ProeliatorChapter 19 free porn video

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I was shocked and must have had my mouth open when Clovis said, "It is about time that I get the upper hand on you."

"But all these people?"

"Great isn't it."

I had to pause and then said, "Yes but how am I going to feed and shelter them?"

"You did it before."

"But that was when I had only a few at a time."

"We are hearty people and will survive. If they get sick you can heal them."

I just stared at the people seeing new faces all the time intermixed with the old. Just when we were being tied off I asked, "Did all the people from Hildestun come to live here?"

"Only some. I was glad to get rid of a few. We had thousands of people coming to our lands and the city is full and so is Victoria. All the old farms are being worked again but I do not know for how long. We have none of this fertiliser you talked so much about."

"There is no room for all these people."

"Then settle them here and get them to walk to where you are building."

That sounded reasonable but I still had no way of feeding and providing shelter. Healing would physically kill me if a large number got sick. The Germans of this time were hearty and didn't expect too much from the social system. Then I remembered the conflict in Victoria and knew humans would act as animals no matter where and when they were.

I was going to be mobbed but Clovis presence kept them back. I put on a happy face even if it was false. I hugged so many people I thought I was going through a repetitious nightmare. I liked or loved the people, I just couldn't take this many people this quickly. I was surprised to see a lot of old enemies too. Some were from the Pict camps I had attacked but some were from the Roman legion we had decimated. These I acted much more formal with but I still acted friendly. I could get a knife in the back from any of these.

The presence of the Romans had to be because I had told Fidelis about the courting of the Romans. Either he or Clovis had seen the writing on the wall even though Clovis had not let on when I told him myself just a few minutes ago.

Everybody asked questions of me that would take years to answer. If I did it all at once it would take hours. I wanted the people settled first.

My smiling cadets were in front of me now but even with their training they were still children. I gave them an extra hug and said, "We have to get them settled first. There is no room at the school."

Dolf asked, "What should we do?"

"We have to make a tent city like the Romans do. There are enough Romans here to show them how to do it."

I sent the cadets among the people to find the warriors among them. I had to get some work done and I did not want them to feel like they were being abused or neglected. Thinking diplomatically for a change I got Clovis to come with me to a rock so we both could stand on it to be seen and heard.

The people gathered around and I walked to Gnaeus Scipio Magnus and shook his hand again and said in a low voice, "We have to talk soon. Are you here of your own choice?"

"We are prisoners of war and your prisoners."

"Will you assist me in getting all these people settled?"

"I will."

"Will you accept orders from others placed above you and give orders to those below you regardless of race?"

"I am a prisoner and have to do that."

"Then thank you for your help."

Clovis got on the rock and then I got up by accepting his hand. My smile went back on and I said in a loud German voice, "I thank all of you for coming here to help me. I am making a school. I will be teaching Latin, German and mathematics. When that has been mastered we will progress to how the world works. This will lead to how to manipulate our world." I then said the same thing again in Latin.

"I am going to drag this world into the fifth century with my bare hands if I must. Most of you have heard of my dreams of things to come and my visions from the land of the gods. I want everybody well fed and active. I want everybody to be able to read and understand the politics of our own people and that of our neighbours." The Romans were told in their language the same as I had just said in German.

"You may have heard that the power of the gods flow through my hands. This is true and you will be able to see this in the days to come. I do not want to have to do this too much because it is very tiring. You all need homes and food. My father has taught us how to make camps. He has learned from the greatest army in the world. I want that kind of camp set up now and everybody to use the latrines. Disease is hard to control even for me if it takes too many people."

I thought for a moment as I looked at the faces of those in front of me. Many I knew but only a few I knew well enough. "Gnaeus Scipio Magnus will you set up a camp for all the people here. It may not be a traditional camp but I want it safe, orderly and clean."

"I will do so."

"Do you have the tools to do this?"


"You will be issued what is available."

He just nodded to me.

"Albrecht, I want you to choose among the Romans and all other races and find the best hunters. We need meat to feed our people."

"I would be happy to do that."

"Dolf, I want you to make drying racks for the meat."

"Yes, Sir."

"Kareltje, gather some of your men and when the meeting is over we will board the barge and take out some very large and heavy pots."

There was a slight pause and he said, "Yes, Sir."

"Cadets, I need an accounting of everybody that is here. People will come to you with their problems and the ones that you cannot handle will come to me."

To the entire assemblage I said, "We are going to be going through a busy time. Please try to handle the problems you have on your own. I will try to help with the ones you cannot. Making camp will take time and I will talk to some of you individually and some as a group when all of this is done."

I was finished for now and Clovis now spoke. "My son," he said loudly as he put his hand on my shoulder. "He is building a new world that I can almost see sometimes. It is a kinder world that what we have now. People are educated and are free to make choices that suit them best. The power of kings will diminish as the power of the people grow. This will take a long time and I will be safely dead before this world arrives. I want this world to come about. You have all talked to me so I would take you here and I have. Now that you are here, I want you to treat my son the same way as you do me." He just peered at the audience to see if anybody was going to object to his wishes.

I had to say, "Thank you Father for your support. I do not know how you are going to manage in Hildestun because you have brought me the best people."

"I brought you a lot of my troublemakers but those are the ones that just need a goal or a good leader and they can do wonders."

"I would not contradict you because I believe you are right."

We went to the barge and I broke out more tools. The leaders either passed them out or delegated this duty. A few Romans had to exchange axes for bows but the weapons had to come from the people arriving.

I was able to get Clovis to one side and asked, "Why did you bring the Romans?"

"Grímkell talked of your prisoners of war. I treated the my slaves well but apparently this was not good enough. Grímkell had a difficult time with them until they settled into a cohort lead by a general.

