I Won?Chapter 5 free porn video

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“I tried to tell them I wasn’t your girlfriend and that I was just your slut, but either they didn’t believe me or they didn’t care.”

“They’re the type who don’t care,” I said. Christ! I win some money and every jerk and his brother is trying to figure out a way to take it away from me.

“I told them I wouldn’t mind getting gang raped if I could choose the gang, but they didn’t think that was funny at all.”

“Some people have no sense of humor.”

“So what do I do?”

“Talk to the school office or call the police?”

“They warned me not to do either or else. I didn’t ask them what the ‘or else’ involved.”

“That figures. Do you know any of these bitches? Their names?”

Elizabeth only knew the name of one of the girls, but she knew all three girls hung out together. She didn’t know if they had any gang affiliations. They wanted the first thousand dollar payment by Friday and then every Friday after that. That gave me a few days to work with, but I didn’t know what the heck I was going to do. I couldn’t go beating them up for threatening Elizabeth. I’d be the one in deep shit if I tried that. I told my friend to plan on going to school tomorrow, but to call me if she felt threatened and I would drive over to the school and pick her up. Once I got off the phone I repeated what I had just been told to Kristina.

“I don’t know what the fuck to do.”

“Maybe I can help,” my sister said.

‘I don’t know how.” She ignored my comment, grabbed her phone and retreated to her bedroom. I couldn’t think of anything useful to do so I logged onto the computer and got on one of the free sex stories sites. I found a couple of stories where there was a lot of killing and maiming of the bad guys. I found myself wishing I had the guts to do the same things this fictional hero was doing to people who annoyed him. It didn’t solve any of my problems, but I did feel a little bit better.

I read porn stories until I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, but Kristina said it was for her so I let her answer it. She opened the door to a tall black girl.

“Jack, I’d like to you meet Fredetta. Fredetta, meet my brother Jack.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Fredetta,” I said as I stood to greet the girl. I was able to look her straight in the eye without looking down. We weighed about the same, but she didn’t look fat. Solidly built like she worked out. I tried hard not to stare at her tits. I felt my loins twitch.

“Nice to meet you too, Jack.” Fredetta had a nice friendly smile. She wasn’t what I would call beautiful, but I had a feeling she knew the effect she had on me.

“Fredetta goes to the same school you recently departed. I know her mom from work. This young lady is going to take care of a couple of problems for us.” Kristina immediately saw the doubtful look I wore and read my mind. She said, “Look, Jack. Those bitches cornered Elizabeth in the girls restroom where a guy can’t go to protect her. Right?”

“Right,” I responded. “I get it now. What about Candy and Mandy? There’s a guy bothering them. Do you think you can handle that problem, too?”

“No need to worry about that,” Fredetta said with a grin. “I’ve been training in mixed martial arts for the past three years. There aren’t that many women in my weight class so I’ve been mainly training with men. There are some men I’ve sparred with who have learned the hard way that I should not be taken for granted.”

“That sounds fine. How much do you want to protect them?”

“Are you talking about money?”

“That’s right.”

“I dunno,” Fredetta responded with a shrug. “My momma told me she needed me to do a favor for a friend so I didn’t expect to get paid for it. I don’t think it will take more than five minutes to put the fear of God into these girls who are bothering your friend or into that guy either for that matter. Will twenty dollars be asking too much?”

“I think my brother can do a little bit better than that,” Kris said.

“He can?”

“How much better was I thinking about, Kris?”

“Your mom told me you will have to interrupt your training at the end of the month until you save up some more money.”

“The school is not cheap. That’s for sure,” Fredetta responded. “Almost 200 dollars a month, but it’s one of the best mixed martial arts schools around here. Any money I can scrape up will be going toward my training. If you can do better than twenty dollars, it will surely be appreciated.”

“Jack was thinking about paying your martial arts school tuition every month for as long as you’re protecting his friends.”

The girl gasped and stared at me like I’d just grown a second head. “You can do that?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I suppose I can.”

“Who are you, that lotto winner?” I nodded my head. Fredetta grinned and took me by surprise when she wrapped her arms around me. “Nobody’s gonna lay a hand on any of your women unless it’s you, you hear?”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

“I heard about that fight. I’d be happy to deal with that clown for you, too. No extra charge.”

