A Cloak Of LiesChapter 4 free porn video

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"Laclede's Landing?" It was more of a statement than a question. "Remember when we used to come here..." Camille stopped, not wanting to dredge up those memories of happier times.

"Yeah, I remember," he smiled, a wistful light dancing in his eyes. "I loved to dance with you."

She felt the heated blush that suffused her skin at the way his arms used to hold her close, their bodies swaying to the soft bluesy sounds of the bands that played in that other life. When they'd danced together the entire world around them would disappear, leaving only their two bodies touching and their two hearts beating together.

Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to the scene outside her window. It was late and the streets were alive with people. It was closing time for the myriad of pubs in St. Louis' "party" district. Crowds flowed from open doors to spill into the streets, laughing faces and listing bodies staggering about, blissfully unaware of the evil that Niko had been fighting.

"Camille," Niko said slowly, his voice holding a note of warning. "Try to keep your head down. You're a striking woman and easy to recognize. I should've taken Eades Bridge. It's a mess down here this time of night."

The car rolled slowly along the ancient, brick-paved streets, stopping often for the people that wandered off the sidewalks, and for the cars in the opposite lanes of the narrow roadways. Camille could see that Niko was anxious, glancing about with a forbidding expression on his face.

"Why are we here?"

"I need to see if Olan left me a message. There's a place we use over on Broadway," he answered as he gratefully turned right onto Washington. He followed the street to Broadway, turning right again.

Camille watched the skyline as the towering Gateway Arch grew larger, looming over the city, the silvery structure a graceful, curving brilliance in the night. She had always loved this city. They'd spent many happy weekends here, shopping, dining, seeking entertainment. She'd been back only once since Niko had disappeared, the memories of his smiling face and glittering black eyes sending her home in abject loneliness, never to return.

She looked at the man who was once her Niko, seeing the set of his jaw and the darkness of his expression. He'd never been like that in those days, always smiling when she'd looked at him, always ready to wrap his arms around her, kiss her...

Shaking her head, Camille tried to get her mind off the subject of his arms and lips. I'm getting married soon, to... she thought, her mind searching but failing to come up with the man's name. What's the matter with me?

"What's wrong?" Niko could see the agitation she was feeling etched on her face.


"Nothing," she snapped, wanting to kick herself. "How much farther?"

"Just a couple blocks. When we stop I want you to stay close to me, understand?"

She nodded, not wanting to look at him. The car pulled to a stop in a small lot next to a brown building. The sign on the front said "The UPS Store," their visit giving Camille pause to wonder. When they got out of the car into the mid-summer night air, she stayed by Niko's side, as he'd told her, glancing back over her shoulder from time to time.

"You got me doing it now," she muttered when they reached the front of the building.

"What's that?" he said.

Camille was about to tell him how she'd been reduced to his paranoid delusions when she saw the look on his face. His eyes had hardened, his hand hanging in the air where he'd been about to take hold of the door handle. A curse hissed from his lips at a small smear of blood on the door's glass.

"What is it?" she asked, sudden alarm freezing her heart.

"Nothing, I hope."

Pulling the door open cautiously, Niko wrapped his fingers around her upper arm while he inspected brown spots that looked like drops of liquid rust on the sidewalk and the floor inside. He pulled her along, glancing around, finding the place deserted.

The walls of the interior were lined with rows upon rows of small, locked metal mailboxes. It was one of those places where you could have your mail delivered and then pick it up at whatever time of day suited one best. The silence inside was eerie, too quiet for Camille's comfort.

Glancing over his shoulder again, he guided her along one of the walls. There was a large, bloody handprint on the door of one of the boxes, another smear angling along the wall. Niko wasted little time in pulling out his leather lock case and extracting a small key ring. It held several small keys, all looking to fit locks such as those found on these boxes. Selecting one of the gleaming keys, he slipped it into the lock of the bloody door, opening it to pull out a stained wad of paper and a cell phone.

"Where'd all this blood come from?" Camille whispered as she saw her husband smoothing the paper open.

"Fuck. We gotta go, now!"

He slammed the small door shut, locking it and pulling the key out. Seizing her arm in his rough grasp and stuffing the bloody scrap of paper and the cell phone into his pocket, he dragged her to the exit, peering through the glass before shoving the door open. Camille had to run to keep up as his long legs stretched out, eating the ground under them. He all but threw her into the car when they reached it, slamming the door hard before jogging around the vehicle to take his place behind the wheel.

"What the hell is going on?" she demanded.

