Detention 9_(1) free porn video

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The bus ride to school was quiet and boring for the first ten minutes or so. I was sitting in the very back row of the bus, looking out the window, when I heard a boy call my name. At first I figured that he was talking to someone else, because obviously I wasn’t the only person named Brandon in the world, and also because I really don’t know too many people--who knew my name. So I ignored it, and then the guy said, “Hey, Brandon.” I turned and so Scott Howard making his way toward the rear of the bus with me. Looking at Scott, it was really difficult to believe that he was only a fifteen-year-old freshman. He had such incredible, mature good-looks, and such a self-assuredness about him that made him seem at least five years older. Scott sat across from me on the bus. He was smiling a whole lot. I had really never talked to Scott Howard at all in life, so I really felt uneasy sitting across from him, just looking at him without saying anything.

“Hey,” I said.

Scott kept smiling. He had a really nice smile, but I wanted to know what he was thinking. “So what did you do this weekend?” he asked.

Obviously Scott had talked to Chris and Chris had told him what had gone down over the weekend. “Just kinda hung around,” I told him.

Raising an eyebrow, Scott asked, “That all you do? What happened with you and Chris when me and Billy and me left Friday night?” There wasn’t that many people on the bus, especially in the back, so I think Scott that it was alright if he talked really loud, so that the few people who were on the bus could hear everything he said.

“Same thing we always do,” I said.

“Which is...?” Scott persisted.

“You know what I’m talkin about Scott. Don’t play dumb.”

Scott shrugged. “That dude...what’s his name...Jason? He looked extra pissed off when you told us to get outta your house and Chris stayed.”

“It was just too many people and too much going on,” I said. “I just really wanted to be alone.”

“With Chris,” Scott stated.


The smile on Scott’s face faded away. He turned his head to the side so that I only saw the profile of his face. I was ‘almost’ amazed at how beautiful his face looked when it was turned to the side. There was a few moments of silence between us. The bus stopped at a traffic signal. Looking down the narrow bus aisle, I saw a small Mexican girl staring at me with large dark eyes. For some reason her eyes reminded me of Chris’: the kind of eyes that can see right through a person, directly into their mind. The little girl was staring at me like she knew me without ever seeing me before. Finally she turned back around in her seat and began saying something to her mother in whispered Spanish. The bus moved forward, and Scott said to me, suddenly, out of nowhere, “He really likes you.” He turned his face back toward my direction. His eyes were really light-colored and piercing.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“Chris. He really likes you.”

My heart skipped. I looked at Scott in disbelief. “How do you know?”

Scott shrugged. “I dunno. I just do.” That pensive expression returned to his face, as though he were thinking about something really deep and complex. I just looked at him without saying anything for a while. And then after a few minutes, a question came to my mind.

“Is Billy your boyfriend?” I asked.

Scott gazed at me like I was crazy. “No. What made you think that?”

“I don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“No,” Scott said firmly. “Had one once and then that shit got fucked up. So I said never again.”

“Why? What happened?”

“I liked him more than he liked me.” Scott shrugged. “When I was fourteen. I was stupid back then,” he said. “I thought that if you really liked somebody, then they would like you back the same way. It really didn’t make sense to me back then that someone could like you one day and then all of a sudden not like you the next and move on to someone else just like it meant nothing. I thought if you liked somebody it would just go on forever, but...guess not. So I don’t even bother with the idea of being in a relationship.”

Forever. I hated the concept of that word. Nothing lasts forever, does it? Even when you really try hard at making something work out, at the end it just fades away doesn’t it? You can’t really love someone forever can you? I wondered if I could love Chris forever. I was still getting used to the idea of admitting to myself that I loved Chris. But I didn’t know how long I would feel that way, or how long he would feel that way about me--hopefully it would be a really long time. But I don’t know.

Scott and I got off the bus together and made our way toward the school. As we were walking, I told him, “You don’t gotta walk with me if you don’t want to. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends or somethin.”

“Why would I care if somebody sees you walking with me?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know. People might be like ‘Why were you walkin with that gay dude’ or somethin stupid like that.”

“I thought you didn’t care what people thought of you,” Scott said.

“I don’t. But you might.”

“No, I don’t,” Scott said. And then Scott said something that really surprised me. He said, “Brandon, people don’t see you the way you think they see you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“More people like you than they would like to admit. A lotta dudes at this school--especially just a lot of ‘jocks’ or whatever you wanna call `em would love to get at you. They’re just too afraid. Chris was just the only one that had enough balls to go for you.”

All of that sounded unbelievable and unrealistic to me. “Scott, I don’t believe you.”

