Rock'n'Roll LifestyleChapter 12 free porn video

"Hold it. Just hold it a second." he said, and sat up while the girls glanced at each other nervously. He put an elbow on his knee and leaned his forehead into that hand, thinking intensely with his eyes closed. Finally he looked up, his eyes locking with Cindy's.
"You never for a second really believed that we'd be able to 'love Amanda back to health', to get her to stop being masochistic." he stated.
She held his gaze for a moment.
"No." she agreed. "Emotionally, I really hoped we could. Making an intellectual judgment based on the facts, I'd say it was too late by a year when I first learned she was into it. By then her sexual character was already stabilized."
"And you're equally convinced that her submissiveness is permanent."
"Yes, even more." she said.
He turned to Amanda.
"And you feel the same way?"
She nodded nervously.
"So you've just been humoring me." he stated, looking back at Cindy.
She looked at him hard for a second.
"You might as well say what you mean. Yes, we lied to you." she told him quietly.
He almost glared at her for a moment, then rubbed his eyes and shook his head.
"Okay, we'll just set that aside for a moment. When I agreed to be with Amanda, I agreed to let her be submissive to me, and to let her give me pleasure. But if she's incurably masochistic, I have to hurt her to keep her happy. The problem is, I don't want to hurt her. Sure, I've gotten a thrill from it, but I don't feel right about it, I feel bad about it. I'm uncomfortable with it. I get a creepy feeling even admitting that I enjoyed it in any way, it's against everything I've ever been taught or stood for. I've been humoring you, and it's not working. Right now, I still want to make love to Amanda, but I want her to enjoy it. I don't know what's weirder, the fact that she sometimes enjoys painful sex, or the fact that she wants me have sex with her right now, knowing she's going to have pain and not enjoy it. How did you think you were going to pull this off, anyway? You must have known I'd figure it out sometime."
"We know you'll come around pretty soon." Amanda murmured.
He turned and stared at her.
"Come around? You mean I'll suddenly turn my back on everything I've believed in, and start completely enjoying hurting you?" he asked incredulously.
"Yes." she whispered.
He stared at her a long time before he spoke again.
"See, I just don't get that. I don't know how you get the idea I've been quote, repressing my dominant side, as you put it. I dominate everyone who works for me, most of the people I meet, and thousands more at every concert. There's ton's of people, male and female, who'd do almost anything I asked, and they're all around me all the time. I figure I enjoy more domination than almost anyone, so why would I need to suppress my dominant side? Just because I treat them with respect doesn't make them any less submissive to me."
"Look," Amanda said softly, "You have an extremely stressful job, hundreds of people depend on you for millions of dollars every day, you deal with all the stresses of airports and traffic and random assholes just the same as everybody else. But you never raise your voice, you never yell at anyone, you never let yourself show any anger or frustration or resentment or anything like that. And you don't have an outlet for it. You don't punch a punching bag, or chop wood, or anything. Even when you played football, you never yelled at the other team, you never had a 'fierce face' like everyone else. Even when that guy tore your ligament tackling you, you just smiled and shook his hand for such a good hit as they were loading you on the stretcher. It's not natural, Corey. You're a naturally nice guy, I know that, but I also know that soon after you realized you were going to be physically huge something happened, something that made you promise to yourself that you were never going to mis-use your size to be a bully or take advantage of people. You've been overdoing it on the perfect gentleman thing ever since. I bet there's been at least a few times when you've almost lost it, and you clamp down hard on your anger, harder than anyone else in the world. Just now, when Cindy said we'd lied to you, there was a part of you that wanted to yell and scream and give her a slap, and you controlled it. I love how you can keep this conversation civilized and productive when most men couldn't, but all that negative energy doesn't just disappear. Look at your outburst the first time I was submissive to you, and you yelled: 'Don't you realize that I could really hurt you?' That was a lot of negative energy, Corey. I'd only been there ten minutes. I didn't create or inspire all that negative energy, that made you want to squeeze me till I broke, I just poked a careful little hole in the wall and out it poured. I tested you, and I knew, from that moment, that you needed someone who is what I am. You're a ticking time bomb, and if you don't let it out you could really lose it sometime. If that happens, you're going to do some things that'll make you hate yourself for the rest of your life. I can be the healthy outlet you need to express that primal urge we all have sometimes to just take what we want, through physical or emotional violence."
