Reginald's FutureChapter 5 free porn video

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He returned to his book, as he did not want to disturb any of the other members of the household. He would wait until his wives returned. He was wondering where Jessica had got to, and called through to Sidra. She heard him, and wandered through.

“Sidra, where the heck has your mother got to? I haven’t seen her for ages.”

“Mum? Oh, she went out to see about something that had come to her attention. I have no idea what it was, but she said she would be some time before she was home.”

“Weird. This is not like Jessica; definitely not normal behaviour for her. Are you sure she is all right?”

“As far as I know. She seemed fine when she spoke to me. She did not appear to be troubled, or anything like that; more like excited.”

“No location for her? Did she take her phone with her?”

“No location, and I presume she took her phone; why wouldn’t she? Why are you worrying, Dad?”

Reg admitted, “Normally, I wouldn’t worry. This shock seems to make me worry about the slightest thing, as if I am losing control over my life.”

“Well, Dad, don’t worry. Mum will be fine, I tell you. She has become more and more independent with her new-found security, living with you. I can sympathise with her on that account. I am happier here, just as she is. She will be pursuing something that has caught her interest.”

“As long as she is safe, going out and about on her own. I prefer you ladies to go around in pairs, as that is much safer.”

“Dad, have you forgotten what she was like when she collected you from hospital? She tackled that man with the knife somewhat fierce. My mum was somewhat terrifying, all on her own, so I think she will be able to cope with whatever she encounters.”

“Perhaps, but that was in defence of me. She may not be so brave if it is just herself.”

“Dad, why don’t you just wait for her to return?” she demanded.

He sighed, theatrically. “I suppose so.”

Around the time he expected his wives from the university, he heard the front door open, and Jessica’s voice called, “It is just me, girls; I’m home again.”

He next heard Sidra’;s voice telling her mother, “You’d best report to Reg, Mum. Dad has been fretting with worry for you. He seems to think you are not safe on your own!”

Jessica padded through to the sitting room after hanging up her coat in the hall cupboard.

“Reg, darling? You were worried? What for? You know I have had self-defence training.”

“Sorry, Jessica. This shock; it makes me worry about little things all the time.”

“I don’t think I am a ‘little thing’, Reg my love. In fact, I am getting quite big in front!” she laughed. “What is your concern?”

“I was wondering where you had got to. This illness makes me think I have lost control of my life, and not knowing where you are is one of these concerns.”

“Darling boy! If I had known that was your worry, I would have told you before I went out. I was visiting the local Women’s Aid, to see if I could help them.”

“Oh. That sounds admirable. You want to give them the benefit of your experience?”

“Yes. They were delighted to see me. They get the occasional Pakistani or Indian wife and they don’t feel able to cope with them properly. They introduced me to a Pakistani woman who was quite fearful, and I was able to put her mind at rest. I spoke to her in Urdu, and she found that helpful. It made no difference to her that she was Muslim and I was Christian; we were both Pakistani women together, and both of us had had bad experiences. We hugged and kissed before I left, and I promised to come back to see what practical help we could give her.”


“Reg, I know you, and you know me by now; so of course, WE. It is ‘we’ as a family. If cash is involved, it shouldn’t be much, and both you and I have some resources to be able to assist someone in need.”

Reg gave in at that point. “You are right, my darling. It is our Christian duty to help others, even if they are Muslim. It should make no difference. What do you think she needs?”

“She fled in a panic, when her husband lost the rag. She thinks he has become mentally unbalanced, and she doesn’t know what to do. A friend directed her to Women’s Aid, and she arrived there yesterday. Her English is not very good, but improving fast, so she had trouble explaining herself and had no idea how to seek help; even if it was to get her husband medical attention.”

“Does she not have someone at the local mosque that she can turn to?”

“The mosque more or less turfed out her husband for being disruptive, as they haven’t concluded he is mentally unbalanced. They thought he might be becoming radicalised towards terrorism, and they did not want to have anything to do with him as a result. So, she is caught between a rock and a hard place.”

“Any children?” Reg asked.

“Yes. She has a boy and two girls. She is not concerned for the boy: her husband wouldn’t harm him, she says, but her daughters are another matter. Girls are seen as of less value to a Muslim family. She would like to get her girls away from him.”

