MageChapter 26 free porn video

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During this time, Prostana had not had a chance to get hungry. Some of the larger predators had to try to get at us. Prostana was quick and I was afraid he was going to get fat.

We flew to the next closest site and began all over again. This time there were no animals around with magical compulsions to kill us.

Sonya and I did some calculating and flew with Prostana to the nearest site. This one though was easy to find. There was a giant bowl in the crust of the planet. It must have been ten kilometres across and very deep. It would have held a good sized lake but the wall on one side had ruptured and now a river flowed out.

Prostana said, "What has happened here?"

Sonya said, "Moldonia's base must have looked similar to this but it was much smaller. This... hole must have been at least a hundred times larger and when it was destroyed, the hole was gigantic. What we see has been worn down and filled over the centuries. I feel that there was a lot of life lost when this happened."

Prostana said, "The power to do this is something I cannot imagine. I can see now why there had been no sign of the old mages from that time."

"There is a very large island that we think has a spell on it to keep it hidden. Adam and I think that there may be mages there. We were going to go there to see if they would help us find our family if we cannot do so by ourselves."

We circled a while then after a short discussion we headed to the next on our list. Two more bases that were in mountain chains had been destroyed but none had caused the size of explosion that the first had been.

One morning we shifted course to get away from the mountains. The nearest base was in much better shape. It was out of the mountains and in a large savanna with one large upthrust of rock. What was odd about this was that there was the remains of a large walled city nearby. Though the base was our goal we decided to see the city first. I could sense magic about this area but its flavour was different than what I was used to. Whatever it was it was old.

We flew over it many times while looking down. The buildings were not high and those we saw poking out of the soil looked in perfect condition. The soil must have been windblown for quite a few centuries to get the way it was now.

Sonya said, "Do you know what this city reminds me of?"

"What is that, Honey?"

"Some of the cities we made. They are laid out in a park like setting. The streets are straight except in some areas that are obviously made for living. There even looks like the remnants of a river that once ran through the city. I see bridges, large culverts, what looks like a weir. Over there I see a stadium and what has to be a park."

"I think you're right. The only other cities we saw were more like slums. Mages had to have had a hand in building this city. They then had to keep it from getting overrun with humans."

Sonya said, "Do you want to land?"

I thought for a minute and said, "Yes, but outside the walls. There has to be a reason there is no people living in the city or near." We talked to Prostana and then we all landed near one set of massive gates.

Prostana could stand and see over the walls. He stood by our plane and said, "This is a beautiful place. Why are there no people here?"

I said, "I'd like to find that out too, Prostana."

We all stepped back a few hundred metres and both Sonya and I dug out some of our charged crystals. We were trying to come to an understanding of the spell if their was one. We must have been at it for ten minutes but we had found nothing. We were about to give up when Prostana came close. We suddenly found something that we had not detected before. Prostana must have sensed something too because he stopped then backed up. The tickle we had found disappeared even if we knew what to look for now.

"Prostana, will you go back to where you were a moment ago. We were getting something."

"I will friend Adam, with pleasure."

When Prostana came close again we found the source of magic. I beckoned Prostana closer and we found that the closer the colcha came the easier it was to perceive the many sources of magic surrounding the city.

"What did you find friend Adam?"

"We were able to detect the magic in the city only when you were near. The closer you came, the more sources we could find."

"I do not know magic, friend Adam. I know of no colcha that are. That is something for your kind of people."

"You may not know magic but you make it work much easier when you are near."

"That may not be so. When we met, you used a great deal of magic to heal me."

"My friend, you did not know us well then. When we started, you had to let us help. I would trust you now with my life and I think the trust is returned. Perhaps that was the ingredient we had to have to make this work."


"Perhaps trust and friendship."

Prostana turned to look at the city for a while then turned back. "You may be right. I would like to try more if that is permissible?"

"I would love to try that too."

