KellyChapter 38 free porn video

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Todd rolled out of bed and stumbled his way to the bathroom, pulling at his shorts on the way. It was early, way too early for Kelly or even Laura - even Cara and Ami were still asleep. After relieving the pressure from his bladder, he stepped into the shower and woke himself up with a cold shower. A look at his watch on the vanity verified that he was still early. It was just ten after five. He could have done without the cold shower, but Kelly had been exceptionally creative in bed the night before and Laura was always game for something a bit out of the ordinary. Wrapping a towel around himself he tossed his shorts into the hamper and quietly opened the door to the younger girl's bedroom. Not surprisingly, both girls were nude and cuddled so tight that Todd had to check to make sure he was touching the right girl.

"Ami," he whispered softly. "Time to get up, Sweetheart."

Cara groaned in her sleep and Ami's eyes fluttered open. "What time?" she mumbled.

"It's a quarter after five, Honey. We've got to go to the studio and load up film."

"Sleep," Ami moaned, rolling over.

"You can sleep on the plane," Todd promised.

"Ugh," was her response as she rolled on to her back slapping her hands down beside her. Without any pretext of modesty, she gave Cara a quick peck on her cheek then crawled out of bed, staggering a little as she tried to stand on her own. "Do I have time for a quick shower so I can wake up too?" she asked.

Todd smiled and said he'd have coffee waiting for her when she was done.

As Ami shuffled off to the bathroom, Todd gathered some clothes, got dressed, and headed to the kitchen. Coffee was his drink of choice when he needed the caffeine rush and he knew that while Ami preferred tea, she would welcome and appreciate the morning wake-up rush as well.

Ami was still yawning when they pulled into the studio parking lot. It was still before six and the sky was just starting to lighten with the promise of a beautiful day. They entered very quietly so as not to wake up Vanetta and Robert, hopefully still asleep upstairs.

The night before, they had carefully and totally cleaned the two major cameras and the K-1000, stripping the bodies to their basic components and cleaning every surface with care. Todd's work counter had reeked of alcohol by the time they were done, but all the cameras and their lenses as well as the focal prisms were spotless, and all moving parts had been checked. Ami had been amazed at Todd's shutter sync apparatus, commenting on how uncanny it was to have a machine read off one thousandth of a second.

"It's not like we'll ever have any need for that kind of speed," Todd had told her, "but if it's not accurate at that speed, how will we know if the 125th setting is working. We have to meter through the lens and compare what we see to what the hand held and spot meters are telling us. Some shots you don't get a second chance at."

The film cooler was loaded with freezer packs. Todd and Ami spent two hours loading up all the available cartridges for the two 'Blads they were taking to Brookhaven, and were greeted by three smiling faces when they emerged from the darkroom.

Cara had woken up shortly after they had left the house and had convinced Laura and Kelly that they should all get up and join the two shutterbugs for breakfast. Kelly had a good idea of how long it would take Todd, even with Ami's help, so after a leisurely cup of tea they had packed up the vitamins they would need on this trip and enough for breakfast time this morning. Laura drove the Elantra while Kelly continued to yawn in the passenger seat trying to reconcile why in God's name she was up and out the door before eight in the morning!

Brookhaven! That was the reason they were all up before normal human beings! They were flying out at eleven o'clock to spend 10 days at the resort island taking 'summer' pictures for the new brochure the mayor of the incorporated town had commissioned.

"What are you guys doing here?" Ami asked. "We thought we'd get back to the house to pack before anybody knew we were gone!"

"We did your packing for you, Sweetheart," Cara said. "At least what you didn't pack last night."

"And we've got your morning vitamins, which you should take now," said Laura. "Cara convinced us to get up so we could have a company breakfast meeting."

"A company meeting?" Todd asked.

"Just as soon as Vanetta and Robert come down," said Kelly.

"Well, I'm hungry," said Ami, and before anyone could stop her, she bolted up the stairs to the apartment above the studio to make sure that Robert and Vanetta were awake.

Everybody heard a thud, and Ami came tearing back down the stairs flushed with embarrassment. "They were busy," she mumbled, her head down.

"Busy doing what?" asked Kelly ever so innocently, knowing full well, if Ami's blush was any indication!

"They were doing the nasty!" said Ami. "Vanetta was riding him, and when I ran in on them, Robert kind of went spastic and bucked her right off."

