Best Girlfriends Forever
- 2 years ago
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She wanted a ceremony which would say ‘permanent’ to Craig, and he asked her to accompany him to church. The building looked incredibly impressive, though the congregation didn’t begin to fill it. The service ended with communion, and the preacher -- an Oriental woman -- emphasized that it was open to all. When Craig got up and held out his hand, she got up with him. After church, when the preacher shook hands with those who were leaving, Craig asked for an evening appointment to discuss her conducting their wedding. Immediately, she took them back to her office to see her appointment book.
“We require several talks with those who are going to get married. Would next Thursday be all right?”
They settled on this, and she told them that the first discussion would be on finances.
She and Craig finished up their discussion of budget, and Craig produced a remarkable spreadsheet. He handed it to the preacher after she turned the question to finance. The first few minutes were spent with her getting down the details. Al blushed when she and Craig gave the same address, but the preacher didn’t turn a hair.
She was impressed, though, by Craig’s spreadsheet.
“I’ve put the annual column in bold,” Craig said. “That’s the important one.”
“Well, what are the other ones?” the preacher asked.
“This is a special budget. We plan to make our budgets from August 1st to July 31st. I get a raise starting in August every year. Anyway, this year we need more than that, so we have the 16 months starting in April as the next column. That has all the wedding expenses budgeted in it. Then the monthly costs are only bills that come once a month. The weekly costs are those we’ll spend once a week. They are both represented in the annual and 16-month columns.”
“You’re very organized. What is this ‘sigder’?”
That’s an ampersand instead of a G. That’s short for ‘Savings, Interest, and Debt Reduction.’ It may not look sensible to put money into retirement savings when you still have student debt. My employer, though, matches contributions to the 401 (k) sort of. It changes the advantages to lean that way. I got used to budgeting an amount per pay period to pay interest on my student debt and to reduce the principal. It’s the same way you deal with a standard mortgage, You don’t pay less as the principal goes down; you pay less interest and more on principal.”
She complimented them on the thoroughness of the budget.
“It’s part of our marriage agreement that we should have a budget annually,” Al said. She felt that she had contributed very little to the discussion. It was really Craig’s budget, though he’d asked her approval of each step. All she could really tell was that 1) they were saving a higher share of income than she could imagine, and 2) she was scheduled to spend more money on herself than she had ever before, if you don’t count college tuition -- which she didn’t count, and which was spent on her but not by her.
“Oh,” the preacher-woman said, “I would love to see that.”
“That’s a definite maybe,” said Craig. “I’m not really revealing any secrets when I say that one of the clauses says that we don’t show it to anybody else unless both of us agree.”
“Well, I would love to see it. Anyway, the next session is primarily about sex.”
“I’ve read that most arguments in marriages are about money or sex,” Craig said.
They were really going to do it. Craig asked if they could tell their families now. She agreed.
Deb was impressed with Craig, but not surprised. Then they were going to tell his parents and sister.
Al was nervous about that. Craig -- wouldn’t you know it? -- wanted to introduce her to his family via Skype. They rehearsed it once, and she thought he was being overly dramatic. But, after all, she was depending on his family to keep him loyal.
He arranged sessions, by text, when everybody would be available and not engaged in something else. He was doing it in two sessions, and she didn’t know whether this was his choice or the limits of the technology.
She started off-camera and dressed in her respectable dress. She could see the screen, though.
The only framed picture that Craig had showing any adult showed a pretty young woman and an awkward young man on their wedding day. It was an old photo, redone for an anniversary more than a decade ago, but that was her mental image of his parents.
The couple on the screen looked only a little like them. The man was no longer awkward, and even less young. The woman had smile lines graven on her face. She knew Craig’s mother taught History in a high school, and she suddenly thought that she would have liked being in her class.
“Mom, Dad,” Craig said, “I would like you to meet...” He swept the camera to her. “Alicia Ortega, a teacher and...” He walked over, put his arm around her, and lifted her left arm until the ring pointed at the camera. “my fiancee.”