Sonya added, "I would like to try too. Adam and I are much stronger as a pair and I feel that we will be even stronger when the three of us are near to each other."

We moved much near to the walls now and we were very near a magic source near the top. Sonya and I concentrated on this point. There was a very subtle weave to this spell. I talked to Prostana about what I saw and tried again to find a way to link to him. It did not work.

"Friend Prostana, there is a spell here but it is very convoluted. I would like to communicate with you on a deeper level. I usually am able to send my visions to others and they can work on the spells with me. Sonya is very good at this. If you would allow me to try I will promise to not harm you in any way. If you are able to see what I see, then you will understand what we are doing."

Prostana thought for a moment and then said, "This feels odd to me and perhaps wrong but I am curious. I will try to do this if you wish. My life has been much fuller since meeting you and your people."

"Thanks Prostana. I feel enriched by meeting you and your people too."

Rather than tackle a powerful spell, I produced a small flame like I had done when I was taught magic. "We will start small first, friend Prostana."

I tried for a while then Sonya took over. It was near nightfall when I made a tenuous link. From then on it blossomed. Over a small fire, we saw Prostana smile widely as he made a small flame appear. An hour later he had a flame over all six fingers.

"This is amazing friend Adam and Sonya. I had no idea that our people could do this."

"This is only the start. I think you have the makings of a mage within you. You learned this very quickly and then went on to control six flames."

"But friend Adam, it took a long time to learn this."

"It took us much longer to even begin to learn. I think your people are good at magic and only forgot this as you forgot to speak with your minds."

There was another long pause then Prostana said, "I hope you are right. This is too interesting to just ignore now. Will you teach me more?"

"I'll teach you what I can, friend Prostana. I'm not a mage though. I'm a trainee that has access to a lot of power. An apprentice or especially a mage is much more powerful because they know the spells."

"You can do some spells worth of a mage."

"I was lucky enough to find a mate that helps me discover new spells and ideas. It was this new information that I used. I still do not have all the practice I need. I only know some spells well."

Prostana said, "I would be happy to learn from you any way. You and your mate know the most about magic that I have heard of."

"There are three more real mages out there that know a lot more."

"I do not think I would want to be taught by them even if they were willing. They gain power through pain and death. Your way is much better."

Sonya smiled and said, "Maybe you can generate some power with your ladies."

This seemed to ring a bell in my mind. "Sonya, maybe that is the way to charge up those bases. They were not attuned to humans or humans do not have the power necessary."

"You may be right."

Prostana said, "What do you mean?"

Sonya said, "You know that we make love and the power goes into our crystals or into the base we made. The base we found did not seem to absorb our power very well but I think some was. The portals were only for people your size. It may be that those bases may be made for your type of people."

Prostana went into thinking mode and in a moment, said, "I would like to find out but I do not have my family."

Sonya said, "Your new family is back where you came from."

"They are old like me friend Sonya. They could not fly here very well. We could not make much power if they did."

"Friend Prostana, we healed many of those ladies. One in particular got a lot of our power. When we found you, you looked older but now you look much younger. Your ladies will too."

"I had not thought about that. I do feel younger and my body looks young too."

I said, "Let's find a base and see if we can bet one of your ladies to help us charge it up?"

"I would like to try that too. I miss them a lot."

We slept in out tent with Prostana nearby. I noticed that our crystals charged faster than usual and this must have happened before but we had not noticed the fact. I was wondering if Prostana was a voyeur but then again he was a friend that was interested in learning.

Prostana learned magic for the next ten days. He was an eager student. He learned quickly but he could not handle some of the more difficult steps. He seemed to be able to grasp forces in the forth dimension but none in the fifth. Through a lot of coaxing, we were able to interface with him. This is how he learned so quickly. The more he learned, the more he wanted to help and learn more.

We knew enough now to go after the magic spells on the walls. We were too far from them so we made a structure of tar and erected it near the wall so we could get a bit closer. It was good that we were cautious because it got very painful, the closer we got. Prostana didn't seem to be affected at all and only knew of this through our link.

