Flossie's RevengeChapter 28 free porn video

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Marian was washing up the supper dishes, wondering at what had come over her husband. He had come home early, subdued, and said he wasn’t hungry. He went to bed right away. When she went in to see what was wrong, he asked her ... actually asked her ... to leave him alone. He said he had a rough day, and just needed some extra sleep. Then he asked her to wake him up when she was ready for bed, so he could move to the couch. She had been astounded, and was currently thinking about letting him stay there. The girls had said Nathan had stopped by at Flossie’s and told them he’d stay there with her for a while. That was fine. She would probably need company for a while, until she dealt with the fear. Marian had a snippet of worry that people would talk, but Flossie was the teacher, and kids probably came and went all the time in a small town like this.

The girls were reading and Marian was thinking about watching some TV when there was a light tapping on the door. Marian was closer and went to see who was there. It was a girl.

“Hi,” said the girl shyly. “I’m Johnnie Sue Thorpe. I go to school with your girls.”

“Well, pleased to meet you.” said Marian. “Won’t you come in?”

Hilda Mae appeared at her elbow.

“Johnnie Sue!” she said. “What in the world are you doing here?”

“Well,” said Johnnie Sue, affecting a high and lilting voice, “what with us not having school and all, I got to thinking that I’d never had the chance to have one of those slumber parties I’ve heard about ... and I asked my Mamma, and she said it would be okay if I invited some friends ... and...” She looked down shyly.

Bernadette appeared, one eyebrow raised.

“I think that’s lovely,” said Marian. “Isn’t she nice to invite you for her very first slumber party?”

Hilda Mae was staring at Johnnie Sue. Something had to be up. This wasn’t how Johnnie Sue talked. The thing that gave it away even more was that she was wearing a dress. Neither Hilda Mae nor Bernadette had ever seen her in a dress. Naked ... yes. In a dress ... no.

“I guess that would be fun,” said Hilda Mae, overdoing the reluctance in her voice. Her mother took her upper arm and squeezed it in warning. “Yes,” she added brightly. “I’m sure Bernadette would love to come too!”

Ten minutes later the sisters came out of their room with a suitcase. Marian was still talking to Johnnie Sue. They were comparing biscuit recipes and Marian was bemoaning the fact that neither of her daughters had any interest in cooking at all.

They weren’t even out of the yard before Bernadette was asking “What’s going on?”

“Can’t a young lady have her first slumber party?” asked Johnnie Sue in her simpering voice. “I’ll be happy to teach you how to make biscuits.” She grinned. “Where’s Nathan?”

“He’s down at Miss Flossie’s,” Bernadette whispered. “Now, what’s going on!?”

“You were busy at Miss Flossie’s today, but something amazing happened. Didn’t Nathan tell you about the treasure?”

“What treasure?” both sisters asked together.

“We found something at the mansion. We worked all day to clear out those steps and found a cellar. There were guns in it!” she said excitedly.

Then she had to describe everything that had happened, and how they couldn’t get the metal box open, but she just knew there was treasure in it.

“So what are we doing now?” asked Hilda Mae.

“Well,” said Johnnie Sue. “It was your idea to go there, and it was my seeing the attic that got us back there, and we never would have found anything if it wasn’t for us girls. I thought we could sneak out there tonight and find out what’s in that box before the boys get there tomorrow.” She grinned.

“Go there ... in the dark?” It was plain that didn’t appeal to Hilda Mae.

“It has to be in the dark,” said Johnnie Sue patiently. “When it’s light the boys will be there too.”

“What about your mother?” asked Hilda Mae. “Won’t she be expecting us for the slumber party?”

“It’s at your house, you dope!” said the girl, grinning.

“Oh! Uh ... yeah ... of course.”

“What will we do for light?” asked Bernadette.

“I’ve got a lantern,” said Johnnie Sue. “I’ve got it stashed with my clothes.” She led them to a big tree, behind which was sitting a kerosene lantern and two bags. Johnnie Sue stripped naked, got into her usual clothes and stuffed her dress into the bag her clothes had come out of. She picked up the other one and indicated that the suitcase sould be left there.

They took off, Johnnie Sue leading, and the two other girls following, somewhat reluctantly, at first. But, as they went on, and the full moon rose higher, their eyes became adjusted to the faint light and the two city girls were soon exclaiming at how easy it was to get around. Neither of them had ever been out, away from the lights of town at night, and had no concept of how much light the full moon actually reflected onto the earth at night. Deep shadows, that seemed so scary at first, became just that ... shadows ... places of refuge, should they run into someone. Then the moved into the woods around the mansion, and the light was cut off as trees arched overhead. The going was slower there, and Johnnie Sue lit the lantern, hunching down and striking the match on the zipper of the pants she had put.

