An Engagement Ch. 01 free porn video

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St. Evies―An Engagement

Introduction: Ruminations

Pedro de la Garza had a problem.

He was a young man, posing as a girl, which could not last forever. Every day brought new challenges and some had almost tripped him. He was also living on charity, which offended his sense of dignity. Even if he could, Pedro did not want to continue posing. Now that he had a steady job, with improving prospects, it was not necessary. Other living arrangements could be found. If it were not for Angela, Pedro would have thanked all the girls and left.

Angela was the problem. Pedro wanted to stay near her, which meant continuing the masquerade. For better or worse, Angela had given Pedro her attention and he had offered her his heart. She seemed inclined to accept, but things are rarely that simple. Since they both knew the charade for what it was, Pedro could not court Angela as Patricia. It was complicated, though not urgent. Not yet.

The issue was always in his thoughts.

Chapter 1: Of Ice Cream and Windy Days

Thinking constantly about Angela did not mean nothing else mattered. While his education was lacking, there was nothing wrong with Pedro’s mind. An education can be mended. The bank had a chronic need for bilingual clerks at all levels. In the space of weeks, Patricia was promoted three times. With the promotions came responsibility for higher level accounts―and more material to study. In this, Deirdre was a huge help, but Finance was not in her area of interest. Soon she was out of her depth. As most of the girls would, she turned to Edith Dryden.

By this time, Pedro had regular contact with all the girls on the fifth floor, save Edith. They met the first night, but rarely since. Patricia quickly moved into the elite cliques, while Edith remained among the outsiders. Each knew the other was around, but their paths rarely crossed. Neither had cause to seek the other out, until Pedro’s job provided a reason.

In many ways, Edith was the anti-type of Gretchen, who had tired of the novelty of a man on the floor almost before the first night was over. Edith let her gaze linger and took in details. Gretchen was a passable student, when prodded. Edith was Dean’s list at Columbia. Gretchen was impulsive, flamboyant, and irrepressible. Edith was quiet, methodical and precise. Gretchen made occasional sexual use of Pedro. Edith had had no plans to add Pedro to her short list of lovers. They had one thing in common. To them, Patricia did not exist, they saw only a man in women’s clothing.

For his part, Pedro noticed the quiet girl in the back of the room. Her penchant for observation over participation intrigued him, but was a passive thing. As his following grew, Pedro neither dismissed her nor gave her much thought. When he considered Edith at all, it was usually to wonder why she behaved as she did. In passing, Pedro noticed something no one else in the Hotel had ever seen―Edith could be a major beauty.

It was not obvious. Pedro was slow to piece things together, but no one else saw it at all. It came to him as he practiced theory of makeup. He would select a girl and mentally critique her presentation. Edith received the only failing grade. The more he considered how she presented herself, the more confused he became.

Edith had near waist length hair, which she pinned tightly and covered it with an oversized hat. Her eyes hid behind horn rimmed glasses, which also concealed her cheekbones and often slid down her nose. Her clothes were seldom stylish and usually miss-mated. Her only makeup, when she remembered, was lipstick in an outdated shade that clashed with her eyes and skin tone. It was as if Edith’s goal was to be unattractive. If so, she succeeded.

It took effort, because the raw materials were outstanding. Pedro, as his eye for makeup and presentation improved, could not help but notice her high cheekbones, hazel eyes and rich auburn hair. Few others saw the hair at all. Pedro had seen it on the rare occasions she had it down for brushing. Edith’s eyes were always on view, but the heavy glasses were distracting. Her thin figure was disguised or hidden, never accentuated. She had a barely noticeable chin dimple, which added interest to a highly symmetrical face. Edith hated it.

In short, Edith considered herself too tall, much too thin, with mousy hair and an embarrassing dimple. If she were forced to pick a good point, it would have been her teeth. The reasons for Edith’s odd belief were complex. It is sufficient to say, she thought herself plain and no one ever corrected the misimpression.