The Romans had the same freedoms of the land as the free people. They found work and fed themselves. If I had trouble then Gnaeus took care of it. There were travellers or spies and the Romans learned a lot more of you when you went west. I think they knew more than I did. When they heard about you being here they started to say that they were your prisoners and not mine. I do not have them in chains. They stayed because of their word and could leave just as easily as it was given. This way you have them where they want to be."

"What about the Franks and the craftsmen?"

"They simply wanted to come. Most were rich now and could go where they pleased. I think that they see you as the source of many new ideas and a lot more gold."

"There is gold to be made. Most of mine has to go back to the people in the form of education."

"I am a king and I do the same thing. The gold may not be for a school but it goes back to the people."

"I guess that is the way it had to be."

Messengers went back and forth to the camp because Clovis and I were late. Food, large planks and curious people came from the school site as the camp went up. A lot of the goods destined for the school, like the kitchen equipment, came off now so that it could be used.

We walked through the wagons now and Clovis had more of his guards. I didn't think he needed them but then again I had been just been startled by people that I had fought not long ago.

One woman I knew was getting out of the back of a wagon. I stopped to say hello and said, "Hello Mareike."

"Hello Jón. It is so nice to see you again. The children miss you and your tales."

"How are they and your husband Wiebe?"

"The children had the sniffles but Wiebe is not doing well."

"Where is he?"

"Resting in our wagon."

I just climbed up and went in the right one. Wiebe had put on some weight but now lost it all. It was easy to see that he did not have long to live.

"Hello, Wiebe. It has been a while since we have talked."

He tried to sit up and gave me a smile but there was pain there too. "I heard you got yourself captured by that King Celyddon. Your father has been trying to kill him."

"That was a while ago. Some friends rescued me. I have been learning ever since. The gods gave me the ability to heal. Would you like me to see what I can do?"

"My time has come. I can face it like a man."

"Some of your children are young and need a father."

He paused to think and I said, "It is unfair for Mareike to take all of the burden of raising the children."

The pause lengthened and I was familiar with his hard headedness and said, "We have to get some food into you. Your body does the repairing and I do the telling just like in the army. The army needs to be fed though and you are thin."

"I haven't felt like eating for a long time."

"You have to eat whether you feel like it or not." I turned to Wiebe's wife and she just hurried away. The wagon smelt of sickness so I pulled back the cloth covering to get some fresh air to circulate.

I talked to Wiebe and even Clovis talked to him some to find out how he really felt. Mareike came back and Clovis helped her into the wagon and she began to feed her husband. When he objected to the food I gave my own orders and he ate for me.

When the bowl of food was done she got out of the wagon and I took a blanket to sit on and put it near Wiebe. I soon found out that I had my work cut out for me. Wiebe was afflicted with kidney damage, diabetes and a heart problem. I had to do a form of triage and treat the diabetes first. When he appeared to be stabilised I worked on the kidneys. I then had to go back to the pancreas.

I was only partially done and pulled out to find it full night. I was very thirsty myself and had difficulty standing. Clovis hurried into the wagon and assisted me to stand. He asked, "Are you alright?"

"Tired, thirsty and I need to piss." He chuckled a bit and helped me to get to the ground. Wiebe's family looked expectantly at me and I had to say, "He has a lot of things wrong with him but they are getting fixed a bit at a time. I'll come back in a while and do some more."

Mareike said, "My the gods bless you."

I had quite a walk to the latrine and a wide aisle opened before us. The people looked worried but I could not see a reason for this. When I came back I found some food and drink for me and it looked like Wiebe had been changed in my absence.

At the back of the wagon, Clovis asked, "Do you have to do this now?"

"He was dying slowly until I upset the balance and now I have to monitor him so his heart or his kidneys don't get out of hand." He helped me into the wagon and I went back to work. This time I was going to do the bare minium because I was too tired.

I pulled back once more. Wiebe had been stable for a while and I knew that I needed rest. When I looked around I saw that the people were still there. I said, "I am going for a sleep now. You people should too." My voice was odd and I knew it was just from fatigue. I wiggled until I was on my back and went immediately to sleep.

I had to take a piss so bad I got up. It was dark still but everybody had gone as I asked. Wiebe looked to be doing better but I was not ready to take the time to check. It was easier to crawl to the back of the wagon and I held onto an upright as my legs went to the ground. It was good that I held on or I would have fallen. One of the Gauls was awake and he came over and helped me to the latrine. He even waited and assisted me back.

Mareike was awake and handed me some food. "The king commanded me to feed you. He had to bring more of your gifts home."

"Thanks Mareike. Do you have some water too?"

"Yes, Jón."

I felt better in ten minutes and then checked on Wiebe. I got Mareike to bring him some food and adjusted his pancreas to produce a bit more insulin. One kidney was much better than the other because I had only worked on one of them. The heart had scar tissue and some of it was now healthy tissue. After Wiebe was cleaned once more we both went back to sleep.

The camp was making a lot of noise and I woke up to the sun almost directly overhead. Wiebe not only looked better but he was awake and staring at me.

"It is about time you woke up."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than I have in months thanks to you."

"You are welcome but there is a lot more to do."

"Do we have to do it now?"

"No, we can wait a bit."

Mareike brought over Lynet and Fianna who proceeded to feed me while Mareike did the same for her protesting husband. Wiebe chuckled when I was fed by first one sister then the other until is wife put a lot of food in his mouth.

When I finished the girls helped me down from the wagon. I took a look around and saw that everything had progressed very quickly. Not only was there a palisade but there were now cookshacks serving hot food. There was another latrine and this one was a lot closer.

"Gnaeus was pretty busy to get all this done in less than a day."