We studied the spell in depth and treated Prostana as a student. He knew that we thought that the mages were devious and Prostana took our word for this. The spell took five hours to unravel and study. It was like the illusion spell in the mountains in that it was both simple and elegant. This we felt would be the way all spells should be.

The spell did not go back though. We had time for one more and this took an hour less. We did not take any shortcuts and it was good because the wrapping was not exactly the same. Prostana seemed to gain a bit more respect and perhaps a bit more fear of the mages that constructed these spells.

The next day was the same and at the end we had five spells in a row deactivated. Early the next morning Sonya and I made a device to get us over the wall safely. There was some feeling of animosity but that may have been what we put into the idea. Prostana simply flew over.

We used both magic and our senses to find any living beings or spells but the three of us could only find the small animals that we found on the open savanna. The larger buildings were constructed with magic, though it may only be a part. There was furniture inside but it was all rotted or eaten. What we did see was similar to what was available in the seventeen hundreds on earth. It was elegant and even ostentatious. I knew next to nothing about antiques but these pieces were beautiful even in their disrepair.

Most of the buildings were not constructed with magic and these were no more. They seemed to be the homes of individual families. I had hoped to find libraries or other information about what happened to the former residents. We found shelves for books and scrolls but none of the information. If there were I figured that rodents would have made short work of it over the centuries.

We looked for portals but found no indication of them. They used a small amount of power to stay open and by now they would have just ceased to be. We found one large field with some large smooth stones every thirty metres apart. These had glyphs on them but by now they were worn. I thought them grave stones until I saw a vague carving of a colcha. When I got Prostana to stand on one I knew that it was really a perch.

This could be something like an airport but not necessarily for the transport of humans. The colcha must be able to practice magic and not want to be used for transportation. There could be portals everywhere and also transport spells that could be used to locations that were plotted out before hand.

We slept within the city for a week before putting the spells back in place. Prostana had to go off to hunt and I guess we did too.

The old colcha did not act old when he hunted. He was all business. He killed an animal near his mass then tried his best to get around the majority of it. We got a few choice parts but this represented only a tiny fraction of the whole.

Prostana had to rest for a day as he digested his meal. After relieving himself he returned to the carcass. By the time we left, there was very little remaining.

We went to the upthrust of rock and found the entrance into the base proper blocked the same way the others had been. Prostana loaned us the end of his tail so we had his presence to assist us. We were able to move more of the rock than before and did it easier. Prostana used his hands because he was not as good at PK as Sonya and I were.

It took a day and a half to get deep into the rock and I was surprised to find that the depth of the rock nearly matched the thickness of the rock it was in. I had not noticed any corridor leading into the magic environment that I was familiar with.

The globe and the jewels were still here as was the four alcoves that would fit a colcha of Prostana's size. The glyphs looked the same for the most part and I had to assume the difference had to do with this particular base.

Sonya and I went out and discussed what we had found with Prostana. Later we searched for a possible transition into the base through a type of portal. There was magic all over here and more in the base but we could not find any particular source, just a vague feeling.

Prostana said, "How am I going to get into this area?"

I said, "We can transport you but the spell has to be very strong to get all of you into the base."

"Will you be able to get me out again?"

"I do not see why not."

"Would it not be better to transport mot only me but a female of my people?"

Sonya and I thought about this and she said, "Friend Prostana, it is not just your weight, it is producing the spell. Carrying two of you is only a little more difficult than taking just one."

"Then I should go back and see if a female will accompany me?"

"Friend Prostana, if you tell your friends that you can perform magic then those that are most conservative will try to stop you. They may even do so if one of your ladies want to follow. I am not asking you to lie but to not tell them everything. The lady though should be told everything."

Prostana had to think on this then said, "Let's visit my home for a short rest. I will do what I can."