"Poor Baby," Cara cooed. "You shouldn't be exposed to something so traumatizing this early in the morning." That just caused Kelly and Laura to start laughing.

"What was the big thud?" Todd asked.

"That was Vanetta landing on the floor," Ami said and started to laugh herself.

"That wasn't funny," shouted Vanetta from the stairs. "I'm going to have a bruise on my ass, and I wasn't finished yet!"

"Well, hurry up so we can all go out and eat," said Cara.

"Ten minutes," Vanetta shouted down. "Hold your horses!"

It was actually 15 minutes before the young lovers came down, both with still-damp hair from their shower and Vanetta rubbing her butt.

"This worked out pretty good," said Todd as they slid into chairs at the International House of Pancakes. "We'd be overstuffed in just the Tracker, so this way we can ride to Chris's in the TNG van. I don't really want to leave the Tracker at the airfield for that long. You guys don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all," said Robert. "We'll take Kelly's car back to the house and I'll keep the Tracker parked behind the studio."

The group dove into the large Belgian waffles piled high with whipped cream and downed their vitamins with huge glasses of fresh-squeezed orange juice. During breakfast Kelly went over a few of the details with Vanetta again about where they would be staying and how their cell phones were all charged in case something came up, though nobody thought anything would. Vanetta could easily handle the business as she had done before when Todd and Kelly were out of town, and Robert had the TNG project to work on.

"Publicity is the key," he said between mouthfuls. "The more interest I can build in the project the more revenue will be produced as sponsors clamor to get on board. Nearly everybody in business has a parent or grandparent in an assisted living facility or a nursing home. This is something they can all relate to, so all I need to do is keep the interest alive. I've upped the ante a bit as far as the students go."

"How's that?" asked Todd.

"Well," said Robert. "Just talking about what the students are doing would become old news fairly quickly. My dad's always saying that if it's a repeat it goes to the back of the paper, so I've added a few bonus prizes for students who write a short essay about something they learn while visiting with the seniors. Between the various weekly papers and the dailies, I can provide them all with new stories every week. Since we anticipate a lot of short essays, we won't have anybody duplicating anything seen in the other papers, it's fresh, and I'm targeting specific areas where schools are located. That keeps it local as well, and the students who make it to print get a $25 gift certificate that they can spend at a local audio-video store. The nice part is that the papers are paying for the gift certificates, so it doesn't cut into our budget at all."

Vanetta beamed. Robert had really taken to this project and was covering all the bases. From what she could see, Todd was extremely pleased with the results he had delivered so far.

"It sure sounds good to me, Robert," said Todd. "How many performances is the band scheduled for while we're gone?"

"Just one a week while school's on," he answered. "I'd like to book them for more, and I've been talking to their teachers who say they will give extra credits to the members of the TNG band, but I don't want it becoming a chore for them either. We'll schedule extra performances through some of the holidays and especially at Christmas, but if I see that they're not enjoying it, I'll cut back the schedule."

"I don't know," said Laura. "I always enjoyed performing for the seniors because they appreciate it so much. I doubt the kids will get tired of the ego stroking," and then she laughed, "but, seriously... If it looks like they're getting tired, you should consider taking them as a group to do something that doesn't involve performing. Treat them to a day out. Take them to a few movies in between and a few meals out. Remind them that what they're doing is a great service and that they are appreciated, and I think you'll see nothing but positive results."

"I agree," said Ami. "Our coaches used to take us to game arcades between meets so that we could have some serious downtime."

"By doing it as a group," Cara added, "we built camaraderie with the rest of the team, but since we weren't practicing or competing we didn't feel pressured. I think it helped keep us fresh."

"That's a good idea," said Robert. "I know they've enjoyed the times we've gone out to eat to discuss band stuff, and they still haven't stopped talking about the trip to Disney or the fun they had at Carowinds. I'll see if I can't get them together for a few Saturday outings."

"Or break up the week," said Todd. "Take them all out on a Wednesday after school. Maybe catch a movie or something."

Kelly looked at her watch and quickly gulped the remainder of her juice. "I think we better get moving, guys," she said. "I know Chris will wait for us, but his planes are booked pretty solid, and I don't want to cause anyone else to be late because of us."

"Can you imagine that?" Laura asked with a smile. "Kelly hurrying to catch a plane. Will wonders never cease?"

Todd paid the bill and the group headed for the airstrip.

