SRU Summer Camp
- 3 years ago
- 32
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That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower.
Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of war, silly eating contests, sack races, and most importantly, no crafts. They were all sick of doing crafts.
The afternoon was spent mostly at the lake, where the kids got to go on float rides across the lake. They all wore life jackets and just sat on the edge of a floating platform with their legs in the water while a motorized trolling boat pulled it out and around the lake, making two stops along the way for the kids to jump in the shallow water and explore the shoreline. I remembered getting the shit scared out of us by a snake on the shore one year. When my cabin was taken out, I made sure there weren’t any snakes on the shore before letting them come ashore.
Part of the fun of being on the float was feeding the fish. I didn’t know what kind of fish they were, but they followed us around the entire lake waiting for when we let the kids toss a handful of fish food into the water. Most of the kids were skittish about leaving their feet in the water whenever the fish swam by them, but I pushed enough thoughts in my boys to booster their bravery as I remembered how cool it was when I finally relaxed and let it happen to me.
That evening, instead of a dance like at the other camps, we had a cookout, sang songs and did some silly dancing. I think I had a kid on my shoulders or my back the entire evening except for when we ate. I knew I was going to have a hard time not crying when they left in the morning.
We were all too tired to fool around that night, and everyone was grateful we got to sleep in an extra hour before the hustle of making sure everyone had their shit packed. I managed to hold back my tears when after breakfast, we made sure our kids got on the right bus and had one last hug goodbye.
After the busses left, we had to help clean the cabins for a couple of hours before being released. The busses wouldn’t return until around three.
Penny, Eric and Randy were sticking close to us, irritating Joey and frustrating some of our other friends. This was our time to mess around, but because I wouldn’t tell the boys to fuck off, I was hesitating on actually doing anything telepathically.
Just before eleven o’clock, Joey finally came over and said in front of everyone, “Just do it already.”
I asked, “Do what?”
“Share your secret with them so we can play some mixed limbs or something.”
Randy said, “We already know his secret power.”
Eric said, “Penny doesn’t. And what’s mixed limbs?”
Penny said scornfully, “Secret power? Are you talking about how he hypnotizes people?”
When I glanced at Suzi and got a nod, I said, “Oh, all right. But you tell them.”
Suzi didn’t hesitate to say, “Timmy’s telepathic.”
When the three of them just looked at us, Mick laughed and said, “Yeah, that’s how I felt.”
Gina said, “He can speak in your head and share what people feel.”
Eric said, “You mean, empathic?”
I said, “No, she means ... Here.”
I swapped Eric and Randy, then swapped Penny and Suzi too.
Suzi’s squawk from Penny’s mouth was quickly followed by Penny’s arm hitting my chest as Suzi complained through Penny’s mouth, “Haven’t I told you to warn me before you do things like that?”
Randy and Eric both exclaimed, “Cool!” while Penny just sat staring at herself, looking shocked.
Suzi was just realizing Penny’s state when Penny suddenly exclaimed, “Is my butt really that wide?”
After we all had a laugh about that, I cut the links to the boys’ groans, but then Joey and I started explaining the rules for mixed limbs.
We had to stop for lunch. Eric and Randy were confused when they discovered they couldn’t talk about the game around others not included in the secret. Their eyes went wide when I thought to them the reason why.
After lunch, the couples took turns using the private room while the rest of us played around in various ways. I also showed everyone how to filter their thoughts so they could send them to me properly and was finding it surprisingly easy to monitor that many people like that. Penny and Randy were a little disturbed by the idea of me being able to read their minds whenever I liked, but Eric was completely the opposite. After having already experienced the empathic connection a few times, he wasn’t the least bit afraid of what I thought of him.
The fun ended when around 1:30 over a private thought channel between him and Randy, Eric decided it was time he told Randy he was gay and that he wanted Randy to fuck him.
I wasn’t paying attention to what they were thinking to each other, but when I felt the drastic change in their emotions, I looked over in time to see Randy pushing Eric’s hand from his leg with a grossed-out expression and then Eric’s face falling.
Eric got up to leave in a fit of tears. I cut all the links I had with people and intercepted Eric before he made it off the lake’s beach.
I didn’t say anything. I just took his hand and led him to Suzi’s tent, where I gave him a hug and let him cry.
When he started calming down, I said, “Give him time. It was just a shock.”
Eric said pitifully, “He told me to never touch him again.”
I said, “I’m sure he’ll feel differently later. Just let him process it. Trust me. This is more about his own fears than anything to do with you.”
Eric tightened his arms around me and said, “Thank you. Thank you for not being mean to me.”
I gave him another kiss on the head and said, “I could never be mean to you, Eric. You’re like my little brother, you know?”
“Like how Joey and you are like brothers?”
Knowing where he was heading with that, I said, “Joey and I have been like that for over eight years. I’ve known you barely a week. And in another week we’ll be heading home. So no. Not like me and Joey.”
Eric’s arms went nearly limp.
I said, “That doesn’t mean I don’t care, though. And I don’t share my secret with just anyone. Uh. I have another secret. It’s not the same as the others, but...”
I waited for Eric to respond, and it took a minute before Eric lifted his head and looked up at me.