Niko fired the engine and jammed the shifter into gear, gunning the engine hard. "Change of plans."

"Where are we going now?"

"We have to get out of the city. Sorry, Babe. Doesn't look like you'll be getting that shower after all."

"I don't care about that. What's happening?"

Niko didn't answer, a small muscle twitching in his clenched jaw. His knuckles had turned white on the wheel again, and for a minute, Camille thought he would tear it from the steering column. Without thinking, she reached out, placed her hand over his in a gesture of concern.

"What happened, Niko?" she asked, her voice soft.

He turned his hand, capturing her fingers in his, bringing them to his lips before looking at her. The concern in her blue eyes reminded him of the love she once bore for him. He remembered all the times that he thought he could happily drown in the liquid depths of her gaze, just as he was thinking now. It took all his will power not to pull over, take her into his arms and lose himself in her body.

"Some goons waiting for us at the safe house," he said, focusing his attention back on the road, releasing her hand. "Olan said they must have followed him."

"Where'd all the blood come from?"

"Olan," he ground out. "He's been shot."

"Shot? Dear God. Where is he? Is he in a hospital?"

"No. No hospitals. He'll be holed up somewhere."

Niko pulled the cell phone from the pocket of his jeans as soon as they reached the freeway that would speed them to the edge of the city. Narrowly missing a merging vehicle that swerved in front of him, he dialed the only number in the phone's contact list. It rang several times before he heard a weak voice answer.

"How bad is it?" Niko barked into the receiver.

He was silent for a few moments while he listened to the voice on the other end. Without another word he disconnected, taking the next exit off the highway.

"We need to find a pharmacy," he told Camille.

"How bad?" she whispered, fear showing in the eyes that she turned to him.

"Bad enough. He took a bullet in the shoulder, lost a lot of blood."

"Where is he?"

"He found a barn where he could lay low. Says that it looks abandoned."

"Oh, that's sanitary," she smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Sometimes we have to make do, Camille."

"There," she blurted after a few minutes, pointing in the direction of a brightly lit building at the corner of Jefferson Barracks Drive and Telegraph Road.

Once in the parking lot, Niko pulled her up close, bending close to her ear. "When we go in here just keep your head down. Smile and don't look too directly at anyone. Steer clear of the security cameras, if you can."

She nodded, forcing a smile to her lips when she walked through the automatic doors. Feeling suddenly vulnerable under the bright lights, she stayed close to him as they picked their way through the aisles, tossing the items they needed into a shopping cart.

"Where're you going?" he hissed as she pushed the cart away from the first aid isles.

"We'll need sterile water," she whispered back.

Leading the way, Camille selected several gallons of distilled water, towels, soap, and other toiletries. Just for good measure, she also grabbed a package of men's t-shirts and a couple of blankets as well as some underwear for herself. At least she would be able to change into clean undies if she couldn't have a bath. At the last minute, she grabbed a bottle of vinegar, ignoring his quizzical expression.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"It's an ancient remedy for treating wounds. My grandmother used it." Then she turned to Niko, a thought striking her. "Do you have enough money to pay for all this?" she asked, not wanting to cause him any difficulty.

He grinned, thinking, It's just like her to worry about money at a time like this. "Yes, agapi mou," he whispered, sliding one large hand down her arm. "I have enough."

A shiver coursed through her at the touch of his hand on her skin. Closing her eyes, she pulled away, wondering why he had that affect on her. "Okay," she said, her voice breathy. "I think we have everything we'll need. Let's get out of here."

In the next moment, she was caught up in the fire of his black opal eyes. It was odd that she had forgotten how beautiful they were, the way the light caught all the colors of the rainbow in their depths when he looked at her like that. Giving herself a mental shake, she accepted the cash that he handed her, taking it and their purchases to the cashier.

"Wait for me by the door after you pay," he told her. "I'm going to go talk to the pharmacist."

She approached the cashier, smiling, but keeping her eyes down as much as possible. When the woman ringing up the purchases gave her a quizzical look at the amount of medical supplies on the counter, Camille flashed a friendly smile.

"My grandfather's getting out of the hospital in the morning. He had surgery. I'm told I have to change his dressings every few hours. I hope I got enough."

"This ought to do it," the woman quipped.

Camille waited by the door with a shopping cart full of their purchases, growing impatient and more nervous by the minute. By the time Niko finally joined her she was ready to climb out of her skin. He walked up to her, shoving something in his pocket and reaching for her arm.