They were nice to her. She explained that she was only a pre-K teacher. Mrs. Warren said that that was the most important age.
Mr. Warren said, “Welcome to the family.”
Craig said that they hadn’t set the date, but they were thinking of April. It was all good wishes until they shut down the call. Then it was time to call Denver.
Craig got himself and the camera back in position. The family on screen were dressed quite differently from one another. The man was dressed for the office. The woman wore the sort of housedress that you saw in catalogs. The two kids were in jeans.
Craig went through the same drama, but omitted her being a teacher.
“Craig!” screamed Heather, “you didn’t tell me.”
“I am telling you. I didn’t consult you.”
“Miss Ortega,” Sharon began.
“I’m going to be your aunt, Sharon,” Al said. “I have a niece of my own, and she calls me ‘Aunt Al.’ Would you like to call me the same?”
“Yes, Aunt Al.”
“And, since I’m going to be your aunt, I’ll tell you when questions are inappropriate.”
Heather laughed. “Em-yawb,” she said. Al must have shown her confusion. “Mind Your Own Business. Not you,” she pointed somewhere to Craig’s left, the other side from Al. “her.” She pointed at Sharon.
“My mother,” Sharon said prissily, “tells me that it is not polite to point.”
“Your mother,” Heather said, “also tells you that 15 is not too old to spank.”
“I’ll hold her down,” Teddy said. It was his first contribution to the conversation, if it could be called a contribution. Everybody ignored it, even Sharon.
“If, despite this introduction, you decide to invite us to the wedding,” Theo asked. “When and where?”
“We’re already talking to the pastor at our local UMC,” Craig said. “As to when, we have to consult others. Alicia’s Dad is Regular Army, and we’re not sure when he can get off.”
“And of course we want you,” Al said. As far as she was concerned, being married 15 years made up for worse faults than snippy teens.
“Alicia teaches pre-school,” Craig said. “She’s used to chaos.”
“You teach four-year-olds?” Heather said, “Alicia, you’ll really understand Craig.”
“Look, I love having Craig call me ‘Alicia.’ It’s the name on my birth certificate. I’d rather you’d just call me ‘Al,’ though. Everybody does.”
“That’s ‘Aunt Al’ in two cases,” Heather said.
They closed out.
“I didn’t know that’s why you were putting off setting a date,” she told Craig.
“Darling! I’m sorry. I just assumed. You know what they say about that?”
“Well, this time it just makes you a nice guy.”
“Don’t you want him to walk you down the aisle?” he asked.
“That would be great.”
“Want him in uniform?”
“Would he?” she asked.
“Well, he’s damned impressive in uniform. For his favorite daughter, I think he would.”
“And, since we’re on that subject,” he continued, “do you want me in my suit or in a tux?”
“Hey, why not a tux?”
Their wedding was becoming fancier by the minute.
Al called Dad on his cell.
“You busy?” she asked.
“I’m fine.”
“Sitting down?”
“Am now.”
“Craig and I are getting married,” she said, “and we’d like for you to give me away.”
“Alicia! That’s the best news I could hear.”
“We’re on the speaker phone,” said Craig. “We know you have commitments. Other guests have them, too, and would like a weekend. We were thinking of April, but we could push it later.”
“May I get back to you?”
“Certainly. Because of the church, Easter weekend would be a bad choice.”
“This is great news,” Dad said.
“I’m going to be paying some of the travel and hotel expenses. Should I pay yours?”
“Son, I’m an E9, and I haven’t paid child support for awhile. You may make more than I do, but I don’t have money problems. Fact is, I should be paying for the whole thing.”
Craig said, “You weren’t consulted. Would it be appropriate to wear your uniform to walk your daughter down the aisle?”
“I’ll wear my dress uniform. It’s been a while, I’ll see if it fits.”
Mom and her current husband would come, and she accepted the offer of the air fare and hotel room. Mike and Amanda would come and pay their own way. Gwen couldn’t (or couldn’t be bothered to) come.
