Flossie's RevengeChapter 4 free porn video

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It would have been natural for the other children to needle Nathan about his comments about how “niggers couldn’t possibly fly a plane”. Flossie didn’t want any of that, so she simply used the whole incident as an example of how, if you don’t have all the facts, you can sometimes come to a conclusion that is in error.

“Just because you’re wrong about something doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world,” she said. “It can cause trouble because you’re operating on a basis that is false, but, if you’re willing to learn and change, you can correct problems like that. Nathan had an opinion that was in error. He has learned some things, and his opinion has changed accordingly. That’s what education is all about.”

She then went on to name several things that other children had believed, and which had been proven wrong. By the time she was done, it seemed like what Nathan had done was not only ordinary, but not worth talking about any more either.

That incident also led to a revival of identifying more black inventors in class. The first one popped into her mind as one of the children asked to use the pencil sharpener. She explained that a man named John Lee Love, whose parents had been slaves. He had improved the common pencil sharpener by enclosing it so that the shavings didn’t drop on the floor.

The next one came on what Flossie called a field trip. It was really just an excuse to get out in the air and get some exercise after a long session on Government that had been boring to most of the kids. She took them on a walk to identify native plants that were good for food and medicinal uses, and saw a man plowing a field with a mule.

“See the plow that man is using?” she asked. “Does anybody know what it’s called?”

“It’s a Beard plow,” said Luthor instantly. “My daddy has one, but we haven’t used it for a couple of years. He got one that goes on the three point hitch of the tractor and we use that now.”

Several other students said their parents had a plow like that too, some of them still in use, like the one they were looking at.

“It was invented by a man named Andrew Beard, in 1887. He was born a slave in Alabama. He took the money he got from inventing that plow and put it into real estate. He owned hundreds of properties, and was a very rich man.”

Of course she also talked about the inventions of white people, which weren’t hard to come by at all, but in the process also made sure to emphasize that they came from all different kinds of cultures, whether it be German, French, Russian or whatever.

Their study of planting cycles brought out that Benjamin Banneker, a black man, created the Farmer’s Almanac in 1791, and that almost every farmer, black or white, still used it religiously to this day.

In studying science, the subject of changes in food came up. Things had been canned at home for as long as any of them could remember. Now, though, there were new products showing up in the General Store. Meat in packages from the store lasted longer before it went bad, and store-bought ice cream didn’t melt quite as quickly as it did when you made it at home. The addition of chemicals, preservatives and processes to food production was discussed.

That gave Flossie an opportunity to talk about advances that women had made. She told them that the coffee filter, which was invented in 1908 by Melitta Bentz, a housewife in Germany. She invented it because she was tired of getting grounds in her mouth, that went from the brewing pot to the cup.

Hilda Mae commented that, at their house, coffee wasn’t brewed at all. They had a jar of Nescafe in the cupboard, and their mother just added it to hot water. Flossie suggested that she should research how instant coffee was invented, and make a report on that to the class. Hilda Mae wrote to the address on the coffee jar in her cabinet, asking for the information, and learned that Japanese American man named Satori Kato, invented instant coffee in 1901. He had noticed that the dregs of a cup of coffee, when they dried, formed a powder that could be reconstituted into dark liquid. Nescafe had invented the freeze drying concept in 1938, and it was their opinion that one could not tell the difference between a cup of fresh brewed coffee and their product. They sent her samples of their product, and their thanks for her interest.

That led to an experiment in school. A fire was built outside, and coffee was brewed normally. They didn’t have a filter - most people in those parts didn’t spend money on things like that - but Hilda Mae let the coffee pot sit, and then poured carefully to make sure no grounds got into the cup. Another pot had boiling water in it. She had Flossie help her add instant coffee to a cup of boiling water until they were about the same color, and Flossie said they tasted about the same. Identical cups were used, and, before they went inside, they changed cups back and forth several times, in case someone had been peeking through the window to see which coffee went into which cup.

Coffee was sipped, and opinions were formed. Nathan sipped the real coffee and said “Now that is the real McCoy.”