The girls stopped and I had to as well. Fianna said, "I had been two days not one. You made us sleep in a tent instead of our bed. We want you in there now."

"Two days! I must have been more tired than I thought. No wonder father left."

"He smiled at us and said to tell you that he is having only half the trouble you were having. What did he mean?"

"It looks like his wife may be making up for lost time. I may get a little brother of sister in nine months." Both sisters were surprised and I was surprised that they didn't catch this innuendo.

I was being directed to the ship and got the girls to stop. "Where is Gnaeus?" The girls didn't know but we did turn to where the Romans congregated. I was happy to see no sharp dividing line along racial types.

A Roman stood as I approached and saluted and then directed me to his superior. I saluted in reply but had a smile because my salute was right out of Hollywood. It was also what the cadets used. His salute was genuine and I guess mine was too now.

Gnaeus was busy but came as soon as he could. He offered me a seat which I was happy to accept. I said, "Lynet and Fianna are good at reading Latin but need a bit more practice. As you and I talk, are there two educated men that can talk of politics or any other topic? I do not want my girls being treated as children. They are intelligent and deserve the respect they get."

Gnaeus had a small smile and said, "Some of my officers are very well educated. They would not find it a chore to show these ladies the camp and answer all their questions."

"Thank you." I turned to the girls and said, "Learn what you can. Romans are men and have to be treated delicately. In a few weeks you will be teaching them mathematics. Don't let them treat you like stupid creatures. We all have to learn from each other."

Lynet said, "But you need us."

"I do but I need you to knock heads in this group of men."

Gnaeus waved a man over and told him to take the girls to two officers and how the officers were to act. When the girls were away but looking back, Gnaeus said, "Are you trying to get those two married off?"

"Well... not right away."

"I understand. What would you command me to do?"

"I have to talk about politics."

"An unsavoury topic."

"I agree but still necessary. I want to tell you of my goals for the world and the people in it."

"A very large topic then."

"True. Rome goes to war to gain wealth and slaves. I do not like slaves to be kept. Prisoners of a crime are different. Wars for wealth enrich one country at the expense of another but there is an overall loss. My intention is to educate everybody. People can come to rational conclusions if they are given enough facts. Those facts can only be carried by word of mouth and by reading."

"I can see the education and reasoning but not how it applies to slaves and war."

"If we consider the Roman Empire for a moment, the citizens carry the natural human traits of dominance and submission a bit too far. This I would like muted some. War is driven by dominance as well as greed and need. Slaves can be given some rights making them still submissive but not quite as much as before.

"In place of war and slaves I can show your empire how to be rich beyond their wildest dreams but when everybody is that rich then it does not mean as much. Machines will replace slaves. Free men will be given all sorts of jobs for silver but the empire will produce so many valuable devices that the man will want to work very hard to gain more silver for more products."

"What kind of products are you talking of?"

"The list is very long but I can give a few examples. Glass is very expensive but not in Hildestun. A Roman would love to go there with gold and an empty wagon and go home to become a rich man. I have talked to others of many ways of travel. One uses giant ships of steel with engines like what I have. Another is through the air and Romans are now working on this for me. A third way is two steel ribbons. Carts roll on the smooth track and are pulled by an machine with an engine that is the same as what is in the ship. This might surprise you but this has already been built and working. It is just too small and the track is in a loop at one of my factories."

"What does the factory make?"

"Iron is made so hot it is like water. It is poured into a space between layers of sand. It hardens there and then the sand is removed. The sand is on iron carts that stop in front of the furnace so the iron can be poured into them. They are pulled away by the engine so the iron can cool while more carts are put in position."

"I would like to see that."

"I may give you the chance soon."

Gnaeus looked at me a bit skeptically.

"Why do you say that?"

"I need the Frisians to learn from the Romans but the Romans have to learn from the gods. The only thing that holds you here is your word. The Caesar, Julian, has dealings with me. I am trying to improve the Roman army. You may not believe it but I went on a mission against the Alemmani with them. Instead of bringing back a lot of slaves, we captured almost five hundred men with only a few Alemmani casualties. None of the Romans were killed. You now have the makings of another Auxiliary."

"Tell me about this. It is very interesting."

Instead I talked about how Jón and I had lifted the siege of Hildestun. I went into our capture, torture, memory loss and rescue. This took a few moments. I continued with Lucius and how he thought I would die or be vegetable for the rest of my life. I explained what I had done on the Rhine including corrupting a good Roman officer with the thoughts of flight.

What I had done on Lucius' estate took much longer. The trip to Lutetia was next. I explained my discovery of healing then my run in with an old and rich family. Gnaeus smiled at the outcome here. Now I went into the mission and said in detail what both the Roman army and I had done because of cooperation with Julian.

To finish off I talked of the pirates hitting Roman shipping and then my own. Gnaeus was very intrigued with my new arrows. I continued with the small locomotive, the small completed ship that he saw and told of the next that was twice as long.

"Your story is what I would not even expect to hear in the tales of the gods but there is far too much evidence for me to think that any of this is untrue. You did not mention your reason for coming back now to this area."

"Clovis wrote a letter and it was far faster for me to sail here than to send it. We had not met since before all the battles I was in. I wanted to talk to him as he wanted to talk to me. I gave him the iron products similar to what you saw in this camp. I also provided swords, armour and a cannon with a bore twice as wide as the one you must have seen and a long cannon of half the size."

"Are you going to war?"

"In a way. I am preparing Germania to be settled just like a Roman province. Rome will sign a pact with Clovis one day to watch each other's back. Rome has lots of troops and the Frisians are few. The Frisians have cannon but the Romans can just stay in small groups. What I am getting at is that Rome should not fear Germania too much. Rome was burnt but the army felt the pain."

