CindyChapter 29 free porn video

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Jim, Bill and I were sitting in the den of the Hardesty home when the female contingent returned bearing an array of colorful bags.

Jim collected a prim kiss from his wife. My wife's version was slightly more enthusiastic. "Wait'll you see what all I bought," she chirped.

"Yeah," Ann said. "Good stuff. Including a dress for that concert we're planning on going to hear, baby!"

They announced our upcoming concert weekend, based on Ann's calls to her friends from her own concert days.

"Cindy said that we could fly anywhere in a six hundred mile radius on a weekend. This one's in Atlanta," Ann said.

Cindy smiled. "We'll even let you an' Mister Jim sit in the front seats," she said.

I turned to Jim. "Looks like our wives have made plans, buddy!"

He laughed. "Mine has been making plans for me for years. Is this your first one?"

Cindy giggled.

"Come to think of it, bud," I said, "yes, it is..."

"They'll let us in on it," he said.

"I just hope we've got the weather to fly there," I said. "I'm instrument rated, but the plane's not gonna do any storm-punching or ice."

"Yeah, but still..." Jim said. "What's Cindy say? 'Another adventure?'"

Ann slid beside Jim and kissed him. "We need an adventure, huh, baby?"

"Mooo-ommmm!" Teresa whined.

"'S okay, Teresa," Cindy said, laughing.

We said goodbye to our friends and headed to our strange little nest.

We went inside. Cindy showed me her new acquisitions after I put our guns away.

"Some new panties," she smiled, holding up a pastel rainbow. "I know you like these." She pulled out a powder blue pair. "I think I was wearing some like these the third time we went out to eat."

I recalled that night. I remember that being the first time I'd seen her in a skirt, and I remember her sliding into the truck as I held the door, and seeing her skirt ride up. I remember my heart stopping. "Yes, I remember, baby," I said. "You almost killed me right then and there."

"I really didn't mean to flash you, Dan. Really. You were just my friend then. But I wore those panties after ... you know..." she smiled. "And I remember that you liked me in them."

"Or out of them, sweetie," I said.

Giggle. She leapt to wrap her arms around my neck and I held her weight off the floor as we hugged. "I missed you today, babe," she said. "I had a lot of fun with Mizz Ann an' Teresa, but I missed YOU!"

"I had fun, too, cutie," I said. "But I missed my Cindy!"

Her feet hit the floor when I released her. "So, did Bill shoot the twelve-gauge?"

"Yes, he did," I said. "He said if YOU could do it..."

"He's almost my size, Dan, " she said. "How about the AR-15?"

"His first try with it. He's been shooting a .22, though, so he knows a little about rifles. He had fun. We had fun."

"Good," she smiled. She showed me a couple of other purchases. I smiled.

"I didn't go crazy, baby," she said. "Didn't want to waste money. An' we're kinda tight for space here."

Yeah. Living in a travel trailer made one rethink the acquisition of things.

"But I bought some new perfume." Her eyebrows spoke a question.

"Yeah. Uh-huh. I smelled it. Why don't you dab a spot or two on after your shower tonight."

Giggle. "I just think I will." Twinkly eyes.

I couldn't resist. I had to kiss her, a move that apparently was quite in line with her wishes. Is it okay to say how much I enjoyed watching her disrobe for her shower?

I finished shaving just as she was putting away her hair dryer. I smelled a whiff of enticing fragrance in the air.

"I put my nightshirt beside the bed. Yours too!" She headed to the bed at the end of the trailer, looking over her shoulder, green eyes drawing me along.

I followed. One, because I'm male, apparently possessed of a brain that had a little redhead-shaped hole in it. Two, because I am totally in love with her. Saturday night coupling was a romp in pleasures. I don't pretend to know all her feelings, but as for my own, I had this magical little kitten of a partner, cute, sexy, eager, excited, and ALIVE.

I don't know that she intentionally did anything. When we were loving, it was playing, sharing, each of us bent on giving as much as we could to the other, knowing that it was in the giving that we truly received. Wow! Metaphysical, ain't it? I'm trying to say that perfection for me came in a short, redheaded package that approached lovemaking with giggles that soon morphed into sighs and ended up breathless, in my arms.

