Reginald's FutureChapter 8 free porn video

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Mr Robson sniggered, “Wives are pretty adept at telling their husbands what to do, I agree.”

Mrs Robson appeared at the door. “If you two boys are done blathering, you can help lay the eats on the table. Us girls have more important things to deal with. These two are wonderful now, Reg. Congratulations.”

“As I told your husband, it was my household that did the job, not me.”

“Whatever. The job was done, and done well; that is what matters,” she insisted.

Reg nodded, as no reply was needed.

Lunch was very amicable, with all three ladies chatting away over the meal, while Reg and Mr Robson talked about the vagaries of farming, and all the downsides to running a farm.

The two girls volunteered to clear the table and wash the dishes; to which Mrs Robson happily said, “Thank you, girls. That will be a lovely treat for me.”

She turned to her husband. “I thought you and Reg were going to visit the fields?”

He replied, “As soon as Reg feels up to it. I thought having lunch first would help him settle.”

“Quite right, so before he sinks into a sated snooze, take him out and do what you can: don’t overtax him, though!”

“Reg, old son, let’s go for that walk,” Mr Robson suggested, and Reg got up from his chair. They went to the door, where the farmer changed to his outdoor footwear. Reg was wearing the shoes he had arrived in. “Are these okay for the walk?” he asked.

“Sure. We’ll keep to the tracks,” he was reassured.

Stepping outside, they found that the weather had improved again, and the temperature was very pleasant. Reg guessed it was around fifteen degrees Celsius, so quite agreeable for walking.

“Hope it doesn’t get much warmer,” he commented.

The farmer looked up at the sky, and shrugged. “Should stay around the same, in my opinion.” he offered.

They sauntered from the farmhouse to the main track to the farm fields. It sloped slightly uphill, for the farmhouse was at the lowest point on the Robsons’ land.

“Feeling all right, Reg?”

“Yes. No bother at all.”

“Right. We should visit each field in turn, so that you don’t face your fears immediately.”

Reg nodded his agreement, and they stopped at the nearest field, one filled with grass for cattle grazing. It had no effect on him, so they retreated and went to the next field. There, it was the same, so they continued. Reg took a few steps into some fields; enough to make his assessment.

However, when they came to the upper field, where the bombs had been found, everything changed.

Reg found himself shivering while still outside the gate, and another step forward found him feeling nauseous. “That does it,” he exclaimed. “I can’t go into that field: it has too many bad memories for me. Sorry, sir.”

“Not at all, Reg, you poor boy.” He put his arm round Reg’s shoulders, to impart reassurance.

“You did well, only having an aversion to this one field. It means that I can depend on you being able to visit and scan the other fields when you are feeling ready for it. That is much better than what I expected. You are coping well, young man; remarkably well.”

“Thank you, sir; but if you don’t mind, I prefer my wives’ arms round me!”

Mr Robson removed his arm. “Sorry, Reg, I was just trying to be nice.”

“I know it, and I approve of the sentiment, but I have an aversion to be hugged by men; I don’t know why. It is just me, I suppose. Perhaps because I lost my father when I was a small child, so no other man can take his place; that may be it.”

“That is sad, Reg. I didn’t know you had lost your father at an early age. You missed a lot, not having your father there to look up to and get help from. I was fortunate in that way, and the old guy is still around, retired and doing his own thing with my mother: still calls her his girlfriend after sixty years of marriage!”

Reg was happy to hear that.

“I am pleased for you, Mr Robson. I want to be a good father to my children, too. That may be perhaps why I reacted badly to that bomb; I might have never been there for my children, had the bomb exploded.”

Mr Robson patted Reg on the shoulder. “I am sure you will make a good father, Reg. I can see that in you. Now can you walk okay, the way you are feeling, or do you need an arm for support?”

“I want to get away from this gate, then we can see how I feel. Just walk beside me, and catch me if I lose my balance, for I am a bit shaky.”

Within a short distance, the worst of the symptoms lifted from Reg, and he drew a deep breath.

“Looks like getting away from there was all I needed, sir. I am feeling much improved already.”

Mr Robson responded, “Well, let’s get you back to the house, and you can have a snort of whiskey or whatever spirit you prefer.”