I smiled and said, “When I go home next Sunday, I’ll start living my new home. A mansion with a large indoor swimming pool, a ballroom with a professional sound system, a game room with pool tables, pinball machines and a dozen arcade games and over twenty guest rooms. My dad’s a millionaire, Eric. And on Tuesday, the first of July, so am I.”
Eric said with amazement, “You’ll be a millionaire?”
“Fifty million, though part of that is the mansion. I don’t have control of the money, though. It’s in a trust. I’ll get partial control over it when I turn eighteen and the rest when I’m twenty-one.”
“Wow. Could I come and see it sometime?”
I smiled and said, “That’s not a bad idea. I could invite everyone here who knows my secret for a weekend.”
“But could I stay for a week?”
I shrugged and said, “I don’t see why not. The ballroom and south study won’t be finished until late July or early August. The party will have to wait until all that’s ready. But there’s no reason you couldn’t come before then. Where do you live, anyway?”
“Near Springfield.”
“Shit. That’s a good three or four-hour drive from my home. Aren’t there camps closer to you than Tweedy Hills?”
“Everyone knows Tweedy is the best camp with a lake for the money. Where do you live?”
“Oakley. It’s about an hour east from here. Don’t worry about it, though. I can send a limo to pick you up. Or maybe we can pick you up in my dad’s new private jet.”
“A jet? Wow!”
I grinned and said, “I know. Joey’s pushing me to ask about going to see some major league baseball games. We just can’t decide who.”
Eric asked, “What about football?”
I shrugged and said, “I’m not really into football. Though I guess I might be this fall. Joey and Brad want me to join the football team with them. It’ll be a pain in the ass getting ready. I don’t even know how to play yet.”
Eric sat up and asked, “How could you not know how to play football?”
I shrugged and said, “It never really interested me. It’s too violent. I’d much rather play baseball or basketball.”
Eric said, “But that’s what makes football fun.”
I asked, “Do you play?”
“Yep. I played in the Jr league last fall. I’m an offensive tackle. I love wrapping my arms around someone and dragging them to the ground.”
I laughed and said, “Well, I’ll keep that in mind if we ever play together. Do you play any other sports?”
“I’ve played soccer and baseball, but football is what I like the most. I’ve never played basketball other than shooting hoops. Randy says...”
Eric hesitated before continuing, “I guess I don’t need to worry about what he says.”
I said, “Don’t count him out as your friend still. You kind of ambushed him with the whole you wanting him to fuck you. He’s not gay, Eric. You’re going to have to accept he’s more interested in girls. But that doesn’t mean he rejects you being gay. He kind of already knew that.”
“He did?”
I shrugged and said, “The thought had crossed his mind. Just give him time to accept it and don’t push the issue. It was the anal sex that grossed him out. You’re his best friend. He’ll come around.”
Eric sighed and said, “Okay. I don’t know what I’d do without him. We tell each other everything.”
When we returned to the lakeshore, we found everyone had left to get ready for the next group of kids.
The rest of the day followed the same pattern as the previous Sunday minus the arrival of unexpected guests. I was busy plopping simple commands into kids’ heads to ensure they listened to me, then after we drove the cattle to the pavilion a third time and sent them to their tables, I sat back and relaxed while I waited for everyone else to catch up.
One of my new cabinmates was a chatterbox. I knew his and his mother’s life stories by the time we finished snacks and the announcements started. At least he shut up when he had to pay attention.
We all spent the evening with our new wards as there wasn’t a movie that night. The campfire was fun, though. Eric and I read one of our favorites. Eric was getting good at doing the different styles of voices like I did. The nice thing about having a new group of kids was we were able to share the stories all over again.
Suzi had me arrange for Eric and Randy to be with her and Penny on Monday. Eric admitted to me Sunday night that he and Randy had watched what Penny, Suzi, Joey and I had done in the tent a few nights. That was why Randy had been so interested in Penny and Suzi.
Suzi’s own fondness of Eric grew that day helping him and Randy try to come to terms with their differences. Joey was friendly to Eric and was patient when we spent time with him. But to Joey, Eric was just another one of the eight-graders.
When Suzi popped her question to me and Joey at lunch on Tuesday, Joey didn’t know how to take it.
Stopping his burger halfway to his mouth, Joey exclaimed in surprise, “You want to what?”
Suzi said, “Today is Eric’s birthday. He deserves to have his virginity taken by someone who cares for him. I want to do it so he knows what he’s missing with women.”
She added while giving Joey a pleading look, “But I won’t if it upsets you.”
Joey said, “Shit ... I don’t care. But I don’t want to be involved.”
I looked in her eyes, finding her compassion motivating her more than her sexual attraction towards Eric.
After a hug and a kiss on her cheek, I said, “Just be gentle with him. Anything too fast may ruin him. When do you want to do it?”
“During crafts, if that’s okay.”
I looked around, then said, “I don’t see him or Randy. Did they come to lunch with you?”
Suzi said while looking around too, “No, they wanted to use the toilets by the showers first, but they should have been here by now. Can you find them?
After seeking the taste of Eric’s mind, I discovered Eric’s self-control had failed him again, just like it had in the tent when he found me passed out with the vibrator in my ass.
