A Rosa In BloomChapter 3 free porn video

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Rosa rested on the soft bed, the air around her felt warm, and her body was sticky. She kept her eyes closed and lingered on the last two days of her life. The whole part where she jumped from already a little sex goddess to now something beyond. Not wanting to struggle with labels, she let her mind drift back to Vicky and Evelin. Since her adventure started, she could feel her body changing. Her balls were constantly buzzing and she could have sworn she could not only feel the buzz but also hear it. Her cock was also definitely bigger, she wasn’t sure how much bigger but it didn’t matter too much to her to actually measure it. Once you go past 14 inches there’s really very little competition, and Rosa did that years ago.

Rosa opened her eyes, finally feeling it was time to move on with her morning. She quickly understood how bad of an idea it was as her eyes burned with a familiar sensation. Without a doubt, cum had just got into them. She rubbed her eyes and shed a few tears from the sudden sting. She got cum in her eyes many times in the past, but usually, she knew it was coming ... Now after wiping her face as clean as she could, she opened her eyes and looked around. Her erect cock greeted her good morning, it burped out a glob of clear whitish liquid that cascaded down the enormous length and spilled all over her soaked tummy and between her legs.

The whole bed was flooded by her nightly endeavors, only this time she didn’t fuck any girl, all she had done was go to bed and sleep the night off. Rosa carefully planted both her feet on the ground, she had no wish to slip on the messy floor. She had no idea how much cum she made during the night, but from the way her bedroom looked she made more than both Vicky and Evelin coaxed out of her, combined.

Carefully stepping on the sticky floor, Rosa made her way to the bathroom. She felt her bladder screaming for release, cleaning cum from her apartment was one thing, but piss was something Rosa wasn’t willing to try cleaning. The bathroom was clean, but Rosa didn’t care for that, she turned to the tub, held her dripping cock down and opened the valve, letting her poor body empty.

In her head, her mind was already planning ahead. She needed to call her doctor, from the looks of it, something in Rosa was changing and she needed to understand it before she raped the entire block. Rosa felt her body relaxing as the stream dwindled, soon the drops turned from yellow to white as her production resumed at full force. The buzz in her balls was unrelenting.

Rosa showered quickly. She didn’t really mind the cum, but wanted to at least look half decent on her way to the doctor. She washed her hair and, like the wonder it was, it retained its shape. Once finished cleaning, Rosa dried herself and opened the bathroom door. “No way I’m taking care of my room right now,” She said as she saw the mess that awaited her. Instead, she made her way to the living room and opened her phone. It had low battery but Rosa didn’t care, she made the call.

“Good morning doctor Bates,” Rosa said to the phone.

“Good morning Rosa,” the voice came back, “how are you doing?”

“I’m ... I’m not sure...” Rosa was always honest with doctor Bates, but she really wasn’t sure how to feel about the last few days, “I guess I’m okay.”

“Happy to hear Rosa, how can I help you today?”

“I ... My ... We ... My cock, I think it grew...” Rosa stumbled in her speech, “Can you come see me?”

“I’m really sorry Rosa, I can’t, crazy day in the clinic.” The doctor changed a few words with the people around her, “Want to come here? I’ll pay the cab for you, get here and we’ll talk...”

“But, I ... How...” Rosa found it hard to think.

“I have to go, sorry Rosa...” The call ended.

Just as it did, Rosa’s cock flexed and forced a moan of pleasure out of her. A huge stream of cum launched out of her tip and blasted against the far wall of the living room. The wall was painted white, “How am I going to take a cab like this?” Rosa felt like crying for a moment, “You’re fucking amazing most of the time, but you can be a real pain when you want to, ha?” she let out some steam at her rod.

Rosa tried to think of a solution to her predicament. There was no way she was going to drive in this state. Even if she got over her dislike for driving, one misplaced move and she could orgasm herself into a car crash. And no cab driver is ever going to drive her in this state.

“Maybe I can wait until night time and ask Bates to come over when her shift was done. Just as the thought entered her head she felt the buzzing in her sack intensifying, Rosa barely had the time to realize she just spontaneously orgasmed. Her cock exploded against the wall, adding to the thick layer of cum she just left there a moment ago. Her cock pulsed violently with each shot as Rosa moaned and tears formed in her eyes from the intensity of the orgasm. Her mind was too fogged with bliss to notice much about the explosion that wracked her gorgeous body.

