SensualistChapter 12 free porn video

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Veronica continues Her Story – Alice gets Ronnie off – Morgan again and again -- Exchanging Nude Pictures via Email -- Some Fisting -- Anal with Alice

Savannah Tuesday Afternoon

"So, Ronnie," Alice said impatiently, "have you figured out a way for us to get to the beach this weekend?"

"Um, yes and no," Veronica said quickly.

"What's that mean?" Alice asked tossing her old Raggedy Ann doll in the air, and then catching it in one hand repeatedly.

"It means what I said," Veronica said bluntly, before reaching out to swat the Raggedy Ann doll out of the air and onto the windowsill.

"Hey!' Alice protested, "You're being such a bitch just because I wouldn't let you feel me up"

"Feel you up? Jesus, Alice, I want you to go down on me. That's what I want," she shot back huffily.

Picking up her precious doll, Alice gave her cousin a pouty look, and said, "You could finish that story first. You know, kinda warm me up."

"You want me to put you in the mood to eat my snatch?"

"I wouldn't put it that way," Alice protested.

Smiling lewdly at her, Ronnie said, "Just how would you put it, cousin dear?"

"Oh, fuck you!" Alice said and picked up her Raggedy Ann doll and clutched it to her chest.

"Tell you what. You rub my pussy a little and I'll finish the story. Then we'll try a 69."

"You're on, Ronnie. Lift your leg a little. Yeah, that's good. Now get on with the story."

"If you remember, I walked in and saw this humongous cock."

"Yeah, yeah," Alice said wetting her fingers in her mouth and then placing them on Ronnie's mons Venus and began tracing the letters of the alphabet.

"Oh, right," Ronnie said. "Well like you know it wasn't Carson, it was his brother."

"Yeah, Johnny," Alice said trying to sound bored.

"Okay, okay, after we fucked, he asked me if I was gonna be his dirty whore," Ronnie said. She was already breathing hard. Alice couldn't tell if it was because of her fingers or retelling the hot story. She decided it was due to her fingers which were actually making contact with her cousin's privates and left it at that.

"Turns out he was five years older than his brother."

"So he's twenty-six," Alice chirped, practically an old man."

"Twenty-seven," Ronnie said, correcting her. "And then he checks out the fuck-me dress I'm wearin' and says, 'Your parents let you out dressed like that?"

Alice laughed, for it was an all too familiar story she'd heard from her own parents. "What'd the dress look like, Ronnie?"

"The top showed off my tits and the bottom barely covered my ass--that kind of dress. I wanted Carson to jump my bones as soon as I walked in the door."

"But you met the brother--the God instead."


"I think you're drooling Ronnie," Alice laughed.

Veronica laughed with her. "I don't know about drooling, but I was creaming in my dress."

"Mmm, I bet," Alice said as she slipped a finger into Veronica's very wet pussy.

Ronnie moaned. Alice crooked the finger and then exerted it back and forth.

"Oh ... fuck--that's good!" Ronnie swore.

"And then--then he cursed at me, Alice. Scared the shit outta me. Then he says, 'Push that ass out.'

"I do it, but I'm shakin' in my boots, and I wasn't wearin' any boots. I felt this sharp tug against the back of my shorts. I turn my head to the side to catch a glimpse of him working on the seam of my panties with the tip of his finger, using it like ... like little spear, pushing through a tiny hole--I was so ashamed when I realized I had a hole in my undies, but, fuck it, it was there and so was I. Anyway, I clenched reflexively in surprise as he began to you know--saw through the fabric, creating a gap about three inches long, completely exposing my little pink knot.

"I--I wanted to say something, you know? But was afraid he'd stop. That's right, I was afraid he'd stop. Somehow I knew that he was gonna reward me with a gigantic cum, you know?"

Alice had stopped rubbing Ronnie's pussy to pay attention to her own.

"Hey now, don't neglect me, baby," Ronnie whispered, spreading herself wider to facilitate Alice's easier entry into her cunt.

Alice moaned and started fingering both their pussies; and found she enjoyed it.

"That's nice, baby. That's nice," Ronnie cooed to Alice who giggled in response.

"Oh, that Johnny; Alice I tell you he was something else. It wasn't long before he's rubbing his big knobby head over my flushed pussy lips, coating it with my juices, and then he slipped inside me."

"Now with a cock that big, I figured he'd have a problem and I expected it to hurt. Only it didn't--not then anyway.

I heard him laugh. It was a laugh full of satisfaction and somehow I was pleased with myself for having pleased him. Strange, you know? I mean, we were fucking, right?

Anyway, he grabbed me like I was that Raggedy Ann doll of yours and spun me around so I was facing him, and backed me up against the wall. Then he reached for my top, hooked his fingers into the cleavage and matter-of-factly began ripping it off me.

"Hey!" I yelled, "That's my top!" Even as the tearing sound ended and the flimsy material came apart and half clung to my shoulder and the other remnant fluttered to the floor.

I stopped complaining the moment he touched my tits. He flicked each nipple and I watched them rise up asking for more.

His hand moved around me and sank into the flesh of my ass as his mouth covered one nipple, angrily sucking the sensitive nub before sliding over to torment the other one. I let out a helpless whimper when he squeezed each cheek to prevent me from twisting away.

"Mmm, you like that?" he said, teasing me as my eyelids fluttered and my lips formed a perfect 'O' as I writhed in his grip while the nicest sensations ran through me.

I remember my answer to his question: and answered with, "Yes! But I want you to fuckin' bite them!"

And he did. He bit hard, so hard I was trying to twist away from him and only made it hurt all the more. I tried to hook a leg around his waist--why I couldn't tell you, but I did."

Veronica paused and looked at Alice. She was staring at the juices oozing from Ronnie's cunt. "It's okay, lick me, you want too. I don't mind. I'll do you after."

"Mmmm, 'kay," Alice replied and went down on her, with slow sensuous licks and light sucks.

