AxemanChapter 33 free porn video

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Natasha spent the night in Nat’s bed, since Nat hardly ever used it anymore, and left at five Friday morning with a wave. I waved back, half awake. I worried about Ed and had not slept well.

At 7:30, I dragged her out of bed and drove her to UE’s training facilities. She dressed, located two reinforced foam swords, and came at me. With only a few breaks, we worked on control for the following nine hours only stopping for water and snacks.

She was way too erratic to trust in a Dungeon.

Returning home to shower and change, I picked up Kate and Cait and headed out to Beau’s. Cait had a list, approved by the PRA, for some trainees. Half were even Level 3s.

“We even received an application from an old friend of mine,” Cait snorted in disgust.

“Oh, what was your decision?” Since she was the one doing all the work, Caitlin had final say on who we accepted in our motley crew, with just light oversight from Heather, in case anyone stood out in a bad way.

Training-wise, that was.

“Can I convince you to take her on an Indigo four run with you and feed her to the Ghoul Lords?”

“I take that as a no.”

“A definite no. That two-faced whore is not getting anywhere near us.”

She did let me know who she did approve of. The initial list was short: six Level 3 Hunters, including three frontliners and three ranged. The ranged were two Fire Mages and an Ice Mage. The Melee fighters each had swords of one type or another.

Five were Illinois residents, and the sixth, an Ice Mage who lived in Green Bay, was taking time off of school to Hunt and train.

On paper they sounded good. We would have to see. As Koz was wont to say, time would tell.

Beau greeted us at the door of his (Time Share) house. “Miss Edna, you are more beautiful than ever. Miss Kate and Miss Caitlin, your presence lightens my house. Come this way please. The rest of you lot (me) can come in too.” Flashing us a grin. He led us into the living room and to chairs. We were the last ones to arrive. Even Koz showed up before us from wherever she scurried off to this morning, though she did look a bit worn out.

Ed was still not too pleased that her workout didn’t go as well as we hoped. After drinks and settling, Beau asked, “Miss Edna, can you please educate us hapless serfs as to your new status?”

“Which first? My new titles or my new Class?”

“Your choice, Ed. We want to know how we can best help you.” Beau switched off his charm and returned to normal.

“The one you all are going to be most curious about is not the Class.” No one here believed her but Kate and I. We had not shared the results of activating Hero’s Chosen to anyone, nor Kate’s equally powerful hidden title.

Odd, they could see my Hero title and each other’s, but I could not see theirs.

“Hero’s Chosen. Gold. When in a party with the Hero, all Stats are plus 1 and all resistances are plus 25%. Kate has a similar title with the same effects.”

We had, yet another, room silencing moment.

“His cheat function is contagious?” Nat sounded aggravated for some odd reason. Maybe she would share.

“Don’t knock it, babe. If we ever get stuck, he can help us and we can help him. It’s all about the last boss, after all.” Matt placated his wild girlfriend with solid reasoning.

From the follow-up discussion, no one was in a real hurry to get to Ed’s vampirism. Except maybe Beau, who held himself back for the most part.

“Red isn’t done yet. Remember be nice or sharp instruments of diciness are in your future.” Beau commented.

“Did you just make up a word?” Austin asked from across the room.

“Why not? Jason does it all the time.” Beau argued back.

I did.

“My Class is Daughter. A fuckload of special requirements were needed for that. I can thank Kate and Jason that I am even alive.”

“Aren’t vampires undead?”

“All of the other ones are, I think. There might be some that I don’t know about. But I am alive. Just ask Kate.”

“She’s alive. Heartbeat, EEG, EKG all tested normal. Ed’s just a little crankier now.” Kate was still on edge against her Sister-wife. At lunch today, we spent an hour with Kate and the UE in-house medic, wiring her up for a quick test of both systems.

“ ... And I need a liter of blood once a moon. Guys only.”

“And if you don’t get your monthly supply?” Francis asked.

