Sex With A Teen
- 4 years ago
- 20
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One of the features of the law enforcement package that had been installed in the MD-500 was a programmable VHF radio system that could transmit on nearly any frequency as long as the operator knew what that particular frequency was. As such, with the assistance of a manual from Paul's fire engine, Jason, sitting in the passenger seat of the chopper, was able to talk to Paul and Matt who were two thousand feet below listening to a fire department portable radio. Of course the VHF repeater that the fire department had used for its primary channels was out of action making those frequencies useless, but several direct frequencies, with a range of a mile or so, had been programmed into the portable.
They were fourteen miles east of Garden Hill, just above a CalTrans road maintenance station that Brett had found during a recon flight the day before. Their mission for the day was to get a water truck that had been stored at the facility safely back to Garden Hill where it's large tank could be used to store jet fuel for the helicopter. Getting the water truck started had been the easy part of the operation. It had been a simple matter of installing two fully charged twelve-volt automobile batteries. The hard part was going to be navigation of the vehicle home. Two large slides and three washouts along Interstate 80 between Garden Hill and the station had ruled out the option of simply taking the freeway. Instead, they were using back roads to work their way home.
Brett and Paul - by burning up an entire tank of fuel in the helicopter - had found a wildly circuitous route along two-lane mountain roads. It was a route that stretched miles out of the way and switched back upon its self several times, but that, after a trip of nearly fifty miles, would eventually drop them out on the Interstate just east of the cut that guarded the town. Now, as they were putting the plan into motion, Brett and Jason were flying just ahead of them to scout out the route and watch for unseen dangers.
"Okay," Jason, speaking into his headset informed them, "you're coming up on the first turn now. It's just around the bend you're approaching. You're going to turn right and that will take you up a rise to a smaller road."
"Copy that," said Matt's voice in his ear. "Turn right around the next bend."
Brett pulled them into a hover as the orange truck below them completed the maneuver, watching until they were safely headed up the hill. He then brought them up a little higher and eased over the rise in question so he could take a look at the other side. Once they were there, Jason, who had a map laid out before him, gave them their next set of directions. This brought them to a twisting, turning road leading nearly up to the snowline, which began about 6000 feet.
"I hope they don't trigger an avalanche," Brett said nervously, flying slightly behind them now. "Some of that snow up there is pretty thick."
"They volunteered to chance it," Jason reminded him.
"That wouldn't make me feel any better if they were buried alive," he replied.
It had been three days since the discovery of Auburn and the strange community that existed there. The knowledge of all those guns and men less than forty miles to the west had stirred a near-fanatic burst of activity around Garden Hill. Some of the defensive improvements, which had been on hold in the excitement of acquiring the helicopter, had been placed back on the front burner. Chrissie, taking to her new job with gusto, was spending her every waking hour supervising the reinforcement of the hillside defenses, finishing up the training of those that had yet to go through the firearms class, and drilling the reaction force in how to deploy in the event of an attack. No longer were the Garden Hillians merely anticipating an untrained group of hunters like the last time trying to hit them, they were now being forced to consider that a hundred or more heavily armed men might suddenly come walking into their midst. As of yet it seemed an unlikely possibility at best - they had no evidence that the residents of Auburn even knew they existed - but the first attack had taught them that they had to anticipate unlikely possibilities as well as likely ones.
While Chrissie and Michelle had been busy taking care of home defenses, Brett, Jason, and Matt, with the help of Paul, had been frantically trying to secure a fuel supply for the helicopter so they could begin using it to its full advantage. The problem of fuel storage needed to be solved first - thus the day's mission - before further recon flights of the surrounding area and possible recovery of the freight supplies on the train could be undertaken. There had been a furious debate the previous night on the wisdom of attempting to do what they were now doing. Brett had been firmly opposed to risking two men by driving a loud, clanking machine over those perilous roads just beneath huge accumulations of comet-caused snowfall. But none other than the two men who were volunteering to take the risk had overruled his objections.
"You yourself have told us that we may as well not have the helicopter if we can't get and store fuel for it," Paul had argued. "We've been over every other possibility and this is the only way we're going to be able to store it. It has to be done."
Matt, who was obviously no fan of being smashed to pieces by an avalanche, had been forced to agree with this logic. "This is the only tank we have available to us and we've scouted out a means to get it back here. You've determined that we can't cut it loose from the truck and fly it back here, right?"
"Right," Brett had replied miserably. The tank, while light enough to be carried if empty, was simply too large and bulky. The drag caused by trying to pull it through the air would make the aircraft too unstable.
"Then I guess our decision is made," Matt said. "Both Paul and I have been advised of the risks and have elected to go forth. No more discussion on the matter is necessary."
And so now Brett, very much against his better judgment, was flying above as they entered the area directly below the snowline. "If those assholes get buried," he told Jason, "I'm going to hover right above them and yell, 'I told you so' through the fucking loudspeaker."
"They'll be all right," Jason said, watching anxiously, although he had absolutely no evidence or experience upon which to base this statement.
It was an agonizing twenty minutes as the orange truck crept slowly uphill on the slick, muddy road. Occasionally the back end would slide a little bit on a particularly slippery patch. Occasionally they would have to edge perilously close to a drop off so they could get around a mudfall or a crumbled section.
"How are you doing down there?" Jason asked them from time to time.