Satisfied with what her cousin was doing, Veronica closed her eyes and resumed the story.

"I could smell our sweat--like I can right now--I was so wanton in needing him inside me that I told him to pound it into me. But he took exception to me telling him what to do and pushed me roughly back against the wall.

"Take it easy, slut. You're fucking horny tonight, aren't you?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah, I guess I am. So we gonna fuck or what?"

"Eventually, baby, eventually," he said and slapped my tits, watching them jiggle and flashing a wicked grin.

"Thing is, I liked this rough shit."

"He tells me, not to worry, he's gonna fuck me, gonna use me, gonna make me beg until it hurts. But first you're gonna suck this big cock of mine."

He put his hands on my shoulders and forced me down to my knees. I would have done it anyway, but the fact that he forced me made a difference in that now I wasn't just blowin' him, oh, no, I was submitting to him!"

On hearing the word 'submitting, ' Alice had a mini-orgasm, and went at her cousin with a furious vengeance.

"Oh, yeah. That's it, baby, eat me out!" Veronica crowed happily.

Alice sucked her clit into her mouth. Ronnie's back arched and her hands clamped over Alice's shoulders as she rhythmically rubbed the rough side of her tongue underneath Ronnie's clit in slow circles. Alice's eyes were closed, but they still rolled to the back of her head with lust. Reaching up, she pinched her cousin's nipples, squeezing her preternaturally firm tits. Sweat rolled down her temples.

Ronnie sounded like she was in pain, and Alice stopped.

"Don't you stop!" Ronnie croaked, and Alice gave her cousin's rock hard clit a slow, delicate lick--thinking that she'd sucked a little bit too hard. Ronnie responded by caressing her cheek and shook her head.

"No--Do it like before, baby."

Alice moaned and sucked her clit into her mouth again, and her hand tightened into a fist in Veronica's hair.

"That's right. Eat it," Ronnie barked as Alice rubbed her clit eagerly with a broad tongue. Alice was so aroused she found it difficult to breathe. Still, she cupped Veronica's firm ass in her hands and pressed her cousin into her face.

"I want your tongue in my pussy," Ronnie rasped. Obligingly, Alice slid her tongue into Ronnie's open cunt and with a kind of smile on her face, tried to avoid touching her cousin's clit for the time being.

She felt her cousin tighten around her tongue; and caught Ronnie's hand as it moved to rub her clit and hurry her orgasm.

"No!" Alice said, and left it at that.

Ronnie trembled and sighed as Alice sent a finger along the crack of Ronnie's ass, and pressed the tip into her winking asshole. Ronnie's asshole grasped at the finger as eagerly as her pussy had closed on Alice's tongue.

"I--I need to cum!" she said in a low, hoarse voice.

"Soon, baby, soon," Alice gasped as she worked her finger in and out of Ronnie's ass while tonguing her furiously. Moments later, she allowed her thumb to slide back and forth over her cousin's clit and that did the trick.

Releasing a warning squirt of nectar, Ronnie threw back her head and moaned, "I'm gonna..."

"Cum for me, baby!" Alice crowed, fingering the other's ass as fast as possible, and taking her clit between her lips and sucking hard.


Ronnie groaned and grabbed her cousin's shoulders and curled into herself as the strengthening waves of her orgasm made her weak. She wheezed and groaned under Alice, as she coaxed still another orgasm from her; ignoring the copious juices dripping from her chin to her wrist and bracelet.

Alice's face was slick with Ronnie's juice by the time she slid her finger from her ass and raised her face triumphantly at having brought her cousin to a tumultuous orgasm.

But Ronnie couldn't wait to reward her lover; to taste her, and getting up on all fours, shoved Alice face-first toward the headboard of the bed they were on and rasped, "Your turn, baby," as her hand slipped between her cousin's legs and found her clit.

I picked up Morgan at six that afternoon, and asked if she wanted to see my bedroom before we went out to dinner.

You may laugh at my actions, but Morgan laughed and quickly agreed that it was a wonderful idea.

Morgan, you see, falls into a category I call the Typical Girl. It may seem egotistical on my part, categorizing women, and I certainly apologize to anyone offended by the concept. However, after careful consideration of the women I've encountered over the years I've found that they do fall into one of several categories; as I'm certain men do as well. But I'll leave that grouping to a knowing woman to put together.

What is a Typical Girl? Well, she's just what the name implies, but she's also a lot more. Typical Girls can be separated into many different sub-categories - brains, jocks, rowdies, shy types, and so on. Although their interests can be as varied as sports, biology, fashion trends or reading trashy romance novels, they do possess one overwhelming trait. They want to be more than they are. They want men to look at them as something special, something 'better' than what they perceive themselves as being. One may argue that everyone wants this to some extent, but if I may give some examples: High School or college cheerleaders can be considered jocks, but they are NOT Typical Girls. Most cheerleaders are typically Gold Diggers.

For the most part, cheerleaders are viewed as the most desirable girls in school, and hence reside in the epicenter of the social spectrum. Girls on the basketball or track team, however, are not looked upon in the same light by either boys or men. They are, in a word, Typical. Girl Jocks, no matter how successful they may be on the court, playing field or track, always live in the shadow of their more desirable sisters, the cheerleaders and other Gold Diggers, who are usually, but not always, more desirable to men in general. Because of this 'injustice' during their teen years, Typical Girls long to find men who will look upon them as Above Average.

The Typical Girl convinces herself that the only men who will look upon her as Above Average are older, wiser, more experienced men; or in her own age group, a male who reeks wealth and/or success. She convinces herself that these groups of men are beyond the superficiality of her peers. She believes that they will look beyond her averageness and find the Above Average Girl she's always dreamed she could become.

The Typical Girl is motivated toward success, and will strive to become a lawyer, doctor, IT Specialist, or other powerful occupation. But believe me; she will sell her soul in a heartbeat for the man who treats her as an Above Average Girl.