Standing up to leave, I said, “Shit. It looks like you might not get the chance to take his virginity. Joey, watch my guys for me. Come on Suz!”
I grabbed Suzi’s hand and started dragging her with me.
As we hurried away from the others, I explained to Suzi, “He’s loaded Randy up on the drink and they’re making out like mad. Eric thinks he can make Randy love him by getting him so horny that they will take each other’s cherries. Shit. We have to hurry.”
We raced down the path to their cabin and got there just as Randy was pressing his dick to Eric’s rose.
“RANDY STOP!” we both yelled.
Randy’s eyes were glazed over with his sexual desire, only momentarily hesitating before he started his plunge.
I reached out with my mind and stopped the motion before it completed, then I had to stop Eric from sitting down on it, his own mind lost in lust.
Eric was frantically trying to pull Randy onto him with his hands, so I took control of their bodies and made them get up and lay down on their own bunks.
I said, “Suzi, I can’t seem to put Randy to sleep. You’re going to have to relieve him while I talk some sense into Eric.”
Suzi sighed, then sat down beside Randy and took his dick in her hand. When I released my hold on Randy’s body, Suzi almost was unable to keep him down. Her handjob pacified him a little, but Suzi had trouble keeping Randy’s hands from wandering onto her.
Eric was frightened nearly out of his wits from being unable to move or speak. I sat down on the edge of his bunk, gently stroking his back as I told him it was okay. I found Eric hadn’t drunk any drink himself which helped. I released my hold on his body slowly, telling him he was okay, and to trust me.
The fear stayed in his eyes but didn’t try to move away when he had complete control over his body again.
I said, “I’m sorry I had to do that. But you almost made a big mistake.”
I waited a moment to let him speak but found him too embarrassed about what had happened. I laid down beside him and I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his head when he finally wrapped his arms around me too, feeling his fear fade.
“Why did you do that?” Eric finally managed to say.
Moving even with his face, I said, “What you were trying to do, make Randy love you like that. Eric, I thought you understood. You can’t make someone love you with sex. Randy would have never forgiven you.”
“I know, you don’t want to, and I know it hurts, but you have to forget Randy. He’s not interested in you in that way. But someone will be, probably several someones. And one of them is here in this room with you.”
Eric said with tears, “But ... I tried. I really tried. But I’m so horny all the time. I need him, but he doesn’t want to do anything like that with me anymore.”
I said, “I think Suzi picked up on that before I did, and I’m the one who can read minds. We were looking for you to ask you ... Eric, for your birthday, Suzi would like to make love to you. Real love. She doesn’t want you to lose your virginity without love.”
“She ... wants to have sex with me?
I said teasingly, “If you don’t mind that she’s a girl.”
“No, I don’t mind at all. But Tim? I really love you. If you really love me? Could you? and Suzi?”
He was looking in my eyes, triggering my empathic connection for a brief moment. He gasped when he felt my feelings, and I nearly did so too.
Eric’s eyes were so full of emotion, I swear they literally glowed with energy before he gave me a huge bear hug and breaking the connection.
I was almost in danger of getting injured, so I turned his hug down a little without his knowledge. Moments later, he turned the pressure off altogether but didn’t discontinue his hold on me. We laid there for several minutes with our arms wrapped around each other, his heartbeat slowing from the peace he had found.
I asked softly, “Do you understand?”
Eric said, “Yes. You’re not going to have sex with me because I’m like your little brother. I guess I feel that way about you too, and I get how it would feel wrong to you to do that sort of thing with me...”
I didn’t prompt him to say anything else even though he left his conversation hanging.
I was proud of him. He was happy just to lay there holding each other in a loose brotherly hug even though he knew he would have sex when he let go. That momentary empathic contact was filled by his love and trust, not by his lust.
Suzi’s fatigue from struggling with Randy forced me to break our embrace.
I reached out and found Randy’s chemically driven lust to have been partially satisfied, enabling me to finally put him to sleep for a short while.
“Thanks,” Suzi said, pulling Randy’s hand out of her brassiere and shirt. Then she sat up and let out a “Whew!”
I nudged Eric towards Randy’s bunk and was surprised by his misinterpretation of my intentions.
Eric sat down beside Suzi, took her hands in his, then looked up into her eyes and said, “Suzi? I just wanted to say thank you. I think you’re the sexiest woman on the planet. I love you.”
He kissed her on each cheek, purposely avoiding her lips each time, then hesitantly pressed his lips against hers. Suzi spent nearly ten minutes teasing him back before allowing him to have a passionate exchange of saliva like he had had with Randy earlier.
As hands started tugging at clothes, I said, “Whoa, slow down, you two. Let go to Suzi’s tent for that. And we need to take care of Randy so he can go back to the others.”
Mentioning Randy cooled Eric down.
After he and Suzi detangled themselves and straightened their clothes, Eric sighed and said, “He looks so...”
When Eric couldn’t finish, I said, “Innocent is the word you’re looking for.”
Eric said softly, “You’re right. Innocent. I can’t believe I tried to make him do it. Come on. Let’s get started before I cry. I’m...” he choked up.
