A Novice SorceressChapter 14 free porn video

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Elements: Earth, air, fire and water are the four classical elements. Spiritual beings of these elements are known as Elementals. These in their singular entity are very powerful. As combination they are almost unstoppable, anyone who has seen a hurricanes, a water and air manifestation. A Firestorm as fire and air manifests. Volcanoes as fire and earth all are dangerous and will kill. But the Practitioner who can call them forth and control them will be ranked in the top tier of Adepts.

Since Susan had moved out of state I had no close friend. As I expected my high school had been the same. People that knew me to say 'Hi' and that would be about all. I actually knew more people but most of them were adults. The black belts instructors at Genwa Dojo; teachers and coaches at my schools; but no kids my age at all. I was never invited over to another student's house except where my whole class was invited.

This was my life for the next year or so. From semester to semester I had no idea what school year I was in. By my second year I was taking courses at the local community college that would count toward my High School diploma.

Slowly I had accumulated stocks to hold on to, like buying the next generation of Microsoft or IBM as they got their start.

By the end of my first year in high school I had over a million dollars worth of long range stocks and two million worth of speculation stock. The bank accounts had $200,000 in the checking and savings split evenly. The beginning of my second year of high school I began to buy land on the outskirts of town. It was near the local air field.

After I started my physic course I really became interested in some of the far out theories and exotic branches. I had seen what such knowledge could help me do using magic with my transporter of the excavated material from my expanded lab. My reading of science fiction and fantasy give me ideas that I then worked on finding a way to make reality. I put a spell on a pair of sunglasses that allowed me to see in the dark like daytime. Then a belt that allowed me to levitate and fly. That belt also contained a generator of a force field. If I was ever seen by anybody they would think I was an alien with super science device.

My studies in biology had helped me personally. I was very much stronger than any girl my age, size and weigh should be. My reflexes were faster than a cat. I now had a storage room full of trophies from track and field as well as martial arts competition.

My black belt now had a couple of inches of markings on the ends. Sensei Genwa had expanded his instruction extensively. I had won jujitsu tournaments, aikido, karate, single and double stick plus multiple mixed martial arts. I had a real reputation. Tournaments now advertised the fact that I would be competing. It got them more competitors to sign up as well as more spectators.

I had notice Mr. Townsend at a couple of the tournaments. Each school day I would stop at my locker, which was right outside his office door, to leave my cane.

I was now helping instruct at the dojo. I would do 15 minutes out of my hours on weeknights and one hour each Saturday morning. It was easy now to see why the higher belts were given for instructing. My abilities seem to have skyrocketed within months of me seriously starting instructing. One Saturday morning a couple of hours after arriving at the dojo Sensei called me into his office and gave me a package.

When I opened it I found a black silk gi with a dragon embroidered on the back. It was beautiful and had to have cost a fortune. When I came out of the locker room wearing it, I felt ten feet tall.

Four weeks later one Saturday morning a stranger showed up. Master Genwa had an open door policy for visitors to our dojo. They had to wear a gi; they had to wear the appropriate belt, which they must show written certification. Finally they would only work out with the instructors not the students.

I meet the stranger and he introduced himself as Master Joe Cobb from St. Louis visiting his sister in town. I did not like his attitude. When I mentioned that to Bob tucker, one of the long time instructors at the dojo he laughed.

"Katy, the problem is you're uses to respect from everybody you meet. He sneered at you when he saw you in your gi. He acts like he caught you playing grown up in your mother's high heels."

"Well unlike him I have heard of him. He is good; but he not as good as you. I saw him compete in St. Louis once. I thought at the time he depends too much on his size and strength."

"Well, maybe, I hope he does not try to tell our students what to do. I will not stand for it."

"No that's a no-no anywhere."

I continued with a couple of the female students that was learning jujitsu, which is really a much better self-defense art than Karate. It's also why more of the Ultimate Fighters of mixed martial arts were from that style's schools.

