KellyChapter 35B free porn video

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If not for the fact that Todd was in jail, Kelly would have laughed at the hired legal guns parked on the street. They had arrived with a bailiff and a seizure order for all the property and assets in the name of Todd Ayres. Being a business major herself, Kelly laughed when the documents were presented and told the bailiff that the property they were standing on did not belong to Todd but to TKO. The two suits from the North had sputtered that Todd owned TKO, to which Kelly had just laughed. The bailiff, already paid for his work, just shrugged and asked if Kelly could prove this. Stating that she most certainly could, if required, he had apologized and left. The suits had remained, threatening that perjury to an officer of the court could result in jail time and demanding to be let inside so they could take inventory. Kelly had refused and called Steve after pointedly closing the door.

The suits had insisted on leaning on the door bell, until five minutes later, Robert had come out and explained in no polite terms that they were trespassing and interfering with the normal operation of business. He had ordered them off the property and said he would be contacting the police department if the suits stepped foot on the property again. They ended up parked across the street fuming, one of them on the phone to Gerry Langstaff trying to explain the new twist.

It hadn't taken much effort on Gerry's part to find out where Todd did his banking business. A couple of secretaries working from Cleveland had handled this task. Calling every bank and financial institute in Charlotte had ended with the almost certain knowledge that Todd only used the one bank. It had cost Gerry two more donations to Judge Richardson to get the papers signed to seize Vanden Ayres' property and bank assets. He hoped the roadblock to seizing the business would be temporary and that he would be able to search the books to find all of Vanden Ayres' holdings.

In another twist of fate, Gerry Langstaff had arrived in Charlotte and booked himself and his team into the same Holiday Inn that Joe Johnson was staying at, neither of them realizing the proximity of each other.

Dave Walker entered the room and stuck out his hand to Todd. "I'm really sorry we had to meet under these conditions, Todd. Is it okay if I call you Todd?"

Todd smiled and shook the captain's hand. "I'd prefer it if you did," he said.

"I'm sorry about the delay in getting you to a cell," said Dave, "But we're making a few changes to one of our larger cells."

Todd's brows went up, but he said nothing.

"Technically, we arrested you on behalf of the Akron PD, who it appears from my phone call to them this morning, don't want you in the first place. It seems that a judge in Cleveland is forcing this issue, and another judge down here was willing to provide you to them. You haven't done anything in Charlotte to warrant you being treated like a criminal, but we are supposed to hold you until either the Akron PD comes for you or until a judge orders your release."

"In other words," Todd added, "somebody wanted me out of the way while they tried to seize everything I own."

"On the surface that's exactly how it appears," said Dave. "I've already had a call from Bank of America regarding an attempt to freeze your accounts by two out-of-state lawyers. We might be a bit 'Southern' in our ways but we tend to look out for each other," continued Dave.

"Damn," said Todd, glad he had followed Steve's advice and borrowed heavily against his own money. "I guess I beat the bullet on that one," he added with a chuckle.

"Perhaps," said Dave. "Right now, I have two sleaze-bag lawyers pacing the halls, demanding to see you so they can serve you with papers. The funny thing is, I don't have to let anyone in to see you, and I can decide who gets to visit you."

Todd couldn't help but laugh. By having him arrested, though the circumstances were fortuitous, his parents' lawyers had also cut off any chance to get at his assets.

"So, if Akron doesn't want me," Todd asked, getting serious, "just how long will it take to see a judge about this?"

"Depending on how available one is and how agreeable he is to hear the case, it could be as soon as tomorrow or you could be waiting for a month," said Dave. "But just to satisfy my own curiosity, and nothing you say in this office leaves this office," he said glancing at Lew and Harry, "did you really steal a family camera worth over five thousand dollars?"