“I don’t really drink alcohol much, sir. We used to have the occasional bottle of wine between us; but that stopped when the girls got pregnant. I wouldn’t mind a cup of hot tea, though.”

“Tea it is, then. Would you like to walk a bit faster, to get your circulation going?”

They took up a faster stride, and were back at the farmhouse fairly quickly, and Reg took the seat that Mr Robson offered him. He sank down gratefully, but his head drooped with his returning nausea as he sat.

Hermione and Jemima were quick to notice their boss’s condition, and clustered round him.

“Well? How did you cope, Reg?” demanded Hermione unnecessarily, having already noticed the colour of his face. She intended it to be jocular, but it failed to be that.

His head raised up, fully exposing his white face, showing his current distress, but he tried to be positive.

He replied, “Fine, until we got to the field where the bombs were found; then I lost it. Shaking and nausea almost immediately, without even stepping into the field. It was horrible; I couldn’t take a step further, and held onto the gate for support. It was all I could do to turn and come away from the gate. Walking back was a relief, and I slowly got better and better as we headed back here. I am still not right, but much improved from how I was at the field.”

Mr Robson told his wife, “Reg would appreciate a hot cup of strong tea, darling. Do you think you could oblige Reg that way, love?”

“Coming right up; the kettle is on the boil.”

Trying to divert Reg’s attention from his ailment, Mr Robson asked about the company that his nieces worked for. “Tell us a little about what you do, girls.”

Hermione glanced to Jemima, and gestured imperiously for her to speak first. Jemima explained, “I am an artist of sorts, so when they found that out, I was asked to do a head and shoulders sketch of Reg – Mr Robertson. They were talking about what I could do for the company - Hermione had already grabbed the P.A. slot for herself, so I said I had been shown by a friend how to write a press release. They all challenged me to write a piece about the company, so I did. Uncle, you know about the company name?”

“Yes, R.E.G; I had heard.”

“Well, it stands for Recovery Enterprise Group. It was Reg’s wives that came up with a name that would be Reg’s forename when you spelled it out. My draft was a sort of introduction to the company and what it could do, and they seemed to like what I wrote.

They appointed me as the company Public Relations Officer right away, and gave me targets for press releases and public relations ideas. It has been fun so far, with good feedback.”

Hermione stepped in. “My position means that effectively I run the company at the moment, day to day. Reg is Managing Director, and all his wives have jobs in the company and are on the Board, so they are in a position of power. Reg gets to speak to possible clients that we have lined up for him, and say yea or nay to a contract, but often his wives do the needed research, including field research.

Our company doesn’t take on a job unless we are pretty sure we can achieve something worthwhile, but we have already taken in several hundred thousand in fees for jobs well done.”

She turned to Mrs Robson, “I can hardly believe it, Auntie: I am doing the day-to-day running of a profitable company for my very first job!”

“Well done, dear. You have made much of yourself in recent months, and I am impressed with you both.”

“Thanks, Auntie. We are sorry for what we were like before. We like ourselves better now as well.”

Mrs Robson had been eyeing Reg on his a chair, noting his slouched posture and quiet demeanour. “Now, girls, instead of Mr Robertson walking home with you, why don’t you get someone to come along with a car to collect you. The lovely Jessica I am sure will be happy to do that.”

Hermione was surprised. “Oh, you know Jessica, Reg’s Paki wife?”

“Yes, dear. Great girl. She is driving the old car your uncle’s father left in our barn; such a nice and wholesome lady!”

“She can’t manage today, Auntie. She had a miscarriage and is not long home from hospital.”

“Oh, dear; the poor girl!”Please givbe her my love, and tell her to get well soon, so she can come back and visit us.”

“Will do. She is not the only Paki living with us now. You haven’t heard about Maryam and her daughters They are new.”

Reg was conscious enough of his surroundings to spot this faux pas and immediately said, “Hermione, please don’t brag. Maryam is not officially with us, so you should not reveal anything to outsiders.”

She put her hand to her mouth. “Sorry, Reg dear. It just slipped out. Auntie, please disregard what I just said: it was wrong of me.”

Mr Robson turned to Reg in amazement. “By God, you even have them willing to apologise these days!”