And THAT led to Flossie pulling out her book, and showing the class information on how a black man named Elijah McCoy, in 1872, invented an automatic lubricator for steam locomotives that freed the engineer from having to stop often to squirt or pour oil into the various parts of the engine. This was wildly popular with the operators of trains, because it improved efficiency and made the engines last much longer between rebuilds. Others tried to invent their own systems, but by 1880, train manufacturers were inundated with requests for “The Real McCoy” lubricating system. In his later life, Elijah McCoy became a consultant to the entire railroad industry.

Little by little, the Wilson children were exposed to information that altered many of the preconceptions they had about race, and gender, and the worth of people, regardless of both of those descriptions.

Thus passed the first year of the Wilson children’s exposure to the woman who would change their lives in ways they couldn’t comprehend, even had they tried.

The summer break between that first and second year was also momentous, though none of the children in the Catfish Hollow Public School would have said so. For most of them, it was a typical summer ... work hard all day, and play at night. For three of them, there was nothing to gauge it by, and they were more or less miserable.

Nathan, wanting like any young man to have some money in his pocket, wanted to get a job. From his viewpoint, he didn’t much care what he did. From his father’s, his choice of employment was critical.

“Don’t you go gettin’ no job that trash should do,” scowled Harvey, when Nathan first voiced is desire to enter the work force.

“In this town?” asked Nathan, his voice high. “What else will there be to do?”

“You don’t need a job!” was his father’s reply. “What would you spend money on anyway?”

“A car!” said Nathan instantly. “Maybe a record player.”

The girls approved of that idea, and approved loudly.

That got his father on another rampage. Even in the South, the radio played the Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley and all those other heathens who got youngsters wagging their asses around like a bitch in heat. He would be damned if his “precious babies” would sway their hips like a common whore, in front of decent people.

In the end, Harvey pronounced that, if Nathan had someplace to go that was suitable, and approved by his parents, he could take the station wagon. There would be no devil rock and roll music brought into the house.

And Harvey drove the wedge between himself and his children a little deeper.

One result of that was that the Wilson children dusted off their bicycles, which they hadn’t ridden for years. It was a way to get away from the house, without specifying a particular place they were going. Riding bikes was accepted by their parents as a healthy pursuit. They didn’t think about the fact that it also gave their children freedom to engage in other pursuits.

The other thing that happened, was of a much less violent nature, though its effects would be felt by the children for the rest of their lives.

Bernadette, while wandering through the small town library, picked up a copy of a Nancy Drew mystery, titled “The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion.” She was first drawn to it because of the picture on the faded hard-back cover.

The old woman who ran the library in the parlor of her house, looked up from the needle work she was doing.

“That’s a good one,” she commented. “I’ve got some more around here somewhere. Got ‘em in a box that was donated from up Wilksburg way.”

“Donated?” asked Bernadette.

“Yup, that Curtis Lee boy ast me one time where books go when nobody wants ‘em any more. I laughed, ‘course, cause I ain’t never throw’d a book out. But it got me to wund’rin, so I called up to the librarian up in Wilksburg, and ast her what they do when a book is wore out. Durned if she didn’t say they thow ‘em away! So I ast her if she’d start thowin’ ‘em away in our direction. I get a box full once or twice a year. They was a bunch of them Nancy Drew books in one of ‘em. They’s seen better days, but they’s mighty nice stories, and pop’lar with young’uns like you.”

So Bernadette checked the book out and took it home.

She was enthralled.

She was so enthralled that she didn’t respond when her sister came to the bedroom door and told her it was supper time. When Hilda Mae had to come back again, she was naturally curious about what was so fascinating. When Bernadette finished the book that very night, she was so effusive in her description of the story that Hilda Mae started reading it in the morning.

Both of them visited Miz Hopkins’ library that afternoon, to return “The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion,” and to get their hands on any other Nancy Drew mysteries she had.

There were, as it turned out, seven tattered books in Miz Hopkins’ collection, some of them printed clear back in the 1930s. All had hard backs, though, and other than having been handled by countless hands, and having loose bindings, they were imminently readable.

The girls checked out all seven. The titles, for the most part, don’t matter to the telling of this story, but two of them would have a far reaching impact on the sisters, and others in this story. Those were “The Secret in the Old Attic”, where Nancy searched a cluttered attic in a rundown mansion for valuable musical manuscripts, and the other was “The Hidden Staircase”, in which Nancy strives to find the “ghost” who is trying to drive the Turnbull sisters out of their mansion, and finds a hidden staircase.

