Sod's LawChapter 11 free porn video

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Thursday 22nd August 1985

Life went on for another three weeks. I got round to advertising for a tenant to fill Harry’s place without much hope of many replies, but was surprised when Annette Furlong applied. She was a medical student and came from a fairly wealthy family. The residents were impressed with her and she moved in on the 1st of September.

It was Thursday 22nd August that Fred eventually got back to me.

I had to buy him dinner! He said it was very difficult and involved some questionable behaviour on his part that I did not need to know about. Not to worry, he said, it wasn’t quite illegal. Morally he felt it was fine since he did not actually contact the target.

“David John Evans was adopted by Francis and Gloria Benson and given the name Peter Christopher. He was formally adopted on 20th June 1960. Here’s where it gets complicated. The family moved to Australia the following year and settled in Brisbane where they now live.

“Peter married Dawn Patricia Connolly two years ago and they have a son Robert.”

He passed a sheet of A4 paper to me.

“This is Peter’s address and phone number, but it struck me that if you want to contact him at some stage, he may not know he’s adopted. Unlikely, but it can happen. So I found the address of his parents and their phone number as well. You may wish to contact them first to see if Peter knows he’s adopted. If he doesn’t...”

“I’ll leave well alone. Don’t worry, I don’t want to mess up another family.”

“Good man! I rather knew you’d say that. I wouldn’t have moved heaven and earth to find all this otherwise.

“Just a note of warning. It takes anything between a few days and a few weeks for letters to get there. Keep that in mind.”

I thought about the information I’d received, and was pleased that the bill was not as high as I thought it would be: ‘friends’ discount’ Fred called it with a laugh. The upshot was that I would phone the parents first to find out if he knew he was adopted, and depending on their response, I would either phone him, or let the matter drop.

So the next morning at nine I made the call, calculating it would be six in the evening in Brisbane.


“Mr Benson?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“My name is David Evans, and I’m a solicitor phoning from Manchester England, but I’m phoning on a private matter concerning your son Peter.”

“Must be costing you a packet, mate. Get to it, and save yourself some money!”

“Very kind of you. It concerns his adoption, but before contacting him, I wanted to make sure he knew he was adopted. If he doesn’t know, I’ll let the matter drop. I don’t want to cause any distress on your or his part.”

“Oh, yeah! He’s known that since he was small. Funny you should ring because he’s been talking about trying to trace his family history.”

“So in your view I’ll be OK phoning him about his sister.”

“He’s got a sister? He’ll be chuffed about that! Can we know what it’s about?”

“You’ll know his name before you adopted him?”

“Yeah, David Evans ... Oh crikey!”

“I see you’re ahead of me. It’s about a mix up. I got engaged to his sister Helen who was also adopted, but I was fostered. Her parents got some company to find out more and wrongly concluded I was her brother. David’s and my births were both registered in Shrewsbury, but I am ten days older than David and they got the wrong one.

“Problem is, she has been traumatised by the news, thinking she’s been committing incest for over a year, and she and her family have cut off all communication with me. What’s more, she’s disappeared off the radar.”

“And you want her back?”

“Not sure if that’s possible, she’s marrying someone else in October, but I think she needs to know the truth, rather than to find out after she’s married. She messed me up badly by disappearing without talking to me, so I’m not sure where we’ll go after this, but I think she needs to know the truth.”

“You go ahead and phone him mate. If you give me ten minutes, I’ll warn him you’re going to phone. I’ll leave you to tell the tale.”

“Thanks, you’re very kind.”

“No worries, cobber.”

So I waited ten minutes and then phoned Peter.

“Dad phoned saying you’re a lawyer from Britain, something about my adoption?”

“Yes, do you know what name you had before you were adopted?”

“Yeah, I was David John Evans.”

“Good. My name is David Evans. You were born 16th May, I was born 6th May. We were both registered in Shrewsbury.”

“So this is about a mix-up?”

“Exactly. I think the first thing to tell you is that you have a sister.”

“No! Really? Older, younger?”

“Three years younger. She was adopted as well, and is now Helen Metcalfe. Anyway, we started going out, and we hit it off really well, almost knew what each other was thinking, and we lived together more or less for over a year. Then we got engaged and that was when her parents messed us up.”

“They thought you were me, and you were brother and sister.”

