Flossie's RevengeChapter 41 free porn video

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Bernadette was hugging her mother, when she suddenly jumped. Marian felt something wet splash against her ankles, and looked down. Bernadette’s water had broken.

There was a contingency plan for this, and Luthor took over to put it into action. He was supposed to take Johnnie Sue and whoever went into labor first to the hospital, where Johnnie Sue would stay with the mother in labor until a husband could get there. He simply substituted Marian for Johnnie Sue. Once they were there and people had taken Bernadette away, followed by her mother, Luthor went back to the car and dug out the bag of change that was stored in the car for just this situation. He found a pay phone and started calling numbers, spreading the word for Curtis Lee to get his butt to the hospital unless he was actually in a gunfight. Curtis Lee was delivered to the hospital by his partner, lights flashing and siren blaring, even though it was a KCMO squad car, operating on the Kansas side of the city.

In all the excitement, Luthor completely forgot about Marian. When Curtis Lee asked if Johnnie Sue had remembered to grab the suitcase packed for this event, Luthor suddenly looked shame-faced.

“Johnnie Sue’s not here with her,” he said. “I forgot the suitcase. I’ll go get it now.”

Before Curtis Lee could stop him, he was gone. Curtis Lee set about trying to make sure his wife was all right. They wouldn’t let him see her, and he started to get irate, until a nurse said “The woman with her has everything under control. Just sit in the waiting room!”

Eight hours later, Curtis Lee was nudged awake.

“You wouldn’t by chance be Curtis Waggoner?” asked the doctor standing over him.

“Yessir,” said Curtis Lee, prying his eyes open.

“You interested in seeing your daughter?”

“Another girl?” asked Curtis Lee, grinning.

“Your ... uh wife ... says you owe her a son or two,” said the doctor, smiling slightly.

Curtis Lee was led to a hospital room. Bernie was lying back in bed, looking relatively refreshed. It had been a short labor this time. Her arms were empty. He stepped into the room, and saw movement in the corner. He almost fainted when he saw Bernadette’s mother, sitting there, with a tiny blanket-wrapped bundle in her arms. She was staring down into its wrinkled brown face. She looked up.

“Good evening Curtis Lee,” she said. “I’d like to introduce you to your daughter.”

Curtis Lee went and leaned over. “Elizabeth?” he said softly. He turned to Bernie. “You wanted Elizabeth, didn’t you?” Bernie smiled and nodded.

“That’s my middle name,” said Marian. “I’m honored.”

It wasn’t thirty minutes later that a nurse poked her head into the room.

“Anybody in here named Marian Wilson?”

Marian looked up, surprised.

“I am,” she said.

“Could you come with me, please?” asked the nurse, looking harried. “Your daughter is screaming that she will not have her baby until you’re there.”

Marian looked confused. “But that’s my daughter,” she said, pointing at Bernadette, who was nursing her new baby.

“Well, I sure hope this is some kind of miracle, and that you have two daughters, because that girl is going to drive us to distraction with her screaming for her mamma! She got here about an hour ago and insisted that you were here somewhere. I will personally buy you a steak dinner down at the stock yards if you’ll come shut her up.”

Marian almost laughed out loud when the same doctor who had delivered Bernadette walked up to the door of the labor room at the same time the nurse led Marian there. They had let Marian stay with Bernie the whole way, even in the delivery room, so the doctor knew her.

“We’ve got to stop meeting this way,” he said, smiling. “I don’t suppose you have any more at home like these two?”

“This is it. They always did everything together,” laughed Marian.

“Well this one’s being a problem,” said the man. “It’s her first, and she’s fighting it. I need her to relax.”

“Let me talk to her,” said Marian. “Then give her some drugs.” She grinned.