When Rosa came back she felt a combination of exhaustion and an underlying deeper urge to go again. “No way I can wait until nightfall,” She said between breaths, “I have to get to doctor Bates.” Rosa tried to think of a way out, and one girl came to mind, perhaps she could save her. She opened the phone and made the call.

“Rosa, are you okay?” The calm voice made Rosa’s heart slow down a little.

“Yes, I guess, can I ask for your help, Sara?” She asked.

“Sure thing Rosa, what do you need?” Sara answered with what Rosa felt was a smile.

“I ... I need you to drive me to my doctor.” Rosa didn’t like asking for help, but she had no other choice, “I wouldn’t ask for it if I had any other option.”

“It’s okay Rosa, the shop just opened, but I think Jena will manage for a little while without me.” Sara’s agreement felt to Rosa like a massive boulder was lifted off her back.

“Thank you, Sara, I promise I’ll explain everything when you get here.” Rosa thanked her boss and ended the call. She spent the next 15 minutes getting dressed and finding a solution for her massive, leaking appendage.

Sara’s pink car waited right in front of Rosa’s door. Rosa rushed the street and entered the car, slamming the door behind her. The minute Sara laid eyes on Rosa her jaw dropped to the floor.

“What the fuck, Rosa?” Sara tried to make sense of the bombshell before her. Rosa’s cock looked immense, clearly bigger than the last time she saw her. It was wrapped in some strange combination of plastic bags and colorful fabrics. Her sack rested on the seat and spilled over the front end, it looked massive. The whole thing pulsated at a steady pace as if threatening to explode without warning.

“You’re staring Sara. I have to do this unless you want me to flood your tiny car,” Rosa explained herself, “Now drive, quickly, I don’t have much time...”

Sara didn’t argue, though she still couldn’t help but sneak a look every now and then, she drove off to the clinic. As the car rushed along the road, Sara noticed Rosa’s package getting wetter and wetter. By the time they came close to the clinic, Rosa was clearly struggling to hold it in, the buzz in her balls almost audible at this stage.

“Almost there Rosa, hang in there...” Sara tried encouraging her passenger.

“It’s no use, Sara,” Rosa whimpered as she started to moan, “The minute you park the car I want you to get out with me...”

“I’ll do as you say. Here we are Rosa,” Sara said as she parked.

Rosa stormed out of the car, screaming her lungs out. She removed the soaked mess of colors that hugged her tip. “I am so sorry Sara, I can’t hold it any longer,” Rosa said as Sara closed her door. She pointed her rod at the car and pressed the tip hard against the window. The movement started in her sack, it shrunk slightly. Rosa grabbed her cock with both hands and choked it as hard as she could. At the very base of her cock, the cum-tube expanded just as Sara managed to walk over to Rosa’s side of the car.

“What are you doin-” Sara tried to make sense of what she was seeing, but stopped talking the minute Rosa’s full body came into view. As if she waited for her queue, Rosa lightened her death grip. Her cock reacted like a cartoon, taking a minute to understand it was no longer restrained. The massively inflated cum tube started to pulse violently, moving the huge bulge that formed along the shaft. “I’m sorry Sara, I can’t help it...” Rosa screamed as the flood reached her tip.

The girls could hear a loud whooshing sound accompanied by the cracking of glass as cum fired against the window with so much force it shattered. Rosa started to fill the car up, she covered the dashboard and the front seats with a heavy serving of jizz that seemed to never end. her cock seemed to spray in all directions, and soon the windows were covered too.

Sara could only guess what was going on inside her car as the massive dick flexed and wobbled, letting more and more out. Rosa seemed to float on the blissful waves that washed her body. To Sara’s surprise, even after letting out so much into her poor car, Rosa’s balls not only didn’t shrink but seemed to grow in size.

After what felt like forever, Rosa quieted down and the flood of cum ended. She pulled her cock out of what was once the window, and Sara got to see the damage. Inside, the car was filled up, anything below the window-line was submerged in steaming hot cum.

“I’m sorry Sara, I just had to go.” Rosa apologized.

Sara didn’t answer, her eyes fixated on the white lake that formed inside her car, “How did you just do that Rosa? I ... I...” she mumbled, not really expecting an answer.

“We have to get to Dr. Bates, I can feel my balls buzzing again,” Rosa said and grabbed Sara’s arm, dragging her along. The clinic lobby was a pure white, small room, on the wall opposite the door was a metal sign with cursive black letters, “Dr. Bates, Ph.D Sexologist.”