We made our way inside the school gates where there was a lot of students hanging around. “You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, Brandon. But it’s true.” Scott started to walk off in the direction of his friends. “I’ll talk to you later,” he said.

As I went into the school building, making my way down the ultra crowded hallway to my locker, I saw Jason walking in my direction. I got super nervous and tried to look at everybody except for him as he passed by. I wasn’t sure if he saw me or not. I hope he didn’t.

Chris was already in his desk when I entered Algebra class. He turned and looked at me as I walked through into the classroom. His lips were closed gently, and his face showed no general emotion, but I could tell by his eyes, the way that he looked at me, that he was happy to see me. I sat a couple of seats away from him, close enough, but not too close. I didn’t wanna be the type that clings on to someone like a leech; I wanted to at least pretend that I wasn’t jumping out of my skin with excitement when looking at Chris. Occasionally, throughout the class period, Chris would turn around and look at me with that same placid expression on his handsome face, and that same look of thinly disguised desire in his eyes. Every time he looked at me, my heart beat skipped. I was becoming more captivated by this boy by the second. It was almost frightening.

During our break between classes, Chris and I spent the entire fifteen minutes kissing each other, rubbing our hard dicks through our jeans, reaching into the backs of each others’ jeans and squeezing each others’ ass in the isolated aisles of the library. When the bell rang for class to resume, I didn’t want to stop kissing and touching Chris, I didn’t want to sit through another boring lecture when I could be doing something - someone - much better instead. “Let’s just skip class,” I said to him. I had never missed one class throughout my entire senior year, but at that moment, as Chris tongue slid down the length of my neck, I really didn’t give a fuck about perfect attendance.

“We’ll get detention again,” Chris whispered, grinding his large, thick hard dick against mine. But even though he said that, Chris didn’t seem interested in stopping. Unzipping my pants, he reached inside the opening and pulled out my hard, throbbing dick, which was waiting impatiently for him to handle.

“That’s nothin new,” I said. “We always have detention.”

“Cool with me,” Chris responded. And our lips met, hard. Chris pried my mouth open with his tongue, pressing me up against the book stack behind me, causing a thick hardcover book to fall off the shelf. With one hand Chris played with my dick and balls, and with the other hand he placed it beneath my chin, pressing his fingers gently into my skin. Chris slid the waistband of my underwear down more, and his hand reached around behind me to find my ass. He opened my crack with a couple of fingers and then found my asshole with his middle finger, his longest finger. I knew he was about to finger fuck me, but I didn’t want him. If he started, then I would want him to fuck me for real, and I wanted to be able to shout loudly, without the risk of being heard, when Chris shoved his eleven inch dick into my ass.

“Don’t put it in,” I said softly. Chris did what I asked without complaint. He continued to rub my naked butt as we kissed passionately. about fifteen minutes later, I knew we had really had to stop and go back to class. I didn’t want to, but I figured that at some point in time, someone was going to find us in the aisles and we would get into a lot of trouble. “We can finish this later,” I told him. But Chris wasn’t ready to let go of me, and I really didn’t want him to either.

“Just a little bit more,” Chris said. He licked around my earlobe and his warm breath traveled into my ear, sending pleasant chills throughout me. My hard dick leaked against Chris’ jean-covered thigh. I was close to shooting but I forced myself not to. It was hard, but I managed. Again I pulled away from Chris. “We gotta go,” I told him.

Chris took my hand and placed it against his ultra hard crotch. “You gonna leave me like this, B? C’mon, just a little...” I unzipped his jeans and pulled out his massive, beautiful cock. It felt so warm and hard against my palm. I pushed Chris against the opposite book stack, went to my knees and brought his dick to my mouth.

* * *
I showed up to my AP English class about fifteen minutes late, and surprisingly, my teacher, Ms. Giamatti, didn’t make me go to the office to get a pink slip for detention. I wondered if Chris had gotten away so easily. I could still taste his dick in my mouth, and also his sweet cum. As I was going to my seat, I expected to sit behind Jason Coleman as I always had before, but instead I saw Billy Anderson sitting in my desk behind Jason, and they were talking softly to each other about something I couldn’t hear. When I passed by, they both looked up at for me. Billy had an amused look in his dark brown eyes and there was a look of resentment in Jason’s eyes. So I walked to the rear of the classroom, sitting across from Luke Block, a great-looking, tall, muscular guy with a chill personality. I noticed that everyone in the classroom seemed to be paired up with someone and working on an assignment.

“What’s everybody doin?” I asked Luke.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “Some Shakespeare bullshit. Interpret the themes and symbolisms. I wasn’t payin attention so I don’t know.”

