Swans Ch. 1 free porn video

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Note to reader: This story is a sequel to two previous stories of mine. If you ever wondered what happened to the characters in The Temp and Della’s Turn, or why they were the way they were, here’s the answer.

We all classify people as good, bad, nice, mean, stupid, or however we chose to label others. We do it sometimes without even realizing that we’re doing it, but things usually aren’t so black and white. There are shades of gray that we tend to look past before making our judgment of other people. Everyone has a story: the mean people, the nice people, the really weird people. They all have stories too. Sometimes we wonder why a person is the way they are. This is a story about two friends, their heartaches, and pains as ugly ducklings, and how they finally found love and acceptance in the most unexpected places. This is the story of how they became Swans.

Several heads turned as the two women entered the restaurant. They were a stunning pair. One was black, tall, and aloof, the other was blonde, petite, and smiling, but they were equally attractive. Men paused in their actions to get a glimpse at the two beauties. One waiter who had been carrying a tray of food, tripped over his own feet, spilling the contents of his tray when he spied the two of them. Many of the women in the restaurant glared at the newcomers and looked away with jealousy clearly written on their faces. One woman went as far as to make a comment to her dining companion, ‘Look at those two. They probably think that they’re something else. I’m sure I would have all the men in here acting like idiots over me too if I were as full of silicone as those two.’ She said spitefully with a sneer. Her companion turned to face her realizing that she was talking to him, he too had been staring at the women.

‘Huh? Did you say something?’ he asked, earning himself a dirty look. The objects of everyone’s scrutiny were unconcerned or unaware of the stir that they had caused.

Yvette and Cassidy took their seats as the host made a big show of pulling out a chair for each of them. The host made sure to let then know that if they had the slightest need, they were to call on him. They thanked him politely but he still seemed reluctant to leave their table. Cassidy giggled but Yvette shot him a cold stare that made the host turn bright red before he scurried off. ‘Cass, I think we should consider finding another place to do Sunday Brunch,’ drawled Yvette, scanning the menu although she already knew what she wanted to order. ‘Lighten up Yvette. We’ve been coming to this establishment for Sunday Brunch for the past two years. It’s the only time we get to talk sometimes because of our hectic schedules. You’re the one that chose this restaurant in the first place because of the ‘atmosphere,’ besides, it’s your fault the men are acting like little boys.’ Cassidy pointed out.’ Yvette raised a perfectly arched brow, ‘And how is that?’

‘Because you’re such a sex goddess.’ Cassidy teased. A smile touched Yvette’s full lips. Cassidy could always bring a smile to her face She had been doing so since they were in grade school together.

After their meals had been ordered, they began their girl talk. ‘So what’s been going of with you lately? We’ve had to cancel brunch for the last three weeks now, so what’s up?’ Yvette asked.

‘Well, the work load lately has been keeping me over. I’ve actually had to work a couple Sundays. I have a new boss as, I told you the last time we talked. I’ve been so tired lately. Maybe I should start looking for another job. This new guy is nothing like Peter.’

Cassidy sighed, twirling a lock of her platinum hair. ‘You never did tell me how all this came about. I mean, how did Peter Bell get ousted from the company?’

‘Well, I think I told you a lot of this before but, the company was Mr. Carlton’s, and Peter married Mr. Carlton’s daughter Della, to give himself a push in the company. He use to laugh about it with me. He even went as far as to tell me that he didn’t love her,’ Cassidy explained.

‘You mean he made it all the way to the top by marrying the boss’s daughter? If you ask me that sounds pretty crummy.’ Yvette shook her head in disapproval.

‘Well, I suppose that being a little ambitious never hurt anyone, besides, according to him, she’s the one that pursued him in the first place. He simply took that bait that she dangled in front of him. He also said that it was at her insistence that he was promoted, although I’m sure he probably suggested it in the first place. I would say that she got what was coming to her, spoiled society bitch.’ Cassidy’s last few words were muttered under her breath, although Yvette heard every word.

‘Now, now. There’s no need for name calling, and isn’t that what you always wanted to be yourself? A rich society dame? And weren’t you screwing Peter so that that he would leave his wife for you in the first place?’ Yvette pointed out bluntly.