Todd nearly fell out of his chair, first in shock and then in laughter. "Is that my supposed crime?" and he burst out laughing again. "I know where this is coming from," he finally said as he regained some of his composure. "My 'father' used to say everything I had - even my ass - wasn't my own, that it all belonged to him, and that I was never to forget it. He never had any kind of real camera for as long as I lived with them. He used to buy disposable cameras when he went somewhere on vacation. Before I moved out of their house to attend college, I had bought my first real camera. It's the one Ami now uses for practice and on-location shoots. Complete with the flash and two extra lens, I'm pretty sure I spent just over two thousand on it. Hell, I even bought the case that I carry it in, and there should be a receipt for the entire kit right in the top of it. There's a small pocket where I used to store my lens cleaning papers, and I'm nearly positive that the receipt is still in there along with my customs papers for taking it back and forth out of the country. I bought all of it in Harrisburg just before I started my senior year in high school and took the camera with me to Harrisburg Community College before I transferred to New York State University. I'm surprised my 'father' even remembers me having a camera. He never paid much attention to what I did, only to the money I paid him for board each week. He kept pushing for me to quit high school and get a job," Todd sighed. "The only way that I could get him to let me finish was to pay board every week. I earned most of my money with a camera I borrowed from the photography club in school, but the summer of my last year, I had saved enough to buy myself the K-1000."

A knock on the door interrupted them, and an officer said that Todd's cell was ready.

Dave asked Todd to go with the officer and told him that he would be down to see him shortly. And, oh yes, unless Todd wanted otherwise, Dave would tell the two lawyers from Cleveland that visiting hours for Todd were on an approved basis only and that they were not yet approved. "Let them cool their heels upstairs waiting for my approval," said Dave with a mean glint in his eyes.

After Todd left, Dave turned once again to Harry and Lew. "I know that I said nothing he said leaves this room, but Todd seems to have more friends than he realizes. I also received a call from a licensed investigator a while ago who claims that you can vouch for him, Lew. A Joe Johnson?"

Lew nodded and was about to explain when Dave just held up his hand. "A real friend of Todd's would know how to clear this up in a hurry. I don't want Todd to have to spend more time than necessary in one of our holding cells. No matter how pretty we make it, it's still a cell."


Gerry Langstaff was not having a good day. First he had run into a brick wall trying to seize TKO's assets, and it now looked like it would probably take months of courtroom time to get that problem unlocked, and then he had gotten the news about the personal bank accounts being frozen. And contrary to plan, it wasn't his people who'd done the freezing. Someone else had beaten him to it. What really pissed Gerry off was when his lawyers had presented the paperwork for disclosure on Ayres' accounts, they found he'd recently taken out a loan for just over three million dollars! Gerry knew then that Eddie's fumbling had cost him big time. Nobody, but nobody, got a cash loan for three million unless they were worth a lot more.

Gerry was a greedy man, but not a stupid one. If the charges against Vanden Ayres were stronger, he would take the time for the fight, but he had known going in that the charges were weak to non-existent. It had been a good run. He had gotten his sister off his back by giving that worthless son of hers a job that had lasted the better part of a year, and Gerry had managed to make some money off the elder Vanden Ayres in the process. It should have been an easy swoop and grab, and Gerry could have collected his 30 percent without breaking a sweat. The problem was that Theodor Vanden Ayres had been smarter and quicker. Somebody else had probably also helped him protect his ass. Gerry was set to cut his losses and run. Vanden Ayres would stay in jail until some judge dismissed the charges, and Eddie would have to make the best of a public defender. Betsy and Adrian would have to pay the cost for the bribes to the judges and if they didn't, well they'd feel the full wrath and power of Langstaff and Associates.

It was time to cut his losses, and though he regretted losing the potential windfall, Gerry didn't like to take on - much less continue - cases that would involve real work. He preferred to scare people into paying. Present a strong front, freeze their assets, and hound them with court delays and actions until they caved in. With a sigh, he called his assistants and told them to pack. They were closing the books on this one. He felt no remorse for Vanden Ayres, not even any for his own nephew, Eddie. Money was the only thing that interested Gerry, and there was none to be made in Charlotte.

Todd smiled even as the iron bars clanged shut behind him. The cell had obviously just been completely scrubbed and smelled clean, that hint of bleach still in the air. The stainless steel sink and toilet gleamed, and instead of a paper-thin mattress on a metal cot bolted to the wall, an obviously brand new single bed sat in a corner of the cell. Nothing fancy, but it would be infinitely more comfortable. The bedding felt new and the pillow was still wrapped in plastic. A portable privacy screen was folded beside the toilet, and Todd's street clothes, the ones he had on that morning, lay folded at the end of the bed. A radio stood on a small stand beside the bed along with a number of J.D. Robb novels. All the comforts of home, thought Todd. He removed the toothbrush he had received from Gloria and placed it on the stand, noting that someone else was also concerned about his dental hygiene as there was another brand new toothbrush sitting beside a new tube of toothpaste on the small stand above the sink.

