Barbarian World
- 3 years ago
- 22
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It looked like Iulius and Atrius had taken their time but I realised that they would not. Helvius and Curtius had come back and gave me a price they had found but it sounded quite high to me. The tax collector had left but one man stayed behind to make sure nothing entered Gallia untaxed.
Rufus and I continued to play chess. Helvius and Curtius moved over to the stevedores and talked to them as Manlius was doing. It would be something to find some converts here. The men were little better than thieves and thugs and a belief, no matter what it was, had to have something to bite onto.
A few hours later and a few cups later I said to Rufus through some oddly working lips, "Is the food of Paris as bad as its wine?"
"You mean Lutetia again. If anything, it is worse."
"Let's see if they deliver."
"What is that?"
"You call a restaurant and order your meal. They drive over to deliver it and you pay then."
"I never heard of that before. Is that from the land of the gods?"
"Ya, you just look in the phone book and push the numbers. Have you ever had Indian food? I hated curry but it kinda grows on you. Chinese food is better and I like their hot sauce. Did you ever try that?"
"Who are the Indians and the Chinese?"
"Forgot, we haven't got there yet." I realised again that I was not helping matters so I concentrated on my liver and tried to get it to process the alcohol a bit faster.
Somehow we got a meal and I had to assume it was our own men doing this. Chess was not working for us but Rufus wanted to see how he faired with me with our practice swords. I slipped the rest of my drink into his cup and Manlius took the bottle and said, "Should you be doing this?"
"It is just a bit of fun. My liver will work better if I am moving around a bit I hope."
"If you say so."
When we got the practice swords Rufus said, "These toys are made for children. Let me get my own."
Manlius and Helvius blocked him for some reason so Rufus had to use the one he had. He tried to brain me and my sword moved out and slapped him on his large belly. He stopped to look at where it had hit then tried to hit me again. I hit him again but on the thigh. I was not as fast as I should be and my shoulder was hit and a glancing blow across my arm.
Rufus called time to drink then came at me again. It was not long before Rufus was fighting like a wild man. I hit him time and again but some of his blows somehow got through. The match must have stopped because Manlius was holding me back and both Curtius and Helvius were in front of Rufus.
We were given seats then Manlius washed the blood from me and examined the wounds. I think he said, "You may need stitches."
"The gods will heal me. Watch."
I concentrated on the damaged area and constricted the vessels to slow down the haemorrhage until I knew that it stopped. Manlius wiped away more blood but then stopped.
"You are right. It just stopped."
"What does that mean? It sounds like a foreign tongue."
"I told you it would work."
I saw the Rufus though was in worse shape. He was on his back and people were around him. I moved to him and had to push some people aside to see. The man must have fallen down. He was bloody all over and had bruises on his face.
I got close to the man and bent down. There were some ripped skin too. I said to nobody in general, "I need my medical kit," then had to repeat it in a language they understood.
I cleaned the first wound on his cheek but it would not stop bleeding. I put my hands on both sides of the wound and concentrated on Rufus' body and then this particular wound. The blood stopped in a minute but the reaction time was slow.
Another area on his thigh was bleeding and thought to stop this before taking on my tailoring duties. I seemed to get the hang of it and the blood stopped much quicker.
Curtius directed me to a wound on the scalp and I moved there and stopped that too. When I reached for my sutures, Curtius said, "Let me do it. I have not done this much and need the practice."
"Ok," I said then had to say it in Latin.
In a moment I was being fed though I was not hungry but it felt better to do this than argue. Manlius led me over to my pallet and I decided that a rest was a good idea.
I was dreaming of a cruise Nora and I took when I was awoke by a hand on my shoulder. I turned and opened my eyes. Iulius was there and looked serious.
He said, "I leave for a while and you act like a child. You have to get up. We have company."
I pushed myself erect. My head pounded and tried to fix this but just deadened the pain instead. The dock was covered in soldiers and on second look all of them were officers. It was dark but there were a lot of torches now.
Iulius held me for a moment then I gained my centre and stood unaided. When Iulius moved forward I took my cue from him until one man was in front and above us.
"Jón, this is Julian Constantius. Caesar of Gaul, Hispania, Britannia Germania Superior and Germania Inferior." He went on to give a few more titles but I knew he was going to be the Augustus or what was commonly known as the Augustus soon. He was clean shaven but I think the coin I saw had him wearing a beard. He looked to be in fair shape. I knew he lead from the front not the rear when it came to fighting.
Iulius did not go into my heritage but said that I was the messenger of Woden. This was better than all the other bullshit anyway.
The effects of the alcohol were leaving now but I had to keep my defences up because of my headache. I moved forward when Iulius finished and reached up with my right hand and said, "Glad to meet you Julian Constantius, Caesar of Gaul."
Julian had to bend over but took my hand in his and after I squeezed he did too. I hated limp handshakes even from women.
"I am glad to meet the messenger of the gods too. What happened here?"
"A fat blood sucker kept me from unloading the cargo I was bringing you. The Captain and I had some 'Nectar of the Gods' while we played chess then he wanted a lesson in oriental swordsmanship."
"I can see that he taught you something too."
"I have not got drunk before and I guess I will have to watch myself in the future. My head hurts and I guess Rufus' must too."
"What is this 'Nectar of the Gods'?"