Since she did not think of herself as one of the good looking girls in the hotel, Edith’s chosen niche was as one of the house brains. Another generation would call her a nerd. She was the house authority on several subjects, not even including her English Literature major. Everyone knew her as someone to go to with a homework problem or to prepare for a test. It was this line which eventually brought Edith and Pedro together.

Pedro was studying a book the bank had provided. He was doing well with basic English terms, but banking has a technical language of its own. When the terms became more than Deirdre could handle, she suggested a call on Edith. They met. Half an hour later they went their ways, but Pedro’s interest was piqued.

Sensing that this was not safe ground, Pedro sought Edith while Deirdre was out clubbing. Edith was shocked. Though she did not consider Pedro to be one of the girls, his status in the hotel was undeniable. Edith never received much attention, especially not from the most popular boy she knew. It jarred her to realize Pedro sought her for her own sake.

It was awkward. Pedro did not want to offend Edith by asking bluntly why she made herself so unattractive. She was at a loss for conversation topics, since there was nothing to study. Pedro resolved the tension by offering a go out for some ice cream. At St. Evies, this was a common excursion, since the parlor was on the same block. Girls often went there to meet dates, especially those they did not want exposed to Miss Walker.

Soon they sat licking almond fudge double dip cones. Edith asked about Pedro’s job. Pedro painstakingly told her. With ease born of hundreds of hours tutoring, Edith drew out a fairly complete picture. Pedro positively glowed at conveying so complex a topic, in English. Her professional pride sated, Edith found herself relaxing and enjoying the occasion. Both would remember the night as a landmark.

The first night out established a precedent, which quickly evolved into a pattern. Whenever Patricia was not invited out, or when Pedro was not coming as himself to pick up Deirdre, they would walk and talk. These conversations helped Pedro’s language skills as much as time in at the library would have. This was important, since the library was Patricia’s usual excuse to check out of the hotel.

On one of the walks, the wind blew off Edith’s hat and several of her hairpins. She was flustered and fussing when Pedro caught her hands, ‘No. Is good. Everybody will see your pella linda, your pretty hair.’ It was the first occasion in years that anyone had called any part of Edith pretty. She turned red. Pedro would have none of it. ‘Tu eres muy bonita.’ (You are very pretty). If Edith had been surprised and embarrassed before, this shocked her speechless. Seeing her clear disbelief, Pedro tsked, ‘Come. I show.’

He pulled her into a shop entrance. A nearby streetlight gave a good reflection. Pulling out his makeup kit and a comb, Pedro unpinned Edith’s hair and combed it out. He lined her eyelashes, blushed her cheeks, glossed her lips. He could do nothing with the clothes, but he bunched the excess in the back, to show her figure. When he was satisfied, Pedro stood her up straight and turned her to see the reflection in the window.

In some ways it was deja vu. As Pedro had once seen his feminine side in a full length
mirror, so Edith saw a new person in store window reflection. She did not recognize the woman in her own clothes. The skinny, mousy haired girl was revealed as a long legged, auburn haired beauty. Edith flung her arms around Pedro and kissed him. After a moment, he kissed her back. The moment lingered.

‘Golly.’ Edith was not given to strong language, but the intent was there. After a moment, she went on, ‘If we’re going to do this, you should change.’

Pedro was taken aback. Since most of the girls thought of him as female, much of his lovemaking had a lesbian flavor. What had just happened was unmistakably heterosexual. Still, Pedro was prepared. His outings with Deirdre taught him to stash changes of clothing. He lost a change, from time to time, but not often. Most of those that found his stash decided the clothes were too small to bother. In less than ten minutes Patricia was gone. Pedro took Edith’s arm and led her on a stroll.

It was a perfect night for such things. It was warm, but breezy enough to want an arm around the waist. The moon was full and there was nothing to distract them. It was with shock when Edith finally realized they were out after curfew.