By the time Hilda Mae gave an exhausted grunt and pushed Elijah Lee Finshaw into the world, Marian was on her last legs. She had driven almost a thousand miles, and then presided, more or less, at the birth of two of her grandchildren. It was afternoon of the 16th of June, and she hadn’t slept since sometime late on the 14th. Flossie had called Nathan, to tell him his mother was there, and what was going on, and he had come to the hospital to wait with his brothers-in-law. Now, as Marian slowly dragged her feet into the waiting room, he took her in his arms and practically carried her to his car. She dozed while he took her back to the farm, and mumbled ineffectually as he actually carried her into the house and put her to bed. Then he kissed her on the forehead and left the room.

She slept for twelve hours, got up and staggered around until she found the bathroom, and then went back to bed for another four hours. When she got up, she found the suitcase she had packed into the car sitting on a chair near the bed. She felt filthy and took clothing to the bathroom, where she took a shower. Coming out of the bathroom, her hair wrapped in a towel, her nose was assaulted by the smell of food, and she followed her nose to the kitchen, where Flossie stood at the stove cooking pancakes and humming softly, while a little boy sat in a high chair banging a spoon on the wooden tray. He looked up at Marian and smiled.

“Mommy!” he said excitedly as he saw a new person in the house.

“I’m working on it,” said Flossie. “Hold your horses. You’re as bad as your father!”

“Hi!” said the little brown boy to Marian, brightly.

Marian went to him and bent over.

“You must be Nathan Junior,” she said, smiling into his open and trusting face.

Flossie turned around, startled. “Gracious me!” she gasped. “I didn’t hear you come in. I was beginning to think you’d miss breakfast too!”

Marian’s stomach gurgled so loudly that they all heard it, and the baby laughed.

“I’m amazed I could get in here without falling down,” said Marian. “What day is it?”

“Today is the seventeenth of June,” said Flossie, looking concerned.

“I haven’t eaten in three days!” said Marian, looking for a chair and sitting down heavily.

“Well, we can fix that,” said Flossie. She scooped three pancakes from the griddle to a plate. There was already syrup and butter on the table, beside a pile of forks and knives. Marian wanted to pick up a pancake with her fingers and just stuff it in her mouth, but she forced herself to anoint it with butter and syrup first, and then took measured bites, almost swooning at as the delicious taste spread through her mouth. Flossie set a glass of milk on the table beside Marian’s plate, and handed a small pancake to the baby, who took it in both hands and began taking bites out of it happily.

“He’s just so precious,” mumbled Marian, between bites.

“Thank you,” said Flossie over her shoulder at the stove. “Your son makes rather good babies, I think.” One hand drifted to her belly, which was large, and rubbed it gently.

“I see he’s been busy,” said Marian.

Flossie smiled. “She’s due in another month. When Bernie and then Hildy went into labor early, I was afraid I might follow, but all I had was a few twinges. You certainly stirred things up around here.”

“She?” asked Marian. “As I recall we were both convinced this one would be a girl.” She waved her fork at the baby, who was pounding what was left of his pancake against the wooden tray in front of him.

Flossie laughed. “One can always hope.” She sobered.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” said Marian, thinking that if she were Flossie she’d be dancing in the street.

“How in the world did you convince Jesse’s parents to let him come up here?” asked Flossie, changing the subject again.

“I showed them a picture of Johnnie Sue Thorpe breast feeding a baby that obviously wasn’t Luthor’s,” she said. “I hoped it was Jesse’s.”

“You hoped?” Flossie turned around.

“Well ... as opposed to some fellow she met when she got up here, I suppose. There was always that possibility.”

Flossie shook her head. “Not if you really knew her. The sun rises and sets on those two young men.”

“Two?” asked Marian, confused.

“It’s complicated,” said Flossie, piling pancakes on a plate and sitting down. She offered them to Marian, who took two more. “I know all this has been hard for you to take - I thought it was all craziness too, in the beginning - but there are some things that still leave me staring at the wallpaper, trying to figure out what in the world that girl is thinking.”

She went on to explain about the blood brothers, and how they had grown up together, all for one and one for all.

“And she’s just going to live with both of them, and not marry either one of them?!” Marian’s jaw dropped.

“She’s just as unrepentant about that as she can be,” said Flossie, shaking her head. “We all think she’s crazy. Well ... not all of us. Luthor and Jesse seem to understand it all perfectly. It’s just such a different way of thinking that I suppose us normal people can’t get our minds wrapped around it.”