"Better to try it." I turned around and Rufus was not in sight so I turned back and said, "You may as well come aboard. I am getting a sore neck talking up to you."
The man came aboard but ordered his men to stay on the dock. There was not a lot of room on the ship. Manlius went to fetch the bottle and I presented it to Julian.
The man took the large bottle and admired one surface at a time before turning it to the next.
Rufus must have been awakened and came forward with a stagger. He stood as close as I was to Julian and said, "That stuff came from the gods. It burns with a blue flame of truth and destroyed my reason."
I said, "Caesar, this is Rufus the Captain and owner of this fine ship."
Julian just glanced at him but said nothing. Julian finished examining the bottle then went to the paper tag around the neck. He tried to read the inscription but had to move to some better light.
"What is this symbol here? You better tell me what all of it means."
I stood beside him and said, "That symbol means percent. One half is fifty percent and a fifth is twenty percent. The label tells where the brandy was made, the name of the winery and then the date."
"What does the percent mean here?"
"Wine has something in it that makes us do stupid things. It is called ethyl alcohol. There are a lot of different kinds but they are all poisonous. My headache tells me that this one is too. Wine is usually five to twelve percent though it can go higher with selected yeasts. That is the plant that eats the sweet part of the grape juice and produces the alcohol."
"How come yours says, eighty percent?"
"We take good wine and remove the water. This is new brandy and if it stays many more years in oak barrels then it gains the flavour of the wood and is not as rough as what you hold in your hands."
"What does it taste like?"
Rufus quickly said, "Are you a man or a mouse?"
The men on the dock thought this an insult and put their hands to their weapons. Julian said, "I would call myself a man."
"Take a mouthful like I did and see if you squeak like a mouse or stand like a man."
Julian thought for a few seconds and worried loose the cork and took a good mouthful. He was not as bad as Rufus because he swallowed it quickly. When he recovered he said, "This nectar may well be poison. It warms the stomach and burns the throat. How can a man drink this stuff?"
I said, "In a moment take a very small sip."
Rufus quickly said with a slur, "Like a mouse."
This sounded like a dare and Julian took a small sip and savoured the taste. "It is not bad."
Rufus stood tall and banged his chest like a Frisian and he said loudly, "I am..." then in a small voice, "a mouse."
Julian smiled and said, "I may be a mouse after all."
He handed the bottle to Manlius and asked me, "What have you brought me?"
"More armour and weapons like we sent you before."
"That is splendid. There is no better swords or armour anywhere in the world."
"We brought a wide range of our products. Some have to be seen to be appreciated."
"I would like to see them."
"I have to be blunt like Rufus and ask if your officers will help. A good portion of this is military equipment but not all. I can teach them about a hoist but then they have to carry the boxes off the dock to make room. We have three ships to unload."
"Did you bring... any of those other weapons."
I understood what he meant and said, "We have to have a serious talk first. I was given a glimpse of your fate unless we can change it."
"What is it?" he asked eagerly.
"Do you want me to talk to you on a dock about your future?"
"Perhaps not. Tell me what you want done."
"The crates on the dock have to be moved to solid ground and room made for the rest of the cargo."
Julian gave his orders and his men started to help but they didn't like doing manual work.
I called out loudly, "Those crates contain death to our enemies. Drop them and they will take your lives too." This worked. Now they had fear even if it was of the unknown.
Julian looked at our crane and the rope falls then had to try himself. He got to try for a while until Rufus wanted to push him away. I got Rufus' men to keep him away before he hurt someone or himself.
It was an hour past dawn by the time we were done. I saw that little water had leaked in and none of the crates appeared to be damaged. Rufus' head was now pounding and he just sat with his hands over his ears as if this would confer protection.
I vaguely remembered stopping the bleeding and walked over to him. I put a hand on each side of his hairy head and thought at him. In a moment I got his body to hide the pain. He would be cured naturally in a few hours.
Rufus looked at me with a stunned look and slid off of his seat and knelt before me. His voice was soon able to say, "You healed me."
"You are a friend. I took away the pain only. You will heal naturally."
"You healed me."
I put my hands down and pulled him up. He saw this and helped far more than I could do. I said, "You do not kneel to me. A man kneels to a god and a god alone. You should be courteous to a man. If the man is of high rank and needs a bow then do so. Only kneel when you have to work within the customs of a land that require it."
"But, you healed me."
"Rufus, you dolt. I said I removed your pain. Is that so hard to get through your thick Roman head?"
"No... I guess not."
"Good. I handed him the leather bag and said, "The ships did not leak though it was close for some. You have your bonus."
"I do not need a bonus, my lord."
"Rufus, I am going to box your ears. I am Jón. That is all. If there are a lot of Jóns around then you can say Jón of Germania."
"I will remember, Jón of Germania. I do not feel that I should take the silver."
"You will take the silver or I will be angry with you." His hand then came out and took it reluctantly.
I said to him, "I am not telling you how to handle your life but I want to build some real ships. If you are going to trade along the Rhine then you could carry back a cargo of copper, brass, bronze, silk and all the hemp and hemp seed you can get your hands on."
"I will do that. I do not want to go back with an empty hold."
"When you trade, you may want to get some brandy. Trade it in very small amounts and charge a lot of money for it."
"I will do so my... Jón."