‘So I was,’ Cassidy smiled at her own hypocrisy. ‘OK, how does this all fit in with him getting the boot?’

‘Well, I think that his wife was on to us. She would call often to make sure that Peter was still in the office. Once, she even came into Peter’s office when we were kissing. I think she may have seen us but she pretended like she didn’t. She just smiled sweetly at Peter and looked at me like I was dirt or something… just like when…’ her voice trailed off. A gleam came into Cassidy’s eyes. Yvette was tactfully silent waiting for her friend to gather her composure once more, understanding why her friend had become sad. Cassidy smiled once more when she felt better and continued the story. ‘Well, I guess his wife finally got fed up with him, so she left him. Peter had a laugh about that as well, and seemed really unconcerned about it all. He said that she would come back to him of course. Well, when his wife didn’t come back, he began to panic. I didn’t understand why at first. I even went as far as to tell him that now he could marry me. You know what that bastard told me?’ she asked indignantly.

‘What did he say sweetie?’ Yvette asked.

‘He laughed in my face and said that I was just a pillow friend to him. He said that I am not a suitable wife for a man of his status.’

Cassidy almost broke into tears then at the thought of Peter’s cruelty. ‘Honey, I know that it must have hurt but this will teach you that in your pursuit of a wealthy husband, you have to be careful of the types of men that you go after, married men especially.’

‘Oh, and you haven’t screwed your share of married men?’ Cassidy asked.

Yvette’s lips tightened at the reminder. ‘Touche, but I know better then to get the idea of marriage in my mind. Besides, I don’t plan to ever get married. No man is going to control every aspect of my life.’

‘Well, we both know that you have issues, Yvette, and bitterness does not become you.’ Cassidy countered, and then realized what they were doing. ‘Look, let’s not argue over something as trivial as this.’

‘You’re right, I guess, I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately, so go on and finish the rest of the story.’

‘Well, Peter did give me a pretty raw deal in the end, but I did get wined and dined in the best restaurants, and I did get those diamond earrings and matching pendant. Oh yes, and this lovely platinum watch,’ she held up her wrist showing off the expensive piece of jewelry.

Yvette smiled to herself, sometimes Cassidy was like a little kid with a toy, when she acquired stuff from a new suitor. ‘That’s nice and all sweetie, but get to the point.’

‘Well, of course as I said, Peter began to panic, and that’s when he revealed to me that he only owned ten percent of the shares, and his wife owned thirty, Mr. Carlton owned forty percent.’ Yvette gave her a blank stare. ‘That means that Mr. Carlton, and Mrs. Carlton-Bell, controls the board of directors. The board voted Peter out of the company on the same day that his wife handed him the divorce papers.

‘Can they do that? I know that nepotism got him to the top in the first place but can they just get rid of him because his wife left him?’

‘The truth of the matter was that Peter was not as hard working once he made it to CEO. The company was losing accounts, and money, and Peter wasn’t doing anything to turn that around. They were perfectly justified. The board was good enough to keep me on, and said that it would be up to the new CEO to decide whether he wanted to keep me or not.’

‘Is that the last you saw of Peter?’

‘No. Would you believe that he came to my apartment one night about a couple weeks ago. He was kind of drunk, and he said that all he had left was the money he had left over from selling his shares in the company and his house, but he planned on starting a company of his own and making it to the top again. I asked him if there was no chance of him getting back with his wife, and he said that there wasn’t because she was getting married to some crippled guy. I said good for her, and that it was too bad for him that she wouldn’t take him back because I certainly didn’t want him now, especially when he would not be able to keep me in the style that I’ve grown accustomed to. You should have seen the look on his face. I thought he was going to hit me or something but he just called me a greedy little bitch and left. I haven’t heard from him since. Maybe he’s found another woman to latch on to. I don’t know,’ she shrugged.

‘Good for you.’ Yvette congratulated. They were silent as the waiter put their meals in front of them, and resumed talking when he left. ‘So tell me about this new boss of yours.’

‘Well this guy is single but he’s married to his job. He’s worked with the company since he got out of Grad school fifteen years ago and he’s done good things for the company.’