When he came out of the locker room I saw one of the reasons he had sneered at me. He was wearing the same type of jacket as I was. Only his was like 20 sizes bigger. Out of the corners of my eyes I saw him looking around for someone to work out with. Now without any outward explanation I had become the head assistant instructor when Master Genwa was not there in the dojo. All the other instructors deferred to me.

I had asked Bob Tucker about it once and he stated that I had fought and won more competitions then all the rest of them combine. That was news to me. So I guess I had won the position by default.

About that time Master Genwa came in the front door and went to his office. A few minute later he stood in his door watching Cobb. He stood there with his passive look on his face that I come to recognize as his frown.

That's when I noticed that Cobb had approached the Master and was speaking to him.

"Sempai" I looked up and all the black belts were looking at me.

I went to Master Genwa and bow, "Sensei?"

"Our visitor would like to do some sparring. Be so good as to accommodate him."

"Yes Sir Master Genwa"

I bowed to Cobb.

His return bow was sloppily returned.

"Which style would you like to practice, Sensei Cobb?"

"Which ones are you skilled in?" his sneer was obvious in his voice. Behind him I could see all the students leaving the practice mats and kneeling on the side lines. The other instructors were suppressing grins and moving out of the way.

"I hold belts in Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido, single sticks, double sticks. I have won tournaments in my age and belt class in all of them plus multiple mixed martial arts tournaments. So why don't we just do all of them."

I saw his sneer slip for a minute then his disbelief that a female at almost half his weight could do anything to him came back. We went to the center of the mats and faced each other. I bowed again to him. He bowed then as soon as he was upright he attacked.

Like a bull he charged leading the way with a flurry of punches. I went down into a horse stance and blocked upward then did a front kick to his guts. Spun to his left and did a flying crescent kick to his shoulder as he went pass. I began my flow. This was something I had not done yet in competition so even if he had seen me fight previously he would not had seen this, only here in our dojo had anyone seen me do it.

I thought it was an outgrowth of my magic and my martial arts. It was like an unconscious weaving of the two. The first time I did it in a free style sparring with the senior Sempai was when all the other instructors conceded the senior position to me. It was as if I was water flowing down hill. I never stopped moving, my head went this way and my feet that way, my hands and arms in a different direction. He never made contact with me and I was all over him. When it was over he was laid out on the mat beaten into exhaustion. I waited until he finally got to his feet. He stood there with a look of fright on his face.

I bowed never taking my eyes off his face. I held it. He slowly returned it. "Another?" I asked.

"No. No I don't think so."

As I turned to the students, he spoke up from behind me,

"You could have killed me at anytime, couldn't you?"

Turning to face him once more, I answered,

"Easily, you are not fast enough to fight me. With true speed, strength is not necessary. If I stopped moving you are strong enough to kill me. So I never stopped." I pointed at our trophies wall. "Look at those."

I never lost my awareness of him. So knew he had gone to the wall and read the articles and the trophies there. They told of my last couple of years. He had then gone to the locker room and dress. He left quietly.

It would be years before I would meet him again.

By the time I was 15 and was preparing to graduate, our life was completely different then it had been just two years before. The family was much better off. Dad was being paid a large retainer to represent my company. Jenny was attending freshmen classes at East Wood High School.

She had stated that she would not attend Lynchburg High School. "There's no way I am following Tom and you. I am going to a school where nobody knew either of you. When I leave they will know that Jennifer Simpson had attended not the little sister of Thomas Simpson or Katherine Simpson."

She had a real point there and was smart enough to know it. Oh and she was planning on being a lawyer. Dad had finally found his protégé. She had been like my shadow for a couple of months and knew about the magic. She had no interest in learning it, just enough to protect herself. She wore charm bracelets, pendants, and even a tennis one on her ankles. Any person who came after her with ill intent was going to be a crispy critter. Then I would get them.

One of the charms let her know when anyone lied to her; a great artifact especially for a lawyer.

Tom was doing very well. I had cast a good luck and health spell on him. In his two years there he had started to attract some attention from pro scouts, but more important to him, he was an honor student. He had an intern job at a major east Texas electrical engineering firm.