“Boy, you’re quick on the uptake! Exactly! They hired a tracing company who rather casually ‘proved’ we were siblings. Parents told Helen, who basically ran away – she disappeared.

I think her parents know where she is, but they’re not telling. She sent me a letter recently telling me to keep away, she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“She’s still in love with you and it would hurt her too much.”

“I think you’re right there. In the letter she said she’d talk to me a year after she was married and that might, to put it in her words, get me off her back, and let me get on with my own life.”

“David, I’m really sorry about that. How do you want me to help? Phone her parents?”

“I’m pretty sure they’d think it was a trick of mine. I’m thinking more about a letter from you to her parents, but without any reference to me. As if you have been doing research and want to verify she is your sister.

In the meantime, I’ll send you a transcript and documents–”

“You can fax them to me at work. Can’t remember the number, but if you give me your fax number I’ll send you a fax and then you’ll have mine.”

“Good thinking! It’s been good talking to you Peter.”

“Same here! Fancy me having a sister.”

On Tuesday morning, the Monday being a Bank Holiday, the fax was waiting on my desk for me, and I sent copies of the birth certificates, his and hers and mine, and the full story of what had transpired, including details of my mother’s life and death. I got a fax with all his adoption documents. Then we had to wait for the invitation to arrive, which it did a week later.

On Friday of the first week of September, there was another fax from Peter. The front page told me he had sent the reply registered post, but with the unpredictable Australian post who knew when it would arrive? He had written to Helen’s parents. The second page was his letter to her parents. I thought it was cleverly within.

Dear Mr. and Mrs Metcalfe,

My name is Peter Benson and I was adopted in 1960. My birthday is 16th May 1960. My adoptive parents moved here to Brisbane the following year. I have recently married and have a one year old son.

I recently became interested in finding out about my family history, and discovered my birth parents, and the fact I have a sister.

My birth parents were David and Kathleen Evans. I did some research into them, mainly using a researcher in England, and found out about their problem of being addicted to drugs. I’m still looking for them to see if they’re still alive. I hope they got treatment.

My researcher trawled the English BMD indexes and tells me that I have a sister born 23rd November 1963, Kylie Evans.

My researcher also found that Kylie was adopted by a Mr and Mrs Metcalfe and by a process of elimination suggests you may be her adoptive parents.

I would be very grateful if you could confirm or deny whether you are her adoptive parents, and if you are, if you could inform her she has a brother and give her my address. Of course, if she doesn’t wish to contact me, I will understand and trouble you no further.

Yours hopefully

Peter Benson

Just over a week later, I got a fax from Peter, saying that the letter had been delivered and signed for, but it was unlikely he’d get a reply in he foreseeable future. He would notify me of any developments.

I half expected some reaction from the Metcalfes, or from Helen, but there was none forthcoming.

The following Friday I was again persuaded to go out on the town, this time with Alan Watkins, who was now well settled in Helen’s old room. I noticed he left the decorations as they were. He said they were fine and to his taste.

We scored with a pair of pretty girls out for a good time. My girl seemed happy enough with our pairing, and at the end of the night, or rather early in the morning, Allan and I brought our dates back to the House.

Once in my room, Lorraine, for such was her name, asked for a white wine which I had to get from the cellar: there being no room in my room for wine storage since I usually drank beer. When I returned she was naked and in bed, so I poured her a glass, brought it to her side of the bed and, going to my side, stripped off to join her.

She embraced me on arrival, and we kissed at length, our hands roaming over each other. Then she drew back a little.

“Condom?” she asked.

“Only if you’re keen on having full sex with this stranger,” I replied.

“I get a choice?” she asked.

“Of course you do.”

“But you undressed as well.”

“Yes, because you did first. I wouldn’t embarrass you.”

“This night is proving very strange,” she said, stroking my shoulder. I kissed her lips.

“I don’t get it,” she said at length, once we parted breathing a little heavily. I could hear Alan and Jacey going at it next door, and so could Lorraine. We looked at each other and laughed.

“Look,” I said. “If the noise turns you on, we can have sex as well. I do have condoms, but...”

“I don’t have to,” she finished for me. Then, “What’s wrong with me? Don’t I turn you on?”

I led her hand to my cock, which was stiff and ready. “That answer your question?” I said with a smile.