I pulled out my copy of MacBeth and turned to the third act. As I flipped through the pages, Luke asked me, in a very secretive whisper, “Are you fuckin Chris Green?” The question stunned me like a tranquilizer to the chest. For a moment I couldn’t breathe. Why is that everybody in the whole fuckin school knew about me and Chris? Did somebody announce it over the loudspeakers or post flyers on everyone’s locker. I didn’t even know how to respond to that question, so I didn’t say anything at all. But Luke wouldn’t take my silence as an answer. He was annoyingly persistent. “Is it true?” he demanded.

“Why is it so important that you know?” I questioned back.

“Is he your boyfriend?” Luke was trying to keep his voice down, but at the same time, he wasn’t being too successful at whispering.

“Let’s not talk about this right now and do the goddamn assignment,” I said sharply.
“I’m just sayin,” Luke said, quietly, “if he’s not your boyfriend, and you’re just fuckin around, maybe me and you could chill one day, you know.” Luke smiled, a really charming and seductive smile. But I wasn’t too impressed. I was bewildered. Thinking back to what Scott had told me earlier, about how a lot of guys at this school were interested in me and I just didn’t know it, perhaps he was right. But damn, it was really difficult for me to believe that hot-ass ‘straight’ guys like Luke Block were suddenly interested in me. Three weeks ago nobody knew I existed, or if they did know that I existed they treated me as though I was some fucked up mutant thing, and now all these dudes, dudes I never even thought would know my name, wanted to get at me. Being my usual paranoid and distrustful self, I was just suspecting that Luke was just fuckin around with me, I wouldn’t allow myself to believe that he was actually being serious with me. Dudes that hot don’t take interest in me--well, except for Chris...and Billy... and Jason...Mr. Wilson...and I think Scott. But other than that, nobody.

Trying to sound calm and all, I told Luke, “No, I don’t think that’s a cool idea. Thanks though.”

“I mean you know what I’m sayin,” Luke said, “if you and Chris ever need an extra person when you’re doin what your doin I wouldn’t mind gettin in. You know.” He took out a pen and wrote his phone number on the margin of one of the pages in my book.

“Who told you I was with Chris?” I asked. “I’m not mad or anything, I just wanna know.”

Luke nodded in Billy’s direction. I don’t know why I didn’t guess that Billy had told on me. Looking over at him, I saw him talking to Jason. They were whispering something to each other. It was weird, because they were talking and smiling at each other as though they had been friends for years. Their feet were rubbing up against each others’ underneath their desks. Billy felt my eyes on him and turned and looked at me. He gave me a wink and turned back to look at Jason. I wanted to punch his face in. I gazed over at Jason, at his handsome face. I watched as he smiled at Billy and how his eyes lit up. It seemed strange that only three days ago, Jason was so interested in me, and now he had sharply cut off all his attraction to me and from the looks of it, had redirected it toward Billy. I couldn’t see Billy and Jason being together, they had such opposite personalities - but then, so did me and Chris - well at least in the beginning. Even though I had gotten over Jason, I honestly didn’t expect him to get over me so quickly. I couldn’t help but to feel a little jealous watching Billy and Jason together.

Billy’s locker is kinda close to mine, so I made sure I pass in his direction as I made my way to my own locker after English class. Billy was stuffing books into his locker. He turned around just as I approached him, as though he were expecting me to come talk to. “Brandon,” he said. It was kinda weird the way he said my name, I don’t really know why. “I don’t know where Chris is.”

“I’m not really looking for Chris right now,” I told him.

“Then who are you looking for?”

Billy closed his locker, pressed his back against the wall, with his muscular arms crossed and a large smirk on his face. “Now what do you need to see me for? More fun in the gym? What would Chris think?” There was a bit of resentment in Billy’s voice with that last statement.

“This isn’t about Chris,” I said, “it’s about Jason.”

“You mean the dude you fucked over?”

“I didn’ wasn’t like that, Billy.”

Shrugging, Billy said, “Looks that way to me, B.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Billy’s taunting smile faded a little bit. “Right. I forgot. That’s only for Chris...he told me that the two of you had an interesting weekend.”

My silence was his answer.

“So what did you wanna come talk to me about, Brandon?” Billy asked, already knowing the answer. “I mean if you came over here to tell me that you want me to stay away from Jason, then I would have to tell you to kiss my fuckin ass...well, you’ve already done then I would tell you to piss the fuck off. But...maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re interested in knowin what kinda day I had today. So what is it, Brandon, what did you want to talk to me about?” There was the ultimate look of victory on Billy’s ruggedly good-looking face. When I didn’t answer, he said, “Thought so. Go run along to your little boyfriend and leave me alone.” Billy walked off, mixing in with the giant crowd.