They rushed back to the hotel. As they approached the entrance, Edith realized another problem―Pedro could not go in and Patricia was still out. Rushing up to Miss Walker’s desk, Edith improvised. ‘Miss Walker. Look who I just met. I mean we had met, but I never really had the chance to get to know him. Anyway, he came by to see Patricia and we got to talking. Patty’s holding our chair at the parlor, so I could check in. Isn’t he something?’

Miss Walker had trouble deciding which was more amazing―the sight of mousy little Edith looking attractive or the fact that she was gushing. In Miss Walker’s expert opinion, Edith was the most self-controlled girl in the hotel. She told Edith to be back in 30 minutes. When they had gone, Miss Walker reflected on how much less boring it was with Patricia around. She was the best thing to happen to the house in years.

Miss Walker worried, because Patricia never dated. Hard work was good, but how could she find a good man?

Chapter 2: Double Date

Outside, Pedro and Edith got well away from the hotel before they both dissolved in laughter. Then they went to the ice cream parlor and bought cones to use as props when they returned. It occurred to Pedro that his life would soon be more complicated. He was correct. Though he would not have put it in those terms, Pedro’s life was not entirely his own. It did not take long for conflicts to develop.

Many of the girls used Patricia as a chaperone. A boy would call for one of them and Patricia would accompany them out the door. At that point Patricia would leave them, to go to the library to study, to the theater to watch a movie, or whatever. Patricia was such a good customer that several of the area theaters owners had offered her a job as ticket taker. This routine would change.

Instead of going to the library, Patricia would change into Pedro clothes and meet someone. Originally it was Deirdre. Increasingly it became Edith. Either way, they would go to the library to study. With their tutelage, Pedro’s mastery of both English and banking was becoming quite secure. Often as not, he would return his escort to the hotel, go back out, then return as Patricia, with another girl. Timing occasionally became intense.

Worse, jealousy began to rear its ugly head. Deirdre felt proprietary about Pedro’s masculine guise. Their sessions in her playroom had become increasingly hard to schedule. Pedro was acutely aware that Deirdre felt neglected. It all came to a head one Saturday afternoon when Deirdre, going, met Pedro and Edith coming. In short order there were words flying and Pedro trying to calm both down. Finally, he put his foot down.

‘Silencio! You will find someplace to decide that is not a public street.’

This was followed by a squabble over a proper place. Eventually, they went to the apartment. For half an hour he let them scream themselves hoarse. In passing Pedro noticed that Deirdre looked even more attractive this way, but Edith did not have the coloration for it. Eventually the girls wound down, flushed and panting. Pedro asserted his role.

‘What is all this shouting and names calling. You are both girls mine. Deirdre, you must know that Edith is my special friend. I will spend time with her, for I enjoy it and she has taught me much. But, chica mia, you are also mine. You follow me and I care for you. That is the way of things. To me you give your obedience. To you I give my promise to never leave you, or forget you, or put you aside, for as long as you and I both live. Until muerto, intiendes? The Dark Lady, she no come this year. Now, my girls, come to me and be friends.’

Pedro did not yet know his strength. The fact that he had risen to a high status in a hotel full of pampered rich girls did not impress him. The fact that he had impressed a strong girl sufficiently to make her his devoted follower was lost on him. Without intending to, he stamped both girls with roles they would carry for the rest of their lives.

Deirdre would be Pedro’s vassal and he her Lord. Her honor, her duty, her body, her life would be his forever. He would marry and she brought many suitors for his approval. Never would they be more or less to each other. For her part, Edith understood that while they were friends and might be lovers, there would never be a marital proposal. That was alright. She did not believe in marriage. The lover part began almost immediately.

As Pedro said ‘Come to me and be friends.’ he held his arms out. The girls moved into them. The embrace was long and full bodied. Pedro muttered ‘Bien. Muy bien.’ not realizing that he had two excited females in his grasp. They glanced at each other, forgot the fight and conspired against him, all without a word.