Suzi pulled him to her, and Eric hugged her chest. A few moments later, he let go.
With a teary smile, Eric said to Suzi, “Your boobs gave me a hardon. Maybe I’m not so gay after all.”
Joey sent me,
I sent back,
As I got up to leave, I said, “Wake up Randy and see if he can jerk off himself off or something. I’ll be right back. I need to take care of my boys.”
When I returned, I found them on two of the mattresses they had laid on the floor. Randy was awake, and I was very surprised to find Eric and Randy sucking on each other’s faces.
“Randy started it,” Suzi said, looking up with glazed eyes. “I figured it’s the least he could do after all the blowjobs Eric had given him.”
I felt around Randy’s mind and sighed, “Shit.”
When Eric had talked Randy into fucking, he had unknowingly been conditioning Randy. And Randy was still tanked up on the drink. He’d had drunk two full glasses of it, way more than any of us had ever had at one time.
I knelt next to Eric’s head and said, “Eric, the drink is doing things to Randy’s mind. You need to stop before he’s brainwashed.”
Eric froze, then his eyes wide with horror.
Eric suddenly leaped off Randy, saying, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know I was hurting him!”
Suzi said, “Timmy can fix it, can’t you, Timmy?”
I was already deep into Randy’s desperate mind, not really hearing her words. “I need Joey,” was all I said.
Joey ran in out of breath a few minutes later.
Joey wheezed, “I don’t know, Tim. It’s one thing to share your lifeforce, and I’m not even really sure how I do that. What makes you think it will help with the drink’s effects?”
I said, “I don’t know, but it’s worth a try, isn’t it? It’s the only thing I can think of to get the drink out of him fast enough. The only other way would be a lot of sex, and that’s out of the question.”
Joey said, “I don’t understand why you couldn’t just put him back to normal after he gets off.”
I sighed, frustrated. “Everything I do is just adding or redirecting people’s thoughts. This is altering his personality. That’s a lot harder to do without a lot of programming and time. Even then, it usually creates a lot of unforeseen issues. This is almost like what happened to Sandi. Come on! Every second it gets worse.”
Joey and I closed our eyes, then I signaled to Suzi that I would need to link to her and Eric.
While Joey was trying to get his share link to stay open, Suzi said, “Eric, Timmy is going to ... link us together. I’m not sure exactly what’s going to happen, so just stay calm when you start feeling strange. It usually feels wonder ... Oh!”
Joey had worked his share link out, and we were able to form another share link with Randy. When we felt his lifeforce mix with ours, I felt my dick grow instantly hard. I knew it was working, so with my telepathy’s help, Joey had formed two more share links with Suzi and Eric. My arousal diminished sharply, and once we were sure everything has stabilized, I closed all the telepathic links.
Eric asked a moment later, “Why did you stop? It felt awesome.”
I said, “I have to be careful about linking to too many people. If I overdo it, I have to stay in bed for a day or two because my head hurts so bad.”
A bit of an exaggeration, but I didn’t want Eric thinking we could do that sort of thing all the time.
Joey asked, “How do you feel? I feel great myself.”
“Yeah, me too.”
I scanned Randy’s mind and was pleasantly surprised finding the damage not all that bad, and actually appearing to undo itself.
I sighed, “Shit. I’m sorry, guys. It looks like I jumped the gun. Randy’s personality and stuff are returning to normal somehow. I don’t think I have to do anything.”
Joey said, “Well, I have to get back. If you need me to make another house call, you know how to reach me.”
A glance into his eyes revealed how pleased Joey was at my needing his help like that, so I thought to him,
Joey was grinning as he left the cabin.
Randy was in some kind of horny daze. He wasn’t unconscious and could respond when spoken to, but he just sat around tugging on his semi-hard dick.
We watched Randy for almost an hour, Eric talking about what he had done, and the good times he and Randy had in the past. Eric had put his shorts back on, his modesty amplified from his disgrace.
Finally, I got up to stretch and said, “Well, he’s as normal as he is going to be. The only thing different about him is something I can fix pretty easily.”
Eric asked, “Huh? Tell me, please?”
“He’s confused. Randy still likes girls, but your suggestions about fucking each other are still in him too. And before you get any ideas...”
I reached into Randy’s mind and began inserting commands to counter his new desires. Once I finished, Randy’s hand fell away from his dick, forgotten.
Eric’s shoulders sagged. “Goodbye, Randy,” he whispered.
I peeked in his head and found he had let Randy go. He had accepted Randy would never be his lover. Pain he had felt while thinking he had destroyed his friend had given him the strength to do it. Even while the excitement filled him from the implications of Randy’s altered state, the knowledge that he had tampered with his friend held his ambitions back.
Eric figured he wouldn’t be giving Randy any more blowjobs. So he had mixed feelings about my suggestion.
I said, “Well, someone is going to have to suck him off to bring him back out of his daze. It might as well be you, Eric. That is if you’re still in the loving kind of mood.”
Eric said, “You mean ... after everything I did, you still want to do it?”
Suzi gave her consent by giving Eric’s crotch a squeeze.
Eric looked at Randy and said, “I want to, but ... I don’t think I should ever touch Randy again.”