‘But tell me what he’s like.’

‘Well, I doubt he’s a millionaire, but he does make a six figure salary and I’m sure he had some money saved up somewhere because he drives a Mercedes, but he’s such a geek. He kind of looks like Bill Gate, nondescript with big glasses. There’s even levels I won’t stoop in my pursuit of a rich husband.’ They both laughed out loud at that comment, earning them another wave of stares.

‘Good for you. Don’t lower your standards for anyone girl.’

‘So now it’s your turn to tell me the latest goings on with you? How’s the new job?’ Cassidy asked taking a nibble of her salad.

‘Oh, it’s great! This is my dream job. I love the art gallery. I’ve never been in a managerial position like this before and I was surprised that the owner had offered me the job at all. She’s a really sweet old lady by the way. She said that she saw my potential, and I also told her that I use to paint when I was younger. She said that maybe if I took up painting again she would like to see some of my stuff sometimes.’

‘That is super Yvette, you deserve it. I think you were wasting your time as a secretary anyway.’

‘I know. All this responsibility is so thrilling. I really did hate working for Mr. Messersmith, and I hated temping even more. My boss, Mrs. Jansen is really sweet and she lets me do my own thing.’ Yvette sighed.

‘How are things with your love life?’ ‘

‘You know my luck with men, they either want to just fuck me or they’re too scared to approach me. What’s love anyway? I don’t need a man except to provide a little dick between the sheets every now and then. It’s not like I plan on getting married ever.’

Cassidy shook her head at Yvette’s cynicism. ‘You’re not still seeing that artist are you? There’s something a little sadistic about him,’ Cassidy said with some concern for her friend.

‘I see him occasionally.’ Yvette shrugged.

‘But he seems like the violent type. Doesn’t he get a little rough sometimes?’

‘You know I like it rough darling.’ Yvette laughed.

Cassidy didn’t join in the laughter this time. Cassidy sincerely hoped that her friend would realize that she was playing with fire, and stop, and soon.

Yvette went straight home to her apartment to change her clothes after brunch. She took a quick look in the mirror when she finished changing to check her appearance. sometimes when she looked at her face in the mirror it was like a stranger looking back at her. She studied the smooth dark face that most people would consider beautiful and remembered a time when this very same face was not so beautiful. It always made her cringe to think about those days. When she was satisfied with her appearance she headed back out the door.

Sundays were normally her days to kick back and spend some time with her friend Cassidy, but she was needed at the gallery in an hour. She worked more hours at the gallery than she had worked at any job before but she loved every minute of it and wouldn’t trade it for the world. She had gotten the job by sheer luck. Art was her only love. It had been her favorite subject in class when she went to school and she was always the best artist in school. All the spare money she could get when she was younger, would go towards art supplies so that she could paint, draw, or make things out of clay, although she liked painting the most. Her paintings were quite good and her art teacher in junior high school had said that she could probably make a name for herself if she kept applying herself and studied different techniques.

That was what she had planned to do, until her single mother got remarried. Not ever knowing, her father, since he had abandoned her mother and her when she was a baby, having to adjust to a father figure in her life at thirteen was a bit difficult, but she had been ready to accept him. What she didn’t expect was how her stepfather completely regulated their lives, with an iron fist. He controlled everything in the house from the finances down to the smallest detail and Yvette witnessed her mother wilt from a strong woman, to a pushover. Her mother let Tyrone talk to her and treat her any kind of way and it distressed Yvette. She and her mom had always been so close, and her mother did nothing to stop Tyrone’s abuse on her either. Yvette’s art had become a casualty of Tyrone’s tirade as well. He told her that her stuff was garbage and that perhaps she should concentrate on something that would be a little more lucrative, because she wouldn’t get by on her looks, as he liked to tell her. That was what had hurt the most.