Deirdre led the three of them into the bedroom. Pedro did not understand their intent til they had him on his back and themselves on top. Deirdre, never at a lack for restraints, produced rope sections from a drawer. Before he could do more than protest, Pedro’s hands were tied to the bedposts. That done, Deirdre turned to Edith.

‘Well Edie, what should we do with him now that we have him? Personally I think he has too many clothes on.’ In short order Pedro was wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. His substantial length pointed to the ceiling. Deirdre was about to speak, when she noticed Edith staring at Pedro’s erection.

Edith was not a virgin. She had one sexual experience, because Gretchen had insisted and provided a lover. It had been quick and embarrassing. The lover darted almost before he had his pants up. It was one of many things that confirmed in Edith’s mind that she was unattractive to men. Typically, she ignored her own feelings toward men. For the first time Edith had the chance to observe male anatomy and her feelings rushed to the fore. Deirdre, both knowing and guessing the situation, took charge.

‘Edie, lets get those clothes off you. How in the world are you going to fuck a man wearing all that?’ The word ‘fuck’ brought color to Edith’s cheeks. Her mother would have been shocked to find that she even knew the word. Slowly, carefully, resolutely she began to remove her clothing as Pedro watched. It was her first role as a stripper. Famously, it would not be the last.

The effect on Pedro was electric. He had been ambivalent about being tied up, but seeing Edith voluntarily remove her clothing put things in a new light. His relationship with Deirdre not-with-standing, Pedro never considered that a woman, particularly an attractive woman, would have such thoughts about his male form. Edith’s slow disrobing teased him to a fever. There was no mistaking the set of Edith’s jaw. She meant to have her man, even if she had to rape him.

All too soon she was naked, aroused, and unsure of what to do. Deirdre came to the r
escue. Handing Edith a peacock feather, ‘Here Dear. Find out what’s sensitive.’ So began the game. A touch here. A caress there. Never twice in one place. Deirdre shed her clothes and joined in, licking, biting and blowing all over Pedro’s torso. Just as he was about to explode, Deirdre pulled Edith aside.

In a whisper, she said, ‘Listen Dear, I can’t afford to take chances this time of month. If you want him, he’s all yours. Are you safe?’ Edith took a moment to think things through. Her period had ended three days before, so she nodded.

Deirdre nodded, ‘All right Edie, I’ll take the top. You take the bottom. Just take a little and work it in and out. Try to make it last.’ Again, this took a moment, but the physical realities of the situation were obvious enough. Again, Edith nodded. The conspiracy established, Deirdre whispered, ‘All right then.’ as they turned to their victim.

Pedro wondered what the conference was all about. His flag was down to half mast when it broke up. Before he had a chance to object, Deirdre had her her pussy in his face. Familiar with this situation, Pedro began to eat Deirdre, expecting a pair of lips on his cock. He got them, but not the lips he expected.

The sensation of a cunt sliding down and gripping his cock was not totally new, but close enough. This well lubricated pussy was new to the work and tight. Up. Down. Rock forward. Rock back. In. Out. Up. Down. Faster, then slower. Edith was a quick study. With a little experimentation, she understood the motion and worked herself to a climax. Pedro beat her to it by an eyelash. They were bouncing and shaking when Deirdre came. Thereafter, the whole pile collapsed into a heap in the middle of the bed.

As they dressed, Pedro said, ‘Perhaps next time with music.’ Deirdre laughed and Edith soon followed. This was to prove the longest lasting relationship save one. The first Saturday of every month the three of them would get together for games. After Pedro married, they became four. The one rule was that Pedro had to follow orders. This was a relief, since he would soon be giving orders almost continuously.

Edith and Deirdre, with almost literally nothing else in common, became fiends for life. It was a lasting benefit to both. What one learned, by high road or low, she would teach the other. Both came to have an ear on the other side of the fence. They would be bridesmaids for each other. Once again, Patricia’s status received a boost. The foundations on which Pedro would build his life were being laid.