“OK. David, I go out every weekend with Jaycee and Polly. If we end up having drinks bought for us all night, we know we’re expected to perform later, and to be honest, I think we all enjoy it. But really, it gets a bit boring, a bit predictable. And shallow. So this...”

“Is new and different.”

“Yes. Now there’s a reason for your attitude. I’ve just felt with my own fingers that you are a red blooded male. So talk to me.”

So, as she lay in my arms, I told her everything, and she listened, asking questions for clarity, and smiling and looking upset at the appropriate moments. When I finished she made a comment.

“David, whatever happens, you must find a way to tell her how things really are. Believe me, and I know from bitter experience, you can’t let her marry someone and then find out she’s with the wrong man.”

“Perhaps he’s the right–”

“No he isn’t. You’re the right man. She’ll never he happy and neither will you, if you let this go.”

She then narrated a tale of a girl friend of hers who finished with the love of her life when some bitch of a woman convinced her that he’d cheated. She even used photographs which were in fact innocent, but could be misinterpreted.

The girl friend eventually married someone else and then found the love of her life had been true all along. He’d been so upset and angry he refused to tell her the truth. The marriage did not last, but he had married someone else. She got the impression both of them settled for second best in the end.

“I’m not getting married,” she said resolutely. “I’ll live with someone for a long time and perhaps never tie the knot. I work in Manchester Register Office and I see all these couples getting married, and half of them won’t last five years before they’re ready to divorce.”

“You know you can find out when she’s getting married and where? In her local register office they have to display couples’ intention to marry, and Parish Churches display which couples are getting married in their church. You could easily find out.”

I was amazed! “Lorraine, you’re a genius! I’ll find her somehow.”

She smiled with satisfaction.

We chatted on for about an hour and then fell asleep, the amorous activity next door having presumably ended in exhaustion.

On Saturday morning, we awoke and after we had showered, separately, I took her down to the kitchen, where she consumed some toast and marmalade by way of breakfast, with coffee being her preference.

As I saw her off at the front door before anyone else was about, she kissed me gently and with, I thought, some love.

“I think I enjoyed last night more than any for a long time,” she said. “I think we were more intimate than if we’d had the obligatory shag!”

“So do I,” I replied. “And thanks for that information about marriages, I can’t think why I didn’t remember that.”

We kissed again and she set off down the road, meeting Kim and Imogen running the other way. They looked at her, and then at me and smiled.

“So you got lucky!” said Kim. “Gorgeous girl!”

“Yes, she was,” I said. “We talked into the night and fell asleep together.”

“No... ?”

“No. But she said it was her best night for a long time.”

“Wow, that’s something,” said Kim. “I bet you told her your tale of woe. It’s as good as a novel.”

“And I’ll bet she told you you simply have to tell Helen before she gets married to someone else, didn’t she?” said Imogen. It wasn’t really a question.

“Yes, she did. And I will, even if I have to go to the wedding to do it.”

“How will you know where she’s getting married? Or when?” asked Imogen.

“You won’t believe this, but Lorraine works in Manchester Register Office, and reminded me they have to post who’s getting married, and so do Parish Churches. So I can find out when and where. I assume it’ll be in York somewhere.”

“About time you saw sense, and got after her” said Imogen. “I’m getting cold. Shower time!”

They ran into the House and I watched their neat bottoms as they mounted the stairs at a run. Very pretty they were too.

September came to an end, and October began dismally with rain. I noted that there had been no contact from Helen. Yes I was searching for a letter every day that told me she’d seen and understood who her brother really was. Nothing. Neither was there a fax from Australia saying she’d been in touch there. I began to wonder if she got to see the letter at all.

However, while there was nothing from the Metcalfes, they could not keep the venue for the wedding secret. Weddings are public ceremonies and Helen’s ceremony was to be on Saturday the 19th of October, at 3pm. All it took was a phone call to the Rectory of the Parish Church nearest to the Metcalfe home.

However, I was not going to wait until that part of the ceremony when the priest asks if there are any objections!

I needed to take the initiative. At the beginning of the wedding week, Christian was cooking dinner for the carnivores, and for a change, the veggies were there as well, cooking their own meal.

“Helen’s wedding is on Saturday,” I stated baldly.

There was a collective intake of breath.

“I need to get to Helen before she gets married,” I said. “She’s marrying in the local Parish Church at 3pm but I don’t want to go to the house the night before and risk having the door slammed in my face, or get arrested. Any ideas?”