Yvette, was always very tall for her age, and to make matters worse, she was at least fifty pounds overweight, and her skin was ridden with acne and Tyrone who was had light toned skin, always liked to point out how dark and unattractive Yvette was. All the mental abuse was no where near as terrible as the other abuse, but she pushed the thought away as soon as it would pop into her head. With her confidence crushed, she gave up her art, but she still appreciated other people’s works and she loved to frequent museums. Cassidy who had been her only friend in school, since they were both pretty unpopular for their own reasons, encouraged her to take up her art again, but Yvette wouldn’t hear of it. It was only about a month ago when Yvette was visiting an art gallery downtown to look at some works that she was interested in that she met Mrs. Jansen. They had got to talking about art and somehow they had gotten on the subject of her work.

Yvette had told her how she was temping and wasn’t really enjoying it at all, and Mrs. Jansen, then told her that she was looking for someone to manage the gallery for her, a curator of sorts. At first Yvette declined because she had no experience but Mrs. Jansen pointed out that Yvette was very knowledgeable about art and seemed to have an eye for what was good and what was pretentious junk. The older woman went on to tell Yvette that she was never wrong about her hunches and that she knew that Yvette was the person she had been looking for. Yvette then immediately agreed to take on the job. It wasn’t as if she liked to temp, and the law firm tha
t she was temping at was not her cup of tea, and she could really do without that eager puppy that she had to work with everyday. Now here she was doing something that she loved, and life was pretty good.

When she got to the gallery, the receptionist greeted her with a smile, which Yvette knew was fake. Sally didn’t like her for some reason, and Yvette couldn’t care less. Perhaps she was jealous of her, many women were. Yvette wasn’t a conceited person, but she knew that she could turn head with little effort ever since she had lost weight and her skin cleared up. Sally was a little on the dumpy side, and looked a bit drab. Yvette being coolness itself gave her a smile equally as phony and went on her way to her office. There were several messages on her voice mail. One was from Cassidy wanting her to call when she got the chance, the other call was from Javier, the artist that she saw on and off.

Yvette gritted her teeth at his message. He was all sweetness over the machine. He was being a lot nicer to her since she had gotten this job, hoping for the chance to get some of his work displayed there since this was one of the nicest galleries in the city. It wasn’t going to happen and maybe she should let him know that soon. The last message was from Mrs. Jansen saying that her son would be coming by the studio to pick up some papers that she wanted to look over and if she could get them ready by the time he arrives. Yvette frowned slightly, Mrs. Jansen had mentioned that she had one son, who was a bit of a jet setter. What was he doing here? No matter, it was nothing to her. She would return Cassidy’s call later, and if it were really important Javier would call her back.

As if her thoughts had been read, the phone rang. Yvette answered in a cool professional voice. ‘Hey baby, I have been calling all morning. I was finally forced to use that annoying answering machine of yours. Where have you been? Why haven’t you returned my call?’ Javier asked petulantly. Yvette rolled her eyes up in her head in exasperation. ‘I only just got in, what is it you, want?’ She asked a little impatiently. ‘Why you of course sexy. When am I going to slip my cock in that tight pussy yours again?’ He asked suggestively.

‘Really, Javier, this is neither the right time or place to talk about this.’ Despite her words, she felt a little twinge between her legs at the thought of what he said. Damn this weakness in her. She wished that she didn’t crave sex so much. She held all men in contempt, and if she didn’t like to get fucked so much she would have no use for them.

‘But, baby, it’s been a week, and I know you’re missing this, unless you’ve been getting it from somewhere else, and it would just break my heart to think of you cheating on me,’ he said. She could hear the pout in his voice.

‘There’s no way I could cheat on you because there’s nothing between us. What is it that you want? I really wish you’d get to the point, so that I can get on to my work.’ She spoke firmly.

After a brief pause, he spoke again, ‘You really know how to cut a guy down Yvette. I wish you would give a fellow a chance every once in a while, but since you asked, I was wondering if you had shown some of my work to old lady Jansen yet,’ he said smoothly. Yvette gritted her teeth. Javier had no shame whatsoever. He was a user, but he had his uses.

‘No, I haven’t. She’s a very busy lady and I would hate to think that that was the reason you were calling because I already told you that she isn’t into your type of art.’

‘What would you know? You’re no artist. I don’t even know how you got this job. If it were a man who had hired you, I could understand because all you would have to do is spread those thighs right? Unless….Mrs. Jansen likes women.’ His words of abuse rolled right off of her. It was so typical of him. One minute he would be all sweetness and sunshine, the next he was the biggest asshole.