I was quiet for a while and Gnaeus thought on my words. His legion was the one that had been almost completely destroyed.

Finally Gnaeus said, "Who are you going to war against?"

"Rome needs people familiar with cannons. The Frisians are the only group that can do this. Rome and Germania go to Persia. After Persia the Huns have to be held back. The list goes on and on. We will be somewhat like an Auxiliary but also like a partner."

"What does Germania get out of this?"

"Roman gold for services rendered. Rome will have a small but strong ally when the need arrises. I on the other hand I am going to change the Roman Empire."

"This does not sound like war."

"It isn't. Everything or almost everything the gods have told me will be made in each of the Roman Provinces. I make a lot of gold but I use it to educate the people. Slavery can be made not as profitable and will fade away. People, goods and the army can move a thousand miles in a day. You need less of an expensive army. The army has to learn about cannons from the back not the front."

"You would give us this information?"

"After Germania is accepted as an ally. You Romans will steal the secret anyway." The last was said with a smile.

"Why should Rome trust the Frisians?"

"They don't have to. You would not anyway. We make contracts that benefits both of us. With business and mutual protection we will eventually be married though separate. Rome will grow to need us and we will grow to need Rome. It may turn out to be a marriage of convenience but it is still a marriage."

"Constantius sent us here. Why would he agree to this."

"Do you believe that the gods have spoken to me?"

"Yes, there is no other explanation."

"I have had a glimpse of the future. Events change by even whispering of them but the Augustus will make a contract with us and we will help you defeat your enemies."

In the coming days Albrecht was given command of some Frisian and Frank warriors. One week he would learn Roman ways from Gnaeus but the next he would show him how to make the saddles and lances. Albrecht didn't like this but did it because I said it was the right thing to do.

Our shanty town was built more snugly and then we hacked a roadway to the school. The other roadway had to go five more kilometres through the forest then two more to meet a dirt path that was called a road.

Kareltje and a few of his men that came with him, cut stone and taught others to do the same job. I made more of the scoops that dug out dirt when pulled by a horse or sometimes two. With fire, and manpower we had the basement dug to a depth of nine metres. I wanted to get to bedrock and there were a lot of holes that needed to be filled with the loose soil.

The school was going to be a university too and as such had to be large to cover the population in this portion of Germany. It at first was two hundred metres by one hundred but I expanded it four times in size with provision for further expansion.

Kareltje built a kiln for lime and another for drying lumber. He had lots of practice at this and I called him one of my first teachers. He dropped a bit of his gruff exterior now and tried to get the message across in a nicer way.

Sander made thick and large diameter clay pipe to circle the building and take away rainwater. He was also in charge of glass making. Most of us were used to this form of plate and cup and now could not live without it.

Wiebe worked harder than the rest. He had made a complete recovery and looked much younger. He begged me this time to enrol his children into the cadets. I took two because there were many others to consider. Cadets were everywhere and doing everything. They worked the hardest and actually were the happiest.

Vegetables were always in need and we used the wagons to gather them from those farmers that were close. Rufus, took Gnaeus under his wing and taught him how to sail. The Franks under Albrecht learned too and Rufus enjoyed the opportunity to teach.

The girls did a wonderful job of keeping books and making all sorts of aids so that people could follow detailed instructions. This was done to encourage everyone to learn how to read.

We had a nursery up to grade four being taught in rotation by a series of teachers. The upper grades were a half day where the student worked. I had them out prospecting, camping and hunting with some of the older men so they were not hard done by. The men objected to teaching females but only for a while. Some of the older women were quite capable and took their boys and girls and tried to show up the old men.

Minden became a stop every two weeks where groceries were bought and a portion of the men could let off steam and seminal fluid. Most of these were Gnaeus' men. They always came back though some had to walk after the ship left. Gnaeus usually had a punishment for this.

The large bolt of silk I took as booty from Kirwyn's camp was used to make a kite. I had at least one more Roman captivated by flight. Gnaeus made kites and aeroplanes and this was a favourite topic around the campfires when I talked of WWI and WWII. I told them all I knew about flight but it was very little. They loved the ideas of dirigibles but I had no ready source of hydrogen or helium.

Hafgan was still a very beautiful child. I thought of him much like Forni at times. I took him aside one night and did to him what I did to Clovis. I may not be doing him any favours but he would have the chance now to have children of his own.

I was at the school three and a half months and it was mid February. The foundation was complete including the sewer. This led to a settling pond that was covered over to keep the rain out. The pond was on the side of the hill away from the river. There was nothing mechanical there to stir the liquid but I hoped to get methane from it or at least fertiliser.

Teams had to be sent into the areas of the old farms and clear this land too. Lumber was taken to build homes because the farmers would not be able to make it back to the school everyday.

The floor of the school was put in with squared trees as beams. More beams stretched up for six stories in height. This was possible only because of the availability of such large trees. Horizontal beams were on all the floors and including the roof. The roof would be hot and this would be for storage and a water tank or two.

The roof was in place and overhung the beams by a good margin. The wood would shrink in time and I wanted to bolt it into place only when it had stopped shrinking.

Lynet and Fianna were doing a lot more research in the Roman portion of the camp and I gave them their freedom to do what they wanted. The girls were very strict about their fertile time and I got my chance to make love to them too.

I made ready to leave. There was a very large boiler to make and almost a hundred cast iron radiators along with kilometres of pipe and valves. I doubted if there was an adult in the camp that was not a Wodenist. We were a community now.

There was a large box of letters from Roman husbands to their wives or just to family. They could read now and writing was not that difficult. Lynet and Fianna were offered a ride back to Minden but decided to stay. This was their home now. I would have to stop and talk to Noland about this development. The girls had stopped searching and now seemed to settle down with one man each. I figured that when I came back I would be officiating at their wedding or at a baptism. I was celibate again and this might have been the underlying reason to leave.