“Ages?” Reg demanded.

“Fourteen and sixteen. The boy is only ten. Her husband has been talking of marrying off the elder girl to a relative in Pakistan.”

Reg was not happy. “Oh – Oh. Not so good. You should get these girls out of their father’s hands as soon as possible.”

Reg now asked as a follow-up, “What does her husband do for a living?”

“He runs his own business. It is a small distribution business aimed at Pakistani retail shops. His staff are not going to complain about him, as long as he lets them get on with the business.”

“So the question is what sort of control the girls have over their movements.”

“How do you mean, Reg?”

“Does he go off to his business and leave the children to get themselves off to school? Presumably their mother dealt with that chore while she was there.”

“I don’t know; I’ll have to ask her; and Reg, before you go any further, getting the kids away from home means finding them a safe place to hide from their father. Sound familiar?”

“Ah, yes. You have that experience, as do I: I should have thought of that. Do we have enough space here for a refugee family?”

Jessica bent over to kiss him. “That’s my Reg! We will make room, if we have to, won’t we?”

Reg looked at her, and grimaced. “Provided Frances is happy with your plan; speak to her about it, for it is her father’s building. It is not for me to say.”

“I’ll go speak to her now. We need to have that arranged before I speak to Mrs Anwar about rescuing her children.”

She leapt to her feet and hurried out of the room. Reg hoped she had time to get that sorted before dinner. He was starting to feel peckish himself. Thinking about that, he noted that this was the first time in the last few days that he had felt hungry; a good sign, he told himself.

Dinner was up to the twins’ usual standard, and he thought to ask them about their outings with the Pringle brothers. He got an unexpected response.

“We are not happy with them, Reg. We found out from other girls that they have been seen dating girls who were more willing to ‘put out’, as they called it. We call it ‘having sex’ and we don’t like the idea of them catching V.D. - sexually transmitted disease - and possibly passing it on.”

“That is a pity. I thought they were nice lads, but if their gonads rule their heads, they are not worth bothering with in the long run. You need to find a man that you can depend on to be reliable in all things. These guys seem to have ruled themselves out. Would you say so, Frances?”

Frances, as the cousin of the twin girls, voiced her opinion.

“Reg is right, girls. A man worth keeping has to be a man who will devote himself to you, and not go seeking sex elsewhere.”

Carol stared at Frances and retorted with a challenge, “That is all very well, but Reg doesn’t keep himself to you alone, does he?”

“No, but that was not Reg’s choice. He has never actively sought women for sex, and the women who have attached themselves to him did it for love, and his devotion to us. The sex just followed on. That devotion is absolute; Reg never strays, not that he is short of sex anyway!”

“So your advice is based on the ideal?”

“If you like. Some girls might aim for sex with many partners, but that is not a good long-term strategy. If such a girl gets pregnant, there will be doubt as to the father, and she will be stuck with a child without any partner to provide long-term support for the child. Another concern would be catching a disease from one of the partners. Venereal disease is far too prevalent today: the more partners, the higher the risk of VD.

“You have to view relationships as either short-term or long-term. Long-term arrangements are essential for building a family, and we have ensured that is the case with this family. One man is the father of our children, and we are happy with him.

“You have to make up your own minds about your future, It is an important decision, girls.”

Carol informed her, “We’ll think about what you say, Frances. We don’t plan on any immediate decision, except that these two are now off our dating plans.”

“Grand. Take as much time as you need. You have a long life ahead of you, so you don’t want to mess it up.”

Reg made a point of staying silent. It seemed the best policy for now.

Jessica decided to change the subject.

“Frances, have you told Reg what we decided between us?”

“Oh, yes, your proposed rescue. Reg, we can accommodate the people Jessica is talking about, but we need to work on this plan together, so we cover every angle.”

“Sounds sensible, Frances. There are factors we may not be able to plan for in advance.”

Jemima interrupted.

“Reg, Frances: if you are bringing more people into the house, shouldn’t you consult your cook and housekeeper?”

Frances lifted her eyebrows in surprise.

“Jemima? Is this you expressing concern for other people?”

Jemima blushed. “Yes, I am, Frances. Carol and Holly are nice girls, and don’t need to have extra work thrown at them without warning.”