“I start losing Attributes until I do. Starvation. But it shouldn’t affect my thoughts. Just that I would be hungry.” She went on to describe her hunger and natural control of it. The team was a little skeptical, but took her mostly at her word.

“My mood swings a lot.” An Understatement. “Fuck you.” She pointed at me, “As I was saying, my moods swing. I don’t get moody, just more ups and downs. If I get too ‘wonky’,” she flipped me off, since it was my word for it, “then say something. To me or to Jase. Kozzie has some exercises that I’m working on.”

“Honestly, I feel normal. Just that...” she breathed in, “I have less emotional control over my desires.”

An admission that hurt her to the core. I reached over and grasped her hand.

That last remark cast a pall over the team, due to the sadness underlying her admission.

“We have a Bastard Hero who Hides and Hoards, a Beautiful Bashful Saintess, a Crazy in Love Witch Doctor and now a Horny Vampire. And those are just the Level 5s. What the hell is in store for the rest of us?” Austin joked.

“Don’t break the furniture, I have to pay for all this shit.”

The furniture was saved. Austin, not so much. Although, he did do a great job of easing everyone’s mind with is impromptu humor.

“Our friends are pretty good.”

With a restrained smile, I saw a tear form on Ed’s cheek, “They are. Can I kill them?”

“Not today, dear,” I responded.

“Alright you lot. Off Austin. And Austin, tomorrow at 7:00 ... In the morning,” He winced. Austin wasn’t a huge early morning fan. “meet me at the UE gym. You need more practice.” Ed wasn’t done yet.

We all winced.

“It was nice seeing you, buddy. I’ll keep your Aston Martin safe,” and the like, were spoken in memory of the walking dead man to be.

“You’ll be there too. And you and you and you...” Ed decided that everyone, not just Austin, needed to join in on the ‘fun’.

“We are getting in some new blood, “ she grinned at her own pun, “Monday and Tuesday. You don’t want to get shown up by the rookies, now do you? That means you too, Heather.”

We were still friends. One was just a little wilder than we were used to.


Saturday, after we arrived at our destination, we were separated into two teams. Deke captained one side and Jackson the other. We gathered inside Joliet’s abandoned prison an hour southwest of our usual training facilities.

The USPRA announced that parts of the inside of that facility could be booked by Hunters in preparation for Indigo runs, but only by teams that had completed at least three runs of Indigo level two.

Outside of the aged correctional facility were four square miles of dead land for the public to train on, with an easily acquired permit. Apparently, every state had come up with abandoned, yet relatively safe buildings for the already suicidal Hunters to play in. The hunters in the Detroit area had the half-demolished Silverdome to play in. No one cared or even patrolled the area of Pontiac for years anyway. Most states set aside one location, while a few larger ones, like California and Texas, staged a second one.

Francis was given a patio chair, a Vogue and a mai tai. Kate had her homework and a card table.

“Protect the Princess from the other team.”

Francis flipped Deke off with both middle fingers and pulled out his phone to game on.

“You Healers, heal when you want (i.e. between rounds), and buff when you feel like it. Boys and girls, try and keep the blood to a minimum. Score conditions are snatching the flag beside the opposite princess and return it to the umbrella stand next to yours. Remember, the Princesses are wearing red jerseys. No touchie.

“Mages can only cast non attack spells. Let’s not to burn the world down, ladies.” It was Austin’s and Heather’s turn to flip Deke off.

“Try and not kill your friends, boys and girls.” Jackson added.

“What about those two?” Jude asked.

Ed and I had been excluded from the game.

“Edna is going to take Jason outside in the rain and beat some sense into him. Maybe even teach him how to share.” Deke, master of the game, declared.

“Better him than us.”

Ed mock-glared at the assembled teams and whipped her head away in false indignation. “Let’s go, you Bastard Hoarder.”

I followed Ed out. The teams looked pretty even. Hiring Deke and Jackson helped our development and teamwork immensely.


Twelve hours later, with only one real break at lunch, we called it a day. Both Ed and I were completely covered in cold mud. The rest of the team was mostly dry, but beaten, battered and bruised. Almost half of them were limping, including one of the instructors, who glared at an innocent-faced Caitlin.