"Let's go," he whispered, guiding her out the door as she pushed the cart.

Niko had her get into the car before he put their packages in the backseat, watching the area around them the entire time. While he was loading the car, Camille reached across the seat to slip the key in the ignition and fire the engine. He had barely gotten behind the wheel when he slammed the car in gear and backed out of their parking slot, leaving the cart in the middle of the lot. Without bothering to stop for the sake of safety, he drove the car onto the street, forcing himself to maintain a normal speed.

"My God, I'm a nervous wreck," Camille stated, clutching the edge of the seat.

Niko reached over, covered her hand with his, entwining their fingers gently. "I'm really sorry, Baby."

There was a sudden lump in her throat, clogging her airway and making it difficult to speak. The gentleness in his touch, the tenderness in his voice reached her heart, reminded her of times past when she had depended on him for the love and comfort he had given her. She gave his hand a squeeze, the only response she could give at the moment.

They'd only gone a few blocks when Niko jerked his hand away from hers, barking at her to buckle her seatbelt. He veered around a corner so fast Camille feared the vehicle would flip over as her body was slammed against the door. His jaw was ominously tight, his dark eyes glittering with steely determination as he glanced in the mirror at the traffic behind them.

"What is it?" she demanded as she pulled the belt around, snapping it into the metal clasp.

"We picked up a tail," he said, still watching the mirror.

"Are you sure?"

He took the next intersection, gunning the engine and speeding through a red light, narrowly missing the cross traffic. Camille glanced over her shoulder in time to see a black sedan with screeching tires slide sideways into another vehicle. The sedan was on the move again, veering around the pile of twisted metal and plastic it left in its wake and gaining on them fast.

"What do we do now?" Camille's voice squeaked.

"Just hang on, Babe. I'll get us out of this."

The Taurus slid sideways, Niko cranking the wheel over hard with the brake pedal hitting the floor. In the next instant the tires were squealing under sudden acceleration as they drove into a narrow alleyway between two brick buildings. The car was moving so fast that the tires left the rough pavement several times. Camille had the impression of flying out of control as she shut her eyes against the fear of careening into the walls that flanked both sides.

She opened her eyes as the car traveled into oncoming traffic when it left the alley at racing speed. Other vehicles came to a screeching halt, barely missing the Taurus. Niko gave the wheel a spin, sending them swerving, dodging the other cars and trucks before fishtailing around the next corner.

Camille was hard-pressed to keep her body from sliding from under the belt. She had one foot braced against the dash and one arm against the door. Gritting her teeth was the only way of stifling the screams that wanted to be set free. The car skidded around another corner before pulling into a car sales lot.

Niko cut the engine and killed the lights, grabbing Camille's head to pull her down against the seat, his body covering hers. Camille gasped for breath around the seatbelt that pressed against her throat, could feel the fast, steady pace of Niko's heart against the back of her head. He rose above her for a moment, peering out the windshield before settling back over her.

She felt his hand move, felt the seat belt come loose when he unlatched it, releasing her constricted throat. "Is the coast clear?" she whispered, afraid to move.


"Then why the hell are you still on top of me?"

She could feel the chuckle that rumbled in his chest before hearing the sound of it. Bringing her head up hard, she connected with his breastbone, feeling gratified at the sound of his painful grunt.

"Get off me," she muttered as she pulled herself free. "Idiot."

"Hey, can I help it if I like the way you feel against me? It's not like you're offering me free hugs or anything. I have to take what I can get."

"Taking advantage of me when I'm terrified hardly endears you to me, Niko."

His grin made him look like his former self, that man that she had loved so long ago. Then his face sobered, a serious light in his eyes. "I'll never let anything happen to you, I swear. I'll keep you safe, agapi."

He gazed at her, his eyes so intense she could almost feel the heat behind them. She opened her mouth to speak only to be swept up as his arms closed around her, dragging her against his body. His face buried against her neck, his breath tickling the fine hairs on her skin, he murmured his promise again.

"I'll do whatever I have to, Camille, to protect you. Please believe that."

"I believe you, Niko."

He raised his head, looking at her face, studying her as if she were a fine piece of art. She thought at that moment that he would kiss her, would let that fire that burned behind his eyes get the better of him, but he didn't. He released her suddenly, pushing her back to her side of the car before starting the engine once again.

Camille was unsure if she was glad he'd controlled himself or disappointed. As they drove through the city streets, she found herself watching everything intently, searching for evildoers in every dark-colored vehicle she saw. Feeling as if her body was betraying her, she could still feel his arms around her, his breath against her skin.