A big wooden desk was manned by a young redheaded lady, “Welcome, Rosa, how are you feeling?” she asked.

“I’ll be okay, is Dr. Bates in?” Rosa hoped for a yes.

“Yes, she’ll be right with yo-”

Before the secretary finished the door behind her slammed open and Dr. Bates entered the room. She was a little shorter than Rosa, her most prominent features were her black, flowing hair and her massive rack, clearly bigger than Rosa’s, threatening to rip through her blouse. The woman walked out of her office and past the desk, each step was broadcasting self-confidence.

“Rosa, welcome.” She said, clearly ignoring her patient’s monster cock, “Glad you managed to make it.” She hugged Rosa, pressing the cock between her massive orbs in the most nonchalant way. Rosa moaned hard as her rod protested and her balls threatened another orgasm. If Rose didn’t destroy Sara’s car a few moments ago the doctor’s hug would surely have ended with a titanic orgasm.

The doctor released the embrace and walked over to the desk, “Listen, Amy, dear...” her voice turned sweet as she talked with her secretary, “Please cancel all my appointments for today.” The woman nodded, “Once you’re finished with, that you can have a day off on me, and if you want you can join us. Rosa is quite a medical wonder, I think it would really advance your professional knowledge to learn about her case.”

“Yes miss Bates,” Amy confirmed and delve into the computer, letting people know of her employer’s future plans for the day.

“Come into my office Rosa, please,” The black-haired doctor invited as she walked in, “Your friend is also welcomed.”

Rosa grabbed Sara’s arm again and the two walked into the clinic, “I hope you don’t mind, I feel better when I have someone with me...”

“Not at all,” Sara said, her eyes still transfixed on the huge rod towering from Rosa’s loins. The office itself looked very spacious, but other than that, it was mostly a regular gynecologist’s office, On the large mahogany desk were a few random items and trophies, all telling the doctor how greatly she helped her patients. On the wall next to the desk was a cavity containing a display of 12 pink dildos, ordered by size and labeled from 1-inch all the way to twelve inches. Sara couldn’t help but notice all of them paled in comparison with Rosa’s assets. On the opposite wall was a series of medical illustrations, explaining the male and female body and naming all the parts in Latin.

The doctor took a seat in her leather chair and opened her computer. Amy sat next to her, her gaze joined the doctors and the two clicked away, looking for Rosa’s profile. Rosa and Sara sat on the opposite side of the table.

“Okay, Rosa, found you,” Dr. Bates said, “been a while since you came here. Tell me, how are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling great,” Rosa said.

The doctor giggled, “Well, people rarely visit their doctor when they feel great, Rosa...”

“I think what Rosa’s trying to say is, she’s feeling a little too great, doctor.” Sara tried to gently explain the situation she witnessed. The doctor seemed a little baffled by the statement, “When we got here, Rosa filled my car with cum.” Sara tried to explain.

“Oh, I see,” the doctor said, “she came in your car, that’s natural dear, futanaris have a tendency to get their cum everywhere, I can understand how it might be a little overwhelming at first.”

“Dr. Bates,” Rosa stepped in, “Sara isn’t exaggerating, I filled her car up to the windows in one orgasm...” “Firstly, Rosa, you’ve known me for years, you can drop the Dr. Bates.” The doctor said with a smile, Rosa smiled back, “Second, It is not uncommon for futanaris to get to those amounts after abstaining for a prolonged period.”

“I know Diana,” Rosa addressed the doctor, “I abstained in the past to put on a show, but I have been extremely sexually active in the past two days.”

The doctor’s eyes lid up when the words left Rosa’s lips, “Please, tell me more, the more I know the better I can understand the situation.”

“Over the past two days I fucked two women,” Rosa started.

“Watch your language, Rosa!” Sara berated her, “This is a doctor you’re talking to.”

“It is perfectly okay, Sara, I am a sexologist, you can talk as dirty as you want around me, I don’t mind,” Diana explained her position and motioned to the wall with the dildos.

“As I was saying, I fucked two women, thoroughly...” Rosa paused for a minute to think about the last two days, “I also came more than my record.”

“Well, let’s see,” Diana looked at the computer and clicked her mouse, “You see here, Amy, the computer says that Rosa can go up to four times before she needs a rest.”

Amy chuckled lightly and said, “But right now, she is describing a much higher limit...” The doctor nodded in confirmation, “Also, look here, it says her length is 16 inches, but It looks like she is bigger than that.”