Morgan fit this category in several ways: First, she had a job as an editor with a very popular Woman's magazine. She had a degree in English from Vassar, and was attractive enough, but her previous relationships had failed, (I learned later.) and she felt that it was her fault in that she failed to measure up to her partners standards.

One of the things that had drawn her to me was the way I chose to communicate with her rather than either of her friends. Moreover, I did it without her friends being aware of me doing so.

But there were the obvious differences in our ages. My manner of dress and the way I comported myself when compared with my companions was more to her liking. Better put--I managed to fill in her personal composite of Prince Charming. Yes, Prince Charming. Having my own place at Hilton Head obviously made a difference, as did my convertible. She hardly blinked on learning that I was eighteen and about to enter college.

Well, to be honest, we'd already had sex at that point. I had also refrained from leering at her or her friends while they were discussing a sexual encounter at the restaurant. So I wasn't placed in the horny guy category which I'm fairly certain all women know of, and use on occasion, along with that of the dirty old man.

In fact, Morgan and I did have a conversation shortly after our initial sexual session, in which I brought up our age difference.

Morgan: "What about the difference?"

Me: "I'm only eighteen."

Morgan: There's not that big a difference between us."

Me: "Oh, come on, you must think I'm too young for you. What was I thinking? I mean, a beautiful woman like you fooling around with a kid like me, maybe one time, but seriously--a relationship?"

Morgan: "But you're not that young, and--and you're years older in the way you act and carry yourself.

Get it? Whenever the question of age comes up with Morgan, she turns the issue away with one specious argument after another. I treated her as the woman she wants to be. I won her over with that. Did I want to marry her? No of course not. Did she want to marry me? Probably not, but I'm certain she considered the possibility.

Speaking of age differences, look at the growing number of female teachers having affairs with their high school students. Is this a new trend?

Back to basics: Morgan and I went right to my room, stripped naked and got in bed.
I stroked her shapely legs and luscious thighs. My hand drifted up to her mound and I found that she was wet with desire. She smiled at me as I fingered her pussy and licked my fingers clean of her juices. Then she opened her arms and welcomed me into her body. I slipped between her thighs and slid my cock into her quim. Morgan uttered an audible gasp as I hit bottom. I fucked her slowly, easing my cock almost all the way out of her pussy before plunging it back in. She was soon lost in the lust of the moment.

"Oh that's it fuck me, fuck me slow," she softly uttered.

Hearing her ask me to fuck her was an incredible turn-on for me and I picked up my pace. Morgan threw her hips up at me as if to try and get me deeper in her cunt. I felt my orgasm approaching but I didn't want to cum before she did so I tried to slow down.

"No, no don't stop, fuck me faster, I'm so close," Morgan begged.

I picked up the pace again as we both raced toward our orgasms. I don't know who came first because we were so close but Morgan wrapped her legs around me and humped me for all she was worth as I spurted my seed deep in her womb. We continued to fuck each other until we were drained. I collapsed on top of her and she didn't seem to mind my weight as she held me and cried out.

"Oh thank you, thank you," she said over and over.

I rolled off of Morgan and lay next to her on the bed. She smiled at me and then snuggled in closer. As I lay next to her I caressed her breasts, throat and shoulders, teasing her skin with my fingernails and tongue. She let out a low, drawn out sound when I started on her naked breasts, sucking the warm flesh from the underside of one while rolling the nipple of the other.

Morgan then moved down the bed, gently took hold of my cock and took me into her mouth, rolling my cock around and coating it with her saliva, while her hand worked my shaft up and down. I hardened quickly and with one hand wrapped around my slippery shaft, she guided me into her wet hole, engulfing me in her heat and slippery tightness.

With me fully embedded in her, the vixen took hold of the top of the head board on either side of my head while I steadied her by holding onto her hips. Then she rocked those same hips back and forth, pressing downward and working my cock against the walls of her pussy as I caromed all over her vagina.

The next motion of her hips caused her to gasp in pleasure as my full length penetrated her. She began to work up and down, back and forth moaning deliriously. I thought she felt particularly tight in this position and the unhurried pace felt wonderful. Morgan continued to ride me at a slow, even pace and I let her take charge. I also enjoyed the smacking and sucking sound of her pussy as she made use of my dick as a joy-stick to pleasure herself.

I also had an excellent view of her fine, firm breasts jiggling when she picked up the pace. Our groins met continuously, and she seemed to know just how far to move so that my cock never slipped out of her pussy. Her thigh muscles felt firm and tight under my hands as she worked her body on me. The speed of our groins slapping together increased as we increased the pace of our fuck.

Her pussy contracted around my cock while her eyes fluttered. She let out a high pitched scream and came, grabbing onto my shoulders as she rode out her orgasm. I ejaculated into her, flooding her cunt with semen as Morgan collapsed on top of me.

Morgan covered my face with kisses and then plunged her tongue into my mouth. As she kissed me she murmured softly into my neck and shoulders. She thanked me over and over for giving her so much pleasure and I held her tight, keeping my cock in her long after it had ebbed in size.

We showered separately, dressed and left in time to make our reservation for dinner.

Pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant, I noticed that her aroused nipples were pointing, almost straining against her summer dress. She caught me looking at them and murmured, "My breasts are very sensitive."

I leaned over and kissed each breast, pressing my lips against the thin material of her dress, and then bit each nipple in turn.

Morgan shuddered. "If--if you park in the far corner of the lot we can do it in the backseat," she offered. "Or I can suck you off right here."

Later," I said, "Right now I'm starving and I imagine you are too."

"Okay," Morgan replied, "but let me touch it first. I want to remember what it feels like while we're inside."

"Be my guest," I said, and she fondled and ran her hand up and down my length several times before placing a kiss on it in similar fashion to how I had treated her breasts. But she didn't bit me.

Our meal was digested without any sexual talk or innuendo. After dessert, I paid the bill, left a generous tip and escorted Morgan to the car.