He stared at her as he thought of this point of view he'd never considered before.
"You know, it's easy to forget how smart you are." he told Amanda absentmindedly as he rose to fix himself a drink.
"Alright, I'll admit the possibility that you're right." he said as he sat back down. "And I can see why you humored me. But I still don't feel like hurting you, and I don't see how I will."
"It'll take a triggering event." Amanda explained. "I was hoping it would happen when I had you hold my wrists and fuck me hard last night, but it's obviously going to take something else."
"But you're absolutely sure that A: I'm really going to love being a sadist to you," Corey clarified, " and B: That it's going to be healthy for me, for all of us. And this is based on the facts as you see them, and your knowledge from your scientific study of human behavior, not on your feelings for me or your own needs, right?"
"Absolutely." Cindy stated emphatically.
Amanda looked at the stunning diamond on her finger, then up at Corey.
"I know I'm betting my life on it." she whispered. "Right now I'm so afraid of losing you, I really want to take the easy way out, to lie to you, to say maybe you're right, maybe I can just be your sweet little girl next door and you can keep strangling yourself from swallowing your rage. But I know it would only last awhile, and then we'd lose.
"If we take this step, it'll be hard for all of us at first, but then we'll be free, free from all the frustration and lack of fulfillment that's holding us back. And we'll have love, and we'll be a band, and there will come a time when we're totally fulfilled, and the sense of relaxation and serenity will be heaven." Amanda finished. It had taken all her courage to get that out, and she was still shaking with the fear of losing him.
"Heaven." Corey muttered as he stood up and paced. Finally he sat back down and spoke to Cindy.
"It still doesn't all add up, doesn't balance. There's a few more factors at work here. For instance, I think you want me to hurt Amanda. I think there's a part of you that gets turned on by that. Maybe you want to hurt her yourself. Maybe you want me to hurt you too."
"Okay." Cindy said after a pause. "I guess I have to agree with that. I admitted to it last night after we hurt Amanda. I don't tend to feel those urges very strongly, or very often, but sometimes it's pretty powerful. It turned me on when you stood up and fucked the shit out of me beside the bed in the dressing room. It really hurt, and it was great. I came like gangbusters. It turned me on when you held Amanda's wrists and fucked the shit out of her, and it really turned me on when she had me bite her titties. There's even a little part of me that wants Amanda to hurt me too. The difference between Amanda and me is that Amanda wants to live it, and I only want to play it as a fantasy every once in a while. But I know it still affects your decision, so yes, I'm a little submissive and masochistic, and a little dominant and sadistic. I could never be dominant over you though. Just Amanda."
"I see." Corey said, and got up to pace again, then sat down.
"Another factor is that I don't know how I'll be able to face your relatives when I meet them. Or my own mother for that matter."
"Don't worry." Cindy told him. "We won't run into any of them until after you've become comfortable with us, and when we do, we'll handle it." She nodded to Amanda.
Corey put his head in his hands. After what seemed an eternity to the girls he looked up at them, from one to the other.
"My surface emotions are still telling me that this is crazy, like some kind of a fever dream, and I'm scared to death. Intellectually, I recognize some truth, hell, a lot of truth, in what you're saying. But deep down..." he took a deep breath, "In my heart, I trust you. You both were in on the music thing, whole heartedly, and it's my field, and I know it's right for us. I'm in on what you're proposing, all the way, because I know this is your field of expertise, and I think you know what you're doing."
"Oh God, thank you Corey!" Amanda cried, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his face frantically. "I love you, I love you so much!"
Cindy moved slower, gracefully hugging them both, then bestowing soft kisses on them.
"I love you both, so much." she whispered. "Alright, Amanda knows best what we have to do, but she can't tell us. She's emotionally blocked, because it would be like the damsel in distress having to tell the hero how to rescue her.
"It would be best if you could guide us, Corey, because you're our man, our overall leader, but you're not ready yet and you don't know what to do.
