day With My Bestie

Hi, this is my first story here and hope to write more if you people like it. Please ignore if there are any grammatical errors. Please do give your feedback at . Now let’s get to the story. I met Sejal about 4 years back in tutions. We both had a lot in common. We always reached tuitions one hour early as we came directly from college. We became good friends. After a year she moved to Delhi and we only chatted on facebook or WhatsApp and sometimes spoke over the phone. We shared everything...

3 years ago
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Aratheon CYOA Tannivh Holaxidor Part 1

“Will ya give it a rest?” Phylis says, the look of utter impatience on the old elf’s face. Without access to the well, she ages like fruit. Elves are known for their near-immortality, but that’s only given to those who can afford it. The well of life may be sacred ground and is limitless, but it still has a price. At least to the Supreme Counselor, and Phylis can’t afford it. Most of the low born elves can’t afford it. That’s life under the Supreme Chancellors rule. I don’t know how things...

4 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 19

Two days later ... Seneca Lake “Damn, sis ... you really know how to live up to your name, don’t you?” Hank teased Moon, his own sister, as he slid in and out of her pussy yet again. “Face it, bro ... you love this butt ... don’t you? I bet that you miss buggering me, don’t you? Go ahead and do it some time ... as long as I let Doc nail it, I somehow doubt that he’d mind. Nobody’s likely to mind much at all nowadays. Thank Dandelion for that!” Moon told her brother as they fucked in the...

2 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 11

十一 It was hard to find anything in English. But using translation software, I found much more on Chinese websites and I stumbled across a brief article about a young woman, only 24, and stunningly beautiful, who was executed, here, by firing squad. The gorgeous youth had been convicted of setting fire to her workplace, killing several people inside. The article had a picture of the field where she’d been shot. Recognizing the landscape, I looked up the area on Baidu maps, and sure enough,...

3 years ago
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Summer Lesbian Lovin

Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian.Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...

2 years ago
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The Anniversary Reunion CH 1

The plan was to have us come in the two days before the party and stay at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. My two cousins, Ernie and Heather, were about the same age as me, but I hadn’t seen them in several years. I was curious to see how everyone had changed. Their home was a fairly large split-level home, which had been deemed “party-central.” The main floor consisted of the kitchen and dinning room, along with some bedrooms. The lower level had a large family room and some guest...

4 years ago
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You Couldnt Keep Your Eyes Off My Titties

Introduction: Reposted and edited to comply with age restrictions You couldnt keep your eyes off my titties My wife and I served as liaisons for some friends who had a small cabin for sale around the corner from us, on a dead end road. Ours was the closest house to theirs so we kept an eye on things for them anyway. Rick and Jean only used the place on occasion to entertain clients and friends. We knew about a couple of orgies theyd hosted, but had never been invited to one. (I didnt think...

1 year ago
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How I learned that my sister really loves me

100% fictional! I wanted to share this story with you Fellow incesters. First let me give you a picture of what we look like. I'm about 18yo, 5'11" 162 pounds short black hair blue eyes and a smile that will make you melt if you ask my sister. Now my sister is 5'11/2 (rounded up to 2" to make her feel better) long red hair green eyes and a body that most women would kill for. Her breasts are 24c not too big and not too small just the perfect hand full witch is what I love any more is a waste in...

2 years ago
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My Experience With Strangers Whole Night

This is srikanth, I am a regular reader of iss. My previous story got a huge response which made me share this true story of my friend. After my experience with salmon, anji, and john. I usually go there at least once a month. We are enjoying regularly. Last month once salman called me and asked me to meet at a cafe in jublihills in hyderabad at 7 p.M. As simple party. Casually they will meet me outside also not only for fuck but for friendship, so I said ok. The time came for me to meet...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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That One Day When The Women In Me Rose

I was quite upset and on being questioned by my best friend Ajit, i told him that i am feeling lonely and am bored from watching porn and i want to go a step ahead. We were on phone call. I insisted that lets masturbate together by watching same clip on phone, he didn’t agree, i told him then lets role play and have phone sex because i was feeling lonely and i was bored of same old way of masturbation. Ajit disagreed and said lets meet up some day, watch porn and masturbate together. He said...

Gay Male

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