And that was our Saturday night. Right up to the part where we'd both expended ourselves in the happiness of each other and there I was lying on my back in the cool evening air of our little trailer and she was lying full length on top of me, her hands folded on my chest, her chin resting on them. A pair of green eyes regarded me at close range, peeking from below perfect eyebrows, shaded by perfect bangs the color of an old penny.

"Dan," she said. "D'you think life is as perfect right at this moment as I do?"

I caressed her head, drawing my fingertips slowly across her cheek. "Little one," I said. "I worry that I'm going to wake up from this dream. The only thing that saves my sanity is that I realize that my dreams were never this good."

"I know. You know how there are stories about princesses and monsters and white knights and happily ever after?" She sighed, ending her sigh in a smile. "I used to read those and think how that never happened in real life. But look at us..."

"Yeah. I've looked at us. Like from a distance, I look like a child molester."

She scooted up to kiss my lips. "I'm sooooo molested, baby." Another sigh. "Your friends ... OUR friends, they all act like they accept us. I mean, look at Mister Jim. An' Mizz Ann. And the gang at work."

Yeah, my co-workers, for the most part, were 'the gang' to Cindy.

"Uh-huh," I said.

"And how YOUR family became OUR family. An' Mizz Helen an' Mister Charlie."

"Just remember, sweetie, we had history with most of those people, so there was some incentive to think about us together. But there's gonna be some who don't react as positively."

"I've thought about that," she said. "But we DO have real friends and family behind us. And we've got this fantastically wonderful US."

"Yep, little girl! We're in it together."

She slid off to my side and wrapped a long leg over me and pressed against me. I cuddled her in my arm and we drifted off to sleep.

We woke the next morning in the chill of the winter storm. As she cuddled warmly against me, she said, "Honey, it's another one of those days."

"I know," I said. "As much misery as the summer heat is, this is just nasty." The sky was leaden., low clouds moving hurriedly north to meet the approaching front. It wasn't raining, yet.

"Are you in the mood for pancakes up the road?" I asked.

"Mmmm-hmmm... " She purred into my chest. "I guess we need to get dressed."

"Yeah, cutie ... As much as I delight in seeing you naked, I don't think you'd find it enjoyable today."

Reluctantly we unwrapped from each other and got out of bed on opposite sides. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved sweatshirt with an University of Alabama logo on it. I donned a pair of tactical pants and a flannel shirt, and we sat side by side on the sofa and pulled on socks and shoes. I tossed her that knit cap and she pulled it on, shoving her hair into a delightful disarray.

She knew what that did for me because she turned and smiled sweetly.

"Don't be too cute, there, Cindy, or we'll be eating a late breakfast..."

Her smile changed to a pink tongue sticking out at me. "Nuh-uh, love of my life! I want pancakes. And coffee!"

"I will defer my lusts until we have had breakfast, little one," I laughed. I started for the door, got grabbed and spun around, a pair of arms laced themselves around my neck, and she hauled me over to kiss me.

"We have a whole day, baby. We can put some beans on, then go play while they cook."

The nasty look of the low clouds was actually deceptive as they were pushed by a moist south wind. The temperature wasn't particularly cold as we climbed in the truck and left for breakfast.

Eight-thirty at a restaurant in Alabama, you're guaranteed to run into the church crowd, various families on the way to worship services. Such was the occupancy of the restaurant when we walked in. the hostess was a lady who knew us well as frequent customers.

"Hi, Cindy! Dan! There's a couple of booths open in the back corner. Janine's workin' that end today."

"Thank you, Mizz Lee," Cindy chirped. We threaded our way through the crowd to a corner booth and sat down. The waitress, Janine, showed up with our customary mugs of coffee.

"Ya'll doin' pancakes this mornin', hon?" she asked.

"That's perfect, Janine," I said. Cindy just smiled. We sipped our coffee while we waited on pancakes, gazing out the window at the scudding clouds.

"That front's close," I said. It's going to be a hard freeze tonight."

Giggle. "Good snuggling weather, dontcha think?" Green eyes twinkled.

We were talking about the ideas of flying in foul weather when a nicely dressed lady approached us.

"Excuse me," she said to Cindy. "Didn't you come to Sunday school at our church? Our bus picked you up at that RV park?"

