A Horseshoes LuckChapter 9 free porn video

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Aston spent most of the remaining night assisting in the lining up of teams of horses for the wagons and carriages. Harnessing them in the dark was slow work until something unexpected happened. Glowing disk’s of some material rose up into the air, spreading out to give the yard a near daylight brightness. The departure preparations sped up dramatically after that. He did manage to nap for an hour before the first call went out. He had his team set and ready, though they did grumble quite a bit about having to sleep in the harness. He sent out a wave of calming thoughts to all of the horses and mules and most settled down to wait quietly for the word to begin rolling out.

Most of the drivers took the calming of the animals as a good sign. A few others had felt the calming thoughts wash over them and wondered at the cause. When a horn was blown an hour before false dawn, the lead wagon headed out of the main gate going west. Aston was glad they were getting away, the political intrigues they were getting caught up in did not sit well with him. When it came time for him to start moving, he released the brakes and snapped the reins. His four snorted and they started out slowly, staying a few yards behind the next wagon ahead of him. He heard the calls and whistles of drivers getting their own teams moving behind him. The road was rough but was not as bad as some he had traveled on getting to this point.

He did hope he would be able to learn more about why folks had tried to take Brena. He knew he didn’t have a chance with her, but he hoped he could at least be a friend. He didn’t have a chance that first day on the road. They pushed hard to get away from a possible looming war. City-States had a habit of just seizing goods when things turned nasty. Waylon had given the drivers a full briefing on what he had learned over the last several days. Two of the City-States, Firn Range and Granite Realm had an ongoing border dispute over a river that flowed between the borders in one valley. “As long as we stay on the upper coast road, they will not interfere with our passage. The increased military activity in that region has had the effect of driving the criminal elements down to the coast, so we will have problems during that portion of the run, so be alert for ambush and other unplanned events.” He had a map showing a timeline of when he expected to arrive in that area. “We will have two weeks of an easy run-up and down the next few valleys, then it starts getting rougher.” He heard the muttering, “That is why I have extra guards hired for this run. The conflict is still fairly new, so it hasn’t reached the point of closed borders yet.”

After the briefing, Aston returned to his wagon and helped get others ready for the rest of the night. Once on the road, the night was full of the sound of horses snorting, mules braying and hoofs pounding the dirt into dust as the caravan rolled up the road, heading up the grade to the first low pass away from Tres.

One thing Waylon had done that night was have the passenger carriage brought back and searched. Weapons and other items, including two more gem slivers, had been found. The carriage had a makers plaque under the driver’s bench. It had been assembled in Riversbend. He had it cleaned up and any of the passengers that wanted to use it rather than ride in open wagons could do so. Several of the travelers did, Brena however, did not. She rode with the head of security near the front as she had been doing. She had loudly pointed out that while there, nobody had tried to snatch her.

Aston sat thinking as the sun rose, its orange glow bringing the world to life. It was warm, but he could feel a faint chill in the air. Summer was coming to an end soon, and the altitude made for cooler weather as well. Inland he could see snow covering some of the mountains, snow that had survived the long hot summers. He let his mind roam, listening to the animals around him, and hearing some others further out. A fox was watching and waiting for them to pass so it could return to its den. Several cats waited and would dart out between the wheel and the following horses to make it across the road. Most times the horses ignored this, but a few started and panicked for a few seconds. It was when he sensed a human thought out of sight that he paid close attention. He discovered it was just a farmer clearing a clogged ditch. His wife was with him helping until she decided they needed a break. Aston pulled his mind back when she flipped the back of her skirt up and bent over a stump for her husband to take her.