Reg spoke agitatedly, “Don’t put them down, sir. It takes great inner strength in a person to be able to apologise. It shows how well Hermione and Jemima are doing. They are wonderful girls now.”

Jemima beamed and even Hermione looked pleased at the compliment.

Mrs Robson added her bit.

“As you say, Mr Robertson, making an apology takes strength of character. These two have turned into wonderful women, thanks to your family. It was a great day when we met you, young man.”

She spoke to her husband. “See that a sympathy call to Jessica gets made, dear; right away. I have to speak to the girls about future contacts. Reg can tell you about the gifts they brought, after you make the call.”

Mr Robson went to get his phone, but Hermione was quicker off the mark. “I’ll pit the call through, uncle. The number is in my phone.”

She was swiftly ringing the Robertson number. As soon as she got through, she was speaking. “Sidra, get your mother to come to the phone. Also, we need someone to come with a car to pick us up. Reg is not too good, so needs a lift. Thanks.”

She turned back to Mr Robson, and handed him her phone, so he could speak with Jessica. She moved her attention to Mrs Robson.

“Okay, Auntie. Car being arranged. Anything else?”

They went off with Mrs Robson, leaving Reg and Mr Robson alone. The farmer commented, “Looks like us boys are being abandoned, Reg. Fancy a snifter to perk you up, as I offered before?”

Reg was willing, this time. “A very small whisky, then, sir, but well watered please.”

Mr Robson nodded, “I can do that. I keep some bottled soft water for such drinks. Our local hard water makes the alcohol in Scotch taste a bit different; not quite as it should be. Practically all of the water in Scotland is soft, but it is hard here in Yorkshire and most of the rest of England.”

Reg was reminded about the gifts. “We brought along a few items as gifts to you from the company: A Prinknash vase for your wife and a tankard for you; plus a whisky gift pack for you from me as Managing Director of the company. It all goes on our expenses sheet, so no hassle about it, please. Let me try this stuff you drink, sir.”

Reg tasted the offered drink, grimaced and gave as his opinion, “Nice, if somewhat of an acquired taste; still a bit on the strong side for me, sir.”

“In this case, it is not for taste, Reg, but to give your system a kick, and make you feel a little more confident. You don’t have to drink it all; have a few sips at a minimum to get the benefit.”

Reg tried a few more sips and smacked his lips a little. “It does grow on you, I agree, Mr Robson.”

“Fine. That’s Glenmorangie; a single malt. My favourite. Just sit there, lad, until your car comes for you. Care to explain the Maryam comments a little?”

“Just that she is an abused wife escaping from her husband. We are sheltering her and her children temporarily, and keeping her whereabouts secret. The local police know about us, and that is all there is to it; just secrecy for her protection.”

“An admirable action, Reg. I shall not mention it to anyone.”

“Thank you, sir. My, this whisky grows on you.”

The farmer gave a guffaw, “Shades of Rikki Fulton!”

“How do you mean, sir?”

“Oh, it was a reference to the old Scottish comedian and actor, Rikki Fulton. One of his TV comic characters was a Scottish Presbyterian minister, the Rev I. M. Jolly, who was as dour as get-out. He did one sketch where the teetotal minister is doing a religious TV slot at the end of the evening, and has a glass of water on a table beside him. By accident, one of TV crew tips some whisky into the glass, and the minister sips it from time to time. He praises the water quality, and gets progressively more tipsy as he tries to do his ‘thought for the day’. It was a hilarious sketch.”

Reg smiled at the word picture being portrayed. “I shall be careful how much I drink, sir, for I am practically teetotal myself. I feel I am lucky that way: so many people get addicted to alcohol.”

The word ‘lucky’ struck a chord with the farmer.

“Reg, do you think Hermione and Jemima are mature enough to be trusted?”

“I appointed them to posts in our company, sir. I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t think I could trust them. Mind you, I work on the basis of trusting them to respond with trust, and so far it has worked. I am rather pleased with the outcome.”

“Good. My Scarborough grandmother gave me a ‘lucky penny’ when I was still a lad, and I had to promise to keep it safe for ever. I was thinking of passing it to these girls, as their family is still Scarborough based.”

