Anglo-Saxon ChroniclesChapter 2: An Interlude On Athelney free porn video

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In the second week of the New Year of Our Lord, Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight, The Danes broke out from their winter camp at Gleawanceaster and once more assailed the Kingdom of Ælfred. The King was at Cippanhamm for Yuletide when the Danes descended out of the snow on the small Saxon host. Ælfred and his companions were taken utterly by surprise. They tried to stand at the river but were overwhelmed. The fighting was fierce and bloody and the waters of that unhappy stream ran red with the bright heart's blood of Wessex. Ælfred was defeated and driven back beyond Selwood. The King, together with such remnants of his band as remained, took refuge amid the masterless men of the marshes on the isle of Athelingaig.

Among those who accompanied the King was one Edric, House Ceorl to the Ealdorman of Dornwaraceaster. Much of what follows is his story but it would make no sense without reference to the actions of the King at this time of his greatest trials.

Fr Asser of St Davids


In the Year of Our Lord, 908.

Author's Note

Following the death of Ivar in 871, the wars continued intermittently until 874. Halfdan took the majority of the Danish forces north away from Wessex, where resistance was strongest, and established a Kingdom centred on York - Jorvik to the invaders. At some point in 876, Halfdan departed England and the Danish army split into two. The southern faction was led by Guthrun, sometimes called Gudrun, who established himself in Eastern and Southern Mercia, forcing peace on the Mercian King, Ceolwulf.

This state of affairs was tantamount to a partition of the Mercian Kingdom and gave Guthrun a base at Gloucester, the Anglo-Saxon Gleawanceaster, from which he could again harass Wessex.

The principal place names I have used in this story are: Athelingaig - The Island of Athelney; Bradanforda is Bradford on Avon, where one can find one of the few extant Saxon Churches; Cippanhamm - Chippenham, Dornwaraceaster is Dorchester. Glestingaburg - Glastonbury and Ceoddor, modern-day Cheddar. The physical geography of Somerset in those days was very different from today. It is hard to see Athelney as an island these days and the area now known as the Levels was then alternately forest and swamp.

The main forest of Selwood divided the Kingdom of Wessex into two parts. Wessex proper ran from Kent through Sussex, Hampshire and Wiltshire and included eastern Dorset. Selwood ran almost north-south, from just above Dorchester to Calne, in Wiltshire. Wessex-beyond-Selwood was a wilder place. The towns were smaller and further apart and the landscape less hospitable. The land ran from the marshes of Somerset to the granite moors of Devon and the wild, wooded hills and valleys of West Dorset.

This distinction remains to this day. West of Selwood, one is aware of the space. The congruence of Somerset, Dorset and Devon is one of the most beautiful and unspoilt parts of England. I am happy to say it is where we now make our home.

Ælfred, Ætholnoth and Guthrun are, of course, historical characters. The rest, and this entire story, are my own imaginings.

An Interlude on Athelney, AD 878

"Edric! Edric! Come on, man, where the Devil are you?" Edric of Dornwaraceaster rose slowly from his sleeping- pallet and pushed aside the hides that covered the doorway. He emerged, blinking, into the wan daylight. As usual on this cursed isle it was raining, a fine drifting rain that covered everything, the sort of rain that a man does not heed until he is soaked to the skin.

Ælfred had arrived on Athelingaig with the remnants of his force the day before Easter. In the fortnight since, others had come straggling in, bringing both reinforcement and news. It seemed the Kingdom was lost. All of Wessex proper was subjugated by the Danes. Many had fled across the sea to the land of the Franks. Only here, beyond Selwood, were men still free. Edric wiped his eyes and looked about him.

He was a tall man, well above the average, with a long face and prominent ears. His bare arms showed countless old whitened scars, little legacies of a life of conflict. A livid purple line was slashed across his brow, evidence of another and more recent wound received in the service of his King and the Land of Wessex.

Of all the marks he bore, this was the one he hated, for it had taken his honour. That day at Cippanhamm -- he felt heart-sick in its remembrance. He had served his Ealdorman for nigh on fifteen years, had taken wounds in his defence. At Cippanhamm his Lord had fallen. Edric had been powerless to save him, rendered insensible by a blow from a Danish sword to the head. His helmet had saved his life but that was as nothing to the loss of his reputation. The code of the House Ceorl was a harsh one. A man should not survive his sworn Lord, his Ring-Giver. His companions had all fallen at their Lord's side, defending the tattered banner of Dornwaraceaster. Edric should have died among them. Thus he lived, a ni-thing, a man without a master. Such thoughts consumed his every waking hour and troubled his dreams, also.