"We wait until we're back at my place," I told her. I wanted no accident on the way from fooling around, nor did I want to fuck her in the car because I knew the police paid attention to parked cars at night, and caught a good number of couples going at it in their cars while looking for that special screw to make their vacation memorable. What they got was a memory they'd give a lot to erase, but they would be duly arrested, booked and fined, and their names would appear in the morning paper for everyone else to see.

The prolonged wait was well worth it. Morgan later confided that she was going crazy on the way to my place, conjuring up all sorts of sexual scenarios starring the two of us.

To add to the excitement, I made a show of carrying her over the threshold.

Morgan shrieked as I dropped her onto the bed. "Oh I loved that; it makes me feel so special!"

I helped her undress and she assisted me, that is, until my cock sprang out, and then she started kissing and licking it while I finished removing the rest of my clothing.

Back on the bed, I paid more than the usual amount of attention to her lovely tits, biting and pinching as well as kissing and caressing them.

I even spent a minute or two just rubbing her belly. I was surprised at how much she liked that, and continued doing so while my free hand made its way to her sopping wet pussy.

She started moaning the moment my fingers became entwined in her pubic hair, splaying her legs invitingly. I burrowed my tongue into her cunt and just sort of licked and sucked away until she was going crazy with wanting to cum. Morgan was now moaning continuously and had arched herself so that her clit stuck out like a little cock. I licked it several times before taking it between my teeth and nipping at it.

Morgan went wild and pulled my head to her pussy as she screamed out in ecstasy. I sucked her clit into my mouth and worried the hell out of it while she humped my face for all she was worth. I was pleased to have her that excited so early in our lovemaking, and kept her at that peak by humming into her clit adding to the myriad volleys of sensations already flooding her nervous system.

Morgan came for the first time shortly after this, but I wasn't close to finishing with her. She collapsed on the bed, twitching and spasming, and whimpers when I roughly spread her legs apart and mounted her, easing my cock into the steam bath of what was once her cunt. I began with a slow, methodical fuck, simply because I knew she liked the pace.


When she became accustomed to it, I increased my thrusting. Morgan wrapped her arms around my back and legs around the back of my calves. She grunted twice, arched her back and humped me back as hard and fast as I was banging her.

"It--it can't be real," she croaked a minute or two later.

"What can't be real?" I panted as beads of sweat dropped from my head onto her face.

"My--my orgasms ... They haven't stopped!"

"Is that good or bad, 'cause I've got a long way to go, baby."


I felt her drench my cock with her juices just before I exploded filling her womb. It seemed endless as I jetted spurt after spurt of hot sperm into her cunt. After I finished cumming, I remained still with my cock in Morgan's pussy as she uttered unintelligent moans and sounds and her body trembled. Her cuntal muscles were involuntarily squeezing and releasing my cock, milking all the juice out of it. Finally, my deflated cock slipped from her hole and she flinched as the cool air touched her opening.

Several minutes went by as we slowly recovered our senses.

"I--I've never even heard of anything that intense," she whispered. "You have a gift..."

"Thank you, but I'm certain that other men can..."

Morgan interrupted me. "I doubt it." Then after careful consideration, she amended her statement. "Well, perhaps there is ... are men out there with your talents, but they must be exceedingly rare. I've never heard any woman even hint at what you do."

"What about your friend, Christine and her Georgie?"

"He had a monster cock and that was it," she said haughtily, "Nothing like you and the way you make love."

"Just because he liked his buddy as much as he did Christine doesn't..."

"Weren't you listening? He was imagining it was his so-called buddy who had the finger up his ass, and wanted it to be his dick!" Morgan said raising her voice for the first time since she'd screamed during her orgasms.

"I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. How can you assume what he was thinking? And look at who's making the assumption--Christine who's being manhandled by two guys at the same time. Wouldn't it be fair to say that her attention was not that sharply focused?"

"You can tell things like that during sex!" Morgan said huffily.

"My God, Morgan, when I was hammering into you, you were babbling incoherently. You call that focused?"

"That was different," she said, emphatically.

Wanting to change the subject, I said, "Let's fuck again."

"I need to rest for awhile, my body aches right now," she said softly. "I couldn't possibly cum again."

"Now you've given me something to prove," I laughed.

"No!" she whined as I rolled her onto her stomach and lifted her hips to a level with my cock as I knelt behind her.

"No, Donald, I'm sore there!"

I eased my cock into her pussy and began to fuck her doggy style. Despite her objections, Morgan was content in this position most likely because I was not making any real contact with her clit. As the fuck progressed, I began slamming into her from behind causing her curvy ass cheeks to jiggle. I took a moment to look at her tight asshole and wondered if anyone or anything had ever been in there.

I scooped up gobs of her pussy juice and smeared it in the crack of her ass, and then spread around her nether hole. I added saliva to my finger and probed her tight aperture with the tip of my finger. Morgan tensed when she felt my finger probe her anus.

"What are you doing back there?" she asked pensively.

Ignoring her, I gathered up more juices and added some of my saliva and continued to probe her hole. I gently pushed a very well lubricated finger into her ass and the tiny aperture opened up to accept the digit.

"Get out of there!" she whined again, but I sensed her heart wasn't in it as our fucking had brought her to that hazy, good feeling that proceeds a marvelous climax from a long, steady slow fuck.

Adding another generous amount of combined juice and spit adequately greased her asshole allowing me to get my finger two joints in without any problem.

At that point, I had my dick in her pussy and a finger working in and out of her ass, I felt myself readying to cum. I tried to hold off, but failed, and my load built up and rocketed through my scrotum to splash wildly in all corners (if there are any corners) of her vagina.

When I finished cumming, we both collapsed on the bed and rested without speaking for a while.

We had been fucking for almost two hours and I suggested a shower. We showered together and enjoyed washing each other's body. Afterward we dried each other off teasing one another in the process. As Morgan fondled my cock it began to stiffen in the towel.