“What if somebody sees the light?” asked Bernadette.

“They’ll just think it’s the ghosts,” whispered Johnnie Sue. She handed Hilda Mae the bag she had been carrying, and it almost fell to the ground as she grabbed it.

“What in the world is in this?” she asked, hefting the heavy bag.

“I got a three pound hammer and cold chisel from the barn,” said Johnnie Sue. “How else will we get the box open?”

The sisters were amazed at how much had changed since they were last there. When Johnnie Sue led them down into the cellar, they looked around in awe. They tackled removing the furniture from the stash, and Johnnie Sue showed them a rifle, which was of little interest to the sisters. It took both Johnnie Sue and Bernadette to pull the metal chest from its hiding place.

They stood, panting, looking at the box.

Johnnie Sue got the hammer and chisel from the bag and gave the lock a few tentative whacks. Nothing happened, though some shiny marks showed up on the old metal. She hit it harder, and still nothing happened. Then she attacked it with all her energy, hitting the end of the chisel over and over again while the lock flopped around under it.

She finally stopped, unable to lift the hammer again, and panting like she’d sprinted a mile.

“This isn’t working,” she said, frustration in her voice. “I need to use both hands on the hammer ... hit it harder ... but I can’t hold the chisel and hit it at the same time.”

Hilda Mae had been watching events, and snorted. “If you think I’m going to hold that chisel for you while you hit my hand, you’re sadly mistaken.”

They tried propping up the chisel with pieces of wood. Johnnie Sue took a two handed swing and the chisel dropped to the ground. They tried again, and she missed the chisel completely, hitting the pile of wood instead. She dropped the hammer in disgust.

“I thought this would be easy,” she moaned.

Bernadette, convinced in her heart that there were jewels inside this thing had become more and more frustrated as she watched Johnnie Sue’s vain attempts to defeat the padlock. She picked up the hammer, and her rage and impotence strengthened her arms as she gave a mighty swing. It was more out of frustration than anything else. She actually meant to hit the lid, but missed and the corner of the square hammer caught the base of the padlock squarely. Johnnie Sue’s attempts had made a difference, though they couldn’t tell it by looking, and the fatigued metal snapped.

The lock hung, open, in the hasp.

With shaking fingers, Johnnie Sue pulled the heavy lock from the hasp, dropping it on the ground. She grasped the end of the hasp and pulled.

It didn’t move.

“Open it!” whispered Hilda Mae.

“It won’t move!” moaned Johnnie Sue. “It’s rusted shut!”

“Get out of the way!“ shouted Bernadette, who was still holding the hammer. She attacked the hasp, beating at it with all her strength.

“Stop!“ shouted Johnnie Sue. She had to yell twice more before it penetrated Bernadette’s enraged brain.

“All you did was bend the ring!” shouted Johnnie Sue. She stared at the “D” ring, which was now bent sideways, folded over the hasp. It was obvious that the hasp couldn’t move now.

Bernadette dropped the hammer and sat down on the ground, panting.

Johnnie Sue got the chisel again, and put it between the bent “D” ring and the hasp. She hit the chisel, and the “D” ring moved a hair. They had to take turns, but when they saw that the hasp was moving too, they found renewed energy. Finally, Johnnie Sue pried with the chisel and the hasp popped off the “D” ring.

Three sets of hands reached for the hasp and pulled, only to find that the hinges were also rusted so solidly that they wouldn’t move more than a fraction of an inch. When Bernadette picked up the hammer again, Johnnie Sue snatched it away from her.

“You’ve done enough damage,” she growled.

She put the hammer back on the ground and pulled at the hasp, then pushed back down. She set up a rhythm, pulling and dropping and each time the lid moved a fraction more. When the lid was moving a full inch, she ran out of steam, and Hilda Mae took over. Bernadette finally pushed her aside, and with all her strength she yanked at the lid with her fingers in the one inch opening. There was a squeak of complaint from the hinges, and the lid pulled up to stand straight up. Three youthful faces peered into the box.

“It’s just rags!”, moaned Bernadette.

“It can’t be rags,” said Johnnie Sue, her fingers reaching. “It’s too heavy to be just rags.”

White cloth came away in her fist ... to expose shiny gold.

Three youthful mouths dropped open, and it was suddenly silent as nobody breathed.