We sealed up the base and then converted the rock to tar so that it would not come out. There were no people around but I wanted to make sure. We flew back in steps. A colcha had difficulty flying over five hours and we wanted Prostana to be rested when he arrived. Our own arrival was timed to coincide with Prostana's. This time we did not antagonise any colcha that was out hunting.

We greeted the colcha we met by name and most were polite back to us. Everybody wanted to talk to Prostana to find out what happened. He talked about the destroyed bases but mostly about the human city with a portion set aside for the colcha.

Prostana talked in detail and this went far into the night. The old snake was very observant and mentioned everything except his ability to perform magic.

Hosmic, Beena and Pondy were the closest to Prostana and listened avidly to his rendition of events. The three ladies were far more lively than when we had seen them last. Pondy invited Prostana to her room and instead of just accepting made sure Beena and Hosmic were invited too. We heard the mental communication of all three ladies giving the equivalent of a giggle.

Sonya and I learned what it was like to just watch. Prostana's mating ritual was violent. Bodies struck the solid stone walls and it was not just Prostana's. Sonya and I made our own music outside to charge our plane. Later we went inside and found Prostana still at it. We came close to him. Sonya tried to form a grid to capture the energy produced. This took a long time because the link had to be not only harder to establish, but different than the way humans did this.

Prostana and his ladies finished after dawn then went for a nap. Sonya and I did the same.

Around noon, Sonya and I got up and ate. We did some visiting of our own until near dusk. The colcha lovers got up then and we saw how they were wounded from their lovemaking. Prostana displayed his wounds with pride and seemed to strut as he walked. The ladies were not unscathed either but their wounds were much more dainty as if Prostana was careful to not harm them.

Prostana asked us to stay here and he went out to hunt. An hour and a half he came back and presented his ladies with a snack. He took a nibble and then went out again. We went close to the ladies after they finished and we asked if we could help heal them. There was a bit of talk then we started with Hosmic.

The second time he came back he was very tired. Sonya and I talked to him but touched him when we did so. We also healed him and tried to give him some of our strength. The old snake said nothing but soon left to hunt again. His ladies ate what they were given and huddled together.

The rest of the colcha were doing a lot of talking and Sonya was able to pick up enough for her to say to me, "Prostana is proposing in a way. He is saying that he can take care of three wives. The rest of the colcha seemed to be evenly divided. Half think this is a scandal and the other half are rooting for our friend."

The last load of meat came back and it was near the capacity Prostana could carry. We hurried to him and while congratulating him, we again gave what strength we could.

Prostana watched while the ladies ate then moved in to have some himself. When they were done, they went back to one of the rooms. Sonya and I had a lot of charged crystals in our luggage and used much of the power to heal all four colcha and a few of the others.

Sonya and I went out to out plane to make love and start charging our crystals again while Prostana worked to drain his testicles.

This procedure went on for tree more cycles. The ladies looked much better and seemed to be putting on some weight. We healed them during the day but eventually we started to catch up with the charging of our own crystals. This was done the second night because we brought the crystals with us when the colcha mated. It appeared that one of our friends had the power of twenty humans. We had used a great deal of power and now we were recovering it.

After a while, the colcha began to just have fun and did not go in for a full mating. By now the ladies were used to us being near. The first time we had to leave until Prostana got them too excited to notice us.

We walked with Prostana as we talked about what was happening until I felt some magic nearby. When I stopped talking, Sonya then Prostana noticed it too. Prostana said after a few minutes, "It is up one level." We had to be led the way he wanted. The corridor was empty of colcha living here and was dark. There was a long gentle spiral up nearly a hundred metres until we found more rooms for colcha to stay. It looked like this area had not been used for many centuries.

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As I was driving my Mistress home, I knew I was in big trouble. When I have a couple of beers, it naturally removes the protective filters and I’ll let my guard down. The woman who waited on us was absolutely stunning, and I guess I was flirting with her a little bit which Mistress picked up on immediately. I am not allowed to make eye contact with other women let alone stare at a woman’s breast, but the waitress was wearing a provocative outfit which enhanced her shapely figure. When she...