“That is a valid comment, Jemima. Thank you. We will work out what might happen, and consult Carol and Holly before we proceed. Can I ask if you and Hermione will be willing to assist them if there is pressure on their time?”

“Um, yes, I think.” She looked over to Hermione, who had been listening. Hermione nodded sombrely, so Jemima went on, “Yes, we will help, if needed.”

Frances looked at both Robson ladies. “Thank you, girls. Your offer is unexpected, but very welcome.”

Reg’s phone rang, and he answered.

“Mr Robertson, this is the police. Can we call in the next half-hour to take your witness statement?”

“Yes, that would be okay with me. I think you have my address: just come to the front door and someone will bring you to me.”

After this call, he explained to everyone that he had to give a statement to the police about witnessing the attempted burglary. They would be here under half an hour. Sidra and Elizabeth volunteered to be at the door to welcome them and take them to their father.

“We will warn them you are still not well, father, so that they won’t browbeat you,” promised Elizabeth.

Reg gave a short laugh. “I don’t think we should expect that, Elizabeth, but it is nice to know you girls will be there to protect me. The interview is private, though, so you can’t stay in the room when they are asking their questions.”

“Hmmmph!” Elizabeth was not best pleased at this news. “We will be right outside the door, Dad. Any problems, just call and we will be there in an instant.”

Reg stated solemnly, “Thank you, Elizabeth.”

The two girls collected a couple of chairs, and took them to the front door to wait for the visitors. Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and Sidra opened it.

Surprisingly, it was not the police, but the Reverend Professor from the university. Sidra blinked but recovered. “Can I help you, Professor?”

“Yes. I would like to talk with Reginald, if I may?”

“Well, ma’am, he is expecting the police, to interview him as a witness to a burglary attempt near here.”

“In that case, I am here at the right time. Show me through to Reginald, young lady.”

Sidra detailed Elizabeth to look after the front door, took the minister through, and announced her.

“The Reverend Professor to see you, Dad.” Sidra left them and returned to the front door.

Reg stared at the Professor in surprise.

“What brings you here, Professor?”

“I don’t know, Reginald. I suddenly got an idea that you needed me for support. That sort of thing almost never happens to me so I decided to act on it, and here I am. What help do you need?”

“I am expecting the police to arrive shortly to interview me as a witness to an attempted burglary. It should not be a problem, but I admit that I am feeling apprehensive about it. I am still affected by shock from discovering unexploded bombs on a local farm, so I am not a happy bunny. Your assistance will be welcome, Professor.”

“Very well, before the police arrive, briefly tell me your tale, so I am au fait with it when they start asking questions.”

Reg gave her the outline of the story, and she nodded but said nothing.

A few minutes afterwards, the police arrived, and this time it was Elizabeth who brought them.

“Dad, this is Constable Wright and Constable Wong, to take your statement. I have warned them you are not well, and if they upset you, they will answer to me!”

Reg suppressed a smile, and said, “Thank you, Elizabeth. I will take it from here.”

She smiled at Reg, and glowered at the two policemen before leaving the room. The policemen looked at Reg and raised a question with an eyebrow. Reg told them, “My recently adopted daughter, gentlemen. She is fiercely protective of me as her new father. Beware!”

Constable Wong smiled in return. “We will be very careful, Mr Robertson. Who is the lady with you? Your lawyer?”

“No. This is the Reverend Professor ... Uh, ma’am, I have never asked your name, sorry. I always spoke to you as Reverend Professor!”

“My name is Jane Protheroe, gentlemen. I am on the staff at the local university as Professor of Religion, and I am here as Mr Robertson’s friend, due to his current illness. I believe your rules allow for that?”

“They do, ma’am”, said Constable Wright. “Constable Wong has noted your presence here at this interview.”

These preliminaries over, Constable Wright asked if Constable Wong was ready. He had his notebook out for writing his notes, and had his personal recorder also set for recording the interview.

“Ready, Constable Wright.”

The Constable started by stating the time and place of the interview; naming himself and his colleague, the Reverend Professor as friend of the witness, and Reginald Robertson as the witness.

“Now, Mr Robertson, can you tell me in your own words what happened, when and where; how you happened to be there, and what drew your attention to the men’s activity?”