"I'll have to guide us down the right path. I'll make some mistakes, but I'll get us in the ball park. I know a fair amount, and I've learned a lot from Amanda.
"For now, you have to try being a little dominant to Amanda. You can still be nice to her, and treat her with respect, but you have to get her to do things for you. And no matter how nice your tone of voice is, you have to phrase it as a command, not a request. Don't say: Amanda, could you get me some orange juice? Say: Amanda, get me some orange juice. An order, not a question. Don't say please. Don't say: How'd ya like to suck my cock? Say: Amanda, suck my cock. Do you understand?"
"Okay." Corey smiled.
"Try it." Cindy prompted.
"All right. Amanda, get me another glass of champagne. Get us all some."
"Yes Corey." Amanda said with a gleeful grin as she bounced off the bed.
"There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Cindy chided as Amanda poured. "Now, think of something you'd really like her to do."
Corey thought while Amanda put the bottle back, then cuddled up to him again.
"Dance for me, Amanda." he told her quietly. "Dance naked for me, in all your beautifully sensuous glory."
"Yes Corey." she smiled, and gave him a quick kiss before rising to find a romantic slow song on the radio. She stood, leaving her back to them, and began a swaying side to side motion, displaying the graceful movement of her gorgeous little bum, her back, her legs, her hair.
"Damn, that's beautiful." Corey breathed.
"Thank you Corey." Amanda smiled coyly over her shoulder.
"As you noticed," Cindy told him as they watched Amanda dance. "If you have her do something that gets finished, like fetching champagne, she does it, then cuddles up and awaits further commands. If you ask her to do something without a definite finish, like dancing, she'll do her best to keep doing it until you tell her to do something else. If you left right now, she'd do her best to keep dancing until you came back, even if you were gone a long time. You have to take care of her, by not asking her to do more than she possibly can, even by accident. You see?"
"Yes." Corey agreed. "I see the responsibility involved."
"Exactly. Every exchange of power is an exchange of responsibility. You benefit by gaining power over her, she benefits from having less responsibility. If she does nothing except what you tell her to do, she isn't responsible for any of it, and you're responsible for everything she does, and all it's repercussions. Of course, she realizes that it's more important to avoid problems for you than to obey the letter of your instructions, and she's very intelligent that way. More so than she is at avoiding problems for herself, although now that I think about it, she's never really been in trouble for anything. She's been a little difficult at times, but I think that was just a touch of normal teenage rebellion. Overall, she's been extremely well behaved, both as a child and as an adult. More so than me, that's for sure." Cindy finished as Amanda finally began turning slowly around and the slow song finished. The next was a bit more up-tempo, and she danced to it with a little bounce-bounce motion, the first a bit bigger than the second. It made the firm rounds of her tits bounce up and down enticingly.
"As for making love to her tonight, you want something that will excite her enough to enjoy it, without your having to be mean to her in any way, right?" Cindy quietly asked.
"Right." he agreed.
"I suggest you place her in bondage." Cindy told him dreamily. "Little Amanda's never been tied up before. Look at her face light up at the suggestion. If you stretch her out tight on the bed, with her arms over her head and her legs stretched wide open, she'll be very excited, because she'll be completely helpless before you, totally defenseless, and if you want to suck her little pussy and clitoris, or lick and squeeze her titties, or slide your fingers or your cock into her body, right in her sore little pussy, gently or roughly, there'll be absolutely nothing she can do about it. And this excites her very much, so much so that it will intensify the pleasure for her, and diminish the pain, when you give her the affectionate lovemaking you so want her to enjoy."
"God, that really makes me throb." he stated softly, slightly surprising himself at his own choice of words. He struggled to fully enjoy the sight of Amanda's increasingly erotic movements while picturing her tightly bound spread eagled on the bed.
Amanda began lightly running her hands over herself as she moved, her eyes slowly closed and her head tilted back, blissfully smiling.
"After tonight, she'll be very sore." Cindy continued, "So we won't put anything inside her little pussy for a few days until she's fully healed. Until then she'll have to be content with exploring the giving and receiving of oral sex and sensuous rubbings. I'd like us not to slide anything inside her bum for a few days either, although I'll want to use my fingers on her there tonight.