"We're hanging in there," Matt's voice, sounding strained, would come right back.
Finally they reached the summit of the pass, where the highest danger of causing an avalanche lie. They did not pause or comment on their achievement. They only started down the other side. Soon they were well below the snowline once again and relatively out of that particular brand of danger.
"You see, Brett," Matt's voice sounded in their headsets, its tone more than a little relieved. "Nothing to it."
"Right," Brett replied, just as relieved. "Nothing to it. I'm scouting ahead."
He flew forward for a few miles, checking on the next section of route as they continued to lumber down to the bottom of the hill. Jason, his rifle safed and resting next to his seat, peered through a pair of binoculars at the road below, looking for anything that might present a danger. He saw nothing but road and mud and the occasional dead body next to a dwelling.
In the past few days Jason had once again become the subject of wild discussion in the town. He had become the second man in Garden Hill to openly live with two women and call both of them his lover. Though there was still no ceremony or official recognition of this fact, and though none of the parties involved had actually admitted what was going on, the simple fact that Tina had moved in with them had not gone unnoticed. Fortunately, with the absence of Jessica and her mindset, no one was trying to vote any of them out of town for the offense. None of them were even calling it an offense. But, no matter what the mindset of the people, Garden Hill remained a small town where everyone knew everyone else and the gossip flew like mad.
But the gossip and the mood of the townspeople were not what were on Jason's mind at the moment. He had experienced much worse before. What was on his mind was something that he had wanted to bring up ever since the first Cameron Park mission. Now the time seemed right.
"Brett?" he said softly, hesitantly, after making sure he wasn't accidentally keying the transmit button on the radio.
"Yeah?" Brett replied, his eyes making a constant track from the instrument panel to the outside. "What's up?"
"You said you were going to teach others to learn to fly this thing," he said.
Brett took a moment to glance over at him, seeing his hopeful face. "I did say that," he said. "And I intend to do so just as soon as there's enough time and fuel to start."
"Well, do you think that maybe... you know that just possibly... uh... well..."
"I think you'll make an excellent pilot," Brett told him with a smile. "I've already decided that you'll be my first student."
Jason's face lit up like a pinball machine. "Really?" he said excitedly. "You're not screwing with me?"
"I'm not screwing with you," he assured him. "You've spent almost as much flight time in this thing as I have since we got it. I've seen you watching my every move whenever we've been up. You got the makings of a pilot my man and you'll be the first one. I promise."
"Thanks, Brett," he said, barely able to contain himself. "When can we start? I mean, can you start showing me things now? While we're..."
"Now," Brett interrupted before he could get too far along, "we each have a job to do. I have to fly and you have to observe. This is not the time for lessons to commence."
"Oh... sure... I mean..."
"It's okay," Brett told him. "Just keep an eye out down there like you're supposed to. I'm going to put you through an extensive ground school before you ever put your hands on these controls. We're gonna take it as slow as possible, all right?"
"All right."
"Now let's get back to work, shall we?"
It took them almost four hours to get the truck safely home. Brett was forced to abandon them at one point so he could fly back to town and refuel (and the town - at first terrified to see the chopper return alone - was very grateful to hear that no avalanche had occurred). But finally they arrived, rumbling and clanking their way onto Interstate 80 and through the gap in the cliffs that served as their eastern chokepoint. They passed the warning signs that Brett had installed and then utilized the offramp that led to the town itself. Soon the truck was making its way through the residential streets inside the wall, belching out great black clouds of diesel exhaust.
Brett continued to circle overhead until they were safely parked and then he settled in for a soft landing in his accustomed spot. By the time he and Jason made it over to the truck, three quarters of the townspeople were gathered around it, hugging and shaking the hands of the two men who had delivered it.
Garden Hill now had a functioning fuel station. All they needed now was the fuel.
They wasted no time. The men and women who were to be involved were hand picked by Brett and Chrissie (who knew the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the newer guards better) at a community meeting that night after dinner and told to be ready to move out the next morning. More than one person stayed up late that night making in town preparations or learning specific tasks.
The operation itself began at first light. Michelle, armed with one of the M-16s and a radio keyed into the chopper's frequency, and four of the guard force, all of them armed with semi-automatic weapons, climbed into the helicopter. Brett lifted off, the empty 250-gallon transport tank slung beneath, and headed southwest for Cameron Park. He utilized the shortest route possible, going out over the canyon and following it to the point that he had familiar navigation references. He made sure that he stayed well clear of the Auburn area.
Once at the Cameron Park Airport, he circled around a few times, keeping a sharp eye out for anything below that hadn't been there before. Beside him Michelle did the same. Everything seemed as it should be so he drifted down and set the tank gently on the ground. He released the rope from the hook and then made one more pass around the area.
"Lock and load, guys," Michelle told her troops as he spun in for final approach. They jacked rounds into their chambers and stood by. Brett touched down near the hanger complexes to allow them to get quickly under cover if they came under fire. Though this seemed unlikely to happen since they had already made two trips here without encountering anyone, Brett insisted that they go into every situation like it was combat.
"Go!" Michelle yelled at her troops the instant the skids touched the ground. They were out the doors in less than ten seconds, lying on their bellies on the wet tarmac, all of them facing in different directions with overlapping fields of fire. No sooner were they down then Brett lifted back off, buffeting them violently with the downdraft from the rotor and soaking them thoroughly with rainwater.