“Normal people,” said Marian. Then she started laughing. All the tension of the last months, and of the trip, and of riding a thousand miles with a black young man who impressed her more and more with every mile they drove, and of her daughters going into labor ... all of it rushed out of her in gales of laughter as she heard Flossie Wilson characterize herself and Marian as “normal people”.

Flossie was confused, at first, and as Marian seemed to fall apart before her very eyes, she replayed the conversation in her head. That, and Marian’s last comment made her realize what was happening.

When Marian finally began to calm down, gasping for breath, Flossie took a few bites and then said, “Well, when you think about it ... we are normal. We love, and hate, and get tired and cranky, and have babies, and worry about things, and laugh. All people do those things. I think you’re perfectly normal, and I think I’m normal too.”

Marian blinked. On that level, the woman made all the sense in the world. She leaned back, sighing. “I’d love to think I’m normal, but here I am, a well-trained Southern Belle, who has blessed the unions of all three of her lily white children to black Africans, and I have all these strange colored grandchildren, and I find myself suddenly in the hated North, where, at least to present, I have seen only happiness and joy, when there should only be misery and shame. I couldn’t feel normal if somebody paid me to!”

Flossie didn’t know whether to say anything or not. Her own life had undergone some things that had turned it upside down too. All she could think about was that she was a thousand times happier now, than she had been four or five years ago.

“Well,” she said finally. “Maybe it will grow on you.”

In most situations like this, there would have been news exchanged, as people who were from the same area, but had been apart, caught up on events in both places. There was none of that here, though. Instead, Flossie offered to show Marian around. Marian asked Nathan Junior if Grandma could carry him, and he happily held up his arms. He promptly laid his head on her shoulder and fell asleep, while they walked through the house, and then outside, where Flossie described the others, and who lived in them. Marian was overwhelmed with what had been accomplished in three short years.

“It looks like everything is pretty full up,” said Marian as they sat on a bench in the courtyard.

“We’ll make some room for you. If I know your daughters, you’ll be staying with us for as long as they can keep you here.” She looked at her mother-in-law. “What are your plans?”

“I have no idea,” said Marian, truthfully. “I’ve got some money from Harvey’s insurance policies ... or will when the insurance company finally pries their greedy fingers from around it. I wanted to see my Grandbabies. I know I’m not going back there.” She didn’t have to stipulate where “there” was.

“You know you’re welcome here for as long as you want to stay,” said Flossie.

“We’ll see,” said Marian. “I suppose I could try to get a job.” There was distaste in her voice, like she was thinking of rolling in the mud with the pigs. “I have no idea what I could actually do, but you never know.” She brightened. “I helped the new teacher when she got there. I was pretty good at that!”

“Why don’t you go to college and become a teacher then?” asked Flossie.

Marian looked at her like she had just stepped out of a space ship. Then she saw that Flossie was completely serious.

“Me?” she gasped. “College? I’m almost forty!”

“Okay,” said Flossie, her face calm. “So, when you finish college you’ll be forty-four. You’ll still have twenty years to teach. You’re healthy. If that’s too long, then teach for ten and then do something else.”

“This is how you put notions into my children’s heads ... isn’t it?” asked Marian, staring at this strange woman.

“Those notions have turned out rather well ... don’t you think?” asked Flossie sweetly.

Marian didn’t know what to think. Her mind had, in the last two years, undergone extreme stress, and change had resulted. Sometimes she had fought that change bitterly, but it had come anyway. Now she had another new and strange concept to grapple with. Yet, already, the reasonableness of what Flossie had suggested was seeping into her mind, soothing her terror and suggesting that much more was possible than she might have thought ... even ten minutes ago!

She looked at Flossie skeptically.

“You know ... you’re a very dangerous woman.”

“Why Mother Wilson... “ said Flossie, looking genuinely surprised. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

The tenseness in Marian’s body had, as often happens, transmitted itself to the sleeping child in her arms. Nathan Jr. woke and fussed. Flossie offered to take him, saying he probably needed his diaper changed. Marian held onto him.