"You'll experiment with ordering her to please you sexually in all the non-penetration ways, and I'll be there for you when you need to slide yourself inside me.
"And over that time, I'll design a sexual experience that will change our lives. A few days after that we'll be ready to decide on all the little specifics of how we want to behave in our relationship."
"Alright." he said, then again. "Alright. How do you suggest we get started here tonight?"
Cindy considered, sipping her champagne and watching as Amanda began sliding her open hand over her swollen little mound.
"Well, I suggest a playfighting mood. Have her struggle, but not enough to hurt anyone, while you grab her and throw her down on the bed. Use just enough strength and roughness to show her that her struggles are futile before your power. Hold her down on the bed and maybe tickle her awhile, she's very ticklish on the sides of her ribs and her armpits. Then you can hold her down and I'll tie her up. Then you can do anything you want to her."
"Sounds good to me." Corey breathed after swallowing hard. "Amanda, you'll do as Cindy's suggested." he stated after finding his voice.
"Yes Corey." Amanda smiled.
She continued to sway to the music until she felt his step across the floor, then her eyes popped open and she almost dodged beyond his reach before his long arms caught her around the waist. She almost squirmed free again before he got a grip on her and carried her to the bed, a laughing, kicking, thrashing bundle of naked energy.
He threw her on the bed on her back and held her there for a moment with a hand on her lower chest as they grinned and got their breath back. Then she squirmed out from under his hand and almost crawled off the bed before he grabbed her around the hips with his hands and hauled her laughing form back to the center of the bed. He flipped her over on her back, straddled her hips and rested a bit of his weight on them as he kneeled over her, holding her arms to the mattress over her head by the wrists, and laughing in exhilaration.
"Okay, now you're going to get it!" he leered as he grasped her wrists with one hand.
"Ah! Corey! No!" Amanda yelped joyously as he began tickling her ribs and she broke out in laughter, squirming frantically and futilely to escape him.
Soon Cindy sat on the bed beside Amanda's head and Corey stopped his joyous torment of Amanda. Amanda's chest pumped quickly as she worked to get her breath back, her whole body flushed and sweating, smiling happily.
Cindy leaned down and kissed Amanda deeply, then straightened. She'd cut the legs off some cheap pantyhose she'd had in her overnight bag. Leaving about eight inches of the end free, she wrapped one around the base of Amanda's right hand like a stretch bandage, just above the wrist, and tied it tightly with a slip-knot. She passed it around the center post of the headboard and tied the other end to Amanda's left wrist the same way.
"Okay, turn around so you're facing her feet." Cindy instructed as she came around to the foot of the bed. "Okay, now grab her legs just below the knee, one in each hand, and stretch them open. That's it, just apply a firm pressure, not enough to hurt her, and hold it for about ten seconds. That's good, now release the tension for ten seconds and repeat the stretch and release about four times, or until you're holding her legs stretched completely open in a flat splits." While he did that, Cindy tied one of the pantyhose legs to each of Amanda's ankles the same way she'd done her wrists.
"The advantage of using nylons over cord or rope is that you can spread the pressure evenly over a large area, so it doesn't cut in like rope." Cindy pointed out as she tied. "Also, it's very elastic and very strong, so you can stretch someone out very tightly, and keep the tension constant, without hurting them. There you go, a perfect splits."
Amanda grunted a bit as Corey stretched her legs as wide open as they would go.
"Am I hurting her?" he asked as he watched Amanda's little opening being stretched open with her legs.
"No, that's like the grunt you make when you're lifting weights." Cindy told him. "Right Amanda?"
"Mm hmm." Amanda agreed when he released the tension in her groin.
"Okay, get beside her." Cindy instructed. When he had, she reached up from the foot of the bed and pulled Amanda towards her, until Amanda's arms were stretched as high and as tight over her head as the nylon's elasticity would allow.
"Hold her here." she told Corey, who put his hands on Amanda's hips and leaned enough weight on her to keep her from sliding up the bed.