Why it mattered was because three of the stories that had inflamed the imaginations of the Wilson sisters had to do with old, run-down mansions.

And the town of Catfish Hollow had its own mysterious mansion.

They found that out when they ran into Curtis Lee at Miz Hopkins’ library when they were returning some of the books. They hadn’t seen Curtis Lee since school let out, of course, and seeing the boy who had, in some small way, opened their eyes to Nancy Drew caused what could only be called, these days, as a feeling of friendship. It was a decidedly odd feeling for both girls ... to be ... happy ... to see a Negro.

But, being young and full of excitement about their newfound hobby they chattered to him about the books, and Curtis Lee told them about the mansion.

“Now don’t you go fillin’ the heads of those precious girls with all that nonsense,” drawled Miz Hopkins. “That old place is a-fallin’ down, and all that fiddle about ghosts is just horse pucky!”

“Ghosts?!” squealed both girls together.

The only way they could get any more information was to take Curtis Lee somewhere else. That presented a problem. No self-respecting white girl would walk down the street in the company of a colored boy, much less beg him for information.

And that led to their first secret meeting with a boy of the Negroid race.

To be truthful, both girls felt like they were amateur sleuths themselves, whispering to Curtis Lee that they had to talk to him, and then ordering him to identify someplace where they could meet in private. Curtis Lee, painfully aware of the danger he could be placed in, said the first thing that came to his mind.

“The school house,” he said.

“Now how in tarnation are we going to get all the way out there?” asked Bernadette in an exasperated voice.

“It’s only a couple of miles,” he said softly. “Walk.”

The assignation was arranged, but the girls weren’t willing to walk to get there. Truth be told, their bicycles would have solved that problem, but there was also a reluctance to meet a Negro boy alone.

So they decided to enlist their brother to borrow the car and take them. While neither of them had any particular fears concerning Curtis Lee, now that they had been around him so much, they just felt better knowing that Nathan would be along.

Truth still being told, there was another reason they wanted their brother along. Nancy Drew had Ned Nickerson to go with her sometimes, and while Nathan was a far cry from Ned, he was at least a male. It was part of their fantasy that an older boy would accompany them, watch out for them and be at their beck and call.

Getting Nathan to go along with the plan was easier than either of them had dreamed. Nathan wasn’t caught up in a summer long romance with Nancy Drew and her pals. Nathan was bored. And getting the chance to drive was all he needed. Of course they couldn’t explain where they were actually going, but when the girls told their mother they wanted to gather some wild flowers from “out in the country”, to press in their Bibles, they appealed to exactly the thing Marian had been hoping to see - some genteel notion of beauty and poetry in her daughters.

When it was discussed at supper that night, and Harvey’s expected objections to “an outing” were voiced, his wife reminded him that he had promised Nathan could practice driving, and that the girls could have a proper picnic along the way.

“Besides,” she muttered. “With the girls along he won’t be able to drive all wild and crazy.” She turned to the girls. “You’ll tattle on him if he does, right?”

Both girls grinned and curls flew everywhere as their heads nodded energetically.

The three of them walked down to the bank the next morning, picnic basket in hand, and Nathan went in to get the keys to the station wagon.

His father ignored him for as long as he could, obviously dragging out a conversation with a farmer who had come, hat in hand, trying to get money to try that new pesticide stuff that was being raved about so much.

“I’ll check into it, neighbor,” beamed Harvey finally, when it was obvious the man wanted to leave. “Check back with me in a day or two. I should know something about the risks and benefits by then.”

He scowled at Nathan, dragging the keys out of his pocket.

“Don’t you go spinnin’ the tires!” he barked. “That ve-hicle is the only one we got, and I won’t have you tearin’ it up!”

“I’m just practicing driving, Daddy,” whined Nathan, his eyes glued to the keys. “I’ll be careful.”

“An’ I’d better not have to walk home,” growled Harvey. “It wouldn’t be seemly for the town banker to be walkin’ home.”

“We’ll be back in plenty of time,” promised Nathan. “You can drive yourself home just like always.”

“Just see to it!” the man said sternly.