“I haven’t changed a diaper in twenty years,” she said, standing up. “Let’s just see if I remember how.”

When Nathan Jr. had been cleaned up, and was lying happily naked on the bed, Marian ran her fingertips over his body, examining him from head to toes, gently pinching here, and tickling there, as the little boy laughed and wiggled.

“He’s just so gorgeous,” she sighed. “He should be out of diapers by now, you know.”

“I know,” sighed Flossie. “I’ve been so busy with school, and Nathan’s hopeless when it comes to potty training. Johnnie Sue has no idea what to do.”

“Well, then,” said Marian. “I have my first job. Potty training it is!” she said, grabbing Nathan Junior’s little brown penis and giving it a gentle tug. “We’ll teach you how to control this little thing right smartly!” Her eyes widened as the child gurgled. His penis had gotten stiff. “Oh my!” she chuckled. “I’d forgotten about that part.”

“It seems to run in the family,” said Flossie, looking sideways at her mother-in-law to see her reaction. “His father’s even worse.”

Marian raised an eyebrow, but then, as women have done for millions of years, they began to compare notes on the man they both loved. Nathan, had he heard, would have been scandalized at the things his mother and wife said, and the stories they told each other about him.

He probably also would have gotten an erection.

While her daughters were yet in the hospital, Marian got to know her other grandchild, Juliet, who was being taken care of in the interim by Johnnie Sue, who had her own four-month old too.

Marian examined Juliet from stem to stern too, and found her to be just as perfectly put together as her cousin. Juliet was darker than Nathan Jr., but definitely had Bernadette’s fiery temperament. As far as Juliet was concerned, the world belonged to her, and all the people in it had been put there to cater to her every whim. Marian spoiled her hopelessly, and by the time Bernadette came home with her little brother, Juliet tended to reach for her Grandma, instead of her mother.

Then her daughters were back, and she went into Grandma overload as she helped them with her infant Grandbabies. All things considered, Marian was on cloud nine.

“I never thought I’d get to see either of you again,” she sighed one time, while Hilda Mae suckled young Elijah. “Much less my grandbabies. I’m so happy now that if I followed your father I’d go with a smile on my face.”

Hilda Mae ignored the reference to her father. She looked down at her first child. She had already forgotten the rigors of childbirth, and stared at her baby lovingly.

“Elijah Lee Waggoner,” she whispered. She looked up. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you get to see him.”

“You know,” said Marian, wondering if she was about to open a can of worms. “Your father’s middle name was also Lee.”

Hilda Mae blinked. “I never even knew he had a middle name!”

“He hated it,” said Marian carelessly. “Something about a boy who beat him up when he was little. He didn’t talk about it much.”

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Opening of New Magic Depot Store

Cabinessence has opend this universe for other authors to write in if you desire. ---------- Opening Of New Magic Depot Store - Video Transcription By Cabinessence The following is a transcription of a newscast that was broadcast about two weeks ago about the opening of the Magic Depot Superstore on Route 9 near Fishkill, New York. "Hello this is Steve Schantz for Poughkeepsie, Channel 8 news. Well everyone in town is abuzz about the opening of the new Magic Depot...

1 year ago
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New Kid in SchoolChapter 6

"These last two days have been pretty bad," Jared told the nurse at the Construct offices. "I understand," she replied. "Your broken arm should mend just fine. I can have the doctor take a look at it if you want." "He saw me just a few minutes ago," Jared said. He sighed. "I guess when I'm done with school I'll head home, not that I want to." "We can have someone accompany you." She looked at the chart in front of her. "That might be for the best." "I ... yeah, sure, if...

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Schoolgirl Trix

Mr. Mason cleared his throat, clearly unhappy with the complete lack of disrespect for his class. It surprised him that Trixie was misbehaving, she wasn’t the class clown nor was she exactly a wallflower. Still, she was a good student and he had high expectations of her. His displeasure was only visible to anyone who looked at his face as he stalked down the aisle, approaching Trixie from behind. He had peeked over her shoulder and had caught sight of what was on her screen. He masked his...