Even with the soft, near-textbook landing of the plane, Kelly was glad to step foot on terra firma again. Laura laughed as she took Kelly's hand and guided her off the tarmac. "Jeez, Kelly. The first time I had to fly I nearly peed myself I was so afraid, but you talked me through it. Now, it seems like I'm spending every other weekend on a plane going someplace. I guess that when I go to Australia, you won't want to come with me."

Kelly turned and gaped at Laura. "Twenty hours on a friggin' plane? Honey, I'd love to go with you, but I wouldn't want to fly! Can't we go by boat instead? Hey... Just why do you want to go to Australia anyway?"

Laura smiled that smug smile of hers. "Well, Sweetheart, you know I just love to go down under!"

"Smart-Ass! Just you wait till later on tonight and we'll see who can last the longest down under! I'll make you squirm and beg for mercy before I'm done with you!"

"Promise?" Laura coyly asked.

Todd and Cara were laughing at the exchange. Ami, however, had had her eye glued to the viewfinder of her camera ever since the island came into view of those in the plane. She had asked for and gotten to sit beside the pilot, and Todd could smell the gears turning in Ami's mind. Aerial shots of the island was a good idea. Pictures of the runway would come in handy as well. Todd smiled with satisfaction and with pride in his young apprentice.

"Looks like our ride is here," said Cara, pointing to a rather large Argo ATV. The tires on the 8-wheeled vehicle were large as was the man driving it. Todd smiled as the slow-moving boat on wheels got closer. It was the mayor of Brookhaven himself at the controls. The letters TKO were boldly painted in gold on the sides and front of the dark green vehicle, and Todd was quite sure they would be on the rear as well. For its size, the ATV moved smoothly, and the blimp-like tires absorbed any bumps in the field as it lumbered over them. Todd realized from the lack of noise that this Argo was a custom built one - the engine was purring as quietly as a kitten. Al waved as he got closer and Todd could see a small outboard motor visible on the rear. He knew the tires would propel the small craft through water, but a proper propeller would make it go much quicker.

"Hi, Al," said Kelly when the Argo came to a stop. "Nice ride!"

"I hope you like it," said Al shaking Todd's hand. "The trailer is parked off the island if you decide to take it home. But, at a recent council meeting it was decided that TKO would be recognized as a resident business operating on Brookhaven and as such afforded all rights and privileges, which includes a mailing address and reserved parking in the citizen's lot and a berth for a boat at the marina should you get one."

Kelly laughed. "That's nice, Al. You can never have too many homes or friends."

"What's this, Al," asked Laura pulling on a wrapped section of canvas.

"Ah, the joys of outdoor life," said Al. "That's a collapsible canopy sunshade," he said as he undid the hurricane snaps, unfurling it, and snapping the braces in place. "Sun blocker and tanning lotions work fine, but under these sweltering skies and this proximity to salt water, nothing beats a bit of shade, especially when you're neck deep in the water!"

"It was good of you to meet us here, Al," Todd said. "Did you get the time of our arrival from the control tower?"

Al laughed as he nodded. "As soon as your pilot radioed in for clearance to land, I got a call at the office. The Hampton was my first stop just to confirm that your suite is ready, and then I went as fast as I could get this puppy to go to try and be here when you landed."

Cara and Ami had already transferred all the luggage to the cargo area of the Argo and parked themselves on the molded bench in the rear. Ahead of their area were four more molded seats on which there were vinyl-covered cushions for backs and butts.

"Can we give you a ride back, Al?" asked Kelly.

"I think that might be a good idea. That way I can answer any questions about the operation of this particular model."

Todd got into the driver's seat, turned the key, and set the switch for land mode. As Al explained it to him he gently eased the two handles back, setting the Argo moving forward. To test the controls and refresh his memory he pushed the one forward turning the eight-wheeled vehicle on the proverbial dime. Satisfied with the quick response he straightened back out and headed for the road.

"She's as fast as any of the golf carts," Al said laughing, "but you won't have to look for a crossing at any of the water hazards."

Using one hand to hold both drive handles, Todd stroked the deep green molded body. "I like it, Al. Nice color, and a comfortable ride. After we get settled in, I think I'll take it to the beach and test it on the sand dunes and in the water."

"Just remember to be back in time for supper," said Kelly. "We're going to the boat restaurant tonight if I can get us reservations."