Harvey winced and almost ran outside when he heard the grinding of gears, and the car starting up again after stalling. But another customer came in and grabbed his elbow, anxious to talk about a late loan payment. He stared out the window with dismay on his face as the station wagon got moving and weaved slightly down the street.

For the Wilson children, it was an adventure of the greatest magnitude. The girls squealed and rolled down all the windows, hopping around in the back seat, while Nathan, grim faced and embarrassed, at first, slowly got more confidence and eventually grinned inanely. The drive to the school was short ... so short that Nathan had only gotten a taste and didn’t want to stop to listen to his sisters jaw on about some books they had read. They hadn’t told him about a mansion or ghosts, thinking he’d laugh at them. They had only told him that Curtis Lee was going to help them with some reading. By now, the thought of Curtis Lee helping them with reading didn’t seem odd to him at all. And he knew that both of them had had their noses pasted inside one book or another for the last two weeks. Their sighs and moans of excitement while reading those books had ... almost ... caused him to inquire as to what was so interesting. But he was the older brother, and whatever interested his baby sisters was surely nothing he’d be interested in.

“I’m gonna drop you off and keep practicin’,” he announced as he pulled up in front of the school.

“No! You can’t!” cried Bernadette. “We can’t go in there and be alone with Curtis Lee!”

“Why not?” asked Nathan, looking into the rear view mirror at them. He had no fears about Curtis Lee any longer either.

“Cause we’re gonna talk about a haunted mansion!” squealed Hilda Mae.

Bernadette slapped at her sister’s arm, which Nathan saw in the mirror. That caused him to turn around and demand to know more. In the end, he went in with them. His boredom played no little part in that too.

The girls weren’t the only ones who brought somebody else with them in the interests of security, or peace of mind. Curtis Lee was aware, despite the Wilson children’s general softening attitude toward colored folk, that meeting the girls alone could be a recipe for disaster. His reinforcements were in the persons of Luthor, Johnnie Sue and Moses Finshaw, a quiet fifteen year old black boy in their class.

Jesse couldn’t convince his father to let him have a day off to “go gallivanting around”. Moses’ parents thought he was off fishing. Luthor had used the same excuse, and Johnnie Sue had invented an invitation to the Wilson house. Her mother was more astonished than she let on, and elated that her tomboy daughter was finally showing an interest in the company of other girls, not to mention that the girls in question had such high station. Johnnie Sue also promised to pick up some thread at the store for her mother while she was in town.

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A couple of Soldiers brought in pitchers of ice water and glasses for everyone. Braggard started from the beginning and his aide 25 year old 5' 7" 34B3036 110 lb black haired brown eyed 1LT Marie Stewart started writing on the dry erase board, as Gen Braggard explained his plan. The train had already been pieced together. It was self contained and carried almost as much fire power as a light aircraft carrier. It had eight Apache attack helicopters; four Kiowa 58D scout/attack helicopters;...

3 years ago
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I Loved This Girl 8211 Passion At Its Best

I rang the bell and a woman of 26 years of age opened the door. Heard a sound inside the house “ulla vaa da”… “ come in “.. Then the woman who opened the door smiled at me and said please come in. I entered inside and there was my friend kritika sitting with a baby of her sisters. Yes, the woman who opened the door was her sister. I and kritika have been very good friends for years. She once said that she had a sister in pune and would visit some time. Now she was in Pune and I went to see her....

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Georgia Part 06

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 06 “That was fun last night.” Charlotte said to me as soon as I woke up. “Have you got lots of other toys in that drawer?” “Yes I have, I haven’t had the chance to try a lot of them yet but you’re welcome to have a look and experiment. Hey, what time is it?” “9:15 why?” “Shit, you have an appointment to get rid...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 70

Out of the goodness in my heart I left the Car Wash quietly. In doing so I left the two women in bed. Yes they were in bed together. I figured they planned it, so that neither of them had to get out of bed at 6AM. Mikah and I left on our walk. I walked by the convenience store where everything seemed to happen. The man from a couple of weeks before pulled out out of the parking lot, then pulled up beside me. “I need your and Tripod’s help,” he said. “Sorry I can’t help you with your...