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GirlsWay Diana Grace Erin Everheart Two Thumbs In

Diana Grace is a book reviewer, and she doesn’t seem easy to please! She is working at her desk, criticizing yet another book when Erin Everheart suddenly comes in, looking upset. Diana has no idea who Erin is or what she’s so upset about, so Erin explains that she is the writer of a lesbian romance novel that Diana gave a bad review. That jogs Diana’s memory, so she tells Erin that the novel was unrealistic because it had two women falling in love with each other at first...

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Naughty or Nice

The warmth of the fire tickled my body, keeping me comfortable considering my lack of clothing. A red satin and lace crotchless tanga paired with a sheer cami with a tie in front. Ready for play and seduction. With the kids away, I had no inhibitions. Problem was my hubby was out of town. Christmas Eve and I was alone. It was mostly by choice as I did not feel the need to socialize with relatives nor feel like acting as a guest at some other gathering. Sure parties were an alternative, but I...

1 year ago
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Put my panties down

"Put my panties down you sick fuck" I walked into my apartment to find the caretaker of my building on his knees with 2 pairs of my panties, one around his cock and the other pair held up to his face. I had complained earlier in the week that the sink in my en-suite had kept blocking and that I needed it fixing, he knew I would not be in that day and took his opportunity. However, I had finished work early so he had not been anticipating my arrival. I opened my bedroom door to be greeted with...

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Beach Nudity

I had become very interested in nudism recently. Not sure why. Could just be my age. Anyway, I decided to ask my wife Jean if she would be interested in visiting a nudist beach. Unfortunately, she just laughed at that suggestion.However, we had a couple of close friends, Graham and Yvonne, who have admitted that during Spanish villa holidays they have sunbathed nude, in private. So I thought that they might be up for it. I suggested that we book a villa for a joint holiday. Everyone seemed up...

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My Sister Part one

When my older sister and I were young, we played the show me yours game, but after showing her my cock and balls, she would always chicken out. I never did get to see her pussy or tits. Fast forward to now, when I still get hard thinking of her, and jerk off to visions of playing sex games with her. We are both married and I know she shares my inclination to watch porn. As two couples, we have gone to movies with porn as the theme, and after getting home I banged the hell out of my wife...

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The Unicorns Gift

Elizabetta, just turned eighteen, slid her slippers from her feet and hiked her skirts to her knees so she could wade across the stream. She shivered with delight and smiled as the cool waters licked at her ankles. If there had been someone nearby, they might have noticed that a smile turned her otherwise plain face into something quite charming. But Elizabetta didn't often smile. As the seventh daughter and final child of the family, she had little to look forward to for marriage prospects....

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Secret Insemination Clinic Ch2

After a short break, Jay's brother Jack emerged from a side door in his normal clothes and took questions from the students about his job as a paid sire for women who've paid for his semen.  Within 15 minutes, Jack received a signal from someone standing at the door and told the students that the next pair of participants were preparing to start.  Jack explained to the students that what they were about to see was a 'special case insemination', where the government steps in and requires...

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My InheritanceChapter 8 New York New York Its a Wonderful Town

It took the next six weeks to again read all the texts Uncle Bert had arranged for me to read. With Andy and Mary around, I did not spend full time reading, of course. But, I did spend a great deal of time on them. I was very pleased Uncle Bert had programmed me for higher and greater intellectual and memory capacities. From the heavy instruction Andy and I received from Father O’Brien in Santa Fe, and, from all the books, my view of humanity from a religious - philosophical - ethical -...

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Jill and her dad

My friend Jill and her dad have been fucking and doing every thing sexual for years. She wants no one but him. He is a great looking sexy guy. She now has her own home and he spends a lot of time there naked.She had told me about their sex for many years and I even listened to them over the phone one time. He is a great lover making her body come alive. I have never seen him naked but by the sounds over the phone he must be well hung.Today was Saturday and a boring day for me. Jill called and...