They dropped Al off at the Short Creek Marina and rode on through to the Hampton, pleasantly surprised to see a reserved parking sign with their company name on it. Since there were no cars on the island, there really wasn't much of a parking lot except for the area where golf carts could be stored along with the Hampton Inn's own courtesy shuttles. The reserved area was close to the front, and a bellhop came out to help carry in their luggage. Kelly stopped at the front desk and got keys for the suite and stayed to chat with the manager. Cara stayed with Kelly while the others took the elevator to the sixth-floor penthouse suite. The Hampton was the tallest building on Brookhaven, and Ami was on the balcony while Todd was still busy tipping the bellhop. Laura was pointing to the dock where she had spent the morning romancing the dolphin that Ami had seen in the photograph at the studio.

"How can I get on the roof, Todd?" Ami asked. "They must have some kind of access to it, and it would make for some wonderful panoramic shots of the island from up there."

Todd had thought the same thing and told her to call the front desk and ask for permission. "I'm sure that there'll be an access route close to the elevator," he said. "Find out how and make sure they don't mind us going up there. We'll take a look at it as we'll want to see when the best time is to take shots from up there."

Kelly and Cara came in while Ami was on the phone. Kelly was holding a sheaf of papers and wearing a smile. "The manager is an active member of the Brookhaven council and chairman of the board of tourism. He gave us copies of some of the previous catalogs for the island and a list of 'must shoot' businesses. They're giving us free rein over how and who, but a lot of the businesses on the island are nationally or internationally, owned and they've got corporations to answer to."

"But they're not going to stifle or dictate creative content," Cara added.

"Then I don't see a problem," said Todd. "I can understand their concern, but I'll make sure that we get good shots of them." He flipped through one brochure after another before adding, "And better than what they've had before. Some of these look like real estate photos."

Kelly laughed. "That's what the manager said as well. A lot of the businesses here are looking forward to seeing what you can do for them. They've all seen the shots you sent back from our last visit. The one of Laura on the Hampton's private dock is one of the most popular on the island business-wise, but the most popular of all is the one of Laura and me that's hanging in Ray's T-Shop!"

Todd wrapped his arms around Kelly and said, "You have to love a place that has such good taste!"

"Speaking of good taste," said Kelly, "Ron - that's the manager, Ron Perry, by the way - he called up the boat restaurant while we were talking and got us a table for five at eight o'clock. Jim Fredy is the owner of the restaurant, and he's delighted that we're back. Rebel Heart starts playing at nine, so we should be able to eat and then dance away the calories."

Same as Kelly
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I could hardly wait for our next time together and it did notdisappoint! Your wife was amazing and I hope you got lots of video! The tripod probably was a good idea. I liked how your wife’s cascading hair tickled my thighs but what really excited me was when she stopped pleasuring my cock and left the bed for a moment. I almost shot my wad right then and there when she returned to me pulling a scrunchy into her hair for a pony-tail and said, “I want you to see every bit of this.” I’m not sure...

Wife Lovers
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Confessions Katya Rodriguez Every Girl Deserves A Creampie

Katya is sick of her scared little boyfriend not wanting to give her a nice hot creampie; he says its just not right. Katya is tired of his excuses and decides to take it into her own hands! She invites over her good friend Danny who is not afraid of emptying his load deep in her hot wet pussy! Katya grabs his cock giving him one great blowjob and soon they are fucking like wild until the time cums for him to cum in that beautiful pussy of hers and watch it ooze on out! Now that’s a...

3 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 25

Imagine yourself in a similar position: A 12 or 13 year old girl ... a kid ... fer chrisake ... never met her and she knows you have a time travel watch?!? To make matters worse, there's a man coming up behind the girl who looks an awfully lot like Professor Timothy Leary. "But ... but ... but," Andrea stammered, "Timothy Leary's dead." Junior and David both said, "Oh no. He's on the outside looking in." They looked expectantly at Andy. She was stunned. Tim grinned and laughed....

3 years ago
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The Beast of Dacia

‘Dead.’ Valerius Costin drained the heavy silver goblet in his hand in one gulp, but the bitterness of the word still coated his tongue. The wine was supposed to warm him, but as the finality of his situation slithered into his gut he was chilled to the bone. He wondered then if anything would ever warm him again. ‘What do you want to do, Valerius?’ He turned then, his gaze travelling up the steps to the palace entrance. An old woman stood at the top, her long grey hair rustling gently in...