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Denise woke. She felt… odd. She rolled over, feeling stiff and sore. ‘Oh!’ She remembered why she felt a bit sore, there and smiled, remembering the feeling of Stan being deep inside her ass, the stretching being a little uncomfortable, but the sensation of being filled was soooo good! She looked down. Stan was still asleep, bless him. She loved the sex, of course, but it was the emotional connection that she had with Stan that made it so special, so breathtaking. She knew Stan wasn’t the...

1 year ago
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Who Needs Innocence

Her eyes burned through my soul.  Who is she? I wondered.  The coffee shop was fairly busy, but for some reason, my gaze was locked onto the beautiful, blonde college student who stared back in challenge.  I was caught like a deer in the headlights, as though an oncoming semi-truck was about to plow through me.  Little did I know just how accurate that omen would turn out to be.I composed myself and turned to the counter. Luca, the owner of this gem of a café, was busy finishing an order, so I...

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Susie pays up

It had been several days since Joe had gotten any action from his married coworker Susie, in fact the last time she had gotten him of, she released his load into the mouth of her sleeping husband. Joe had just received a text from Susie saying her husband had gone fishing, and he should come over. When Joe got to Susie’s house she was obviously in the mood for some action herself. She asked him if he’s was ready for his reward for being such a good boy the last time he came to her house to...

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Edwina Pussy Arm

Cool crisp air filled the room as Kyle opened the window. There was a distant sound of birds chirping. To him, they sounded as a big brass band. The flowers were beginning to bloom, showing off their vibrant colors. Spring had finally filled come and admiring it was a great way to spend the morning. A fantastic morning was a good way to ensure a fantastic evening. Kyle was expecting an evening of spectacular adventures. Not long ago his friend of many months and moon phases, Jed, had informed...

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Passby Pussy

Bella was 30 years old, married 10 years to Jim who she met in the commune where she was living with her parents. She had lived in several as her parents moved from one to another and that is the lifestyle that she knew. As soon as she was old enough she was introduced to the free-love culture. The introduction was mostly that she could now participate. For years she had watched her parents copulating with each other and many friends. Now she welcomed those interesting males to pleasure her in...

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Building 306

‘How did you get us in here?’ you asked as we drove past the large, fenced, gates of the old, N.A.S.A. compound.    ‘I have a cousin that still works in this section, although most of it was closed down when they built the new section a few years back. He sort of let me borrow his swipe card.’ ‘So where are we going?’ you asked.  ‘To building #306. I have a surprise for you.’ You gave me that dirty, funny look. You remembered how my surprises can turn out. ‘Here we are.’  I led you out of...

1 year ago
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Sissy guidance

This is a guide for Superior Men that want to usurp their rights over cross-dressing white boys. 1) Getting a real meeting with a boy is the most crucial part of beginning the white boy emasculation.The rest comes easy and naturally for the sissy boy. Most fantasize about being forced into it. They like the risks and are completely aware that it is a slippery slope. Blackmail and Domination is part of what they want. On some level, they want and feel they deserve to lose their identity as a man...

1 year ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 34

"Put that medal back on this instant!" Judy Jeffries exclaimed. Mike Morris was sitting beside her in her convertible as they sped north on the freeway towards Los Angeles. It was the day of the Clifford & Jamison Christmas dance and Mike was wearing his dress whites. With a grin, Judy had earlier made "a big concession" by not insisting that he wear his sword, too. Because uniform regulations require that medals be worn with the full-dress uniform, Mike had miniature medals pinned...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Island

Jordan was a half mile up the gravel road before he realized that something was wrong. He had felt it as soon as he got off the ferry, because what was supposed to be an island with shops and hotels and a historic fort just looked like a gravel parking lot. But Jordan was a college student on vacation, and the area was unfamiliar to him. The entire idea of ferries and islands was unfamiliar to him. So when he walked off the ferry, he assumed the center of town was up the road and around the...

3 years ago
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The Ol Switcheroo

The Ol' Switcheroo by Shelly O'Kelly Harry met his friend Bob outside of the restaurant/bar they went to when they had dug up dates. It was a cut above the place they drank themselves silly at, but that wasn't saying much. Bob was looking preppie, or yuppie, but no matter what the term was at the time, he was looking it. Clean cut, and clean smelling. Harry was in his sports jacket with his "Take me, honey, I'm yours!" t-shirt on underneath. "Well?" Harry was saying,...

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HandsOnHardcore Cherry Kiss Cucked Girlfriend Cherry Kiss Films Herself DPing Two Black Guys for Vengence

Lithe-bodied blonde Cherry Kiss is one lady you do NOT want to piss off. She’s found out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, so she’s trying to break into his laptop so that she can empty all of his accounts. The problem is that she doesn’t know his password. She calls her tech guys, well-muscled ebony black studs Darrell Deeps and his assistant Yves Morgan, for help, but when they get to her place they have a better idea for vengeance: make a video of her getting...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two of Meg Brown at school

I had completely forgotten I had written a second and third chapter of this series. Here is chapter two. Meg Brown is a real person however the stories are fictional,sadly. Meg at School ………. Back to the present.Meg Brown thought seriously about telling her Mother about the caning she had received from Mr Spencer .Dad was out for an hour or two and Sally Brown , Megs Mother was in the kitchen preparing food for supper.“Hello dear” said Sally to Meg who was getting...