Brett circled around for a few minutes just south of the airport, both to keep an eye on the approaches and to be nearby in case an emergency evacuation was called for. Nothing untoward happened and a few minutes after being dropped off, Michelle radioed up to him. "Area seems secure," she said. "We're going to deploy near the hangers until the next group arrives."
"Copy," Brett said. "I'm heading back now. Remember the plan."
"If we're attacked," Michelle dutifully replied, "we'll make a fighting retreat and head into the hills for pick-up later."
"You got it," he told her. "I'll see you in about forty minutes."
Brett made two more trips before the first drop of fuel was even sucked from the tank. He brought one more group of five troops - Matt was in charge of this bunch - to help augment the protective force that was already there. He then went and picked up the actual work crew, which consisted of Jason and three of the other guards. They had the pump with them and they would be the ones that kept the transport tank filled. Brett had stayed up late with this bunch showing them how to do their jobs.
The operation ran fairly efficiently for something that had been thrown together as quickly as it had.
By the time Brett landed the pump crew, the combat crew had moved through the airport and secured it completely. They were now in defensive positions, watching for approaching intruders. The pump crew set up the pump, attaching it to the same maintenance truck that they had used during the first operation. Once the pump was powered, they refueled the helicopter, topping off its tank.
"Okay," Brett said to them. "Let's get that tank full. We've got a lot of trips to make."
It took just a hair over five minutes for the pump to fill the 250-gallon tank. Once it was full, they shut down the pump and the engine that powered it and reattached the rope to the belly of the chopper. Brett climbed in alone and fired up the engine, setting the rotor blades into motion. After a last check of his area he lifted off, slowly rising into the rainy sky until all of the slack in the carrying rope was gone.
Lifting nearly two thousand pounds into the air by means of a hook and rope assembly was a very delicate piece of flying and something that helicopter pilots did not particularly like to do. It needed to be done slowly and carefully. Rising too fast ran the risk of snapping the rope or rupturing the container, an act that would almost certainly send the helicopter spinning out of control from the slingshot effect. Brett kept a delicate hand on his controls, slowly adding lift until the tank rose inch by inch from the ground. He could feel the tremendous weight beneath him in the sluggishness of the aircraft's reactions. Only when the tank was two hundred feet above the tarmac did he begin to turn to the northeast and move forward.
The trip back to Garden Hill took nearly forty minutes since Brett was not able to fly terribly fast with the additional weight and drag. Once over the town he descended carefully right over the top of the community center. Paul had built a platform on the peak of the roof, right near the edge, that the transport tank could be set on. Without the electric pump to facilitate moving the fuel from one container to another, they were forced to rely on good old gravity. Paul, up on the roof with Maggie to assist him, used a radio to talk to Brett and guide his movements, telling him to "go back" or "go forward" or "bring it down". Though he was being blasted by the downdraft and pelted with small bits of debris and though he could hardly hear his own voice as it came out of his mouth, Paul's voice was transmitted clearly enough to Brett in the cockpit. This first docking took a few minutes to accomplish, requiring three aborts before the tank was finally resting where it was supposed to.
"It's in place," Paul told him.
"Copy in place," Brett replied. Slowly, carefully, he descended a little more, gradually and gently transferring the weight of the tank from the hook on the helicopter to the structure on the ground. Once Paul was able to confirm slack in the carrying rope, he pulled the lever and released it.
"Good set down," Paul said as the rope fell to the roof. As the helicopter rose up and circled around to land, he turned to his two helpers. "Let's get it transferred."
Ted, the plumber, with the help of Steve Kensington, the pool-man/mechanic, had installed a nozzle capable of taking standard two and a half-inch fire hose onto the transport tank. Paul utilized this nozzle now by leaning out and coupling a fifty-foot length of hose to it. The hose ran straight down to the water tanker, which was parked directly below, the other end connected, via a series of coupling rings, to the four-inch supply nozzle on the top of the tank.
"All ready?" Paul yelled down to the two women below who were handling that end of the operation.
"All ready," they yelled back up.
"On its way then," he said, opening the nozzle.
It took almost ten minutes for the fuel to run out of the transport tank and into the storage tank. As soon as it was empty Paul and Maggie used the rope to lower the tank back to the ground. Brett and two helpers took it from there, dragging it back over to the chopper and reattaching it to the hook. Three minutes later the engine was spinning up.
As he lifted into the air, Brett checked his watch. The first emptying cycle had taken twenty-eight minutes to accomplish. He hoped they would be able to cut that down to twenty by the end of the day.
He touched back down in Cameron Park at 10:30, just over two hours from the time the first drop of fuel was pumped. The first task was to refuel the helicopter for the next trip and then the next load of fuel was pumped from the storage tank into the transport tank. By 10:50 he was back in the air.
In all, by working non-stop without lunch and with only minimal bathroom breaks, they were able to transport five loads of fuel - 1250 gallons - from Cameron Park to Garden Hill that day. Brett landed with the empty tank at Cameron Park at 4:30, the cargo compartment of the chopper laden with sleeping bags and cans of food. The security and pumping troops quickly unloaded these and carried them over to the hanger where they would be spending the night.