Aston searched as far ahead as he could reach before his head began to pound from the strain. He didn’t find anything that seemed like a threat to the caravan at this point in time. He took a moment to reack back along the route they were following. He heard a faint crying, like child in the distance. He knew the feeling of that mind. He sent a comforting thought to the lttle girl named Weena. As the day wore on, the drivers tired rapidly from the lack of sleep the night before. The horses started to get a bit cranky as well. Waylon saw this and urged everybody to hang on for another hour. The drivers did as did the animals. Aston had sent out a thought to them to keep going just a little longer then they could rest. Just slightly under the for-mentioned hour, the caravan rolled to a stop at another marshaling yard. The Inn was big enough to handle the entire staff for feeding, bathing, and sleeping. The stable crew didn’t release the horses from the harness but did make sure all the animals had water and feed bags strapped on for the night. Aston heard the grumbling but tuned it out. It was the right of any creature to grumble and complain if they were less than satisfied. The Inn itself, on the other hand, was a major waypoint on this section of the road. Two other roads crossed here and turned north and northeast. The west road was also better maintained by the local kingdom. The royals in this local happened to be a good and fair lot.

Aston met up with Andrew and Ledger in the dining room once he had a chance to get cleaned up. The dust that horses kicked up was able to cover every square inch of a person and get into places you didn’t even know you had. Brena joined them as they were eating and soon they were talking and comparing notes. Aston was appalled at the story Ledger told him. A sister and two brothers that were hell-bent on using him and killing him. They had murdered his parents and now had paid the price for their crimes in Terin’s Crossing.

The story Brena told him caused several things he had heard on the road to make sense. The refugees from Planes Guard had settled along the Brewman Road closest to the Guard. “Ledger, I have to tell you I met several young ladies along the way. Their baby’s, they look quite a bit like you, and they said the father was a boy that could make stones glow.”

Ledger paled at this news, “Are they hunting me?” he asked, looking ready to bolt at any second.

Aston smiled, “No, they have lives of their own and are doing well. I suspect I may have left a few bastards along the way myself.” He continued to eat and looked at Andrew, “So, what’s your story?”

Andrew told him about his lack of interest in being a farmer and how he had been working to build himself up and some training from his parents when the incident happened. “Those gem shards are a real problem. Brena has a very large chunk with her. Those are what the enemy, the Blood Queen is after.”

“What are the gems then. I know they give off a feeling of utter corruption, but how could they help him, or her.”

“The vampire is very much him,” said Andrew. The Blood Queen is his slave hands in the waking world. Aston, we are dealing with something so ancient and evil, it makes me wonder how much of what we think of as reality is actually true.” He looked at Ledger, “Ledger thinks he knows what happened all those ages ago to strip the world of the power. He just can’t put it in words that make any sense to the rest of us.”

“Well, I ran across some ruins of that time while coming to meet this caravan,” said Aston. “What must have been a massive city that went on for miles, much of it underground.” He stopped for a few seconds, a haunted look filling his eyes. “The underground gas buildup and explosion rocked the entire region. I barely made it out of the forest as it collapsed behind me. I am just glad to still be alive from that.”

“Well, you made it and are on your way to a brighter future,” said Brena. There wasn’t even the faintest bit of humor in her voice as she said that. “I just need to be careful to not lose my cargo.” She paused, having a sudden thought. “I wonder if they think the stone is in this?” she said, holding up the cylinder.

Andrew smiled at a thought, “Remember what I asked you the other night Brena?”

She thought back then answered, “You mean, how do you cover for a small, quiet operation?”


Ledger answered, “With a big noisy operation.”

Brena glared at Ledger in mild irritation, “I was getting there,” Ledger looked at her sidewise and chuckled.

Now Aston chimed in. “No effort was made to hide your delivery, in fact from the sounds of it, each and every would-be thief and any opposing temple would know you are the carrier some important documents for the Assassins Guild.” He smiled brightly, “You were set up girl.”

Several other folks sitting nearby had been listening as the group had not been trying to keep anything said a secret. One of the women came over and sat on a log next to Aston. “Sounds about right girl, you are being used as a distraction,” she said.

“We have that figured out, Mina isn’t it?” said Andrew, looking at her and decided she was not an immediate threat.

“Yes, Mina.” She looked at Brena, “Listen up young lady, I have a pretty good idea as to why they are using you as a distraction. Your city is not the only one to have the thieves and brotherhood attacked. Plane Guard was only the most open.” Mina looked at the others and asked Brena quietly, “Can they be trusted sister?” She held her left hand down so a small tattoo showed on her knuckles. It was the Brotherhood sigil.