Reg explained how he was coping with shock, and so was not at university, and how he had decided to go for a walk to clear his head of worry and unease; how he had intended to make his walk a roundabout route using the streets as a square; how he had turned into this street – the policeman interrupted to get him to name the street – and what he saw as he walked along it. He explained what had at first seemed a little odd to him, and as the oddities mounted up he concluded that this was a crime in progress, and therefore crossed the street to the side opposite to the event, and surreptitiously phoned the police.

He recounted the instructions he had been given, and his amendment of position to suit catching the van registration numbers, and on until the police cornered the miscreants.

“Have I covered everything, do you think? I am not as mentally effective as usual.”

Constable Wright told him, “I think you covered the whole episode extremely well, sir. Unless the Reverend Professor has other ideas, we can conclude the interview here. We will prepare a written version of your statement for you to sign, Mr Robertson. It is part of our evidence trail for preparing the case for court.”

“I get you. I am feeling a lot better, now that I have that off my chest. Having the Reverend in support was a great help. I didn’t get the shakes even once during that interview!”

Constable Wright remarked with a grin, “So we can get away safely now, and not be accosted by your daughter, sir?”

“I think that may be the case. Let me tell her that you have not harmed me, before you leave.”

“Elizabeth! Are you there?”

The door opened, and Elizabeth stood there belligerently. “Yes, Dad? Do you need me?”

“Calm down, Elizabeth. The two nice policemen were very gentle with me, and so I think we can allow them to leave without being attacked, today.”

Elizabeth stepped aside, with a remark, “If you say so, Dad. I still think we should return to the posse comitatus to apprehend felons.”

Constable Wright’s head gave a jerk at hearing this teenager come out with a Latin term, and using it accurately as well. He remarked, “You appear to be well educated, young lady. Congratulations.”

She retorted, “I am being home educated, sir. That is why I am learning so much.”

The policeman nodded, adding “I still say, congratulations. Have you thought about a career in the police force? The constabulary could do with girls like you.”

“Really?” Elizabeth was astounded at the idea. “You think I could be a policewoman?”

“You have the aggression, combined with the self-discipline, and the brains to go with it, so yes.”

Elizabeth stood aside to let them get to the front door, where Sidra was waiting to let them out. Once they had gone, Elizabeth faced Reg and said with amazement, “Wow!”

Reg told her, “I keep telling you, Elizabeth. You are a clever girl with other abilities. You should seriously consider the police force as a career, but you need to do a degree in law enforcement, policing or criminology, all of which require you to get to university first. This is why you should sit all the school exams to get the required certificate passes. I am sure you have the capability to do that.”

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By Your Side

I met Emily during my freshman Chem class. We had just happened to sit down next to each other at a table, and our professor told us that our seatmates would also be our lab partners. We quickly hit it off and begun to hang out outside of class as well. Neither of us were gigantic partiers, preferring to go to the movies rather than frat parties. We did drink, but it was normally wine in one of our rooms or maybe beer with pizza. Emily quickly became my best friend and we were inseparable. She...

2 years ago
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Aarifa And Me Kashmiri Ki Kali

Hi aunties, bhabhis and all the sexy fans of my hot stories on indian sex stories dot net, this is Vikram from Kashmir once again with a new story. this is one more incident happended to me few months back, I got a call from a girl, the voice was very nice and soft, usne mujhe kaha kya aap vikram bol rahe ho, maine aapki story padhi iss mai, mujhe bohot pasand aayi. Main uski baatein sun raha tha, phone per uski awaaz aisi lag rahi thi jaise who koi 20 ya 22 sall ki kamseen ladki hogi. Us din...

4 years ago
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Watching the wife part 2


3 years ago
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Riverside Delights

Cool water splashed as Amelia swam back and forth between the two riverbanks. The gentle current pushed her downriver, but she adjusted course. Her muscles burned. She sucked in a harsh breath, resolving to finish her arbitrary set. The noon sunlight shimmered across the water’s surface.Grass and dirt bumped into Amelia’s hand, and she curled her knees to stop. Her body pressed up against the bank. She pushed back and stretched her legs to reach the bottom. Nothing but empty water spread out...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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FamilySwap Artemisia Love Indica Monroe Swap Mom Keeps Touching My Penis

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Artemisia Love is really into her swap son, Tyler Nixon. Tyler wakes up one morning to what Artemisia calls a penis inspection so that she can make sure Tyler isn’t fucking his swap sister, Indica Monroe. On her knees, Artemisia pops Tyler’s morning wood out and smells it before flicking her tongue out for a taste. Tyler is only human, so the touch of his hot swap...