“What sort of ‘lucky penny’ is it, Mr Robson?”

“Very basic: a small rough square of silver with a picture of Scarborough Castle incised on it.”

“Weird! Anything on the other side: the obverse, I think it is called?”

“Nothing except the year: 1645.”

“1645? That was during the Civil War, wasn’t it?”

“Could be. History was never a strong point with me. I just knew it was old. I valued it because it was silver and came from my grandmother. I had to clean it from time to time, though, when it went black with tarnish. My mother told me it was my responsibility. Tell you the truth, I haven’t cleaned it for years; just left it in a drawer.”

Reg was pensive.

“You have made me think, sir. There was something about the Civil War that marked out Scarborough, but I can’t remember what. Do you have a computer I could look up?”

“Yeah. You want to Google something?”

“Yes, sir. If you could search for Scarborough, silver and 1645, and see what comes up?”

Mr Robson took Reg through to his office and switched on his computer. Once he had loaded all the programs, he did the suggested search on Google.

What appeared surprised him.

The Google search revealed that during the Civil War, when Scarborough was under siege, they ran out of cash for payments within the town, and resorted to making their own. The town council asked for donations of silver plate from the richer residents, and this was hammered flat, so that it could be cut up into rough squares, and the value was based on the weight of silver in the piece of coinage. Each piece was marked with an image of the Castle, to identify it as Scarborough coinage.

Several other towns did a similar thing, and what was produced was known as ‘siege money’. Other towns such as Newark and Carlisle issued similar temporary coinage, but in greater quantities, or more has survived. Some of the Scarborough pieces are rare and therefore have become sought after by collectors. A Scarborough Sixpence sold at auction in 2012 for £42,000, though another piece of greater apparent value only fetched £15,000 in 2015.

“Good grief!” exclaimed Mr Robson. “Do you think my lucky penny is one of these? Not a more recent copy?”

“I have no idea, sir. Even having a look at it won’t tell me, for I know nothing of these coins. You need to have it examined by a numismatic expert,” Reg gave as his opinion, “but if it is an original, it should be worth thousands of pounds. It is not the sort of thing to give over to your nieces, even if you like them now. They would value the money over the object. You might be the same, if it has been gathering dust and tarnish in a drawer for years.”

“Reg, you are mature beyond your years, my boy. I think I will ask the Spink or Sotheby auction houses to give an opinion of its genuineness and estimated worth. I will hang onto it for the present, for I agree with you, that it would be turned into hard cash, and I don’t want these girls to think cash is an easy asset to obtain.”

“You are a wise man, sir,” Reg remarked. “I agree with you entirely, so we let the matter drop for now, eh?”

“That is it, Reg. Oh, I hear a car arriving, and it sounds like dad’s old car. Must be your Jessica’s car.”

It was, and soon Reg, Hermione and Jemima were aboard, heading back home. Jessica had insisted on driving it as a test of her health, as it was only a couple of miles. On the way back she wanted to ask Reg about his experiences on the farm, but had to be intent on driving carefully.

Once they were all home, the women and girls of the household wanted to hear from Reg.

He admitted his failure.

“I managed as long as I was nowhere near the field that had the bombs, but as soon as I reached that gate, I became a wreck: Shaking, nausea, the works. It was terrible, but once Mr Robson got me on the way back down, I started to recover. It took me ages to get back to some sort of normality, but eventually I did, and was able to chat with Mr and Mrs Robson. They decided I could not walk home yet, so Hermione phoned for a car.”

The twins wanted to know what they could do. “Do you need a drink or a snack, Reg?”

“Thanks, girls, but Mrs Robson fed us well, and Mr Robson gave me a small watered whisky to steady me nerves, he said. I am not sure what exactly it did to me, but I calmed down. I don’t think I will take up whisky as a regular tipple, though.”

Maryam was with them, and remarked, “Alcohol is forbidden by the Prophet, Reg, and there was a good reason for that inhibition. It is bad for your body.”

Reg smiled to her. “I agree with your reasoning, Maryam, but as with many such restrictions, it is the regular use that is the problem. Your Prophet used a blanket instruction to cover all eventualities, but I think a small amount very occasionally is not a sin. The sin is to abuse alcohol.”