Brena looked at it, then up and met the woman’s eyes, “They are to be trusted.”

Mina smiled, “Good, it is so hard to find professionals these days. Ok, listen carefully, and no questions afterward either. Got that?” she said.

All four nodded in agreement, though they could tell Andrew was reluctant in his agreement. “Ok kid, here’s the deal. The Brotherhood was able to track the source of the orders and you are at the center of their hunt. The Bitch has infiltrated every house leadership on this side of the ocean with those damned gems. We are working to eliminate them as we find them. But the shards and slivers up and vanish when we try to collect them and lock them away. The Brotherhood seems to have been infiltrated as well. The Lady is less than pleased by this turn of events and has set you to carry this tube to the Cove temple. I was ordered to break cover if an attempt to grab you came near to succeeding. Finish your mission to both guilds and you will find things to keep you more than busy enough that revenge will be the last thing on your mind. In fact, you will long outlive those that ruined your life. I must go now. Be alert and try to stay safe.” Mina turned and stepped into the shadows and vanished.

The three men looked at Brena, waiting for her to say something. When she spoke, it wasn’t what they expected. “I really wish I could figure out how they pulled off that vanishing trick so slickly.”

Nobody said a word, Ledger blinked, shook his head and went back to eating. Andrew frowned but decided that asking any more questions wouldn’t get him answers. Aston had been trying to get a feel for Mina the entire time, nothing, a total blank to him. ‘Ok Aston, you want to ask, but if you do, it could make things worse, so silence is the rule,’ he thought to himself. He resumed eating, only glancing at the others occasionally.

The next morning, the caravan hit the road and made good time to the next waystation. This one was just a large open field, but it had water and firewood stocked, so all was well for now.


She had her clan and small army pushing as hard as she could keep going without killing the horses. She had avoided dream walking because of the ability Aston and Bloodrend had in detecting her. Word had come back along the road by fast runners that war was breaking out between Ice Spine and Tres. Other runners had brought word of the disaster in Riversbend. She hoped she could catch up to Andrew and the rest before reaching the Cove.

Fairham’s Cove.

The wreckage that drifted into the harbor could hardly be counted as a ship it was so badly mangled. No survivors had been aboard, though some remains the fish had left had been found below decks. The only thing that identified it was a flag that hung from the broken mast. It was of a dagger, a crown, both dripping what looked like blood, with a deep blue background. Word was sent to the king and runners sent up and down the coast to watch for anybody that might have washed ashore from the wreckage. The King and his staff hoped like hell none of the crew or passengers had survived.

West of Tres.

The Caravan was on its fourth week on the road now. They had dealt with three attempted raids by bandits. The guard force was ready for them every time. Aston was keeping his senses out and he had been able to detect them before they would attack. he would send word up that trouble was coming and every bow, polearm, and sword was out and ready for them. The word from travelers heading east was not good. The border skirmishes had spread further south and the borders were getting harder to cross. Waylon sent a small patrol ahead to check the status of the crossing he had been worried about. When they met the caravan on the return, they had bad news.

Guardsman Engils: “The borders are closed. The other side ransacked the last eastbound caravan about two weeks ago. When the crews fought back, they killed them all and seized everything.”

Waylon: “That violates all the transit rules. We have an alternative route. The low coast road may be our only option.”

Driver representative: “That is not a welcome choice Waylon. But I have driven it in the past and it can be done. It will increase our travel time by at least a month.”

Nobody was happy with this news. Brena was becoming frantic, she was told by mid-winter. Andrew’s feeling of needing to be to Fairham’s Cove by mid-winter became serious. Ledger was worried now as well. He knew he needed to go, but didn’t have the same pulling or need. Aston now, he was worried. He wanted to stay with his fellow travelers, but he was needed to take care of the horses. He met with the Master Farrier of the caravan and discussed the problem. He was told to go. “Aston my boy, you have been more helpful than you could know. It is always the first few weeks that things are bad. Now that everybody is settled in and the animals are behaving, I can manage with the help of the drivers that have some skills.”