“Right Amy,” Diana agreed, “You can see we last measured her over 4 years ago so I would say those are a little outdated. We should have another measurement taken to create a new baseline.” The doctor turned to Rosa, “Is it okay if we measure you? I think it’s important to document what happens.”

“Sure thing doctor,” Rosa agreed.

“Come stand over here,” Diana gestured to an open space in the room, Rosa went and stood there. Diana and Amy got up and brought a metal ruler with them. “We need to hold you parallel to the floor, if it’s too much please let us know.”

Rosa nodded and looked at her massive cock, standing horizontally. Diana grabbed it with both hands and, very slowly, started to push it down. Rosa’s cock was not too happy with being manipulated and it flexed hard, almost making the doctor lose her grip.

“I need your help, Amy, just grab her and try bending the thing,” The doctor urged Amy to join the fight against the rock-hard pole. It took them a few moments, but four hands were just too much for Rosa’s cock. It flexed in protest but remained in position at last. Diana pressed the metal ruler along the shaft and noted, “22 inches...” The two released Rosa and her staff jumped up and audibly crashed against her left breast, making her moan. Amy went over to the computer and started updating the profile, While the doctor pulled a measuring tape from her pocket and circled Rosa’s cock.

“10 inches around,” She proclaimed. She moved on to Rosa’s smooth sack, measuring it too, “40 inches around, very solid.” Lastly, she examined the tip closely before grabbing a small test tube from her desk and filling it with Rosa’s clear precum. The test tube went in a machine that hummed and buzzed for a few moments, “Pre with seed, 20%...” After reading a bunch of numbers, Diana and Rosa both sat down.

“Well Rosa, it is as I thought,” Diana began explaining, “Have you ever heard of hyperizem?”

“I have,” Rosa admitted, “I know I’m hyper, that’s not something new...”

“Rosa, please understand that there are levels to being hyper,” Diana explained, “There are hypers who simply grow very big, but they stop when reaching adulthood. But some special individuals are gifted, Rosa...”

Amy’s eyes went wide upon hearing her mentor talking, “Dr. Bates, you think she is a true hyper?” The doctor nodded in response.

“Can you please explain what the fuck is going on?” Sara protested, she didn’t understand what the three were talking about.

“I’ll put it in layman’s terms,” Diana calmed her down, “Rosa is having a second puberty, she is growing, it isn’t common, but a few cases were recorded in the past...”

“Wow,” Sara said at the realization her friend was going to get bigger, “How big are we talking?”

“We honestly don’t know, this could be it, or she could get bigger ... The biggest one recorded was a little over 2 feet long over a decade ago in France...”

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Beth and Jim Part II

It was almost noon before the couple stirred in bed. The sunlight streaming through the window found them contented, if somewhat tired. After kissing each other good morning, Jim brought his head down to her chest and idly played with her nipples. “I have to tell you Beth, what we did in the bathroom yesterday really excited me. Hearing you peeing, I started imagining what it must look like. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but a woman peeing is so different from a guy. With us it’s...

3 years ago
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I Lose My Virginity The Finale

Jonathan’s parting words to us were, “What would you think if I brought my date back here later? It might be fun.”  Kathy looked at him, “Am I right in thinking you want us to have a foursome?” Kathy, my stepmother, who is barely three years older than me, had become my first female lover that afternoon. Jonathan, my sixteen-year-old next-door neighbor, had led me through my first gay experience the day before. I had to process all this in a very short period. Kathy had told me that Dad was...

3 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 18

“Yeah,” Tyche said, “Grandmother Sultry was positively sedate.” “Oh Kay ... little Miss Muffet.” I said, “What does sedate mean?” Tyche said, “Serious, grave, solemn, staid, sober, earnest. It means not light or frivolous. Serious implies a concern for what really matters. a serious play about social injustice. Grave implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude. He read the proclamation in a grave voice. Solemn suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity. A sad...

2 years ago
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Coffee Date

I was finishing up some of the paperwork at my desk when I heard the back door buzz. I nearly jumped out of my skin! My heart immediately began to race. I hoped it would be Lisa. I grabbed my scanner and quickly walked to the back door. I looked through the peep hole and saw short black hair and olive skin. It was her. I made myself take a deep breath as I unlocked the door. When I opened the door, I was greeted with a huge grin. I had grown to love that grin over the past few weeks that Lisa...

