Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 8
- 2 years ago
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The next time Lord Blackmon opened his eyes, he was able to look around. The room looked familiar but strange at the same time. He though he recognized the furniture, the chair and ... he realized in a flash where he was. This was the guest suite in his own house, Rose House. It did not seem familiar before because it had never held a hospital bed before. Also, he had never seen it from the perspective of lying down! But once he realized it, he recognized the entertainment unit, the books on the shelves, even the doorknob seemed special to him. He was home.
At that moment the door burst open and Page ran into the room. She paused just inside the door and looked at him. She was damp, her blonde hair was matted down and she was wrapped in a white towel. She was, in that moment, one of the greatest sights he had ever seen.
“Hi Page,” he said his voice soft and choked by disuse and emotion. Whatever formal and appropriate greeting Page had planned was lost in a flood of tears. She approached the bed, knelt down and took his right hand, it was not covered in bandages any longer, and she held it to her face. She sobbed there while Lord Blackmon quietly wept too. Yes, he was truly home. After a few minutes the outpouring of emotion proved too much for the weakened man and he drifted back to sleep with Page still holding his hand now covered in her tears.
“We must prepare to greet Lord Blackmon more formally.” Page said looking at the other two slaves as they stood in the kitchen. They were quite a contrast. Willow was only a little shorter that Page. Her body had been shaped and sculpted by hours of exercise over the last six months. Her abs were well defined as well as her arms. Her legs had become lean and sleek. All were on display as she wore a black sports bra and tiny workout shorts. Master Carl had ordered the three slaves to cover up for hygienic reasons and if medical personnel were needed for Lord Blackmon. Willow’s hair was still quite short and very black. Her skin was clear and pale in a beautiful porcelain way. More than all of that, she carried herself with confidence and pride. The only thing that marred her perfect skin was the many faint and healing bruises.
Heather was very different. She was shorter than both Willow and Page. Her bright red hair was long, almost to her ass. She wore a sports bra and shorts as well, but in a dark green that worked very well with her coloring. A dusting of light freckles could be seen across her nose and on her chest. Her tits were smaller than Willow’s and much smaller than Page’s. She had regained some of her athletic muscle tone since they had returned to Rose House and its exercise room, but she had further to go before she was as trim as Page to say nothing of ripped like Willow.
In contrast, Page was a goddess. The first time Willow had seen Page, she was not sure she was even real. Her large but perfectly proportioned and shaped tits highlighted a toned stomach, beautiful face and legs. Her beauty was breathtaking and on display as she stood before both of the other slaves completely naked. No one noticed.
“Master Carl will not be back before this evening. He is picking up a wheelchair so that we can get Lord Blackmon out of that bed, he must be going stir crazy. We have many stories to tell him, but not tonight, not yet. If he asks, we will answer any question but for now let’s not overwhelm him with our woes.”
“We understand,” Heather said.
Willow jumped in, “Page, go get clean up and ... ready for how you want to present yourself. We will have dinner and the house ready by the time you are finished.”
Willow’s words brought Page up short. How should I dress, if at all? Almost every moment I have been around Lord Blackmon I had been nude, wearing only a collar and sometimes cuffs and shoes. It was considered the house uniform! Page thought for a moment then got an idea. She would need Willow and Heather to help but it would be the perfect way to present herself and them for Lord Blackmon.
With the plan for the evening forming in her head she quickly headed towards the shower.
“Do you feel up to sitting for a while?” Carl asked.
Carl had returned from his run to Santa Cruz with the wheelchair and other necessities for the household. They all had been left for the moment in the Land Rover when Heather came out to greet him with the news. He was anxious to see his employer and ... friend? Are we friends? he wondered. He knew a great deal about Lord Blackmon. He had been living in his house and condo, had been eating the man’s food, driving the man’s car and fucking the man’s two slaves. But in truth he had never spent an extended period of time with Lord Blackmon, at least not when he was conscious. He had been taking his shifts along with the three slaves looking out for Lord Blackmon, waiting for him to recover some measure of his strength. Carl, through Page, had even grown to love the man. But that was all one sided. To Lord Blackmon, Carl was a bodyguard, a night watchman, and an interloper all rolled into one. He knew his time at Rose House was numbered and he knew he would miss it. He knew he would miss them.