I had found my college. It was not easy. I first used a map of the USA and my object finder. The pointer had settled on an area in east Missouri near but not on the Mississippi river. Then I had used a map of Missouri to find the town, Westerford. Then on the internet I searched the town information for all the colleges in the area. With that list the Finder pinpointed the school. East Westerford Institute of Liberal Arts home of the Muskrats, it showed their audacious nature by naming their mascot after a water rodent.

I found an older home that was dirt cheap. I bought it for its location; it was almost a block off campus. The neighborhood was zoned mixed residential and business. I hired a contractor to remodel the place but saved the appearance as much as possible. They basically removed the outsides and saved it. Then excavated a basement almost as large as the lot, a small part was used for the utilities to enter the building plus washer and dryer connections. There was a laundry drop into this area. An outside entrance with a ramp to be used to bring major items into the basement: furnace, air conditioner, washer and the dryer. A staircase reached up to the main floor. There was a wall with a hidden door to the rest of the basement. All doors to the basement locked from the inside.

The first floor had a modern kitchen and appliances. On one side of the basement door was a large pantry with a freezer in it. Outside the kitchen was a large enclosed porch, the windows could slide back leaving screens. It would be a great place to sit and study.

There was a moderate dining room and living room the doors were all double wide. These three rooms were shotgun fashion one after the other. On the other side of the house the floors were double strength supported. There the contractor had brought in a sub-contractor that knew about building a dojo. This was what they build with work out equipment and a mat for workout covering the rest of the floor. There was a half bath in the front of the main floor and a full shower room off the dojo.

An interior decorator selected the furniture for the rooms. There was an office, library and two large bedrooms with full bathroom in each of the bedrooms. The amount of money I was putting into this building would never be recoup from selling it later. But I posted a sign out front. "KS Enterprises, Missouri Headquarters." It was on the books as our Missouri division headquarters. I rented a room at $100 a month from the company. The final cost was $120,000 this was in a real estate depress area with low labor cost and high unemployment. In Texas it would have been worth over $200,000.

It was finished about 4 weeks before I would move there. After I moved, Dad would overnight all the mail he receive at his office to me.

That part of summer I was call to begin to do the job I was destine to do. A young girl had come up missing. Due to the police thinking it was a custodial kidnapping they did not respond with an Amber Alert. Most of the people in the area did not even know about it.

When they finally located the father they found he had been in the county jail near where he lived for more than 30 days. So he could not have been the kidnapper. Three days had pass before they started really looking for the girl. Then they started investigating the mother.

I became involve due to reconstruction of a side walk. One block of my six block lap was torn up and was being made ready for the concrete. I had found that out one morning so the next day I cross the street in front of my house and ran six block loop in the other direction.

As I was coming down the street on the other side I spotted police cars parked on the road. A cold shiver ran up my spine and the goddess crescent hanging inside my shirt began to warm up. By the time I reached the house it was almost burning. I reached into my fanny pack and pull out a pair of sunglasses. The thing of it was these were not normal sunglasses. With these I could see in the dark, and see things of an otherworld nature; Magic, supernatural entities.

The house was glowing red and felt like something evil. I hurried pass after finding the address.

After coming home from the dojo that afternoon, I searched the internet with that address. That was when I found the information about the kidnapping. Abby Foster 9 years old had spent the afternoon at a friend. The friend father with her and her brother had brought Abby home. They had watch as she had entered the house. Then they had left to go by the grocery store.

I fixed up my bedroom like I was in bed then went to my lab. There I got prepared for a little night time excursion. I put on a spare black gi I had with no embroidery on it and a plain black belt. Pulled on a black ski mask my wand scabbard hung from my belt and I carried my cane. The belt was my flying belt and on the back hung a fanny pack with my cell phone and sunglasses. I was ready.

Everybody was in bed when I slipped out of the house making sure the doors were locked behind me. I had made a special Finder for Abby's using a picture I had cut out of the paper. I walked around the block to her house. Cars that drove pass never saw me. I was encased in a spell that caused me to fade into the shadows. Near Abby's house I brought out my finder and it began to spin then to slow down its pointer was not aimed at the house but beyond it. I began to walk.