3 years ago
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Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter Even sprawled on the pavement the young woman looked quite lovely. "Are you alright? Here, let me help you." She lent on my arm and raised herself rather unsteadily to her feet. "Thank you! I must apologise. It was these heels. I'm still not used to them." "No, it was all my fault. Sorry, I shouldn't have bumped into you." I stooped to retrieve her bag. It was leather, with a gold chain shoulder strap. The heels were spikes on leather boots that came to...

2 years ago
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More Marsha episode 11

Dot inspected her nude body in the mirror with pride as she prepared for her friend’s visit that afternoon. Dot knew this beautiful young woman was coming to see her for more.  More sexual pleasure that she got a taste of the previous weekend with Dot and her friends.  Dot’s breasts still rode high on her chest at thirty-five, nipples prominent with large pink aureole. Her flat belly led down to the whisp of blond pubic hair that marked the top of her prominent mound of Venus. She cupped her...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Kamuk Chudai Padosi Couple Ke Saath

Hi, mera naam Manish h. Me ek college student hu. Me apne ghar pr he rhta hu. Baat tab ke h jab me 18 saal ka tha. Me ghar ka eklauta chirag tha islie mummy mujhe bahut pyaar krte thi. Mere bar baat maante thi. Maa ke bare me bata du. Unka naam kamini h and uss time unke age 33 thi and uske doodh or gaand kafi bade. Papa office ke kaam ke karan kafi tours pr rehte h. Mostly wo akele ya apne secretary ko saath le jaate h. Mummy ghar me akele reh jaate thi. Hamare flat ke saath me ek or flat...

3 years ago
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Wifes Unexpected Opportunity

I had returned to my family home, where we were ex-pats in the Far East. I'd been back in the UK for a month and my return trip confirmed what I knew all along, my wife had been having an affair with a work colleague.When I had asked her directly if she was having an affair she'd said, “No, don’t be silly - I love you and this was just sex." She had been horny and needed this in her life to distract her from work stresses.Lying in bed, wearing a dressing down, she slowly explained to me how...

Wife Lovers
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Its Actually Her Fault

I was standing there rooted to the doorway of my bedroom. Even though my eyes were seeing it, I still couldn't believe what was transpiring before me! All I could do was watch in shock as my son, my very own son, fucked his mother! How could I ever look at his face again? How would I ever be able to tell him to do anything again? Essentially, he had replaced me as the man of the house. Sure, I was the one who brought home the money. I was the one who took care of the house, but he was the one...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Vanna Bardot Pervy Pantyhoser

Mouthwatering brunette Vanna Bardot teases in hot pink pantyhose, lacy top and glitter heels. She’s perfect porn pulchritude as she lies on her back and gently caresses her tits and twat. Porn maven Mick Blue lets his camera take a walk all over the young beauty’s perfect bod. He soaks her covered rump with oil. Drenched, she rubs her wet twat under her hose, with an assist from Mick. Moaning Vanna fondles her clit while his thumbs plunge inside her cunt. The pervy pornographer...

3 years ago
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On The Journey Home

I suppose I couldn't really claim to be the innocent party that night, because subconsciously I knew exactly what I was doing even if I just let things happen. I was on my way home after being away on business and I'd pulled into one of those late night places that serve lukewarm coffee and burgers that seem to be made of a cross between carpet and cardboard. At the time I wasn't sure why I'd stopped because I only had another thirty or forty miles to go, but I figured later that it was because...

4 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 38

Leyota practically skipped from the building, tugging Jorgarn along with her. She reached the exit to find at least 20 people waiting for them. Fieth and Renoit came forward and gave Jorgarn and Leyota a cup filled with ale and pointed laughingly to another wagon with three casks on the back of it. "Hail," Pernice yelled. "The happy couple!" The crowd broke into spontaneous applause and many people stepped forward to congratulate the pair. Leyota looked taken aback. "You didn't...