“Yes, please.” Carl help Lord Blackmon sit up then wrapped him in a bear hug to help move him to the wheelchair. Carl tried to be extra careful of the man’s injured and bandaged left hand. Lord Blackmon winced in pain when his damaged left foot touched the floor. Carl lifted the injured limb to get it in a comfortable position on the footrest of the wheelchair and then gave Lord Blackmon a minute to gather himself.
“Where do you want to go?” Carl asked.
“Let’s move out to the back porch if you don’t mind.”
“Here we go.”
A few minutes later, Carl pulled up a chair next to the man in the wheelchair. He was glad he had thought to drape a blanket over Lord Blackmon’s legs because the evening air was quite chilly, perfectly normal for the Northern California Coastal Mountains.
With each day and each meal he was feeling more and more human. The next morning, Lord Blackmon felt strong enough to ask for some real food for breakfast. Half an hour later Page, again dressed in a man’s button down white shirt but with only the bottom buttoned, came into the room with a tray of eggs and bacon with toast. He had eaten at some of the finest and most expensive restaurants in the world, but he could not remember something tasting as good as the simple breakfast before...
“Medium rare please.” Willow carved the prime rib at just the right place for the meat to be the correct doneness. She then placed it on a china plate along with some asparagus and a baked potato and then passed the plate to Heather who was acting as server. She placed the plate in front of Master Carl and stepped back to the sideboard while Willow competed Lord Blackmon’s plate. The preparations for the meal had been an all-day affair. Fresh bread dough was made, the prime rib roast had...
Page had put her dressing coat back on, but it hung open in the front, a distracting display in the least with her breasts tenting out the front and her trim stomach and shaved pussy framed by the pale fabric. She was standing a few yards down the hall from the door of Lord Blackmon’s temporary bedroom. “Master Carl, can I have a moment of your time?” “Sure Page.” They began walking back towards the Great room and the fireplace, but Page did not sit down and she seemed somewhat anxious. He...
gorp Slave training is a process. At each stage different techniques must be used to get the final results desired. In the beginning the whip is remarkably effective, but does tend to create longer lasting marks. If a slave is nearing a projected delivery date there is an effort on the part of the trainers to limit such marks. Judy was almost ready for sale when a problem arose. She had decided, after almost a year of training, that being non-compliant and unresponsive was a good form of...
The empty office had once held a headhunting firm for the tech industry. They were often created to supply employees for a specific firm or company, signing up people for temporary positions that might later become permanent. Once the ranks have been filled out the employment agency would fold. That meant that office space like this changed hands three or four times a year. This office space had been unoccupied for six weeks and was due for renovation the following week. But till then there...
The first light of morning appeared in the bedroom window as Lord Blackmon stirred. He had always been an early riser but his internal clock had been confounded by his illness. It must have been the familiar sights, sounds and smells of his bedroom that helped it reset. For the hundredth time, he gave thanks for being home again. His unconventionally large bed supported unconventional sleeping arrangements. Across the foot of the bed he found Page, partially covered with a blanket, still...
Master Carl awoke in the guest room of Rose House to the very pleasant sensation of someone kissing his face. “Sir?” Heather’s red hair was a halo around her face. “You asked me to wake you if you slept till seven.” It took a few attempts to get his voice to work. The word “Coffee” came out as a croak the first time but he still got the message across. Heather had a large mug of the lifesaving liquid ready for him when he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the side of the bed. He did...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Chapter VIII is the final chapter of Book III, and hence, the end of "Dani's Story." It is rated X - but a nice 'X.' How else would the saga end? Please be of appropriate age or be gone! Dani's Story Book III - Decisions Chapter VIII - The Ninth and Tenth Days by sissystevie I awoke to a gentle...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Romance, CD, Dick Girl, Panty Boy, Shemale, Flashing, Upskirt, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie SexRusty and Willard had been life long friends, Rusty a football jock and Willard on the swim team. Rusty, muscular and tough, Willard, slim, shaved and long haired. Rusty was also protector and Willard the brain that helped Rusty graduate. Rusty also knew Willard was gay and cross dressed in the privacy of his own home. Rusty spent 3 years in the Army, came home suffering PTSD while Willard had became...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...
Willow was sitting in the guest suite. It was located on the Master's side of the house and she had never been in these rooms before. With their muted tones and stained wood furnishings, it was all very masculine, like the library had been. The suite consisted of three rooms. There was a small sitting room that held a leather covered armchair, leather love seat and a small table with a reading lamp. As she sat in the chair, she could see into the bedroom area. The very large bed was covered...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her long latent sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...