Cindy smiled. "Yes, ma'am. That was the beginning of last summer. Some of ya'll were really nice to me."

"I would hope so," the lady said. "Some weren't?"

Cindy's face lost a bit of its shine. "No ma'am," she said. "Some kids picked at me because of my ... well, where I lived and who my momma was..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie," the lady said. "They shouldn't've done that. Are you doing okay?"

I was sitting silent, watching my Cindy. Carefully.

"I'm doing fine, ma'am. I'm still livin' in that park, but Mom's moved away. And I'm married." She patted my hand. "This is my husband, Dan Richards. He's an engineer!"

The lady's expression as she looked at me was, shall we say, strained. She turned back to Cindy. "Baby, I thought you were a young teen."

"I'm fourteen," Cindy said.

"Ma'am," I interrupted, "would you like to sit with us for a little while?"

"Oh, mercy! I don't know..."

"Please," I said. "And I'm Dan Richards, like Cindy said. And you're... ?"

"Mona Simmons." She wasn't exactly smiling.

"Mizz Simmons," I said, "I can only imagine the things people could think about Cindy and me..."

"I've heard stories..." Mona started.

"Mizz uh ... Mona, lots of people knew about my mom. An' if they knew about 'er, it wasn't good stuff. I'm not like her."

Mona started, "But you're..."

"Fourteen," Cindy said. "A number. I've been married for," She looked at me, "two months, I'm being taken care of, I have friends who love me and my husband, I have a real family now..."

"Mizz Mona," I said. We appreciate you caring. Cindy's an unusual young lady. You might want to ask Jim Hardesty at the middle school about her education status. It's very likely she will start college in a few months. At fourteen. There's a lot..."

Cindy interrupted. "There's a lot that makes me different, Mizz Mona."

A tall man, vaguely familiar, showed up behind Mona. "Sayyyy," he said to Cindy, "Ain't you that little girl they call 'The Engineer's Apprentice' out at the new plant?" he changed his gaze to me. "An' you're what, the head electrical engineer?"

"Oh, gosh," I said. "I thought you looked familiar. I'm sorry. So many faces out there. I can't connect your first name." I stood and offered a hand.

He shook it enthusiastically. "Jeff. Jeff Simmons. I have crew of pipefitters out there. But I've seen HER!"

Mona's face was just a tiny bit uncomposed. "Jeff, you know about her?"

"Oh, yeah ... Lots of talk. She came out on one of those school visits. She's famous" He grinned at Cindy and she smiled back. "She's out there about every couple of weeks." He laughed. "You got in that boiler before Christmas and took those pictures for our engineer." Jeff turned to Mona. "Our engineer's a little too chubby to get in the boiler. Cindy wore those paper coveralls."

Mona was flabbergasted.

And our pancakes arrived. "Please, Jeff, you an' Mona join us..."

Janine set our plates down. "If you folks want to sit here..."

"Great," Jeff said.

I scooted deeper into the booth. Jeff sat next to me. Mona sat beside Cindy.

"Hon," Jeff said, "These people are the talk of the project. Cindy had it tough. Now her an' Dan..."

"Oh, dear," Mona sighed, trying to maintain her Southern persona. "I guess I've only heard what SOME people think ... Cindy, you don't look like an unfortunate..."

"Oh, no ma'am," Cindy interrupted. "I think I'm the most FORTUNATE person in the state."

Jeff and Mona's order showed up and the four of us ate. After the meal, we continued to sip coffee.

"I'm sorry, Cindy. Dan. Sometimes people get the wrong idea..." Mona said.

Jeff said, "Mona baby, you need to lighten up. What about Rick 'n Stacy's daughter?"

"Oh, dear," Mona said. She sighed. "Their daughter's fourteen. And pregnant. Tragic."

"I know her. Kelly. I help her in math class. She's broken up over it, but her mom and dad..."

"Baby," Mona said. "Her mom was almost suicidal. We prayed with 'em. That's a hard thing..."

"I can imagine," Cindy said. "I feel sorry for her. Really. But Mizz Mona, that's not ME."

"Okay, hon," Mona said. "Jeff, how come I don't know more about this? 'Engineer's Apprentice'? that's cute!"