They were coins. As the girls grabbed at them, and pulled up a fistful of six or seven coins each, they gaped. What they had thought was rags, was just the remnants of canvas bags the coins had been in. There were three bags, in all, but none of the cloth was sound any more.

Bernadette lifted one coin out and examined it in the lamp light. On one side there was a woman’s face, in profile, wearing a crown like thing with the word “Liberty” on it. There were thirteen floral looking things around the outside, and at the bottom was the date - 1861. On the other side there was a shield, clutched in the claws of an eagle. The words “United States of America” were around the outside at the top and sides. At the bottom were the letters “Twenty D”

“Money!” sighed Johnnie Sue, looking at a coin in her own hand.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Hilda Mae, turning the shiny coin so that the light glinted off its rich color.

“It says twenty on the back,” said Bernadette. “Is that twenty dollars?”

“It has to be,” said Johnnie Sue. “My grandpa had a coin like this when I was little. They were worth a lot of money then. He let me hold it one time and told me it could buy a whole mule!”

“1861,” said Hilda Mae. “These are almost a hundred years old!”

“How many are there?” asked Bernadette.

They made stacks of ten. When they were done, there were forty-three stacks of ten, and one stack of seven.

“That’s over eight thousand dollars! Suddenly, the comforting dark around them held watching eyes ... jealous eyes ... coveting eyes. Johnnie Sue actually blew out the lamp, so sure was she that they were being watched. Down in the cellar, there was no light at all, and the blackness terrified Hilda Mae and Bernadette. Both girls started crying.

It took a minute, but Johnnie Sue located another match in her pocket and lit it. She held it up, and the cries of the girls stopped.

“Put it all back,” she whispered urgently. “Quick!” She barely got the lamp re-lit before the match burned her fingers, and sucked at them. There was the dull clink of coins being dumped back into the chest.

“Wait! Keep one out!” Johnnie Sue whispered again. Bernadette reached and gripped one coin tightly in her hand, as they pushed the lid back down. Then, with strength produced by adrenaline, Johnnie Sue grunted and moved the box by herself, back into the corner. Then there was a frenzy of piling broken furniture back up to cover the rifles and the real treasure. They crept to the stairs, and Johnnie Sue blew out the lantern again. She cut off the complaints from the other two girls, telling them to just wait.

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Reagan Foxx and Zachary Wild are in a real predicament when they both need to use the bath tub. Reagan can not wait for him to finish so decides to join! She loses her sponge and her hands find their way all over his hard cock! One thing leads to another and soon Reagan is taking her stepsons hard cock in some doggy style before letting his stepmom sit on that cock and really feel that beautiful young hard cock pound into her MILF pussy! Reagan just might let her stepson use her bathtub more...

3 years ago
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SurpriseSurprise What Do I See

Introduction:An older married man gets more than he bargains for when he meets a blonde in a barThis is a fictional story of an encounter an older married man has with a young attractive girl in a club that leads to some surprising and memorable events.I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with views, comments or ideas for stories.Surprise, Surprise!Paul walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew...

3 years ago
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The Pussy ShowChapter 5

I traced my finger, slowly up and down, within her slickened notch, until I found the soft, elastic sheath of my sister's little clitoris. I rubbed my fingertip gently against it and, as I did, Cookie moaned loudly, into my face and her body seemed to melt against me as her warm, sweet breath rushed from her nostrils. "Unzip your brother's pants now, Cookie." I continued to gently rub her swelling clit as I felt her hands move to the front of my pants, undoing my belt and the snap and...

2 years ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 12

Zoe I don't think I have a shoe fetish, really. But then again, I've worn heavy boots in winter and no shoes in summer long enough to appreciate a nice pair of shoes, too. Coming to think of it, it wasn't the running around barefoot part that had annoyed me and made me want to live someplace warmer but the six months of snow and slosh and icy roads. So, yeah, I like a nice pair of shoes, even high-heeled ones, as long as the heels are still within the range of wearable. But, basically, I...

1 year ago
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Fap Vid? Usually, I'm not like this. First off, I'd usually point out some positive about a certain website, but once I opened up FapVid.com, there was only one word popping up in my mind: Generic! This website looks so basic it's insane. A brief look reveals all the secrets of the website with ease. I mean, it's crowded with a ton of thumbnails, and a ton of categories as well, which is indeed a huge plus, but there's nothing to set this website apart from your average tube website. How do...