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The Story Of A Male 8211 Part II

Hi dear Readers. Apurva is back again. I posted my last story here many yrs back. Today is 2013. In these four years many things happened in my life. Me now a happily married housewife of Adi with a sweet baby. Socking? Surely, I am socking too with my life. Some time I think, it must be unreal. It must be what I dreamt off. It is a love story rather a sex one. You all know we had encounter in my small room that night. Adi was completely lost on me. He was too much gone mad on me. And for me a...

2 years ago
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Good DaysBad Days

Good Days/Bad Days On Good days I look at myself and say 'When did I get so strong?" "How did I become so brave" "Who is the beautiful woman I see in the mirror?" But it doesnt last And bad days come again And I feel weak And scared And ugly I know I cant go back to being a boy But it seems like I have no way to become a girl And have no guarantee it would be any better for me if I could be one I feel stuck and trapped and have no hope lonely and...

2 years ago
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Mausi Ko Khub Choda Part 3

Dosto me raj shah . Phir se meri aunty aur meri kahani lekar aaya hu aap ye story iss par padh rahe hai dosto meri pichhli 2 story kaisi lagi please mujhe mail karna mera mail id hai pichhli story me apne padha ke rachna mausi apne ghar chali gayi thi . Phir kuch din to dil nahi lagta tha bas roj mausi se phone par baat hoti thi ya . Phir whatsapp par gup shup aur personal photos update aise hy 15 din nikal gaye . Phir ek din shaam ko jab me ghar aaya to mummy ne bataya ke relative ke yaha par...

1 year ago
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The star of the show

Selina Matthews was a girl that never took any chances. She always played it safe in every aspect of life, and had only had sex with one man ever. However, she had these crazy fantasies all the time about being double-penetrated and fucked in front of a crowd. She secretly wished sometimes to be a porn star or to be gangbanged, but was always too shy to make that happen for herself. She had been doing such a great job with her sales lately, that the boss sent her on her first business trip to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Billys Medical Exam reedit

Billy's mother, Cheryl, was a rather thorough parent. His parents had divorced several years earlier and his dad, while providing adequate financial support, had moved on to another relationship. Leaving Cheryl in charge of Billy and his 18 year old sister, Allison's, well being. She took her role very seriously. She made an appointment for the following week. Upon arriving at the Dr.'s office and checking in, Billy and his mom were lead back to an examination room. The nurse, a young...

4 years ago
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1994Chapter 22 Looking forward to number fifteen

Two days of investors' meetings wiped me out. Remembering who was invested in which trusts made my head spin. Some were invested in all six trusts, while others were only invested in two or three. It may have been a mistake to assemble all thirty investors in the same room for two days, but having a separate meeting for each trust would have been a scheduling nightmare. As John said, "There are no secrets here. Everything said here can be found in the quarterly reports." My job was to...

3 years ago
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Turning Point 0

Robert is about to arrive at a major turning point. Mary, Alma and Don are about to take Robert to a higher level. I lay down on the bed naked and with my cock standing straight up and throbbing. I was not sure what to expect and I was very nervous, excited and ready for most anything. Alma was on her knees on my right side, Mary and Don was on my left side. All three were looking down at me and smiling. Alma reached down and wrap her hand around my cock and started slowly stroking it....

4 years ago
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Working too hard Part2

Continued Part 2 So we arrived at the café for some quick food and I'm the sort of person who just bounds through things and rarely gets surprised from any situation. That said the night ahead was one that I never thought I would experience. We settled down to some drinks and ordered a few light sandwiches and French fries. Lady P had started to look at me intensely at first asking me some difficult questions like was I seeing anyone and what I thought about people in the office? "Well I'm in...

2 years ago
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Late Evenings Pt 1

My first attempt at this kind of thing. Please post feedback and let me know if you want more installments. ————— Like other couples with kids, my wife Judy and I go out occasionally with the help of a sitter to watch the kids. We dont usually go out more than once a month or so, and dont tend to stay out very late, but the sitter was still part of the deal. On rare occasions we would actually stay out very late to watch some live music and the sitter was always very accommodating and never...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Ember Stone Alexa Grace My Girlfriends Roommate

Alex D. is waiting for his girlfriend Ember Stone to arrive home when Ember’s roommate, Alexa Grace, decides to take this opportunity to act on her attraction. Strutting in wearing just a sheer bra and thong lingerie set, Alexa corners Alex on the couch and draws him in for a kiss. The pair are almost caught by Ember when she walks in, but Alexa manages to get away and retreat to her room. As Ember and Alex talk, Alexa stands and listens while caressing her pussy. Alex excuses himself to...