Morgan wanted us to stay naked and we did. I offered to give her a massage, and she accepted, knowing full well that I had no real knowledge of how to do it.

Morgan smiled as I retrieved some body lotion from my mother's bathroom. She crawled back on the bed and lay face down. I admired her shapely ass and I wondered again if she would let me fuck her there. I wanted to save her ass for later so I told her to turn over on her back.

"Front first," I said as I rolled her over.

I started at her feet, kneading her toes and then working on the soles and heels of each foot.

Morgan's moans of satisfaction told me I was doing it correctly, or at least within the area she was accustomed too.

I added my thumbs when starting on her calves and noticed her slowing spreading her legs in anticipation of my reaching her pussy.

But that wasn't in my immediate plans and I skipped over her loins and moved right to her tits.

I got a favorable reaction on running my palms over her nipples, which she'd already told me were very sensitive. I paid attention to each breast, caressing one and then the other, Then using a series of circular motions I titillated each nipple until they both stood jutting out proudly, seeming to beg for more teasing.

I must have spent twenty minutes or more playing with her boobs. Morgan was panting and breathing faster and faster, but never told me to do anything, allowing me free rein over where and how I was touching her.

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I dont think they came in me Cuckold

I proposed soon after and we were married. I got a job in the college town and we were very happy. Janet kept in touch with friends still in school and then one night about two months after we were married, 10 months since we met, she and the girls went out. I thought nothing of it. That is until I saw she was wearing a very short one-piece dress, one that hardly covered her plump bottom. I asked where they were going and she said the movies. It was hardly how she dressed for the movies but I...

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The Sex

Lin was a very high class paid escort. Her clients were rich professional men. They got from her what they could not get at home. Lin learned from an early age that sex could get her a lot of things. Especially sex when secrets were involved. Her own father used her from a very early age and her mom pretended not to notice as her mom had already birthed several k**s and hated sex. He started coming to her room at night and licking and sucking her pussy. In order to get her to let him he would...

3 years ago
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Plague Survivortexas Panhandle The Next Chapter

John rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but the scene outside the window still refused to change. There was, in fact, fresh snow outside. It was at least an inch deep. "Damn," he muttered out loud. "Wha?" Clarissa muttered, startled out of sleep. "Nothing, Dear. Go back to sleep," John told his wife. John looked at his wife. She had sharp ears, even in her sleep. He didn't try to be quiet when he left the room, as that would have woken his wife fully. Normal noises seemed to settle...

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Blacked Abigail Mac Loosen Up

Being a fitness celebrity, Abigail doesn’t have much time for herself, what with workouts, auditions and all the other responsibilities, she appreciates personal moments she manages to get. Her latest gig is a job in LA and to keep her from getting injured she has been given her own fitness therapist while on set. When they first meet, it is all business but soon enough they become more friendly and he loosens up. Before long, her massage sessions are becoming a lot more personal, and...

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Nick and Nicole visits Sweden

This is a story I've written for the nice cuckold couple nickandnicole1 I've been chatting with. Horny lovely people who enjoyed my verbal fucking of his luscious wife. Enjoy!----------------------------------------------------------------------------I meet you in a town in southern Sweden. We’ve talked and Skyped so it’s like seeing old friends. Nicole you even kiss me deep. She tells me she’s been longing for those lips. Nick...

4 years ago
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The VolunteerChapter 6

G2 liked being South in the winter. It wasn’t like it was never cold. But what sent the locals running for sweaters and overcoats felt like a spring breeze to G2. He didn’t plan to stay in this particular town for long, but the train had run out of track when it reached the ocean, so he had to find the necessities of life and then find a way out of town. His path took him through the Historic District. G2 was tired and weak. He hadn’t had food since ... He couldn’t remember exactly. His...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Anastasia Brokelyn The Anal Nympho

When sizzling Spanish señorita Anastasia Brokelyn and estranged husband Potro De Bilbao have a mix up in their schedules and find themselves staying in their country home at the same time, they can’t deny the passion they still feel for each other. It doesn’t take but a little bit of flirting in the pool before the bikini babe is on her knees sucking on his thick dick in a gagging blowjob. Then it’s only ass fucking for this raunchy ATM and anal loving nympho in this hardcore...

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BangBrosClips Karlee Grey Sometimes A Girl Just Needs A Friend

Working here can be a little overwhelming, the boss is always doing something that may be considered inappropriate. This particular week has been a bit difficult of Karlee Grey to manage. First, the boss shows up and begins to roast everyone to “boost team morale.” But all he does is just make mean remarks about everyone, as well as airing our dirty laundry. Later that week, he holds a meeting about sexual harassment, the boss purposely picks Karlee to show the “DON”Ts” of sexual harassment. He...

3 years ago
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I shaved her legs she shaved my balls True

Hey fellow Pornaholics! This one IS a true story that happened just the other day... I thought Id share it with you.It was freezing outside with a high temp of about 10 degrees above zero. I got this chill in my bones that just wouldn't leave. I told my girl that I was gonna go jump in the tub and read some stories from my favorite site on my Ipod to bring you up to speed, we'd been bantering back n forth for some time on how cool (and hot) it would be if she let me shave her legs....

1 year ago
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The Ring

The Ring By Hello329 WARNING: This story contains elements of TG, AR, and humiliation. If you are offended by such materials than do not read. "You had better stop John!," complained Tiffany. John, her older brother, was picking on her once again. He was holding her favorite doll high above her head and taunting her. "Come on little girl if you want you dolly back you had better jump higher." John was loving the fact that his sister was so easy to push around. He knew that his...

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The Witch

The Witch There are times in a person's life when they should just stay in bed. Alan Williams has one of these days. Alan Williams is a, or lets say this was a middle class working man. Single and dating, good friends, and even in the local golf club. He has everything going for him. But one day it all changes. He is driving home from the golf course and stops at a traffic light. When suddenly he gets rear ended by another car. He gets out of the car with his insurance papers....