Chapter 3: Four’s Company

All good things must come to an end. While in many ways Pedro enjoyed the hotel, after a few months he knew it could never last. Spring had become summer. Summer had become fall. A new wave of girls arrived, many to attend one of the colleges in the area. In a tribute to his skill in his role, none of the rumors concerning his maleness were taken seriously. He blended seamlessly with the daily life of the hotel. From all appearances things could go unchanged forever.

In other ways, he was meeting frustration. He had long since been promoted to a full time position. While this was gratifying, it also cut into his time. With two lives to maintain, time was quite precious. Also he was beginning to chafe at being the house charity case. Having his own apartment, closer to his work, would make things much easier. He could also be seen going in as either Patricia or Pedro. He began looking seriously for a place.

In this he had unexpected help. Angela, his angel from his very first day, was quite receptive to the idea of his moving out. She called on her array of resources to help him find a suitable apartment. Being who she was, an answer came down within weeks. It was, appropriately enough, a Sunday when she took him to see it. She insisted that he bring a change along.

Fully furnished, rent controlled, in a respectable neighborhood, it was the kind of place some New Yorkers dream about their whole lives. Angela’s cousin, normally into high steel office buildings, arranged a private viewing for her. Pedro quietly agreed, with reservations, because Angela asked it. As with much else, he was becoming wearied with charity. For Angela, he made an exception.

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Hi to all sexy babes!!I m Tanvi. I m frm Poona, India. I m 18 years of age, studyin 12th commerce in one of the best colleges of the city. I am a lesbian. I m cute sexy gal, but a bit shy. My figure is 34-26-35. My hite is around 5 feet – 5 n 1/2 inches. I hav one elder sis n no bros. My parents dont live wit us. I stay wit my college frnds in a flat (apartment) on rent near my college. I sometimes go to stay wit my sis n her frnds at her apartment also. I hav got very nice new frnds in college...

4 years ago
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I had been dating this girl I’ll call Rachel for several months. She was fun and adventurous, both out, and in bed. Usually, it took a long time before I would reveal my cross dressing to a girl. Sometimes I would have to because I left a receipt out somewhere and I had to explain that the clothing wasn’t for another girl, but for me. This time was going to be much different. Rachel and I were out one night and she had something about how she knew me so well, that there was nothing about...

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Walos MistressChapter 6

Earl was thinking of Rachel while Rudy drove the Volks at a good clip through the pleasant night toward Mexico. The sea air bathed his face and whipped his hair exhilaratingly, wearing the pot effects thing. He smiled to himself. He was glad now that he hadn't killed Lynn... not yet, anyway. She might turn out to be of some value before he was finished with her, and he knew he didn't have to worry as long as the dum-dum was looking after her. Shit, Walo'd give up his life rather than...

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TwoArse Heaven

Six o’clock at the Jolly Roger, down by the beach on this steaming Caribbean island. Evenings started early here, for the benefit of the hordes of middle-aged and older Americans who wanted to eat and be entertained and in bed by ten.There was live music every night and on Tuesdays it was Johnny van Clapton, a Dutchman who had been given the nickname by a bar owner who admired his guitar playing. Johnny had been on the island for fifteen years and last had a haircut around the same length of...

4 years ago
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Seeking Experience

Seeking Experience By AlterEg0 How many times had he typed that address? Robert couldn't remember when this had really become a compulsion but it was. Now. It was a daily ritual before he realized that it was slowly taking over his life. It had become a constant companion even before he discovered captioned images and gave photo visuals to his imagination. Someone he knew, had sent him a TG story they had found in a Usenet group and it just struck a chord. The fascination...

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The Maids Night

For privacy call me "Darling" and my wife"Love".I am in my late forties,156cm(5'5")tall,average weight,clean shaven,with a full head of silver(OK, grey)hair. My wife Love is a goddess 175cm(5'9") tall,34years,long legs,beautiful ass,thin waist, natural breasts that sway when she walks, chestnut hair that falls over her shoulders,and the centre of my life for over ten years. We have a modest income so only one servant,our maid"Pet".What a treasure she is!The perfect discreet servant when there...