2 years ago
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Our First Threesome

We met Jeremy in a bar while we were having a few drinks. Somehow the conversation turned to sex, threesomes actually. In the end we all agreed to meet in a local hotel in an hour. Jason and I ended up at the hotel a little early, so we decided to get things started and put in a porn. By the time Jeremy showed up and knocked, Jason’s cock was rock hard. While he pulled his pants on and went to answer the door, I laid back on the bed and started to slide my fingers into my already wet pussy...

2 years ago
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LouisaChapter 2

Carmina closed the door to Louisa's bedroom and leaned her head back against the frame. A tear formed and traced down her face. "My Louisa," she thought. "How can I do this to her. "How can I?" The tears flowed down her cheek as she stood by her daughter's bedroom. Then she heard Louisa's muffled sounds as she pleasured herself. Not being able to take anymore, Carmina went to her bedroom and without changing, cried herself to sleep. Not that she slept much that night. She slept...

2 years ago
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Loving Carol Part III Peace

Charlie and Carol spoke the next day, as promised; and four more times that week. They were, both of them, so filled with joy and love, so warmed by deep friendship and mutual trust, they could scarcely find the words to speak of them when they talked. But they talked anyway. About nothing; it didn't matter. They were talking to each other, and that did. It was three weeks before they met again, and then only for a couple of hours. Charlie took a room, and they just cuddled, fully dressed. They...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Can I fuck your Ass

Well I honestly must say, I have always loved anal sex. In porn it has always been the thing to get my cock diamond hard. Just to find a woman who was willing to say "yes shove your cock up my tight ass" just did it for me. While this has always been a must in my jerk off sessions, translating this fantasy to reality never seemed to come to fruition. I remember hinting to every girl I've ever fucked, only to have each say "eww", or "hell no, let me stick a sumthin up your ass? See how that...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 11

Jess took me by the hand and turned to Emma. She crooked her finger at her in a “Come here” gesture and led us both back to the living room. Without saying anything, Jess began unbuttoning my pants. Emma’s eyes went wide. “I, I ... don’t think I am ready for-” Jess interrupted her. “Calm down. You’re not doing anything. You are just going to watch. Have a seat,” she said, pointing to the floor. My pants were down on the floor and my underwear stuck out in front of me. Emma had already...

4 years ago
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High TidesChapter 8 Sally Up

As soon as we were off the bottom, at first light in the morning, Laura headed us out of the lagoon at Aldabra Atoll without incident. We all sighed with relief and satisfaction, when we were steadied on course running for Phuket, Thailand. Time to go. Will, Helena, and Nana kissed everyone goodbye, and Zapped away, back to the neglected work of the ranch. Will and I had a long talk during the later winding down phase of the party. Prior to that, we also managed a bit of an adventure...

2 years ago
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Double Shot Extra Hot

Have you seen something that you wanted so bad there was no way you could wait? That one thing you see and you can’t take your eyes off of, your hands itching to move over every inch of it to know just how it feels? So one day I had this craving, unusual as it was, for a special coffee. The kind only one coffee shop could make. I traveled to the nearest one, of course it was only a block away as there is this particular chain at every corner here. I park the car and head into the coffee...

3 years ago
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The Wars Ends

The War's Ends My name was Jack Harrison I was a Major in the US Air Force. I flew the B4 stealth orbital bomber with the 332nd bomber wing out of Fairchild air force base. The year is now 2053; back in 2043 I and my Navigation DSO had walked away from a 2 billion dollar wreck just outside the flooded remains of NY. I remember she took a lucky hit from a Orbital missile, it was more a near miss, a 2 megaton blast, we should be dead. The B4 bucked as the warhead exploded,...

1 year ago
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A Soldiers Love

First Lieutenant James Brewer shivered in his winterfatigues, but his brown eyes shined excitedly as he finished filling out the form on his web browser window. Several weeks before he had mailed off the small personal mementos and hand-written notes he wanted to incorporate. He was halfway across the world, but he intended to give his wife Renee the best Valentine’s Day possible under the circumstances. He smiled to himself as he thought of her reaction to the surprises he had planned. It...

1 year ago
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Two person famliy

Tyson now 18 years old had his first sexual act with is mother Lucy when she was 34. She had had Tyson very young to some pretty boy school football player. She did not regret having Tyson although Tyson was an unsurely big infant is mother bored him and raised him they only had each other. She never married and she never had and long-term boyfriends she did go out and satisfy her needs when she felt it but never did bring it home with her. They had no family her mother died 5 years after Tyson...