“You’re not getting in my car unless you both agree to get hosed down.” We had met at UE, and ridden in the twenty-person minibus to the former state penitentiary.

Of course, we both ignored Heather, even if she was the boss.

“Listen up, you did well out there, for the most part. Remember that your teammates have your backs.” We were all too tired for a complete analysis, so Deke left that out until Monday. It would wait.

Heather spoke up, “Jason and Koz will be out of town next week.”

“Yay.” Tiredly chorused throughout the bus.

“Bastards.” I called out.

“Cait will do assignments. The fucking LA fiasco will launch on the fifteenth and I need to be in the office or at least available. No Blues beyond the first, no fours of any sort. Keep an eye on the wild woman.”

“We also have some trainees and hopefuls starting Monday. They are not to go diving with anyone until cleared. Is that understood?” Heather concluded. She too was overtired and needed to nap on the way back.

It was clear.

Their training was mostly going to be left up to Deke, Jackson, and Toff anyway. We needed to check their personalities as much as their abilities before teaming up with the unknowns.


Ed’s altered appearance went over like a lead balloon. In a family of solidly-built redheads, her new pitch-black hair, eyes, and nails (which no longer needed maintenance) stood out. That wasn’t to say her much slimmer figure did not too. The shock on Mrs. Peter’s face, when she saw her daughter, spoke volumes. Mr. Peters, who I still had not met, wasn’t due to arrive back in the states for two weeks.

Ginny almost cried, and she didn’t know why. Roger was pissed at the world. He had no idea who to blame other than his sister, and now wasn’t the time for that.

Lucy hadn’t been able to make it, classes at University of Kentucky had just started and she was swamped. And pregnant, making moving even slower.

Ed had planned on revealing her vampire status as the morning went on. She decided to withhold that until later, seeing her family’s first reactions. She did admit to being emotional and volatile.

They discovered her volatility easily. Edna had no intention of hiding it anyway. The massive increase in strength and agility were explained to an ever-frowning matriarch. For the most part her siblings were okay with the emotional instability and physical enhancements. Edna’s mother was not. She knew that her daughter was hiding more than she was telling.

Seeing their rock-like sister lean on me for support set them back. Ed’s sister thawed, and her mother too. Roger, not so much.

We departed two hours later from the restaurant and returned home.

Kate had complained the day before of not getting anything accomplished, and hid in my office with the door locked. And a DND sign on the door handle.

We got the hint.


“I don’t like you going to Washington. They are going to make you do something stupid.”

“I will not go deeper in any Gate than I currently have already. I promise.” I replied, thinking that Ed might be correct in the Pentagon wanting more from me than just a report.

“You’d better not.”

We made Kate come out and eat with us that night. I also made sure she wasn’t hiding on account of Ed. She wasn’t. She was just behind in her homework, due to practice and other shit that happened this last week.

My blonde concubine also made me promise to be careful.


My other blonde concubine (to be?) flew with me, business class and in her dress uniform, to Ronald Regan International Airport.

I used to not have a security clearance. I did now.

On my first time in D.C., I gawked.

I admitted it. Even when Natasha laughed at me in the taxi on the way to the Pentagon.

Holy fuck, that building is huge!

We presented our IDs at the guard post and about a hundred other guard posts along the way. We were even escorted and they still checked.

The meeting room we were escorted to was ‘guarded’ by five extremely fit Navy men between twenty-five and twenty-eight. If they were not a single Team of Hunters, I’d eat Lieutenant Kozlov’s hat. They were Seals most likely too.

I wasn’t lucky enough to get only three interrogators this time. Thirteen of the sixteen chairs were taken on our arrival. The chair at the foot of the table had my name on it and Koz was seated to my right in a place designated by her card.

My favorite Colonel Palm was five chairs down from my favorite General. Colonel Scarlet was three to the left of him. Two Generals/Admirals/whatever sat on each side of Charles Eastmont. The other chairs were taken up by Colonels in the various branches, and one sole Captain who looked as much out of place here as I did. He was also built like a strong safety, but in full navy dress uniform. Not that I knew which branch even if, I guessed Seal.