Suzi and I looked at each other, then Suzi said, “Well, I’m not going to do it. It’s too ... little for me to get excited about. You do it, Timmy.”
Eric asked suspiciously, “I thought you didn’t suck dicks?”
I gave Eric a mysterious smile and said, “I don’t. But I do give blowjobs. Suzi, move your hand so I can demonstrate.”
Suzi’s hand snapped to her lap, then she snapped it to her side when she felt my mind touch hers. I simulated six tongues working their genitals over for a few moments, then stopped.
Suzi whined, “Ohhhh! I hate it when you tease.”
I was staring at Randy, continuing to simulate the tongues at his crotch, and found Eric’s hand going down my shorts.
I groaned, “Eric, please ... I’m concentrating. Suzi will play. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
Reluctantly, Eric’s hand retreated, and I wasn’t paying attention when they moved back to the floor.
They were still in their clothes when the cabin door opened and Eric’s and Randy’s four other cabin mates walked in.
Todd, Peter, Brett, and Robert stood there, staring at Suzi and Eric in each other’s arms.
“Shit,” I said softly, then forced Randy’s orgasm to peak quickly so I could clean up our new mess.
Randy thrashed around for a moment, drawing three gasps and a “shit” from the boys.
Eric started, “Uh ... It’s not what you think.”
Keeping my eyes locked on Randy’s face, I said, “Close the door guys.” Then I said to Eric and Suzi, “He’s still not coming out of his daze. I don’t understand...”
I laughed and removed my initial attempts to get Randy to go to sleep while tanked up on the drink. The moment I pulled out the last command, Randy blinked his eyes and came to.
Handing Randy his shorts and underwear, I asked, “Are you okay?”
Randy’s face turned red while he covered himself with his shorts.
I said, “Shit Randy. What are you embarrassed about? Everyone here has seen you naked before. Well, maybe not Suzi.”
His ears could probably have glowed in the dark when that sank in. I had prepared him so he wouldn’t flip out when I woke him. He just quickly put his underwear on while covering his crotch with his shorts. Once his shorts were on, he sat there looking sheepishly towards Suzi.
Todd finally asked, “What is going on?”
I poked around in each of their heads and decided to just make them forget. I had been tempted to let them watch, but only one had even successfully jerked off.
“We were just having a little discussion. What do you guys think about having a weenie roast tomorrow?”
Their positive replies and sudden relaxed nature made Eric and Randy throw me questioning looks.
I winked at Eric, then whispered to Randy, “They only remember walking in and finding us talking. Do you feel okay?”
Randy nodded but was still a little spaced out.
I said, “Hey. You’re not to blame for anything you did. Eric tricked you, and he’s sorry about that. If you want, I can help you forget it ever happened.”
His eyes were pointed at me, but he wasn’t looking through them. Randy’s mind played back the events, then he blinked and looked at the floor.
Laying his arm over his crotch, Randy said, “No ... That’s okay.”
If he hadn’t done that, I would have never have guessed he had gotten a hardon.
I said, “Okay. Well, Suzi and I have some unfinished business with Eric. How come the four of you came back so early?”
Brett said, “They’re going to start sending kids to the lake again because it’s so hot. They sent us to get swim trunks on.”
In a stern voice, I said, “Sorry, Eric. Looks like you’re going miss the lake while you get what’s coming to you.”
Eric played along, looking glum and disappointed.
As the three of us left, I heard Peter exclaim, “Hey, what’s my bed doing on the floor?”
Suzi and I had to hold Eric’s hands as we walked to her tent to keep him from racing ahead, then Eric started to strip as soon as he entered the tent, accidentally mooning a few boys who were just walking by the gap between the cabins.
While the three boys suddenly forgot what they had seen, Suzi scolded, “Eric, put your clothes back on. We’re not going to just drop on the floor and do it like that.”
I said, “Yeah, Eric. You’re going to make love, not sex, remember?”
Eric took three times as long to get dressed than it took him to strip in the first place.
Suzi looked at me, indicating she wanted to ask me something privately.
I open a two-way with her and thought,
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Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...
Summer Camp Author's Note: Al rode along on the bus heading for a summer camp. He was surprised to be sitting here; his parents suddenly told him they had found a camp for him to spend a week. "It will be fun," they told him. "Lots of new experiences, lots of new friends." He was enjoying his time at home now that school was out, he was twelve now and getting to spend some time alone when his mother needed to run an errand. He wondered if his mother had figured out that he was...
Kennedy stood in line for the busses once again. Deja vu, right? She smiled to herself. Last year she had tried to show herself as brimming over with self-confidence, while in reality she was terribly shy and nervous. Well, summer camp had fixed all of that. To make her day perfect, she saw Ferinc with a girl in tow. The girl was supposed to be twelve now, but she looked more like eight or nine. Ferinc didn't hesitate about cutting in the line. He went right up to Kennedy and presented the...
Layla was considered a very attractive woman and one of the sexiest mothers around. She had exceptional female features with a beautiful, sultry appearance and her beauty seemed to radiate a sexiness that most men found irresistible. She was 5’5″, 115lbs and had a 32C-25-24 figure that was real and firm in every aspect. There wasn’t too much about sex that Lori didn’t like and it showed, as she acted very confident and sure of herself. Layla was married and she had two lovely children. She...
SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2000 Ordinarily, I could read for hours in a moving car without ever getting motion sick. Brooke and the twins were the same way, the three of them quietly reading in the last row bench seat of our full-size family van while we cruised up Highway 5 towards Northern California. But if there's a downside to getting your growth spurt, it's that nothing in your body works quite the way you're used to. I'm normally a pretty coordinated guy, if not the most athletic. But it...
-- FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005, SUMMER CAMP -- To be fair, I wasn't completely surprised by what I'd just seen. There had certainly been enough hints over the years that my parents and the Evanses played around with each other. And Dawn and I had discussed this very possibility a couple of years back when we speculated on just what our parents did with all their time together while we kids ran wild all day across the camp grounds. But none of us had gone out of our way to catch them in the act,...
School had just gotten out for the summer and Liz was excited about an opportunity to go to a summer camp for high school students teaching leadership skills for a few weeks during the summer. She had just turned 18 and graduated from high school and life was good. The camp had a lake, swimming pools, horseback riding, and of course the hopes of meeting up with some cute guys. Liz's parents dropped her off and left while Liz unpacked her things into the cabin she was staying at. She met...
Part 1: A Plan is made Williams Summer Camp was an all girls camp that lasted for a week during the month of June. All of the councilors were women as it was assumed that none of the girls families would trust men with their daughters. Unknown to any of the families however was that it was in fact a man who owned not only the camp but also the land it was on. It was also unknown that the camp had actually been loosing money, and had been for years. It seemed that fewer and fewer girls between...
When dad told Courtney and I that we were going to spend the entire summer at camp we were not pleased. Ten weeks of misquote bites, sunburn, and poison ivy. What a load of crap! My sister Courtney pleaded with mom, “Mom don’t let daddy send me to some prison in the woods! Please!” Mom said, “It’s out of my hands dear! You father has made up his mind! You will do as you’re told!” I knew better than to try to change dad’s mind. Besides this way Courtney got on dad’s bad side and I...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
One Summer, Becky and I were going to go to the second half of her church's summer camp in the upper Adirondack Mountains for a week. I was going as a part time counselor and all around chaperone, since the camp consisted of both boys and girls from different areas of the state. I had taken the week as vacation from my job and was excited about going, just to get out of the house for a week. The thought of being at a summer camp brought back good memories of when I was a young girl and had...
Anyway, fast-forward back to the present day, as I am groggily getting ready to meet and greet new campers and their families. I am still quite curious about my sexuality in my mid 20’s. I have never really had a steady girlfriend, and actually never really got past a couple of dates. Everything to do with sex turns me on, and I definitely love surfing the web for porn. I will watch straight, gay, bi-sexual, or just about anything else, and I love reading erotic stories. There is...
Dear Diary, Very Early Monday Morning I thought that coming to Popper Camp this summer would be a great idea and if the rest of the week is anything like last night I'll defaintely make this an annual summer treat. If you remember, diary, I saw a little ad on the poppers website about an exclusive summer camp for guys who love poppers. I am so glad I pursued it. The inital interview was rough and I had to prove I was worthy for consideration, (several intense...
Last summer, I decided to work as a summer camp counselor. I had just finished my freshman year at college and I was reluctant to go home for the summer because my mother had recently remarried. Her new husband is a true jerk who made it clear from the start that he was not interested in being a stepafather. My mom was relieved that I was staying away and she helped research camp jobs for me on the internet. Because I am a very athletic girl and an art major, I had a lot of choices for jobs as...
I guess it all started three years ago. It was our annual family summer vacation, a ritual of my parents that I had already grown to dislike. That year's vacation would turn out to be very, very different.But I am getting ahead of myself.My name is Wendy, I’m twenty years old, and live at home with my parents while I attend college. I’m 5’4” tall, and weigh about 110 pounds. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes and love to wear crazy wigs to change my look. I’ve always been a fashionista, and...
IncestSummer Freedom and Adventure Camp – Prelude Lola was greeted with a big smile by a lady in her fifties at the registration counter. She was told her room number and was given two thin leather wristbands with her name on them. Next to the registration was a long counter with baskets full of round metal plates, one inch in diameter. She knew what they were, since she had read the camp instructions very carefully. A white one with the number “1” on it meant that the wearer did not want to...
Group SexAs an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...
Straight SexTUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000 "How was it?" "It was amazing," I said, my eyes glittering as we stared off towards the setting sun. We weren't on the ridge; our conversation was too private for that. But we found a nice clearing and could still see the red haze descending over the mountains. "It really was one of the most incredible experiences of my life." "I wish I'd seen it," Dawn said glumly. I chuckled. "You looked plenty happy with what we did." "Yeah..." Dawn sighed. "I...
All characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on...... CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONHi it's me, Jo Ashram, I'm back again, putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) to carry on where I left off with 'Becoming a Model Patient'. It's been a week since the private...
I would like to tell you a story about some things that happened to me years ago. This happened while I was still in high school and before I went into service (And YES, they even had airplanes back THEN!). One of my buddies and I were in the Explorers and had taken a Life Saving swim course for another merit badge. I never thought I would ever use the course for anything else but I sure am glad I was wrong. My buddy Brian's family ran a summer camp and most of the campers were members of...