Cindy passed the nylons tied to Amanda's legs over the sides of the bed and underneath to the center of the foot, where they met and were passed around the center post at the bottom of the footboard. Cindy sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, holding the end of one nylon in each hand. She put her feet against the foot of the bed and hauled on the nylons till they were as tight as the ones holding Amanda's wrists, then tied them with slip-knots. She stood and looked down at Amanda, whose arms were stretched high over her head, and whose legs were stretched so wide open that the inside of her ankles were only a foot farther down the bed than her pussy.
"There." Cindy said in satisfaction. "Her legs are stretched very wide apart, but we stretched her farther than that beforehand, so the tension is along her legs rather than pulling them open, and she won't get sore groin muscles. Doesn't she look sexy?" she asked as she reached out to rub the flat of her hand over Amanda's wide open little mound.
"She sure does." Corey agreed breathlessly, deeply affected by how excitingly helpless and exposed Amanda looked.
"Thanks Cindy." Amanda breathed. "This is working on me just like you said it would."
"Mmmmm, yes." Cindy said as she continued her massage of Amanda's exposed sex organs. "Well, the tension contributes to the tension of a building climax, and also activates the pressure points at your wrists and ankles. Of course the helplessness and the totally open exposure of the position are the major factors. Or so I've read, I've never done this before either. You're completely under our power, and we can do whatever we want to you. Mmmmm damn. You know, if Corey isn't up to this, I sure won't pass up this opportunity. You look absolutely scrumptious."
"Oh, I'm up to it all right." Corey affirmed enthusiastically. "But if you want to join in, that'd be great."
"All right!" Cindy exclaimed, settling between Amanda's wide open legs and mouthing her with gusto.
Amanda giggled. "Mmmmm. Now all my dreams have come true. You'll always have this opportunity Cindy, as long as you ask real nice and clear it with Corey first. God that feels so good. You like watching this Corey? You like seeing Cindy suck my helpless little pussy?"
"God yes." Corey stated absentmindedly, his hand drifting to Amanda's breasts and brushing lightly over them, drawing a humming moan from her. His gaze wandered over the scene from Amanda's bound wrists to her blissful expression, down over her breasts and tummy to where Cindy was drilling her tongue into Amanda's pretty vagina. He couldn't help but think that her legs were spread wider than most people could go without injury, her ankles bound at the edges of the double bed.
Cindy's hands cupped and squeezed Amanda's buns as she rested on her elbows and licked, her blondness fanned gracefully over her back. Her knees were bent and she absentmindedly waved her feet in the air, which mildly flexed her succulent ass enticingly.
Corey lay down on his side against Amanda, being careful not to lay any weight on her left leg which was under his waist. He nuzzled her neck, then cupped his hand under her head and lifted it a bit so he could kiss her.
His cock brushed Cindy's head, and she turned a bit and sucked down two thirds of it, causing him to shudder and groan into Amanda's mouth. Cindy slid two fingers into Amanda and her thumb onto her clit.
Amanda began to squirm in her bonds, her breath coming fast through her nose, her heart pounding hard enough that Cindy and Corey could both feel it.
"You can really let loose this way, Amanda." Cindy murmured against Corey's shaft, as she rubbed Amanda's pussy ever harder and faster.
Amanda's voice rose from whining little grunts to full throated cries of passion as her struggles against her bonds became abandoned thrashing. Finally she was off squirming in the throes of climax as Corey sucked her titties and Cindy pounded her fingers into her vagina in an un-relenting finger fuck, her clitoris feeling swollen to bursting beneath Cindy's busy thumb. At the same time Cindy slid aside enough to guide Corey between Amanda's legs with a gentle tug at his cock. She guided it to Amanda's opening, removed her fingers, and urged Corey to slide all the way into Amanda's splayed open little pussy with one long, smooth thrust. Amanda's climax was just peaking when she felt the shockingly powerful sensation of his penetration. The pleasure, pressure and pain of the immensity inside her scrambled her mind, and laughter and crying both joined her cries of passion at once as she thrashed in her bonds beneath him.
He rubbed his loins against hers with a little bumping motion, his cock throbbing deep within her, stretching her vagina to the limit in every direction.