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Msnovember Explains The Step Dad Teaching Me

Msnovember Explains The "Step Dad Teaching Me Sex" Epic Prequel Trilogy, On Sheisnovember.comA sexual journey that was three years in the making, filmed in four different cities, and loosely based on real life experiences. presents"Step Dad Teaching Me Sex" prequel series starring Msnovember and Producer JDG Pornart. Finally reaches its surprising and epic conclusion. Detailing the events of how neglected Step Daughter and flawed Step Dad began their risky, secrete,...

4 years ago
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A woodland adventure Chapter Four

Chapter FourYou have a stunned look on your face as the hunky young ranger slowly walks towards you, your still impaled on my big cock as you see him getting closer. "Now what do we have going on here?" he asks, loosening his button now. "Looks like we have a naughty girl who needs some punishing, need any help there big guy?" he asks as he looks down at me on the blanket, your legs astride me. A smile creeps across my face "Are you up for it then mate?" i ask. "Lets see what she thinks" he...

2 years ago
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How i got into Glory Hole Fun

I think I had gained their trust when they asked if I was interested on a long weekend in Amsterdam and never having been there I said yes not knowing what was in store. We were taking in the local sites the red light district and the live sex shows and of course the drinking. We visited many of the porn shops looking around getting admiring looks from the men in there i spied the cubicals and after chatting to the manager who explained what they were and was i interested in trying it out? i...

1 year ago
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Venturing Back

God damnit. My science is always in my bag, I keep telling myself that! This is the fifth time this year that I've had to go back and get my bag from my locker...I'm just glad that nobody has come in after me and shut me in one. I'm gay. I came out a few years ago, and people don't that I "love da cock". I just find it more pleasing than the vagina...I mean, is that so wrong? I walked into the locker room, hearing the shower going. I heard a guy whistling in there. Great. Now...

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I had been away for a few days and my flat mate, Victoria, wasn't expecting me back yet. I let myself in to the flat, and went to my room to unpack, feeling tired I lay myself down on my bed and fell asleep.I was woken to the sound of a running bath. I rub my tired eyes and raised myself off my bed, and left my room to say hello to Victoria. By now the noise of the running water had stopped.I walked down the hall, towards the bathroom to shout through the door, to tell Victoria I was home. I...

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The Confession Ch 04 Pt 01

Jack got the news about Bill leaving Kelly for another woman, he felt sorry for his best friend at the break up of his parents marriage. Yet he felt that he may have a chance to show Kelly that he could love her more than she could ever imagine. Jack gave them a few weeks to adjust to life without Bill in the house, after school was over he stopped by the flower shop. He picked out a nice bouquet of flowers and filled out a simple card that read, I’m here for you, love Jack. Jack paid the...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 18

I had a love-hate relationship with Claus, nothing could be truer. One moment he was the enemy, the next, my ally. I swear that he sensed my sadness of being so close to home and was trying to humour me with his silly antics. I caught him looking at me several times, not a stare, just fleeting glances that his eyes seemed to show concern, a slight, warm smile formed whenever I caught his gaze. Security inside the hotel had been established in short order after the pandemonium settled. Teams...

3 years ago
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The Grocery ListChapter 16

Friday, September 14 evening {Bob} I had a tux that I'd rented to go to a wedding a few years back, and then spilled wine on, so I had to buy it. It was powder blue at the time. Now it was wine red, thanks to a packet of Rit dye. I'd never worn it anywhere, but it was the only thing I had in my wardrobe that was even close to what people would be wearing at Le'Shey. When I got there the Maitre D looked me up and down, but I must have passed muster because he asked what my business was at...

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Escape the Lab

"Hold her still," spoke a low voice through the fog that is your brain. "She'll be waking up soon..." Slowly consciousness returned to your fatigued body and as your eyes slowly got used to the dark room you could begin to make out the figures of several people - two were holding your arms down and a third was strapping your legs down to the table you are lying on. "Uh... what, where am I," you groan, unable to use your hands to massage your pounding headache. "You are in a top-secret...

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FilthyFamily Gina Valentina Lexi Luna Fucking My StepParents for My Birthday

It is Gina’s birthday and her step-parents gave her the present she wanted. Gina opened the package and got really excited seeing a man’s torso with the huge dick she wanted, it was so lifelike that she ran to her bedroom to start practicing, her parents had the idea to get her away from the bedroom so her father would sneak in and replace the sex doll with himself, and trick Gina so she thinks, it was still the sex toy. Gina realized after a few minutes that something was different...

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Caught drinking in College

It had been a pretty long night, and you and the guys were almost ready to go back to your rooms. You had found a good spot in your dormitory to drink some liquor, and had had a good time. But unfortunately, just as you're almost done with your night of fun, you hear knock on the door. Your friend opens. There stand two female Resident Assistants, a hot Indian girl wearing form-fitting jeans that accentuate her well-developed thighs and ass, and an equally hot black girl, with a tremendous ass...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 43 At the Station A Sense of Loss

For the second time that morning, Locke splashed cold water on her face. For the second time, it did no good. Her hands were shaking; but she was not cold, nor frightened, not nervous nor weak. She stood upright, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Another. While she still felt a little disoriented – kind of a not-quite vertigo – if she had to put her finger on it, she'd equate this feeling with waking up from a long nap. "Wow," she exhaled. Locke, as she studied her pretty face in...

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What Schools Hide

First, before I get started, let me tell you about me. My name is Tony Nariksan. I am a sophomore at J-High. Being a 15 year old male, I have a rather active relationship with the ‘dark’ side of the Internet and a healthy relationship with my pecker. Standing at just over six feet, I can see over most people’s heads. My blond hair is getting long, but in the summer time I shave it, thus the nick name, ‘The White Supremacist.’ My blue eyes fit the profile wonderfully, also the full German...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 328

Every day, a male co-worker walks up very close to a lady at the coffee machine, inhales a big breath of air, and tells her that her hair smells nice. After a week of this, she can't stand it anymore, takes her complaint to a Supervisor in the personnel department and asks to file a sexual harassment grievance against him. The Human Resources supervisor is puzzled, and asks: "What's threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?" The woman replies, "It's Keith. The...