Sasha would be her maid of honor, and only bridesmaid. Craig had a guy at work, Steve, who would be his best man.
Dad e-mailed suggesting the 7th or the 8th.
Craig still hadn’t brought up any new positions. She had the book, though, and she looked for what might turn both of them on. He had from the beginning liked her butt, and she’d liked his hand there. It looked like a good experiment. And she wouldn’t have to discuss it.
“My john time first,” she said to Craig that Saturday night. She often used it first, but her announcement was almost certain to bring him right after her. So it did that night.
She wore the warm robe he’d given her but one of the baby-doll nighties. She knelt on his side of the bed with her back to the door, and when she heard it open, she flung the robe up and over her head. She looked out between her spread legs.
The sight of his face made the whole thing worth while.
“Oh, Alicia!” He closed the door behind him and stripped off his robe while striding towards her. By the time the robe was all the way off, he was completely erect.
He fondled her left breast, and cupped her from behind. Before he even touched her clit, she was on fire.
“Craig!” she said. He came behind her.
“Drop your head.” When she did, she could see him enter her. It felt that he’d plumbed new depths. He played with both her breasts for a minute, and she began to move.
He grabbed her hips, drew back, and drove into her. The strokes felt somehow different, but the heat was familiar.
She burst into flames.
“God! Woman!” He pushed her forward, pulled her back while slamming into her, and pulsed all along his length.
He sank over her, enveloping her, but pulling out.
Getting actually in bed took a little work, but it left the wet spot on his side.
“You are a marvelous woman,” he said. “Did you get enough?”
“Sure.” She liked that he regarded her climaxes as necessary, but one was enough from an experience like that.
They were coming up on their next appointment with the preacher.
“Do we really want to share the document with the pastor?” Craig asked about The Agreement.
“Well, we haven’t really finished it have we?”
“Share or not, we should do that. Do you have what you did on your computer? Could I have a copy on the flash drive?”
“Sure,” Al said.
He gave her the flash drive, and she downloaded his version, clearly out of date, and uploaded hers.
They worked separately, and then came together with hard copy. They had only a few substantive conflicts.
“So, now that I won’t bring up marriage again, I’m limited in bringing up children?” Craig asked.
“Well, I didn’t think you would bring up children under the first Agreement. Look, do you want to have it that you can bring up both topics every month?”
“Yes. They are very different issues. After all, having intercourse during your period isn’t going to make you pregnant.”
“Well,” she admitted, “I put that ‘either one’ in there to take it out so I would have a concession for you.”
The final Agreement looked like this:
| Craig and Alicia agree:
| 1) This is not legally binding, and they shall not show it to
| any third party unless they mutually agree.
| 2) This agreement covers the entirety of their marriage
| as long as they both shall live. Any change must be agreed to
| voluntarily by both parties.
| 3) The income and economic assets of the two parties will be
| treated as joint.
| A) They shall establish and maintain a joint bank account.
| As far as is legally possible, investments and retirement
| accounts will be in the name of both.
| B) When A is not practicable, the other party shall be beneficiary
| or other designation of the account.
| C) They shall purchase life insurance, and the other party shall
| be beneficiary of each party’s insurance.
|. 1) In case the couple has children, those may also be
| beneficiaries.
| D) Such property as clothes, computers, books, etc., is assigned
| to one person, but is assumed to be available to the other as
| need arises.
| E) The two will agree on a budget once a year, in August if there
| is no reason for another time.
|. 1) The budget will include equal discretionary funds for
| each party.
|. 2) The budget will include a contingency fund of at
| least 5% of planned outlays.
|. 3) The budget will include ample allowance for saving
| and reduction of debt.
|. 4) The budget will be to enable the couple to achieve its
| goals, not to restrict them.
| 4) The obligations fall on each
| party individually, not conditional on the other party’s
| performance of his or her obligations. When one party is
| unable to perform due to a physical or other reason, the
| other party is still obliged to perform any duties that
| are not removed by the first party’s disability.