1 year ago
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A good friend enjoying Camillas ass

That autumn afternoon I was home alone; Ana had gone for the weekend to pay some visit to one of her girlfriends in a nearer city.I was checking my mail, when I received one from Camilla, one of Anita’s sluttiest girlfriends…I was really surprised, because that bitch had not spoken to me in many time, after we had fucked like rabbits in one warm night…It was even more shocking to watch Camilla in an unusual video. It showed her playing with her own dog Cooper; a nice Dalmatian hound mixed with...

1 year ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 42

By about four o'clock that afternoon, Lauren was exhausted. She shuffled off the side of the road and flopped down in the dirt. Jamie and Emma followed, glad to sit for a moment. Beads of sweat clung to their faces, ready to trace their features, clean paths through the dust and grime. Lauren hated the feeling of dirt, the heat compounding her distaste and causing her to wonder if staying in San Falino would have been the right decision. Switzerland would never have had such an exodus of...

4 years ago
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Do you want to see me for real0

While on my way home, I was involved in a small traffic accident, nothing big, just a fender bender. After trading information with the other driver I talked with my insurance agent, who said that if I could e-mail some pictures of the damage, it would help expedite the claim. When I got home, I left the car in the drive way and went to Ashley’s room where I found the camera on her nightstand. After taking 8 pictures of the damage, I hooked the camera up to the computer to download the...

2 years ago
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Lovely Intruder part 4

I couldn't believe the night still wasn't over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed. Will laid himself on the bed on his back and instructed me to straddle him. I did and I felt Sir come up behind me. "Be gentle at first, Will, let her get used to it. She's never done it before," I heard Sir tell Will. Will replied, "Oh I'll go slow," and winked at me. That wink scared me but I was glad that Sir was behind me and I was on top of Will; how much harm...

4 years ago
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The Touch Ch 37

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. This chapter may seem to ramble even more than usual as it was originally several very short parts which have been combined into a single chapter. Chapter 37: King of the Castle Friday turned out to be pretty hectic. With both Maggie and Emma leaving for France on Sunday there was a lot that needed to be sorted out before they went. I spent...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 3

I awoke slowly. A light throbbing of my head caused a bit of discomfort. I looked around to find myself alone in bed, daylight shining through the window. I could hear the faint sounds of birds through the glass. It was very auspicious, given the nature of events that had transpired last night. As memories filled my mind of everything that had happened, tears began to fall freely down my face. My friends, my love and her family all gone. Taken by that black monstrosity in a binge of carnage...

4 years ago
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Excuse Me what Exactly did my Husbad Do part 1 of 3

Hi everyone, apparently its been a while since I put up a story. So here is one. Its actually older, I wrote it during the ice storm of 2008 when I had a lap top with no internet connection, lol... Just unburied it. Edited it, and now posting it. This is part 1 of 3... Also, stay tuned, big announcement in about 4 weeks at Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is...

3 years ago
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Helping My Moms Friend

This all started the day my mom walked into the bathroom just as I was stepping out of the shower. Now before you start with, 'Oh, now he fucks his mom,' no, that's not it at all. So, let's just start over. I was stepping out of the shower, my cock hanging down, as my mom walked in with an armload of towels. She looked down and said, "Oh, my. Um, well, Jeremy, um, mmm, I want to ask you something after you get dressed," and she put the towels down and left as I dried off. Well, what she saw was...

2 years ago
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The Pigtail Curtsey Skipping Game

Hello tiffy, Do you remember the little game the Ladies played with skipping sissy betty? Well now you're going to play! This will be at the Resort with you in charlene's place, the pathetic sissy husband of Lorraine. I won't tell you how many rounds you're going to play, so we'll just play till I tire of you. Before we begin, tell Me the rules as you understand them. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Mistress Joy )&( sissy betty skips around in a...