"There you are, you ugly bastard. The King has sent for you. Look sharp, now!"

It was Hereward of Middletun, made Ealdorman at the young age of seventeen and standing high in the King's favour. Edric liked Hereward, most people did. He was a cheerful young man, even now barely three and twenty. Edric may have felt a twinge of jealousy at Hereward's renown but could not find in his heart to resent the younger man.

"What does Ælfred want of me?"

"His horse has died and he wants you to carry him!"

"A task I'm fit enough for."

"Oh, don't take on, man. No one blames you for your Lord's misfortune. The King has need of you now, so look lively!"

Edric smoothed his clothes as best he could. Hereward could hardly suppress a grin, as the big warrior pulled stray bits of straw from his tunic and beard. They walked together to the King's hut. Edric moved ponderously. His shoulders seemed too wide, even for his height, and they rolled as he walked. By contrast, Hereward was light and graceful, seeming to glide along beside the larger man.

The King was seated outside the hut at a rough wooden table. Moisture sparkled in his hair and beard but he did not heed the rain. Several of his Thegns and House Ceorls stood or sat nearby. He looked up as Edric and Hereward approached; gave a nod to Hereward, who moved to one side.

"Edric of Dornwaraceaster, thank you for coming so early. I have need of your services."

"Are you sure it's me you need, My Lord?"

A flash of irritation crossed the King's face and then he smiled.

"Edric, I understand your pain. You feel you have lost all honour. We, who fought that day at Cippanhamm and saw your master fall, know different. You fought as a man should for as long as you were able. Your Lord is dead now, and we pray, with the saints. Now I have need of you. Will you refuse me?"

"Never, Lord. You have only to command me."

"Good! Now, if you can accomplish that which I now desire, you shall become Ælfred's man. Seventeen House Ceorls I lost at Cippenhamm. There is a place at my table for you, if you will but take it."

Ælfred knew his man. To simply give Edric a new position would have failed. The man was too proud. But to earn a place among the King's Ceorls - that was a challenge he would respond to. His sense of duty to the King would let him make the attempt. His honour would be satisfied only by success. Ælfred knew Edric would not return if he failed. He would succeed or literally die trying.

"How may I serve you?"

"The Abbess of Glestingaburg has sent word. She has provided succour to several of our wounded. She has also given shelter to a number of women and children who fled the pagans. I am taking a force to escort them here. I need you to draw away the Danes. I want you to take a small band and harry them. Hit and run. Can you do this for me?"

Edric brightened visibly. Here was a chance for him to avenge his master and recover his pride. "That I will, My Lord!" Ælfred smiled. The King had an infectious smile that lightened the hearts of those about him. He was not yet thirty years old and had been King for seven years. He had never expected to sit on the throne of Wessex, being the youngest son of King Æthelwulf.

"There is one other charge I must give you."

"You have but to ask, My Lord."

"Today we had great news! The pagans sent an army out of Cymru, to attack our lands in the West. They came to battle at Cynuit Hill and were destroyed."

"Great news indeed, My Lord."

"I want you to spread the word of this victory and tell all you meet that the Fyrd is summoned by Ælfred to come to Egbert's Stone at Whitsuntide, five weeks from today. This time we will not fail or Wessex will be no more."

"It shall be as you command."

Edric spent the rest of the day in preparation. He chose local men to ride with him, men of the King's Royal Estate at Ceoddor. The following day he rode out with forty well-mounted warriors at his back, heading north, towards Gleawanceaster. They had ridden but half a day when they came upon a small host, heading for Athelingaig. At its head rode Ætholnoth, Thegn of Sumurtun, and the chief of the King's men in those parts. Edric exchanged news with the grizzled old veteran and Ætholnoth gave him twenty more warriors to supplement the band.

"The King will be glad of you and your men," Edric told the Thegn. "He rides this day to Glestingaburg to bring the wounded and the women in."

"First I ride to the west, for we have news of a raiding party towards Tantun. I mean to warm their arses before I go to Athelingaig. There's sport for you to the east as well. The Danes forage far and wide out of Cippanhamm. They seem to believe they own the place!"