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I couldnt take much more of this

It happened so innocently. I was 23 and she was 36 divorced and a mother of two kids. We worked for the same small company, she was on the assembly line and I worked in the laboratory.   When I would look her way she would meet my eyes just a moment longer then would be normal. She would often find reasons to come into the lab looking for something. She’d always find a way to pass right by me even if it was the long way around. Sometimes she would brush against me as she passed.

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A New Discovery

It was a nice cool night, as I awoke from my bed after having a weird lesbian make out session in my dream. My curtains were slightly pulled apart, leaving a handful of gaps to the outside clear view of the street. I turned up the air con temperature in my room, as I try to recover from my first lesbian dream… ‘Goshh!! What the fuck was that? Did it really happen?’ I spoke to myself silently in my room, touching my lips. I sat up onto my bed, hugging my pillow tightly as the softness of it...

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A sister lets her brother climb into her bed

I know this story is long, but I did it that way for myself and my own enjoyment. I also tried to make the "build up" as long as I possible could. It might seem more than a little bit excessive, but I loved writing it like this.Sexual content, no one under 18 allowed!* * *We were driving slowly because of the snowy roads. Mom and Dad were in the front seat, and I was sitting in the back seat with my brother Tim. I hadn't seen him since he left for college in September and it was so wonderful...

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Daddys Dirty Secret Part 3

"Oh sure Dad" She replied sweetly, walking across the room. His eyes were already fixed on her tight young body as she approached him. "Sit down here next to me" His hand patting the couch next to him. It had only been a week since he went into her room and jerked off to her in secret. A short while later, he lay in bed next to his daughter as she masturbated to him. Now, this. She curled up next to him, her head resting in his lap. He felt his cock quickly growing hard in his pants as...

4 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 52

Reina spent the better part of two weeks developing her plan for an office daycare. It was the only way Chad would agree to her returning to work after the baby was born. Even then, she had agreed to stay home for twelve weeks after giving birth before she returned to being Karena’s assistant and, more importantly, Chad’s Office Whore.She didn’t feel very much like his sexy little whore lately. She felt big and clumsy. Her doctor said to make sure she was prepared at any time now, but she still...

Office Sex
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Wendys night of lust

Wendy & Kevin have been married ten years where they have a five year old son Robin. Kevin works as an admin worker for the local council. Before her pregnancy carrying Robin, Wendy was a fitness trainer & dance teacher. When Robin became two years old she decided to return to work. It was during a catch up chat with her old school friend Laura that prompted Wendy's change of career. Laura was working as a strippagram, working for herself where Laura said the money was good as she set...

4 years ago
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Initiation Swing Party Weekly Initiates Petite S American

She was a very young looking girl although we were told she was definitely id checked and over 19years of age, I saw the Party Organizers take a couple pics of her id as they always do but I didn't think she looked like she was older than 16. She could not have weighed much more than 100 pounds and I could not help but wonder if she would be able to handle the guys in that room! Altogether there were 12 guys and five girls including myself (I'm a 21 yo Asian Domina 5'3" 110# 34b -...

2 years ago
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Vengeance Is MineChapter 2 The Change Starts

Meredith I had to be dreaming again. The same red-headed woman that had been in my dreams was again sitting in front of me. The view from her mountain top villa was beautiful. It overlooked a small town and off in the distance you could see the outskirts of Rome on a clear day she told me. She walked out from her kitchen carrying her tea service set. We always had tea with freshly squeezed lemon juice and real honey. “Trust me when I tell you this Meredith. Your path is still fluid, you...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy 2

My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy - 2Thank you to everyone who sent me messages about the last story, I've tried to include things people wanted to see in the sequel. Hope you enjoy-------------------------------------------------I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of my girlfriend's panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought back memories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominant girlfriend; been coerced into her panties;...