2 years ago
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The Pole

Cheryl Tonight I am ready for him, my dearest husband I have missed so much. Why did he have to go for so long, why couldn’t he be here during those cold, lonely nights? He’s working hard for me that’s why, for us, for our future. Things have been tough lately, with not enough money coming in even though both of us work insanely hard. We will be okay though, everything will be good again when the love of my life returns to me, holding me in that safe embrace, hands cradling my face, lips...

3 years ago
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Those Three Little Words Part Two

My ring tone sounded for about a second before I had snapped up my mobile. I had been keeping it close for almost two days now, taking it with me everywhere just in case. Just in case He called.“Charlotte,” said such a beautiful and familiar voice from the other end. Christian. I melted as soon as I heard him say my name.“Hey,” I said, at a complete loss of what else I should say. “I trust you are well? Ready for tonight?” he asked. My heart rate quickened.“Yeah, um, tonight, er great,” I...

3 years ago
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Job HuntChapter 11

I woke about six thirty and went to the bathroom attached to the room. I showered quickly and put on the same clothes as I had on the day before. I would need to get some more clothes and underwear soon. Perhaps I can find a few more things in the big clothing supply room. I was just about to begin searching for coffee and filters to put in the coffee pot on the counter when Bobby came out, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "Oh brother, another early morning dude that gets up at the crack of dawn....

3 years ago
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Massage Client Wanted More From Me

Hello, all, this is Abhi and I am back with one more sex story of a steaming hot massage story. Any girls or ladies wanting massage or other additional services please contact me at After a hot steamy massage and sex with Bhavana, she had promised to make me famous and make me have fun whenever I felt like. I thought she will let me play with her body everytime I felt like and would let me have her everywhere but she had a different plan in her mind. However, she said she is traveling for...

3 years ago
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the summer I became Suzie chapter 3

I woke up early, hell I could not sleep any way! I had so many wet dreams about what happened yesterday, I had to change my sheets. After throwing the sheets and yesterday’s outfit in the wash, I went back to my bedroom to take a shower. As I soaped up, all I could think about was Harry and Jack’s huge cocks. I lubed up my pussy. And after drying off, painted my toe nails whore red. I slipped on a black lace teddy, that came down to my belly button, to set my mood. I went into my closet to pick...

3 years ago
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When the door bell rang, I knew it is Jessica whom I have called an hour ago to come by. Since it was Friday evening, I told her already to spend the weekend with me at my apartment. She very reluctantly agreed. Since we are c***dhood friends, I knew she won't refuse. I hurriedly wrapped around the housecoat rushed towards the door. As I expected, it was Jessica, coming straight from her office. I returned from my work much earlier today.The moment I opened the door, I was surprised to...

3 years ago
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Grandmother Knows Best

Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 16 year-old's mother would have a fit if she knew about the x-rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, mom's usual time home from work and he knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home. He'd had an afternoon date with Becky and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. With a tight grip he stroked his hard...

2 years ago
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Milking The Hot Girl Jasmine8217s Boobs

Hi all! This is Karishma back again to narrate another one of my sex experiences with you. I hope you must have read . So, this is kind of a continuation to that. Well, from my previous story, many were asking how does Jasmine looks. Jasmine is really a very hot African girl. She has a body to die for. Her size is 38D-25-39. Her dark glowing skin is just a cherry at the top. And, she has the world’s best pouty lips. I admire her lips very much. Plus, she has a dark black curly hair. In total,...

4 years ago
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What a Deal Chapter 121

From the last story "No, I wouldn't have either. In any case, do you feel like a little pussy right now?" I smiled at her. "Why, do you know someone who has a little pussy?" She smiled and punched me on the arm. "Asshole. You know better than anyone that mine is pretty small. It has tightened up rather nicely after having two kids, I think." I laughed. "Yes, Suzanne, you have a very nice tight cunt. Why don't you suck me hard and then sit on my lap and I'll fuck you to...