4 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 12

Alan’s turn: “Cindy, dammit! You and Don are killin’ me.” “Just think of the fly-by for YOUR funeral,” I said. “FOUR PC-12’s and a PC-24.” “Cin,” he sighed. “Four? We had a nebulous case for three...” She sighed dramatically. “One, it’s a great deal. We’re helping out friends...” “That you just juked out of seven hundred thousand dollars...” “Haggling. He makes some, we get a deal. Second, if you and Anders and Beck think it’s that bad an idea, I’ll strip my own bank accounts. Third,...

1 year ago
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Eleanors Descent 05

I took the three girls out to my car and we set off for a local piece of greenbelt land. We ended up at a place called Friern Barnet Park. Parking the car in the car park I walked with the girls over to the entrance gate. Passing through I chose a dirt track path running off to my right, on we walked for several minutes, all the time their eyes darting left and right to see if anyone else was about in this park approaching dusk. I removed the rucksack from my shoulder and then ordered them to...

2 years ago
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Ladies Circle part 6

“Honey I’m home!” she called out. There was silence. “Oh - hang on a minute...I live alone don’t I…” She did the routine most nights. She spoke to the mirror just inside the hallway which reflected her rueful grin. What had possessed her to hook up with Joe she never knew, but presumably her usual problem…the problem that was staring her now in the mirror. The full length mirror taunted her – but that was the idea. She had put it there on purpose as soon as she had moved into the...

3 years ago
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Tee Time

Jason woke to the raucous warble of a bird sitting just outside of his window. Slowly opening his eyes, he felt the throb of a tiny headache behind his eyes. Too much booze yesterday, he thought. Then the incredible events of yesterday unfolded from his memory banks. "Fuck," he blurted out. "I almost fucked my mother. Twice!" He still couldn't believe how close he had come to the promised land. He had stood at the threshold twice. Twice, and he had still been turned back. He could still...

2 years ago
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The phone call

Several year ago I had the good fortune of being able to retire early with a union pension and jumped at the opportunity. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do with all my free time, other than being able to dress up more often and invite men and other T girls to my apartment for fun times. I do love sex and love to play. Then it dawned on me that I had always wanted to travel cross country, stopping to see a lot of landmarks, historic sites and so on. I had been chatting with guys and other...

1 year ago
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Pebbles on the beach

This story came to mind just after logging into xhamster to check my mail. I read Pebbles message that suggested "I could read her mind", and I thought "if only she knew in her mind right now that I am admiring her sexy nude beach images again right now and they have me feeling horny".So I sent a message back and kept looking at the sensual nude images. My cock is hard and feeling horny straining inside my pants and ache for another sweet release. So I unzip and pull it out. It stands proud...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 55 One More Day

Doc and I were wrong; Mickey McKenna had not had his sex drive adjusted downward. Even as he went about his daily duties as a Daytown Detective, he was in fact a human embodiment of a satyr. His sex drive had become insatiable, his allure irresistible to women. It made for a long day. Jacy did not hesitate to climb onto his erection in a reverse cowgirl simply to be allowed to eat her bowl of cereal for breakfast. As Mickey neared climax, he pushed his daughter off and came into bowl....

2 years ago
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Too far to run

The glass shattered, champagne and shards splattering floor and shoes with a generous helping of too expensive champagne all around. Were this a normal business convention, or a legal seminar, or even an Literature workshop, it would have meant squealing voices and ruined leather - here the participants simply wiped it off their sandals and continued talking, unfazed. The same relaxed state of mind did not apply to the young woman whose glass had taken such an ignominious fall to the floor. Her...

Wife Lovers
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Academic Dishonesty

Hello Anne, I have recently reviewed your final paper, and would like to speak to you directly with some of my concerns. I understand that the semester has officially ended, but due to the nature of the matter. I expect to see you in my office tomorrow evening at 8:30. Sincerely, Prof.Carter Hmm. I reread the email that was sent yesterday. What could have been wrong with my paper? I spent weeks researching and editing on it. Sighing in frustration, and wishing I could enjoy my first night...

2 years ago
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Painful Piano Lesson Part 2

As you can read in part one I was made to undress totally before being given the cane by my piano teacher Miss Edwards and then she spanked my cock because I got an erection. I couldn’t help it, she’s slim, young and very attractive even though her glasses make her look a little strict. Two weeks later I was a little early for my piano lesson and a very pretty dark haired lass, not much older than me, with puffy red eyes, was leaving in some distress. I realised I wasn’t the only one getting...

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