3 years ago
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Gwyneth stood on the balcony waving goodbye to her husband. It would be a week before the Lord returned. She didn’t know why he was leaving, the most he would tell her was that it was for important business. Nothing for a woman to fret about, especially one of her stature. For years, she had been Lady Terras. She had been betrothed to Lord Terras when she was a young girl. She was happy with the arrangement. After all, wasn’t it every young girls dream to be married to a Lord, and bear his...

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The Keyholder Pt 4

Ben pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...

4 years ago
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August to September 2014 Internet DatingPart 2 Saturday in Bed with Strawberries and Champagne

I called the desk and found my companions had gone out but would be returning. I ordered lunch in my room and had a long soak in the bath. A little later there was a knock on the door and a new waiter pushed a trolley in. Although wrapped in one of the hotels gigantic dressing gowns, he wouldn’t look in my direction and practicallly bolted as soon as I scribbled the room number on his book. That afternoon, the guys still didn’t return but I had a phone call to say they were playing golf....

2 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 18

"Your Majesty?" a voice began to penetrate Neelam's sleep. "Your Majesty, it is first light. You asked to be awakened." Neelam rolled over and opened his eyes as his servant set his breakfast tray on the small table in the dining alcove. Neelam yawned and scratched his chest as the servant returned to the foot of the bed. "Will there be anything else, Your Majesty?" the servant asked. Neelam shuck his head no and the servant departed the room. Neelam stood and stretched before...

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Sexy Sue from York Chapter 3 Putting the Office

Sexy Sue from YorkChapter 3 Putting the Office Gossip’s Mouth to Better Use.Precis of chapter 2. Sue, a 30 year old white I.T Assistant has been blackmailed by her black boss into posing for more sexy photographs, this time in a public area. The threat of further, even more public, exposure leads her to agree to let him fuck her again. But Rob is not satisfied!After Sue had capitulated so easily to his demands, and had subsequently agreed to let him fuck her, this time in her house, Rob...

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Mature Melissa

Joan was an executive lady at the age of 42 and never been married. She was totally successful in her business life but at a cost of social life. She had no sex life at all. Her young secretary Lucy said she was always too tight and gave an address to a nightclub she said would help her loosen up. She liked Lucy but at the time she just stuck it in a drawer and ignored it. Today however, she was really tired of work and didn’t want to go home for another sandwich and TV so she decided to...

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Tall Fences Make Good Neighbors IV

Jason had fantasized all day about what to expect when he got home. Each time, Megan had forged ahead, taking the game to another level. Mutual masturbation had led to sex within the space of 3 days, accompanied by the confessions of her secrets. That she’d had sex with other girls hadn’t been such a shock, considering her wanton behavior, nor had her admitting to having participated in group sex. Her interest in bondage, however, had been an eye opener and he couldn’t help but wonder if that...

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Hand book for those loving older women

This young guy likes to fuck aged moms, that’s his hobby, he places his dating application in the internet and sends messages to lots of hot and horny babes over 40, he arranges a meeting with them and fucks their horny and wet pussies, he’s having a really good time!Though I am 24 I like when women are older that me. But how can I stir their feelings? It is not possible just to come over to such a ma’am and say: “Girl, I wanna see you home!” It simply doesn’t work with them.Last week I tried...

3 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 12 Healing

Jord lay in agony under the healer’s care. Jona had bathed him in an herb infusion thought to reduce the pain and the swelling, but healing had been slow. Now she suffered with him, literally feeling his pain as she tried to help him bear it. She tended to her other duties mechanically, depending on her daughter and others in the village to make preparations for the coming winter. All were willing to help, none held back, as they saw the pain of their co-leaders. Seth and Leana, with Tia,...