"Then we must teach them different!"

And with this, they parted, Ætholnoth to Tantun and Edric to the northeast. At each village and holding, he sent messengers to gather news and pass the word of the mustering at Egbert's Stone. Whenever they saw large bodies of Danish troops, they would linger long enough to be seen, and for the pursuit to start, before drawing away, ever eastwards. Thus it was that Ælfred was able to bring the folk from Glestingaburg unmolested. It was on their return leg, as they approached the great sweep of Selwood from the East, they had their first true encounter with the enemy.

Five days of running from a fight had made the band restive and now, as they saw a small party of pagans driving off cattle, they saw their opportunity at last. Edric led his men round a hill capped with a ring of trees: the sort men said were groves of the Druids in ancient times. Saxons fight on foot, so they dismounted in the tree line, leaving half a dozen as horse-holders. The fighting men ran lightly over the tussocky ground to a ford they knew the raiders would have to cross. Here, Edric divided his men, sending twenty into the woods on the far side with the rest ordered into the river, to crouch from sight beneath the riverbank.

The Danes came on, unawares. Edric waited until they were almost at the river. He gave a great yell "God Almighty!!!" and led the charge. An echoing shout came from the woods behind and the Danes found themselves caught between hammer and anvil. It was not battle - it was slaughter. Eighteen invaders died in the blink of an eye. Blood turned the approaches to the ford to sanguineous mud. The axe-blades drank their fill. Edric roared to his men "You see they can be beaten! They die like any other vermin. Now, round up the cattle and we'll take them home!"

The villagers were stunned. The Danes had arrived at dawn, stolen their cattle and taken what few precious things they could find. They had murdered the headman and the hedge-priest and fired the Great Barn. The women and children had fled to the woods at the raiders' approach. They were only now emerging as the Saxons rode in with the rescued cattle.

"God be praised!" A woman's voice rose from the crowd. She broke the spell, for suddenly they were surrounded by excited faces, clamouring for news and demanding an account of the battle. Edric was a taciturn man and lacked facility with words. He had never been easy other than in the company of warriors. He envied those at court who could jest and recount stories. He looked around the crowd and reddened. He lifted his voice. "We caught them by yonder ford and killed them." The villagers looked on expectantly, for Saxons love a good tale. There was an awkward silence. "I'm no bard," Edric said at length. "Let some other tell it." And with this he moved a little way off, hearing as he did so, the voices of his men, competing to tell the story.

He dismounted and began to rub down his horse with a handful of dry grass. He cursed himself inwardly for his inability to speak to his fellows, other than to give orders or discuss tactics. He felt at home only among others of his kind: warriors. He was thirty-one years old and had never married; had never known a woman other than the drabs that followed the armies. He could count his friends on one hand. It was little to show for a life of service.

"I see that, for you, the glory's in the doing, not the telling." The woman's voice was low and well modulated, without strong accent. Edric nodded and turned to face the speaker. "I am Godgifu, daughter of Oswulf of Bradanforda." She was unmarried, then, for she had not named herself as any man's wife. She was tall and full-breasted. Her fair hair was braided and coiled and about her head. She wore a simple dress of fine green wool, belted about a slim waist. He guessed her age to be not too many years above twenty. She could not have been called handsome, for her features were large and bore the scars of some childhood ailment. Yet there was something about her that called to Edric. There was an aura about her. It spoke to the warrior of calm self-assurance. Her eyes, he saw, were beautiful, brilliant blue and kind, somehow. It was as if she could look inside him and see the pain. He was dumbstruck.

"And are you always so frugal with words, My Lord?"

"I'm no Lord. I'm ni-thing."

"That, I cannot credit. How so?"

"House Ceorl to the late Ealdorman of Dornwaraceaster. He died, I lived."

"At Cippanhamm on Twelfth Night?"


"What happened?"

"I took this," he indicated his scarred brow, "Lost my senses for a while. When I came to myself again, the day was lost, my lord with it."

"But none can blame you, surely. You took a wound, and not the first, by your scars. What of the new Lord?"

"I failed his sire, what need has he of such as me?"

"Then he's a puppy and fool, to boot. I see you for a valiant man."

"Then you see more than most."

"More than most, or just more than you?"