“You always manage to say wise things, Mr Robertson. I will not argue the point.”

“Have you heard anything further, Maryam or are you lying low?”

“Lying low is accurate, Mr Robertson. I would like to know what my husband is up to, but no information about him is better than information that might lead him to me. I would rather be safe.”

Behind her, Sidra was trying to attract his attention. “Excuse me, Maryam. I need to speak to Sidra.”

She moved aside, and Sidra came over and grabbed him by the arm.

“Reg, that man from the insurance company phoned. I told him you were out, and he said, ‘Just tell him that payment has been sent to his bank.’ and he rang off. Were you expecting that?”

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It Was Bound To Happen

It all started when I got a new job where he was the manager. The moment I saw him I knew I wanted him. The fact that he knew Brazilian jiu jitsu and did cage fighting only made him more attractive. His muscular arms alone sent shivers down my spine. And I knew he felt the same way about me, he had no problem telling me that. The fact that I filled a D-cup and had curves in all the right places made him check me out constantly. He even made a bet with me once that I lost and had to wear my...

1 year ago
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Kareens BBC Prison Cock PT5

I BECOME A COCK SUCKER A couple days later, Dele and I had a shift together and he continued the story. He'd had to bring his wife to Kareem, offer her to him and then leave. Dele admitted by now he had stroked his cock while watching his wife suck that same black monster many times. He'd stroked his cock while he watched the massive cock somehow disappear completely in his wife's tiny body. Kareem treated her like a slut, called her a dozen names Dele would never utter in the same room. She...

4 years ago
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The Bike and Jamela

I'm a child of the fifties. If you are too, you don't need much more explanation. If you're not, then it would take too long to explain all the ins and outs of a simpler age. Few owned a t/v (which was black and white with only one channel) or a car. The main thing for me was the immediacy of the Second World War; it finished before I was born, but it was still a reality that affected our lives. In some ways, it was still continuing as the Cold War. I grew up – like a whole generation – with...

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Me and my sister

A year ago my little sister was sixteen, a small blonde bombshell, her body is like an hourglass, her hips are excavated and revealed his post as an apple to munch. I have three years her senior. My little sister has graduated college in another city and this was three years since I had seen more, except a few quick shots son as brother and sister! When one month after his graduation in July, here at the foot of my apartmentBy opening my door, it made me jump for joy, I hugged him, lifting the...

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Dinner Date

Our dinner-date was to to celebrate my returning home after four years; and the evening had all begun prim and proper with the two of us dining at an elegant small restaurant. Then finding there was some sweet music being played, I’d asked Molly to to dance, “I’d love to Jason!” I took her hand and led her onto the small dance area and taking her into my arms, I was surprised at how nicely head rested on my shoulder. Before long we were smooching closely for the first time. The music reached...

2 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 16 Girls Just Wnna Have Fun

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 16 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Love and money "PAUL," said the young man, pointing to himself to indicate that was his name. "Mandy," Mandy replied. "What?" he said, cupping his hand to his ear. "Mandy!" she almost shouted. He gave a theatrical nod to show he'd heard. Mandy laughed, inaudible. She kept smiling at him, and he was smiling...

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FamilyHookups Vanna Bardot Tight teen Vanna Bardot fucks her deadbeat older stepbrother

Vanna Bardot is trying to work out when she sees her gross older stepbrother watching her. Their parents are out of town on their honeymoon and he came over to get his mom to sign off on ANOTHER car loan. She ends her work out and takes a shower, but when she comes out her creepy stepbrother is sniffing her panties and jerking off! But she’s actually not grossed out, she kinda likes how helpless he is and decides to help him out, she pulls down her towel and sucks his cock and gets her pussy...

3 years ago
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Rehna My Longhairteacher Part 2

Part ii: always remember my first time inside Now I knew that all her long hairs is now for me to enjoy. The touching on her treasured long hair was the most exciting thing for me, on the way back to my home my cock was in pain, straining against my undies. Couldn’t sleep that day, my thoughts were full of her long silky hair. What will I be doing the next day. I reached her house as early as 8 am, rang the bell. No answer !! Rang again, this time longer. Now I could hear my rehna shouting...