1 year ago
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Maureen and Me

Ok, I know what you will say: I'm an idiot. Let me try to explain my position though. Maybe you will understand then. Most of the time I must agree with your judgement that I am a damned fool for complaining about the situation I find myself in. It started after I enrolled at college. I decided not to live in any dormitory and found a cheap single bedroom apartment about a mile from the campus. It had a small bathroom with a shower and a kitchenette with a two burner stove and a miniscule...

First Time
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 105 The Cemetery of PerelaChaise

M. de Boville had indeed met the funeral procession which was taking Valentine to her last home on earth. The weather was dull and stormy, a cold wind shook the few remaining yellow leaves from the boughs of the trees, and scattered them among the crowd which filled the boulevards. M. de Villefort, a true Parisian, considered the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise alone worthy of receiving the mortal remains of a Parisian family; there alone the corpses belonging to him would be surrounded by worthy...

3 years ago
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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 5

Hi Guys,   This is Romy bringing you the final Part 5 of Noor’s Goa journey. Thanks for the great feedback and please if you like the story, do comment below and like the story, and of course spread the word.   Will keep forwarding the feedback to Noor. Do give the previous parts a read prior to continuing this. Will start from Noor’s Point of View now.   Hi Guys and Girls,   So I could hear my phone ringing multiple times but I really did not give a fuck. It was our last day in Goa, and I...

1 year ago
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Sarah and I Part 1

I was ***teen when my adopted dad died, it happened so suddenly and our family was never quite the same. My "sister", named Sarah, was ***teen at the time and we had grown close over the 10 years I had been with the Smiths. I don't remember my real parents, I was taken off them when I was young and passed around until I settle with the Smiths. They were awesome. Treated me like there own and loved me. I never held a grudge against them for not being my real parents. After the passing of our dad...

3 years ago
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Young lust

Ever since I was young, I knew. As much as I loved and adored pretty girls, I had an even stronger, secret desire for men. To please and service men. Manly, masculine men. My urges so strong, so controlling, I would usually lay awake at night thinking about sucking cock, not able to fall asleep until I masturbated. Through the years, the feelings and urges only increased and became stronger. Barely a teenager, I secretly now only fantasized about cock. Fighting my urges, afraid of what family...

4 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 8

The rest of the afternoon passed. Larry went to clean up and dress for the evening while we did the same at the apartment. We gathered together and went to supper at the Tokyo House. It was a joyous time made more so by our server, the owner’s son. After a delightful meal, we went to the play which was performed and received well. We returned to the apartment for coffee and desert. Larry was starting to leave and we went to our bedroom. Ten minutes or so later, there was a quiet knock and...

4 years ago
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Bride n Joy

It’s the middle of summer and the wedding season is in full swing and I’m DJ’ing around 4 weddings a week at many different venues all around London and the south-east of England, many of which are in very fancy venues. The wedding I’m doing today, or to be more precise, the Civil Ceremony I’m doing today is for 2 girls named Marie and Isobel. We haven’t met up to now but have had a few discussions via email and on the phone in the lead up the day. I’m in the room playing some mellow background...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Infidelity ClubChapter 8

VIVIAN The woman was late. Vivian fidgeted in the semi circular booth as she toyed with her Margarita, the salty rim of the glass accentuating the taste of the mixed drink. She had agreed to chair the city park committee as a favor to Terry. He, in turn, had first been asked and being deluged with projects at the moment still felt an obligation to help so he had asked Vivian if she would stand in as chair. An introvert at heart, Vivian had been hesitant, for the committee was at times...

2 years ago
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The girl in class

Im in my first semester at a college in a small town. I attend a gym not more than 5 miles away. I first noticed her in when our teacher placed us together for a group project. She was a very attractive girl. she was about 5'2 and had the sexiest blonde hair you have ever seen. And her brown eyes you could just stare into for hours. our group met every week for study, and she always wore these super tight tops much to tight for her large breast(about 32dd). Ive fantasized about her almost...