"Is this what it's been like for you all these years?" she whispered, not daring to look at him.

"You mean dodging mercenaries and criminals? Yeah, mostly. Sometimes they were dodging me."

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Karlee Grey is on the phone with her friends making plans for the day. Her stepmom, Sinn Sage, storms into the room and asks if she’s ready to go to the beach. Karlee hangs up the phone and tells Sinn that she’s not coming with them, she’s just dropping her off. But Sinn isn’t listening and assures her they’re gonna have a great day together. Karlee wants some alone time with her friends but Sinn isn’t taking no for an answer. Sinn reminds her of their deep...

2 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with my roommate when my mi

Be warned this is a long story!Hopefully u read my previous stories and know of my situation, if u haven't here's a quick summary:I'm a sub and wanted to experience being dominated by a woman.Me and my girlfriend Sue started experimenting in bed which led to my female roommate to join and become my mistress, a while after I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my other roommate Sam, and rather than confronting them I decided to share her with Sam and watch.This story starts when my mistress...

2 years ago
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Rush Hour Surprise

‘One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend’ I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I’d have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...

4 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 4

"What are you doing in this dreadful place, Paula?" Roberta could hardly believe it was her darling Paula who had just loomed up out of the gloom., She had a vague memory of having last seen her when she was watching her being flogged to death - or so the subsequently disappointed Commandant had hoped - almost exactly one year ago. "I have been sent here by the King for a few weeks. I did him a favour and asked that I be allowed to see you. I shall be staying in one of the apartments in...

2 years ago
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Sissy Prudence Part 1

Sissy Prudence (Part 1) (by Sissy Caroline - 14 December 2006) He paused at the top of the stairs waiting for his heart to slow down a little. He had never been confronted by these circumstances before and for a moment he thought that he would break into tears, something he did from time to time when things upset him. At 13 years of age you would have thought he should be well past that stage, but he wasn't. In fact as time went on it seemed he was becoming more emotional. He had one...

1 year ago
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Ana meets Bob at the swimming pool

On Thursday evening waited for my sweet Ana with dinner ready for her. She had spent the last hours in Jim’s bed and I knew she would be tired for doing some cooking. She was happy seeing everything was set for a romantic dinner.As soon as we got to our bed, Ana removed her blouse. I examined the usual bite marks and dark bruises she had every time she came back after her encounter with that black bastard…Ana stripped off her cotton thong and she threw it to me. It was soaking wet. I went down...

4 years ago
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Behind The BarChapter 7

Jenny Cooper wasn't planning on stopping for a drink after work but the dim, cool interior of the BRANDYWINE looked so inviting, she was drawn in and found herself sitting on a bar stool before she quite knew what was happening. "Uh... a glass of white wine please," Jenny said timidly as the good-looking bartender came over to her. "I... I don't want to stay too long. I've got to get ready for my wedding tomorrow." Dave's eyebrows raised in surprise. For a girl getting married...

4 years ago
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My Future Wife And Her Lover

Hey, guys, I am back with a new story. Do check out my other stories. My name is Rahul and I am 26 years old. I was in a relationship with a girl named Nisha she was 25. Our relationship lasted for 5 years. We both worked in IT living in Bangalore away from home gave us a lot of freedom to fool around as often as possible. But during all these 5 years I have never fucked her as we both wanted to be virgin until we got married. We used to get naked and kiss for hours, cuddle. We also had oral...

3 years ago
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The Horny Deputy

A Sheriff's Deputy came up behind me flashing his red lights. I pulled to the side of the road and stopped. When I rolled down the window and the Deputy saw my daughter sitting in my lap with her dress pulled up, no panties on and my hard cock stuck up between her legs. I could see the bulge grow fast in his pants. It was obvious to the Deputy that my cock had oozed some cum on her legs. The Deputy said, "you were doing 30 miles per hour over the limit." I said, "I'm sorry officer, I was...

2 years ago
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Theater Sex

Guess I should tell you that every thing I had written and the stories that follow are all true and happened during the 4 years I was in the Navy and stationed at San Diego, California. My only purpose for going on liberty and going into town was to find men to have sex with and I didn't care what they looked like. You will notice that I used the word "men" and not "man" because I wanted at least 3 or 4 different men to enjoy my body. About a week after the costume party that I attended I had...