* * *

I felt pretty upset for the rest of the day. And to make things worst, I forgot that I had a test in Ms. Navarro’s Spanish class, which I didn’t get to study for, because I was too busy having Chris’ big dick rammed up my ass. Chris sat next to me. I stared blankly at the test sheet in front of me, having no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do. There were a lot of parts of the test where I had to translate words and sentences from English to Spanish and vice-versa. It made my head hurt just thinking about it. Trying to be as discreet as possible, I looked over at Chris’ test. I had figured that Chris would be just as stuck as I was, but that was true. He was breezing through those questions so fast I thought his paper would catch on fire. I hate cheating, and I’ve never ever cheated on a test, but for some reason I felt like I needed to at that moment. I kept taking sneak glances at Chris’ test. I don’t think Chris was aware of it at first, but then I think he began to feel my eyes watching him. He turned and looked at me, noticed that my test was pretty much blank, and slid his paper over in my direction a little bit so that I could see his answers better. Being the dumbass I am, I just copied down all his answers - I really didn’t care if they were wrong or not, I just didn’t want to leave anything blank. The stupidity of it all, was that Chris and I sit in the second row, where it’s very possible for Ms. Navarro to see us. I didn’t think about that at all until I was on the last page and looked up at her desk to see Ms. Navarro glaring at me with the most angriest look I think I person could give. At that moment I just knew it was over. My heart just kinda sank down to my stomach and I put my pencil down. The bell rang and everyone placed their tests on Ms. Navarro’s desk.

“Brandon Newman and Christopher Green, I need to talk to the two of you.” Of course she said it super loud so everybody could hear. As people were leaving the classroom, they took little glances at me, snickering as they left. I felt so embarrassed, guilty, and dumb. When the classroom was clear, Ms. Navarro sat down at the edge of her desk and looked at Chris and I with fire in her eyes. “What the hell is wrong with the both of you?” she asked. “Do you love being in trouble that much?”

Chris laughed a little bit.

“There’s nothing funny about it all. The both of you know that cheating is not acceptable in this class, and it’s not acceptable in this school. I could probably have the both of you expelled right now for doing this.” That word ‘expelled’ sent unpleasant tremors throughout my body. Chris didn’t seem affected by it all. “But I’m not. Instead, both of you will be getting zeros on the test, and since the two of you like it so much, a week of detention. And I will be sending phone calls to both of your parents.”

“Don’t even bother with that,” Chris said, “my parents don’t care.”

Very cruelly, Ms. Navarro replied, “I see why.”

Chris didn’t respond. His face just went really blank and emotionless, which meant he was super angry. I wasn’t bothered by Ms. Navarro calling my mother, because my mother was at work most of the time, and I could just erase the message on the answer machine before she came home.

“Your detention will start tomorrow after, in Mr. Wilson’s classroom. He’s here until seven every evening, so I’m going to tell him to keep you for as long as possible. Your last day of detention will be Saturday morning, all day.” She held up our tests. “And if anything like this happens again, I will personally make sure that both of you are out of this school. Now get out of my classroom.”

I was pretty much numb as I left the classroom. It just proves my theory that every good day of my life is followed by a really fucked up one. Detention for a week, with Mr. Wilson, I just knew it was going to be the worst fuckin nightmare in the world. As me and Chris made our way to the parking lot to his truck, Chris noticed the concerned look on my face and he told me, “Don’t stress, B. It’s not that bad.”
“Chris, what do you mean it’s not that bad: we flunked our test, got detention from Mr. Sexual Harassment Man for a whole week. How is that not bad to you?”

I was really upset as Chris drove me home. I was mad at Billy Anderson, mad at Ms. Navarro, and mad at myself for being so stupid.

“It’ll be okay, B.” Chris said.

“Nothin is ever just ‘okay’. There’s always gotta be some bullshit behind everything.”

As Chris pulled up into my driveway he asked me, “Do you want me to come inside?” I didn’t know if meant my house or my ass.

“Yeah. I do.”

Chris shut off the engine and we both got out of the car. As I unlocked the front door, Chris came up behind me, kissing the back of my neck, rubbing his crotch against my ass. Even when I felt my worst, Chris always knew how to make me feel better. I unlocked the door and we both went in. As soon as we got inside, we were all over each other, kissing and about to rip off each other’s clothes, and that’s when I felt another presence in the room. I pulled away from Chris, and turned to see my mother sitting on the couch, arms crossed, a grim expression on her face. I first I thought it was an illusion, that my mind was just fucking with me. But then she said, looking at me and Chris fiercely. “We need to talk.”