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The Montana School for Boys Special Edition

The Montana School For Boys (Special Edition) by Stephanie Anne Bryant It was three o'clock in the morning and high school senior Jeff was on the internet looking for a college to go to. Jeff stood about 5'11 and had light brown hair. He was a loner in high school. He also had one big secret that he couldn't tell anyone. His biggest dream in life was to become a woman. It is all he thinks about and when he goes away to college he was going to explore these feelings. He just had to...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises Bill Nelson The Morning After

Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

1 year ago
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Aarandor war ein kleines Inselreich weit von anderen Küsten entfernt. Einst lebten die Menschen, Zwerge und Elfen auf den über vierhundert kleine und große Inseln in Frieden und Eintracht. Sicherlich, es gab gelegentlich Konflikte und Kriege, aber die Zeiten des Friedens waren lang und die Reiche wohlhabend. Doch vor neunzig Jahren überfielen Dunkle Horden die Inseln, unterwarfen viele und überzogen die übrigen mit Krieg und Zerstörung. Es gelang, die Eindringlinge zurückzudrängen, doch sie...

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Alexa 23 Recovery

Alexa Chapter 23: Recovery I woke up and my head was killing me. There was no light except for a faint one at the side of the bed. I could tell by the way I was propped up that this was not my bed. Then it came flooding back to me. The accident. I was just telling Jenny I loved her as the light turned green and I pulled out into traffic. Just as I was pulling into the intersection a large truck hit the side of the car. I remember briefly being in an ambulance, but then nothing...

3 years ago
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Little Public Stripper

I walked across the nightclub floor, two female friends either side of me. My short red dress looked perfect with my red patent heels, and my ass and g-string showed below the hemline. My skin felt alive, smooth and shaved and tingling, ready for this experience. The matte gloss of my long, black 1950’s style hair style (an expensive, convincing wig) picked up the pink and purple lights of the club, and I felt everything below my waist relax as it prepared for the sexual treat. Eyes were on me,...

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Mindcontrol Panties 02 Brats Kinky Punishment

There was nothing special about the department store. It was like a thousand others in its chain. A massive, international network of box stores that sold everything you could want or imagine. From cookware to bedding to toys, almost everything could be found here. The figure moving through the store appeared no different than any of the other shoppers. It moved with a calm grace, nodding at the other shoppers. Nondescript, the figure didn’t stand out one bit. No one even noticed the pair of...

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Bahu Ko Choda

Hi This is sandeep i am 21 male from Hyderabad,I am a regular ISS reader and I want to share a real incident which took place in my life a long back and i am converting it into story….I Was an retired mamlatdar aged about 57 years with only son Raghu and my wife expired one year ago in order to bring happiness again i fixed my son’s wedding with my relative and he was married at quiet young age 25 years with a beautiful lady roopa aged about 21 years with perfect figure 36-26-34 and she is very...

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We Four MChapter 3

Portrait Bill Pierce was home trying to decide how likely it was that both the boys would stay asleep long enough for him to read at least one entire story in the Trib when Carolyn asked him a question out of the blue. “You sure you got the dissertation to Kindle?” That had been weeks ago. “I went to the classroom you told me to. I addressed him by name. I mentioned your name, and he didn’t say ‘Who?’ He addressed me by name. He put the dissertation in his briefcase. It was as full and...

2 years ago
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Vinnies World 2 Taking Lily

Let me explain how it is in Vinnie's World. We're a savage tribe living in a land with other savage tribes. We don't start wars. We follow certain maxims: live and let live; to each his own; don't stick your nose in someone else's business. But sometimes other people don't follow those rules. That's when we act because there is one maxim we never follow: turn the other cheek. We defend each other and our possessions. Our most precious possessions are our women, and we guard them at all...

4 years ago
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Working too hard Part2

Continued Part 2 So we arrived at the café for some quick food and I'm the sort of person who just bounds through things and rarely gets surprised from any situation. That said the night ahead was one that I never thought I would experience. We settled down to some drinks and ordered a few light sandwiches and French fries. Lady P had started to look at me intensely at first asking me some difficult questions like was I seeing anyone and what I thought about people in the office? "Well I'm in...

2 years ago
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My Favourite fantasy A male perspective

A new friend wrote this for me after reading "My Favourite Fantasy" He puts himself in the place of the Dom in the story. I was very flattered he wrote it and would be interested in peoples' opinions - which i will pass on to him - Thanks A xxxMy Favourite Fantasy - My ProspectiveI am using your original story as a guide, so that you will know step by step what I was thinking this is my prospective of the events of that hot, hot summer morning. Feel free to copy and paste and distribute my...

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Homecoming Meal Ch2

Cassie and Jenny almost ran home, both of them still highly aroused after their steamy encounter in the restaurant. ‘I can’t believe you gave that waitress your phone number, suppose she phones?’ Cassie remarked as they neared their house. ‘Did you see how turned on we made her, I bet she will finish work, go home and finger herself thinking about us.’ Jenny replied, adding ‘Besides if she did join us it would be fun!’ and with that she turned down the path that lead to the front door. As soon...

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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 10

I awoke and looked at Karen. She lay on her pretty belly and her naked butt was like a sore thumb sticking out. I loved her butt so much and loved to play with it and fuck it. Karen was half awake and we talked. Karen is small in height, slender and has a C cup with long pretty hair and a beautiful face. Karen is the prettiest girl in High school and she is mine. Karen why did it upset you so much that I will be having sex with Bridget? It is just I wanted to be the only sister you have sex...

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Sanctuary A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "I know who you are," said Mother Sophia. His hair hung loose instead of pulled back in a slick ponytail, and he had wispy hairs on what had always been a clean-shaven face, making it just look dirty. But it was unmistakably Esteban Moya, son of Carlos Moya, the dictator recently deposed. "I hope that I have entered a Christian place, where there is mercy and compassion before vengeance," he said, showing that despite his disheveled...