"Aw, baby, you don't want to hear what I think is cute out at the job..." Jeff whined.

"Hmmphhh!" said Mona. "I don't want to hear stories about your guys locking some poor guy in a porta-john. You should've told me about HER!"

"Yes, dear," Jeff exaggerated, grinning.

"You're impossible!" Mona said, feigning aggravation.

Jeff glanced at his watch. "Okay, Mona, we're gonna be late for services. Cindy, Mister Dan..."

"Just 'Dan', please, Jeff!" I said.

"Dan, we didn't mean to bother ya'll..."

"You didn't bother us," Cindy said.

I stood as Mona slid out of her seat next to Cindy. "It wasn't a bother. I know we're not the standard couple. But we're very happy."

Mona said, "Maybe ya'll can vist us sometime?"

Cindy smiled. "We'd love to..."

When Jeff and Mona departed, I sat back hard against the back of the booth.

"Baby, ' Cindy said softly, "Relax ... Take a deep breath."

"Okay, princess. But I thought..."

"You thought she was one of those who were going to get in our faces..." She smiled. "I kinda worried. But I figured that if I survived tellin' Tootie that I was fourteen, I could survive this." Giggle. "You know, we oughta show up for Sunday services at the Baptist church one Sunday."

"That's a thought," I admitted. "But I don't want to rub peoples' noses in our situation. Those that accept us, that's one thing. We shouldn't go out of our way..."

"I know, baby," she said. "But you know, we're really pretty normal..."

"For a forty-one year old guy and his cute fourteen year old wife who's four months from graduating high school. Yep. That normal..."

Janine topped off our coffee mugs. "Everything okay, hon?" she asked Cindy.

"Oh, yes, Mizz Janine. It is now..."

Janine leaned toward us in a conspiratorial stance. "I've overheard Mona an' a couple of other church women talkin' about ya'll. Not so good, either."

Cindy answered, "Well, unless she's lyin' to us, we straightened her out. Dan knows her husband from work..."

"Yeah, uh-huh," Janine said. "Jeff's just a good ol' boy. His wife, she gets kinda uppity sometimes. Likes to talk down other people sometimes."

"People ain't nice and neat, Mizz Janine," Cindy sighed.

"Mister Dan, you got a smart one here," Janine said, smiling.

We paid the ticket. And a little extra on the tip.

In the truck, on the way home, she giggled. "I WAS a little scared, Dan. I mean, she ... people like her, they can't HURT us. We're 100% legal an' all that. But I like our, what's your word? 'harmonious' life together."

"I know, princess," I said. "I like us to enjoy our pancakes without people judging us on parts of the story."

Same as Cindy
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Three times a week, I go to a gym after work -- one, to work off stress of the day and two, to keep in shape.One night after work, I stopped by the gym and went through a serious workout. The first half, I worked on the lower part of body and the second half on the upper.After the workout, I was soaked with sweat to I decided to take a shower there before going home. I always try to keep a change of clothes in my locker for such occasions.The water felt great so I just stood there for about 10...

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Is it a Costume Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I never felt more alive, the softness of the clothing making me swoon in delight; I had never experienced anything like that before, so you could safely say that I was both confused and excited at the same time. I had never dressed up as a girl before, so I was unfamiliar with the inherent thrill it caused. As I looked in the mirror I saw my mother behind me, and she was smiling! "I just knew that you would look absolutely...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 22 Halloween Weekend Part I

October 26, 1987, Chicago, Illinois The call I was expecting came just before 3:00pm on Monday afternoon. “You’re killing me!” Dante Puccini screamed into the phone. “Dante, could you please not scream into the phone,” I said, trying to sound as calm as I possibly could. “Hey, if somebody tried to stick it up your ass you’d scream!” I suppressed a chuckle. Elyse HAD done that, and a whole lot more, and I hadn’t screamed. “Dante, you asked us to solve a problem that every single vendor...

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Helplessness Blues

Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....