1 year ago
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Lilly Michael

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was 2 in the morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and thought who could be at my door at this hour. I open the door to find my eightteen year old brother standing there with a little suitcase in his hand. “Hi sis, mom got drunk again and kicked me out of the house for good, and……. Could I stay here tonight please?” He started to cry, and I pull him inside and hugged him. We stood there for about five minutes when I broke away and I said,...

2 years ago
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Mel stands for Melissa

'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...

2 years ago
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Severance Pay

Severance Pay PROLOGUE The radio clipped to my pants pocket beeped several times before I could put down the slice of pizza and wipe my hands. Pulling the radio free, I pressed the 'talk' button. "Yeah" I said, shoving the last bite of pizza to the side of my mouth so I could talk. "Andy, get over to dock six. We may need a ruling." "A big one?" "So they say." "Do I have time to finish my lunch?" "If you can do it in ten minutes." Damn it. "Okay, I'm on my...

2 years ago
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Another night with a coworker

Sitting alone at home, I felt like the world is against me. Another sitcom rerun on tv. My girlfriend of six months had broken up with me two weeks earlier using the excuse that she wasn’t emotionally available and needed to be single for a while. Turns out she was seeing someone behind my back and lied right to my face. All I could think about was how much of a bitch she was and how I had lost so much confidence in relationships after her. I hear a knock on the door. Getting off the couch to...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Ch 07

‘Kate?’ Ragnar murmured, into the quiet of the evening. ‘Mmmm?’ Kate replied, snuggling deeper into the warmth of Ragnar’s chest, relishing the feel of his hard body so close to hers. She would never grow sick of cuddling this man. ‘Can you turn over for a bit? The baby is kicking me relentlessly.’ Ragnar said apologetically, he didn’t want to disturb her, but he was due up in an hour for taking command of the night rowers, and needed some sleep. And currently his child was kicking through...

3 years ago
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One Night With A Lady In Mumbai

Hello ISS readers, I know you all are ready and pumped up for your next story. I am sure I will not disappoint you. Be ready with your hands and your private parts, close the door. Let’s start. I am a 25-year-old guy, living in Mumbai. I am from a small city, but I always dreamed about big cities like Mumbai. I moved here in 2017. I am exposed to sexy part of the city, the beautiful girls roaming around. All are well dressed and groomed. I am also impressed with the ladies in 30s and 40s. they...

3 years ago
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Starting boarding school

That's the last thing I remembered I'm waking now I move my head to see myself still handcuffed to the bed with jasmine asleep on my tummy. I wiggled around trying to wake her because I need to piss really bad she doesn't stirr I wiggle around for a hour until she wakes up. " morning baby oh it's already midday well I got go I'll be back in a hour" jasmine said putting on her robe and leaving the room before I could object. Now I was really busting I just had to I pissed all over...

2 years ago
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Charismas Gift From My Sexy Neighbor

Hi this is Prashant, a computer engineer from Goa, an average build guy. And have a thick cock; you can see yourself in private. I am a fan of iss for quite some time now; i first encountered iss when i was in 11th standard. Since then i am a viewer of this site. This site allows me to explore more about sex. After that i had sexual relationship with many female (from teachers, to my neighbors, to juniors to classmates to my students to my aunties). Coming to my story, this story happened long...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 23

When we all came out of the showers, Bonnie joined Brandy and me in a pretty hot embrace. The three of us were hugged up and groping as if we had never seen each other naked. No matter how many times I see my sister naked, I’ll always be amazed at the way she looks. Some people just don’t look as good naked as others (I remembered all the people we saw at the nude resort), Bonnie isn’t one of those. Then there is Brandy. Even at fourteen, she has the looks and body of someone Bonnie’s...