What seem hours later and might had been, I had exited the city and was traveling down a county road. I felt warmth on my chest and reached up to feel the Goddess crescent pendant hanging there it was warming up. Down the road I saw a shadow on the side move.

I cussed myself. What good were glasses that let you see in the dark if you are not wearing them? I quickly took them out of my fanny pack and put them on. The view lit up like daylight. But down the road the shadow persisted.

"Go back the way you came this way is forbidden." A voice like chalk on a chalkboard spoke.

"Who or what are you to forbid me the right to go where I please." I asked.

"I am a ruler of the night, the fear that strikes men dead."

Well that was a good answer.

"I am not dead; does that mean I am not a man?"

"You would play games with me? Who would dare?"

"I am a simple minion, a hunter for the Huntress the true ruler of the night; she who hunts the nights. Flee while you can."

"Flee? Never, I will consume you!"

It quickly moved toward me, I reached under my jacket and pulled the pendant out through my collar opening and let it hang free.

I began to glow with the shine of the moon, and where the light touched the shadow was burned.

A scream echo through the night as the shadow was eaten by the light.

I stood there shaking for a bit. Then I once more held up the Finder. And it now pointed off the road and up a ridge nearby. I began to walk that way.

At the top of the ridge I could look down at an old shack. There were a bunch of cars and trucks parked behind the shack. In front were a wood pile and a group of people circling the pile. They were all wearing dark robes with hoods over their heads. I began to walk down the ridge getting nearer. Soon I could hear chanting as the circle the wood pile.

As I got closer I could see something tied on top the wood pile. Nearby a person stood chanting. As they chanted the circle of people repeated the chant. This was some kind of ritual. There was some power here but nothing like what a ritual like this should have generated. If a spurt of power was not released every so often I would have thought this was just a bunch of posers. The place was lit up by anti-mosquito torches that you can buy from home depot for an outside barbeque.

I was close enough now to see a young girl tied up and laying on the wood pile. It was Abby Foster.

The leader of these nuts, voice got louder and he picked up one of the lit torches and approached the wood pile. When he posed to shove the torch into the wood my wand came out of its scabbard and I aimed at the torch.

"Pyro" a streak of flame reached out and consumed the torch. The leader screamed and stepped back shaking his hand.

I stepped out of the shadow. "Who are you to profane my Mistress Realm?"

The mob of people clomp together trying to get behind their leader. "It is you who has profane the scared sacrifice of our Great Master he will destroy you." He screamed at me.

"Well he has to be a lot better than your guardian on the road. My very presence destroyed him."

"Aesma! Destroy this intruder!"


"You must not have heard me. I destroyed your guardian on the road."

"Impossible. It rules the night!"

"Well that explains your problem. My mistress rules the night and she is a Goddess; Goddess out ranks simple demons."

I pointed to the moon. "Oh mistress of the night, The Night Hunter, the Great Huntress I call your blessing on me. I request of you a minor hunt to rid your realm of these evil ones."

The crescent glowed brightly as I turned to face the parking area with my wand pointing. "Pyro and Astra"

A streak of fire and lightening hit the parking lot and all the vehicles exploded into flames.

From behind me came growls as a pack of coal black hounds moved around me to face the people there. A pale white horse stood next to me.

I jumped and mounted on the horse's back. I felt something bounce on my right hip and glancing down saw an old fashion hunting horn hanging from my belt.

I bent down to the hounds and said, "Leave the bodies to serve as example to any other evils."

I sat back up and looked at the leader. He had backed up from the hounds. "The hunt has been called, survive until the sun rises and you will have escaped." I put the horn to my lips.

"Urgh, urghe, urgeeeeeee." It screams out at the night and the pack of hounds answered it with a bone chilling howl. The mob broke every one for their selves and they ran.

I rode to the wood pile where Abby was fighting with the ropes. I pulled her over the withers of the horse. And then we were away. There was nothing like riding to the Hunt. The thrill and fear were equal.