Aston joined Andrew at the evening meal after everything was settled for the night. “I am coming with you when you go Andrew.”

Andrew said without looking up, “I kind of figured that. We will have great need of your skills, and not just as a Farrier.”

Aston froze, a spoon of stew halfway to his mouth. “I don’t understand...”

“Don’t try to hide mind to mind speaking from a sword that speaks to me that way,” said Andrew with a bit of sharpness to his voice. “He says you mainly communicate with animals.”

Now Aston knew he had to answer in all honesty, “That is true. I can also sometimes influence people if I try. It is hard on me and leaves me with a headache.”

Aston continued eating as they talked. “I can feel if somebody is nearby, that is how I was able to warn about that ambush the other day.”

“Brena said she felt you try to reach her on the first meeting.” Andrew looked up and Aston and spoke in a tone that left no room to argue. “DO NOT try that again with her. She serves others, and I will not risk invoking their wrath, I strongly advise you do the same.”

Aston heard another voice, this quiet and cold, like the cold of chilled steel, “I will enforce that if it comes down to it.” He knew he had just heard the sword speak to him in his mind.

“Agreed,” said Aston, his heart beating with fear in his chest.

“Don’t mind Bloodrend. He is a bit bloody-minded about his duties.” That told Aston that Andrew had heard the warning as well.”

Aston decided to try and divert the conversation a bit, “What about Ledger? He seems like he is lost half the time.”

Andrew set his spoon in the now-empty wood bowl and looked at Aston, judging him. “Aston, Ledger was a scared and broken boy when I first met him. You heard the living hell he escaped. What you see now is a man trying to find his place and the limits of his abilities. He left a crater in a market place when he wanted to simply stop a few bullies that were attacking a little girl. In truth, you should be more afraid of him than Brena or me.” Andrew took his bowl to a wash barrel and returned, “His power will change the world, Aston. I have witnessed him learn and do several things that haven’t been possible in ages.” Andrew pointed up at the glowing disks of wood hovering over the convoy. “Those for instance. He surprised and scared the hell out of himself when he created a hovering stone then lit it up.”

Aston looked at the floating discs of light. He knew things like glow stones and other assorted enchanted items could be made if a person has the talent. The disc’s floating overhead though was something different. He sat back and thought about the coming run for the Cove, It would be hard, but if he came along, they could carry more supplies and tools they would need. The more he thought about, the more he considered the needs of the horses on such a trip.

“Andrew, I will be coming with you. You need me to care for the animals on this ride,” said Aston.

“What about the caravan? They will need you as well,” said Andrew.

“I’ve already spoken to Waylon and I am free to go. It was the start of the run that required extra hands. I can carry extra food and the packs to take the load off of your mounts. Brena could ride the wagon rather than a horse if she preferred that.” Aston was warming to the thought of getting away from the slow caravan now.

“We need to discuss this with the others and Waylon. Ledger and I will need to purchase horses and a few spares for the ride, and horses are not cheap,” said Andrew.

“I can help cover some of the expenses on the purchase,” replied Aston.

“Maybe so, but, as I said, we need to talk this over with the others first.”

“Alright, that is what needs to be done. When.”

Now Andrew looked up and Aston again, his eyes trying to see what was going on in Aston’s head. “In a hurry for some reason?”

Now Aston felt a stab of worry. Andrew still did not trust him and it showed. “Not so much as in a hurry on my part, but for Brena. She has a dire need to be moving faster than we currently are.” Aston did a few quick mental calculations and went on, “At the current pace, even if we can get past the conflicts ahead of us without interference, we will be a full month late. She needs to deliver those messages well before then.” He paused and looked at Andrew and gave a sick grin, “Maybe this is the same reason you feel the need to reach Fairham’s Cove before them as well. You have to see too her making it on time.”