4 years ago
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What Boundaries Part Two

After having sex with my boyfriend’s father, all I could think about was the grief of cheating. But I could never confess. I’d lose him. I can’t. We’ve got a future. “You little whore.” Mr. Dames laughed. “I can’t wait to tell my son all about how I fucked his little bitch.” I fixed my clothes and grabbed him by his collar. “Look,” I began, “If anyone finds out about this, especially Carl, I will TELL him that you fucking fucked me. I’m 17, asshole, I can act and cry on the spot. So unless...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Gianna Grey Delivery Deep Inside that Pussy

Gianna Grey had a great idea. She put a sticky note at the door asking the hot delivery guy to bring the package inside. She wanted to smell good for him so she took a long shower and soaped her beautiful big tits. When Peter Green arrived and entered the house she called him to the bathroom. He was a little hesitant but she asked him to please come open the package and bring her the content. He blushed as he found a pink dildo inside. Gianna asked for full delivery. The dildo was supposed to...

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love soccer lax

This is a story of two high school seniors, one a star soccer player on her way to college, the other, a mediocre lacrosse player at best joining the work force. His former high school was shutdown from the inside of the school parish six weeks before the semester started, so he was very angry, lonely and confused because his best friend went to a different school than his. He met her in his first period English class on the first day of classes. He didn’t know who anyone was in the class...

First Time
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Island Paradise 1

ISLAND PARADISE by Throne A little more than a year ago I was a wealthy independent man. Now I am none of those things. My assets are gone, I am enslaved, and you could no longer identify me as male. One thing that I didn't lose is my memory. I can vividly recall everything that occurred. There are scenes that I replay in my mind over and over. Sometimes I wish that, along with all my other losses, I had forfeited my ability to remember. My wife has insisted that I record it...

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College Girls Sexual Hazing

When I signed up for the Kappa Omega Kappa sorority I had no idea it would be this much fun. And this was only the initiation. It occurred to me sometimes ago. I am Ashley, 19 years old girl. I am blonde with beautiful eyes, slim and sexy figure and I am 5'8".At sorority house, in of the older girl's bedrooms, we were ordered to take off our clothes while the older girls inspected us. We were all nervous at first, obviously, but as the older girls took control and ordered the four of us to...

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Chinese wife has black lover

I called my little asian princess and told her I was coming over, she told me she was working hard and I said that was fine I won't stay long. When I got to her house she let me in, she gave me a key to her house and told me to come in when I get there. I went downstairs to where she works and said hello, she told me it was a long day for her because she had been working so hard. I told her I understood, I spun the chair around she was sitting in and pulled down her pants and panties, "she...

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Job Search Karte Hua Sachha Pyaar 8211 Part 1

Mera naam karan h aur yh baat tb ki h jb mai pune me job search krne aya tha, tb bhot se ldke ldkiya aati thi job search krne jgh jgh se off campus me. Ek din amdocs ka capus tha bhot se log aaye hue the, usme se  ek ldki jo mere class me written de rhi thi uska naam.Tha swati, maa ksm maal thi puri wo figure 30,32,30 hoga. Mai usko subh se notice kr rha tha, aur wo bhi notice kr rhi thi mjhko. First round hua hum.Log class se bhr nikle, maine himmat kr k.Puch liya kesa gya exam, wo shrmai aur...

4 years ago
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Public Panty Jacking

This kind of relates to the two videos I posted of me cumming in my pink bra and panty set. (there will be more to follow soon) When my birthday came and I enjoyed my new panties, I decided to go a step further – wearing them in my car.. with nothing else! I waited until it got colder so it would be dark longer (I want to cum in public, but not get arrested), and I grabbed my black crotchless thong and loose jeans and jacket and left home. I went driving and got nice and aroused letting porn...

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods

"Hey, everybody! I want to tell you about a volunteer opportunity before we get started." Willow Oakton gave a mental roll of the eyes before turning her attention to the speaker. Holly Stone was hosting the book club this month, and so she had the floor. Whenever Holly had a "volunteer opportunity" to discuss, it tended to result in everyone else volunteering while Holly supervised. "What is it this time, Holly?" This was from Ivy Blackwood. She slid a knowing wink to Willow. "I'm...