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Jealous Magic

Jealous Magic Prologue My name is, or was, Vince McGrath. I was once a 20-year-old man, but all that was taken from me by magic, yes magic. When I had left school at 18, had managed to be accepted into a very select university located just outside a large but picturesque Scottish village known as Darkhaven. Surrounded by thick Scottish woodland, Darkhaven is one of those villages where the rich have moved in, raising the property prices and forcing most of the original...

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Demon BaitChapter 4

We appeared in what looked to be an indoor mall. There was a broad center area or aisle with stores on either side of it. It was an atrium, and there were two levels visible above the stores that looked like they contained living quarters from what little I could see of them from my present position. Above the third level, the roof of uneven rock was visible. I could see that the mall continued on for a good distance from where we had appeared. There were bridges at several places on the...

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Snow White and the Seven Wharfs A Lush Christmas Special

In a land, not so far away, there lived a blonde-haired girl, who had skin as light as pearl. She was named Daniela or Danny, but all her friends called her Snow White on account of her amazingly fair complexion. On reaching her eighteenth birthday, she prepared to be presented at the debutantes’ ball, where it was presumed she would find a suitor. Whispers spread across the land that someone bewilderingly radiant was about to burst on the scene. It was said that she was so hot, even birds...

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A Day at the Movies

I was off from work for a few days and was horny as hell after a drought of a few months. I decided to go to a local adult theatre, Cinema 309, to see if I could get some cock. It turns out to be a very good day for it.To give a brief idea of the layout, when you walk into the building you are in an area that has movies for rent or purchase, toys, magazines, etc. The theatre itself is one large movie theatre, with three sections of seats, and a walkway in the back and one screen in front. Some...

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Whos the Bigger Slut PT2

I was excited to be going to my first college party but I was nervous too. Ashley had picked out my clothes. To be fair about it, she was dressed almost the same as me. We were both wearing tight cut-off jeans that were so short the bottom of our ass cheeksshowed. She had cut out the pockets so skin showed through all four pocket holes. She did give me alittle black thong to wear under it. For my shirt I had a tight yellow crop top. She told me I would bebetter off without a bra. You could see...

1 year ago
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Naked Day part 23 New York

At first NIkki thought it should be just Cindy, but when Cindy asked if she could bring Sandy and Johnny to meet her and hear for themselves what she might be doing Nikki asked that I join also. At some point she wanted it to be only girl talk and maybe I could take Johnny out to give them privacy. "Girl talk?" "Nothing you can't hear later, but she wants my thoughts first. And of course Sandy." Sandy and Johnny arrived in time, as dressed up as two teens get. They looked respectable....

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 7

Rising early Kat was up and noticed that Seth was seated at the table with his back slightly to the rest of the room. She slowly approached but she could hear him softly talking to himself. She tried to wait but eventually she got curious. "I know Marie, but we're almost done here ... you don't think you'll go early do you? Oh, not really ... Dusty met his first ghoul yesterday ... he'll be ok, but he was out cold again ... I better run everyone will be up soon. I love you," said...

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BackroomCastingCouch Emma 02182019

The stories we hear from the girls who pass through our doors never ceases to amaze us, but the one we got from 21 year old Emma was a jaw dropper. When we asked her why she wanted to do porn, we got the usual answer of doing something different and to make dolla, dolla bills. But when we asked her what kind of porn she watched, she told us she doesn’t watch it, not only that, she’d never seen any porn. So you want to do porn but you’ve never seen what it is? Yes, she replied....

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Unexpected Night With A Shy Girl

Hello readers, am a very regular reader of ISS. Then I thought of posting my experience too. This is the first time am doing so, if any spelling mistake and etc ( if there) then sorry.. fine here we are with the story.. My story of how I met her, how things went on to the pole, how that aroma and the satin gown turned me into a beast. Seems that I should go on to the story now. So ladies and lads get hold of your tool coz this journey is going to be wild and sweet as honey. So before going up...

1 year ago
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DadCrush Lexi Brooke Stepdads Trashy Little Whore

Now that her mom remarried, Lexi Brooke is really happy. She loves their new home, a major upgrade from the trailer park. One afternoon while her mom is out, Lexi is laying on the sofa chatting with her new stepdaddy. Shes really looking forward to getting to know him better but he sees through her simple mind tricks, and reprimands her for hitting on him. Simple, but effective. When Lexis hand goes exploring down the front of her cutoff shorts, her stepdad shows off his parenting skills by...

3 years ago
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Depraived Chapter 1C TMinus 24 hours

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

4 years ago
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Mikko Is Not a Party GirlChapter 3

A very long time ago when the earth was still in the beginnings of the development of humankind, a wise old man who lived on top of a majestic mountain remarked, "Perhaps having females was a mistake all things considered." The young monks were aghast at the thought because they all harbored a hope of consummating a perfect union with a perfect female at some time in the future. That secret thought in a hidden part of their brain sustained them on their path to enlightenment and inspired...

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ClaudetteChapter 14 Homecoming

My plane landed and I retrieved my bag. I went to my car and headed for our home and Claudette. She was there when I arrived and our meeting was fantastic. We had missed each other and making love. We skipped supper! Food wasn’t what we wanted. We were lying in bed later and talked about my views on the trip. I gave her a lengthy report with my thoughts as I went. I again told her everything about Helen. Claudette said, “You were right then and even more I want to meet her. She sounds like...

4 years ago
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Finger Fuck Date

I decided to post a story for the first time and naturally i'll start with one of my best stories! It was during my period at the university - in 2004! I didn't went home to visit my parents in the weekend and the city was laim those days! At night i was home with my friends and when i was out of liquor i went to a near b y café! I went there on a regular basis and knew everyone there! When i got there that night there were only the local drunk guys in their 50's at the bar, but there was a...