Brett had wanted to spend the night at the airport with them, arguing that it would save time the next day if he didn't have to make a dry run from Garden Hill to start operations. Paul had utilized the veto power that came with being the only remaining committee member and ordered him to return home with the helicopter at the end of the day's operations. "We simply can't risk you and that machine like that," he'd explained. "I know you want to be with your troops, but the best place for that chopper at night is where it's safest, and where its safest is back here."
Though Brett wasn't happy with this ruling, he nevertheless agreed to abide by it.
"Be careful out here tonight," he told Michelle and Jason, who were in charge of the group.
"We will," Michelle promised. "If there's any trouble we'll just pull back and contact you by radio in the morning. Don't worry about us."
He smiled. "It's my job to worry about you," he told her.
They shared a brief kiss and then Brett climbed into the helicopter. We went through the start-up procedure and three minutes later was lifting off. By the time he made it back to Garden Hill it was nearly dark.
Though he was quite exhausted from a day spent nearly constantly behind the controls of the helicopter, Brett was not too tired to respond to Chrissie that night in bed when she expressed an interest in lovemaking. They enjoyed a long, slow, very heated session that ended with both of them sweating profusely and out of breath.
"I think I'm starting to see a little swelling in your belly," Brett said afterwards, as they lay cuddled together atop the covers, the light from a single candle providing scant illumination. He was running his hand softly over her damp stomach where, just above her pubic hair, the slightest bulging of her uterus was starting to make itself known.
"I'm going to be a fat pig in a few months," she said sourly, her own hand toying with the hair on his chest.
"You're going to be beautiful," Brett told her. "Pregnant women are hot."
"You must be kidding," she said in disbelief.
"Not at all. When does a woman look more feminine after all? Just ask Jason how hot pregnant women are."
"If you don't mind," she said, "I'd just assume leave my brother out of the discussion. The mental image of him having sex is something I'd rather not think about."
He laughed a little, kissing her forehead. "Well I assure you," he told her. "I'll still boff you when you swell up; often and well."
"I'll hold you to that," she said, giving him a kiss of her own.
They lay together in silence for a little bit as the sweat dried from their skin and then, when they started to shiver, they blew out the candle and climbed under the covers. Brett didn't toss or turn, he didn't speak or make any noise, but Chrissie still knew that he was not asleep and she also knew why.
"They'll be okay out there," she told him. "You trained them well."
"I know," he said with a sigh. "I just feel like a father waiting for his kids to get home from a night out."
"Shellie and Jason know what they're doing. They'll keep them safe." She paused. "I only wish I could be out there too."
"Your place is here," Brett said. "Believe me, I would've felt more comfortable with you as part of the airport detail but that same feeling works in reverse. I'm able to relax a little while I'm shuttling between here and Cameron Park knowing that you're here taking care of defense."
"Do you really think I'm doing a good job?" she asked, pleased by his praise.
"I really do," he said. "And I'm sorry that I took all your best people for the airport mission."
"At least I didn't have to staff the guard posts with untrained people," she said. The remaining guards that had been through Brett's training program had all volunteered to pull double duty until the completion of the mission to keep that from happening.
"That's a sign of respect for their leader," Brett said. "I could never get them to do that when I was in your shoes."
"That was before we were attacked," Chrissie reminded him, not about to be complimented that easily. "I think that might have had something to do with it."
"Maybe a little," Brett allowed. "But don't kid yourself. A lot of it is out of loyalty to you and I. Nobody wants to spend twelve hours in one of those wet, muddy bunkers up on the hill if they don't have to."
"That is true," she agreed, accepting the compliment this time. "But when are we going to get more people trained up? We have sixteen firm volunteers just waiting for their chance and ten more that are asking for consideration. I know you're busy securing fuel for the chopper and all, but we can't keep putting it on hold forever. We should pencil in a three day period after the airport mission so that the next time we don't have to double staff."
"An excellent idea," Brett agreed. "In fact, why don't you start running them through it day after tomorrow, after we get everyone home and rested up?"
"Me?" she asked. "What do you mean me?"
"I mean that I'm going to be much too busy trying to do maintenance tasks on the helicopter and trying to figure out a way to run the train mission. You've been through my class and you've assisted on it twice. You also have considerable combat experience. I think the time has come for you to take over that aspect of training."
"I can't do that," she protested, sitting up in the bed. "Brett, I can't teach your class. And they wouldn't listen to me anyway."
"You can teach it and they will listen to you," he assured her. "Chrissie, you know how fanatical I am about this training and this town's security. I wouldn't ask you to do it if I didn't think you'd do a good job. And you've already run more people through the basic firearms class than I have. You can do this. You have to do this or it's going to be a while before it gets done."
They discussed it for a few more minutes and eventually, as he had known she would, she agreed. Soon Brett drifted off to sleep, snoring as he only did when he was exhausted or intoxicated. Chrissie, on the other hand, with something new to worry about, lay awake for a long time.
It was just after first light when the men of Acting Captain Bracken's attack company resumed their march towards Garden Hill. They had been on the road for five days now and most of the men were at peak efficiency for the long march. They were accustomed to the mud, rain, and filth after five days of trudging through it and they were well acclimated to the cold and sleeping outside. Unlike on previous marches, Bracken was allowing them to stick to the Interstate as much as they could. With the numbers that they had for this mission he did not fear being on a predictable route as he once had. It seemed unlikely at best that anyone would try to attack them on their transit and walking on the asphalt cut drastically down on their time and fatigue factors since they weren't constantly slugging through thick mud or brush. Of course the many mudfalls and washouts meant that they were forced to take long detours through the heavy woods to go around such things. In all they spent about half their time on the pavement and half in the mud.