Edric shrugged. He grew uncomfortable under the woman's gaze. He knew, deep down, that she had the right of it. He knew he was no coward. Yet the new Ealdorman, his lord's son, had spurned him. He was a puppy, she was right. He hadn't been at Cippanhamm when the Danes had surprised the Saxons, attacking, out of common custom, in the dead of winter. The lad's refusal had cut Edric to the quick. He had been weak from his wound, barely able to stand when he had offered the heir his service. "By God," the boy had drawled, "I think not. See what your service brought my father!" Edric had slunk away liked a whipped cur, to lick his wounds on Athelingaig.

"Cat got your tongue? Or is it that that blow took your wits and you can't remember your own name?"

"I am Edric, once of Dornwaraceaster and now of Athelingaig. But what of you? You name yourself a Thegn's a daughter yet here you are in this midden."

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Agents of Gor Part 85 Third Interlude

Agents of Gor: Part 8.5 - Third interlude Some Girls Consider the Meaning of Silks before they Sleep. by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the...

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Interlude Day 1

Interlude, Day 1 I have the opportunity for a full 48 hours as Kim. Even though I am working on my other story, Yankee Swap, I started by journaling the events of this time. Will it stay autobiographical or wander off into fantasy? Tell me in the comments section what you think is real, and what is illusion. No prizes, but kudos to those who guess well! Dear Reader, My wife and I have worked out a truce of sorts over the years about my cross-dressing. First, I get to do...

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Waking in Chinatown Transformative Interlude

TRANSFORMATIVE INTERLUDE It is a beautiful day, still morning. I am sitting in a parked Lexus in China Town with my mentor, beautiful, glamorous Suzi. I'm in something of a daze, a blissful daze, gazing out the windshield while listening to Suzi explain the stages of my transformation and the training that will develop my escorting skills so that I can fulfill my commitment to my new employer. Everything is becoming clearer to me now, as my memory is coming back. I gaze at Suzi...

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Afternoon Interlude

Afternoon InterludeCeleste looked at her watch. It can't be only 9:30am. Celeste has been counting the minutes until she could sneak away for an early lunch. She had an order from Dom Adam to meet at the Hotel Mirtle around the corner at 11am sharp! Celeste began to heat up just thinking about that order. Her boss was gone for the day and would not miss her for a couple of hours. Tick Tock. That clock had never moved so slowly before today. Celeste tried to concentrate on her menial accounting...

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Desert Interlude

Desert Fun.    Norm deals with an associates wife's indiscretions firmly but gently.She swept into the Casino like an old time film star, a vision in white and cream, immaculate grooming her blond hair cascading over her shoulders. Conversation diminished as men turned to stare and women scowl with jealousy. I stood and she changed direction to glide towards me, "Mr McGuire" I kissed her gloved hand."Ah Mrs Stephens, you came". "Was it not, as they say, an offer I could not refuse."...

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Junior Year Part IIInterlude 2

Author’s Note: I’ve been working to create a version of the Stupid Boy stories for a wider distribution. One thing that was pointed out was that the stories were too long. To that end I broke them into smaller books. At the beginning of each I’ve added an Interlude to introduce the readers to a more in-depth look at different characters. Kara Tasman is featured in the next chapter, so I thought you might enjoy reading about her. Note that this is from the Freshman Year timeframe, right after...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 404 the Start of a Social Interlude

Mid- to Late-September 2007 I'll stop describing the details of my Voyage of Discovery in order to devote some chapters to a "Social Interlude". I'm sure you understand that I - 8B, the just arrived minds - need R&R (Rest and Recreation) even more than I want to experiment with my special abilities, as required by my job as the Voyager. That's especially true for the minds that had rolled the twelve 6s to start the Voyage. R&R and experimentation were both good reasons to pause...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 28 Fornax Cluster Interlude

The Herald was back in a holding cell aboard the same space station he had been freed not so long ago. This time he was not in a stasis field but from his head down in a clear plastic material suit with a metallic collar. No matter what he had tried, the material not only slowed down his every move, it resisted his diamond hard needle sharp claws. Right now the suit had bonded with the wall and he could not move even a few centimeters. He decided to research this more once he was free again....

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 30 Interlude Luna

His new aide alsdo a Commander came into the office of the Admiral and said. “I am unable to raise the Commander or the Midshipman. The local police found the Laboratory empty, but found the flier of the Xenobiologist 3 miles away near the mountains. No sign of the two. There is a piece of ground burned by TKU before a cave entrance.” The Admiral leaned back and pointed at the file he was reading.” I was reading up on the Big Bone Mystery and I wonder why we never put more efforts in this to...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 36 Interlude Boneyard

Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...