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As. Previously mentioned Daughter Christina,s best friend is Oona Khan of Indian ancestry though born in England. A very attractive twenty two year old when we got together. It was at a party hosted by both Oons and Chris at the house they rented together in east London. They,d invited a few friends as well as wife Sarah and me and with the exception of the Khans and us the rest were in their twenties. Oona,s parents were the first to have had enough and now it was only my wife and I who were...

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The GloryHole true story

one evening,I was feeling realy horny,so I got dressed to go to the local adult x store.wearing nothing than a strapless black lace corset,no panties,short mini skirt,and a pair of thigh high boots.and went with a short blonde wig.well walking thru the door,I turn to the left wear the door stood to the rooms,I could tell it was crowded,and there were alot of guys either standing around,or walking.well I found myself a cubicle,and went inside,slip a few bucks in to turn on video.a few seconds...

1 year ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 16 School Days

"What about us?" Megan asked. "Are we staying? I mean, school will start in a week." They were having supper, and the events of the day were weighing heavily on them. Ellen had stayed to give moral support. "Give me the address of your school. I'll send a note that your mother had a medical emergency in Europe and that your return will be delayed," Henry answered. "Mr. Jennings will go ballistic," Pat threw in. "I can already hear his rant. 'No extra tours, young ladies, just...

4 years ago
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Some Girls Never Learn Ch 01

Dedicated to a college swallowed alive and its abducted students. Rage against the machine. Create despite them. Atlanta, Georgia. 1988. Emma’s foot shook impatiently inside the big black boots she wore in all her waking hours. ‘If that woman says it one more time…’ she gritted her teeth as the professor did indeed say it one more time. She wanted nothing more than to jump up and shout, ‘Manet! It’s Manet, not Mayonnaise, you big-haired, wanna-be Southern belle!’ She didn’t do it....

2 years ago
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Being Adopted

She looked so innocent. Pure. The first time I saw her, it was like that scene from the movie, where Kevin Spacey sees the cheerleader, and she seems to glow. My travels took me through the town where my daughter was attending college, so I called to set up a lunch date. My daughter invited me to join her and her friends because they were about to get lunch. She was sitting across from me when I joined my daughter at their table. Her eyes were pure and round and she couldn't seem to stop...

3 years ago
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Riya Fucked All Her Three Holes

Hello friends and this is my 2nd story on ISS and I am very excited since this is one sex encounter which I will be cherishing for my life and I am a 24 year old guy working in a finance company. I am fairly handsome with a good built body. I have a girlfriend named Sneha. I have been in love with her since my college and we enjoy sex regularly. But, this story is not about Sneha. I have a friend named Nayan who has been one of my best buddies since childhood and Nayan has a girlfriend named...

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Corruption of Champions Kingmaker

Your destination is the Shrikelands. A largely untamed region dominated by fertile plains. The bountiful rivers weaving through the land connect the everflowing Doefawn Tarn of the Mistpeaks to the ocean. A few days ago, before you set out, you and the others were offered a feast of marine creatures and algae, fished by a marefolk settlement that had managed to establish themselves there, by your sponsor. You had to admit that you could see the potential if they were allowed to flourish....

2 years ago
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Room Service

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:16:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: ROOM SERVICEI'd worked at the Georgian, a 5 star hotel in London for the past three months. Three months since I had left school. Maybe not the best job in the world but one with perks which made it worth my while. I spent my days flitting from room to room with room service. Room service?  General dog's body may have been a better title.  As I say hardly exciting an exciting job, but it did allow me a pass key to all...

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Ponytail by Nikita ? 2006 Ponytail by Nikita ? 2006  Sweetlips' body, gingered by the sun, was lithe and her lips were chapped from thirst.? Her brown hair, with streaks of red and blonde throughout, had grown to reach the middle of her back.? The soles of her feet were toughened from running without shoes. ?She had developed that faraway look in her eyes that comes from detachment.? Dreams of traipsing into a coffee shop were faint snatches of memories. The day had been...

3 years ago
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Chote bhai se marwai

Hi, mera naam sara hai, i am 25 years of age Ye kahani aj se 18 din pehle ki hai. Mera chota bhai 19 saal ka hai aur mera ek cousin hai jo mere bhai ka best friend bhi hai. Wo bhi 19 saal ka hai, pichle mahine wo chution mein ghar aaya tha aur mere bhai se milne har roz humare ghar aaya krta tha, uski height 6′ hai yani mujse 1 foot zyada aur wo thoda heavy bhi hai, Wo muje baji keh kar bulata hai. Mein bhi usko apna chota bhai manti hu. Hua yun ke ek din wo mere bhai se milne humare ghar aaya,...

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A wife’s first high class mass orgy experience....For a long time Sarah-Jane had suspicions. Well Damien departed too eagerly for his business meetings in Cologne and he was just so goddamn relaxed on his return to Dublin.Damien wasn’t sure how he was going to continue to enjoy his foreign orgy addiction once Sarah-Jane kept badgering and niggling him to be allowed to accompany him next time he went; as their son was old enough to settle into a boarding school in England. Typical male with a...

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Crazy Insane Lesbian ThreesomeChapter 2

"Where are your parents?" Sandy asked as they entered the living room. "They're vacationing in Bolivia for a week, so we have the whole house to ourselves," Suzy answered. "Hey, uh, my panties are soaked. Can I wash them while I'm here?" Sandy asked. "I think we should all probably wash our panties after what happened back there in the car." "I'm going to have to wash my pants too," Suzy said, motioning downwards towards the large wet area in her pants. "Haha! Wow, Suze,"...

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