BtVS: Willow and Cordy"Do you guys feel hypnotized? Are we supposed to feel hypnotized? Do you think we were hypnotized? 'Cause I don't feel hypnotized," rambled Willow Rosenberg.Buffy and Xander stopped walking and just stared.Willow shrugged. "I guess not.""Willow, the guy was a crock, although the monkey was kinda cool," stated Xander, "Right, Buff?""Definitely," agreed Buffy. "I'm not really one to fall for that 'Ooga wooga, you're under my control mumbo jumbo. Slaying legions of the...
Page was taught that good habits were important. She set about engraining good habit in Willow from the beginning of her training. Page had given Willow detailed instructions about how her morning was to proceed. She was sleeping on the floor next to Page's bed. Willow's alarm went off at 5:45am and it had to be turned off within the first 10 seconds. She then had 15 minutes to complete her assigned tasks before Page woke at 6:00. She put her blanket and thin pad away, folded neatly, in...
The next day Willow was amazed how little of Page's skin was damaged. All of the angry redness was gone and only a few spots showed scratches or abrasions. One knee was skinned up, but that was the worst of it. Page herself seemed to be more tense and reflective but Willow dismissed that as exhaustion. Willow was wrong. There were important things on Page's mind. Willow got an idea that things would be different that day as soon as breakfast was over. Page had been instructing Willow on...
Page released Willow from the belt restraint and the ball gag. "Clean up this mess. Shower and then come find me. Present yourself like you think a slave should. You have two hours." Page left the room and went to fix a small bite to eat. Willow would eat later. Two hours and seven minutes later Willow found Page in a chair looking over blueprints of some kind. Willow stood by her chair and quietly coughed. "Ma'am? I am done ma'am." Page did not move for a minute then looked up and...
~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ Willow is living with her Dad now and has settled into a comfortable routine. ~ Willow and I sat and watched the sun go down from my sixth floor apartment and cuddled on the couch chair. ‘RING’ I had ordered some Indian food and was expecting the door bell to ring. Willow hopped up to answer the door and brought back some sweet smelling Butter Chicken and curry dishes. We ate and she talked about her time spent with Uncle Mike, Tom and his...
From where Carl was sitting he could see the four towers of the Bay Bridge. In many ways, the Bay Bridge is a greater engineering achievement than the Golden Gate Bridge just a few miles away. It has four towers instead of two. It has a central anchorage that is big enough to hold the entire Empire State Building. The tunnel on the east side was one of the largest of its day. The Bay Bridge remains a marvel of beauty and engineering. For the moment, Carl did not care one bit about the Bay...
Another day at Foster Academy. My spirits lift a little since I convinced my friends, Charlotte, Richard, Emily, and William, to go hiking in the woods on the school's property. Well, the word friends isn't really accurate, as they really only tolerate me because my uncle is Headmaster.You see, my parents died in a car accident a year ago and I was sent to live with my only other living relative, Uncle Thomas. He just happens to be Headmaster at this prestigious school. Unfortunately, he...
Supernatural"I want to be a slut," Willow whispered."What?" I asked. I didn't quite believe my ears. My best friend Willow, who was sometimes shy beyond belief, had just told me she wanted to be a slut.I guess some background is in order. Willow and I met as lab partners during our sophomore year of college. She was shy and had a hard time speaking around others, but she was hella smart. Over the course of the semester we became close friends and some of her shyness vanished around me. She would still go...
Willow, Autumn, Dakota & Elle In on an airport’s pick-up area Willow and Autumn stand with their luggage, as a car pulls up, and Dakota sticks her head out. “Oh, my God!” she squeals, “You’re so grown up!”Behind her, Elle gets out.“Not as much as her!” Willow jokes.“Oh, I know, my baby sister just shot up overnight. She could carry me now!”Elle goes around back, and opens the trunk, and her and Autumn load the luggage in. “Did you just get that cut?” Elle says, referring to Autumn’s short...
She was lying on her stomach because the tight floor length hobble skirt would only allow her to bend her knees only a little. The leather skirt was open in the back leaving her ass exposed. An anal hook was embedded in her ass and was connected to a ball gag harness by a rope. The rope was adjusted so that Page's back had to be slightly bent backwards. To see what she was doing Page had to put most of her upper body weight on her breasts. Moving meant pulling herself along the floor an inch...