I soon had the rope off of Abby and she was sitting in front of me astride the horse. She gripped its mane firmly in her hands. As the hounds howled she answered them with her own scream. It was both pleasure and fright. She rode with me; and experienced the wonder and bone chilling fear of the Hunt.

We rode to the Hunt. We were death and we rode a pale horse through the night. She witness with me as the hounds pulled one at a time to the ground then kill that person. I bent to her ear as she saw the first one die. The black mist that was his soul rose and the hound jumped and consumed it.

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The HomeCumming

Money was no problem. I hadn't been anywhere that I could spend any for eight months and that had been my third similar tour in three years. I could live like a prince during my leave, but I had other plans. It was mid-September, I had twenty-eight days of leave in which to re-acquaint myself with my home environment, and I wasn't wasting a moment of that time. I was having a hiking and camping holiday such as those I used have as a youth, which was why I was now carefully picking my way...

3 years ago
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Replaced chapter 011

“Maid, the kids need lunch!” I scampered up the stairs. Kate was already getting accustomed to the idea of having a domestic servant. Fourteen months ago it was all a fun little fantasy as she messaged with Vince from bed. Then his visits became a regular thing, and the idea started becoming a little less far-fetched. This new chapter though was going to be a leap I was getting more and more nervous about. The girls loved him, and already thought of him as an uncle more or less, but now he...

2 years ago
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Lost and Found

It was a small club, one she hadn't been to before. That wasn't surprising, seeing as she had never ventured into this part of town before, nor would she now had it not been for Grayson. Grayson Peters was the answer to Robin's dreams. She never had the least bit of faith in dating services, and avoided online romances like the plague. Just such tawdry methods got her married to the wrong guy, and divorced after many bitter jealousy spats. One day, one late, lonely, night after three years...

1 year ago
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Dad Got A Gift From Daughter

So I made some plans. On Valentines day flowers started arriving at the house every hour on the hour. I called in to see how Dad was coping and I thought I saw some life in his eyes mixed with confusion as he realised the valentines day ritual was still alive even if she was not. Just like her he said, to organize this before she died. I left him to enjoy the thought that Mum was reaching out from the grave and set about with the rest of my plans. I had left Dad’s tux on the bed hoping he would...

4 years ago
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Cumfest Ft office co workers final encounter glor

It was mine and Cathys first day back at work after our holiday. Cathy her usual sensual self was wearing a white blouse with tan stockings and a black pencil skirt that was three quarter length and black high heels. I was in a normal white shirt with regular trousers and black shoes. I start my routine going through the priorities list I had the official document in my hand scanning through it. Secretly in my head the list contained just one word Cathy, Cathy, Cathy. We looked at each other...

4 years ago
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Mukuneiu Red Moon

~ -----The only thing she truthfully remembered of that cold night was staring into the glowing headlights as they passed by. Her skin was dry, yet felt brittle, and she trembled as she embraced herself from the chilling breeze. The young woman was alone, and frightened. ~ -----"You cannot possibly expect me to do that, mother!" she shouted with the full fury of her voice. Her mother had seemed awfully irritable recently, and even though Amy gave no mercy with her reluctancy, she...

3 years ago
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Makes Me Complete

I could hear them.Touching. Moaning. Kissing. Fucking. Through the walls, I could hear them so clearly. In the darkness I lay alone in his bed, listening to every move made just outside the door. There was a single candle on the nightstand just beside me. My eyes were glued to it as I listen, while my mind was twisting with the thoughts of how badly I messed up. The morning after our night together, I confessed everything to my...well, now ex-boyfriend. I hurt him so horribly that he...

Quickie Sex
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Havanas Lake Trip Part3

A couple of hours later I woke up to a small hand slowly moving the length of my cock. Up and down in long smooth strokes, I softly moaned as the hand made my cock harden. I gathered my wits together enough to figure out it was Havana's hand. I turned toward her and we kissed. Her lips still had the taste of Liz as we made out. My right arm drew her left breast to my face as I drew it into my mouth. I dropped my hand down to her sweet valley and slowly traced small circles with my...