Camp Verona was filled with eager kids being dropped off by their more eager parents on the first day of camp. About one thousand kids ranging from ages 8-17 filed in and separated into color coded groups one by one and that was when I saw him. Across the sea of kids he smiled and waved at me as he started to make his way towards me. He was pretty tall, around 5'11" and very athletic. He had a breath-taking tan and gorgeous, deep, green eyes. Wearing only his blue camp shirt and...
That evening there were 21 people sitting at the 12 person dinner table in the dining room. Besides the Andersons, Irvings and Wilsons, Patty (with Dolly and Melissa) were still in the house as well as Dr. Lewis. As usual in these situations, most of those at the table doubled up in the expected couplings, the only different couples were Lenny and Melissa, as well as Robert and Dolly; both Melissa and Dolly agreed that they wanted to feel real cocks plunging in and out of their twats as they...
This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...
Every year since we were in fourth grade, John, Brad, Joey and I had gone to a summer camp for two weeks in June. We had several friends we only got to see at this camp and always had a blast with them. But this year, only Joey and I were going. Brad had elected not to go because of his sister. John didn't associate himself with us anymore and had said he was too old to go to camp anymore. Joey and I begged Suzi to go, but she couldn't because of a family trip to England. The camp was...
"You don't get anywhere in life without facing some adversity. Whether it's within yourself or the world. If it's something you believe you can do, you do it, little love." Trixie said reassuringly, "You know I can't give you the answers but I can guide you halfway. The rest you've got to find for yourself. And I believe in you." Abigail sat there quietly for some time staring at the page before her. Despite Beatrice's kind words, it mocked her terribly. But the silence and...
June 2002, Summer Break "Holy SHIT!" Stephanie Vo screeched as she felt my cock slide the final inch up her ass. Her exclamation was apropos given which hole I was currently violating. I gripped her waist, keeping myself deep inside her while also preventing her from trying to shift away. And then I just held that position, letting her get used to the stretched-beyond-belief sensation I knew the slender girl had to be feeling. "Breathe..." I reminded in a soft, soothing voice. It...
The bus stopped and we all stepped off with our bags. I was sixteen and I was attending a summer camp. My parents had sent me on it to help me grow up. There were about twenty kids on this bus. We all stepped off and collected our bags and waited by the entrance to the camp. After a few minutes, the bus drove off and from the direction of the camp entrance came a "hello." We all looked over. It was what we could only assume was the camp counselor. She was beautiful. She had brunette hair that...
MILFMy name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...
When we got back to the camp that afternoon, it was late. I would barely have time to shower before dinner. Susan dropped me off at our cabin and I waved as she drove down the hill toward her house. I rushed into the cabin, kicking my shoes off and stripping off my clothes. “What took you all so long?” I froze. I turned and saw Mom sitting on the couch, reading a book. My mind was moving at a thousand miles an hour, as I was furiously trying to think of some excuse for being in town so...
That night, at dinner, my thoughts were chaotic. I’d certainly enjoyed my afternoon with Aunt Susan, and I definitely wanted to repeat the pleasurable experience, many times. But I was still basically inexperienced. I had no idea how to initiate anything with her. I certainly couldn’t have one of my friends pass her a note in Study Hall! “Are you okay, honey?” Mom asked, breaking my introspective, and confused, train of thought. “Huh?” I replied blankly. “You seem distracted. Are you...
As per usual, my parents sent me to summer camp. This year I begged them to let my best friend Rob go with me. Rob's parents got together with mine and decided there just wasn't enough money to send us both to the camp I normally go to in upstate New York. However, their daughter Becky was a counselor at a nice camp in Massachusetts and she could get us boys a lower rate. After a few meetings it was decided to send us to both to Camp Squanto. Rob told me his sister was pretty nice. I had seen...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
When I was younger, I spent a few summers at an all-boys summer camp. I hated it there, but my parents made me go. The other boys would pick on me because I was so much smaller than them. They also picked on me because they caught me masturbating in bed one night and told the other counselors. I had recently started getting regular erections and had discovered masturbation within the past few weeks, and was just coming to terms with sexual thoughts. They called me a pervert and told the other...
“Oh! Mr. Skythe, do you have a minute?” The she-alligator smiled with all her teeth, good news? “I rang the boys’ camp, sorry, no go, they have all the buddies they need. That’s what their camp calls camp friends.” “Oh, well, never mind, thank you for trying. Would it be possible to have a lift back on one of the coaches, the buses I mean, bringing the campers?” Inside he was panicking, where would he go, could he get M&D to wire some money, what the fuck was he going to do? “Perhaps,...
Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...
This is the second chapter to a totally made up story about two teens guys finding intimacy at summer camp. If you don’t want to read what XH calls gay content please feel free to continue your search for content that is more to you liking. For those that feel compelled to give this a thumbs down would you do me a favor and add a comment on why you voted that way? I strive to write in a way that is erotic and pleasing, if I miss that mark I’d like to know why.SUMMER CAMPThe cot creaked and I...