Andrew frowned, “That thought has crossed my mind, and it says there are powers at play here that are way beyond our understanding.” He cupped his chin in his hand and stared at the dancing flames in the nearby cooking fire. A thought occurred to him. “The sliver you had, any guesses of who took it?” he asked.

Aston looked at the fire, then grimaced. “Yeah, I have one guess.”

“Is he likely to try and follow you?”

“More like hellbent on finding and killing me.”

“Then you really do need to come with us. Just so you know, I am on the run for more than just getting the gems away from my family. I am running from a girl that had plans for me that I wanted nothing to do with. I doubt though she escaped her parents to come chasing after me.” Andrew shuddered at the thought of what Kaara had been doing to trap him. He did have to wonder how she was doing as a plow horse.

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On some occasions, I still miss her. Yes, I know it was consensual, that she was looking for that one master to keep her happy forever, but, a man can still dream.And it's so easy to dream. All I have to do is close my eyes, and see the clamps on her nipples. With my whip in hand, I gently touch her ass, but she creams at me "HARDER!" - sometimes, I think she's the Mistress, and I the slave. It doesn't help when I recall the first time when we discovered the joys of his-and-hers butt plugs. She...

4 years ago
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My Aunt Wants My Dick

Hai everyone, my name is Karan, 18 years old, and I am from Mumbai. Let me ask you all a simple question. How many of you secretly threw a side glance at your aunt’s boobs and thought, “Damn! She has got some good stuff in there.” Well, I sure did. And I didn’t stop at wondering at those assets but I also took it a step (or many) further. It was early September and the climate was very cool. A slight drizzle added much calmness to the weather. This is the climate when bachelor dicks say, “I...

1 year ago
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Just the three of us

Jessie opened her front door and threw her keys onto the table. She flicked the light switch on and when she turned around, she was shocked to see David standing in the hallway. He was wearing nothing but a thong. He had a cheeky grin on his face. Jessie was dumbfounded and did not know what to say. She really didn't need to say anything because David walked towards her and planted a kiss on her lips. Still speechless, Jessie merely looked at David, as if awaiting for a reason as to why he was...

Group Sex
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Finders FeeChapter 4

After we finished I cleaned up and put everything away. What a laugh! Here I was finally a slave owner three times over and I was still doing all the work! They were sitting around in the common area talking about what they should tell their parents when I finished. In fact we did it right there. Sharon controlled the camera so all they had to do was say what they wanted and she put it in the correct message and after the girls gave her the addresses sent them. Aren't AIs wonderful? "So...

3 years ago
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Freddys Family Fun1

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...

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Gator Story 1

I love my job, and I make no bones about it. I enjoy my work. I travel all over the country- Canada included, scouting for talent, I get to sleep with beautiful women every day, as well as having a constant supply of pornographic videos and photos to keep me company when I'm not casting, I get to stay in some absolutely beautiful locations and dine with rich people. The freebies within the industry are pretty good. Expensive alcohol, cigars, drivers to take me wherever I want, disposable...

4 years ago
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The blowjob lesson

I’ve known my best friend Gemma since college and I’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve licked each other over the years. I always thought she was 100 percent into girls from the way she used to eat my pussy, so it was quite shocking when she texted me the other day to say she had a boyfriend. The thing is Gemma knew her way round a girl’s bits with her eyes closed. Now she had a cock to deal with I guess she was a bit out of her comfort zone.. Though she was technically a virgin I had...

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My First Boyfriend

My First Boyfriend My father died when I was too young to remember and I grew up quite happily with my mother and sister; my sister Jenny being three years older than me. I loved dressing up in my sister's cast-off clothes when I was little and my mum thought it was a cute quirk. It was only after I started school that she began to feel protective about my hobby and told me never to let anyone know because they might not understand. When I got to about nine she became even more...

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Larissa the Latina

Unfortunately, my sorrow grew unbearable. It drove me from depression to insanity. Eventually I came up with a plan. I did not intend to win Larissa back but to get revenge. I planned to have sex with her against her will. She left me so lonely and we had never had sex before so I thought it would teach her a lesson to think twice before devastating someone who used to be a nice man. Of course I'm better now and I realize how truly terrible my actions were, however, this is not rape, no....