I shook hands with the man and turned around to see everybody staring at us or at me. I shook hands with all of the crew and climbed to the dock. Julian was waiting and we walked to the pile of crates. The crane was already there and waiting.
Julian had obviously given orders and a long line of wagons were ready to be loaded. I checked each of them and directed what I wanted on each of them. Some were large but far from being sturdy. The chemicals were fairly light but I didn't want to risk them being damaged if an axle broke.
The officers rode their horses and Julian rode beside me as I rode shotgun on a cart.
"Jón, what did you do to the Captain?"
"It was something new. I never tried healing anybody before. It just never occurred to me. When I was feeling the effects of the alcohol I tried to heal Rufus. He was pretty drunk when we fought and he got hurt. I controlled his bleeding. When he had his headache I cured his like I did my own by just suppressing the pain and letting the body do its work."
"I heard that your gods cured you but today you said the gods would heal you again. You had many wounds yourself."
I thought of how to say this and said, "The power of the gods flows through me. I can work on my own body too now."
"That is amazing. Have you done it before?"
"The gods showed me how to heal myself after I was captured by the Gauls. I suppose you have heard of what I was like?"
"Oh, I have heard many reports and from many witnesses."
I made a face and said, "You still have a lot more spies than I have."
"How do you know this?"
"I have few people around me. Most are those I gather until the last year when they have come to me to hear my story. You on the other hand have a legion around you. To add to this, I am a prince of a small group of Germans. You have a very famous family."
"We can talk of this later. Tell me about your paper, books and what I am told is printing."
"That has to wait for later too. How about we talk about a smith with the arms of Thor that can swing a five hundred pound hammer thirty times a minute and do it continuously for day after day."
"I would love to hear of this man. He has to be one of the gods."
We talked of steam now and how it could do work. We had a few small steam hammers but none were up to five hundred pounds yet but they were in the planning stages.
Julian asked, "Do you have any here?"
"Too big and heavy but everything I have is heavy. It is the little toy boats I have to work with that are the bottle neck."
"What has a bottle's neck have to do with this?"
"Sorry. Liquid will not pour out of a bottle well because air has to go the other way and because it is narrow the liquid cannot flow quickly."
"I understand, now our boats are small?"
"I talked to Rufus about the same thing. Some ships are one thousand five hundred feet long. They weigh..." I had to think. The amphora was eighty pounds of wine. The weight of a quadrantal was the weight of an amphora full of wine. The only larger weight was twenty amphora called a culeus. "Are you familiar with the word million and what it means?"
"I have heard of it. I think it means a thousand thousand."
"Good. The gods have weights that are large but we play with small things. One large ship empty weights seven and a half million quadrantals. Its cargo is another ten million quadrantals."
The driver was listening and now looked at me. So did Julian.
Julian said, "I cannot see that size. It is simply too great."
"That was a large ship but they sometimes got much larger. Most are smaller though but some that are used for cruises are a thousand feet long and a hundred feet wide."
"That is very large too but what does a cruise mean to you?"
"When you have some time to relax, you pay for a ride in an aeroplane to fly a major sea port. You get a room on a cruise ship and sail thousands of miles and stop and many places that look very nice. The people riding take a small box out and this records what you are looking at as if an artist drew a picture of it. You come home and look at them and show your friends and family where you have been. The same is done when you have the images taken of your children as they grow up. Relatives don't mind seeing a few once in a while but the neighbours do not care and find excuses to go if they can."
"I understand going some place to rest. We do that here. The paintings are hard to understand."
"If you had a thousand great artists around you all the time you could stop once in a while and see something that looks beautiful. It may be a girl or a magnificent horse. Mountains look good and so does the seashore. You just tell an artist to draw where you point and he will do it. That is what photographs are like."
"So a man can take thousands of paintings?"
"If he wants. They are very clear and just like what you see with your eyes now. They are also very cheap to make. Even the poorest can afford some photographs."
"The gods have poor?"
I had stumbled here and said, "Not all gods are driven to succeed. Some take simple jobs with less rewards but they are happy with this. Did you think the gods are so different than us?"
"I just never thought of it like that. I only hear of a few."
"It is like the Persians or what you call the Parthians. They know of the Romans but do not know many of them. The ones they do know are the ones that are either important or who have talked to them for business of friendship."
"Enemies too I am afraid."
"That is true. The result is that the Persians do not know exactly what a Roman is like, only the few they meet."
Julian nodded in understanding.
I said, "I am afraid you are going to meet Sapor II at the Battle of Ctesiphon."
"I am?"
"We can talk later. I and my people are going to be there this time."
"This time?"
"Sorry, that was bad of me. You will be there and so will I. Again this is from what I have seen in the land of the gods." I paused and thought for a while and said, "Can you set up a tent away from everyone? No servants and just you and I will talk. Did you know that people can read lips?"
"I have heard of that."
"Good then we stay away from people."
"What about the man beside you now?"
The man was now worried and I said, "I basically watched what I said. He knows of ships and this is good. He knows of the gods and this too is good. He also knows you are going to win a battle with the Persians and I see nothing wrong with this. There is nothing he can say to hurt you."
On another note, I said casually, "Did you know that I am changing the Roman army?"
"You have already done so in many ways."
"Ah, in that way yes but I am also teaching them to fly."
Julian looked at me seriously. "This is like your strong smith?"