By the time Dave Walker made it downstairs to see how Todd had settled in, Todd had already changed into his own clothes. He didn't particularly care for the orange jumpsuit.

"So, what's the deal with the first class accommodations?" Todd asked.

Dave sighed. "It's far from first class, Todd, but it was the best I could arrange on short notice."

"I didn't realize the police budget was so flexible," Todd said.

"It's not," said Dave. "But I'll be damned if the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is going to treat one of the city's biggest contributors to Charlotte's underprivileged kids like a common criminal when you haven't broken any laws in our city!"

Dave was clearly pissed off by the whole deal, so Todd didn't press the point. "Thanks for letting me wear my own clothes," he said instead.

"Hell, Todd. We got the damn warrant, and we had to follow through on it. That meant sending somebody out to pick you up, and then you had to be there too."

Todd understood that the delay in the execution of the warrant had to have come from higher than Harry or Lew would have dared to pull on their own. Now he knew where the order had come from.

"We had to follow all the procedures for booking, which of course meant the jump suit, but hell, even weekend drunks don't have to wear them while they sleep off their binge. I'd like to have put a TV in your cell, but that would have required running cable. I do promise you that if you have to stay here more than a few days, I will personally run a cable from the roof down here!"

Todd laughed. "Thanks, Dave. I can live without TV. I appreciate the books, though, and the radio."

"Wait till you see the meals," Dave said with a smile. "Annie is making them up special for you. Since Bubba is on voluntary duty to the new unit, she can come and go without supervision. Of course, starting tomorrow, you can have whoever you want come to visit you. We do have to restrict visits to a room, but we won't stop anyone you want to see from bringing you anything. And we'll make sure that anyone from any law firm other than the ones you approve simply won't have access to you."

"I appreciate all you're doing for me, Dave. Hopefully I won't be here long enough to start scratching dates in the wall."

Dave Walker laughed, shook Todd's hand, and headed back to his office.

From their new office, Lew had found Joe's contact number at the Southside Holiday Inn. Lew also had Joe's cell number but had decided to try the hotel first. Joe had been busy entering his information into his laptop and was preparing to send it to his boss when Lew had called.

When he heard about the possibility there was a bill of sale inside the camera bag and that the charges all stemmed from the possible theft of the camera, Joe got very excited. Enough so that he asked if he could stop by and get a copy of the charges. Lew said he had already run the papers through the photocopier in anticipation.

"Joe," Lew said hesitantly. "I don't know who's paying your boss or what connections he has, but if that person had any clout in Ohio, and with the proof in hand that Todd has never been in Ohio, and the fact that the Akron PD isn't planning on coming down here to pick up Todd..."

"I understand," said Joe. "If an official in Ohio overturned the charges, you'd have no reason to hold our friend."

"Exactly," said Lew.

Four hours later, Joe Johnson was sitting in the offices of TKO sipping on mineral water as he examined the contents of the camera bag. He had already contacted the colleges in Harrisburg and New York and had fax copies of Todd's full time enrollment for the time he was supposedly living in Ohio. Todd had lived on campus at both schools and records showed him paying continuous rent on the dormitory rooms. All Joe had to do was prove the camera had been bought when and where Todd had claimed.

Getting into the door at TKO had proven easier than expected considering the turmoil that had gone on. Until that afternoon, Joe had had no idea who the client was that had been paying for his services. When he had found out, he had let out a low whistle. He knew Regan boats. Had one himself that he used for fishing when he wasn't out of town working.

Carefully, he lifted the cover, hoping that Todd's memory was correct. He slowly undid the zipper of the small pocket under the top and gently tugged out the papers. Ten years shouldn't make them fragile, but Joe wasn't taking any chances. He smiled with satisfaction when he read the receipt for the camera purchase. The name of the store and its location were all clearly legible along with the handwritten details and serial numbers for the flash, each of the lenses and the camera body. Hell, the warranty cards were still inside the case, at least the half the purchaser kept. Joe was already sure he had enough information to have the charges dropped, but the warranties would be further proof if required. You just don't travel to Pennsylvania to buy a camera if you were living in Ohio.