| 5) Location:
| It is the intention of the parties to live together.
| A) They may mutually agree to vacation together for a period and at a location
| to which they mutually agree.
| B) Except for the times specified above, the location of their living together
| shall be the same residence where they currently live.
| C) They may mutually agree on another location. In that case,
|B shall apply to the new address.
| D) If action of nature, of the landlord, or of any other third party
| make the residence uninhabitable, the parties mutually, or either if
| the other is not available, will find another location -- one, if possible,
| where they can live together.
| E) It is the intent of the two parties to share one bed. When medical
| or other contingencies prevent this, the exception will not constitute
| a precedent for the later pattern.
| 6) Repute: Craig undertakes to refrain from describing Alicia’s sexual actions,
| attributes, appearance, or behavior. Nor shall he mention or imply to a third
| party his own level of sexual satisfaction. He may describe Alicia as pretty,
| attractive, trim, or words to that effect. He may not describe her body or her curves.
| 7) Sex: It is the intent of the parties to satisfy each other
| sexually and exclusively.
| A) Craig undertakes to satisfy Alicia’s sexual desires.
|. 1) He shall give her at least one orgasm a night on nights
| when they are both present.
|. 2) He shall bring her to satisfaction with as many or as
| intense orgasms as shall satisfy them both on at least one night
| (or, when mutually agreed upon, day) a weekend.
|. 3) Weekends begin with the end of work Friday night, and end
| at sundown Sunday night.
|. 4) He may satisfy this clause with his mouth, the vibrator,
| or his fingers when he does not have an erection.
|. 5) When Craig does have an erection, he must engage in vaginal
| intercourse within an hour of Alicia’s demanding it.
| B) Alicia undertakes to satisfy a reasonable amount of Craig’s sexual
| desires.
|. 1) The parties agree that Craig’s desires regularly overmatch his
| ability to perform, that this is Craig’s problem, and it does not
| reflect on Alicia’s fulfillment of this clause.
|. 2) Alicia will make herself available for intercourse every night
| when they are both in the apartment except during her menstrual periods.
| By mutual agreement, an afternoon may be substituted for a night.
|. 3) The method and frequency of her satisfying him during her menstrual
| period is Alicia’s choice.
|. 4) What Craig does to deal with his desire when Alicia does not choose
| to do so is his choice, but it will not involve a third party being present.
|. 5) Once, but only once, in every menstrual cycle, Craig may propose to
| Alicia that they have sex during her cycle and once that they consider
| having children.
| C) Variety:
|. 1) When Craig wishes to institute something new into their sexual practice
| he will give Alicia notice, not later than the initiation of foreplay in bed.
| She may then refuse.
|. 2) Alicia has the right to redefine anything previously done except for
| the missionary position and cunnilingus as “new” for the purposes of this
| clause. She must do so one hour before the definition takes effect.
|. 3) When she wishes, Alicia may institute any new position or
| activity that does not physically harm either of them.
|. 4) Craig will describe new positions and activities which he finds
| desirable on a mutually-agreed schedule.
| D) Each party will avoid masturbation when the other party is available.
|. 1) Masturbation when the other party is not available or not expected
| to be available is acceptable.
|. 2) Except when one party engages in it in the mistaken expectation of
| the other party not being available, masturbation need not be reported to the
| other party.
|. 3) If either party brings himself or herself to climax with the other
| party looking on or listening in, that is not
| masturbation but an act of mutual sex.
| 8) Faithfulness: The parties intend and undertake to keep sexual activity
| within their relationship.
| A) Neither will have sex with anyone but the other party.
| B) They will restrict displays of affection such as kisses and hugs.
|. 1) To the other party, young children, and such close family as
| actual sex would be construed as incest and their spouses.
|. 2) Friends of the same sex in the case of Alicia.
| C) Neither will date or engage in social relations with individuals
| aside from the other party.