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So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...

1 year ago
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I knocked up the twins

Before I tell you about my fantastic experience, let me tell you how I was able to pull off this feat. I am rather buff, 6"5', 190 pounds... and an enormous dick. I am talking about 9 inches long soft, and 12.5in long and 8in around when I am hard. I could also fill a coffee cup full of cum. Getting back to the story now: One day when I was on my way home from school, Amanda and April, the Twins on my buss rout decided that they needed to talk to me “Hi” Amanda said with a cheery...

2 years ago
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Pokemon ENF

Image credited to Anew (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22290507) The Pokemon world is a vast landscape filled with all kinds of creatures throughout its lands, waters, skies and cities. Each one of them have unique skills and abilities that make the impossible possible. Many people dedicate their lives to Pokemon; professors to study them, trainers to train them, nurses to heal them, etc. But considering the vast amount of encounters with Pokemon, not every interaction would finish in a...

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TotemChapter 10

School passed in a blur for Sam. While part of his mind listened to his teachers, the rest was remembering Joan and Caroline's hot, sweaty bodies pressed against him. His friends found him distracted, but put it down to the stress of returning to school after being out for so long. Sam had to meet with Mr. Peterson, his biology teacher, after school to hand in his made-up homework and talk about the lab he'd missed. He liked Mr. Peterson in general, but he was impatient to get home and...

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Randikhaane Mein Rosy Aayi Paheli Baar

Mera naam Subbu hai. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Aaiye kahani ki shuruwat karte hai. Ye kahani hai Rosy ki. Rosy ek 28 varsh ki ladki hai. Shaadi na hone ki wajah se uski shareer ki pyaas kabhi poori nahi hui. Usne socha ki kisi ladke ko free mein uska kamukta bhara badan dene se acha hai ki kuch paise hi kama liye jaaye. Usne kuch himmat jutai aur apne sheher ke red alert area mein gayi. 6 baje ka samay tha. Andhera na hone ki wajah se galli mein koi nikla nahi tha. Woh ek badi si kothi dekh...

2 years ago
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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch 7

"Sorry, Kane." I frowned, which he understood. We had begun to develop a mutual language. Instead of freeing me from doubt, it made me fall deeper under his control. Ours was mostly a one-way form of communication. He growled briefly and nipped. The keys dropped to the carpet. I stood grimacing, rubbing my hand. He didn't understand that we needed groceries. He simply wouldn't let me go right then. I took off my longcoat and went to the office. He followed and plopped down in the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Hadley Viscara Skylar Snow Disappearing Act

Hadley Viscara is in her bedroom, looking annoyed. She’s on her phone with her friend, saying, ‘I was SO excited about meeting my brother’s new girlfriend tonight at dinner, but, like usual, he was a dick the entire time. Yeah, I did some magic tricks, what does THAT have to do with anything? …Hey, that’s not cool, you know how serious I am about it. I guess it doesn’t matter, though, because he made me look so foolish in front of her…’ There is a...

2 years ago
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Revenge on Olly

Olly Martin was an absolutely ignorant horrid bastard. Trouble was he was the sexiest boy on campus and all the girls fancied him rotten. One of these girls was Ali King, but Olly was always mean to her and bullied her cos she read alot. "You know what?" She asked her best freind Kim, "I'm gonna teach Olly a lesson he'll never forget!""Pal you can't fight him, last time that lad you fought with nearly died.""That pervert shouldn't ave tried to get a feel up my shirt. Besides Olly so deseveres...

3 years ago
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Kitty got caught in college

I love risky sex. I like to humiliation. I like to be treated as a useless piece of fucktoy for real men’s pleasure! I love the thrill in sex when there are chances of getting caught or something else that pushes me. So how did I figure that out? Dressed in lingerie and wearing pink lipstick in my college, kneeling on the floor beside the toilet, waiting for the door to open, my mind kept going around in circles to what led me here, wondering if I could have done anything different to prevent...