Seal. I guessed correctly when he was introduced. If I had to make a snap guess, he would be their strongest Hunter across all the branches, or close to it.

And at least one exceptional Skill, an intermediate one like mine.

“Welcome, Mr. Blakely. Thank you for joining us.” He didn’t say who ‘us’ was.

I noticed and he noticed me noticing.

He was better at this than I was. I needed to be more careful, I reminded myself.

“I hope your flight went well.”

“The flight was good, the peanuts a bit salty. But they were free.”

Not everyone liked my attempt at humor. A few kept straight faces.

“Colonel McGomery, would you care to swear our visitor in, please?”

“Jason Blakely do you swear to tell the truth and nothing other than the truth, so help you god?”

“Not unless the rest of you do.”

Instantly, twelve hands rose and swore the oath. One stood out. Mr. Special Forces.

“Captain Leclair?” General Eastmont prompted.

With some reservations, he too swore.

I followed.

I also noted that Koz was not asked to.


“Thank you. Do you mind if we ask you some follow up questions from our meeting last time?”

“General, may I ask who the rest of the people here are?”

“Observers. Other than Captain Leclair, they have no authority in this meeting. You can say that they are here to see you in action, so to speak.”

Couldn’t be helped. “Ask your questions, General.”

Two hours later, we broke for lunch. The ‘observers’ asked the majority of the questions. All but three to be exact. The good Captain never spoke a word.

Thankfully, the atmosphere was formal and not aggressive or hostile in any way. I credited that on Colonel Palm staying quiet.

My aide, Lt. Kozlov, silently took notes during all of the meeting. On what, I hoped to find out later. Her silence during the inquisition was not unexpected. Her rank was too junior for this bunch.

At 1:45, one of the unnamed Admirals stood and thanked me for my time and cooperation. She and two of the other ‘observers’ shook my hand and departed. They weren’t exactly smiling, but definitely not unhappy with the way things went. That the rest didn’t offer to shake my hand was telling when they filed out the door.

That left Captain Cupcake, Koz, Colonel Scarlet and my least favorite Marine along with the host.

“Did you bring along the Key, Mr. Blakely?”

“I did.”

“Captain, place the Box on the table, if you would.”

Reluctantly, the man followed orders. It looked like one of those kids metal square lunch boxes from the seventies, painted Gold. Red plastic handle with metal connectors and all.

“Just to clarify. You chose one item, I choose two, you choose two, then one each until they are all removed. Is that correct?” General Eastmont asked.

“Yes, sir. I would like to make a proposal: if there is an odd number of Jokers than you can have the extra. No questions.”

“Thank you. You may open the box.”

“Don’t even think about placing anything in your inventory, Blakely. This room is monitored.”

“We are choosing blind? Sure. Same for your side, I take it?”

“It’s our box. We can do whatever we want.”

“This is not what we agreed to.”

“This is not a game, Blakely. This is a weapon. Either cooperate or spend some time in the brig until you do.”

“Is this your opinion or the official one, Captain Leclair?” I looked at General Eastmont when I asked that question.

“You have your orders.”

I saw what this was about. A pissing contest. I had seen plenty of those in my early and not so early football years.

“Captain Leclair, I challenge you to a duel. If you win, you get to look at the prizes before selecting. If I win no one does. Is that acceptable to all of you?” I only paid attention to General Eastmont. It was his show.

Natasha was tense. Very tense. I could feel that from three feet away while focusing on the good Captain on the other side of the table and not her.

She had been tense for a while...

A smug grin appeared on my opponent’s face.

“I agree.”

Colonel Scarlet gave the General a hard look, but said nothing. He was immobile. Same with the other Colonel. “Are you sure, sir?” She finally asked.

“Let the men play it out. I suggest the gymnasium on two. Colonel Scarlet, please bring along the item.”

“Yes, sir.”

