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So two weeks, the next TWO weeks, passed with no negative incidents. Work was, well, work, but we had it going our way.

On the home/school front, the official connection of Jason and Susan actually meant that Tina and I had a little more alone time, not that I was feeling particularly uncomfortable with the regular appearance of Susan at our little trailer.

Interestingly, Jason's apartment became one of the regular destinations, Jason and I watching movies while the girls did school work. And then the exit exams for high school graduates were on us. I always found these things amusing, myself, especially the idea that a kid could get through twelve years of school and not be able to graduate because he failed the exits tests. But then I also knew about social promotions and poor teachers who issued passing grades without a care as to the actual need for an education.

Tina was right, though. Those tests weren't meant for students like her and Susan, bright, eager for an education, able to soak up learning easily.

"Reviews!" Tina had snorted. "I am sitting through REVIEWS of stuff I learned in the eighth grade!"

I knew she was aggravated. "Baby, you gotta remember..."

She stopped me. Make that 'very aggravated'. "I DO remember that, but we're losing WEEKS of opportunity. Why can't they separate those that can and will from those that can't or won't?"

"Because that's gonna require too many people to make decisions that would put them in the gunsights of angry, entitled parents. How would YOU like to be the school administrator to have to tell some mommy that her little snowflake's just not up to the standard for the smart classes?"

"You make a good point. But people need to grow up."

I kissed her on the forehead. "Welcome to the real world, baby..."

Her eyes softened with the kiss and she pulled back to look at me. "I knowwww..." She wrapped her arms around my neck and forced me into another, longer kiss. "Still gets to me, though." Another kiss, and then a giggle. "D'ya know any kind of GOOD way to relieve stress?"

We didn't get out of the house THAT evening.

Other evenings? Jason's apartment, graciously attended by Jason and a very giggly-looking Susan, and that's the first time I actually saw the two kiss. It was just a little longer than a friendly peck, but from the way that Tina glanced at me, I knew she was gauging my reaction.

They didn't make a big deal out of it. They just acted like they were comfortable and happy with each other. Since we got there BEFORE Susan, I surmised that Susan was still very much Daddy's Little Girl, too. I was hoping that, anyway. But I was also becoming more relaxed, or was it resigned, with the idea of those two being a couple.

Note to self. Don't mention that to Tina. The last time I mentioned the age difference, she got the giggles. "There's TEN YEARS less difference than me and YOU!" And a giggle. "And we do pretty darned good, you know..."

"Hah!" I laughed. "I've always characterized us as perfect."

Another kiss. "Me too, baby! But we can't tell people that. They'll get jealous!"

The evenings at Jason's apartment were just about the same as the previous evenings at our trailer: games, conversation, food. Jason and Susan made Tina and me sit back while they laughed and argued through their version of Tina's 'dump soup' one time. Another was delivery pizza. And when it was time for US to leave, I noted that Susan left with us after gracing Jason with a sweet kiss while she was standing by her car in the parking lot.

Driving home, I asked Tina, "So, Jason and Susan? They ever been alone in his apartment?"

Tina said, "She says no. She's not rushing, baby. She's known him a lot longer than you knew me, baby, before WE were in bed together."

"You know, little one, that we're exceptionally fortunate to have found each other. We just sort of match, even from the first day..."

"When I was scared and nervous and everything else." She smiled. "I remember. Sometimes that's my daydream, just reliving how it all happened." Little smile. "I just want Susan to be this happy. And Jason too."

"How happy?" I asked.

She caught that. "Having somebody who can actually carry on a conversation, somebody who has interests we can share, and who is just somebody who FITS me."

"You're so wrong, little one," I said. "It's you that fit me."

"Mmmm," she purred as we kissed. "I cannot possibly imagine finding anyone better, babe," she said. "So we're going to the gym this evening?"

"I think we need to. Our dazzling social whirl is too much food and the only exercise, lovely though it is, isn't going to keep me from gaining weight."

"But I really like that exercise," she said. "Just so we can do BOTH!"

As we walked out to her car, I said, "Of course we can. The gym takes care of the body. That other exercise is for my soul."

"Mine too, guy," she said. "You drive."

I knew WHY I was driving. After she buckled in, she wiggled around and started gathering her hair into two miniscule pigtails, one just behind each ear, her fix for 'I can't stand my hair on my neck when I'm sweating.'

When she finished, she turned to me with a huge grin. "There! Now I can exercise, and I'll know the whole time that you're lusting after me extra much."

"You know waaay too much about me, cutie," I said.

"I have a whole list, honey," she giggled. "But this one's just strange..." And she laughed.