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Creating Mr Wrong

Creating Mr. Wrong by 2nn Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and go elsewherenow! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexuality offends you,please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story is a work ofFICTION; nothing more. Chapter 1: Meeting Mr. Right Paul turned off his special PC, slipped on his comfortable loafers andstood up. He said goodbye to the others and walked out. He didn't waveor salute and he used his foot to gently nudge the door open. Pauldidn't...

4 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 22 Go The Distance

Thursday, October 2, 1997 I woke up to my alarm clock. I was still clutching the cordless phone. I had dried tears around my eyes. The events of last night came flooding back to me. It was such a good day until I screwed it up at the last possible moment. I slogged out of bed and forced myself to get ready for school. I pulled out a blue skirt and tossed it onto my bed. I wasn't feeling happy. I really wasn't into looking cute right now. So I pulled put a black t- shirt and tossed...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Bella Jane Naive Blonde Helps Black Stranger Into Her Asshole

So me and my folks just moved into this new town and it’s wayyyyy different from the hood I’m used to. 1st off it’s fuckin clean. No trash blowin down the streets like tumble weed, no addicts running around…shii’s nice. And the people kinda nice too! Smiling, sayin hi, askin if I need help…police rolled past and just smiled and waved at me! Like WTF??? People don’t even lock they doors at night! Feel like I’m in the fuqin twilight zone. Issa nice...

4 years ago
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the lady who creamed me at the beach today

as usual i went to my favorite cafe down the beach this morning :) yep lucky i was i had to ask a your lady if i can borrow 1 of her chairs as there was none at the table i wanted to sit at , yes she replied :) Cool i said so i sat at my table she had some loose legged shorts on me well i could not help my self i had to bend over in the chair and have a look up her shorts :) any how she caught me looking , i dont mind , my coffee came i sipped on it she went and bought another for her self and...

3 years ago
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The College Jocks New Cheerleader

The College Jocks' New Cheerleader - by: by Obedient Boytoy It was late October and Derek had admired Nils for two full months. Nils, like Derek, was a 19-year-old sophomore at the university. The handsome Norwegian student would quietly pass through the hallways of the second floor of the all-boys dorm where he lived, a few doors down from Derek. Nils was quiet not because he was unfriendly but because he was new to the country, having earned an athletic scholarship to the U.S....

1 year ago
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Watching From The Bar Part 4 The Cilmax

Part One of Watching From The Barhttps://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar-part-1-617814Part Two. Helens Story.https://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar---part-2-helens-story-618455Part Three. The Floor Show!https://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar-part-3-618877Synopsis for those that have no time (or no desire!) to read the first three parts. Helen and Steve are a happily married couple. But things have gotten stale. Steve gets the idea to spice things up on an,...

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THE AWAKENING: As Dominique gradually came out of a deep sleep, she felt something large and hard being slipped between her lips. When the flashlight shaped implement got all the way in, she automatically sucked it. She quickly established that the intruding shaft was a cock and, from what she could tell, she must have been sucking on it like this for quite awhile, in her sleep, because the tube of male flesh was rock hard and she could hear its owner panting loudly as he gently...

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The silver dress

It was dinner jacket evening, but they had gone to bed fairly early, he couldn't sleep, he kept on thinking of the woman in the silver dress. Not just that she was beautiful, it was the way she moved, classy, elegant & very sexy. Not in the oblivious way, it was so very natural. He noticed her talking to people, waiters & friends, all were treated the same.Decided to get up, perhaps a cocktail & the gambling table would concentrate his mind, stop his mind thinking things they really...

2 years ago
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Licking A Stranger Girl 8211 Part 2

Hello, friends. This is Nitin with my 2nd story about licking a stranger girl. Do read the first part(Licking a Stranger Girl-Part1). This time its double fun as I will introduce you to the huge and mighty Richa. Keep reading the continuation of the story and have fun. Once we finished bathing we got out of the bathroom naked and wet and went to the bed. She started licking my ear lobes. My ear was full of her saliva. Then she licked my nose. My cock was fully erect so she guided it into her...