2 years ago
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Bran O'Brian crouched among the hedge-groves, his dagger drawn as a man approached his position. Bran could smell the stench of oil and urine and quickly swallowed holding back his desire to gag. He crouched low holding his breath as the man drew closer. The man's armor clanked in the darkness as he went along his business. Bran's knees began to ache and his fingers grew numb form the cold, still he waited, silent and still as a stone. He knew his job and he performed it well. When the man...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 73

Admiral Soduk felt good now. His flotilla was finally on the move. There were now four battleships though one of them had recurring propulsion problems. Thirteen empty troop carriers for slaves or food animals were protected by six heavy destroyers and two of the lighter variety. His flagship, eight other heavy cruisers and a few dozen smaller ships accompanied him. The idea was to go from one system then to another dropping off a garrisons and sending some of the troop carriers home to...

2 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 23

I awoke to Carrie kissing me softly on my nose. She was already astride me — just waiting to make sure that I wasn't in dire need of the restroom before she slid down. When I smiled at her, she popped a breath mint in my mouth and kissed me solidly. "Here are the rules today," she said. Since I was trapped in her warmth, I pretty much would have agreed to anything. "No clothes unless we leave the house or we have company. Once an hour, I expect you to satisfy me orally, digitally or...

2 years ago
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Sex With Sweet 16 8211 4

Hi guys in the morning when i got up and found her no where with me. so I searched her in her room….she was there sleeping…..so I got fresh and had break fast….she got up and got ready wished me….and had break fast….she was really very much tired and was walking not normally….may be coz of last night….so mom asked her what’s the matter…. She told “nothing just fell down and had a cramp in back”….. I liked her sense of humor…… so every thing moved normally whole day and I was waiting for the...

1 year ago
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Summer Camp 2

Having been awaked in the middle of the night not by a bodily function of my own but of my bunk mates I eagerly awaited his return. All day a ran the nights events as best my memory would serve. Clearly the cabin was cold and shivering I feel asleep, exausted by the days activities. I only briefly remember the shy boy who slept across from me pleading to share body heat in the middle of the night with a promise of his extra blanket. I was only to happy when he climbed in to my small bunk and...

1 year ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 5 All Business

Mid-July in the boardroom of Acme Consumer Products Corporation in New York. The stuffy room was filled with multiple members of the board of directors of the corporation as well as major shareholders and their proxies. It was supposed to be a routine directors meeting but the issues of the parts manufacturing division growing too large and influential and degrading the other divisions proved to be a hot topic. The division didn't fit in with the rest of the company as it was solely...

2 years ago
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Bucket List Anal

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket!We each have our own list.We take turns to choose from our listsFantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like.If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them.If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night!If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No.No involvement of other people without mutual agreement.Safe word...

3 years ago
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Cumming From Behind

Come in, lover.I don't like to rush things, but we don't have a lot of time... Take off your clothes and I'll be right back.I come back with two things - a glass of wine and a small bowl, covered with a saucer. I lift the saucer, set it aside and hand you the wine with a smile. I let my eyes play over your curves while you sip, then I kiss you gently, right where your shoulder and neck meet. My hand reaches out to cup your breast, tweaking your nipple playfully.I sit on the couch."Lie down over...

3 years ago
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The Inhertitance

My name is Bill Knight and I'm 39 years old. I'm tall, six feet three inches, two hundred twenty pounds, sandy hair, green eyes; I have a muscular build and keep myself in shape. I work out a lot, but I also remodel houses, doing most of the work myself. I'm divorced after a fourteen year marriage. My wife was the chairperson of a fundraising effort for our local library and she and the co-chair, a lawyer named Bo Jackson, decided that some of their time would be well spent fucking instead...

2 years ago
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The Plumber and his Helpers

You are having a little problem with one of your toilets. You have called a plumber and I have just arrived at your door, tools in hand. You are dressed in a low cut t-shirt with no bra, a little knee length skirt and you're barefoot. I’m in my plumbing company coveralls with company insignia. I can see you have beautiful large breasts and I start to produce a bulge in the crotch of my fairly tight fitting coveralls. You take a quick glance but don’t initially seem to notice.You tell me the...