1 year ago
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My first ever kiss

Rayan is a handsome luking stud in my neighbour. i had a crush on him since i was 18. but soon i came to know that he is a big cassinova and my love turned into hatred. he often comes to our house as my dad gives him tutions. he has started showing some abnormal intrest in me. that bloddy rascals tries everything to talk to me. my freind joya is his collegemate. she told me that he likes me. but i dont beleive her . that cassinova can never be serious about ny girl. today he came to invite us...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 28

After a long day of shopping Jessie returned home just in time for dinner. "Perfect timing Jess. Dinner is served," his mom said. She noticed that he had a couple bags with him. "What did you buy dear?" "Oh, Ashley likes to buy me things," he replied as he pulled three garments out of the bag. One was a jeans mini skirt, the other was a white colored top made of a stretchy fabric with short sleeves that puffed slightly. The last piece of clothing was a black cocktail...

4 years ago
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Max is such a dirty pig

Max is such a dirty pig ... - and I love it ;-) Keep in mind I'm non-native in English, so apologize for faults and mistakes in grammar. But Max asked me to share it with a bigger community, so I do the best I can. Max knows all my secrets - or better I should say: most of them. And, yes, he'll be surely reading before - or after ;-) I publish, so he may even get to know more of my secrets, though this is not in focus this time. Anyway, one day he embarassed me by sending a text message,...

1 year ago
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Hentai Yes! Listen up you sex-starved weebs, I know you think that you’ve seen every last hentai site on the planet at this point. Hell, you might be right. But is that going to stop me from telling you about yet another nut-bustingly good hentai porn site? You bet your ass it won’t. I’ve got one that will knock your goddamn socks off in terms of quality and quantity of content. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Buckle in and I’ll give you the lowdown on every single thing you need to know about...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Harrys Hands

The darkness is exciting. The velvet blindfold is soft and somehow comforting as it blocks out everything except what Harry’s is doing. My hands and feet are tethered but I’m able to move a little and I try to force my body to meet Harry’s soft tongue as it dances on and around my pussy. I keep coming and its driving me crazy. I don’t even remember where I am. My whole world is centered on Harry’s wonderful tongue. The sensation is unbelievable and I want it to go on forever. I came for the...

1 year ago
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Susie and Me part 2

“W…what?” Susie looked at me in horror. “No, we can’t be related …it’s impossible! My God, if it is true…” She gasped. “Oh Benjy, I hope it isn’t true!” She buried her face in my chest and I stroked her hair gently. “I wish it wasn’t true, but look at the facts, same birthday, same parents name, born in the same room at the same time, both adopted, we always knew what the other was thinking…we even look alike.” She looked at me again, tears in her eyes. “But Benjy, that’s incest, it’s illegal,...

4 years ago
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My First Orgysex Party

Today I was invited to my first every orgy. My old fuck buddy Alex, and his boyfriend Adam, get together with a group of guys every month or so, usually six to eight guys, mostly couples but some invited single guys. I can’t believe Alex had never told me about this because it sounds fucking hot!!! This Wednesday, Alex and Adam are hosting the event at their place, they have seven guys confirmed so far and right now there is only one true bottom among the group (Alex is versatile as are a...

3 years ago
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The Conquest of Alison the Cruise Director

The Captain addressed the passengers yesterday to explain the risk transiting the Gulf of Aden. The Seabourn Pride was on a five-day cruise sailing from Muscat, Oman to Safaga, Egypt. The large map projection in the ship’s main theater displayed Yemen to the north and to the south, Somalia. He used a laser pointer to show a high-risk area, but he reassured all aboard that the high-risk area did not constitute a major risk. Not to make light of the situation, he concluded that cargo ships had...

1 year ago
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Pet Puppy Playtime

Cal came home from work carrying a package. Amanda asked, "What is in the package?" Cal said, "Something for later, when we are with Max and Lenora." It had been a week since Amanda had fucked Lenora with a huge strap on cock. She still smiled when she thought about it. Lately, she had asked Cal about pet play and bitch suits. Max and Lenora liked the idea and had done a little puppy play. Cal and Amanda went to Max's house. Cal brought the package along too. The two couples entered the...

3 years ago
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Owned Family CH4 Birthday Surprise

This is a continuation of a story about a family that submits to their black neighbor. If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, bestiality, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Owned Family CH4: Birthday Surprise Over the last month my life had turned upside down. My family was now owned by Tyrone, our tall black neighbor. He used us for his sexual pleasure. Almost daily I would have his cock in my...