1 year ago
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A late arrival to the hotel

I really was very tired that evening.I had been at my office during early morning and late afternoon I had caught a plane to fly across the country. Worst of all, a dense fog made more difficult the landing at our destiny and the flight took two more hours than scheduled.And the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel had been stressing too.So I was pretty exhausted as I went up to the reception. While the kind guy behind the counter checked my booking, I could see a rather nice cleavage close...

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Empty LandChapter 2

"We have company!" Nurm's voice from inside the ring of campfires couldn't quite hide a chuckle. "It's all right, Kim. Let him come up to the fires." The huge beast, Mak was surer than ever that it was more than half wolf, gave what sounded like a disappointed whine as it faded silently back into the darkness. "Come on over to the fire and get better acquainted. I hoped that you would show up. I would like you to meet my helpers, Amy and Jewel." Mak, feeling more foolish by the...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 9

The fourteen-year-old boy wandered through the woods, sullen and upset that Dad and Mom wouldn’t let him see that ‘Forum’ movie with Zero Mostel. “That’s not the kind of movie a young boy should see!” his mom insisted and ‘Father’, actually his step-dad, reluctantly agreed. “But you let me go see ‘Goldfinger’, an’ it had that girl with that name...” Jake had argued. “Don’t you say that word in this house!” his mother admonished him. “In fact, don’t say it at all! No one likes to hear that...

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It Started with an Apron 2

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON By Monica Graz Episode 2 Monday morning was quite hectic for Bob turned Betty, she struggled out of bed a bit after 7.00am, feeling once more startled. She instantly realized there weren't any Bob's clothes left in the house and not many clothes for Betty to wear. She decided to keep her nightie on for the time being. She rushed to the kitchen to start breakfast. She knew Anita, her Mistress, as she should start thinking of her now, wanted a cup of tea...

2 years ago
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October Dream

I came home early from work where I saw my room mate standing in front of the living room window wearing his sheer purple panty,I don't think he heard me as I said Hey Ron, he turned from the window where I was just staring at his cock in those sheer panties and asked him what he was doing. He was in shock that I came home early from work and caught him in his panty. I continued to stare at his larger than life size cock which seem to grow in his panty when he saw me,I again said Ron what are...

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Breaking All The Barriers

Hi, guys, I’m here with the best experience of my life. The never expected and most awaited experience happened to me with my dream lady Ramya. The lady who gave her best was radiant, gorgeous and sensuous. I can’t thank heavens enough to have given me the opportunity to be a part of her sex life. The story began in 2017. She was one the person who gave feedback to my story and it was very formal at the beginning. Months passed and we were just friends who talk rarely that too, ‘Hi, how are...

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Hotel Playtime

Got a call last night from Jim who wanted a cocksucking and a taste of my pussy that I could not resist.He was rather nice looking and clean cut. A 38 y/o white guy with a 7 1/2" rather fat cut cock. He got us a room at the Hilton and I was excited by this. He was serious I thought, rather than the usual Motel 8 type. I always pay half and that was okay. It was nice of him. Wore a new short black dress, slutty lingerie and strutted a little for him. Then I slowly licked and nursed on his cock...

1 year ago
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Pep Spirit and Facials Chapter 2

Eloise grumbled to herself the entire length of the way as she plodded along back towards the distant campus gymnasium locker room doors. Behind her, the wheels on the cart she was responsible for towing back to the locker room crunched over the sunbaked chaparral grasses of the pass-less-trodden. She could feel her perky pair of jiggling buttcheeks glistening with a thin layer of sweat, along with the rest of her utterly exposed body. Using the palm of the hand that wasn’t latched onto the...

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M e and my mates

Me and my mate's.When we started to have to work for a living me and my best friend's Mike and Ben used to all meet up at my flat(me being the only one with a place of my own) we would play poker and watch porn and some time's even jerk off together as we watched. On this one occasion I was wearing a pair of panties something I had started to do when alone, Mike and Ben were watching the porn and Mike started to stroke his cock, being forgetful and feeling horny I dropped my jean's and as they...