|. 1) In the case of ambiguous situations (such as lunch with a superior),
| the party who participates will inform the other party within 24 hours of the
| beginning of the ambiguous situation.
|. 2) Larger group social events are not restricted, but they should be reported
| to the other party. Regular ones need merely be described as regular once.
| D) Neither party will expose his or her body to others.
|. 1) Medical care or examination is excepted.
|. 2) So is changing clothes in a one-sex area where that is normal.
|. 3) So is urination, in Craig’s case, in rest rooms where such exposure
| is normal.
| E) Each party will avoid masturbation when the other party is available.
|. 1) Masturbation when the other party is not available or not expected
| to be is acceptable.
|. 2) Except when one party engages in it in the mistaken expectation of | the other party not being available, masturbation need not be reported to the | other party.
|. 3) If Alicia brings herself to climax with Craig looking on, that is not
| masturbation but an act of mutual sex.
| F) Expression of love of mankind or of any group is acceptable. Expression
| or love of any adult individual of the other sex -- barring a party to this
| agreement or a close relative -- is not.
| 9) Health and Safety:
| Each party owes the other to keep himself or herself healthy and safe. Therefore:
| A) Each person shall have medical and dental exams at least yearly.
| B) Each person shall submit their car to an examination by a qualified
| mechanic yearly and when a problem becomes apparent.
| C) When either exam results in advice for repair or treatment, if the
| party does not follow the advice, he or she must report the rejection
| the other party.
| 10) Openness:
| If either party breaks this agreement, that party has an obligation to report this
| violation to the other in a timely manner.
| A) When they are in the same place, “timely” means within 48 hours.
| B) When such communication is prevented by the physical incapacitation of one or
| the other, “timely” means within 48 hours of that incapacitation being removed.
| C) When the violation is arguable, then the report still must be made. Argue it.
| D) Failure to so report is itself a violation.
| 11) Contraception is under the responsibility and authority of Alicia.
| A) When she knows or suspects that she is unable to guarantee effective
| contraception, she has the authority for requiring Craig to practice contraception.
| B) Alicia has the responsibility for notifying Craig with a reasonable lead time.
| C) Alicia may opt out of contraception.
|. 1) When pregnancy results from this option, Alicia will carry the
| child to term unless medical advice insists otherwise.
|. 2) Alicia does not have this option less than 9 months after the birth
| of a previous child.
| D) Any child born to Alicia is a child of both parties, and is
| the responsibility and under the authority of each of them.
| 12) Consequences:
| If one party violates this agreement, the agreement is not necessarily void.
| The party who did not violate the agreement has the right to decide consequences
| and to impose conditions on the continuation of the agreement.
| 13) Contingency:
| In the event of something arising in the course of the marriage which is not
| foreseen in this agreement, it will be resolved in the spirit of this agreement.
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The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...
Introduction: Jaime and Mysti have a scare [This is a continuation of Soothing Mysti. If you have not read it yet please do. As always please leave a comment. Mysti Forever by Thyrite Mysti I have waited for this moment for years. The moment I can claim my brother all to myself. I can put my hands on him and love him without restriction. I may be young still, but I have known my whole life who my soul mate is, consequences be damned. My heart drops to my ass when we pull onto our street and...
This is a true story of my favorite activity. I was recently eighteen years old and full of excitement as a sissy who was now allowed in the local sex shop. I just couldn't get over the fact that so many men wanted an anonymous blowjob and I was more than happy to oblige any cock that came through the wall. I had become such a regular and was such a good cock sucker that I had accumulated a following during the daily lunch breaks. The store owner took notice and even advertised Little Mike on...
Gay MaleThis is a true story of my favorite activity. I was recently eighteen years old and full of excitement as a sissy who was now allowed in the local sex shop. I just couldn't get over the fact that so many men wanted an anonymous blowjob and I was more than happy to oblige any cock that came through the wall. I had become such a regular and was such a good cock sucker that I had accumulated a following during the daily lunch breaks. The store owner took notice and even advertised Little Mike on...
Gay MaleOn Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...