Even after her orgasm passed, the feeling of his hugeness kept her writhing continuously beneath him.
Cindy moved up beside Amanda and nursed firmly at her nipple for a minute.
Corey rubbed his face in the softness of Amanda's hair and nuzzled the top of her head as she caught her breath.
Then Cindy slid up while Corey bent down and they shared a kiss, three tongues intertwined, three faces touching, three mouths caressing.
"So how's it feelin', cupcake?" Cindy asked when they drew back to share a smile.
"Oh God Cindy, it's so wild you wouldn't believe it!" Amanda exclaimed breathily. "I feel like I'm impaled on a fence post of love!"
Corey and Cindy laughed a bit at that.
"I knew you'd like it." Cindy smiled, brushing some hair from Amanda's face.
"Are you ready to make love with me now, Amanda?" Corey asked.
"Yes Corey. I'm nice and wet now, aren't I?" Amanda breathed dreamily.
"You sure are, babe." Corey agreed. "You're nice and slippery now. Does it still hurt?"
"Oh yes. But I feel like you're being my master now, and that's the most exciting thing in the world! I feel like I'm fulfilling my destiny. To be your love slave. I love you, Master!" Amanda told him adoringly.
"I love you Amanda, my slave." Corey returned earnestly.
"Oh, Oh my God! Do it to me now, Master! Please, I'm begging you, do it to me now!" Amanda pleaded.
Corey slid almost out, then all the way in and rubbed her a bit, then did it again, settling into a steady rhythm.
"Oh Christ!" Amanda groaned. "It's so hard! Every little bump on it rubs me so hard! 'Cuz it's so God damn gigantically fucking huge! It really is hurting my pussy a lot, but you're making my clit feel so, damn, good, so beautiful!"
"Amanda." Corey murmured. "My love. My slave. My love slave. Damn, you're so hot, Amanda. So exciting. All tied up, spread out so helpless beneath me."
"Your slave, Master. Helpless." Amanda gasped, sounding like she had to struggle to get the words out. "Helplessly taking your lovemaking, your impaling giant cock penetrating me, forcing your love into me. I love you master, uh, uh, uuuUUUHHH! Oh God that's good..."
Corey rested his left forearm on the pillow, slid his right under Amanda's back, and lifted, forcing her to arch her back, stretching her bonds even tighter. Her face tilted up, he bent his down, and kissed her hard. He pushed his tongue completely into her mouth, making it as thick as he could, filling her little oral cavity. She had to keep her jaws almost all the way apart to keep from biting it, her tiny mouth so full she could barely breathe comfortably.
He shortened his thrusts, pulling half way out slowly, then shoving it in with an accelerating thrust that started slow and ended with a firm impact of Corey's pubic bone against Amanda's clitoris and loins that shook her whole body.
He made his tongue long and slim, and shoved it as far down Amanda's throat as he could, his teeth against hers. He wiggled the tip, and found to his surprise that he could feel his tongue tip wiggling against the little flap-valve of flesh that separated her breathing passage from her swallowing passage.
Suddenly Amanda began choking, coughing, and gagging at the same time, her body spasming uncontrollably. He quickly pulled his tongue from her mouth, but not before she involuntarily bit it once about halfway down. He lowered her to the mattress and she coughed a few more times before she gradually recovered. He held himself tightly inside her, watching her face with intense concern while thrilling to the squeezing massage her insides were giving his cock with every coughing spasm.
"I'm sorry, Corey." she finally sniffed. "I tried not to choke, I really did..."
"Shhh..." Corey interrupted, caressing her face. "You couldn't have stopped yourself. I made you do it, and I'm sorry. I was so fascinated with being able to reach all the way down your throat to the trigger of your cough and gag reflexes and tickle it, that I forgot what was going to happen when I did. I have mistreated my love-slave, and I will grant you a request for having taken it so well."
"A request, Master? Oooh, thank you!" Amanda sniffed happily. "Will you grant my request before or after you've made love to me, Master? You've only really just started doing that to me."
Corey chuckled. "Well, that depends on what your request is, Amanda."

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