"A little. One Roman commanding a fort on the Rhine has a thinner skull than most Romans. He learns fast."
"Tell me about him."
I discussed Horatius Postuma and his efforts to gain a mastery of the sky.
"Can we really fly one day?"
"Not one day but within five years on a small scale within twenty where you feel like you are really flying. It will be a long time before you can do anything but look down and see an enemy as you count faces that are looking up."
We eventually came to a sprawling villa. There was not enough room for all of us to fit in the court. In the distance I saw a palisade of logs that could only be for a full legion.
Julian had large tents brought and pitched close to the walls. Poles were put on the ground inside the tents and our cargo was placed in this area so it could be protected from the elements.
When everything was unloaded and the crane dismantled, Julian had a feast served. Our men washed their hands and faces and then some of the officers did too. Julian was surprised by my small prayer of thanks. Our people intoned 'Thank you, Woden' at the end. The meal was good and from what I had heard of what some rich Romans ate, this was simple.
Meals like this took quite a while but when we were done Julian said, "Perhaps we can have a talk now."
"Let's go for a walk to work off the good food then."
Julian kept his bodyguards close but out of hearing range. We also looked away from everybody. I handed the man a leather tube and said, "This is a gift from Lucius' son Tertius. There is more to show you when you meet."
Julian opened the case and I took the leather as he examined the brass telescope. I directed him to look through the small end and I could see him start as he understood what this was. He scanned the horizon then the camp and finally looked at his bodyguards.
"This is... I would have to say magical."
"Just the natural forces of nature being used. I gave you this so you can have your trusted men reading lips of your enemies. Soon they will have this device and they will read your lips too."
Julian smiled at this and said, "Ah, but it will take a long time before they get theirs."
"Don't count on that. Lucius has them and is selling them to the officers up and down the Rhine. You have yours before any could make their way to Rome but they will arrive."
Julian seemed to understand then said, "Please tell me my future."
"When I was in the land of the gods, I looked through their books of ancient times. Men wrote letters and these were sometimes saved. Some religions preserved these and even copied them when they were getting old and crumbling. Men a thousand years later read the letters and studied all they could about the Roman empire. They wrote books just as I have done about the land of the gods.
"What this all means is that I saw a reference to you. I was studying battles and your name came up. Now before I say more I have to say that time is like a stream. If I walk in it, the water will flow around my feet as if I was not there but some small particles of dirt are stirred up and fall further down the stream.
"If I was important and did a lot to the stream I could dam it up or dig a channel and eventually the water could change course and go somewhere completely different."
"Are you saying that you can change what will happen?"
"Yes. I already have but I want to dig that channel with your help."
"Why would I help you?"
"I will give you the history as I understand it. This was before I even walked in the water."
"I understand."
"I do not have to go through your history. I know your family was killed and then your brother. You got this job because of a relative that wanted to help you. Constantius II hoped to just keep you here so he could take care of the Persians at the other end of the empire. Does this sound correct even if it is stated simply?"
"Yes, though you have not given names."
Constantius II has troubles in the east and his advisors do not like you. They plot just like all the other people that practice intrigue. Constantius II figures he can reduce your popularity. He makes a deal with the Alemmani to fight you. This I think is coming soon. You are decisive and win. You capture the king and he tells you how your cousin tried to hurt you.
"This makes you angry but you do nothing much. Don't forget that I do not know much. I have to go by the letters that survived for a thousand years not the ideas in your head."
"I understand. Please go on."
"Before this, Constantius tries to take all your good men. This is half of your army. Apparently your men have a deal that they have to stay in Gaul. Constantius either doesn't know or care. He sends a delegation to collect the men. You have a dream about an old oak falling to make room for a young oak. I forget if this is before or will happen. Anyway you refuse to allow your men to leave. Your men are impressed and put you on a shield and make you accept the title of Augustus."
Julian looked at me sharply.
I said, "This could have been a plot by you all along or something that just occurred to you. I do not care, because I want you to accept."
"That is treason."
"So? You of that time, sent a letter to Constantius explaining what really happened. He falls into a rage and orders you to only do the duties of a Caesar. Constantius makes some quick treaties with the Persians and comes here to deal with you. This is the time he gets the Alemmani to attack.
"You hurry up the Rhine and follow the Danube. A small force travels to Italia and three thousand men continue with you. You send letters to the Senate and to important cities. The Senate give you permission to try to become Augustus but warn you that you will probably fail. Constantius dies on the way to battle at the end of the coming year. You go to Constantinople and then to Rome and become the Augustus.
"You ask for a barber and find a man that is very wealthy ready to cut your hair. Constantius gave away gold like water and is beggaring the empire. You stop this. Constantius was a Christian or pretended to be. You get angry at them and want the old gods brought back. Christianity is not quite banned but it is suppressed a bit so the old religion can return. Persia now gives you problems. You lead an army there. It get hot and you take off the armour from your back. A Persian spear kills you. I do not think a Persian threw it. I think it was a Roman in the pay of the next Augustus."
We were quiet for a long time and he said, "How long was I Augustus?"
"Two years."
"If you know history, why did you pick me?"
"What I know is changing all the time. If I wait ten years then the small things I have done will change events so much that I will not know what will happen then. The same is true about the battle. If you are not killed then all of the history I know will then be useless to me."
"I do not kill Constantius then?"