Joe was glad when Robert had left to pick up Vanetta at the airport and taken Ami with him. She had not stopped crying since he had arrived, and while he understood her emotional state, he was much more in tune with Kelly's detached state. Joe knew that after the crisis passed, she would drop like a rock and sleep, but she had a personality trait he admired — courage under fire. Laura was strong, like her father, but not used to the legal wrangling involved.

Joe hoped to meet Todd in person. From what he had been told after his arrival at TKO, and what he had heard from Sergeant Lew Weaver, Todd had been given the chance to make a run out of the city, knowing who was after him and what for. Instead, he had chosen to take a stand, making him a man, Joe thought, obviously stronger and more decent than the gene pool that had spawned him.

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“Welcome to your trip on board of the Naked Star,” the young woman in red lingerie said on the TV, while Jim dropped himself onto the bed of is suite. Next to him he noticed a tablet, but for the moment his attention was focused on the introduction video. “We from Star Cruises welcome you to a very special cruise trip. On board of our five star cruise ship, you, our dear guest, will encounter all the amenities of a normal cruise trip. But of course, the Naked Star is not a normal ship. During...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 294

On his 84th birthday, a man got a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby reservation who was rumored to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction. After being persuaded, he drove to the reservation, handed his ticket to the medicine man, and wondered what he was in for. The old man handed a potion to him, and with a grip on his shoulder warned, "This is a powerful medicine. You take only a teaspoonful and then say...

2 years ago
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Three Nights That Changed Everything Part Two

Friday When I wake the next morning, it takes me a moment to figure out where I am.We didn’t bother closing the blinds last night, and the sunlight is pouring through the full-length windows. I have no idea what the time is, but how bright it is outside suggests that it’s maybe somewhere around 8 am. I can’t remember the last time I slept in so late; clearly the events from yesterday must have exhausted me.As I roll over towards him, I realise he is already awake and is watching me,...

Straight Sex
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Mistress WatchingChapter 6

Ed awoke in the morning shortly after the sun started pouring through the patio door leading to the balcony. The sun was striking him right in the eyes. It took several seconds for him to remember why he was sleeping on the couch. He rolled over and pulled the blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes. After fighting a losing battle to try and fall back asleep, he got up and started the coffee pot. Ed sat at the table in a half-asleep state waiting for the coffee to perk. Ed is one of those...

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Cobra Queen

Cobra Queen by Monique Rohmehn (c)1998 ------- Author's notes: This isn't the first piece of tg fiction I've written, but it Is one of my favorites. I'm a big sci-fi fan, and I've had these characters, ideas, and situations in my head for a while. I will eventually make Sequels to this, and hopefully have some more fun with it. ? Monique ------- Something about the way this woman walked was unnatural. I sat there in the back of the bar, watching this goddess walk...

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fauji ki biwi 1


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Teaching Brother In law To Shave His Cock 8211 Part II

Hi all my lovers. Thanks for all u sexy men n women who responded to my previous story, Masseur turned lover. A kiss on all the cocks and pussies and assholes who showed so much love for me. All those who responded to my stories and my piss fetish, next time when you stand for a piss, imagine that I am holding your dicks and rubbing your clits as your stream comes out I bathe in the holy waters from head to toe and then I smell your nectars and lick the final drops as a divine offering. A...

Gay Male
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My FatherinLaw Ch 1

He was 22 and I was 17 when we first met. He was the kindest and gentlest person I had ever met. Three weeks after my 18th birthday, Steven and I set up house together. It was a three bedroom house with a large yard and a small nursery room next to the master bedroom. ‘A place for our children to run and play,’ Steven had said when he showed me our new home. ‘Not until I get a ring on my finger,’ I replied back to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. ‘I love you Arna...

4 years ago
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Trixie Chapter 1 Waiting

“NO!!!” I blurted aloud, accidentally, as I sat straight up and jerked my hands away from myself, planting them on the bed to either side of me. "Can't cum until she gets here. She would not be pleased." I mumbled as my eyes wandered to my closet. "But teasing wouldn't be all bad. Be good and wet for her. That would please her very well." I thought as I headed over to the closet, tail high up just as she liked it, careful not to trip on my chain, and glanced at the clock and sighed,...