Group Sex
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Dream Come True With Naresh

Hi ISS Readers, this is Harish from Chennai. I am 24 yrs, 5.6′ height, 8′ inch tool, handsome and having six packs which helps me for sex encounter with my neighbors, girls and with my friends. I belong to Kerala and I am working in Chennai. I live here in a rented house. I am a biggest fan of ISS. Now I’m going to narrate one of my experiences with my colleague named Naresh. That was the time he joined our office. He is black, well built guy and his face looks very cute. I was always...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Joseline Kelly Juicy Booty Brunette Nympho Throws That Ass Back

Joseline Kavaski (previously Joseline Kelly) is ready to get raunchy, sloppy, nasty and covered in cum once again. This tattoo’ed brunette slut with perky natural breasts and a round, thick, incredible ass uses her prime pussy and dick sucking lips to keep this cock cumins over and over and over. She whispers filthy words while climaxing multiple times. She shakes her world famous ass and bounces it back from doggystyle and reverse cowgirl. Watch her pussy and mouth get stuffed with cum in this...

2 years ago
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An Incest Victim Grows Up

When I was in high school, I had been dating a boy who was sexually aware. Donnie kept pressuring me to have sex. Within a few months, I had partially given in and started giving him hand jobs. By the time that I graduated , this escalated to blowjobs. He kept after me, trying to get me to 'go all the way', and I continuously refused. I must say that I became quite expert at orally pleasing him. Finally, I conceded. On our first and only encounter Donnie had taken my virginity and was still...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 83

Robbi got to school in plenty of time to find a parking space and take a leisurely walk across the campus square to where she would have her class. She found a bench on the lawn just outside, and, since it had warmed up considerably, decided to sit for a while, before going in. She pulled her phone from her purse, and sent a text message to her Mom, telling her that she had arrived, and was getting ready to go inside, shortly. Mom returned her message, "Go get 'em, Sweetheart. Love Ya." She...

1 year ago
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After reading the title, I’m sure some of you are thinking, “who the fuck is Jav Doe?” “Is she (or he) some porn star who performs all kinds of naughty nastiness under a weird alias?” “Is she a mysterious porn producer who chooses an alluring, albeit confusing, professional name, kinda like Mr. Him?” (If you don't know who that is, check her out – she’s made some decent stuff.)No and no. Jav, for you uncultured newbs, is an abbreviation for Japanese Adult Video. JavDoe.com aka JavDoe.tv is the...

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An Unremarkable DayChapter 13

The next day, Jake decided to take a look at the land he was buying. He took out his whittling knife from his pack, the knife that hung at his waist was a weapon not a tool, and the map that George had given him. His plan was to mark out the boundary, then have a good look at everything that lay within that area. After breakfast, and while Sue was recovering the night's haul from her snare line, Jake cut a number of thin stakes from young saplings which had grown up around the cabin. He...

3 years ago
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Friendly Fun

Julie a 5’10’’ brunette with piercing green eyes setting off her olive complexion giving her a wild a****l appeal. And it was an a****l attraction we shared. Julie had/has an amazing body. Welled muscled deeply tanned legs that cause any eye to admire especially in tight shorts. Full hips and a firm but supple ass that invited your hand to cup and screamed for a slap. her tan-lined crotch highlighting her dark triangle of pubic hair directing your fingers, tongue, lips, and cock to her waxed...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rose Part 1

In my thirties we used to live next door to Jean and Frank. They were an older couple and great with us and our two offspring. We always referred to them as Aunt Jean and Uncle Frank. We moved away but occasionally kept in touch. A few years later (I was mid-forties by then) Frank sadly passed away and we attended his funeral to show our appreciation and respect for all he had done for us. It was 9 months before I saw Aunt Jean again. I was in the area on business and thought I’d pop in and see...