At the gym, I ran through my routine, a bit of time on the weight machine, some brisk time on an elliptical machine, all the time watching HER, because in a workout outfit that consisted of shorts, a tight top and a sports bra that suggestively showed its shoulder straps, she was a very attractive example of a young girl at the gym. Of course, all the regulars knew that she and I were a couple, and I'd seen her approached more than once by young men (younger than me, for darned sure) with their best smiles, and I'm sure, their best lines, and she just smiled back, shook her head (making sure I got to see those little pigtails wiggling) and pointed me out.

We finished our cool-down on two side-by-side treadmills, then put on warmup suits and walked back into the nasty outdoors to the car. As soon as we got in, I turned the heater on against the harsh nasty weather that had followed a cold front.

"Home," she said. "Shower. Hot chocolate. And lots of snuggles."

"Gladly," I said. "How're you feeling?" We weren't as diligent with our gym visits as we should be, and I could feel a bit of tightness from my own workout."

"I can feel things pulling," she said. "We need to do this more regularly." I laughed inside. That was one of the things that I adored about Tina, that it seemed like our minds were synched together. Her hooking my bicep and resting her chin on my shoulder was another, as we drove along, a CD playing music from one of the concerts we'd seen together.

We pulled into the park and went inside. As was normal, she got first shot at the shower. I took advantage of that to get the makings of two mugs of hot chocolate out, and no, NOT the instant. Real milk. Sugar. A block of that wonderful Mexican chocolate.

The sound of the shower stopped and Tina stepped out. "Your turn," she said brightly.

I jumped into the little bathroom, showering while I heard the hair dryer going. I got out, shaved, then stood behind her to help her finish her hair.

"No, I got this. You do the chocolate!"

I did exactly that, and when it was ready, I handed her a steamy, frothy mug. Her hair was in pigtails. I got to look at THAT picture while we sipped the sweet darkness and watched part of a TV show neither of us was particularly interested in. We finished our drinks a little before nine. The mugs went into the sink. We went into the bedroom.

That got me into the arms of this vision, auburn hair, pulled back into two little pigtails, blue eyes, bangs, freckles ... every off-center quirk I ever harbored about what's sexy, there it was in one neat package. She was grinning.

"Oh, you think you have me figured out, don't you?" I laughed.

Her hand gently wrapped around my dick. Her giggle was gentle, too. "Something tells me I'm right, you know." Her blue eyes flashed. "Want me to run down the rest of the list? I know lots of things that'll put you so close to the edge I can sneeze and you'll squirt for me."

She did, too. And she was happy and giggling when she used 'em. Of course, I knew some things about her, too, and while another man might find it disconcerting to have a girl giggling and grinning while he's in the middle of full penetration, I saw it as the most wonderful expression of sharing of each other's bodies imaginable.

That's the fun part. We're in that position that's MADE for me and Tina: I'm sitting in the middle of the bed, legs crossed, she's sitting in my lap, happily impaled on me, we're gently rocking, just enjoying being coupled together, not yet frantic with the inevitable orgasms. It's communion. She's got her arms around me, holding us in position, so my hands can range over her luscious form. They end up cupping her face inches from mine, and our eyes connect and there's love in her look.

"Darn it, Tina, you're so wonderfully beautiful..." I kissed her.

"To you, Alan," she said.

"Yeah, right. That's why I have to watch you at the gym. I see those other guys looking..."

"They'd never get more than a smile, Alan. This" and she gave a wiggle to her ass that took me in mid-breath, "is only for YOU."

"I love you, little dove," I said.

"You love me for everything I am, Alan Dean Addison. I've never thought anything else. There MIGHT be another man on this planet like you, but I have you, so I don't care..." Her lips fastened to mine and we traded tongues. Her rocking became more rhythmic and before long her smile had morphed to flashing eyes, biting her bottom lip, the smile still there at the upturned corners of her mouth, and then as she got even closer, she released her lip and came in short mewing moans and panting grunts and I added my own sound to our sensual duet as I came.

She recovered her giggle as she descended from orgasmic heights. "We're going to have a mess, baby," she tittered. "Apparently pigtails double your semen volume."

"Apparently my marvelous partner drives me crazy," I said. "You wanna towel?"

"Not MY choice," she said. Her choice left us both with sticky faces and her with a second orgasm and then we kissed each other's faces clean.

We lay there in bed, cuddled together. I thought that if we turned the lights out, we'd glow. Yes, it's like that, some of the times are more than others, and tonight was one of the better ones, for no particular reason. We turned out the lights and let the sleep come gently.