3 years ago
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Corruption of Innocence ReduxChapter 13

Vickie lay between her two naked slaves. They had just spent the last two hours exploring bodies and body orifices, Vickie experiencing orgasms too many to count. "I have something important to tell you," she said as she sat up against the headboard, the two other women continuing to lick her nest and caress her legs. Laurel and Cassandra looked up to their mistress. "I truly regret having to do this, but tomorrow night I am going to sell you, both of you." The two slaves looked at...

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Courtesan Ch 08

Kelly patted my knee. "Are you ready to go up to my office?" "Yes I am." "Let's go." Kelly opened her car door and got out. I followed her. Kelly's parking spot was on the third floor of the parking ramp. We took the elevator down to the street level. When we walked out onto First Avenue I couldn't stop myself from staring at the doorway to Smithson Jewelers across the street. I sighed as thought back to the previous Thursday night and remembered the cold, miserable hours I'd spent huddled in...

4 years ago
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Bad Part of Town

Mika just wanted a change of pace from the usual dorm room studies, so she sneaked out and decided to go for a drive in one of her roomates members' car. Unfortunately, her roommates pays like shit, the guy's car was not well-maintained. In the worst possible part of town, the car broke down. "Shit! Fuck!" Mila screamed at the car. "What kind of car waits until it's in the worst part of town to crap out!"

2 years ago
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Dominating Me Ch 02

My life in high school changed a lot, for the better I might add. I was very active in Jiu-Jitsu and was losing a lot of excess weight while attractively toning my muscles. I gained more confidence in myself and was finally starting to fit into groups of friends. The summer before freshman year, I met my future husband, Ryan, and we flirted back and forth like crazy. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met and I wished upon all the stars in the sky that he liked me as much as I liked him. He...

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Flames of LifeChapter 03

One Tuesday afternoon a taxi stops in front of a set of apartments in Shortland Street, Telopea, New South Wales, right opposite the Telopea Railway Station. The passenger pays the driver and says, “Have a good day, Hadi. I’ll call you the next time I need a taxi. Keep the change!” The driver grins while replying in his an accent, “In other words, the same as always. Thanks for the tip. I’ll see you next time, Ernie.” The passenger, Ernie Wells, opens the front passenger door while he lifts...

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The Real Life

Hi friends, how are you? This is my 1st story .so 1 st sorry .. koi galti ho to muje maf kar dena.. because I don’t know how to right real experience in net…okay friend introduce my self my name is vir I m near from Ahmadabad.. right now in my family 3 person me , mom & dad..and I have one elder sister but she is married..she live in their house…now I m come from my really Hindi. My name is vir .. I i am average look hight is 5ft…aur muje merried aunty ke sath sex...

4 years ago
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Anita at the club spa

Anita at the club spaAfter a long working year, Anita and I decided to have at least one week escape to any lost beach in the Caribbean coast. The resort we hired was perfect, with a nice view of the ocean and places to relax. We noticed that we shared a patio with some neighbors; it certainly gave us a little less privacy but everything else was really fine. As we took our things into our room we could not help but notice some noises coming from their open window. The d****s were also open...

3 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 40

Ellie did indeed post an advertisement in the village shop on Monday. Geraldine rang her within two hours. "Yes please, Ellie," she said. "I can't. You're just being kind again." "I'm not. I've been wanting a cleaner for months since Mrs Outhwaite decided she was getting too old. I admit I've been waiting for you to get fit. Please, Ellie." "OK but you set my wages." "Seven-fifty an hour. I used to pay Mrs O seven but inflation and all." "That's one-fifty more than I...

5 years ago
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Marital Adventures Pt 1

I would love for you to meet me in the freezer, at the restaurant where I work, wearing nothing but a trench coat and a smile. We would begin with a passionate hug and a deep kiss, as you struggled with the zipper of my pants. While wrapping my arms around you, I’d realize that you were naked and start to finger fuck your pussy. You would also notice the bulge in my pants created by my raging hard 8″ cock. At that point, you’d drop to your knees and finally get my pants off. As you set my...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 622

This item is from a concerned reader in regards to previous posting. Take Heed! I enjoyed the joke about the dog but I just want to let you know something about amanita toadstools. Squirrels can eat amanita toadstools and suffer no ill effects at all. However if a human eats an amanita toadstool and it gets into the system there’s nothing that can be done. Pumping the stomach won’t save the victim. This is especially true if the victim is a child. Just thought I’d let you know. The genus is...