2 years ago
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Barbarian World

‘We will make history as the first in depth field work on Spika Five. Not many barbarian cultures are as much of an enigma.’ ‘Mark, I know you look the part but there is too much about that planet’s customs we do not know.’ ‘Which is why exploratory field work is a necessity, Doctor Baines!’ ‘They don’t take well to outsiders. If you are not successful in blending in, they will kill you. If you are dead, no data makes it back to earth. You DO realize that you will have to go in on your own?...

1 year ago
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TheLesbianExperience Jane Wilde London River Dig Down Deep

Young birthday girl Jane has decided a nice deep massage would do her a world of good and was uneasy when gorgeous Milf masseuse London walked in the room. Jane kindly asked for another girl and London was curious why and hoped she didn’t offend. Jane shyly admits that London reminds her of her ex girlfriend who had to move away and that all she would think about is their sex during her massage. London finds no problem with that and slowly caresses Jane’s young tight body and taking...

1 year ago
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Second ChancesPart 4

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 4 The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia's note to Jessie's apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk , she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats. "Hi Jessie, I know I've been a bitch to you but...

3 years ago
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Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Hit Me With Your Best Shot Synopsis A Transgirl confronts the school bullies that sought to deny her right to be herself. [-][+][-] "Well, Pinkerton Academy, I am here standing up as who I really am and there is nothing that you bullies can do about it.Pinkerton Academy is known for academic excellence, but you are also full of hypocrites who pay lip service to Equal Rights for non-whites and the transgendered. Back in the First Grade I started coming as myself. Nobody knew that...

3 years ago
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Black Teen Masters

My name is Ryan. I'm a 22 year old university student,5'8", 160 lbs, blonde hair and reasonably athletic(swim team member). I have a great looking girlfriend andam 100% straight with no experience in any way with anothermale. Four guys in particular - four black teens, all 18year old freshmen at my university - would soon change allthat. I arrived at their place for my usual tutoring sessionto help them in math, Kyle, Tyrone, Lee and Jackson. Nothingseemed unusual until they suddenly...

2 years ago
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The 3 draughts of Change Part 1

This Venue of Stories is copyrighted by Me, Grinder. If you want to make a story about these three draughts, go ahead, but mention me please! The 3 draughts of Change: Part 1 By Grinder In the year 549 A.D. in Japan land was ruled by a terrible Emperor, who cared not about his people, but about his wealth. He allowed bandits to pillage and his people to starve when a famine ravaged the land. A young scholar named Magoichi Saika saw the destruction that the warlord would not...

2 years ago
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Night Trawling The Crossdresser

The streets of Pomona live two lives. Like maternal twins, they coexist in parallel, appearing as virtually identical to those merely passing through its old and storied neighborhoods. During the day, with the sun high overhead, myriads of people — whether they’re commuters traveling like drones or soccer moms distracted by their busy lives — they choke the streets in a constant pulse of life. Each person is absorbed by their own petty concerns, each oblivious to what is happening on the...

3 years ago
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First Time Sex With Hairy Urmila Aunty

Dear Readers of ISS, wish you happy reading of my life’s incidence. My name is Nachiket. This happened in my college days when I had just entered the college after my schooling during schooling, I was really attracted to 3-4 girls who were residing nearby our house and with one I was madly in love with her. My state of mind was very different from my other class fellows, who had their girl friends, where as I did not have any because I had done my schooling in Haryana and then shifted to...

2 years ago
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Impregnating Paula Ch 02

Impregnating Paula part two Paula didn’t understand what was happening. They had went to the Hypnotherapy Clinic on the recommendation of their family Doctor. Hypnosis was supposed to relax them and assist in her impregnation. Instead, her husband was impotent, except at the clinic. There, he was larger and more powerful than ever before, but, he couldn’t get an erection at home. He had never been like that before their first visit to the clinic. Maybe, she had gotten pregnant when he had...

1 year ago
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Evening Out

I was so nervous. All the preparations had been made. There was no turningback now. Or perhaps there was, but I'd never forgive myself. Earlier in theday I had been massaged, waxed and received a pedicure. Neon midnight bluenail polish now adorned my toes. I had showered and shaved the hair from mylegs, underarms and pussy. Last night we had gone shopping for some slut clothes for me to wear tonight.I forewent that option of a very short denim skirt, a see through black blouseand black lace...