To Be Continued...


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Jacklyn looked down at her feet as she made her way down the hallway to class, the swish of her cheerleading outfit still unnerving to her, "I can't believe it's been a month," she thought miserably as she entered Chemistry 101, "I don't deserve this." Jacklyn looked up as she entered the room and gave a shy wave to her "friend." "Sit over here," Monica said happily as Jacklyn made her way over to her. Jacklyn feigned a smile as she sat down next to her apparent BFF Monica, "Hey...

4 years ago
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The Quarterback and MemdashPart 2

This is a true story of what happened to me during college. Go back and read part 1 (The Quarterback and Me) to hear how Joe and I hooked up. I'm Sam. I work in the college Activity Center. It's a place where students can come work out, play intramural sports, and just hang out. Joseph was our college football quarterback. Standing at 6'3", 180 pounds, abs of steel, tanned skin--he was perfect--and totally straight up until that night I found out he wasn't! (But again, that's for the first...

4 years ago
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Pomp and CircumstanceChapter 12

Halloween, October 31 “So, there it is. The Mark ... and the guillotine, and most people have been very quick to receive the Mark ... we estimate about seventy-nine percent of all remaining citizens have done so. Now comes the enforcement side of compliance, of course. Many others will comply when that happens. Granted, the Witnesses are still causing trouble... , “ Tabby smirked. “Don’t call them that, please. No Bible terminology if we can avoid it. No euphemisms. Call them who they are...

2 years ago
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In a New Light Ch 02

Hey guys! Here is chapter 2. I suppose you could read this one without reading the first, but it will make more sense if you read the first. I am continuing the story. I’m not sure when I am going to get chapter 3 done, but I will try to update when I can. Also big thanks to Lindsey44 for editing this chapter. Hope you enjoy. **** Slowly, Adele woke up stretched and sighed at the wonderful warmth and very explicit dream she had had about her best friend. ‘Mmm what a wonderful dream,’ she...

4 years ago
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Harvesting Kim

Damn! Who would of thought that could happen in the garden? Definitely not me! But everytime I think about it I get those little bumps all over. You know the ones. Not the ones that make your skin crawl, the one's that give you a shiver of excitement. Just thinking about what happened that day long ago and I still get those damn bumps. You ever gardened? I don't mean the small flower beds or a couple plants in a pot. I'm talking about a decent size plot that you have to fence in to keep the...

3 years ago
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Almost a Sleeping Beauty

Friday night and I was internetting, not really doing anything. I could hear Dan on the phone. Tonight he was going out, lads-night out. I heard him swagger down the hallway and saw the door open and close in my peripheral. My arsehole puckered around the metal intrusion in my arse. “Oooh. Tumblr. Looking at anything naughty?” Dan walked over to the bed.He sat down on the edge, making my body tip into his dip. The movement pushed my arse cheeks together and I felt the flare of the butt plug dig...

4 years ago
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The Car Crash

I got off on doing dangerous things. The craziest idea I'd ever had came to me last year. I'd steal a car, leaving my own car just inside town in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and drive the stolen car 30 or 40 miles away then use my favorite dildo to fuck myself until I got back to town. The dildo was my favorite because I'd start cumming on the third or fourth stroke every time. I gave myself 4 week to train holding back my orgasms. The training was incredible. By holding back on my orgasm, it...

2 years ago
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A White Christmas

I have a sister, Christmas. Again, parents=hippies. She's 12, about 4'8, and I think 80lbs. I don't know really, girls are picky about revealing that kind of thing. Though if you think about what we do, well, that's for later in the story. Christmas has just started puberty, so she's just starting to get breasts, and when she isn't wearing loose girly clothing I can tell how tight and curved she's becoming. Now I know it's wierd to like your sister, but hey, if you're 14 and...

3 years ago
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High School Dilemma Part 2

From: fundipity: [email protected] Subject: High School Dilemma Part 2 (TG) Story written in 2001 High School Dilemma Part Two (final chapter to follow) By Lauren Westley Jimmy told me to get him a beer. As I turned to go to the kitchen Sean called out that I was to curtsy and say, "Yes Sir," when a man was talking to me. I turned back to Jimmy and curtsied saying, "Yes Sir." But, again Sean called out and reminded me that a proper curtsy was with my...