3 years ago
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Breaking the Unbreakable Please comment

You awake in total darkness. The room is cold, the floor is hard and unforgiving - this place is very unfamiliar to you. You open your eyes and realize that you have a bag of sorts placed over your head so that you cannot see, the seam of the bag chokes tightly around your neck giving you just enough space to breathe shallow.As you regain more of your senses you are horrified to learn that your arms are raised above your head and bound together, completely unable to be moved. Your legs are...

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Sex ed

Miss Emma Warden looked out at her thirty pupil twelfth grade class and announced, "All right children, it's time for our sex education class, everyone put away your books and we'll get started!" After a few seconds of clamoring, every desk was clean with not a book or notebook in sight. "Okay, class, today is a very special day in our understanding how the human body works and reacts sexually," Miss Warden began, "up to now we have simply read our texts and looked at pictures to get a grasp of...

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The Two companions Part VI

(In which our hero, Jorge, settles some old affairs, honors some old traditions and pulls off the hat trick with Serenity's lovely ladies in our little ship on the edge of the black.) As Serenity climbed out of the ionosphere of New Kashmir, River was idly singing Mera Joota Hai Japani from an old Bollywood rasta about leaving while she danced in the pilot’s seat and calculated atmospheric drift, relative velocities and trajectories to their next destination. However the majority of her brain...

3 years ago
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A TS Fantasy 4

(The following story is a work of wishful fantasy based on a vacation I taped with my camcorder.) A TS Fantasy 4 By Paul G. Jutras On July 7, 1996 Paula stood in a pink sundress, daisy sandals and polished nails. She even had a pink flower in her straw hat as she watched the Olympic truck. The new runner stood waiting as the torch carrier came by. The crowd cheered as at the passing of a worldwide tradition. The camera crews and police escort were quite an impressive sight to...

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An Early Lesson

I am just coming to the end of a very successful teaching career. I am respected within my profession and often newly qualified teachers ask me for advice. My response is always the same “maintain classroom discipline.” Until now I haven’t elaborated on this response however I think it is time to reveal how I learned this very important lesson. I had just qualified as a teacher and having undertaken a probationary period was now allowed to teach classes unsupervised. Everything had been going...

1 year ago
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Sticky summer

Kara had been wet since she opened her eyes that morning, anticipating what was to come that evening. She had been chatting with Jason for months online, they had talked about everything they wanted to do to each other, today they would get to do all of them!It was mid July in Maine, the last week had been hovering in the 80's, Kara was sweating thru her hot pink tank top and cut off shorts, and her panties were soaked!She walked threw her living room, where her husband was putting in the new...

Straight Sex
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Anyone looking for JAV HD today is definitely on the right track, because that’s actually what this next site is called. I don’t see a lot of .today domains, maybe because they usually look and sound pretty clunky, but this one has a nice ring to it. Then again, I’m probably biased because my yellow fever has been flaring up since I got out of bed this morning. It’s funny how it’s called yellow fever, but the main symptom is blue balls.JAVHD.today is home to best known treatment for my ailment:...

Asian Porn Sites
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Nikita8217s Gangbang Continues

Hey Guys. It’s Nikita Sinha here. I’m immensely grateful to every person who has sent me their feedback on my previous stories. I’ve tried my best to reply to all. I’m sorry if you haven’t heard from me yet, but keep them coming. Since my stories are more in a continuation type, I suggest you read before you go on to this one. Also, I just wanted to remind you guys that these are not my fantasies but my experiences that have been penned down here. Now coming to what happened after that. I woke...

3 years ago
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Inpregnation by BBC

I sit here in my panties, a cute litttle negligegh; and wig awaiting what my black bull will cum and do to me in the next few moments. His cock is large and my pussy is small. Oh how it will hurt before if feels so good and right. Last time he came by he ripped my hole and made me bleed. Its only been a week but i want more. I need more.Its always bareback. Thats something you should know if you are new to BBC. They are going to fuck you big black and bareback. When they do, you wont be able to...

1 year ago
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The Bare Boat Charter

‘What do you mean by ‘bare boat’?’ asked Marsha. ‘Do you mean we don’t wear any clothes?’ ‘No silly,’ replied Cindy. ‘It just means we hire the boat without a crew and sail it ourselves.’ ‘Well, you can’t blame me for thinking that, given the way you usually behave at the beach,’ Marsha told her. ‘Well, I won’t rule out the possibility of a bit of skinny-dipping on my part,’ Cindy smiled cheekily. ‘I love the feeling of the warm sun on my bare butt.’ ‘So what do you think, David?’ Marsha...