"In the old history I do not think that you did. You may have sent an assassin but you appear to be a man that likes to learn and you do not appear to be a very devious person. I do not know you except from what I had read in the books and what I was able to find out from others in the present.
"Constantius may have been angry one day at you and slipped and fell then died. Now he may be even angrier and not slip so he does not fall and die. I do not know the reason for his death."
"Is their more?"
"Small facts like you dismiss most of the old people of Constantius and keep a small staff of your own. You are a just man from a reference to a governor of Gaul. When you defeat the Alemmani you share the wealth with the men not the rich. When taxes come you see that they are unjust and recalculate them with the true numbers of the people here. All this makes you look good and your cousin is very angry at you for this."
"You could be lying to me and this could be a trap."
"Yes, I guess, it could. When the men come to take the best of your troops then you will learn one statement that is true. When the Alemmani attack you will have to fight. If you capture the king you will find the truth. I think you used trickery to get him before. This time I want to capture him fairly. I want your word to be seen as true even by your enemies."
"It is still possibly a trap."
"Do you think that I spoke to the gods? You have not seen yet what I have brought. No man alive could have made these devices. Even the telescope in your hand was not seen before."
"I believe."
"Then let's open some of the boxes. Some are for you and some are not. I am opening a mail order store here and need floor models."
"I don't understand that."
We went back and opened the boxes of armour and Julian was told some of the differences.
Iulius was the one to answer. "Steel gains strength by being quickly cooled. More strength is acquired by being deformed and small crystals made. This was done by a smith and was very tiring work. We now have devices run by the power of steam that hammer so powerfully and so quick as to be both deafening and frightening."
"I have heard you mentioning this steam hammer. Please go on."
There are only a few sizes of armour needed for almost any man. Patterns are made and one man and a steam hammer can make thousands of parts in a day. Other men put the parts together. Swords when worked with a steam hammer as these new ones have are even stronger. We have started a new science called metallurgy to just study the strengths and other features needed of different kinds of steel."
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“What are you going to do about Roger and Mike?” Edie asked Amber as they lounged around their condo’s living room in sexy t-shirts and not much else. “You going to alternate weekends with them or weekend days? Neither one is going to be happy with that, you know. What’ll you do about other business? You have to keep marketing yourself.” “You’re just full of questions,” Amber replied. “Last couple first; yes, I’ll keep marketing and working as an escort. I talked to both men about that, and...
"Tim, I want to ask you something," Suzi started before our third hour class a week later. "But you have to promise me you will tell me the truth about how you feel about it." "Shit. This doesn't sound like I want to hear it, but okay. I promise. You want to go someplace private?" "Uhm, yeah. I can't get this out of my head. Let's go upstairs." Nobody noticed us leave as the tardy bell rang, nor did the few people passing notice us holding hands climbing the stairs. She was...
"Anyway, I talked to a Michael Andrews, who seemed very shaken by this ordeal." "Who can blame him?" Margret asked. "Wait until you hear about his sister," Detective Miller pitched in. "Look, this Michael reported seeing a flashing light before everything happened, did anyone else get that?" "Yes," Christine answered, "Heather... Heather Andrews, Michael's sister also reported seeing a light, she also said she saw someone running away afterwards." "You think a...
It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) [ yes ]2. When you watch straight...
It was my first time working late alone at the office; no managers and no day shift colleagues. Yeah, we have an evening shift, but not in my part of the building. I didn't want to work late, but I was way behind on my time. I spoke with the security guard when he came past. I'd never had much to do with him, but to be honest I was desperate for some conversation. We talked sport for a few minutes before he moved on. He would be back two hours later. If I was still there he'd show me out, as...
Gina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...
They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...
Another hand gave him a needle filled with a liquid. He slid the needle deep into her breast through her nipple. She screamed as the liquid spread fire through her breast. Then he repeated the process on her other breast. She whimpered as he was handed a third syringe that entered her vagina through her clit. Then he inserted a fourth syringe into her anus. Her whole body burned as she screamed in agony but thankfully it did not last long. She watched as he pinched each nipple and it squirted...
“Oh, wondering if we’ll be parents this time next year” she replied innocently, avoiding eye contact. “We’ll it would be great if we were” he replied enthusiastically. The silence between them went on a little too long. “Look” continued Mark “I know that this hasn’t gone the way we planned it, and it’s normal that you have some struggles with what you’ve had to do for the last few nights”. Wait, did Mark suspect something was the thought her mind immediately leapt to. Did he know that she was...
Janice slowly became aware of the shriek of her alarm as it pulled her out of a much needed sleep. She opened a bloodshot bleary eye and looked at the small clock radio with confusion. "Wha... Time to get up already?" She laid there for a moment listening to the loud and annoying buzz before slowly struggled out of bed. Janice stumbled around a bit trying to get her bearings. "Can't be late... Got to be on time today... " She opened her closet door and stood in front of it. As she...
I know, I know! You have heard it all before, right? Well, I am going to tell you my story anyway. It happened the year I turned 17, my family had just moved to a small town in Texas and my sister was the only friend in the world, so I found it difficult to imagine her ever leaving, but, sadly that wasn’t the case she was headed off to college in a mere two weeks. The depression I felt was heart-breaking. Let me describe us, I was 6ft even, weighed around 200-210, but was extremely shy. My...