They were on a fairly long stretch of unimpeded Interstate on this morning, just two miles past the conquered town of Colfax. Bracken had high hopes of reaching the pre-attack staging area in three more days.
"Acting Lieutenant Jimms!" Bracken called to the senior sergeant from his own third platoon. Jimms was acting as platoon commander while Bracken acted as company commander.
"Yes, sir!" Jimms said smartly, stepping up to him.
"Third platoon will break trail today," he told him. "Assign a squad to the point and lets move out."
"Yes, sir," Jimms agreed. He turned to the platoon and selected second squad, headed by Stu, for that duty. Stu gathered his team of convicts together and formed them up. Soon, all one hundred and sixty men were heading down the Interstate following them.
It was two hours into that morning's march that Turbo, the private on point, spotted movement ahead of them. A figure was just cresting the hill above them, walking directly down the middle of the eastbound lanes. Turbo held up his hand, halting the squad behind him, and dropped to the pavement, his rifle pointing up at the figure. Stu signaled the rest of his squad to spread out to the flanks and then gave the danger signal to the rest of the company over the radio he carried. Bracken and the rest of the men quickly darted off the roadway and into the surrounding brush, for what they knew not why at this point, but reacting just as training dictated.
Stu scrambled up and slid to the ground next to Turbo, his eyes looking forward and immediately locking onto the lone figure. "Is that the only one?" he asked.
"So far," Turbo said. "You got binocs? It looks like a bitch from here."
"Yeah," Stu said. "I'll look in a minute. Let's get under cover for now and report in."
They scrambled off the road, keeping as low as possible, and into the tree line beside it, their boots sinking into the thick mud. Stu pulled out his portable radio and keyed it up. "This is Covington on point," he said into it. "You there, command?"
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The Concord Monitor Sunday edition ran my picture on the front page of the local section. The caption was, "No Promises", sub-captioned, "Dr. Richards will consider running." The story detailed my surprise appearance on stage at the fundraiser, connections to Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, my college and business background and my status as Alderman in Nashua. I have had worse coverage. I mentioned before that New Hampshire is a very politically aware state. Monday morning I was besieged...
Chapter 1Hey Amber, I thought you would like this site I really enjoy it. Just set up an account and pm me when you get set up. My screen name is yngandfresh. Cant wait to here from you. I sat in front of my computer ready to click send on an email I really shouldn’t send. It was too late I sent it, she never know it is from me since it is from a new email address that I just set up in a fake name. I had all things covered, just hope she takes the bait.About a month ago I went into my...
"Is the kettle on?" Hope almost squeaked, poking her head through the kitchen door. Shawna smirked and nodded, walking slowly out into the sitting area with a big, bowl-shaped cup of tea clutched in both hands. "This isn't going to work, you know." She pointed out, as Hope scurried about, realigning cushions that hadn't been out of place. "You think they were better all on the sofa?" Hope didn't look away from her work. "I didn't mean the cushions, I meant this thing with Marcus...
The emperor was disturbed, 4 assassin attempts on the royal family was unprecedented! He knew his daughter knew who their savior was, but getting her to talk was the most impossible thing he could think of. Remembering what she'd said the fact that the man wanted no reward, no fame, just to be made a royal, damn it! Alatem knew he couldn't do that, there were the old laws in place with good reason, the fact that she knew this didn't make matters any easier. Sighing he sat to try and come...
Please review. I usually get criticized for not completing my stories, which honestly I do on purpose, because the goal is to fire up your imagine. But I will give in to critics this time and add several more parts to this if you would like. Well This Is Interesting I confess that my life became easier and more fun, not to mention interesting, after we discovered my husband got aroused by my panties. We found out by accident one evening after some rather passionate love making. We...
"Baby, you can't be serious.""I can and I am!" Wanda replied in a very serious tone."Baby, you know it was an accident.""It was an accident the first time you did it too. I told you what was going to happen.""I know, but you never seemed to care before." He pleaded, not even realizing how grating his whine was on her ears."I cared the very first time you did it. I told you I didn't like it, but you ignored me.""Baby but that was 15 years ago?""I know, but I remember it. I told...
BDSMMy audacious girl friend loved to tease me unmercifully. She would show me her nipples or her pussy or her ass without notice, and quite often even in front of people! One time we didn't have anything to do, but just wanted to be together and just do WHATEVER. We'd often just go to the mall and wander around watching all the crazy people. --The world is FULL of weird, crazy people! Well, anyway, I picked her up and we went to the mall. No store in particular, just going to be going.Barb...
He glanced up from his computer when he heard the commotion just outside his open door; his eyes shifted to the clock and noted the time. “Fifteen minutes late,” he mumbled to himself. He watched her sauntering in, reciting good morning greetings to her fellow coworkers, their faux smiles and un-cordial greetings in return, falling on deaf ears and blind eyes. She poked her head into his office, a warm smile plastered on her face. “Good morning Mr. Barns,” her voice a melodious chorus of pure...