1 year ago
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PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van Heckle, (Dottie to most people) was a tall distinguished looking woman with grey hair (she was about 60) and a firm voice. She had directed this school since the beginning. She was an enigma to most. There were many rumours about her, but nothing was ever proven or investigated. One persistent rumour was that she had wild parties in her very pPRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van...

2 years ago
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Teacher Holds Tightly

She was so lonely, so very lonely. Her husband passed away just three months ago. The person she would turn to in times of such desperate need was gone. She missed him and needed the safety of his arms. She needed to be sheltered from the pain. She needed to be comforted and told that everything would be all right. She tried the best she could to clear her head. She had just returned to school this semester. Still shaken by her troubles, she tried to continue a normal life. Calculus was just...

4 years ago
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Fucking at office continues

Hi ISS readers I hope you all remember me from Fucking in Office. I am Aboli the hot call centre girl. LAtely there is one incident that I felt I should narrate in ISS. It was 3 in the noon when I returned to my flat in downtown Pune. I was sharing this flat with another call centre girl called Shilpa. Shilpa was a dark slim girl from rural Maharashtra who had enjoyed numerous sessions after joining our company. When I entered the flat I saw Shilpa my supervisor Karan and an unknown man sitting...

1 year ago
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My girlfriends secret revised with spelling error

I've been with Rose for almost three years, nothing was going to change the way I felt about her, nothing.It was New Years Eve when I found out, but only because she didn't want to keep any secrets from me. So it was New Years Eve, Rose and I were in the living room watching t.v. Rose was laying with her head on my shoulder and her legs were up on the coushin because the couch only had two seats, I wasn't complaining. Rose's dad Mike walked in, "Hey, do either of you two want a beer?" Mike was...

2 years ago
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Making Love in the City of Love

Wednesday November 24, 2004 is a day which my wife Julie and I will never forget. That day, I bought a lottery ticket while on my lunch break at work. The following morning (Thanksgiving Day), I checked the lottery results online and was shocked to learn that I held the lone winning ticket for the $234,000,000 jackpot. The following Monday, Julie and I both presented our bosses with written notification that December 31 would be our final day with our respective companies. When we were both...

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Innocent And Horny Air Hostess

Hi guys, this is another story which I would like to share with you all. My name is Rajeev, I am 21 years old, I am 6ft tall and have an average physique. The heroine of this story is an air hostess I met during my recent trips in the month of February. Her name is Lydia (name changed) and her body figure is 36-28-36. She is very beautiful and hot. It was about 2 am when the boarding started from Pune to Kochi. So I saw this very beautiful air hostess Lydia who was welcoming everyone into the...

3 years ago
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Illusions Lost

This is my first submission to Literotica Stories, hopefully not the last. This story was originally going to be sent to an anthology contest, but by the time I was finished and ready to submit it, it was reported that the publishers were no longer going to make the books. A missed opportunity. So, I decided to submit it here instead. I hope you like it. ___________________________ Captain Picard paced the length of his ready room still not believing his luck, and wasn’t sure whether it was...

2 years ago
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Making More Dreams Come True

The events depicted in this story take place in the months following the end of Making Dreams Come True and so may possibly make more sense if that story is read first. * * * Making More Dreams Come True by Writer 345© 1. Helena's At-Home It all began at one of Mom's "At-Homes". These are the soir?es that take place on the third Thursday afternoon of every month when we were "at home" to receive visitors - always members of "The C...

3 years ago
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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 12 Private II

In the meantime, Ibby, naked on the small stage of the chamber music room, was drawing two envelopes from a cardboard box held by Carl. She opened the first and read out what it said: “Student to be secured in a spread position and subjected to a full body whipping with a heavy whip.” Then she opened the second, tears flowing freely. “Student to be secured on the punishment horse with legs spread and subjected to a severe whipping of her vagina.”She resignedly extended her hands for Carl to...