Gay Male
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A wedding surprise

I went to a friend’s wedding Saturday. It wasn’t like I truly wanted to spend a perfect Saturday in skirt and heels — especially in a dress and heels that I neither selected, or liked. At all. But when a friend asks a woman to be her matron of honor, it’s like being asked to be a pallbearer. There is no escape an etiquette book writer would approve of. So I went. And I word that damned strapless dress that clung to my stomach and ass like glue before stopping just above my knees. There’s...

3 years ago
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Race Day gangbang

Most of you would have would have read our previous stories and are aware that K love sex with random guys, and fantasies about more than one guy at a time. I thought I would share more about how sexy she is. She is tall, long curly haired brunette with firm C cup breast, and likes to keep her pussy shaved. She is one of those very lucky ladies that can cum with penetration and in the right mood, multiple times. From a young age she has enjoyed casual sex and has had several affairs with...

2 years ago
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Indian Bhabhi Cheers Up Her Old Flame

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Raghu and Anuja were done with their anniversary celebrations. As soon as the guests left, they decided to celebrate their sexual life. It’s been years since their marriage. But still, they were able to satisfy and arouse each other to an extent. Anuja stripped herself naked and waited for her horny husband. She spread her legs wide enough for him to access her pussy. They were not going to waste time in foreplay....

1 year ago
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Strangers on the train 5

After my hot weekend fucking and sucking Ian and the girls, I was almost relieved to be catching the train home, if only for a little rest and relaxation. I say “almost” because the moment I boarded the train I just hoped I'd be seeing Lisa again, Lisa the sexy, blonde train manager who had helped to make our journey down so eventful. Every time there was an announcement I longed to hear the sweet Scottish tones of my super-hot lover. And every time I was disappointed.Until the train pulled out...

3 years ago
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My Sister Is My Dom Pt3

“Where are you going?” she inquired. “To the bathroom, I really have to pee.” “What time is it?” “A little after ten,” I answered. She was asleep when I returned from the bathroom so I went downstairs and made coffee and breakfast. She came down after the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee had wafted upstairs. “Why didn’t you come back to bed?” she asked. “I would like to have had sex before I got up.” “I was hungry,” I answered. “Besides, my dick is getting sore. We’ve been...

2 years ago
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spying on my sister

when i was 14 i was doing laundry one day and i saw one of my sisters pink bras in the hamper. i always thought my sister was hot but it never really went any father than that. she was 16 with nice little c-cup titts. so for some reason i pulled out the bra and started sniffing it and rubbing it all over my stomach and ****. and before too long i ended up ******* in my sisiters bra, then i heard footsteps coming downstairs so instad of putting my sisters bra back coverd in ***, i quckily stuck...

2 years ago
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My Whole Family Needed Me 5

I fell into the room from the window. Three sets of eyes were fixated on my actions. The asshole who I thought was my best friend still had his cock buried into my twelve-year-old sister’s pussy and her homeroom teacher was still balls deep inside of her ass. “Alright Zack before you go crazy let me exp—“ POW right in the middle of his sentence I threw a right cross and knocked him right out of my sister and onto the floor. I would have jumped on him and beat his ass but his pants...

1 year ago
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Consequences A New Life Part Six

Special thanks to Robyn and Emily for all their support, editing and feedback. And thank you to all those who have reviewed the story so far. Your support and ideas really help! Part 6 "Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a woman of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul to waste" I've never sung in front of a crowd before, not as the lead. I feel strange. It seems impossible that I am hitting all the right notes. I channel Mick...

3 years ago
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Kimberlys Gangbang WeekendChapter 2 Saturday Afternoon

Kimberly Martin awoke from a deep and soothing sleep around noon on Saturday, and as she stretched herself into conscienceless, she remembered why she had such a deep sleep. Her body needed it after being satisfied by eight different men, counting her husband, who fucked her in her ass for the first time. After stretching and recalling the feelings she went thru the night before, Kimberly lay back on the bed and realized how much she enjoyed showing off and letting all those men fuck her....

2 years ago
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RedTails RescuedPart 2

"Master, is this truly necessary?" Shaasta protested, as she and Hansen were guided down the stone steps to the processing lab beneath the Southern Rose pet shop. Frelic gave a light tug on the leashes clasped to the Elf and Squirrel's collars to hurry them along, "Yes, my dear brats. This is indeed truly necessary. Now that I am one thousand and thirty-five gold pieces poorer, I am determined to protect my investment." "But you need not worry," she countered, "I give my solemn...