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Consent Chapter Three

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Do You Love Me? Both Adele and Celia were wearing hold-up stockings and panties, nothing else. They had undressed this far before falling onto Adele's bed. Celia was on her back and Adele lay beside her, suckling one of Celia's nipples whilst stroking the other. Celia had her arms around Adele encouraging her. Then they kissed, lazily exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Their lovemaking could be swift and torrid, or...

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Hillbilly Hospitality

Truthfully, I had always been a bit bi-curious. Ninety-nine per-cent of the time though, I gravitated towards to the hetero side. Occasionally, I gave into urges and indulged in the odd homosexual encounter. I won’t bore you with the details, but had I enjoyed a few hook-ups with guys in places that catered for m2m action. I had never been penetrated, but the occasional fondle, grope, and blow-job was very enjoyable. The story, that I am about to relate, however, changed my life...

Gay Male
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Hal the Beginning Original versionChapter 8

In the morning everyone has a quick shower, breakfast, and pile into a vehicle to go to the new office space being used for today’s games. They arrive in time to get set up in the training room after the boys change into the tight speedo briefs Eve bought for them to wear today. The ladies are in small bikinis and will work as waitresses during the show. While Hal and the boys are arranging the bright lights on the stage, so it’s well lit for the cameras set up in the back of the room, Henry...

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Growing up in a house full of women part 3

Chapter 3In a one-week period, I had two sexual encounters with relatives. One of them totally produced better results than the other. It was another month or so before my next REAL sexual encounter. This time, it did not go very well.I just got done mowing the grass (we had an awesome John Deere tractor, and I could mow our 3 acres in about an hour or so. I would have my shirt off, and get a tan doing it. Then I would take Granny's electric weed eater, and do the trim. After that, it was...

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Wife8217s Cheating Dilemma 8211 Buster gets her again

It had been several days after our “morning after” incident and things were getting at least somewhat back to normal. But all that had happened had sure as hell now changed my young wife’s total attitude and sexual desires. I tried to bring up the subject of it and she’d cut me off in a heartbeat and say “I just don’t want to talk about it!” And in a way that meant she was pissed for my even saying a thing! Anyway about a week or so later Snake Lady...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 5

Jared had managed to inspire both himself and the three coaches that made up the root of his staff. He already knew they were capable, now he knew they were going to execute as well. He saw three hungry, but frustrated coaches who thought that a former NFL coach would come in and fire up a program. Instead they saw the shadow of a legend on cruise-control who hoped to catch lightning in a bottle. They now knew the University had made the right decision in bringing Coach Winslow. Jared...

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Chicken Shit

“What a beautiful evening to be out! ” Lynn thought to herself as she cruised through the streets of NYC in her new red BMW convertible. She had looked forward to seeing her old friend from school for quite a while, and now she was on her way. She had chosen her favorite crimson latex pleated cheerleader’s skirt, a white satin tie top, and white platform knee boots to finish off the outfit. “Very hot, indeed...” she thought while getting dressed. She was right. Looking down at her self while...

1 year ago
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Innocent Angle Part 2

Angle stayed in the bath for a few more minutes to calm down. She looked content and had a broad smile on her face when she continued talking to me."Hold out the towel for me, please," she asked.I got the towel and held it open in my hands. She stepped out of the tub and slowly took the few paces up to me, completely unashamed. She turned and backed into the towel and my arms. I closed the towel around her and just kept my arms around her."Dry me," she asked softly. I stroked my hands over her...

2 years ago
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StepSiblings Gracie May Green Secret Stepsibling Shave And Fuck

Gracie May Green was up to her usual saturday morning routine of watering the plants in her see through pajamas. Her stepbrother was also up to his usual saturday morning routine of toying with his cock and watching her. Gracie then made her way into the bathroom to wash off, and stepbro followed. Today would be the day that he steals a pair of her panties for his spank stash. He slowly crept in and grabbed them. He got so caught up in sniffing them and jerking off that he ended up getting his...

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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. "What's the small blond like?" I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep hazel...


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