Porn Aggregators
1 year ago
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Eyes in the NightChapter 5

Tereth and Louie's family were closing in on the one named Pete. He had run into the woods, and had been running due west until early that night, when he had sudden turned east and they moved to cut him off. None of them had expected the move, or their good fortune that he had changed his mind. As things had stood they would have never caught up to him. At first they had started closing the distance quickly when the chase began, but then their quarry must have noticed that he was being...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 7

Vietnam! After thirty days leave, I was sitting in the airport in Anchorage, Alaska. It was cold outside and my destination was Vietnam. I was wondering what it was going to be like. Probably nothing like all the stories I had heard. They were calling for us to board, and I heard we were going to stop in Hawaii on the way there. We did but I never left the airport. I did walk around for a couple of hours and it was beautiful and warm. I told myself that if I ever get the chance to move here...

3 years ago
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Colorado Passion

COLORADO PASSION By Bruce Roberts CHAPTER ONE            Grabbing an axe and shovel from the barn I walked the two hundred yards through patches of ankle-deep snow. When it’s this cold on the Colorado plains the snow forms a crust that cracks underfoot. The horses grazing on the exposed patch of grass heard the crunching of the snow, the creaking of the gate and looked in my direction and started drifting toward me. This is one of many aspect of ranch life that makes you feel like a...

4 years ago
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No way was he Gay PT3 Gay

Forty-five minutes later I was alone on my computer doing research.I read a lot of articles that shocked me... again.Titles like:Straight Men are a Lot More Bisexual Than You think; What is the Psychological Need to Suck a Man's Cock and Does Sucking Cock Make Me Gay?The key things I learned included:1. More men fantasize about sucking cock than I could have possibly imagined.2. For many men, it's an outlet for a secret submissive side. It's nothing more than the need to serve that causes a...

2 years ago
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It Iswritten Episode 01

Jake sat under an oak tree on the mall, his windbreaker a telltale sign that Southern Januaries were a treat for him. A clear sky let the afternoon sun light his copy of "Euclid's Geometry". So engrossed was Jake in his tome, that he didn't notice Kim until she tapped him on his back. Jake nearly ejaculated from the surprise. "That's the book you picked for our midterm assignment?" the vixen asked with a condescending smile. Jake blushed at the criticism, although he did not know why. "Yes," he...

3 years ago
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Fucked The Bitch I Used To Call Aunty

Hey there.I am writing my third story here I am here for mostly the same reason as you. Get hard/wet and give peace to my horny lustful thoughts. I am Karan shah, 21 years old, Hailing from Ahmedabad, Good-looking, tall and fit and a decent sized tool enough to satisfy any lady. Any girls/Ladies from Ahmedabad interested in a chat or something more can mail me at Feedback is welcome at the same mail address. So this is how managed to fuck my close friend’s hot mother. I and my friend Ishan...

3 years ago
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Muleskinner BluesChapter 27

I do not know why Carol Lawson somehow decided that her destiny was intertwined with mine, but I did not dispute her belief. Truth be told, I had a serious case of unrequited love for the woman. The only thing that had prevented me from acting on that desire was consideration of Tonya's feelings. Carol's chronological age was forty-eight, but thanks to the rejuvimatrix, her physical age was more like twenty-eight. Carol was a tall and robust woman, just like her daughter, and she carried...

2 years ago
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Indentity Confusion Part 2

“Shit!” Dave stepped away from Maggie, looking frantically around the kitchen for a place to hide. He couldn’t believe what he’d just done. Regardless of the sudden feelings he felt for Maggie, Jenna was still his girlfriend. “Mags, is that you?” Jenna called. Maggie’s hands shook as she struggled to tie her bathrobe shut. Her entire body still tingled from the first orgasm she’d ever experienced, and combined with her growing nerves at Jenna’s arrival, her hands were nearly useless. “There...

1 year ago
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Incest Family 4 of 7

Incest Family Part 4 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. On Sunday, I woke with my being engulfed by Cindy’s mouth. I started moving my hips, working it in & out of Cindy’s mouth. When she realizes I was awake, she repositioned herself & put her pussy over my face. That’s when I realized she had showered already. The scent from her pussy was sweet. While sucking on her clit, I moved my hand to her nipple & raked my fingernail tip...

1 year ago
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Another kammerer story

So after I had so much fun the first time I decided to head back again. I got there at night and my cock was throbbing the whole ride there. I got there and made my way immediately to the back. As I walked in I noticed several grayvdaddies hanging by the front. I walked past and felt them eye fuck me as I walked past. I made my way to a booth and immediately stripped naked. Sitting naked was so exhilarating because I felt so vulnerable and Slutty. I began to slowly stroke my cock and...