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Suhagraat Katha

Sayan khand ma sakal chadavi,hatavi gunghat chumbane navadavi.Mane baath ma pranathe dabavi, upadi palange chatti suvadavi.Kari nagana, vastro utravi, sharam laaj badhi mari hatavi.Pati pote thaya naganath,suta saathe bhari mane baath.Lal lal gal par daat bharavi, jibha ne jibha didhi milavi.Stan ne mutthi ma lai khub dabaviya, bukhi bhos ma agni lagadi.Kari pag pohada pa6i chut ughadi, didho lund lambo pa6i ghusadi.Dharya hast banne kamar niche na bhage, pa6i chut ne chodwa lund lagyo.Gayo...

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Wetting Her Appetite Again

The one particular quirk I remember about Emily was her penchant for wetting herself when she was excited. Well, that’s what I was thinking when we met again after a long absence. She met me from the station after a tedious train journey, during which I was reliving the things we used to get up to. It was as much as I could do to stop myself coming in my pants.She was looking fantastic. New short haircut, tight grey skirt to the knee and shiny blouse accentuating her full breasts.As she slipped...

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Her First ArrestPart 10

As she squatted on his cock, she used her hands on his chest for leverage as she fucked him until she felt the warmth as he started to cum inside her. This set off a chain reaction allowing her to cum numerous times while playing with her clit. When she was fully spent, she collapsed forward onto his chest as she tried to catch her breath. Listening to his breathing and heartbeat, she thought of the past few hours and all the extremes she went to, to try to get information from him. When she...

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Kats night

Note : This story is completely fictional! We live in a small town in western NY, not much goes on there really. Kate, or was home for spring break from college and as usual, complained of nothing to do. Now kat is the spitting image of her mother except her breasts are much larger and of course firm. A solid 38 D, on her frame it looks hot, 5'8 and 140 pounds of pure hotness. ats mom was away for a week staying with her mother, helping her move into her new house so Kat and I were alone. I...

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My Gay Initiation

This happened around 40 years ago when I was in my mid-twenties. My girlfriend had thrown me out over my drinking and I found myself sleeping on friends’ sofas but I was quickly running out of sympathetic friends. One evening I was in the local pub (drinking as usual) when Edward sidled up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. Now Edward was a local businessman who everyone knew to be gay but was without a partner and at fifty+ was struggling to find one even though he was considered to...

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Teaching Svetlana Chapter 2

This is the continuing education of Svetlana into the world of sexual pleasure. It has been two weeks since that snow day when Svetlana and I shared her body. She has been hungry to continue her exploration. I have been trying to postpone this coupling for as long as I could. I am a married man and what we are doing could hurt my marriage. Svetlana does not seem to care. We are in the middle of mid-term exams. We have been carpooling together as well as studying. Today was to be an off day for...

Love Stories
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Getting my Fare Share

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, written at the request of a fellow Xhamster.For a Wednesday night, it had been really, really slow. It was about 2 am, and I had been on since 11 pm. I had only had two fares; not many people needing a taxi tonight. Just after 2:00, my dispatcher sent me pickup. I drove to the address. It was a small pub where I had picked up or delivered many times. Usually, the passengers I picked up here were anywhere from a little tipsy to sloppy drunk. I...

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Punishment ParkChapter 9

Nothing could detract from Madam Hortense Barber’s haughty sense of absolute victory over masculinity, as she led the quivering and naked Brigham leashed and on all fours down to the gallows to hang for her pleasure, not even the gaudy cart, drawn close to the wicked scaffold on which the leashed cur was to be displayed, his erection displaying his pathetic lust to be taunted on the rope with deserved justification by the magnificent woman leading him to it, that erection pulsing and his anus...

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Lindas Surgery and the Aftermath

Linda, as usual, was fucking everyone that even acted like they wanted some of her pussy. She worked full-time as a seamstress for a nationally known company, and would, on weekends, help her friend at her day spa, usually getting 4 or 5 customers in an evening.She had not been feeling as well as usual, so went to a doctor for him to check her out. He was a Family Practice physician, and felt a knot in her groin, so referred her to another doctor, who WAS a surgeon, who also examined her, and...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 14 Swine and Dine

The eating and drinking, mostly the drinking went on well into the early morning hours. As the guest of honor I had to remain of course until the very last guest finally left, was carried away or slipped under the tables. It was always windy on Nilfeheim, now during the height of Shortsummer less than usual but a sudden surge of wind made me turn and I saw the enormous ship slowly climb into the sky! Even though I knew about Arti grav, our fliers used it. To see such an enormous object defy...

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Str8 Mans Adventures in Fucking Guys

When I’m travelling I don’t usually go looking for sex. Sometimes it just happens and, being away a lot, I just take that for what it is. I pretend Im someone else and that what’s happening is happening in another universe to another person. Which isn’t to say that it isn’t awesome or real because it is. The last time, I was in a West coast city for a few days. I was staying at a hotel/resort/spa which was helpful because, with the pool and the sauna and the steam room, there was a lot more...

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Good Breeding

Courtney was seething. She watched her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Lilith, giggling with her friends as they primped her hair, fluffing her white dress and veil. Courtney watched them pull the dress up over Lilith’s ample, pendulous breasts, and she scowled at the large nipple rings the girl sported. The black-haired girl seemed to enjoy being the center of attention as the three other pretty girls who were Lilith’s bridesmaids fawned over her, telling her how beautiful she looked, how lucky...