Tina's tests at school corresponded with some critical steps in our project. I had all my big power systems taken care of, but now we were dealing with process equipment, and I spent a good part of the time dashing back and forth between the systems programmer and the power center and the equipment room holding the interfaces between them. I had to couple that with groups of foreign engineers there to set up specialty equipment from Germany and Italy. Fortunately my meager German and almost non-existent Italian were sufficient, along with a positive attitude, to keep things on track.

Tina and I met the German crew one night, then the Italian crew the next, for dinner. To say that mouths gaped open at the sight of my seventeen-year-old wife is an understatement. However, her charming demeanor and attitude won them over immediately, making for a pleasant dinner and a pleasant project.

In the truck on the way home, Tina nipped my shoulder. "Baby, d'ya think we can do some travel in Europe?"

"I suppose that might be something we can swing, little one. Let's see how things work out after you graduate. Dan and I have to get a business off the ground and you and Susan and Cindy need to get your college schedules figured out. We..."

"We have to get our housing situation resolved, too. I was talking to Mizz Kathy. She's going through the realtor network, seeing what she can come up with."

"You're doing that?" I was surprised. I guess I shouldn't have been. Tina and I were partners, but I guess there's a part of me that still tends to assume she's as limited as most kids her age. That was, of course, an error on my part. Tina was brilliant, and she had an eye on our plan.

"Uh-huh. That's okay with you, isn't it?"

"Well, sure, baby."

"I talked with Cindy and Susan, and we all talked with Susan's mom. Cindy said something like a little apartment building might be nice. Mizz Kathy said that if you guys incorporate, then we could buy it under the corporation."

I shook my head at the thought of three teen girls working over the ideas of housing and corporations and a future. "An apartment building?"

"Yeah," she said. "Don't'cha think that the idea works? We buy an apartment building, not a big one, but big enough for two or three families, us and Dan and Cindy and ... well, we're looking, okay?

"You don't think that just maybe living in the same building might be a little too much closeness?"

"Do you?"

"I was in the army, baby. I'm used to living with people whether I get tired of 'em or not."

"Didn't you and Dan..."

"Yeah, we rented an apartment in Arizona. Three bedrooms, one for each of us, one for junk. But neither of us was too far off the reservation as far as lifestyle."

Giggle. "So let's see. We can do the inventory. Young wives who get along? Still engineers. Same hobbies. Same tastes in music."

"And your point?" I said.

"We could do that. Separate apartments, but the same building. Have our privacy when we need it, convenient for me and Cindy and Susan to study together."

Same as Christina
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Every hole

Tess my stepdaughter had come round for a meal it had only been a few weeks since her mother had died and we found comfort, and fantastic sex, with each other.We had eaten and still in the dining room, started kissing, I was still on my chair, she in her tight black dress walked round to my end of the table, her high heels clacking on the wooden floor as she hitched her dress up over her stocking tops and her tight little bottom, revealing that she had no panties on. Tess handed me a parcel...

1 year ago
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COVID 19 HOOKUP Or how I learned to eat pussy thr

“OH, God” she murmured, “Do it again, Baby. Only harder!” I smiled at her and rubbed her hard nipples with the disinfectant wipe. She moaned and contracted her stomach muscles which thrust her beautiful clean shaven and very wet pussy into full view.I met her in the toilet paper isle. She took my breath away. She’s a tall blond with a nice tan. She was wearing a short summer skirt that fell to mid-thigh and exposed her long athletic legs. She was wearing a short sleeved blouse with the top 2...

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Tuition Teacher Ki Wife Ke Saath Sex Enjoyment

Hello everyone, I am Garry from Delhi NCR, and I am again back with my new story tuition teacher ki wife ke saath sex enjoyment. Firstly let me introduce myself to the new readers. My name is Garry and I am from Delhi NCR. My age is 22 years. My body is athletic type. My dick size is 6.5″. So if anybody wants to contact me or want to take any help then contact me on fb my I’d is garry singh gkc. So if any girl or lady wants a satisfaction so contact me on fb on my I’d garry singh gkc. Abb...

1 year ago
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A New Taste Part 9

When I got home from work a message was waiting from Nick. ‘I have been chatting to Harry!' It began, 'It seems congratulations are in order… Seems you have graduated from just being a cocksucker… He tells me I need to make an appointment with you. That I must use you. He says I should just take you. That you want to feel my big dick inside you. What have you got to say about it?’I sat a pondered this enquiry. I could carry on sucking him as before, which gave us both huge pleasure, or I could...