As the day of the Expo drew closer, Page felt the pressure to get everyone ready for the experience. There were clothes to buy, arrangements to make and preparing both Carl and Willow for what they would see. There was also a box game event to complete too. Page cut the cards and came up with a seven of hearts. The task outlined for that card involved a dildo. In one corner of the Play Room was a short stand about twenty four inches high. The dice roll told her she had to select a fairly...
Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for another few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back, uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn’t...
When Carl stepped into the private dining room, the first thing he noticed was a server asking the four men about taking drink orders. The woman was very pretty with flame red hair and pale freckles. She was dressed in the uniform of the house-help with a green short halter top and a low ride miniskirt that showed off her very slim waist and flat tummy. The uniform was important to distinguish her as an employee and not a slave. Carl touched her on the arm and said, "Excuse me, but could I...
Carl held the small recorder in his hand as it played. Page and Willow knelt at his feet giving all of their attention to the description of the investigation and what the police knew or thought they knew. When the recording finished, Carl leaned back and said, "Well, it is clear that 'Master Carl' is not the focus of the inquiry." It had been made clear to Page and Willow that this discussion was operating on the "kneeling pad" principles. Page took advantage of that to ask, "Sir,...
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Carl guided Page and Willow to the left side of the crowd. Master Lobo was speaking loudly to a slave owner at the far side of the group and did not notice Carl and the girls moving away. Just as they were disconnecting from the crowd, they heard Lobo proclaim that everyone was invited to see the slave in the tube, the one that was gasping at the bottom of the container recently drained of water, expire by drowning in about three hours. Carl decided they would be gone before that portion of...
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Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II covers the remaining eight days of Dani's vacation and her kinky little band's further exploits. Although each Book is meant to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or...
Standing at the door was Madame Carronade. "There are six heavily armed men coming for you. They are approaching the eastern span of the Bay Bridge right now. They are about seven minutes away. Listen to me and do what I say and I can get you out," Madam Carronade told Carl. Carl's only reliable touchstone was Page. He looked at her and saw her nod. "We're in. Tell us what to do." Madame Carronade turned to the hostess, "Heather, take them through the service area to the freight...
The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...
Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapters I and II took Dani through her initial transition in the hands of her Mummy and Sir John. She is now to be presented to (a very select) society as a sissy debutant. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I...
Dave woke at his usual early time. He looked at the clock and remembered that he had told Darcy and Alex that he wasn't going to practice after the late return from Florida. He tried to go back to sleep but the previous day played over and over in his mind. He had finally proven that he belonged at Wake Forest. He led the team to their first victory of the year and his good friend Alec had finally shown his previously unproven potential. Dave remembered vividly how both Alec and Darcy...
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Mindy shivered in anticipation as she stood in front of his hotel room door and knocked. He had been very specific in his instructions about what she should wear and she had followed them to the letter. She stood there in her 4 inch white leather heels, jean mini skirt and white silk tank top carrying her overnight bag containing two dresses and her brown biking. Her hair was pulled back into a librarian's knot and her eyes were heavily lined with black eyeliner and mascara, pink glossy...
I awoke to the alarm clock and looked over at Holly sleeping contentedly beside me. Going downstairs I made a cup of coffee and booted up Master PC, calling up Holly's file. I sat back in my chair and sipped my coffee as I thought about what to do with my new slave. I could keep her to myself, cutting her off from the world. That would be cruel, not to mention difficult to do without drawing suspicion, and I rejected this course out of hand. I decided that she would continue her studies. I...
So the slave started looking through the different sites that it had access to. Going through the different profiles on there for women who were possible candidates. It sent out flirts to a few that caught its eye. The slave even changed its profile information. It changed its sexual orientation from straight to bicurious and the looking for to include women. Doing that seemed to get the ball rolling. It started getting emails and flirts from different women, but unfortunately the first...
Carl drank his coffee and ate his donut. It was a simple shop with a simple clientele. It was just coffee and donuts. Sure there were cream filled and raised, old fashion and butterscotch donut in the case. But they just served coffee from a pot on the counter. Carl's kind of a place. Carl was nothing to look at. In fact most people did not look at him at all. Gray hair that was thinning and cut fairly close to his head and his dark framed glasses gave him a grandfatherly look. No one paid...
Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...
Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...