FetishJane Fox was a lawyer, a good one, a very good one. When she graduated, top of her class, she received job offers from several law firms around New York. But it didn’t matter how good she was, she wasn’t satisfied with her life. It was a stressful job that left her little time for herself, for her friends, and even less for her boyfriend who, after a few months, found a woman who could spend more time with him.One day her mother called a family reunion. She didn’t like family reunions, she...
Love StoriesMark climbs on to the table straddling Dawn's shoulders with his knees pinning her down allowing the ones holding he arms down to enjoy her "Lets punish this cunt now" Gary has a full tube of KY Jelly he asked Dave and Matt to hold he fanny open for him they oblige stretching her hole with two fingers each Gary squeezes the lube into her making a fist he punches it deep inside she screams in delight his arm deeper than anybody else had managed so far working it in with a twist Dawn's moans grow...
well as with the ist part,dad worked nights leaving mum and me alone in the evenings, s the weeks went by her flashing was getting more obvious to me ,so i thought i would play the same game,she went up for a shower,and came down in a loose top with no bra on and a short skirt,she had tights on ,and she went to sit in her chair,so i said im going for a shower,after i came out i just put on a pair of my tight shorts which left nothing to the imagination,and i went into the lounge,and sat...
?Damn,? I swore as I saw what time it was. I had told Wendy that I’d be home in time for dinner at 6, and now it was 6:20. I had stayed at the bar for ?just one more? with the guys and now I was late. I hoped she wasn’t too upset. I know she puts a lot of effort in making everything just right and it irks here when her plans get shot.I let myself in and hoped I could play it off. ?Hi baby, I’m home?. I moved into the dining room and saw that the table was already set. The nice plates...
Talisha lay in her bed, naked as usual in that place, and rubbed the male cream seeping from her vagina on her clit, bringing on another climax. She reflected on how fortunate she was to be here in the US instead of her parent’s home in India. She was 16 ½ and had been here since she was 11, being adopted by an aunt and uncle who were US citizens, and was working on her own citizenship. Those good people had retired and moved back to India where their modest income would effectively be...
The following morning I'd been awake for about a half hour before Sarah stirred and broke out of the web of sleep. I'd been listening to a couple of cars going by on the street outside. The way the tires were hissing on the pavement and the water running off the eaves proved it was still raining. For a full second Sarah stared at me wide-eyed as though trying to remember the night before. Suddenly she sat up, her glance going to the clock radio. My glance went to her lovely jutting pink...
His name was Klaus. He was fourteen—at least the Hamburg, Germany, brothel manager had guaranteed he was fourteen and showed me documentation. It was in German, though, so I could only make out about half of what the documentation said. Before him had been Gebhardt and then Dieter—both guaranteed to be fourteen. Both quite nice to have had. Klaus was good—very good. There were two single beds in the starkly outfitted Hamburg brothel cell. It wasn’t that long after the end of World War II, so...
I'll Make it a Date, Part Seven Chapter 1 After I fell in love with Tabitha, the day I dreaded most was the one in which I'd have to tell my mom and dad about my feelings for her. I had no idea of how they would take it, but I guessed that mom would be a bit more understanding. I really feared dad's reaction. I was his pal as well as his son, and he had watched with pride as I grew and matured and turned into a sober, responsible young man. Dad had no clue that his son was in love...
Sweet black angel Kira Noir shows off her long legs and hot ass in high red stilettos. Markus Dupree’s hard cock fills her mouth, and Kira gives a wet blowjob. Dropping to her knees, Kira rims his bunghole and then spreads her cheeks for interracial anal penetration. Markus plows her butt while Kira stuffs fingers in her tight pussy. She climbs on top for an awesome backdoor cock ride. He chokes her as she spasms orgasmically! See a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob, expansive bunghole gaping...
xmoviesforyouA shout from the stairs alerted him to others appearing, three, no, four female faces appeared, rushing down and crying in anguish. “Please sir, spare him!” The father looked pained, but stayed silent. “Drop the knife boy” The kitchen carving knife fell from his hand and impaled into the wooden floorboard beneath. Ling was dimly aware of the cut on his arm, it wasn’t life threatening; later it would start to throb, but for the moment adrenaline was controlling his body. “Are you...
When we got back to the ranch late that afternoon, the place was in an uproar! In a near panic, I asked the housekeeper, "Maria, what's wrong?" She answered, "The baby is on its way an' it's early!" Then she winked at me! I did a quick calculation—today was almost exactly 9 months since the first night I spent in Jane's bedroom, so I winked back. I asked, "What's the situation?" "Juanita, who is also our midwife, and her mother are with Miss Jane. Please don't go in. She...
Serving RayBy MasterincChapter 1- Re-unitedIt has been nearly a year since Ray and Nancy were delayed by weather in Seattle. They had hoped that Ray would be able to facilitate her move to the Juneau office before now but the other partners were not sure they wanted to transfer Nancy to Juneau since she was doing such outstanding work in the Anchorage office and bringing in more and more of the big money accounts.During the intervening time, Ray directed Nancy?s life via e-mail and...
PREFACE "Why the jock strap over your jeans, Cindi?" "It's not a jock strap, Holly. It's supposed to be a codpiece. I'm making a statement." "I suppose you are. Any I idea what statement?" "That we don't have penis envy." "Penis envy?" "Here's what my psych text says. (I didn't sell it back because you see how I spilled coffee in it.) 'Freud believed that during development, girls switch the mother to the father as the love object, and also switch from...