1 year ago
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Emily and DanielChapter 9 All the Time in the World

Our last anchorage was in a small cove on the north end of an island so small I'm not sure it had a name. Now, as the dusk deepened, it was as if Emily and I were held, warm and safe, in our own little world on our own little island in the warm tropical night, the soft waves murmuring their evensong. The boat was anchored a short swim away, the others off to their own devices on this, the last night of our cruise. "Our boys are hunks, aren't they, Daniel?" I looked down into her eyes as...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 3

I rolled my eyes at Ms. Willow's statement about boys and tried to ignore it as she continued on with the rest of the class. Not every boy was dumb as rocks when it came to politics, take Cobi and me for example. We actually paid attention to the presidential campaigns and cared about who we wanted for the next president. But of course, most girls just nodded and listened politely to whatever we had to say while they stared at our dicks. For the rest of the class, Cobi and I put our...

2 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 23 Chicago

The plane to Chicago was, naturally, pretty full. Peter and Susan had two seats together on the outside of the wide-body jet. Susan settled next to the window and pulled out a book to read as soon as they were airborne. She wore a soft, light sweat suit with a three-quarter zip closure on the top. Peter was comfortable in chinos and a sport shirt. When the snack service began, Peter looked up from his e-reader to glance at Susan. She had pulled her zipper down to the point where the slopes...

1 year ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 8 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 8: Clyda & Jordan Part 2Jordan's eyes wandered to Clyda's crotch. "All right, love," said Clyda. "I guess you've waited long enough. You've hardly taken your eyes off my crotch since you came in here." Jordan nodded her head, her eyes filled with uncontrolled lust as she stared at Clyda. "I'm sorry," said Jordan. "Have I been that obvious?" "That's Ok. Just sit back and just watch the show for a minute," said Clyda. Clyda unzipped the workout pants, and stepped out of them, and...

4 years ago
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Menage a Trois

Menage a Trois. It was just a couple weeks before my 18 th birthday. I had graduated from high school in June. Because of the poor job climate, I put a notice on the “Jobs Wanted” board outside a local market. “Hard working young man willing to mow lawns, clean garage, basement, and attic, pick-up truck for hauling trash, odd jobs. Reasonable Rates with guarantee of satisfaction!” along with my name and phone number. A few days later, I received a call from a Mrs. Jacks. I knew the name,...

2 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 12 The Death of a loved one

Shortly after the last lot of men had entered the Council Building, a runner came up to us and invited us to attend. When we walked through the crowd they just stared at us, I don't think they had spotted us on top of the wall previously, but they did now. They all looked the same, dirty, scruffy tangled hair group of people. We entered the Council Building and the chattering we heard before we entered stopped immediately. Before we could go any further, one loudmouthed scruff leapt up to...

3 years ago
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Covered in Five Loads of Cum

My beach session yesterday turned out better than I had expected.It all started with me writing on my blog about working on my speedo tan in the dunes a few weeks ago. I was just packing up to leave that day, and a couple (guy and girl) walked around the corner and we all surprised each other.  I wondered what they were doing sneaking around the dunes.  The three of us all just said hi and went our own ways, but I wish something naughty had happened. I told my readers that if they wanted the...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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KristinChapter 51

When we returned home, it was time to enroll my new little sisters in school. The fact is that since it was already late May, we were really pre-enrolling them all for the following fall. Debbie and Enid were to be in the 9th grade while Maureen and Seana were to be in the 10th. And — surprise, surprise — I went over to the school along with Mom, Kris, and my four new sisters. Our reception from Donald Grimes, the principal, and Monica Cumberland, the dean, came as a wonderful surprise....

3 years ago
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The Layover

You're working on my instructions and they are to be followed to the letter:We’re taking a trip together and I've managed a stopover in Chicago so that we meet and fly on the same plane. A half hour before my flight is due to arrive, you go into the bathroom and remove the dildo from your bag.  You're to drop your pants and open your legs and slide it into your cunt and pull up your snug black jeans to hold it into place.You're wearing a deep red blouse where the lacy edges of a black bra peek...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Cory Chase Jessica Rex What A Nice Vibrator You Have

Jessica, the dutiful babysitter is picking up toys. She ends up in the master bedroom, gathering toys near the bed, until she finds a hidden vibrator! She’s stunned, impressed and very wet with the force of the vibration. Jessica finally puts the vibrator back were she found it, and leaves the room to complete her chores. However, poor horny Jessica is aching for an orgasm and returns to the room, grabs the vibrator and works herself into a frenzy. Jessica is so busy masturbating that...