3 years ago
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Hands On Studying

It was Friday after noon and all he wanted was to get home after a long day of teaching. He was fresh out of college, only 26 years old, which tended to cause problems when you’re a male teacher, seeing as all the young hot girls put in a torturous effort to get his attention. What made things worse, was that the dress code policy was extremely laid back. Basically as long as they all had both a top and bottoms and shoes on, they were fine. What that meant was sitting though period after period...

4 years ago
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A BadMans Revenge

A BadMan's Revenge William Bonnie gets revenge on Pat Garrett. This story takes place in modern times. I did get this from Hedi, Bobbie, Larry, Helga, Nicole, and Billy. I hope you like it. Peace. Belle. Pat Garrett was a mean person. Pat was the type of person who would throw a sack of kittens or puppies in a river for laughs. William or Billy as he was called, would fight when he had to. Billy never went looking for trouble, but always caught the short end of...

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Demetrius Ch 02

Chapter 2 The following day… He got to his feet unsteadily using the kitchen table for support, making his way to the bathroom. After throwing up he raised his head slowly, looking in the mirror. He looked dreadful and pale like he did when he had the flu. Turning his head to look at his neck, he saw the swollen purple puncture wounds. ‘They’ll heal in a few days,’ she wrote. ‘Finally after all these years I have something from her,’ he thought in mock appreciation. It hardly mattered if...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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REVENGE Stage 3 Direct Approach

I was preparing to act so early on my plans for two reasons; I may get caught in the near future... and I didn't want them to have ANY time to rest and recover over the last two harsh acts, mostly the disappearance of Shannon. Haha, I still love hearing that name. My next target was Jessikah, it was a strange way to spell the name I always thought, but that was just something for idle chitchat, this was more serious business. I watched Jessi close throughout the day, she was really...

4 years ago
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Blown by Daddy but not like you think

I knock on the door of the cell that i share with my new Daddy. I feel so excited because i've been all prettied up in other cells, by inmates, and i really look like a sex machine! Daddy will like me a lot better now! But i'm also scared because i have blown another cock, and he will probably not like that...Also, i have learned that i will want to suck other cocks too, even while i am with Daddy...I just hope he will approve...I knock i and i hear a "come in Candy". I thread in on my high...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little Sluts

I had fucked my girlfriend rough doggy style until I filled her pussy with my seed. She had been insatiable within minutes she had given me head to get me hard again and mounted me reverse cowgirl and bounced up and down on my shaft until I filled her cunt again. After a few minutes I rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I was facing the wall when I woke up. I heard voices I didn't role over because I thought I was dreaming. "Katy likes licking her son's come out of Jill's pussy!" I could hear...

3 years ago
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Naughty mamma an daughter

Well my girl wanted a three sum so I let her pick the girl an the one she picked was a little dirty cause she had gave me head an had a threesome with this hot girl well I had my way with heran all she did was sit on the girls pretty face.after I told my girlfriend she wanted her to join us .so we had her over with a few friends well her boyfriend was downn ass she was sucking my cock while my was eating her pussy as here man called for they left butt to our surprise she cum back to get...

4 years ago
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MailmansLast Day

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a $25 gift certificate to a fine restaurant. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a box of chocolates. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a...

2 years ago
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Big Busty Wild Aunty Fucked Hard

Hi all, this is Vandana again (name changed) with . I’m a big busty 35 years old female living with my MIL and son in a town ( I don’t want to reveal the name) in Tamilnadu. My husband works in another state. I let other guys take advantage of my body for their needs. On the other hand, I exploit their young body for my uncontrolled rush for sex. My family is an Orthodox family, but I’m a wild cat. I have a very attractive figure for my age, 36-32-40. Most of the guys would do anything to have...

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Courtship by ProxyChapter 6 Lauren

“You appear younger than your other Sisters,” Kyle told her. Lauren had a small scar on her chin that Kyle had the strongest desire to kiss. Other than the scar and the obvious tattoo on her leg, she looked flawless. “I may appear a few years younger than Cammy and Tara, but we are the same age.” “Don’t get me wrong,” he said. “They are both beautiful women, it’s just that you look like you’re still in high school, or college at the latest.” “Yes,” she said nodding. “I do get carded...