Now I understood what the Team outside was for. A confrontation was planned ahead of time, with the good Captain relegated as the main instigator.

Same as Axeman
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All the Power Pt 7 Barria

“I was told yesterday that His Supremacy will be vising His new palace here later this week,” the king said. “He’ll be staying for three or four days.” His Supremacy’s Barrian palace was completed months ago, at great cost and great inconvenience to the Subject Kingdom. It, of course, put the Barrian royal castle to shame. “Okay,” Loard Markos replied. He wasn’t really sure where the old king was going with this. Markos was a young man in a hurrry, a top advisor to to the king and head of the...

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My little sis growing up Part 5

I had just graduated. I got the opportunity to go out of state work for a while. I hated to leave sis behind but then I couldn’t stay home forever. “I’m going to miss you when you leave little brother.” She said as she cuddled up to me in the swing out back. It was getting dark. Mom had just brought us out two glasses of homemade tea. It was getting dark as a cool breeze blew against us from the back. Sis laid her hand on my leg and slowly slid it up my shorts. My cock was soft...

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My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Jamie's grandmother parked in front of the Fabric Barn at five minutes before nine. "Are you excited?" she asked. "Your first day on the job. Probably makes you feel all grown up." Jamie looked down at himself. The brown apron covered his torso, and the hem of his jean shorts emerged just below the bottom of the apron. His smooth, nylon-encased legs shimmered, and his nylon-clad toes peeked out at the end of his open-toe sandals. He felt like he was wearing a costume....

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?Probably an accident,? said his sixteen-year-old daughter Megan, who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Slim and pretty, she was the apple of her father?s eye, particularly since her mother had passed away eighteen months ago. Her dark brown hair tumbled down to her shoulder-blades, and her winning smile and bubbly personality made her one of the most popular girls in her school. This evening she and her father were returning home from the state cheerleading competition, where...

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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 9

Marcy had been afraid that Lamar would punish her for her distortion of his wishes at the reunion, but by the following Tuesday he was smiling and obviously pleased that, at the very least, Marcy was being praised by those who had partaken of her, with terms like "vixen" and "wildcat" being bandied about. "One hundred and thirty-two! Damn, bitch, that must be some kind of record! Who woulda ever thought a White chick could fuck that many Black men in one evening!" He looked into her...

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A Gay Ol Time

I'm sitting around the apartment one day, reading a magazine, while my boyfriend Ted sits on the floor in front of my entranced by the TV as he plays video games. This has been going on for an hour, so I'm slightly surprised when I feel his hand on my crotch. I look down and see him kneeling in front of me as he rubs my soon hardening cock through the crotch of my pants. "Guess what I wanna' do?" he asks, smiling knowingly.

2 years ago
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One Way Marriage

One Way MarriagePART ONEBy Xavier CouperinI remember the exact moment it all began; though Fiona’s take on the genesis of my fall might date from a little earlier and, now I think of it, is probably the more accurate observation of the two:?You just don’t do it for me anymore,? my wife of ten years said, settling a pair of still full breasts into a black bra; breasts that continued to defy the pull of a gravity made greater with each passing year – though not so pristine she could decline a...

4 years ago
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Dorothy Does OzChapter 3 If I Only Had A

Dorothy turned, puzzled. "Did you hear that?" she asked Toto. The little dog looked up at her and panted. "Then some people prefer that way," the voice said. Dorothy whirled around. Still nobody. But the scarecrow was pointing the other way. As Dorothy watched, the Scarecrow lifted his head and smiled. "Then of course," he grinned, "some people prefer it up the ass." He thrust his hips forward in an obscene gesture. "Why, you can talk," Dorothy said. "Of course I can talk. I...