4 years ago
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My Wife Likes To Give It Away

Over the years my wife Tiffany has enjoyed the threesomes with another woman and especially with another man. Tiffany has enjoyed the wife swapping we do occasionally too. But what she likes the best is to give it away to a complete stranger. Our two children are teenagers and seem to have a life of their own. I work and make very good money. That gives my wife plenty of freedom during the day. At her suggestion we put on an addition to our house making our bedroom twice as big. The...

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Sleep Sex

I use the Key you have given me Beloved Pet and slip into your apartment It is late morning and I pad quietly over to your bedroom door and quickly slip inside,I see you sleeping on your side your legs curled upwards your knee's almost touching your breasts your right on the edge of the bed.I stand there and soak in the Beauty of my Beloved Pregnant Pet your belly and breasts are now starting to noticeably swell,you are in just a pair of midnight blue panties and nothing else.There...

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Mami ka photo session

Dear Friends, Mere Ghar me Mere Alava Mammi-Papa aur ek Jawan Bahen hai. Papa ka Govt. Job Hone Ke Karan vah apni posting ki jagah akele rahte he, aur hum tino saher me rahte he. Badi City Hone aur paiso ki kami na hone ke karan hum log kafi modern rahte he, meri mammi aur bahen ma-beti kam bahene jyada lagati he.Dono kafi khule vicharo ki aur modern he, jabki me dikhane me Thoda Dabbu sidh dikhata hun, jabki mere dimag me hamesha hi sex ka bhut chada rahta he. Meri esi bholi surat ke karan...

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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 8 Things start to get a bit routine except for

When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have been and I had a little nap before waking in the afternoon when Roxy was...

1 year ago
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vapi to borivali ek gujju ke sath

Hi guys again this is sahil again back to the world of ISS any girl or women want to have any kind of relation or friendship can mail me at so guys who so ever doesn’t knows me will give a small introduction…………..! M 24 m from Mumbai (Mumbra) I work for a private ltd company located in Navi Mumbai I work as a asst marketing manager …………….! The story begins in Hindi………..! Ek baar meri meeting vapi mein thi which is located at the border of Maharashtra and gujrat . Meri subha 10 baje ki...

4 years ago
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The Au Pair Part 2

It’s hard to decide who I loved fucking more. As a bi-sexual woman in her mid-20s, I love a hot, wet, pulsating pussy just as much as I love a rock hard, throbbing cock. Some people may call that greedy, but I can’t help it, I’m just super horny all the time and I’ll fuck a man or a woman to satisfy that need. The night after John caught me fucking his wife on the dining room table was the best night of my life. After Ann had made me cum a number of times, it was time to act like nothing...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 7 Zetsas Inner Spirit Formation

Eight months ago. Under the covers of his bed the small figure of eight years old Zax could be made as he lay, bitter. He was angry with his mom, angry with his dad, resentful toward Mr. Ogler, cursed half the kids in his school and hated himself. It was the outcome of a typical bad day for Zax, and he was currently grounded for fighting. Waiting to Dane with Serah near the school's gate at the end of the school day, to go back home together, four third graders passed them by with bored...

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The Perfect Girlfriend

My name is Zac West. My hair blond, eyes blue, my age is in in the late twenties. My height is just under six feet, with a somewhat slender physique. I am fairly succesful man who is uncertain of what his job description is. Currently a seem to tell employees were to go, in addition to attending the occasional buisness meeting (which provide me with just enough information with wich to impress the occasional client I happen to meet). My position does provide me with a rather nice office. It is...

Mind Control
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Setting Son Pt 1

Carol Dean was the CEO of up-and-coming Trade Winds, Inc. With Carol's lofty title, and very generous financial compensation, came unending hours of teleconferences & constant business trips. Still, things wouldn't seem so chaotic for the single 40-something if it weren't for her three kids; Jennifer, Kimberly, and Christopher. Carol's oft absence from the home placed an unneeded stress on her family's relationships. Jennifer was the eldest, 17, entering her final year of high...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter X

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER X "Aunt Joan, you think maybe I should go to school anyways?" I was surprised a question like that would come out of my mouth. I would have NEVER asked to go back to my old school if I had any chance at all of getting away from it for a whole day. My new school was a lot different. Nobody had teased me for being a sissy. What was even more surprising was how quickly I had made new friends. Aunt Joan...