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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 2

In the office on Friday, Mona had the usual wad of 'While You Were Out' slips and a wad of paper. "What's that?" I asked. "A billet doux from your favourite staff member. And Chaz', I guess." "Mt. Watkins?" "Got it in one! He was unhappy about your decision to support Chaz. So this is our copy of his protest to Canberra." "Do I need to worry about it?" "I wouldn't think so." "Chaz?" "No. I think he's safe, too. But there's something in his cover letter that Kevin...

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The Last Hitchhiker

The weatherman on the radio was calling for rain as the truck pulled to the shoulder of the road. The old man's eyes held a smile for the hitchhiker as he said. "You know that I still have almost two hundred miles to go, but I'm a little heavy, I got to by-pass some scales up the road. I'm sleepy and it would help if I had somebody to talk to, you are welcome to ride." Hitchhiking was his only way to travel during the great depression, he knew about staying on the main roads, so he added....

2 years ago
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BlacksOnMoms Veronica Avluv Big Black Cocks For Big Mom Tits

Veronica Avluv is a lonely but loving housewife. She’s prepared for a romantic-ish evening at home with her hubby. She’s wearing a super sexy little outfit that leaves little to the imagination. It just screams bend me over and fuck me. Alas, hubby is a company man til the bitter end and Veronica is stuck at home all alone tonight. When hubby calls back, Veronica is ready to just explode on him, only, it’s not hubby calling. It’s an unknown person, with some very strange questions....

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The CureChapter 18

Other than an update that the young man I’d cured was now fully recovered, little else happened that afternoon (as I reckoned things, though technically it was a night time part of the diurnal work/sleep cycle). I did manage to keep the medical centre looking pristine until Healer Brecklan and his receptionist Tuquoi arrived to take over from Cass and Hiqua. I then returned home to join Kirim who’d just finished her shift for dinner with our friend Taisha. Taisha was now a very happy young...

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Second Serving

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected]   Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...

3 years ago
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Now that my cousin and I were orally and anally involved, we were unstoppable. Two young teenage boys who have a way to get off daily and a partner who is more than willing to offer themselves up as a willing partner, the possibilities are endless. We were insatiable with our sex. We had sex anywhere and everywhere. We did it at night in bed, we did it in the bathroom/taking showers, we did it during the day and in themorning. We did it anythime we wanted it, or the other wanted it. We even...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 2

When Kathy's bleeding time was due and she did not bleed, the two began to discuss what that meant. Eventually, when her stomach began to push out again, they both seemed to instinctively know that she was going to have another baby. This time they were ready for the changes as they occurred. Even little Hannah got to participate in feeling her mommy's stomach as she was told about the upcoming event. They estimated she would deliver the new baby about September 1957. They missed the date...

4 years ago
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Boss Promised Promotion 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, this is Nandini from Bangalore once again with Nikhil. Thank you all for taking your time to send emails I hope I have replied to all emails and For first time readers please read my previous story. Let me introduce myself first I am 24 years old and my height is 5’9″ and weight is 58 kilos and my body stats are 34D-32-36 my biggest assets are my height and big boobs. I am really proud of my 34D melons. I lost my virginity at my 20 years to one of my college friend . I had many...

4 years ago
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Legendary Shy Ch3 remake

Chapter 3 Driving down the road it seemed like it was taking for ever to get to Zach’s, especially when you have 4 angry women in your car. Then I finally saw the turn off to Zach’s house, when I turned we saw the line of cars, but I had been to one of his parties before and I knew the short cut to the personal parking, when we started to pull up into the driveway I saw Zach come running out flailing his arms hollering, but we couldn’t hear him over the slipknot. when we finally stopped...

2 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 4

It was late Saturday afternoon when the train came to a halt at McLeod Station in Karachi. As David stepped from the train, a Mr. Smithers introduced himself as the Prince’s representative in Karachi. In the carriage taking him to his hotel, Mr. Smithers informed him of the arrangements he had made for him. He was booked into a suite at the Royal Hotel, Karachi’s premiere. A stateroom on the steamer Eastern Comet had also been booked for him. The ship, Mr. Smithers explained, was a fast mail...