4 years ago
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The New Sales Girl Part 12 The final part

The New Sales Girl - Part 12 As we entered the house Mark said, "We now come to the part in the evening where you two now become my personal obedient sluts. Get down on your knees."We both said, " Yes Sir ." and obeyed, dropping down onto our knees before him there in the living room.Mark then said, "DeAnn I want you to strip Angel down to just her heels and then you will fetch some handcuffs and nipple clamps and get her ready for me."I looked up at Mark and said, "Very good Sir."Angel stayed...

5 years ago
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I Woke part 6

I Woke, Part 6 I rode. I was in my "mother's" car, going to the home of Allison Allen. Only problem with that was I had woken up as Allison two days ago, and before that I was a 40 year old man named Mark Collins. I had stopped to help a girl, who turned out to be Allison, when I had been hit by a truck, which I had learned was being driven by Allison's attacker. I didn't understand it, but that seemed to be the situation I was in. The Allen residence was a nice one, in a...

2 years ago
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PurgatoryX Ana Foxxx Pass Around Wives Vol 1 E3

Ana (Ana Foxxx) completely understands what her husband (Ray Black) is suggesting when he asks if she’d like to “celebrate” his winning a big case. And, she’s all-in! Ray brings his coworkers (Codey Steele, Will Pounder) home for the “celebration” and then leaves briefly to run an errand. Ana takes advantage of his absence and begins the festivities by putting her barely dressed body on full display for a surprised Codey and Will. They both get the message and the festivities begin. When Ray...

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AimeeChapter 8

In the depths of a cold and still winter night, Bethsany stood by the window and committed an act rare and precious to her: she prayed. It was Tuesday, and in keeping with their agreement Aimee' was supposed to come and study with one of her girls. It had been three weeks since the last tale; on the two occasions since, Aimee's appearance had shown clear signs of abuse and struggle, and of the two occasions, she had looked worse the second time. Bethsany wondered if Teltirray was getting...

4 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 7

The next morning we left early, before dawn. A good rest before what would be long journey was always the best preparation. But I didn’t totally sleep well. My dreams were of the people I had met since arriving here in Skyrim. Perhaps it’s because of the life here, but in all the months traveling through Cyrodiil to actually get here, I never felt close to anyone I had met there. In just a few days, I had met and fallen for Camilla, I felt an attraction to Irileth, and in my last dream, the...

3 years ago
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Amazing Roomate

Bev and I would have sex even if Paul was not around, as he travelled often for research for his MA, and we would often go out and pick up another guy or girl and bring them back for some fun. One night we had gone out clubbing, and hoping to find some young soul to corrupt. Unfortunately we did not succeed and just the two of us came home quite drunk at around 3 in the morning. As we entered the house, I immediately dashed to the toilet because I was dying for a piss, and while I was...

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In the Back woods

It was a cool fall day. In the peak of the deer rut. That’s when I was out hunting. Sat in my ground blind since an hour before sun up. I sat there as the sun comes across the horizon the deer start to enter the field. It was not ten minutes into legal hunting hours and this giant deer, the biggest id ever seen in my life. But I wasn’t ready for the shot. I sat there as more deer enter the area. I continue to hold off and hold off until they all moved on and out of range.So I open up my...

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Oreillys Bastaird

“Gavin! You have to get moving if you are going to get to McIntyre’s by noon.” “I got plenty of time, Mom. Don’t worry about it. I still don’t know what they want with me. Father usually takes care of all the legal matters. I never wanted to get involved with all that paperwork and such.” “I know. I know, but they insisted it was important. And don’t push that horse more than you have to.” “I don’t know why dad can’t at least go with me?” He posed it as a question, not a statement. “He...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 18

Quick and Teef's deranged behaviour had surely shown the wild side of rock and roll at its worst. The Handyman and I were not much better, being far from heroic when we abandoned Teef to the agonies of the cricket pads. I was too ashamed to give Dale more than the barest description of what happened. Before going to bed I phoned The Handyman to find out if he had removed the pads. He had, but found Teef's legs were so red and swollen that he had to send for the doctor. Before this episode,...

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