1 year ago
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Lust Made Him Sex Slave

Hi, I’m Saurabh 18 yrs old still a virgin, I live in Delhi.Dick size, never measured.I love milfs and mature BBW ladies.I love music and making new friends.If anyone wants to talk to me as a friend most welcome just mail me. I would love to lose my virginity to a milf or a mature BBW lady. If any milf or mature BBW lady want to contact me can mail me on this email This is my first sex story so if any mistakes you might just mail me without any hesitation.Now coming to the sex story… Alex is...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 7

Alana was lying on the bed, cooing as Frank and Mac suckled on one breast each. Tanya was rubbing her gorgeous breasts against Sy's smooth hybrid chest, enjoying the pleasure he radiated as she played. She turned around to watch the show on the bed, attracted by Alana's soft, sensual moans of pleasure and leaned back to brush her luxurious blond hair against Sy's cheek and shoulder. Sy took advantage of her new position to grasp her from behind, gently squeezing her pendulous breasts and...

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Learning from Elizabeth

Elizabeth and I have been friends for more years than we care to remember. She is the one person I feel totally comfortable with, and who knows ALL my secrets. I have always known she is bi-sexual and admired the fact that she took the world by storm, while I was afraid to act on my desires. I have always been able to be sexually free with her. We had seen each other nude more times than I can remember, slept in the same bed together, shopped for sex toys together, and even fingered ourselves...

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Sudha The Mom with Her Son

I have completed my Engineering in a local college and now working as a Design Engineer Trainee in a nearby local company. I am 23 years now.I am fair and have an average body type. I am 6.2 feet in height and have 6.5-inch hard tool that makes all girls feel the real heaven of sex. Any virgin, non – virgin, married, divorced, widows, aunties, teens mail me for hot and secret sex. Mail ID, [email protected] family consists of my mom, Sudha and myself. My father divorced my mom and...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped Teased and Fuck

I don't have dreams very often. Well, if I do I don't remember them. There is one dream I remember quite vividly though, and it got me hot. Really, really hot. And wet. But no, I won't get ahead of myself. I'll start at the beginning.  Late one night sleep had been avoiding me for a long time and I was getting frustrated with tossing and turning. I was in a state between awake and asleep when suddenly I heard a scratching sound, then a click and scrape. Was someone sliding my window open? My...

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Dost Ki Sister Rashmi Ke Sath Maje

I mera naam sunit hai main delhi me rehta hu. 22 years old. Meri mail id hai  ; mai apko true story bata raha hu. Mera dost jiska naam Harshit hai. Harshit aur mai ache dost hai school tym se hum saare din sath hi ghoomte the uski ek choti behen hai Rashmi. Uski umar 20 saal hai; gora rang. Gol-gol boobs mast figure. Lal chut aur lips jaise chooste hi reh jao. To mera Harshit ke ghar aana jana laga hi rehta tha. Rashmi mujhe like karti thi ye mujhe baad me pata chala. Harshit aur meri setting...

4 years ago
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A night of suprises PRT 1

I lived in Leeds for a few years back in 2000. One night I went on a gay chat line. I was feeling extremely horny and wanted some cock fun, if that could be sorted. Within minutes of recording my introduction message I had a few replies. One in particular got my interest and we started swapping messages. He was a white top with what turned out to be a thick/throbbing/veined 9.5 love muscle! We arranged to meet up. He said he would take me to a men only sauna here in Leeds. I didn't know there...

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Demons Pawn

She awakens in the dimly lit chamber. Cersi Duvronin scans the damp brick walls of the room with bright brown eyes. Cersi lifts a hand to her neck and groans. The cold metal of the magical collar permanently fused around her soft flesh means this isn't a dream. Everything is real. She has been cast into the Labrynth of Lust and cursed with immortality. She either escapes, or she loses her mind. Naked other than her cursed collar, Cersi rises to her feet and brushes her long raven hair out of...

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Kate and the shop keeper

Kate & the shopkeeperby Grumpy Old man 1©My wife Kate is only 24 years old she had started to take classes in belly dancing. It is perfect for her, as she stands about 5' 6" tall, and is a size 14 with a 36D chest, she has broad hips and a beautiful full, rounded belly delightfully centred with a deep dark navel. She had been looking for a new dance costume for some time without success. We were out looking around a town that we don’t visit very often when we came across an oriental goods...

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