3 years ago
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Two Beats a Cheat Part Four

‘You’ve been busy.’ ‘I like eating pussy. Jackie’s is so sweet.’ ‘I bet yours is too.’ ‘You know it.’ Jackie tugged him deeper into the big chair then Maria climbed on top of him with her sweet ass and dark pink folds facing him. He lapped at her juicy cunt as Jackie sucked on his balls letting Maria take his entire rod deep into her thoat. He could feel her throat contract around his knob and he thought he might blow his load, but she backed off licking just the sides joined by Jackie running...

3 years ago
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Kaise Mene Apne Mami Ko Choda

Hello guys,me Indian sex stories ka bhot purana reader hu.Ye meri paheli story hai.Bhot saal se story padhte aa raha hu par aaj kahi jake mann kiya k apni story dalu..So kahi mistake ho to ignore karna and jinko meri story acchi lage please feedback k liye mail kijiye aunty or ladkiya jo chat karna chahe ya chudwana chahe wo mail kar sakte hai. Mera naam soham hai aur meri age 22 hai me mumbai me raheta hu height 5ft 9inch weight 58kg hai or mere saman ka size 6.5inches h jo aksar ladkiyo ko...

3 years ago
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Family MeetingChapter 7

Back in my room, Hope, Harmony and Faith were all waiting for the delicious details. As I were giving them, Harmony pulled my boxers off, and started licking me clean, which got me hard and she got on for a ride of her own. Coming in the room, without knocking, was fifteen-year-old Ruth, closing the door quickly and watching what was going on between her older sister and brother. At first glance, she seemed aghast. Hope and Faith explained everything except for our mother’s inclusion. By...

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teen love

“Stop it babe” I pleaded to him. We haven’t had sex in 3 days and I was already feeling a slight moistness in my panties. “Yeah well baby I know you like it. And when we get back to my place I’m gona fuck you hard.” I pretended to be annoyed at him, but secretly, I loved it. What he said only drove me to be hornier. I grabbed his cock through his jeans just out of spite. Surprisingly, it was actually a bit firm. He looked right at me with his piercing blue eyes. I always loved those...

2 years ago
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River Ch 07

The rest of that weekend passed by with me in a dreamlike state, cheeks too red, eyes glossy, breathing fast and light. The previous worry that he might not be attracted to me had been blown away by what he had said and that warm, close hug he’d given me. He did want me, but he was afraid. I did want him, and I couldn’t wait to see him again. I don’t know how many times that weekend that my tired but overactive mind brought up the sensory information of his body pressed to mine, but the...

3 years ago
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To get a blowjob I had to give one

I guess I really didn’t know how it annoyed her. To me it was a disappointment. To her it was a big deal. One day she snapped. “Ask me that again and you will regret it” she yelled. Dumb me, I just put it down to her having one of those days. Her anger didn’t really register with me. Looking back I guess I should have read the signs. It was maybe a week later when it was that time of the month. She was stroking my cock and then she started to suck it. I moaned and begged her not to stop. She...

4 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day

I'd been seeing Jodi for about 2 1/2 years for massages. I don't really have any chronic pain, but at 50, and as an executive, I have more stress than is healthy and the massages are a great way to release that. Jodi is a wonderful massage therapist. She's big and strong, kind and gentle. She's very tall, at least 6'3", and made 2nd team all Big 10 as a volleyball player back in college. She's in her late 30's, works from home, home schools her 3 kids, and is married to a knockout of a...

2 years ago
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Seduced for my cock

I opened the gate. It was a fairly big house with goats & chickens roaming about in the garden. I knocked the door. Door was opened. Karen was standing at the door. She must be in her late twenties. With long blonde hair big blue eyes. She was shorter than me. Her bosoms were pointing me. They were so huge and pushing against her tight fitting t shirt. I immediately go my eyes off her tits and looked at her pretty face. her smile was inviting. She was the prettiest woman i ve ever seen. I was...

2 years ago
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Wait I Can No Longer

TIMIt's my birthday today.I should be blowing the candles on my cake. I should be kicking my feet up on the living room table and watching the game with my hand around my wife on the sofa. My little sister should be on the couch across from us reading a book. And while I'm at it, there should be a million dollars sitting in my bank account.But I don't have a cake, I no longer have a wife, my sister's locked up in her room, and the only place I have a million dollars is in my dreams.---"The vase...


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