2 years ago
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There Was This Girl 6 – Tiffany I was just on the way to pick up a new plane. New to me anyway, and I didn’t want to mess around with the service center when I left for home, so I stopped in at the Safeway just down from the airport near Fountain Road and Murray and ran in for some goodies. I’d spent the night in the hotel, flying in from Lambert the night before, which was Monday. It was already Tuesday. Time flies, right? Anyway, I went into Safeway, getting ready to veer left into the deli...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 11 Insidious Poison

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Eleven: Insidious Poison By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Thirty-One: The Naga's Domain Zizthithana – Kozzithni, The Shahdom of Shizhuth My serpentine, lower half wrapped about the slave's torso. My violet scales, marked with bright diamonds of bronze, entwined about his brawny chest. I felt his muscles beneath him, the Zeutchian trembling as I squeezed him. He sucked in a sharp breath, his torso swelling against my strong grip. I could...

3 years ago
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The Long and Winding Road Ch 02

Be My Angel: After three long weeks, I stood in the lobby of Sharon’s dorm waiting for her to appear. In a way, I was dreading the evening because I believed she didn’t want to go out with me and was doing it at her friend Carla’s behest. Sharon walked over to me and smiled. She looked stunning, her shimmering long, brown hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back. In the bright light I saw that it had a slight reddish tint. A brown turtleneck and tan hip huggers encased her slender...

3 years ago
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RebelChapter 69 Irish

"Since you like to travel so much," Lt. Foster said, "suppose you go back into the city there, open your ears and close your mouth, stay out of loose women's arms, and try to discover what these foul Redcoats are up to." I cooked some rations, drew more ammunition, looked to my gear and was on my way, proud to be trusted after being on the list of deserters for some time. The first night I was in the city, with my good horse carefully stabled, I ran into a very odd sort of business. As...

1 year ago
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Friendly Strangers

By Sunday, Debra has returned to her real life. Her weekend with me had only been a brief game. I stand alone in my kitchen, drinking coffee and watching the city through my window. The wet Virginia heat is auditioning for a lead role in hell today. Perhaps it’s time visit the north. I could go to New York and see about the will and visit my brother and his family while I’m at it. I mull over the details of my trip while I finish my coffee and have a bowl of Lucky Charms. I pay my pull-up bar...

2 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 3034

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER THIRTY Everything has been pretty normal at the club this week, particularly after the drama from last week. The honeymoon period from my return is starting to wear off. The crowd is still paying attention during my sets, but their reaction is not as lusty. Unfortunately, there is still a line to have sex with me most days, but it isn't as long. Everyone is starting to fall back into old routines, which is good and bad. I...

3 years ago
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A MILF finally gets laid and makes a video

For many years I have eyed a friend’s daughter wishing that I had met someone like her when I was 50 years younger. But age had taken it’s toll, and I had put on a lot of weight, lost most of my hair, and my sight and hearing were no longer perfect. But my sexual appetite was as good as any 18 year old, it was just the opportunity to use it that was lacking.Then unexpectedly this 30 something MILF arrived at my doorstep while my wife was away for a few days on a pottery course with a friend. “I...

4 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 22 Labor Day Weekend

It was another long miserable wait in the airport followed by a short miserable flight. On the flight out I was sandwiched between an overweight and sweaty businessman and a grandmother who spent the entire time showing me pictures of her grandchildren and telling me about them. The flight home was similar, only I was next to a Spanish-speaking grandmother and an overweight and sweaty businesswoman. At least this time I was spared the crying baby behind me. I called Mom from the terminal, and...

1 year ago
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A good friend

You, Eric, and your best friend Mimi love to hang out, but you seem to have landed yourself in the dreadful friendzone. You always visit her at her house, but in private because of her parents strictness towards dating boys. She clearly has feelings for you, but is too afraid to act on them. Today, you want to change that. Therefore, you cater a vivid bouquet of flowers to her door while her parents are at work.

4 years ago
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Ellen Goes to Amateur NightChapter 2 The Dance

Ellen heard the announcement and it made her jump. She quickly downed the rest of her drink as though the half a glass of tequila would help her through this. Seemingly from out of no where two other girls joined her in the march to dressing room. Every guy focused on the girls and as Ellen weaved her way between the tightly packed tables she felt her ass brush up against some of the boys. She didn't think it was accidental. A few made comments either to her or to the other members of their...

3 years ago
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In the Small Hours

In the small hours By Rachel Saunders The moon shone bright through the window as I mused. An angel was here lying next to me gently breathing. I thought about the previous week. I thought about all the emotions we had experienced today, and how wonderful it was to meet someone like her. I had met Kate online the previous week, chatting to her on MSN video. The first thing I did was make her laugh with all the silly jokes I had learnt. I always used comedy as an ice breaker and...

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