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Faith and obedience Part 1

Manchester 10th January 1840 The carriage came to a stop outside a red brick house with an octagonal tower rising above the entrance. Two gas lamps flickered either side of the door. At least he is rich enough to buy himself a new coat , Faith thought to herself. But she already knew that. The coat he had ruined wrapping it round her to keep her warm must have cost five guineas at least. More money than Faith had received in four years at the mill. The older apprentices were paid but...

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Peephole PayoffbySurgeon©A Brief IntroductionThe whole house was in a state of excitement, as Tanya's wedding came close. Just another day to go, and there were the usual last minute hang-ups in the house, fine adjustments and arrangements to be made. Donald was not too happy about it; for one thing, he wasn't very fond of Michael, his future brother-in-law, and for another, more important reason that his favorite pass time would end. But still, he loved his sister a lot (more than she knew, in...

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StepSiblingsCaught Eliza Ibarra Gianna Dior I Didnt Mean To Fuck My Step Sister On Cinco De Mayo

Eliza Ibarra and her BFF Gianna Dior are getting ready to go to a Cinco de Mayo party. They visit Eliza’s stepbrother, Van Wylde, to tell him their plan since he is in charge while their parents are out. Van tells the girls that they can go to the party, but only if they first agree to watch a show about Cinco de Mayo since the holiday is about more than getting drunk and eating tacos. Gianna has no time for learning, so she makes a deal with Van: If she and Eliza can get Van’s dick...

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Listening with Intent

Contrary to popular belief, being a private detective is not glamorous.  Most of my work involves marital disputes or proving infidelity.  Not being a balding older male with a shabby raincoat helps, as no-one suspects a young and, so I’m told, attractive female, to be in my line of business.It does have its temptations, as quite often the subject of my investigation is extremely hot and gaining the right evidence can make me very horny and frustrated, yearning for a piece of the action that...

Straight Sex
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Happy Birthday Part 2

The party had finally ended and the cleanup has been done. Mom, dad, Sandy and I were sitting in the living room relaxing and watching some TV. Mom and dad were together on the sofa, I was in the recliner and Sandy was on the floor sitting by my legs as we watched a movie on late night. I myself was figuring I should be heading home and said so. Mom stated I should just stay the night since it was already pretty late. “Please Sean, stay here. I haven’t seen you in so long. Come on, hang out...

2 years ago
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Magic Watch

Hey guys! Feel free to scroll down and skip this welcome bit, my story gets straight into the action if that's what you're here for. I'm just writing this to say thanks for checking out my story, about a young, inexperienced man who comes across a magic watch. Your choices will ultimately lead to SO many potential things, I'm incredibly excited to put all of my ideas into this story because honestly, there's so many! If you find the idea of freezing time hot and you have some ideas yourself...

Mind Control
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Two Three One Ch 05

5. Evolution Keri was far from pleased with the way that events have gone with Sam and she made her displeasure evident to Victoria on their ‘walk in the park’. While she had reluctantly acquiesced to the outcome she had not done so because of any prearranged ‘deal’ with Victoria, but more because she couldn’t bring herself to cause Sam any further pain or humiliation. He had laid himself fully open and bare before them, and she had just known at that point that any rejection, even of this,...

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Going Down on the FarmChapter 12

In the city David had stayed up late on the weekends, but that didn't work too well on the farm. The cows had to be milked and the chickens fed no matter what day of the week it was and it had to be done the same time every day. He wasn't surprised when John suggested they go to bed shortly after he got downstairs. It wasn't till they were on their way upstairs that David realized he wouldn't have a hard on when they got in the shower. They always played with each other's penis when they...

1 year ago
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Sweet Revenge Part B

*** Continuation from part A of Sweet Revenge story. I put one hand over her breast, and continued to fuck her with my other hand's middle finger. On noticing the huge bulge in my crotch, her eyes grew very wide, and she unzipped my pants to take out my weapon and started stroking it. Soon, both of us came - and she was making quite a din - I was afraid someone would hear her through the sound-proofed- walls. I splattered her with my cum from her head to her hips, most of which settled on her...