3 years ago
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Lab Section Turns Out Fucking Session

This incident happened during my summer exam with my physics lecture Smitha she was 26 and 5’7 with a figure of Vidaya Balan and I needed to finish some of pending experiments in the Physics lab before the dead line. I went to the staff room to meet my physics lecture Smitha mam to ask her to allot a special section for me to finish it before the study leave. She agreed I can do the pending ones during the break and free times and she will be there for helping me. I wondered why she readily...

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Four Day Weekend Part 3

Five months after Kevin proposed, I sat in my OGYN’s waiting room. I was finally going to find out what we were having. I looked around the room, seeing the other woman with their husbands and boyfriends..Making me wish that my soldier was with me. A month afer I last saw Kevin, he was stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. We had kept in conact but I wasnt able to visit him. My hormones were raging, and needed to feel the touch of my soldier. The nurse called me back and had me lay on the table...

3 years ago
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Little girl doing winter swimming and lot of sex0

This was thrilling experience to see brave young girl doing her outside nude activities in cold day, even it happened on 22 March, during school spring break, weather was like in winter, -10 (15 F) degrees and windy. My friend Paul, Head of the Ice Swimming Club invited me to witness young girl's exceptional durability to cold weather, but I saw much more than I expected. I was really frightened even to see girl's schedule for this windy day, which excluded much activities outside, but...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Alexis Tae 02092020

Alexis goes to a local bar in the hopes of hooking up. Unfortunately, there’s nobody at the bar that night. The bartender calls for last call, but she’s just ready to go. Before heading heading home alone, she stops in the bathroom for a quick pee. As she’s finishing up she realizes 2 holes in the wall. When she drops to her knees to get a closer inspection, she is quickly greeted by a long hard dick in her face! Well, shit, her luck just completely turned around! Not just one...

1 year ago
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Come Out of the Darkness

It was a chilly november night. My sister and I were bored, and we had decided to go for a walk in the forest which was in my back yard. As we wandered deeper and deeper into the woods, it got darker and darker. The moon was full, but the trees were blocking it out. "Maybe we should go back," my sister Dana said. By that time there was almost no light. We turned around on the path and started heading home. "I think I hear some footsteps behind us," Dana said. "You're crazy," I said, not...

Mind Control
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400mm of Mrs HansonChapter 4

I went home and took another quick shower. I began uploading the pictures we took today onto my computer. The piece of paper with Kala’s phone number on it was right in front of me on my desk. I picked up the phone but before I dialed I tried to remember everything Cass told me earlier. I reminded myself that Kala is just a person and that she’s probably nervous, too. I picked up the phone and dialed the number she gave Kyle. Her phone started ringing and my nervousness seemed to increase...

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iCarlys introduction

Blue eyed blond haired Sam is quick witted and funny. Also 13, Carly’s co-host. And overly grounded Freddy 12, producer, techhead and camera guy, for the increasingly popular iCarly web sight and bi-weekly web cast Are constantly at odds. This one fact is overlooked to Carly. She being the balance between the two; has trouble sometimes when one can’t be there. Carly lives with her older brother and guardian Spencer. He left law school to follow a career as an artist while their father...

4 years ago
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Jerk It Out

The post was listed in the 'casual encounters' section. It was simple and straight to the point. It said, "I'm a white male in my late 20s. Looking for another straight-ish dude to come to my place after midnight, watch some porn, and jerk off with me." I emailed him at around 11:30. We traded dick pics. I was on my way.When he opened the door, he was wearing boxers and a t-shirt. He looked like he was a banker or something. He obviously worked out. "Hey," he said. "I'm Steve. Do you want to do...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 371 Returning Home Part Three It Was Hardest on the Fibbies

Saturday, June 9, 2007 (Continued) My families and I discussed our next steps. I suggested my plan, making Mom decidedly unhappy because she's not big on evil ideas. The rest of us worked on her. Prof told her, "They may be Government employees but they're no better than criminals, Felicity. Worse in some ways because they don't have a fear of prosecution to restrain them. They deliberately planned to avoid the local police because they know what they're doing is illegal. Mark...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller part2

A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky’s dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day. As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...

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Nisha My Cousin 8211 Made Her Mine

I used to know my cousin, Nisha since we were kids. She was of my age. We used to be friends then. Even though our parents were ‘kind of’ conservative, they used to come to my home frequently to hangout. Because of that, I never could talk to Nisha alone. I never had a bad eye on her since we were ‘little’ back then. But then she started growing and I did too. I started getting attracted to her grown body. She used to wear tight kameez which showed the outline for her body when she used to come...