Love Stories10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...
Gay MaleMistress Jasmine made me a slave forever By Greta Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So please leave some words of praise or critics. Those critics which help me to become a better author are the...
10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...
GayAll I want is her press. Her lips and my own; compressing. Our bodies fused and merged. Being in the moment when.... In college my BFF was Meg. Megan Thomas and I did everything together. In the end I felt we did too much together. How now I wish again for that too much which I rejected in its vulnerable first offering. I drift back to when we were listening to music on her bed one Saturday afternoon in our final college year; mid- break: we were just lying back in that close I thought totally...
LesbianI have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...
CrossdressingOur sex life was mostly fun then. For a day or two after being apart for so long, we would have sex for hours, and he would make me feel sexy and wanted…always bringing home pretty outfits from fancy boutiques sought out during his travels…black, pink and blue lingerie ensembles…a Chinese geisha gown…and even a St. Pauli Girl get up from Europe that I wore on Halloween one year. Only occasionally back then would he bring up someone different during our bedroom time, and when he did he...
PLEASE NOTE: This is a continuation of the stories ‘Donna from Daycare’ and ‘Donna and Kevin Together.’ Unlike most of my stories, there was a limited amount of sex in those earlier parts, and there isn’t very much in this one either. * Kevin O’Brien woke up and smiled at the sweet face of Donna on the pillow next to the one he was using. He loved her so much as to almost constitute worship, and he knew that she returned his feelings. Both of them had been involved in extremely negative...
i was reading a post in here about a guy eating his first creampie from his gf..and i wrote such a long reply that it felt better to cut it short in there and made a full post in here.i've been there and it's such an amazing's the greatest gift women can give to betas like i said in the reply comment.the shivers of lust and self realisation while we kiss their pussies only to find the juice of an alpha man inside them it's a gift that shocks us and that,no matter what, bind...
Danny, My Forever by alexcarr I must be honest and admit it has come to the point when I absolutely crave for Dan, my Danny.Being a month without him - he having a short overseas contract - I miss him to the core and what we do over the mobile phone or even on the web-cam bears no real significance to the real thing, in fact yesterday we both agreed to refrain because it did not seem personal or [private doing that over the net like someone was watching. Maybe that's okay if you are a bit of...
Gay MaleBest Friends Forever (Who writes the next chapter?) By Teri Franken [email protected] This story has been a big fantasy of mine, ever since I was a little kid. It never happened to me but I fantasized about it throughout my childhood and now into my adult life too. Enjoy, Teri Franken Part 1 Jackie and I were buddies and had been for most of our lives. We grew up living next door to each other, were the same age and came from similar families. We both had older sisters who...
Forever byArecee "Help me," the old woman croaked. She reached for my arm with her bony, twisted fingers. Her cracked and ragged nails highlighted by a blue- black accumulation of dirt beneath them. "Get away," I said, shoving her hand away from my arm. I looked around the small park for someone to protect me. Protect me from an old and obviously feeble woman. I'm not that sick, yet. "Please help me, mister," she asked again. The words passed...
Amy 11: Best Friends Forever! by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Saturday Morning Hangover Saturday I woke up early and rolled over in bed. I just lay there and looked around my room. My cheerleading uniform was lying on the floor, which reminded me of what a shitty time I'd been having...
Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay! Life was kicking my ass. Let's get back into it shall we? If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 15 posted at and chapter 16 or Warning: this chapter is rated a lusty, boobier-than-normal R and includes boobs, tits, melons, pancakes, betrayal, romantic changeroom sex, boob swaps, oblivious friends, oblivious boyfriends, slutty drinks, strippers, girls with dicks, girls without...
The day my life changed forever! By hornygri1169There is a certain feeling you get when you go to sleep with a dildo in your ass, your sissy cock locked in chastity and your headphones in listening to guys moaning and cumming in a compilation series. It turns you into a breeding little cock craving whore. My nights when on like this for a week, and then I couldn’t take it anymore and starting searching for sex shops in the area.The thoughts were overwhelming, cock, cum, more cock, I want cum,...