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Sweet Memories With My Niece

It was about 8 years back my niece Ramya and her class mate Sudha came to Mumbai to undergo engineering training as her project work and stayed with us. Ramya is fair complexion with large size boobs of 38D with nice rounded ass, sexy and good looking. Her friend Sudha is a lean girl with nice sexy features come from orthodox family. I used to take them out in evenings and holidays showing Mumbai as this is their first visit to Mumbai. During the first week they became very close to me....

1 year ago
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Second Place Isnt That Bad

American Idol was finally over. Though it was a tough race, Clay was not disappointed that his friend Ruben was the new American idol. After all it’s not like the public didn’t love him and his singing talents. As far as he was concerned America had made the right choice in choosing the both of them to be the two finalists. Clay sat for a minute exhaling the breath he didn't even know he was holding. American idol was over and before he got swept up in the rush of being a "star" he could just...

3 years ago
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Sara and Adrian The Start of Something Kinky

  Adrian had commented back to me on a few forum posts in the past, we were friendly toward each other and I had always enjoyed our interactions. We were both delighted to find out we lived in the same bustling city and often discussed current goings-on. Flirting of course edged into our comments over time, and soon enough he messaged me directly. It was in private our conversations really took off.   We began exchanging photos that slowly grew ever more risqué as the weeks wore on....

4 years ago
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NyxChapter 13

By our second week, it was getting harder and harder to find a gang in the neighborhood we had been working, yet, the crime rate in other neighborhoods had risen approximately in proportion to the rate ours had dropped. Then it dawned on us: the gangs were just moving to other places to escape our notice. OK, that was something that we could counteract. We took our map of high-crime neighborhoods and numbered them in consecutive order. There turned out to be 27, based on our somewhat...

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Sex With Sunitha At Mandya

After our trip to Mandya where we discovered sex with each other, we did not get too many opportunities to take out relationship forward. Sunitha got the job as a lawyer’s secretary that she had attended the interview for. So this meant that her trips to Hyderabad were reduced to nothing. However, she had kept in touch with me over the phone. She would call me at work so we could talk more freely. She admitted that she thought a lot about me and the sex we had. The next time I saw was almost a...

2 years ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 13 Its Not Just A Job Its An Adventure

Still being a young man Evan was inexperienced enough to be amazed at how totally incomprehensible these wondrous beings called women can be to the average male. Being an intelligent young man he was smart enough to abide by the ancient wisdom, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What amazed him more than anything else at this particular time was the seeming dichotomy of having two extremely submissive women with the need to breed suddenly take over and completely dominate his sexual...

2 years ago
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Stoned Sharon

Stoned Sharon By Solon Plorry The man shouted at the attacker! He had beaten me so bloody and laid one last hard kick at my head before he went away to join his girlfriend, his soft shoes making a welcome squishy noise as he faded out. I lay in the fetal position, almost afraid to breathe. I had been beaten to within an inch of my life, I think, and all I could do was moan. My chest felt caved in, and pain flooded my senses. I wanted to die! A calloused hand was on my...

2 years ago
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Our first fuck for an audience

We were in New Orleans, and as we often did, we were getting ready to take pictures of her in various sexy outfits, and playing with herself. I traveled quite a bit back then, and she knew I would look at them while masturbating when we weren't together. She liked knowing that I found them erotic.The hotel room we were staying in was well above ground level, so we weren't concerned with anyone seeing us at ground level. The room was quite nice and of course, expensive. It was a corner room,...

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Mofos Network! You know your site’s a big player in the XXX industry when you can recognize the logo from the countless times it popped up on other XXX sites. I’m sure most of you out there have been distracted by those gifs of various girls getting fucked on popular XXX sites like Pornhub, XVideos, XNXX and so on. Most of those advertisements are from Mofos, which is why they’re one of the hottest, most popular XXX domains today.They’ve been around for 10 years now, and I’m certain that plenty...

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The Girl Scout 11 Lights Out Dark Ending

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 WORK IT GOOD Lamont straddled the exercise bench. Lisa’s ass was slightly below his cock, just right. Hard, stiff, Lamont held his member in his one hand, her ass cheek in another and started...

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