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Its Always the Quiet OnesInterlude Thursday Night

This is not a typical chapter. It is an interlude which takes place on Thursday night, parallel to Chapter 5. I am taking this special opportunity to do something a little different: a collaborative writing. I want to thank SpacerX for all of his wonderful assistance, advice, ideas, inspiration, proofreading, and permission to play in his universe. And I hope that you all, both his fans and mine, will enjoy this little excursion. The music was soft, simple, and relaxing. Pan flutes were...

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Two DiariesInterlude

Interlude: a possible future From Amanda’s diary: How was I going to live without Fiona? Gods, I missed her so. I was crying my eyes out at the airport when we said good-bye. She stood there, upright and serious, with a stoical expression on her face. I couldn’t tell if she even cared about leaving me for months. She hugged me and let me bury my face against her. I hoped I wouldn’t stain her clothes with my silly tears, but I couldn’t help it. It was all I could do to go on breathing...

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Joannes Interlude

As Betty recounted the events of her last tryst with Bill, Joanne’s mind wandered. Images of him swam in her head. Those images were clipped from afternoons he’d spent at her pool with Sarah, her daughter. Evenings he’d stayed for dinner. And then there were the memories of Sarah’s moans and cries as Bill fucked her senseless in her bedroom. The bedroom next to Joanne’s. Joanne couldn’t hear every breath they took. But she heard enough to know that Bill was nearly insatiable. Bill had...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 19 Interludes

Interludes It was the burning sensation on her arse that woke Ginny. Still half asleep she reached down to rub at the sore spot and found another hand there. She felt around a bit and realized it was a woman’s hand. This finally pulled her up out of sleep and she remembered what had happened and why her arse was so deliciously sore. ------ She had been looking for a second shot at her bungled Friday night date when she ran into just the person she was looking for, Katie Jordan. She...

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Two in a Body An Interlude

I woke up to find Gayle was already pulling on his gray suit. He’d just showered, the scent of his lavender soap was strong in the air still. That was unusual that I would notice, I usually couldn’t smell him. ‘Oh, you’re up.’ Gayle said casually as he pulled his shoulder length chocolate tresses behind his shoulders tying a black ribbon to keep it in a single tail. ‘Yes I am.’ I replied. I wasn’t sure where we were or how I had gotten there. I remembered Raphael from the night before, and the...

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House Slut 26 Interlude

-phenylalanine Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text - unsure why. Hopefully it’s fixed. -phenylalanine The next week went by fairly sedately compared to her other recent activity, and after that Tegan had her scheduled week off to allow for her monthly visitor. As far as Tegan could tell Brandon and Yeong were progressing nicely and in the brief moments she saw them seemed happy together, in a...

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Virtue or Vice Interlude

An Arresting Officer Officer Greg Morris couldn’t wait for his shift to end, so he could just go home, pop a few beers, put his feet up and call it a day. It had been one of those days that just seemed endless. Greg was proud to be a Police Officer. He worked hard, was diligent, helpful to everyone, did whatever was required of him. He took his job seriously. Greg was proud to say that he had yet to ever draw his weapon, despite working in a tough area. Greg was also proud to say that he had...

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Master Master Part 15 Interlude

Momo: Housecat. She’s very lazy and affectionate, loves to speak in third person. Sonja: Golden doodle. She’s very happy and energetic. Chloe: Mouse. She’s shy and is afraid of everything. Betty: Milking cow. She’s highly intelligent and mature with a dominant personality until she herself is dominated. Leah: Yellow-spotted salamander. The most animal-like of the hybrids, she is a mute and retains the same metabolism and skin as her original form. Her sweat is addictively sweet and...

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Health 101 Professors Interlude

I sat in my office, pretending to grade papers. I had a big pile of student reports describing their experiences with masturbation, kissing, and oral sex. They were all progressing. But was I giving them what they needed? Was anyone being left behind due to lack of individual attention? It would be so much better if I could work with just one couple at a time….I buried my face in my hands. I had done this many times before, yet at this point in every semester I was assailed by the same doubts....

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Bk 2 Ch 1 Interlude

Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone screaming. When she finally came to she was lying down, staring at a strange ceiling. Confused, she tried to sit up... and immediately regretted it as pain lanced through her chest and...