Reba came back into the bedroom without the mask on and stretched out on the bed. "I need your magic tongue on my pussy and ass Bob."Moving her legs as far apart showing her cum coated hairy pussy. Cum still oozed from her pussy and asshole where the guys had fucked her.Bob moved down between her tanned thighs he loved licking her when she was full of another man's cum. Pushing her legs up he moved his head down inhaling the musky aroma of her used pussy. Flicking out his tongue he licked and...
"Mildred, you have to tell Joseph or Lady Christopher will find out about the medicine. If you don't, we're all in trouble." "Yes, mother. I guess it's my job since I originally suggested its use." Mildred sought out Joseph and explained as clearly as possible what was planned for him the next day. "That's about it," said Mildred, "and you'll be totally aware of what's happening at all times but physically unable to resist or even move. The Lady will think that you do not know...
How would you decide what clubs to join during Freshers Week? I had some basic criteria: physically strenuous ok, team sports not ok, thinking ok, nerdy not ok; but, most of all, it had to be whatever those two girls over there were signing people up for! They were thin and beautiful, shockingly beautiful, with large breasts. It was the size and jutting-outness of their breasts, exaggerated by the flatness and tone of their tummies and athletic legs, that really grabbed my attention. They...
Hey there, brother! I'm your sister, or I guess will be. Before we get to that step you have some options about what you want me to be like.
IncestThe sound of a door is heard behind you. The lock being disengaged and the hinges creaking as a Tall man in a military uniform comes from behind you. Looking straight ahead, feigning courage and stupidity at the same time, the man sees right through it. He knows you are a spy for the Russians. Why else would you be here. As he looks down to you, you look past him, as if he wasn't there to begin with. He starts speaking to you, a formality you guess. You have nothing to say to him, let...
It was almost eleven o'clock when I woke up the following morning. After a long shower I took the advice of the motel clerk and went back down to route 6 to the Eighteen Wheeler Restaurant to eat. The food was good and there was plenty of it. While I was eating I was able relaxed for the first time since this all started. This gave me the opportunity to clearly consider my options. I could try to turn myself into the police but I didn't know who on the Riverton Police Force I could trust. I...
-Guild Branch- The Tech City Guild Branch, that was somehow being managed and run by ex-Lackey 1, now Overseer Gary, was far more impressive than in the past. It was a 30 story building right next to the biggest plaza in town, which also happened to be the Monolith plaza. It remained mostly empty but was manned 24/7 and still posted Jobs that needed doing. Most of the cultivators that lived in the shadowy side of the city got their jobs here. The entire third floor was just 4 walls of job...
continue the story with my best friend but this story is about his mom:so after a few mounths i started to want to fuck my family maid,my best friend mother so i start masturbate in the bathroom and in my room when she was cleaning in my family's house and after two days she came in the bathroom when i was jarking offi got in the bathroom,get naked and starting rubbing my cock,when she came in she saw my cock already hard in my handshe wasn't that surprised as i tought she will be:"i am...
I am a loser. 19 years old, unloved and underappreciated, even in my own family. I see the looks, I hear their whispers, I know what they think of me. It's not all their fault though, I know how creepy I can seem. Always leering at my family, I spent most of my formative years a Peeping-Tom, always looking for a hint of flesh from my Mom and Sisters. Peaking at keyholes, hiding in closets. But can you blame me?
Mind ControlThe echoes of the retreating footsteps of the female guards made Dolly Madison feel isolated and alone. The fact that she was the only female prisoner on death row made her sort of unique in a way that she totally hated. It was one thing to be ogled when part of her ass was sticking out and guys had their tongues hanging out. It was quite another when the press were lining up to watch her last dying breath when they gave her the injections of poison into her main arteries like a sick bitch...
Tuesday – Discipline and Denial The day crept in through the open window and slowly I drift back to reality. Last night still playing in my mind, I notice I am alone in bed and no one on the floor. I can hear noises from the kitchen and get up to move that way. As I enter the room Leah turns, drops to her knees, lowers her head and waits. I walk close and place my hand on the crown of her head, “Good morning lil one.” She looks up from the side and smiles, adding a quiet, “Good morning Sir, if...
I woke up and rolled out of bed, making my way out to the rear patio to see the rolling French countryside bathed in an early morning glow. I was on holiday, staying a French villa for two weeks with my wife, oh and the rest of her family - her mother & father, her brother & his girlfriend.The villa itself was all set out on one level, so my wife and I had the rear bedroom with the en-suite bathroom, whilst my mother and father-in-law had the room in the opposite corner of the villa. My...
Maggie took my limp prick in her hand and brought it to her mouth. After a through cleansing she gave it one long last suck and as it flopped from her nubile lips said, "I bet you don't even know the names of the various parts to your penis, do you?" "There's the head, the shaft and, err, the testicles." "And very nice testicles, I might add," she said, "but you get a D in anatomy." "Well ... I" "Listen and lean my lover, the outside perimeter of ... what you so blithely term...