4 years ago
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Son Got A Surprise On His Momrsquos Birthday

“Ufffffff………ahhhhh…….ummmmmm…..dheere karo…ufffff…….ummmmm” muffling sounds were coming from my mom’s room which woke me up.I got up hurriedly and checked my phone, it was 2:20 am and it was my mom’s birthday today. I and my best friend Arjun were planning to surprise her and we were planning it for the past week.It was raining and thundering very heavily outside. There was no power and it was dark. I tried to wake Arjun, “Arjun…..Arjun..abey saale uth. Mom ka birthday he aaj surprise dena...

3 years ago
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Just eighteen

When Graham had invited me on a night out I was under the impression that all of our friends would be there. I had not been informed that I was, effectively, a plus one for his younger sister’s 18th birthday party. Had I known I’d never have bothered. Hanging out with a bunch of k**s? This was no way to be spending my Saturday night. But here I was, and I was in hell.It seemed that all of Lucy’s friends were boys. Obnoxious, irritating boys. It wasn’t really their fault. All 18 year old boys...

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Cuckolded My Useless Husband

. I am working as nurse in a multi specialty hospital and in charge of master health check up programme. i have to go to hospital by 8.30 and my husband Peter has gone for duty by 6 AM and he is working in the same department as accountant.Me a very horny girl and wants a dick 24/7 in my juicy cunt and my husband can’t cope up with that and hence he accedes his defeat and let me go loose in sharing bed with others and hence I fuck other males some time with his knowledge and most of the time...

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The Adventures of Jenny and Tory Chap 6

Jenny leaned over to Tory and whispered, “I’m gonna call one of the maids and have her finish up here and slip her a C-note, she’ll be happy with the overtime. Let’s go relax.” Hand in hand they just about floated into the spacious sitting room. They plopped down on a soft leather couch and Tory looked around with amazement. The sitting room had artwork and sculptures from all around the world. Tony the owner had hosted guests from all around the world and some had returned bearing gifts....

2 years ago
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Step mom teaches the finer points

My step mom Diane and I had not really gotten along very well, but as we were both very sad, mutual consolation had brought us much closer. It was probably 6 or seven months after the funeral when our relationship changed drastically. I had resumed my cross dressing habit. My weakness has always been pantyhose. For as early as I can remember (three years old), I have been sneaking hose out of the laundry and wearing them.Diane had the perfect closet to borrow from. She was 5'9”, 170lbs, and...

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Nauker Ke Saath Suhagraat

By : Rakhiqewe Hi everybody. I am Rakhee Tiwari (changed name) from Lucknow. I am a newly married housewife. My husband is the owner of two five star hotels.I am 26 years old. My father owns a travel agency in Kanpur. I have a one year old son who still drinks my milk. I am still lactating. I had a happy life my husband has a beautiful younger sister Aarti who is 21 and is about to get married in my home there are also my husbands parents and two servants one is old driver Rajesh who used to...

4 years ago
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The Morning Grind

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another Note: I'd like to give an acknowledgement to Tainted Sins - undoubtedly one of the greatest TF writers ever, whose utterly merciless, oddly-literary, depraved splatter-punk style influenced this story more than it probably should have. THE MORNING GRIND By Wyrdey The boss-man's name was Graham Masterson. He was exactly as much of a paunchy, stuffy hypocrite as you'd...

3 years ago
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Chelles Secrets To New Friends

‘What, no boyfriend today?’ Rebecca asked Michelle, her expressive face a mask of sincere concern. The blonde had been lounging lazily on one of the chairs by the community pool, wearing the same tiny green bikini that she’d wore the first time they met. Once she saw Michelle walk through the gate she had excitedly sprung up in the chair, greeting the brunette with a hug that one might have expected from lifelong friends, not two women who only met a few weeks prior. ‘No, he’s working today....

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