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Bjrk Gudmundsdttir fan gift day faked IQ

Björk Gudmundsdóttir fan gift day: faked IQ After shared reflexion, Björk came to the conclusionthat her new "fan gift day" could be about something else than sex. Sex remindthe best thing, the one thing that drive her nuts and make her think, but there'smore to life than this. "Who knows, maybe some people care about my thoughts...",suggest to herself a deliriously naive Björk. Inquiries from fans for the first edition of the "fan giftday" are rapidly flying in the Office of Elektra...

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Alley Fuck

J was a kinky slut, a divorced mother of two, she loved being semi naked at every turn. She lived in flats in Pretoria and often we did it at her request in an alley between the garages which apart from the three enclosing walls was visible to anyone who walked or drove past. The chances of being caught were always there. We called it alley sex. On this particular day, I arrived in the evening as the sun was setting to visit her to find her at her flat door dressed only in a white knee high...

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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 11

Copyright2012©totallyatease She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but HE more than made up for the inconvenience… * Hearing the car pull up outside, Izzy flung the front door open and rushed out. ‘Laura! I’m so glad that you could make it!’ she cried, grinning wide. Laura’s grin matched hers width for width. ‘I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,’ she told her as climbed out of her car. They hugged each other tightly, and then Laura turned to look up at the big house...

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Jasons TaleChapter 19 The Great Fleet

Meanwhile, we were trying to gather ships. I had two front-line warships at Jayport, Shark and Wrong Place, four when Thunder and Eagle got back, plus another five smaller brigs without launchers that we used as escorts. Well, our task for this was to escort and protect the troopships, so they were included. Widemouth and the eastern towns could add something like eight or nine more warships. Each could carry a hundred fighting men plus their crews, but if possible I would want them to stay...

2 years ago
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Things That Go Bump In The Night a vampire sex st

Natalie’s body vibrated at his touch. She leaned back, bracing her hands behind her, the rock damp beneath her palms. “I need you now. I want to feel that incredible cock inside me.”He growled and slid his large hands under her butt cheeks and brought her closer to the edge of the stone. His expression turned dark and fierce, and a frightened thrill shot through her. She almost expected him to sprout fangs and sink his teeth into her, like a vampire.“You test my control.” He brought his mouth...

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Nightmare for tourist in Puerto Vallarta

There was one girl who kept catching their attention. Not because she was the most beautiful, but because she was by far the loudest. She was the one always dancing on the tables, yelling out randomly and in general, making an ass of herself. She had bright red hair and was wearing a short black dress that had many parts open along with a pair of black fuck me boots. She looked young, but did not dress that way. Typical drunken tourist, out for a night. “Hey Raoul, you going to try her...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 23

"So you do know this young lady?" General Lee asked, curious. "Yes," I answered, still a bit stunned by her showing up here, "Jack, this is Camille Vandenberg. I was engaged to her older sister before the sickness. Will you excuse us, please? It seems we have a great deal of catching up to do." "Of course," Jackson replied graciously. "Despite the circumstances, I'm pleased to meet you, Ms. Vandenberg." Camille smiled and said, "Likewise, I'm sure." "The timing is...

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This story takes place at an ordinary high school that happens to be on a tropical island. The two first met because of their love for video games. “Who’s that cute guys over there?” Such a understated remark from Jane. “I have no clue but I’ve seen him before but he’s hot.” Kayla remarked. And at that point Kayla walked over to join the hot guy who happened to be playing video games with some of Kayla’s friends leaving Jane to gawk. “Hey guys!” Kayla greeted the group. “Is it alright if I...

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Gay8217s 3some

Dear viewers bahot dino ke baad apna old experience bhej raha hoon aor hope karta hoon ager aapko achhi lage to mujhe mail karma. Yeh aaj se about 15 saal pahele ki baat hai, main hamare city ki homosex gathering place par gaya tha main gathering se ake ghanta pahele hi chala gaya tha wahan koi nahin tha, mujhe time paas karna tha islye ake cement ki bench par baith gaya. Thodi hi dare baad ake aadmi mere paas aakar baith gaya voh mere se height mein kareeb 2 or 3” tall lagta tha very fair...

3 years ago
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US Army Recruit Medical Exam

Private O'Neil, had been in the army for just weeks. Her time at Aberdeen proving ground was far different than anyone had said. She was having a bad time at the moment. O'Neil was 5' 6" quite big and stocky. She had a chest of 38DD. Short cropped auburn hair. She was very fit having been brought up on her uncles farm near Dayton Ohio. She had no problem with the training as she was very strong anyhow. All she'd known was the farm and local school, her knowledge of the ways of the world...

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Matt Learns a Lesson

So here are the facts: My name in Madigan (Maddie, to just about everybody), five foot, three and a half inches tall, "dirty" blond, brown eyes, considered "cute" by most and "hot" by my boyfriend, I weigh-in at one hundred and seven pounds, my boyfriend's name is Jordan and we've been together for seven months now, my Mom is Rebecca (Becca, to friends) and she is an account broker for a financial company, my brother is stupid (Ha, ha, no, really his name is Matthew or Matt to all)...

2 years ago
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Well Endowed Young Ladies

Inspired by Vini Vedi’s improper, filthy and implausible writings, I thought I’d let my dirty imagination run riot, limited byIns the same reason he wrote his Perfectly Acceptable Story Yu Smelly and Cissy Biggun walked home from school together as they always did. They looked a little dishevelled after a full day of class, learning, teasing, flashing and flirting. Tiredness had gradually seeped into their pristine smart morning appearances. Ties were loose, Cissy’s collar unbuttoned, Yu’s...

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Ana enjoying a Caribbean cruise

Ana enjoying a Caribbean cruiseThat humid fall my sweet Ana convinced me to take some days away from the cold and get a nice Caribbean cruise, from Miami to Bahamas. On our first dinner on board, after a few drinks, I started to feel a little nauseous. The unpleasant movement of the ship was really starting to affect me. I knew I was going to hurl; so, I made a dash to the sink, just in time.I managed to get our cabin and fell on the bed. My sweet wife was worried and he called from our cabin...

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