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Bad Day in Toulary chapter 2

Sara, still naked walks into the kitchen and starts breakfast, leaving Vance wondering what the hell is going on.He thinks to himself, "I find her in the spare bedroom, fucking this idiot and she blames me and won't get out of the house. And now she is in the kitchen naked with his stuff oozing out of her, fixing breakfast. I have to be missing something here somewhere." He walks slowly into the kitchen, Sara humming to herself, stirring pancake batter.She turns to him, "Pancakes and eggs with...

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A Purely Business Arrangement Parts 2 4

Purely a Business Arrangement Anna By Lorna Elizabeth Black These are parts two to four of a 4 part story from my short series entitled 'Purely a Business Arrangement'. Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2004 None of this work may be distributed as original...

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Priya Nandhini Iruvarai Umba Viten 8211 Part 3

Avasaramaaga en vagupil padikum oru paiyan vanthathaal, naan nandhini aadaiyai vegamaaga aninthu vittu irunthen. Appozhuthu priya enai paarthu hey ena seithu kondu irukiraai avanai veliyil sendru ethavathu pesi sirithu neram ula varamal paarthu kol endru sonnal. Naan nandhiniyai kaama paarvaiyil paarthu konde sendren. Naan veliyil sendru, en idam thulai pesi irunthathu athil yaaruko pesuvathu pondru pose koduthu irunthen. Appozhuthu naveen vanthaan, avan ennai paarthu hey ena indru sikiram...

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Riding Jenny

By Jax_Teller I met Jenny while dancing at a strip club that had both female and male strippers. The club had two different entrances one for the upstairs female strip club and another on the opposite end of the building for the Male strippers club downstairs. Club “V” for Victor ~ Victoria, was a popular place and was located near a major tourist area or trap as we called it. Money from tourism could bend any regulation and make most laws go away and this club was the direct benefit of...

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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 4

I woke up still in one piece, so I was happy for that. I ate a quick breakfast of three high energy bars and drank as much water as I could hold. I figured to be too busy for a while to be able to take the time for more food or drink. I double checked my weapons and left the tree. I moved as quickly as I could toward the camp while still keeping a lookout for any men who might be sneaking up on me. When I got to the appropriate place, I made a careful search for sentries. I found them in...

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His Brothers Keeper Part III

Amy had showered for longer than usual. She was trying to get rid of Casey’s smell, the smell of his body and what he’d sprayed on her back before leaving for work. When she’d finished she just went back to bed; defeating the purpose. The sheets stank of sex and Casey’s body. There was no point in fighting. He had her money and she was sure she’d heard him threatening Jack; sounded like he could have him hurt as well as stopping the payments. She resigned herself to what she’d have to...

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Last Time

Laying her head on his chest she began to play with his nipples, licking, sucking and nibbling on them. Hearing a sharp intake of breath, she paused before giving the one in her mouth another nibble. Using her tongue she flicked it back and forth before biting down on it lightly. With this he raised upward towards her hot, tantalizing mouth. Placing his hand behind her head he moaned loudly as she increased the pressure of her teeth and gently pulled back on the nipple flicking it with her...

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Bareback Gay Sex

BB AddictionA word of warning to you bottoms.  Don't let a guy fuck you raw and then cum in your ass.  The feeling of a guy's cock spasming in your ass, that cum filling up the area around his shaft and making a warm glove that massages his cock as he shoots his load deep, is an intense orgasm that he will want to repeat.  And once you've experienced that stiff cock pulsing and the hot cum shooting into you, you will want to feel it over and over again.    When he pulls out, you're gonna want...

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Cucked Violet Starr I Love Your Brothers Cock

Naughty Violet Starr loves having her Husband’s brother T Stone stay over. He has all the right moves being a stripper and he loves to show Violet all his hard work; including that package of his! He gives her a lap dance and soon that cock pops out and right into her mouth. Fluffy watches his wife fuck his brother remembering the college days all over again. Why can he not have a cock as nice as T Stones?!? Fluffy is always getting humiliated and from his younger brother of all people!!...