4 years ago
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A Lesson I Love Chapter 1

My brother called me. He wanted to come east to visit his big s*s. I’m not really big, I’m about five foot four, a hundred twenty five pounds-soaking wet. I have a shapely ass, smallish, perky tits with large sensitive nipples that point upwardly. I have a darkish, olive complexion and dark hair. I’m pretty hot. I used to be quite the conservative bitch. I am recently single, about 3 months ago, my boyfriend and I split. My brother knew I was sad and depressed about all this. This is why he was...

4 years ago
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Taffeta Torment XI

When Jason awoke in Margaret's flat, the sun was streaming through the lace curtains of his bedroom. As his eyes grew accustomed to the harsh light, he noticed the soft, sumptuous surroundings of the room he had been sleeping in. Ivory satin sheets were draped all over his naked body while a pink satin duvet kept in the warmth that he was experiencing this morning. He felt perfumed and dainty as he climbed out of the bed and walked gingerly across the lush carpet that adorned the...

2 years ago
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When I Came Out

I was 20 years old and I had never even been kissed nor any sexual contact of any kind. I was so confused about my sexuality that I turned to d**gs to numb my mind enough to deal with it. It was a hot late summer day in Michigan, 95 degrees and 98% humidity, and still I was extremely horny. I was just driving away from my house when coming towards me on the other side of the street was a middle aged man on a bicycle. I could clearly see his balls hanging out of his shorts, they were huge and...

1 year ago
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Becoming Submissive part 4

Introduction: this is a repost because i messed up the title the last time As I headed to bed I had no idea what to expect in the next few days. Brent had started out by just having me wear a single dildo in my pussy over night and in the matter of 3 days I was wearing 3 toys at night and in the morning a dildo to work. To make matter worse he had made me wear the 3 toys out to Walmart with a skirt and no panties then when I got home he made me bend over and show my own mother my stuffed pussy...

2 years ago
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A Shipwrecked Princess

The wind was blowing across the ship, and the princess was getting bored.It had seemed like such a fun voyage, and for years she had begged to be allowed to go out on a ship, touring to the exotic ports her parents talked about. Now that she was an adult, she had been allowed to go on a sea voyage to the land of Punt. But she hadn't realized how boring it could get, out at sea.She watched the desert shore slide by slowly. She shifted in her seat, at the rear of the ship, next to her private...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Devil and an Angel

Fred Turner from the legal department stuck his head in the door of the boss’s office and said, ‘The bitch is at it again!’ ‘I assume you’re referring to Jana Davis. Yeah, I know she’s a pain in the ass but I wouldn’t go so far as to call her a bitch,’ Tom Green replied. ‘What else would you call her? She’s filed lawsuit number thirty-four, which means she’s batting a thousand on the bitch scale with me. It’s another one for the same old EPA compliance and inspection bullshit, only this time...

4 years ago
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Pay For Play CheerleadersChapter 5

"Well, how much did you get?" Chris whispered as the girls rode home in the cab. "I haven't even counted it, but it's way over a thousand dollars. Can you believe it?" Nancy answered. "Yeah, you aren't kiddin'. He gave me a hundred dollars." "You aren't gonna tell anyone about this are you, Chris?" "No, no way." Chris smiled. Nancy got out at her house, a small stucco duplex six blocks from the high school. She went in. Nancy's mother was home from her waitress job. She...

4 years ago
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Widow Aunt and I experience BDSM

Hi all, its Ali here! I’m back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks. Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at...

1 year ago
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Laundry Day

I'd just moved into the city. I was pretty excited to finally get my own apartment. The complex was actually fairly nice. The view wasn't great but I had managed to get a one bedroom at a decent price, not to mention that the neighborhood seemed pretty good. I worked nights, so I didn't really see the neighbors too often. I pretty much came straight home from work as I didn't really know anyone and the people at work were several years older than me. I was still in my last year of...

2 years ago
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Story Reader Married Lady Ko Pregnant Kiya 8211 Part III

Hi friends its LOVE GUPTA again with 3rd part of my TRUE INCIDENT in which I helped 1 of my story reader who is already married and contact me after reading 1 of my true incident STORY READER ANKITA SE CHAT on INDIAN SEX STORIES jiska address http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/story_reader_ankita_se_chat_123133.html hai. Her husband requested me 2 make her pregnant coz he had some problems jiska koi ilaaj nahi ho sakta tha. they trusted me and contacted me. Meri is story ke 2 parts pehle...

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