3 years ago
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dark encounter

it had been so insanely hot that summer that nobody could have been sleeping. despite the sun having set the night time seemed, if anything worse than the daylight hours. everyone hoped for a sudden thunderstorm & downpour of rain to clear the air - but the heatwave showed no signs of breaking. the bedroom in my tiny apartment had double doors leading to a small railed balcony - looking out over a woodland area. so in a desperate attempt to get some fresh air (& much needed sleep) into...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Gianna Grey Hubby Watches From the Closet

Gianna Grey is a thirsty girl, always dreaming up new ways to get new dick. She’s also my hotwife & I love to watch her get pleasured by other men. When she tells me her new trainer James Angel makes her pussy wet, I’m all ears. She devises a plan to fuck him in our bed while I wtach from the closet, exactly where I belong. The game is on! Later that week she brings him home while I’m hiding and spying on them. James worships my wife’s hot ass before she gets on her...

2 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Itty Bitty Titty CommitteeChapter 5

Melody woke up the following morning with a start. Her heart pounding, she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled as she gazed at her reflection, eyes dropping down to her nipples, which were quite visible through the thin cotton fabric of her nightshirt. She lifted the bottom of her shirt and confirmed what she knew from the moment she woke up: her panties were soaked. Sighing, she rolled her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Standing upright again, she...

4 years ago
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friends find me a date

Don and Nan were engaged and have been dating for over a year. When hanging out one night Don told me that when Nan smokes weed she is a sex fiend. I was soon to find out just what he was talking about. It happened one day when Don said they wanted to go double dating at the drive inn . I told them that I had just broken up with my girlfriend Sue. Nan said “she knew someone that had been wanting to go out with me”. She said “I will give her a call”,I tried to get her to tell me who she...

2 years ago
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A Different Holiday

Special Holiday We arrived at the camp site in the early evening and it seemed quite busy but the weather was wonderful and the sun was shinning bright. This was going to be a special holiday for us as we had not had one for awhile owing to the pressures at work, so we looked forward to enjoying every minute of it for the full week ahead. We soon settled in and got everything into the caravan from the car and was already looking forward to a meal in either the camp restaurant or the local...

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Special Delivery

© Copyright 2002 The tinkling of a small bell sliced through the sweltering June morning. Summer has started hard this year, and today's temperature is at eighty-five degrees before ten a.m. From the inside of a much cooler flower shop, Karen winced at the searing sun as it nested in a royal blue sky. Her own equally blue eyes scanned the roadway, which passed the front of the store, for the familiar form of the florist's delivery van. Vance, the store's salesclerk was attending to...

1 year ago
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Mums The WordChapter 2

I know that, to you who are reading this, many years later, it seems I was an incredibly stupid young man, or at least dense. To have my mother first masturbate me and then put my penis in her mouth as it spurted seems clear and simple to you as an indicator of where things might be headed. But remember, I was fourteen, in a small town that was pretty conservative, and where talk of sex was restricted to the playground, or the infrequent sleepovers we had in those days. Sex education was just...

4 years ago
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TripinChapter 9

I was on the bike for what seemed like forever. I usually stopped every couple of hours to walk about and have a cup of coffee, or a coke. On the back roads of Texas the convenience stores were few and far between. I did manage a late lunch twenty or so miles from Austin. From that point on there were plenty of places to stop. My plan was to have the Sprint serviced while I took a couple of days off the road. With that in mind I looked for a motel near the local Honda motorcycle dealer. The...

1 year ago
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Never going back

He knew it was me , he caught me on xhamster posting pictures of my shaved bubble but in panty showing my toy trained shy sissy holeHe set me up i never saw it coming until it was too late for meAt first Mike wasn't sure looking at the picture stroking his hard 8 big black cock, looking for a local sissy to suck on his str8 recently divorced cock-------''i know that house''he said looking at the pictures , the bedroom and the living room , he knew this place...maybethe cute little sissy ass up...

3 years ago
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Dominant Lady Barrister Subdues Young Associate

Synopsis: This story is about a young lawyer and his journey with a senior star lady barrister. The story is in multiple parts and involves some really sensual moments, so enjoy this journey with me (Anshuman). Nothing was special about the morning except the comments of my gym trainer, “Anshuman, your abs are a work in progress. It may be visible in the next 5 weeks.”  While standing on the weighing scale it read 78 kgs, which was pretty decent for a 6ft tall guy. What a narcissist, I told...

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