IncestAfrican customs Part IIThe Official Makes a DealAfter several minutes with them just out of earshot, apparently gazing out the window, Anne turned and stood looking at me with a strange expression on her face.Before I had chance to consider the implications of this, The Official moved directly behind my wife, snaked an arm over her shoulder, and plunged a hand down the front of her blouse to blatantly fondle her breast. My head exploded, without thinking, I launched myself at him only to be...
Amy Bass was a sexy twenty-two year old woman who now found her-self living in a strange town and married to a twenty-eight- year old workaholic. Amy Bass was a sexy twenty-two year old woman who now found her-self living in a strange town and married to a twenty-eight- year old workaholic... Amy and her husband had moved to a new town a couple of month's ago when her husband took on a new sales job with a new company. Her husband just left again for another week long business trip and the...
LesbianAlles dreht sich. Ich muss würgen, kämpfe gegen meinen rebellierenden Magen, denke gleichzeitig in meinem Suff: iUt doch egal, wenn ich kotzen muss, muss ich eben kotzen. Ich weiß im Moment nicht, wo ich bin, anscheinend immer noch auf diesem großen Matratzenlager, an das ich mich nur noch schleierhaft erinnern kann. Irgendwo im Hintergrund höre ich dumpfes Stöhnen und Schreien. In dem Moment, in dem ich vorsichtig zwinkernd ein Auge öffnen will, schießt mir warmer schleim ins gesicht....
Group SexComet Quetzalcoatl—technically Comet C-2014/UN271, but called Comet Q because of some inane conspiracy theory connecting it to the gods of the Aztec calendar—curled across half the sky, visible even in the daytime, looking to Lena like the arched eyebrow of a disapproving parent.Surely the end of the world was at hand.It meant nothing of course; the comet was just another dead space rock from the Oort Cloud, unfortunate enough to be visiting Earth’s neighborhood at a time when science was...
ExhibitionismHello ISS readers,Here I am with another story, this story is all fiction none of the characters are real in this story, sorry if there are any mistakes. I am Raj Sharma 37 years married working as a chief analyst in a reputed financial company, I live with my wife Shweta 35 years a amazing personality very social like all modern women are but too has very little time for me, anyway this story is not about Shweta it’s about Sonia my personal secretary, she is working as my asst. from past 2...
Full permission is granted to reproduce this work, provided credit is given to the author. The following is an adult story. If you are not 18, you cannot read it. If you are offended by sexually oriented material, stop now. Any comments on this story would be appreciated, e-mail: [email protected] Mensroom Slut By SissySlutSue A few weeks after I had provided the entertainment for Bill and Jane's fetish group I was once again summoned over to their house. They had...
"iBod: Chapter Two - The Plane Ride...HOME" by Jaye Domino Author's Notes::::: First, I just want to thank those who offered feedback on Chapter 1, and hope many more people read it. Yes, I realize Chapter 2 is so long in coming (the delay in posting it was my fault, I'll admit), and it was sitting on my HD for MONTHS before I had the thought in the front of my head to post it. Second, I'm going to state for the record that I myself am transgendered and in possession of many...
Es war schon später Abend, als ich mit dem Mietwagen vom Frankfurter Flughafen nach Hause fuhr. Nach Hause? Ein schickes, aber leeres Apartment in der City war mein zu Hause, in dem niemand auf mich wartete. Sonst hatte ich absolut nichts mehr, was ich noch ein Zuhause nennen konnte. Meine Eltern waren beide bereits vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, in meinem Elternhaus wohnten mittlerweile fremde Menschen, und außer mit meiner jüngeren Schwester Carena hatte ich auch mit niemandem mehr...
This is Niya, back with the story. Please read the stories before for continuation. All feedbacks are welcomed at Just a recap. I am Niya, a slutty girlish minded bottom boy from Kerala, who loves to be treated like a girl. I met a lady in an online dating site who was in need of an obedient boy with soft features. So we got connected. After a day full of adventures, I was waiting for the next when she came back with three men. Now read. All feedbacks are welcomed at I was standing in front...
Daughter in swimsuit going out to sunbathe, daddy stops her and makes her undress so he can put sun cream on everywhere. ‘if we make sure to get it all over then you can sunbathe naked princess, get a nice even tan’ She’s on hands and knees on the sun lounger, daddy rubs cream on her slim back and trim waist before quickly kneading her butt cheeks He slides a finger along her crack then gently inserts just the tip into her hole. Then she lies on her back and daddy generously slathers her...
“You’re going to be the woman of the house, while you’re hiring and decorating, you need to look the part.” Grandpa handed me some sandals with heels and led me downstairs to the car. When I arrived at my new home, Kyle came to the door to greet me, “Ruby my love! What a day you have ahead of you.” He closed the door and pulled me to him, kissing me with that delicious tongue and fondling me with one hand on my breast and one on my ass. I felt him unzip his pants and he pressed my...
Warning. This is an adult story with some strong sexual content. It is not intended for and should not be read by minors. It is also not intended for anyone who believes that men are men, women are women and that's the way things should always be. It is concerned with themes of male transvestism, panty fetishism, male submission, female domination, and the like. It does not contain any kind of violence nor does it depict children under the age of consent. Note, however that unlike my...