3 years ago
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English Oral

Elizabeth is a young woman, age 18 with deep blue eyes. Her dark brown hair is soft and silky, much like velvet. Her skin is pale white; her face has a slight blush applied to it. She has her hair up in a bun; loose strands cling to her neck. She is dressed in a black T-Shirt that has a gothic Hello Kitty in the lower right corner. Her dress is simple red dress, with frills on the bottom; her shoes are small with black and white patches all over it. Elizabeth looks up at her teacher. He...

1 year ago
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Rule Number Eleven

The six Kikuyu elders slowly took their seats on the ground opposite the equal number of Shulula Chiefs and spent the better part of the next hour passing the tobacco pipe in silence before one of the Kikuyu elders finally spoke. ‘It has been ten generations since the brave few from your tribe left their ancestral home and came to this wilderness,’ said Jomo, one of the Kikuyu Elders, ‘and you have always traded with the Kikuyu honorably.’ ‘And the Kikuyu have always been a friend of the...

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Night With Restaurant Owner

This is a true story and one day I decided to take out my family to dinner at this nice Indian restaurant. I love treating my family and we end up arriving at the restaurant. The gentleman greeted me and my family and took us to our table. He turned out to be the owner from the first moment he captured my eyes my heart was melted. He was such a handsome man with salt and pepper beard and very friendly. While we were having our meal he came to our table couple of times just wanted to make sure...

Gay Male
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The New House Next Door

I made the last turnoff down the country road to the Alaskan style Chalet that Lee and I share, and here was several huge truckloads of building material parked by my road. ‘Well, just hell!’ I thought, realizing that construction was going to start soon across from us. We had enjoyed having the only home in the area for nearly 15 years. The 6 acres we own is nice and private, but our property line stops at the road. I had tried to buy the acreage across the way a few years before, but had...

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Playtime Stories 17 BBC Afternoon Delight

The second in a short series of stories set in the IE. This one was INTENSE. Enjoy and please comment!Playtime Stories 17 - BBC Afternoon Delight I put a prostate stimulator up my ass and moaned. My dick jumped and I smiled at myself in the mirror and called myself a fucking slut. I jacked myself a few times and nearly came. I wanted to save my orgasm. I had so many possibilities and so many ideas of what to do for the rest of the day and the night. I liked my lips and preened in a...

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Tobias Tarakan Spectral Private Detective

The stifling heat had finally broken, and from the bar’s window, I could see a storm was descending on New York City. I winced, shook the water from my hat, dropped it on the table, and slipped into the snug. I looked at my bloodied hands. I knew I shouldn't have done it, not that way, but knowing something doesn't always help. Anyway, the old couple had to die. Period. I looked around, it was the usual, sad, 3 a.m. Friday fraternity. I could have a stake through my heart and no one would...

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All Mixed Up

Author’s Note: The following is a story that starts out with incestuous undertones and a scene that is thwarted by an unlikely source. Also there is heterosexual intercourse that some would say places this story in the ‘Loving Wife’ category as well as the Non-consent/Reluctance. I struggled with where to place it. Incest/Taboo — Loving Wife — Non-con/Reluc., in the end I submitted it under Non-erotic, because the story has a lot of emotional context that gives life to the characters. I also...

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I get a BBC for His Birthday Blacken

Ryan and Zoey recently moved in together. They've been dating for the last two years. They want to get married eventually, but thought it would be more cost effective if they lived together first. Zoey was always at Ryan's apartment anyway, so they found a new apartment and are living there now. Ryan and Zoey have sex every day. Ryan's sex drive is very strong, and he likes to experiment with Zoey. Ryan bought a book about Kama Sutra positions that he likes to try. Ryan loves to experiment and...

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Store party Monday night

I pulled into the drive at home and realized both my parents were home. I did a quick check to see if anything was obviously out of place. I knew my body was sticky, but a quick check of the mirror didn't look too bad. I came in, hung my coat and headed for my room. I grabbed some fresh clothes and hit the shower. As I got out of the shower, I noticed all the scratches and marks over my body. Teeth marks on my chest and scratches on my hips and ass. I thought back, but couldn't distinctly...

Oral Sex
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Degrees of Attraction

This is nonsense. And yet... The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that; first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which they would not do if presented with it as an immediate order. Second is that there is evidence it is not true at all, but a superstition put forward as self-serving propaganda by hypnotic...