2 years ago
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Life Of Anna

Anna had never failed in any subject, till now. As she walked down the hallway, thoughts were racing through her mind on how she would face her mom. She could imagine those loud fierce words that she’d have to endure soon. She felt miserable, like a total failure, and kept on imagining how she could have been better as she dragged her feet towards the computer lab to find her best friend. She wanted a shoulder to cry on, someone to reassure her that she isn’t a complete failure. As she pushed...

3 years ago
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Our first Night

We meet at a nice restaurant; there would be a rose for you at the table. We order wine and talk, I am admiring you from across the table, as the candlelight danced off your eyes. As our dinner was being prepared, we talk and laugh, I reach across the table and gently place my hand on yours, I need to touch your skin and feel how soft. Our eyes meet, and the chemistry between us is exploding. We both know this will be a night of passion. We continue small talk throughout dinner, I find every...

Love Stories
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Lunch Time at Furinkan High

Introduction: At this time in the story we find ourselves at Furinkan highschool and get to see what became of the five unlucky girls Stamped As Meat. Lunch Time at Furinkan High Story: Ani-Can 3 Copyright 2006 Written: September 21 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ Once Ranma and Akane were close to the school they heard the bells begin to ring, Oh no Ranma were gonna be late...

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Thumper Ch 04

Previously… With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. Little does Abby realize how unorthodox their methods are. *** The doorbell rang at six o’clock exactly. Abby was alone, George having left the university directly for his appointment with Britt. Abby had puttered around the house since returning home from work, looking at...

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The Reclaiming of Her Sissy chapter 1

Chapter 1 A story written by an ex panty wearing sissy slut who wishes that his Mistress hadn't changed and run away and he still belonged to her, and that she was the same as she was when she sucked him totally into the lifestyle and into her and doomed him from having a normal life with anyone else ever. Long ago after meeting on the internet, his Mistress for life walked into his home, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into his own bathroom, handcuffed him to the wall...

3 years ago
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MAster and I meet

My day began with me awakening and being a little horny. I have to begin y telling you that I love to have my body seen in public. So waking up horny was the start to a great day. I rose from bed, showered and dressed. I decided I was going out to run some errands and would love to have men and women alike get peeks up my skirt and see my ample breasts showing thru my shirt. So I put on a lacey bra that barely covers my nipples and a sheer white blouse and finish the outfit with a short denim...

3 years ago
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Makan Malkin Or Maira Pehla Sex

Hi dosto mera naam rahul hai or delhi me rehta hun.Meri email id hai ye meri pehli khud ki sachchhi kahani hai agar apko achchhi lage to comment jarur karna plz.. Mujhe malum chale ki meri or bhi aapbiti kahani hai unko apke sath shair karun ya nhi chalo apka jada samye na lete hue main apni kahani pe aata hun….. Darsal ye bat hai us samye ki jab main 9th class main sarkari school me. Padta tha sarkari school me se mujhe suru se gandi bato ka pata chal gya tha or tab humara pariwar kiraye ke...

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Photographer Ch 13

As this chapter of the Photographer story begins Greg is escorting Ellie Maxwell to New York to meet with the rest of Mrs. Blair’s restructuring team. Ellie’s husband who was the director of one of Mrs. Blair’s companies is headed to prison for most of his life. Attorney Barker is expediting the divorce proceedings so that she will be free of him and his controlling ways forever. It had given her great pleasure to be the one to put the cuffs on him and read him his Miranda Rights. It had been...

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First Time With Sherry

I am generally a good judge of character and can tell who I can poke fun with and who to steer clear of. My house is in an area with very little traffic. On warm mornings I take walks down to a skimpy male bikini and like to tan on my fenced-in deck in next to nothing or completely naked. I also get to see ladies in well-fitting attire as I drive or walk to work, which is always a plus. Every now and then I come across a woman who is special in her own way and has a little devil inside of her....

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The Geek Gets It

I really should be going. I’m already twenty minutes late back from my lunch break, but the boss is away. I can handle anything his gormless assistant, Doug might throw at me. I’m in the sandwich shop adjacent to our office block, I rarely ever used this place before Cherry took it over. I now find myself coming here every lunchtime, and it’s certainly not for the quality of the food. I’ve put a lot of effort into chatting her up on a daily basis, she didn’t bite at first, but slowly I seem to...