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From Cuckold to Dom Part 1

I was losing my wife, we hadn't had sex together in almost a year. She had started a new job and a new life with it. She was always coming home late and half the time she didn't even bother calling.So I was surprised when she said we were going out with her boss one night. I just figured it was for appearances or something and I dutifully went along. When I met Ben, he was a smooth talking arrogant asshole. Rather decent looking but full of himself. During dinner I couldn't help but notice how...

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I Hate That BitchChapter 2

It had been five years since Mel and I had moved from Tennessee to Colorado and I had began to relax in regards to Pam, the bitch who was responsible for us moving in the first place. That was why I was a little shocked by what Mel had to tell me when I returned home from work one evening. "Stan, I received a letter from Pam today in the mail." My wife of twenty years told me. "What did you do with it?" I inquired of the love of my life. "I burned it like I told you I would." Mel...

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El No We Wont GoChapter 13

Monday 7:50 A. M. Chicago City Hall Izzag knew he'd squeaked through the last twenty four hours, by the skin-of-his-teeth. 'Donaldson, you S. O. B., be on time or early for once in your miserable life!' the screaming thought raced out. "One more hour, that's all I need just, one, more, hour," the whispered plea rose up sounding suspiciously like a prayer. Monday 7:52 A. M. I-90 Southbound Lane Henry Donaldson was in a mighty fine mood, for a Monday. 'That fact finding trip to...

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Bree 10 My Wife and My Ex Fiance

Introduction: Wife and Ex Fiance Unexpected Encounter with the dog My Wife and my Ex-Fiance by rodeotexas May 2012 This is the story of two ladies that have come to share my life, permanently, one my wife Kate, the other my ex fiance, Amber. In some areas of the story, time lines have been accelerated. PART 1 – INTRODUCTION My wife Kate is five feet nine inches, stunning dark cinnamon redhead, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, very firm high set full large breasts...

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Falling In Lust

Chapter 1 Tommy was new in the school. His parents had moved with him and his younger sister, Mary, into the community during the summer before his junior year. That made Tommy the "new guy" on his first day at Midmont High School. He hated leaving his other school just as he was moving into his final two years of high school, but there was nothing he could do but make the most of the change. On Day One, Tommy found something that made the move all worthwhile -- Angie. Angie was a very...

1 year ago
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BloodstoneChapter 13

Luria felt her heart leap into her throat in fear as that door clanged shut behind them with a resounding sound. This was it. She would face down Magnus, she would kill him for what he'd done to her, her parents and countless others who were trapped by him. She took a deep breath as panic closed around her throat. The same panic sank deep into her soul for just being in this throne room where Magnus had taken her virginity so harshly brought back the memories of the event. Her body was...

3 years ago
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Bringing Someone Home from the Nightclub with Kelly

It was a Friday night in October of 1994. Kelly and I went to a nightclub in town. We weren’t regulars but had been here several times before. We had a table against a wall not far off the dancefloor in a darkened corner. Tonight, Kelly was on the prowl. It wasn’t something she did all the time, but there were times she had an urge and tonight was one of those times.Kelly was 34 now and had been horny as all get out the past couple of weeks. She had planned for this night and sex the past...

Group Sex
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Neighbor girl

Sorry if this has typos or is not quite a smooth read. It was a late night, quickly typed story with no spell checker, and no proof read. Enjoy the first story I have ever written, anywhere. I used to notice her on the bus in elementary school, staring at me. Blonde hair not always combed, slightly dirty face now and then, clothes not always clean and she often looked like she dressed herself. But she was still cute as heck, well kempt or not. Thinking back to this time when I was 11...

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Lust is Lust

All that before that terrible night. It was one day after her 32th birthday when that horrible accident changed her life forever . Their son, Eric, was only 10 years old when it happened and Alison had to struggle a lot to raise him all alone. She did well, now at 17 Eric was a handsome young man, excellent student and very polite. She knew she was a good mother to him and this made her happy despite her sacrifices. Walking into the shower Alison couldn’t stop but wondering if she made a...