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Nat is Annas bitch part 4 sisters

part 4 of the story of Nat and her sister Anna... and this time their mother joins in...i was frozen and couldnt move as i saw my mom come into the room and looked at me for a while then turned to Anna."well... what is going on here?" she asked with her eyebrow raised."erm.. well" Anna tried to think of an excuse, but it was difficuolt as she was also almost completely naked whilst holding a dildo at my pussy."were you going to fuck her without permission?" mom had a sharp tone to her voice...

3 years ago
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My multi orgasmic wife

Females are far superior to men when it comes to sex. My wife Andrea is a perfect example of what I'm taking about. I was watching her with Michael last Saturday night and I counted her having eight orgasms with him before he had one. The first time she came was while he was eating her pussy, I noticed her chest heaving and her nipples were rock hard. Then her stomach muscles tighten and she held her breath and moaned out a low long growl.He crawled up between her legs and rubbed the head of...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 26

Inconveniently it was about 4:00 a.m. when I finally woke back up. I'd actually initially started stirring two hours earlier, but the bed was so comfortable that I'd just turned over, pulled up the covers and dozed right back off. After that I'd come half awake, think about getting up, reject the idea and snooze away for another while. The impulse to actually arise took a long time to set in. The inconvenient part was that I was getting pretty hungry—I'd missed dinner again—but it was...

1 year ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 37

Karen and Kathy got the burgers and hotdogs ready for the grill, while Jason headed back out to the pool and Jim and Derrick re-hashed their golf game. Karen tended to the grill, while Kathy stayed inside preparing a salad tray of fresh veggies and fruit. When Karen yelled out that dinner was ready, everyone made their way to the patio table. Megan was last to get to the table, and since one of the chairs had a cracked frame, she was left to sit on the cooler next to her father. Jim...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 158 Memories and Madness

Faren cleared his throat, and then finally spoke after months of lying unconscious in bed. “I’m sorry, Surfacer, I’ve obviously missed something, but I’m fairly certain I’d remember if I’d ever met a human before. Who are you, and how do you know my name?” I blinked. And then again. I opened my mouth, paused, closed it again, and then turned slightly. “Anders?” I called, my voice rising almost into the supersonic with panic. Hearing the fearful tone in my voice, the healer extracted himself...

1 year ago
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Sharing Our Girls Within The Roommates

This is a real story. It might sound you that it is weird and fake but it is not. To us, when we thought of it, it was a taboo. But later we enjoyed every bit of it. I am Aayush, I live in Bangalore and working in an US based MNC. My life has always been sexful. This is incident happened three and half year back when I was in college doing my graduation. All those who are have completed their Graduation would know that it is very common to have sex with your partner. But we went a step ahead,...

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Aunt Neesa

This story begins when I was ten years old. My parents had to go on a business trip and left me behind with my Aunt Neesa. Aunt Neesa is a goddess. She has 32D sized breasts and flowing red hair. She is kind of pale, but that only adds to her sexuality factor. My parents left me at Aunt Neesa’s house that morning. That day, they died in a plane crash and ever since that day, I’ve lived with my aunt at her house. For the next two years, I would wake up every other night screaming...

1 year ago
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SSBBW Encounter part 4 intermission

Part 4We lay in bed, side by side, as I felt his cock slowly shrinking inside of my ass until finally it popped out, his load slowly dripping from my stretched and ravaged asshole. I felt like my whole body was electrified and I just kept panting, “oh my god, oh my god…” Our bodies were drenched slick and there was the funky smell of hot sweaty sex heavy in the air. I started giggling uncontrollably just from the shear pleasure of the experience. He gave my ass a sharp smack and gave a...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 155

I had missed having an opportunity to talk with Russia President Orbatch at the G20 meeting. He was hustled away quickly before any of the others left. I read the report on Russia first; it was on top of the pile - it read like an obituary. After the loss of the carriers, things had gone downhill for Russia. The blow to the treasury was only the beginning. The following year the locust devastated the wheat and corn crops. As a result there was little bread. Millions of cattle starved or...

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Claiborne HighChapter 5

"I'll wait for you," Cheryl's mother said as she parked the car. "Wait... ?" "There's something we need to talk about," her mother said. "There've been ... I've been wondering ... that is, have you been seeing some boy and haven't told me?" "Of course not," Cheryl said. "Not even in ... there?" Her mother waved at the building housing The Construct's local offices. "Not even there," Cheryl said. "I'm told you can watch what goes on. There really isn't much to see,...

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