4 years ago
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St Searles Academy The New Class part 2

When the Federal Witness Protection Program placed mobster Salvatore 'Big Sal' Buscemi in an all-girl private school he never dreamed he was about to become one of the girls. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 2 by BobH (c) 2017 - 3 - "It's Virginia Chapford!" said Sal, not quite believing what she was seeing. "The headmistress in these school photos all the way back to earliest ones taken in Victorian times is Virginia Chapford. And...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mami 8211 Part 1

You can’t push down the lust, you must feel it and end it and get back to your life..! Yeah I know.. Now you are not pushing it and instead in very good mood to pull it out..!! Hii.. Its Madan (Maddu) here and I assure you in the beginning that ‘I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU’ It’s a story of me and my maami, the beautiful lady with loads of beauty and hotness. I will brief about myself in the beginning. I am Madan 24 years and I have done my MBA in top college and doing job in B’lore. I am from...

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RegretsChapter 2

You're probably wondering why I had a life long obsession for a girl, now a woman of my own age, that I've only made love to once. True it was my first time ... but it remained ever afterwards my best time too! I was spoiled by receiving miraculously fantastic sex right out the starting gate, and every encounter afterwards was something of a disappointment. Army girls, Middle Eastern girls, 'Company' girls and even local Virginia girls, the net result remained the same, slightly...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 52

It was close to midnight when I got back to the motel. Osborn still wasn't in. I had a message, but I hadn't seen her for any amount of time since we arrived in town. I decided that I would phone her and request her presence. I need her to do some background checks on the major players in our move. I didn't want to call in Swamp Dog, when she could do it just as well. Okay not just as well, but well enough. I called her cell. As usual there was no answer. I went to bed, even though I was...

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation, you knew many would consider wrong? No, I'm not talking murder wrong, so calm down, dear reader. I guess to tell this story right; I have to begin at the beginning of my story. A while back (no, I'm not telling you when, as for all I know, the wrong person or people are reading this) I was helping a friend move into her new place. Now, I know, helping a friend move isn't a bad thing, but it was what happened after that was, well, so to speak. My...

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Magic InkChapter 7

I arrived a few minutes early for class and got looks from several female students and a wolf whistle from another one. Several of the guys looked at me and just shrugged. It was after my next class that one of the guys, who was particularly sloppily dressed, stopped me. "What are you trying to prove, man?" he demanded. "Nothing!" I answered. "Do I question your choice of clothes?" "Ah ... no?" "Why do you question mine then?" I asked. He just turned away after that. It was...

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Blackmailed babe turned sex toy 2

By the time Janel collected herself and, brought her seething emotions under control, her blackmailer was gone. He’d no sooner finished with her than he’d cleaned himself up with a damp towel and dressed, standing in front of the mirror to tuck in his shirt and knot his tie. Janel lay naked on the bed with the spread pulled over her, trying to collect herself and think of something to say that might somehow redeem herself—in her eyes at least, if not in his—but absolutely nothing came to mind,...

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Stunning In Black

There is just nothing quite as stunning as a young woman in black. The idea of the basic black dress with a string of pearls is a classic design element that has never seemed to have gone out of fashion through all of the years. Throw into the mix the basic black lingerie, and the only way to describe it is… stunning, stunned, unable to think clearly. The contrast of creamy white skin (dotted with tiny freckles) against stark black underwear creates a subject that is captured by the camera very...

4 years ago
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Money Well SpentChapter 4

Because we were together so much we learned a lot more about each other. I was an only child, and my parents were killed in a car accident when I was on my second tour. I had one grandmother left. Jen came from a large family, five siblings, three sisters and two brothers. She was the second oldest, and her two youngest sisters were in middle school. Family was important to her, and she didn’t get to visit as much as she wanted to. When I asked why she said she couldn’t afford it. Her...

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Chapter 1 The Start of My Panty Passion

Unlike many of you, my love affair with feminine lingerie did not start with my mother.We were rather poor, and my mother came from a rural family. Together that meant her underwear was pretty cheap, plain, and unexciting. It was my aunt, my father's oldest sister, who fueled my fire.I am the oldest of three boys, with a brother 14 months younger and another 10 years younger. My story starts when I was 10, and my mom was in the hospital delivering my k** brother. Back then, new mothers...