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The SparkChapter 20

"You sure you won't change your mind," the man in the suit asked. The suit he wore while expensive and looked good, did not lend itself to negotiations out in the open in the July sun. The reason he, along with his partner, were standing out in the midday heat in a hay field was due to Burt asking me to help him load up the hay bales that were sitting out in the sun after their loader broke down and would be another week for the parts to arrive. Both of us knew that he could throw the...

2 years ago
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Business Dealings

Business Dealings by Diana Kimberly Heche If they weren't both so deadly serious I would have laughed them out of the room. "This isn't a sitcom guys ... things like this don't work in real life. Send Linda." Kirk explained patiently again, "Linda doesn't understand the technology. And we don't have enough time to teach her. It would take years." I laughed at the absurdity of this conversation "but there's enough time to teach ME to play your little masquerade? You're...

3 years ago
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Police Woman Goes MissingChapter 5

Cheryl lay there waiting; it had been a couple of hours since Sammy left her laying there. It was still another two more hours or so before he came back in the room, took off his clothes, and got on the bed. When he reached over and squeezed one of Cheryl’s large breasts, she started crying again, but didn’t try to resist when he started sucking on her nipples. The beautiful redhead detested Sammy doing that, but no matter how hard she tried to resist in her mind, it made her nipples hard...

2 years ago
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Master John finds his slave

Master John finds his slaveChapter 1    John hated going to weddings. They long since ceased to be fun anymore. He wandered over to the bar again as the singer from the band introduced the wedding party. John ordered a scotch..decided he needed a double instead and watched the party walking in. As he watched John wondered how long the couple would stay married. Longer than he had he decided. But almost everyones marriage lasted longer than his had. He knew deep down not to marry a vanilla girl...

2 years ago
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A Long Hard Look part 3

I hastily flipped open my phone. "Hullo?""Hiya, sweet. How was your exam?" kindly asked my father."Ah, it went well thanks... finished it before everyone else. I'm just taking a much-needed tea-scone-ciggie break." I said, smiling. David winked at me after I said the word "break"."Well that's great then," said Dad. I could hear the hum of traffic, the ice rain hitting and potentially breaking the smooth, pristine windshield of his new lorry. "Jude, I'm gonna be about an hour late. I'll pick you...

First Time
3 years ago
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Camryn C02

“Daniel, Camryn’s here!” the yelling voice muffled from its journey up the stairwell and through my closed bedroom door. I had told my mom to steer her and Corey away if they came over or called for me. For a week it had worked, but the last time she talked them away, she said it would be the last; if we had a fight, I should act more mature and at least let them talk to me. I would be spending two weeks alone soon so making up with them would be best done sooner than later she stated. ...

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Her hands gripped the soft, white cotton sheet as her husband kept thrusting into her. Lina closed her eyes and wished he would hurry up and finish. She had to remind herself to moan every once in a while, although she doubted he would even notice. His movements were getting more urgent, and she could feel his sweat dripping down her lower back every time his body connected with hers. Lina felt him tensing up, and then heard a long grunt as he emptied himself into her.His body felt heavy as he...

2 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 15 Monique the Enflamed

I sat down and booted up my computer. I tried to look calm though the room smelled of sex. I only hoped that Monique was just there to ask a quick question or pass on a message. "Yeah?" I had no idea what she was up to, but she stepped in and closed the door behind her. She leaned against it and looked flushed. She wore a pale blue top that had trumpeted sleeves and a low neckline. Of course that detail framed the line of cleavage exposed and I noticed further that her nipples were...

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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really ndash Followup Visit

This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...

2 years ago
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50 Saal Say Pyassi Chuut

Hello friends I am Jacob from waluj (m.h.) dosto main app ke woh baat batane jaa raha hu jo mere zindagi me sab se aham hai….! yeh main ne us aurat ke saath biyar kuch ghanto ke baat hai…main apne frnd se millne us ke hotel gaya tha jo ek bus stand ke pass thi woh kafi bussy tha toh main bahar hi us ka wait karne laga..kafi dar tak woh nahi aya toh main ne waha se jane ke sochi tab mere nazar bus stand ke main gate par padi waha ek 50 saal ke kalli se laddy khadi thi us ne salwar kamiz pahen...

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