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Interlude with my hot wife

This is a bit of a look into our life. This is a true story, short, but honest. I was horny as hell, no other way to soften the expression, horny, wanting to pounce and pound my wife with reckless abandon. But as is usual with me I didn’t want to cum fast, I wanted to draw out any pleasure, keep things going as long as possible so that my mind is swimming in the experience. I also wanted to make sure my wife cums first. That’s important to me. This doesn’t mean to say that in the past...

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PROLOGUE: After Anne and Jamie’s ordeal in the bathroom of their place of work, they decided to become life partners, and have hopes of getting married, but sadly, they cannot due to the non-gay marriage in their state of residence, but none the less, they still love each other dearly. It has been 3 months when they first met….and this is that story. Anne awoke at around 2:30 AM, feeling groggy, she went to the kitchen to get some cough medicine for her cold and a hot cup of...

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Romantic Interlude

Rod wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She nearly gasped as his lips found hers, his tongue gently pressing between her lips, his arms tightening around her waist. His hands slid up her back and back down to her waist again as the kiss continued for a few more moments before his grasp of her loosened and he stepped back. ‘Wow,’ she stammered as she stepped back and looked up at him. ‘I um, wasn’t quite expecting that!’ He simply smiled and they began talking about the...

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Sweet Interlude

The following is a story of romance, discovery and love. If you’re looking for a lot of hot sex, it isn’t the story for you. The sex comes at the end and is hopefully loving, tender and gentle. I have to thank my muse, the lovely Mona Lisa of Literotica. XOXOXOX’s to you, Sweet Thing. * I thought the first thing I would have noticed as I entered the luxurious penthouse apartment might have been the lavish furniture or the fine art along the wall or the exquisite chandelier in the entryway....

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Interlude 1777

Seventeen He had made an appointment for her to receive a massage, something he knew she loved to enjoy. The appointment was for the middle of the morning, at a private cabana on the beach. She had no idea what she was in store for, other than a massage. The appointment card that was waiting for her when she had checked in the previous evening had just given her a time, a location, and a request to wear her bathing suit. A few minutes before 10:30am, she left their room. He had already gone...

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Interlude 0677

Six The trip to the spa a month ago had been memorable. She still wasn’t sure who had gotten her off while she was motionless on the massage table. He had not spilled the beans, and was clearly enjoying toying with her about it. A return visit to interrogate Hiroko wasn’t in the cards, that would certainly be awkward no matter what Hiroko’s answer would be. In any case, she still got the warm and fuzzies when thoughts drifted back to that day. It would be good for him to experience the spa,...

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Interlude 0477

Four Her birthday was approaching. At this stage of life, it was not the cause for celebration as it was many years ago. Oh well, just another day. An envelope was on her work desk. She opens it, curious. It is a birthday card, from him. It is a simple card, nothing to indicate the nature of their friendship. There is also a business card. It is from a spa. A very exclusive spa, if she remembered the TV news report from some months ago correctly. At the bottom of the card is a hand written...

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Interlude 1377

Thirteen His birthday was approaching, and she wanted to do something special for him, something they hadn’t done before. Had to be sexual, of course. After thinking about it for a few days, she decided to give him her butt. He had mentioned anal sex a couple of times in passing, but had never actually come out and asked for it. He had admitted that he had never had a woman who was interested enough to allow him to experience it. So, he was a virgin, at least in that respect. She was not a...

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Interlude 0877

Eight It is late one normal work afternoon. About an hour to go, and she’ll be able to walk out on another forgettable day. Her computer dings, signaling an incoming email. Automatically, she flips pages to the email program, and double clicks the new entry without even looking at the title or who it is from. It starts off: ‘I hope you are having a good day. In case that isn’t happening, here is something to distract you.’ Thinking she’d been SPAM’ed, she starts thinking of the harsh call...

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Sam and Lara Interlude

It’s been a week of turmoil for both ladies. Lara wished she had put on the note to Sam to call her on a week night Sam was hardly able to suppress her excitement and nervousness, the wait was simply excruciating. Sam’s work usually ticked by with ease, but now seemed to drag by at an almost slow motioned rate. It wasn’t much better at home either, time seemed to be spent either reliving the Vegas experience, or wondering what to say when it came time for the phone call. Why had Lara been...

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