3 years ago
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Craigslist Monster

My name is Michelle I am white 42 yrs old 5'2 105 lbs I have 32DD's. Now that we have that out of the way on with the story.I am always looking on craigslist pretty much just to laugh at all the stuff on there but one night I was really horny and one caught my eye. It read "14 inch monster cock looking for a woman to facefuck and have some hardcore sex. I thought there is no way this guy has that big of a cock but I thought it might be fun to go and if he has a 2 inch cock I can just laugh...

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One rainy evening, for a reason I do not recall, I was sitting in my car across from my customary house of worship, reading a paper. I had been sitting there for some time when a car pulled up alongside me and stopped for the stop sign. I glanced across at the driver and she glanced at me. With a smile, she rolled down the passenger window and signaled for me to roll down mine.Curious, I rolled the window down and asked if she needed some help. She smiled and asked me what I was doing, sitting...

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The Transition Guy Chapters 4 6

Chapter 4: Meeting Irene and Her Friends When Alethea awoke, she smelled bacon cooking and smiled. She semi- shouted, "Mm. Something smells real good, honey." She heard the response, "My sleeping beauty has awakened. The bathroom's all yours, hon, but then hop back in bed. I want to serve breakfast there." It was Henry all right, but the voice was a bit different somehow - a bit more breath under the voice, pitch not quite as deep. Alethea spied the bedside clock. 9:45 AM!?! So...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 10

‘Excuse me, Mr. Emerly,’ Vonne walked through the pocket doors into the dining room, ‘A telephone call for you.’ ‘Excuse me, Dana. This must be very important … Vonne wouldn’t have interrupted us if it were not.’ Vonne lingered by the table, ‘Are you and Mr. Emerly making progress?’ ‘Oh yes!’ I laughed. ‘He’s a shockingly remarkable man. Listening to his stores has been …’ I struggled for the right word since Vonne had never given me any indication that she knew of his checkered past and I...

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Whiskey Road 2

Aden held his head low for the rest of the trip. We passed the time listening to tunes and Youtube videos. I found myself glancing back through the mirror to see how he was doing. He was a far cry from the Aden I knew growing up. He was always so carefree and confident until he met Miranda. It was apparent that the bitch broke him.His brother had always been jealous of our friendship, and his marriage to Miranda as well. Alan was a fuck up to say the least. When Aden was off to Iraq, Alan was...

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Plains of TexasChapter 8

She walked over to Mae and said, "You will call me, Mistress." "Yes, Mistress." "Good, you listen. Strip!" She ordered. Mae looked a little surprised but also had that submissive excited look on her face that we had seen with Elsie. She unbuttoned her skirt and blouse taking them off and laying them neatly to one side. She had no other clothes but shoes which were left on. Without being told she took up the pose, her feet spread and her hands behind her head. She had nice, pert...

1 year ago
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Met Shikha In Bangalore Bar

Hi everyone. This is Aditya again. I have already submitted three of my true experiences like 1. 2. 3. Now I’m going to narrate you one more of my experience which happened to me last weekend. As I have already mentioned I work in a MNC. So obviously the workload at times can be sickening. And last...

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USA sex story

Hello,Whats up!!I am Taylor.I'm looking for a man that can make me fun and sex.I love hard sex!!My pussy needs a good eating out... Please let me know and you can fuck me too because I’m in need of astress relief right now.Contact Me: when it gets warm in the uk the woman get hornier so on one of these hot days I was in the back garden sunbathing with just my tight shorts on and having a nice cold beer when I looked up I saw the young girl from next door looking...

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College Friend

> > > Hi every one. This is > Raja here with my first story on ISS. I have > been following this site regularly for quite some time and > finally decided to post my first encounter with my sweet > girlfriend. It all happened in 2005 when I was in my second > year of engineering. > > I had a crush on this girl > called Sweety right from the first day of my > college. Slowly we became of group of some 8 friends with 3 > boys and 5 girls. I shared very good understanding with all > of them as I...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2Cast

Casa del Fuego Brian Frost: 20, senior at IU in the fall studying Chemistry, even though it is only his third year; 5′6″, brown hair, blue eyes; patrón of the clan and full member of both Casa del Fuego and Casa del Agua; Chef Brian of Young Cooking, Executive Producer of Redress, and co-CEO of Hearthstone Entertainment; birthday: 10/5. Rose Davis: 20, junior at IU studying Management and English Literature; 5′1″, golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes; Brian's cónyuge and matrón of the clan;...