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my oatmeal story true story

My name is Daisy, I'm from Houston Texas and I'm going to share one of my most embarrassing stories ever, if you guys like it, I'll share more of my adventures. I got sexually active at a young age, by the time I was a freshmen in High School I was already experienced with sex, by the time I was 16, i preferred older men to guys my age, they can handle me really good.This story has to do with one of our neighbors, he does NOT get along with my dad, they're both around the same age, he's 53 and...

2 years ago
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Princess on the Balcony

Princess on the Balcony By Sabrina G. Langton I was loving my new condo In Pennsylvania, in my home town of Easton. I am a web designer and I decided to move out of New York City and move back home. The best decision I ever made. I had twice as many clients as before and with the space I had, I did all of my work from home. The place was perfect. I was on the top floor, 4th, of a row of about a dozen units and the back yard was all Greenlands with plenty of trees, as far as the eyes...

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Office Colleague K Saath Sex

Hi dosto mera naam vikas hai n main delhi ka rehne waala hu. Meri height 5″10 rang gora hai n meri personality attractive hai. Agar kissi bhi ladki ya aunti ko sex ki pyaas bhujaani ho toh muje “” par mail n main secrecy ka pura dhyan rakhunga. Abh main apne incident par aata hu jo ki 2 mahile pehle ghataa n yeh mera pehla experience tha sex ka. Mere ofc main ek sardaarni ladki (26 yrs ) hai jiski filhaal hi shaadi hui hai. Hum dono achhe dost hai n woh meri taraf thoda attract thi yeh mujhe...

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new life part 1 the follow on to rich boys love1

I got out my seat and said "be packed in a few hours I am going to go home and see what is flying from LAX" so I did and found a flight at 2AM to Sydney Australia the only thing I had to book now was the hotel, after ring a hell of a lot of hotels I found one for us all and booked it. I called my friends and told them to be ready for 10 pm. My mom and dad came back from work that night and noticed my bags was packed my dad said to me "O you and Harvey sorted it out that's fantastic...

1 year ago
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A Mile High Adventure

I sank into my seat on the plane with a mixture of relief and dismay, as glad as I was to be sitting somewhere more comfortable than the piece floor I’d been camped out on for the last 6 hours, the coach seat of this airplane wasn’t going to be much more comfortable after I’d been in it for 10 hours either. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the other two seats next to me wouldn’t be filled with anyone too annoying.I busied myself settling in, unpacking my mp3 player and a book, slipping out...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Play

Kelly watched her mom wash dishes at the sink. Pondering over how to tell her mom that her friend, Lily, was coming over, she had gone over different options all afternoon. She had met Lily online, and they had formed a fast friendship that led to an online romance. From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost...

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Ass cheek

Hi friends, my name is Vishal from Mumbai. I am 28 yrs. Old and owner of good size dick; all of 8″ long. This is the true event that occurred 4 months back. We friends -4 couples in all decided to go to panchgani, where one of our common friend has a bungalow. That common friend gave us bungalow keys to stay there. We eight of us drove down there in my car which I was driving. It was tiring not only for me but all of us and therefore decided to hit the bed the moment we reached there. Since the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 172 Try To Do Something Nice

I figured Chrissy’s horny little friends weren’t going to keep their mouths shut after all. Chrissy needs to get better friends who can keep their mouths shut. I was going to let Chrissy decide if she is going to rat the girls out to their parents, unless they already found out through the parent’s grapevine. It isn’t like any of the girls here today could get my average six-inch circumference dick inside them. Even though this was primarily for teens to hang out naked, we don’t need much...

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Bambis Shopping Trip

"Bambi - the shopping trip" Daddy always told me that starting your morning right was the most importantthing - it sets the tone for the rest of the day and all of that. I guess that'swhy he has me "meditate" every morning a half-hour before I go to school. Afull half-hour. I have to admit that most mornings I'd rather be sleeping whenI first start, but by the end I'm always grateful for his wisdom. It puts meat peace and centers me. You see, he recorded a tape for me shortly after Iaccepted...

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