I was 16 when I went to summer camp for the first time and found it to be a lot of fun. Between archery, canoeing, hiking and swimming there was plenty of activities to do. I made friends with several of the other boys and we hung out together most of the time. One day after we had been swimming in the lake, the three of us laid in the sun on the sandy beach talking for a while. We talked about how much more fun it would be if there were some girls in the camp, this being a boys only camp. We...
Summer Camp Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part one to...
Summer Camp Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one and two so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part two to...
Terry was being ‘punished’ for talking back to his camp counselor Serge and was confined to his cabin while the other boys went on an overnight camping trip. The other boys had noticed that Serge seemed to have an ‘in’ for Terry since he seemed to be punishing the boy every day for truly minor infractions of the camp rules, but surprisingly Terry never complained about his treatment. Of course, the reality was that, by this point in the summer, Terry would never dream of complaining about any...
Mary's Summer Camp Adventures by Lex Ludite Chapter 19 Yes, I know that chapter 18 said "The End", but the momentous revelations that have occurred concerning the Church and its priesthood, not to mention the installation of a new Pope was a temptation that I could not resist. So without further ado let me reintroduce Mary...
It was the second week of September; the leaves had not yet started to turn color but there was a feel to the air that said 'Okay ... that's it – summer is over'. The weather office had promised a scorcher of a week-end, however. Tom's thirteenth birthday was coming up and Bobbie had asked him, since at thirteen, he would "officially' become a 'teenager', whether he wanted anything special as a birthday party. Tom thought about it. "Yeah ... I know it's impossible since we don't...
I had taken the week as vacation from my job and was excited about going, just to get out of the house for a week. The thought of being at a summer camp brought back good memories from when I was a young girl and had attended one for two summers. I was really looking forward to it, and so was Lori. That is until two days before leaving, she came down with chicken pox of all things. Well on the doctor’s advice, I called the woman in charge at the church that was running the camp to explain...
Summer Camp Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 4-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom My life changed like I would of never thought possible. I mean there is no sense in just saying...
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2000 My whole body was humming. I collapsed on top of my beautiful blonde lover, all of my weight bearing down on her naked chest. But she didn't seem to mind. Instead of pushing me off her, she held me even tighter, clutching my head against her neck. "I love you," Dawn said wondrously. "Nngh!" The moan startled both Dawn and I. Neither one of us had made the sound, and already I was craning my head around while Dawn peeked over my shoulder. And then we both saw that...
The last two weeks in May were warm and on and off sunny. We arrived at the camp in the SUV and drove up the long winding road that hid the camp from prying eyes. Anyone on the property could not be there by accident. The State highway reduced to a county road, which reduced to a dirt farm road, which reduced to a partially overgrown winding drive to the camp entrance. The GPS had the nerve to announce that we were no longer on a road as we pulled onto the drive way. The drive ended at a...
The rest of their two weeks was relatively relaxed, except for one incident. They were kept busy with games, activities, and small-scale crises. One girl confessed to a mentor that she was pregnant. Since the school was strict and uncompromising, the camp found itself in a cleft stick. Eventually Jo-Lene called the parents and Clive was kicked out of the Guest Hut for a couple of nights. He slept in the boat house – which caused two girls, who came down for a crafty smoke, to nearly faint...
I got up on my own the next morning, and Mom was just getting up as I was coming out of the bathroom. She was brushing her hair at the dresser when I emerged. When I stepped out of the bathroom, she put her brush on the dresser and smiled at me. I had told her about our trip to town today, and she had written a grocery list out. She folded it and stuffed it into an envelope that I could see contained cash. She folded the flap closed and put it on the top of the dresser. “There’s a list in...
Sunday morning, I was busy pulling my commands from everyone’s heads I had missed on Saturday while saying goodbye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. The Tweedy Hills camp had three separate campgrounds spread around the lake, each tailoring a specific age group. The youth camp was for kids entering 4th and 5th grade, the Jr. camp was for kids entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and the Sr. camp was for high school kids. The lake was large and twisted enough that you...
With classes having ended the previous week, John and Angie decided to spend a few days in Chicago enjoying the multitude of activities and nightlife available to them there. They were to be at camp on Thursday, two days before the campers arrived. It was late Tuesday evening when they received a telephone message from Angie's parents that her dad had been severely injured in an auto accident, and Angie should return home as soon as she could. It was too late to call the camp administrator...
The camp proceeded with fewer incidents now the working plans had been worked out. Clive wasn’t occupied every evening. Sometimes he thought or hoped he might recruit enough for a warm body next to his every night; but he knew he needed some rest. Marie was content to be very intermittent. She really wanted to be friends rather than fuck buddies. Sandie and Harry were content to share him and each other some nights, he enjoyed watching them making love to each other. Mandy was content to be...
Here I was on the to the summer camp I have been dreaming of since I could first shoot hoops. Ever since my coach yelled "Hey Tim" pulling me aside confirming my acceptance I fully expected something would go terribly wrong ending as a cruel joke. But reality began sinking in as we passed the gates and entered the training camp. I was one of the youngest players ever to be chosen to attend, I was told because of my dedication and natural "gift" it was decided I should attend. Over 400 boys from...