4 years ago
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Wife like role play

Cindi and I had finished fucking one afternoon and we were chatting as I played with her pussy. We realized we had never experimented with role playing“I’m up for it” I stated“Me too” Cindi repliedThe next weekend she left for the nightclub before me. As she left the house I noticed she had a new dress that was almost not legal. It was short and I thought I could see her butt cheeks as she walked out the doorI gave her about an hour and then I headed to the club. When I arrived there were three...

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Pull Zipper in Case of Emergency

She looked up at me, took the headphones off then said, “Hi Brett, I needed someplace to go.” “Huh, why, what’s going on?” “He cheated on me, he fucked Marsha.” “Who, your boyfriend cheated on you?” Irene splashed another shot in her glass, tipped it up and sucked it down in one swallow, “Yeah, the bitch lied about me, she said I was screwing Matt, but I’m not, she lied and Justin screwed her for revenge on me.” I grabbed another glass from the liquor cabinet and handed it to my sister,...

2 years ago
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Apple and Cinnamon

This morning I woke up my thoughts wasa mess and flying in all directions. She haunted me again; all through the night she was there pulling me deeper into her. She possessed my mind and I craved it …. It was a hot day when she walked into my life. I was busy with interviews and had a huge pile of applications to work through. The previous candidate was extremely beautiful she was an Indian women with light caramel coloured skin and incredible golden eyes. Her name was Dhanashree and I found...

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Her wishes His Command

M watched the emotions displayed across her face and her body language. She was ok. Scared maybe, and a little unsure, but she wasn't really on edge. Good. That meant his ideas and plans were right on the money. As she laid there wondering what was next, M came to the bed and sat next to her. He told her to get back on all fours and present her ass and pussy. She immediately did as instructed, shaking with anticipation. One by one, their guests made hard and fast use of her pussy,...

1 year ago
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Father Explores Daughter8217s Small Pussy With Big Dick 8211 Pt 1

Hi, all of you guys there. This is Tony with my first story. This story is about an innocent 18-year-old girl named Luna staying with her father Ajay (age 45) and her mom Suhana (age 40) at her home in Nasik. Luna was a very beautiful and charming girl. She was studying in class 12th. She had very good assets at the age of 26-32-28. She was the topper of her class. Her father was working for a government bank. Her mother worked for an IT firm. Everything was going well for her. But, one day,...

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Wendys afternoon toy

Calling my wife a bitch this morning was probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done. But she wouldn’t shut up, just kept bitching about me coming home at six in the morning. So when she locked herself in the bedroom I quit trying to apologize and decided to go do some yard work. I’d been outside for about twenty minutes when I hear the screen door slam. Looking up I see her sitting on the porch watching me, so on the next pass I stop in front of her and let the lawnmower die. I try to make...

2 years ago
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Lazy Sundays

I shifted again, pressing my thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure that had built up there, and noticed Jason shifting next to me as well. We’ve been doing lazy Sunday movie days for as long as I could remember, initially with my parents, and then by ourselves as we got older and our interests started to change. I don’t think either of us had known what we were getting into when we decided to watch Nymphomaniac. I knew that it would be steamy, but I didn’t think that it would...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Knight and His Squire 2Chapter 5

The week passed uneventfully, as Rohea regained his strength and agility. Although he was still slightly sore, he felt well enough to travel, and he felt honor-bound to inform Puccar. "Are you sure?" Puccar said. "It has only been a week since you were sliced open. We can afford to wait a few more days." "Pyar should have arrived in Wolle by now," Rohea said. "If she succeeds, we will hear of the good news before we arrive, regardless of whether we wait or not." Puccar nodded and...

1 year ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten: Four Hands Are Better Than Two?I had been downstairs for a while, after putting the stained bedsheets into the washer, and went about having something to eat and drink. Footsteps softly echoed from the hallway as Amanda entered into the living room to find me sat upon the sofa finishing off a hot cuppa."Hey hun!" she called to me as she stood and looked over. She stood there, dressed in her pink boxer shorts and tight hugging t-shirt."Hi!" I called back seeing her, before taking...

First Time
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A Widow Rediscovers What Life Is All About Part 3

As Bob observed just before he left Karen and Rachel alone, Rachel had not been this happy in a long, long time. Rachel was finally realizing that her life did not have to end with her husband’s. In the past 48 hours, Rachel had discovered that she could not only feel attractive, but that she could even look attractive to others. She sighed as she remembered Bob’s and Karen’s admiring glances earlier in the evening. She certainly could not believe how erotic she looked in the photos now on...