French Maid Forever Debra Phil didn't think it was such a big deal. Not really. OK, he probably should not have cheated on his wife, Cindy. Again. With his personal assistant. But he had. And Cindy had caught him. Now she was livid. She was waiving the separate property agreement he had signed the last time this had happened. If she demanded a divorce, and with the pictures she had she would get one. She would own the house, the company and all of the investments. He...
"He's so cute." Fourteen year old Shelby Irving heard the statement during her high school lunch break as she approached Emily and Laura, her two Best Friends Forever. The young teen brushed her auburn bangs out of her eyes. It was Emily who had said the statement. "He sure is," said Laura. There was something in Laura's voice that Shelby took as being surprised that Emily said it yet not genuinely surprised. "I'd totally do it with him," said Emily. "Without a doubt." "Who?"...
December 30, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota “I was beat after WATCHING that last game,” Mary said at the team lunch on Monday. “How can they have so much energy?!” I chuckled, “You’re the physician, Doc; you tell me!” “Adrenaline.” “And sheer willpower. Plus, you heard how much Jesse and Mikey slept. Dima was right about that.” “And about the outcome of the tournament, too,” he said smugly. The game had been, much as the US vs Finland gold medal game had been, anticlimactic. The team from...
The next day, Janice still hadn't laundered my underwear. "I guess you'll just have to wear a pair of my panties again," she said, brightly, handing me a white pair with at least an inch (2.5 cm) of lace around the hem. "I really don't like wearing these to work," I said. "Tsk," she brushed away my concerns, "who's going to know?" "But..." "Now be a good boy and put these on," she commanded. Where will this end? I wondered to myself, as I slipped the panties on -- the...
I came home from work on a Thursday evening to find, of all things, a small baby sparrow, barely able to keep its eyes open and clearly unable to fly, hopping along the wall beneath the window of my apartment as it chirped constantly, pleading for help. At first, I looked around for a hidden nest, surprised that there might be one nearby as I had not noticed any fowl activity around the building in recent days or even weeks. Not surprisingly, I did not find a nest, nor did I see any parents...
Brother Samuel here. A name that should require no introduction at this point. Your favorite big and tall, good-looking and openly bisexual Haitian-American author, law student and activist living near Boston, Massachusetts. Sometimes, I wonder why people simply can’t leave well enough alone. Why must they try to fix things that don’t need fixing? Don’t fix anything that’s not broken. Why do idiotic people get their cats and dogs neutered when the animals were perfectly fine the way they were?...
Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...
Yesterday, when I was young, I tasted cum upon my tongue and was forever changed. Now I’m in the twilight of my years, I still crave the taste of cum, as much or more than ever. However, at my advanced age, and having severe ED issues, most men pass me by.Little do they know, I still suck cock as good as ever, and I’m still a very good fuck. Tis sad, as little do they know, what they are missing. I was a mere sixteen when my girlfriend’s father caught me fucking his precious daughter. He...
Gay MaleIt was a dark dreary night and the family was getting ready for bed earlier than usual so they would be well rested for their busy Saturday to come. The family was fast asleep by 9 p.m. and dreaming of their ski trip to come. About 11:30 pm, Vicky awoke to make a trip to the bathroom for some Rolaids, and that’s when it happened. As she turned off the lights and headed back to bed, she was grabbed from behind and gagged before she could react. John, a 6'2" 210 pound career criminal handed...
I’d like to thank Dominic42 as he was my inspiration for this submission and may our friendship continue to grow with many more ideas. * It was three in the afternoon, sitting here bored with not a thing to do, so I threw on my bathing suit, picked up my keys and headed out the door for a drive along the lakeshore. With the music blaring, I cruised along the stretch of road that has sand dunes on my left and Lake Michigan on my right. I came to a secluded spot, parked my car, grabbed the...