I never knew I was a cuckold until it happened.My wife and I are in our late 30s and the marriage was going through a rough spell. A little too much arguing and a lot too little fucking. Still, I never would have imagined Danielle looking elsewhere in a million years. It came to a head with an argument about money and suddenly she just blurted it out: "I've been cheating on you for more than a month."At first I thought she was saying it just to piss me off. But she started to cry. She said...
CuckoldSharron detests Bill and seethes with hate for the asshole who is blackmailing her. She thinks, “I was stupid and desperate, embezzling from the company, and more stupid to be caught so easily. Bill found the discrepancy before I could return the money. He replaced it, less than $1000, but showed me the evidence he collected first. It’s enough to put me in jail. Bill demanded a date, although he made it sound like a request. ‘Just something casual,’ he said, but I instantly knew that’s code for...
After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt's house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me; he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child.From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you; black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large; set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
Straight SexWhile Hanna's suffering did not go away immediately, her attitude about school and life in general improved substantially following her long conversation with her mother, and her mother's admission that she too had slept with her own brother as a teen. Her mother had encouraged, almost insisted, that Hanna begin dating her high school classmates. Hanna's weekends became scheduled with movies, parties and dances with her friends. After a number of dates with different boys, Hanna began to...
minutes passed the pain turned into lust i started slowly turning my hips whilst impalled on him gyrating slowly oh oh oh my god its so nice .... Yeh baby ur so sluty he said that made me push onto him just a little more then some more then even more untill all 12 inch was inside my anal cavity my ass was touching his big balls i was truely impalled with no chance of movement i slowly rocked forward feelin every lumpy vein as i went .... Right up untill i reached the rim of his helmet which...
Murgur is enjoying a morning in bed when Sheril Blossom joins him with her big tits peeking out from beneath her shirt and a mug of hot chocolate for each of them. The chocolate even has whipped cream on top! The treat sticks to each of their noses when they take a sip but leads to a playful time when they exchange a long kiss. Murgur dips his finger in the sweet and rubs it all over Sheril’s hard nipples. He is honor bound to clean up the mess he has made, so he buries his face against...
xmoviesforyouAs Glenda Harper left the mess hall at Camp Starkers for her rendezvous with the Reverend Bryce Unsworth, and his erection that needed some desporting, she had no idea what she was starting. She had no idea that the three naked women giving her the thumbs up were going to get up and go look for their own piece of stiff cock to relieve. Seeing Reverend Unsworth sail out of the room with his dick at full mast had made all three of them feel that much more hornier than they already were. Being...
I’ve been a mailman for 20 years and I’m sure you can imagine that I have had some pretty bizarre experience. You always hear the jokes about some lady’s kids belonging to the milkman or the mailman. Well, I know for a fact that there are a lot of kids out there that belong to the mailman. As for the milkman, I can only imagine. I can’t say that I’ve had a pure record. Generally speaking, if I accepted every offer that came to me over the years I would probably have populated a small city....
Uncle Leon had left after showing me how a boy who dresses as a girl will be treated by men. Looking back at what happened I realized that I not only loved wearing sexy girl clothes I enjoyed sucking cock and being fucked.When Mom and Beth returned from their shopping, I told them about Uncle Leon’s visit and what we did. Mom asked, ”Did you enjoy doing what you and Leon did?”“Yes,” I replied. "I was not sure how to suck a cock, so I did what you and Beth do when you suck me. I really liked...
IncestGirl Cop in the Woods Ch 1. Should’ve Had Backup. (M/f, bondage, nc, rape, humil)Annie saw the smoke coming out of the woods as she patrolled along the mountain road. She grumbled to herself. There was always some yahoo out violating the no burn alert. There’d been three days of rain, but the forest service still had a burn ban in effect, rain or no rain. She was about to call in when she paused. Several times she or one of the other officers called in upon seeing smoke, and always the scene...
UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES "I saw you ogling that woman you know," Kate Archer told her husband of five years, Alan. "You know I can't stand you lusting after other women." Alan was adamant that he hadn't been 'ogling' but the more he denied it the more she thought he was protesting too much. "I love you Kate, why would I look at other women?" "For the simple reason that all men are alike, you just want to plant your seed in as many gardens as you can find." He thought that...
Author’s Preface The general preface to the parts expunged from the printed accounts of my travels is at the start of the section entitled ‘Brobdingnag Chapter One’ and I consider it superfluous to reiterate it here. The reader of my published account of my sojourn in Lilliput may have been puzzled by the vindictiveness of the empress of that realm on the occasion of my extinguishing the conflagration in her apartments. This hitherto suppressed incident, that is the only part of the relation...
Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...
He moved in with me then, if you can call a toothbrush and a hairbrush luggage. ‘Angels travel light,’ he told me. ‘But I always carry my own toothbrush, and the hairbrushes in this dimension are just too hard on angel hair. They hurt like hell!’ I could believe that as I stroked the mane of silk that cascaded to his shoulders. That hair alone had the invitation of all my body parts to come and visit any time—any time honey! The reunion took place in my womb sometime in the wee hours of the...
Mrs Jones lived on a grand 5 acre plot, centered with a large mansion. Her husband had several car dealerships and worked most weekends, their busiest time. Being such a large property they had struggled to keep on top of the gardening. To solve the problem each Saturday Mrs Jones had employed a young lad to mow the lawns, cut the hedges and clean out the stables.At 45 Mrs Jones had been married for 23 years. After only one c***d she had remained slim with larger than average bosom. Her...