We just started the winter semester and I am auditioning my class for a new show that I personally wrote about a girl who is being seduced by another girl and is confused over her feelings and desires for her and the man she loves. The students who are able to get parts in the play will get to perform for credit and upon a successful run, advance to the next level next year while those who don’t will be kicked out of the program and be forced to take dramatic theory to finish their degree. ...
CHAPTER 1 – A KNOWN STRANGER Cassie was pleased with the attention lavished on her by all. It was a bit decadent, but the power she had over these men was a heady thing. Darrin was not here, but she was still enjoying herself. Now only, if Darrin was here – it would be perfect, she thought. Mark watched her from behind the curtains. He had come in late to the soiree hosted by Lady Cuthbert. Besides he was a mere miser… yet. He had not been announced. Indeed Lady Cuthbert had extended the...
What’s the best way to get your employer’s attention? Fall off your bike! That’s what nanny Kylie Page does to get her boss Johnny to look at her — especially when his wife’s out of town! Poor Kylie arrives at his house all bruised up with her bike and tells him what happened, in hopes that he’ll take care of her. Lucky for her, Johnny goes straight for the ice pack and soothes her pain. And with her big natural tits and bubble butt busting out everywhere, he can’t help but soothe his aching...
xmoviesforyouI'll Make it a Date, Part Ten Chapter One This is Greg again. Even now, I fall in love with Tabby all over again when I read her story. I hoped she would not be afraid to express her emotions, and she wasn't. I feel a little guilty about pressing her on it, but it was important to me that you know how seriously she takes being a young woman. There really is no way that anyone would know - meeting her - she was not born a girl. I guess I left the story at the evening when I had my...
The trip home was a quiet one. You didn't tell me anymore rules and I didn't ask. For now, I knew enough to know that life was going to be very different for me. No more leading a double life, except where my elderly parents were concerned. No more quick changes before my husband returned home each evening. No more secrets. No more lies. I liked that idea. I felt as if a real burden had been lifted from my shoulders. An emotional burden, that is. Now comes a physical and mental burden that...
I awoke with a jerk, and quickly looked around. I was no longer tied upand was free to move around. The girls were not in the room, and I gotup and started to look for them. They were no where around! Not in thehouse or outside it! Linda's car was also gone, but Cathy's van wasstill there but no keys. Not knowing just what to do, I returned tothe house, and went into the kitchen to eat. On the counter next to afull pot of coffee, was a note....."Dearest Master,You were sleeping so quietly,...
Comic look at futuristic sex: In this age of virtual fucking, is it still possible to fall in love? . . . ‘This dream was not so much the dream of a perfect woman As a spectre, sick of unbeing, That had taken possession of his body To find herself a life.’ (Tales From Ovid, tr. Ted Hughes). ‘What would you like to do today?’ ‘I don’t know. Are there any good programs?’ ‘None of your favorite shows have new episodes.’ ‘That’s okay. I’m in the mood for vintage comedy. What about ‘I Love...
What exactly is a Fansteek? I asked the question out loud when I first got the link to this next site. I happened to be hanging out with my grandma at the time, who said, “Oh, it sounds like a nice knitting site!” I forgot all about it for a few days until I got a hysterical call from granny. She wanted to know who was sending me these filthy links, and where she could get a pink, double-ended dildo like the one she saw Belle Delphine going to town on. (I told her to check out ThePornDude’s...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesWednesday morning George didn't come into the office. He was meeting up with Henry and making the final adjustments to the plans for the court appearance. But Jennie, Jeff and Neil were at work. Jennie saw this as a golden opportunity to get to know a little more about the company's - and George's - recent past. Neil was happy to tell her about it, only she understood very little. When she had made it clear to Neil that she really had difficulties with his accent, he relented and switched...
Introduction: This is the true events that happened in my childhood and teenage years. Names have been changed for privacy reasons. ENJOY! It was Summer 2003. My family and my cousins family were (still are) neighbors. That Summer was the Summer where I discovered a new me. I discovered that I liked boys. I had just gotten out of the 4th grade. I was 9 years old and I was more happy than ever to have Summer here. That Summer my brother, my sister and I spent most of our time playing outside...
Hi, This is Sanjay, I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and felt I should share some of my experiences here, I am not a great narrator but hope, the story keeps the reader interested & horny. My experience was after 1 completed in my 1st PUC exams. I was a normal guy with average personality, We were staying in quarters with each floor having 4 houses & we were on 1st floor, One day our neighbor got transferred and a new family came there. The husband was around 35 years old, His...
“Really Hargreaves this is quite intolerable” I railed at my butler as yet another desperate mother brought her ugly mean spirited daughter to meet me. The pretexts were quite ludicrous, but for some reason I was seen as quite the catch, an unmarried titled gentleman with a country estate, town house, his own hair and teeth and quite able to walk unaided being it seemed quite an extraordinary rarity. I used my usual charm and wit, “Lady Charringfold what a delight!” I simpered, “How kind of...
Baltimore — Boston - Bangkok 2014-2019 "You've got..." Cassandra dropped a long white envelope on my lap, " ... mail." "Ohmmmm, what's this?" I sighed, collapsing on our old sofa. "I don't need another credit card." "Rough night?" my friend asked and she was 27, ten years older than I was, and an intern at Baltimore General, just like me. I'd just gotten off the night shift and Cassie would be going on later that afternoon. We shared a small apartment in Baltimore, not far...