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A Quiet Night In That Wasnt

I had been dating Rachel for a year. It was a whirlwind relationship. We were extremely close and intense until it all burst and consumed itself. But before that, during better times things were glorious.We were in love with each other because of our differences. I am soft-spoken. I let my presence speak for me. She was quite the opposite. Outgoing and outspoken she got energy from being social. Always. She needed new like no one I ever knew. She needed constant stimulation. Besides me, she...

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The Spanking Service II

My laptop went 'ping' telling me I had a new e-mail. The message was from Pippa; she was requesting a meeting for herself and her old school friend. They wanted me to play the role of their headmaster.The e-mail was very detailed, but briefly, Pippa Banks and her friend Fiona Lord had been best friends at school and remained so even after twenty-plus years. Whilst at school they had been responsible for burning down a tool shed when they had failed to properly extinguish the cigarettes they had...

2 years ago
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Banged My Sister 8211 Part I

Hi all, i am Kiran from Hyderabad and am here to share my first sex experience. I’m a regular reader of this site, after reading these stories i made courage to share my first sex experience in my life….. This story is about me and my sister. We r very close to each other….My parents and my elder brother are busy in their jobs so v both usually spend a lot of time at home…. Now coming to the story my sister has a nice physic just like Anushka….Her height is 5.5,big boobs n she is doing her...

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Blackmail Part3

I was so wrapped up in my panic that I didn't immediately notice the cock that was at my lips. "Open your mouth," my ex told me. I reluctantly did as I was told and began sucking on the horse cock. My ex took the blindfold off me and I looked up to see the horse straddling the stand and his long cock stretching into my mouth. It must have been 18 inches long and it wasn't even hard yet. I could manage to get my mouth around the head of its cock and take a couple of inches in, but...

3 years ago
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Mom Had Too Much To Drink Part 2

I woke up first, mom was still out of it. She was laying next to me, naked and looking beautiful. I didn't want to disturbe her, so I quietly got up, slipped on some shorts and went out to the kitchen to get som coffee.I was sitting at the kitchen table, working on my third cup of coffee, when mom came wandering into the kitchen. I guess she thought she was at her house, because she came out naked. When she saw me sitting there, it gave her a bit of a scare at first, but then with a puzzled...

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I cant seem to work with girls

This story is linked to another story I wrote about employees. I was a manager of a restaurant for several years. I have this problem of being a big flirt. I always seem to get into sexual conversations with girls and end having sex with about every girl I spend time with. This girl I am about to talk about was a tall girl (5'10") and was about 130lbs. She had c cups and always wore tight jeans that showed off her ass and a gorgeous cameltoe. Her name was Lori and we had been working together...

1 year ago
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The Faded Girl

“Stop that, right now!”A woman’s loud voice filled the alleyway and drowned out the sound of the girl’s struggle. The man holding her stopped in his tracks and looked round.Jasmine was not a large woman, nor was she particularly young, but she had a presence that could not be ignored. She was also carrying a weighty looking walking stick. She had no need for it, she could walk perfectly well unaided, but she carried it purely as an affectation and for times like this. As the man worked out...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 140

The following are compliments of Mike S Back in the olden days, Queen Elizabeth 1 was always on the lookout for a viral man for her bed. If the male in question didn’t satisfy her, the next thing was a trip to the tower and ‘off with his tackle’ so to speak. Anyway Sir Walter Raleigh having just returned from a sea voyage was summoned to attend her bedchamber. Knowing the fate of others before him and as his ship was being refitted, he cut off 3 feet from the bottom of the main mast, hid...

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Dungeon MasterChapter 2 Choices

I woke suddenly with a muted scream covering my mouth with my hands so as not to alert the Sisters or the orderlies. Glancing over to see if Skank was back from his latest excursion, I found myself in an empty room with only a single golden, glowing, baseball sized orb floating in the center. The small room didn’t have any obvious noticeable exits from my brief inspection. Gathering my courage, it seemed that Stoneface wasn’t pulling my leg. Not that I would ever forgive him for throwing me...

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