Ron and Debbie lay in each other's arms for several minutes kissing and simply stroking each other's bodies. Debbie enjoyed this afterglow of sex, the peaceful time, just holding each other without any restrictions to their touch or sight. This was a special time just for them. Ron's cock had shrunk to only a shadow of its magnificent appearance of moments before. Debbie decided it still had a special charm in its relaxed state. While not as sexually exciting, in her mind it signified his...
Hi my name is Rajesh It happened when I was 18 & my mom 36 she is very fair with big boobs & Ass& deep naval. My Father is a business man in Hyderabad. He is from landlord’s family. Our father negative place is Kosta once in vacation mom & I went to our grandparents house in village there is a maid & a male servant with our grandparents. They were landlord so have acres of land & the servant looks after it. The male servant was very strong man about 6.2” with big muscles (He-man) we have a well...
IncestKadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...
BDSMKiara Cole and Keira Croft have booked a little getaway for the weekend. They arrive in the room and check it out, but the bedroom is like their lodestone and they soon find themselves unable to resist its lure. They’re just getting into the hot and heavy girl on girl action when Damon Dice walks in on them. It turns out that he, too, has booked the place and that a screw-up in the system has resulted in a double booking. Damon makes like he’ll leave the girls to their lesbian...
xmoviesforyouHi readers, I m Mona, age 19 years, I m writing here the story of my friends. This story is based on jija – saali relation.First I want to introduce the other artists of this story my friend swati -17, kiran -17, deepika-17 these r the name of friends, and ratna-26 bhabhi, rakhi -20 didi and Vikas-26 our Jijaji.This story I m writing in hindi, I m not a writer, if u found any mistake please write Yeh kahani suru hoti hai swati ke ghar se Ratna ushki bhabhi hai aur rakhi uski didi kiran aur...
Introduction: Jacobs Career is winding down, and Jake is bringing home the girl he will one day marry. Jacobs Retirement By Allison Bodiford Three years ago Jacob had made Chief Master Sergeant. He was First Sergeant of the 509th Missile Squadron now. He was at the heart of the command structure on base. That had meant that I was on my Ps and Qs for the past three years, mostly. We were part of the political structure on base. Betty has remained a good friend, though with the lesson of...
(Note: The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is part of the Ulster Cycle. She is considered the most tragic heroine in Irish mythology. Of course the song "Bonny Portmore" should be well known to any fan of either the movie or TV versions of "Highlander".) Duncan blinked. "Ah, your daughters?" he asked as casually as he could manage. "Yes," smiled Deirdre. She looked closer at the Highlander and giggled. "Close your mouth Duncan. No one has repealed anything concerning ... us. I'll...
Hello friend mera name raj ha..aaj ma aap ko real story batane ja raha hu..ja mari aunti or mere sex ki real story ha..ek din meri aunti ne muja awaj mari or bole ka raj tere ankal 2 din ka lea tour par ja rahe ha..or ghar par ma akeli hu.. Agar tum aaj ki raat mere ghar par soo jao to theek hoga..mane ghar par baat ke or mere parents na mara ko asha aunti ka ghar par sona ki parmissione da de.vasa to ma apne mohale ma sav sa acha good boy ban kar rehta kea ma sona ka lea asha aunti ka...
We are two brothers and one sister living in a combined family system, sister is younger than me and brother is older than me and married, he is also living with us with his wife, her name is Ramya and let me tell you she is very gorgeous and sexy. She is dynamite. It all happened to me when my brother got a job abroad and he left for Saudi Arabia just after 3 months after his marriage. He was not willing to go but our economical situation was not very good and in order to support his family he...
IncestPart 1. A secret revealed and a proposition.A story by my lovely wife beth in which she explores her fantasies.....I sat there in the passenger seat of Sarah's Corsa staring wide eyed at what she was telling me. A glance from her, looking quickly back at the road, a grin from ear to ear as she took in my expression."What?"She giggled."Oh my god....are you serious?" My exclamation making her giggle even more. "Oh yes, I'm very serious"She continued with her shocking revelation, and as she drove...
We cleaned up the mess in the main cave and put all the drunks still in the cave back to their rooms. A few women came out sporting new necklaces showing off to the other women. I think I need more lion and saber tooth mementos as they seemed to be very popular with the ladies. The men honored, came by, and thanked me for honoring them with my gifts to their mates. I told them this was a one-time only gift and unless they granted permission it would only be a one-time deal. They agreed that...
Sara and i are always looking for thinks to spice up our sex like.One night while we were playing online things got slow so we started looking at sex toys. One we saw was a squirting dildo. Something new to us after reading about it and finding a few recipes for cum to put in it we found one that Sara thought would be very tasty. Mainly it was yogurt with a little water you could use any flavor, sweet or not. That night we had a very hot conversation about the possibilities. The one Sara liked...
I invited Brian to dinner the week following the final exam in our class. I can’t remember what pretext I was using, since the class was over by then. I guess we both just assumed that we were past the point of no return by then, so he politely ignored the fact that we had no real excuse to get together. My parents were out of town, and I badly wanted some company. I was very lonely home alone, and still a little disoriented from the breakup with Mark. If I ended up getting some...