4 years ago
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The Party FavorChapter 4

They lay, face to face, her breasts touching his chest, and talked. Occasionally they kissed. Twice he rolled away from her, just so he could look at her breasts. The first time he said "Beautiful." The second he said "So beautiful." She found herself telling him, somehow, of how lifeless her marriage was, of the disappointment she felt for herself for raising her daughter to be a selfish little bitch. He argued with her, and said she hadn't set that example. She had to agree with him...

1 year ago
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long distance bubble bath

As she was getting ready for her bath, she heard the phone ring. Since she was the only one at home she decided to answer, just in case it was Joey. She hadnt heard from him in a while, and she was always excited to hear his voice. "Hello" she said "Well hello beautiful" the deep voice replied. She was flattered and blushing. How can this man she hardly knows, give her such deep feelings? He began by asking how her day went,and even remebered that she had a test the day before. She responded...

3 years ago
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Wife stranger barblowjob

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him with her great full lips. He kept whispering to her to go to the parking lot and suck his cock. My wife is very submissive and loves to be told what to do. She called me again and said this guy wouldn't leave her alone. I asked...

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Don stared through his binoculars, watching the upper window as she came into view. Her tan skin was hidden only by the sheer moo-moo that floated around her, weightless. She had beautiful, perky tits; they bounced with every move she made. He watched as she worked the straps down before shimmying from the light garment. Standing bare in front of the mirror on her wall meant she allowed Don the perfect view of her tight ass and curl-clad pussy. She was the shape of his very desire, his erection...

Straight Sex
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I Seduce my Neighborpart IV

Vanessa, Sherry and I were now the regular members of our very own club: Le Club Taboo! What fun…all of us had taboos in our lives but once they were shattered it was full steam ahead. It was like our much treasured virginity: approached with awe and suspense and curiosity…some of us giving it greater or lesser importance in our youth. Then, once “lost,” or was it not lost at all but “won?” I mean “losing” virginity as attached as is that verb to a hymen that, once gone, returns no more. ...

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The Education of Heather

Introduction: Heather is an inexperienced wife who seeks revenge from a cheating husband. The Education of Heather Part 1Heather is surprised The school day had been over for two hours, but Heather Thompson was still at her desk, finishing the never ending work associated with teaching first grade. As a first year teacher and recent college graduate, she still felt overwhelmed with all the preparation time required to maintain a positive teaching environment. Positive teaching environment??!...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 17 The Law

I awoke. I couldn’t move. I felt nauseous and lightheaded. A light was shown in my eyes. When I could finally focus, a stranger’s face was looking down at me and I became aware of a siren and the motion of the vehicle we were in turning a corner. I felt like I was going to throw up. I struggled against the restraints around my chest, holding my arms down. “Relax, relax,” said the stranger. “Wh m I?” My lips were swollen, and it was hard to talk. “You’re on your way to the hospital.” “Wha...

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Fuck me Jodie Fuck me

My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old from Seattle. I’m 6′-0″ with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m married to fifty-year-old Robyn who was 5’8″, short chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice pair of D-Cup tits that are still perky for her age and a bit of a chubby ass. She keeps her pussy hairy and loves to have her clit licked. Her cunt is so juicy and tasty! Robyn worked with forty-six year...

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Sharons 50th Birthday Surprise

It was my birthday, so I’d taken the day off work to do some retail therapy followed by a few glasses of wine with the girls from work at lunchtime. I got a cab into town and headed for the shops, the sales were still on so I was looking forward to getting some nice bits. I was picking up dresses and tops without realising the time, I had to rush to the till to pay without trying them on or I’d be late at the wine bar. As I was about to pay, I spotted a lovely faux leather skirt calling to me,...

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My thoughts for the 22nd

The thought of Alex’s hands on her naked body, his hard cock inside her was all Isla had thought about that day. And finally she had been summoned. As instructed, she wore only a white summer dress, no bra or kickers. Alex liked to think about her walking across London, her large and full tits bouncing as she walked, men admiring her slender and tanned legs as she travelled to submit herself to his will.Isla stood in the doorway of his bedroom, her pussy and thighs wet with excitement, yearning...

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Pams Pain Part 1

“If you don’t like it we don’t have to see them again,” my husband insisted for the umpteenth time.We were lying in bed after a pleasant but somewhat unsatisfying Sunday evening lovemaking session.“We’re doing well but we can’t take it for granted,” he continued. “You said yourself that you were ready to try something a bit edgier, didn’t you? You agreed we could do with a breath of fresh air in our sex life, didn’t you?”“I suppose so,” I replied uncertainly.“Right! So let’s just try it once...

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