Maybe, Never, Forever Once more she heard those horrid words spill from his lips. He was berating himself again, talking about how he was ugly and how no one would ever want him. She automatically looked up from the book she had been perusing. Sometimes she just wanted to smack him as hard as she could. Perhaps she would knock some sense into his head. Other times — Other times she just wanted to talk right over and kiss him firmly on the mouth. How she longed to shove his body down and...
Lately I’ve been going through a really bad faze and when I say bad I mean horrific. Firstly, my boyfriend dumped me. I had no idea everything was not fine, I was totally convinced I had finally found love and then wham, he runs off with my sister. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, so there I am hart broken wondering how I’m going to get through the first family gathering when, I get fired. Why do I get fired? Is it because I’m bad at my job? Oh, no, it’s because my boss’s wife thinks I’m having an...
Danny, My Forever by alexcarr I must be honest and admit it has come to the point when I absolutely crave for Dan, my Danny. Being a month without him – he having a short overseas contract – I miss him to the core and what we do over the mobile phone or even on the web-cam bears no real significance to the real thing, in fact yesterday we both agreed to refrain because it did not seem personal or [private doing that over the net like someone was watching. Maybe that’s okay if you are a bit...
Jay and I have been best friends for a long time. As far back as the 5th grade we have been inseparable. We have shared a ton of history with ups and downs as most adolescent friends do as they grow up together. We we also found out over time was that we share the same sexual appetite for the flesh. Over the years we have taken that appetite out for a spin many times and it has continued now into our married adult lives. As we have gotten older, our sexual preferences have become more defined...
BisexualIan glared at the male directly across the table from him as they ate their supper together in the pub, his gaze full of rage. They were tucked away in a dimly lit corner to avoid being bothered by the general public, smiling and talking with each other in a place just for themselves. Well, at least, most of them were smiling and talking. The whole group of close, 20ish-year-old friends had finally gotten a time where their free days seemed to line up perfectly, and too the opportunity by going...
Gay MaleOHGirl: Mikey was sound asleep when I returned to our room, so I slipped into the shower and washed away the cum and sweat from the fucking I had just received from my daughter’s boyfriend. I brushed my teeth and removed all traces that I had broken my vow to quit smoking and then I slid into bed with the man I loved. I wrapped my arms around him and his head moved over to kiss my lips. I loved him so much and if the babies didn’t wake us up first, I would wake him in the morning with my lips...
Myself Sam, am not a player but I love flirting girls and sexy ladies around me and sometimes I was lucky. I am a fan of ISS but never dared to narrate any of my experiences. Though I have many experiences I wanted to start with a special one. This is about me and my BFF Trisha. I am medium built and coming to Trisha, she is the mother of a kid and her figures 32B-30-3. So she never looks like a mother of a kid. Now we are in the late 30’s but the story starts 15 years back and this is going to...
Life had not always been the best for my brother and I. When we were younger, our parents were in a car accident and no one in our family seemed to want us. We were the outcasts of two people that no one wanted together in the first place. So as soon as they were dead, it was almost as if we were as well. Josh, my twin brother and I were cast into the foster system, and there we stayed. Most of the time we were placed into the same homes, but other times, we were left alone, without each...
IncestMorpheus created the following Universe. Everything else is copyrighted to the author. Two Different Ways of Telling the Same Story! Nothing Stays The Same Forever... Written by Caleb Jones A Brief Examination Into One Family... "The Events of "Day 65" (Take 1) The troubles of the past were apparently over. At least they were over for one family. Today was just another ordinary day at the home of John and Sandra Washington and their two children Robbie and Patty. John...
Hey guys i’m this is my 1st story which i’m posting on ‘iss’.. I’m big fan of ‘iss’. This is my email please give me feedback if you like this story or not.. If any women looking for secret affair contact me on my email and relation will remain very confidential.. Well, i’m 25 years old good looking and gym going guy, 5.11 height & with enough strength to satisfy any lady.. I’m pune resident..This is my true incident which happened in my life. Let me tell you’ll about my aunty her name is...