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Home StudiesDay 17 Friday

Today is Friday, so we do not have to worry about leaving marks that can be seen tomorrow. So I’ve decided to stick sharp pins into her sensitive flesh. Maybe make her bleed a little. My object of choice are thumb tacks, and my first target are her nipples. However, I want to be smart about it and not risk her getting an infection or something. That means disinfection. That means boiling the tacks, and alcohol for Anna’s skin. Pointing out that kitchen-work is for women, and that the boiling...

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Anastasias Mountaintop Experience

Anastasia took in the rugged grandeur of the Swiss Alps with wide-eyed amazement as she steered her rental car along the curvy road hugging the mountain’s edge. Thoughts of the grey, urban life she left behind were quickly fading in the dazzling sunshine. Her hectic routine as an in-demand portrait painter had left her stressed, not to mention deprived of a love life. ‘I’ve got to get away from New York,’ she’d schemed like an inmate planning a prison-break. Now, her only concern was to find...

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Claude a star is discovered

CLAUDE – a star is discovered I’d been a member of Claude’s gym for the best part of two years when he announced he wanted to sell it. “I’ve been running this place for twenty years. I just want to do something different,” he told me. This was indeed sad news, as I loved the place. It was pretty well equipped, the members were nice and there was a friendly atmosphere, largely due to Claude’s natural people skills. Also, a great plus was that there was a spa area with hot tubs, Jacuzzi, saunas...

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For My Pet

for my petYou watch me from your seat at the edge of my bed as i try things on putthem back unsure of what i should ware out for my girls nite.. I am unhappy with what i am finding and just put on my bra n my nylons and go to do my make up..I call you in the bathroom order you to your knees i bend over the counter and offer you my sxxxy nylon coverd ass and order you to make me cum befor i get dressed.. i feel you hot breath and the tip of your toungue as you start to tease my ass both your...

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Brians Sleepwalking Adventure Pt 04

This story is based on what may be an urban myth from my college days. A fraternity brother told me about the incident after my own adventure, described in my story ‘Pledge Class Payback’ so I believe it to be true. When I asked about it, no one could remember the actual names or years or the fraternity. However, it fed my imagination and inspired me to write this story. It is based on a ‘true incident’ with a lot of embellishments. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are...

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Moving Kelly

Hello My name is Mike and let me tell you about my sister Kelly. She is 5`8" 120lbs with an athletic build blond deep green eyes. Me I am 5’11 around 250, I would not say I am fat but a large guy.Kelly just got out of real bad relationship she thought this guy was the one, but he cheated on her with his secretary and it was all over from there. Now she is moving to a new city in a different state and I’m the one who gets to help her move.I guess the day started like any other day I got up...

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My Best Friend 22 Homecoming Pt 3

Author’s Note: Last we saw of the love infatuated couple, they were at a party with Jay’s cousin Moira. A party that was being held by Jeanette and just as we left off looks like there was going to be some games at this party. Jay didn’t know what these games were until he was cornered into saying yes. Does this new twist mean this is the beginning of the end of the relationship between Jay and Amanda? Will Jeanette’s confession change the dynamic between her and Amanda? Will Jay’s dick be the...

4 years ago
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My night in the woods

So I went, we had a decent enough time with free drinks, and around 10:30 my wife said she wanted to go home because she was tired. I drove her home and returned to the party. The evening went along well, and around midnight the party came to an end. Now, when I went to partys earlier by myself I was usually so drunk I slept in the car and only returned in the early morning hours. This time though, I hadn't drunk nearly as much and I got the idea to drive to the Antwerp left bank park...

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