4 years ago
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Humiliating HollyChapter 31

I slept ok for being in a dog cage. I didn’t like it, but I had no other choice. Everything they make me do gets me in more and more trouble. If anyone ever saw any of the videos they had of me fucking those young children, I would be in jail for sure. So for now, I had to do as I was told. My cunt hurt a lot from being branded. And my tits hurt because of the screws in them. And even my clit was hurting because some kid put a fucking needle into the end of it. My body was sore from being...

3 years ago
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Dorms of the University of Alberta

I visited the University of Alberta last summer for a conference. Deciding to make a vacation out of it, my wife of one year, Anne, came along; we were planning to tour the Canadian Rockies after my meeting. We chose to stay in a cheap place in Edmonton so as to have more money for the rest of our trip. While not poor, we were saving our pennies. With this in mind, imagine our surprise when we found out one of housing options was the dorms at U of A. The rooms were cheap--$15 a person a day....

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Jaipur Welcomes Me With A Punjabi Bhabhi

A warm regards to all the beautiful and amazing people out here. Life is crazy so are we, but in this race of competitions we tend to find few people who are just like you giving immense preference to life as it is right now this very second. I am Arjun, Punjabi Munda(hire me for my fun loving and erotic services) age 30 fun loving, broad minded, sensible well qualified & average built currently in jaipur with all the qualifications to pamper and take sweet care of a person willing to have...

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RendezvousChapter 9

Hairy In the morning: Tipi: check. Buffalo robe: check. Smoldering fire: check. On one side, finely shaped breast under hand: check. On the other side, excellent buttocks against hip: check. Outside, War pony: I’ll have to check: check. .53 full stock Hawken flintlock and possibles bag between two liner poles: check. Check? I checked. I handled it lovingly. My own ... I’m not dreaming ... a rather severe pinch on my arm: check. I’m alive: check. Fuck! It looks like I’ve traded a 30...

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RuneswardChapter 10

“When did he leave?” Radu asked, his voice tight. “Nine days,” Joric responded, his eyes looking from his Emperor to the Emperor’s Right Hand in confusion. “He requested leave; he’s never taken leave before, so he was due. I thought nothing of it. Is something wrong?” “You didn’t ask where he was going?” Vondi asked, ignoring Joric’s confusion. “It didn’t cross my mind,” Joric admitted, his confusion growing. “We own his life as a soldier, but his personal time is his own. I never even...

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Suddenly Woman 4

Suddenly Woman Chapter 4 My head was filled with a storm of thoughts, ideas and emotions. In spite of this entire, surreal transformation, there was no way in hell I thought of myself as a woman. In spite of the fact that I had just walked through the streets of the city in this elaborate masquerade, I couldn't be a woman. In spite of the fact that I sat here now, a half a foot shorter, sixty pounds lighter, this long hair, hanging, these hands, these In spite of...

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Sunny CornerChapter 2

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:2 “You sure?” “Yup ... just falling rocks,” Jim said. I was willing to take his word for it ... except ... he explained the How of Thermal Expansion and the Why it happened. He was just getting into gravity when he noticed my eyes glazing over. “I suppose we ought to get back to work.” “Huh?” I said, and faked a yawn. It was dusty and hot back in our little dry rill but I persevered. Jim was crevassing, and I hauled buckets of...

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Birthday girl

Random weekday 'industry night'; having drinks with my friends, chatting, its getting late and I am just about to leave. Must have been just quarter after mid night ... Im feeling I need to unload ... As I was about to leave this gorgeous long-hair red-head is standing against the wall in the hallway ... that's how it all got started: whats your name, are you here by yourself, I cant get my eyes off her ... so I invite myself to join the party ... turns out, this beautiful green-eye birthday...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Rachel Rivers Nice Day To Get A Job

Rachel Rivers is two weeks behind on the rent, and when Tony Rubino finds her heading to the pool area to tan, he stops her. Rachel had told Tony she would look for jobs, but because it’s such a sunny day, she doesn’t want to waste the rays. Angry, Tony bides his time, but his anger dissipates when he sees Rachel sunbathing outside. Her plump booty turns Tony on, and eventually, she sees him spying on her. Rachel comes back inside and tells Tony she had an idea: wipe away her debt,...


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