2 years ago
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Memory Worth Million Bucks

Memory Worth Million BucksBy: Londebaaz ChohanDoctor Cohen was an otolaryngologist. What a fucking specialty. Let me repeat, Dr. Cohen was a nose, throat and ear specialist. It is not necessary, how we came to know each other. He was half Iranian, half Russian Jew and had a roaring practice. I lived about 20—25 minutes away from him. Our first understanding was that if I wanted to get together with him for a fun and gay games packed evening with Ira, I had to call him in advance, get to his...

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Building a LegacyChapter 6 Paying for a New Religion

Walking into La Folie, Alex was glad they'd taken the time to get spruced up. The girls kept asking Alex just how formal this dinner was. While he didn't know, he asked Patricia, who'd set it up. 'It's VERY formal, ' she warned him. 'You'll need to buy a very nice suit. Try the hotel, if they can't get you situated, they'll at least know who to contact. The girls will likely need new dresses as well.' 'This is starting to sound like a very expensive dinner, especially...

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Callum and Adam torment Lily

Fourteen year old Adam writhed in pain. He was lying on his bed with nipple clamps attached firmly to his chest and handcuffs securing him to the bed frame. Intermittently his 17 year old step brother Callum whipped him across his bare chest with a flogger further increasing his discomfort. I should say at this point the story isn’t going to be about the bondage games Adam and Callum played together.  You see, when Callum and his mother had first moved in with Adam the two boys discovered they...

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Chocolate Pussy

© Feb 2003 Write a story about chocolate he said - 'Gee thanks Ray!' I looked at the email he'd written and thought again to myself 'Jeez - I don't do chocolate - how the blazes do I write a story about it? Hell! I know we writers are supposed to have dirty minds and all that jazz but chocolate - c'mon fella!' And I put it to the back of my mind. Except it wouldn't go away. I kept thinking back to 'The Experiment'. That was chocolate. That was sex. Boy was that sex - oh yes...

3 years ago
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The Doyen of Fashion LoPR Part VII

The Doyen of Fashion Mark had been summoned to the offices of the Independent Mutual Assurance Company on urgent business. They'd not said exactly what that urgent business was, but he knew that urgent business meant work for him, so he hurried to make the appointment. He headed to the office of his regular contact there Mr Walpole, and he was promptly shown in by Walpole's buxom young secretary. "Thank you for coming so quickly Mr Entwhistle-Houghton. The insurance company has a...

3 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 7

I saw Elizabeth leave the bathroom after her shower out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was too busy lightly stroking my fingers over every inch of Megan's body. Although she seemed to like it a lot, she especially seemed to enjoy it when I ran my fingers lightly between her legs. I can't imagine why. Elizabeth came out in a terrycloth bathrobe that was tied tightly at the waist. I couldn't see what she had underneath, and in the circumstances, I...

4 years ago
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Lust or love Does it really matter

Something a little different. I am not native english speaking, so if there are sentences that read a little weird, it's because of that. I hope you can enjoy the story despite of this. Feedback is always appreciated. ---An instant attraction to romantic interest usually occurs within the first few minutes of meeting. And so it was that they were sitting next to each other on his couch. She wiggled a bit uneasy in her denim skirt, looking at his full lips moving while he talked. Her mind was...

Straight Sex
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 140

I was up early and had a light breakfast before going to the oval desk. I was there even before Connie and Troy arrived. I practiced tonight’s speech on the teleprompter; I was satisfied with the speech. Aides started arriving with notes and information I needed to look at. One of them stated that Oregon’s legislature had worked until midnight. I wondered if burning the midnight oil was moving towards a solution or just for show. Twelve more hours would tell. Another extended email was from...

1 year ago
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Cheating is bad

I was nineteen, and had a girlfriend already, but it just felt... Well, I can’t explain how it felt, to talk about sex and what I wanted to do to this other girl to her face. I don‘t mean that literaly, because I‘m talking to her online, and therefore it‘s not her face… Oh, forget it, you understand. Hell, I guess I don’t even know if she IS a girl, but it’s a great thing to fantasize about when I lay in bed at night. My girl is always working late, and when she gets home...

2 years ago
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Chachu Ki Chaal

Hi friend’s mera naam rani hai mere ghar me mummy, papa, dada, daadi hai ek chachu(24) hai jo study karne ke liye dehli gaye hai or MBA kar rahe hai. me dikhane me sunder hun or thodi helthi hun mera figer 32’28″33″ hai matalb age se badi dikhti hun meri age 18 year hai or kuch din pehle 10th clear kari hai abhi mene elevnth class me addmisson nahi liya tha. sab soch rahe the ke kon se school me addmission dilwaya jaye taki achi tarha pad sake to daadi ji ne kaha dehli bhej dete hai iske chacha...

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