3 years ago
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My amazing first time part 2

It had been about a week and a half since Johnny and I had lost our virginity to my sister!! And her sexy best friend Jessica. Johnny was over at my house and we were just hanging out and playing video games and that’s when we heard the door open down stairs we got really excited because it had been awhile since we had jerked off and that made us some very horny 12 year olds. When we got downstairs we saw who it was my mom……. We both sighed and went back upstairs. That’s when Johnny screamed...

2 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 13 Meeting Brett

For Friends and Family Part 13 - Meeting Brett I told Amy how my first meeting with Grenville had gone, she was amazed and slightly shocked saying, "But Nichola would never have dared to say things like that, you could get rumbled." I explained to Amy, "As a pseudo woman, that man made my skin crawl, he is everything even as a man I detested in other men, Amy, I'm not going to let him touch me, AND the next time he does I will break his fingers!" Amy listened to my rant with wide...

2 years ago
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Father vs Daughter Chapter 1

“I hate you both!” Emma screamed at the top her lungs before forcefully slamming the door to her bedroom shut. She stomped over to her bean bag chair and plopped down in it. It was the second time she’d been grounded for attempting to sneak out the house to be with Dillian, the guy she loved. Her parents clearly didn’t understand how hard it was to be a teenage girl. Dillian was the captain of the football team and the guy every girl at her school wanted. It took some effort to keep a guy like...

3 years ago
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Banged My Classmate

Hi and hello to all my dear ISS friends. Myself Amit and I am from Delhi. This story is all about how I banged my classmate at my room. Lets come to the story. I was preparing for civil services and was taking coaching from a reputed coaching centre in mukherjee nagar. There was a girl named simranjeet. She was so gorgeous that all the time I used to look her and dreamt to fuck her. One day I got a chance to talk with her. She was absent one day and next day she came late and fortunately sit...

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The Photo Shoot

The shoot was scheduled for a seedy Bronx hotel, all dirty walls and bedraggled furnishings, apparently to highlight the contrast between the exclusive and outrageously expensive lingerie and the squalid surroundings. Eve had various misgivings about the reasoning behind the location and so on, but mainly wondered why posh women would see these fancy knickers in a Bronx flea-pit and suddenly decide they simply must own a pair.The photographer, Stuart Thorn, planned to pair Eve with another...

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sex control

how to make your husband a much better person also more caring of your needs and have a better longer sex life it is good to try new start off with 5 different coloured beads white red blue green and black.Now if you treat your wife good or do something niece for her buy flowers take her out for dinner buy her a new sex toy or just do something nice without bitching about it you might end up with more white beads in the bottle .here is how it works get a dark bottle and 15 beads of...

4 years ago
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SodomGomorra 2 geheime Stadt der Snde

Wir befinden uns in der nahen Zukunft. Aufgrund der immer größer gewordenen Imageprobleme wegen der vielen Sexskandale, in die kirchliche Würdenträger verwickelt waren, hat sich der neue Papst zu einem radikalen Schritt entschlossen. Mit einer zweigleisigen Strategie will er das Problem ein für allemal ausrotten. Einerseits werden pädophile Übergriffe von Priestern und Nonnen erbarmungslos und sofort zur Anzeige gebracht. Der Papst weiß, dass hier die öffentliche Meinung besonders sensibel ist...

2 years ago
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Our Institute Computer Lab Had Become A Sex Lab For Me

Hi readers, This is a true incident which happened in my life one year back. before going to story let me introduce my self, am Ajay married with lovely wife , I am aged 36 from Davangere karnataka. This incident happened 1 year back, I was working as a faculty in a computer institute in Davangere where many students were middle aged or married among them some were married women who also attended the classes to kill their time or to become computer literate, among them some were unsatisfied...

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