“Thanks for the offer. I think I proved I can handle him by myself.”

“You do realize he’ll most likely have help the next time, don’t you?”

“I don’t doubt it.” I already knew that when he showed up at the biker bar with friends.

“Okay. Let me know. One last question,” Fredetta said. “Are you in the market for another girlfriend for your harem?”


“I’m still a virgin, but I’m a quick learner and eager to please.” The young woman gave me a sultry smile and nudged her pelvis against mine. Mr. Stiffy responded like a champ and was already wanting to come out and play. I could hear my sister giggling.

“He’s kind of shy, Fredetta,” Kris said. “You’ll probably have to seduce him like the others did.”

“I am not shy,” I protested. “And I was not seduced. It’s just maybe we can talk about it? After some of this settles down?” I didn’t want Fredetta to feel like she’d been rejected so I gave her a pelvic nudge of my own so she could feel my stiff dick poking her. She smiled in return.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Fredetta responded. We exchanged phone numbers and she told me to have the girls contact her tonight so they could arrange to meet them at school before classes tomorrow.

“Phew!” I exclaimed when my newly hired muscle left. “I guess I don’t have any self control.”

“Oh, I think you used remarkable self control.”

“What do you mean, Kris? I wanted to fuck Fredetta just like I’ve wanted to fuck practically every girl I’ve met lately.”

My sister giggled. “Not that she didn’t want you to. She was begging for it, but you were a gentleman. That’s what I call self control.”

“I can tell I’m not going to get any sympathy from you.”

“You don’t need any sympathy from me, Jack,” Kristina responded. “Listen. You just won a shitload of money and you have girls and older women falling all over you. No great surprise there. Sure. Money and women bring along their share of problems, but it beats poverty and beating off alone in your bed each night. I don’t think there is anything you can’t handle so don’t start feeling sorry for yourself.”

“I’m not feeling sorry for myself,” I protested. “I just think I won’t be to do right by any of these women if I have too many of them.”

“Oh my!” Kristina exclaimed. “What a problem to have. You poor boy. As far as Fredetta is concerned I don’t think you can go wrong. In fact, you’ve been very lucky with all the women you’ve gathered so far. And believe me when I tell you that you’ll hear it first from me if I feel any woman you meet isn’t right for you. As far as doing right by your women I think you’re doing fine so far.”

“I am?”

“Sure you are. Look. What these women are looking for is a feeling of safety and security for themselves and their children. Cynthia, Sandy and I tried to find it by marrying a man. Well, you know how that worked out for me with Rick. The younger girls are looking for the same thing as their mothers. Each one has a faint hope that she will be the one you will marry.”

“I know they all want safety and security.”

“That’s right,” Kristina said. “I don’t see any of those women as gold diggers or fortune hunters. If I find out otherwise, I’ll be showing her or them the door, forcefully if I have to.”

My sister finally convinced me I was in fact doing right by these girls and I shouldn’t worry about how I was treating them. But she did say that she was gong to put me under close surveillance from now on so I didn’t pick up any future strays. Kristina also told me she was gong to be busy for the next couple of weeks with appointments for Jackie and herself and would be using the car.

“It’s your car,” I pointed out. “So you can do anything you want with it.”

“I know,” my sister responded with a big grin. “I’m still not used to that fact yet and it’s nice to be reassured.” I didn’t feel the need to buy a car for myself right away, but it was a nice feeling that I could when I wanted to.

Fredetta must have done something right. Less than 48 hours later Elizabeth called and told me the three girls who had been threatening her for cash were now acting deathly afraid of her. Then Sandy reported that the guy who had been bothering Candy and Mandy came to school with his arm in a sling and and acting totally uninterested in her daughters. He claimed he slipped and fell and was looking into suing the building owner where he fell. I called Fredetta’s martial arts school and arranged to pay the next 12 month’s tuition. They gave me a one month discount for paying Fredetta’s tuition a year ahead. Kristina reported that Rick had been served with divorce papers. Tom Paine called me and said my lotto money had been deposited. I was rich. He also sent me a bill. Man! The guy wasn’t working on the cheap. Still, I felt good paying him. He was protecting my interests.

“Mr. John Dempsey?” The man asking was standing outside the school district building where I took my exams.

“That’s me,” I said.

The man handed me a packet of papers and said, “You’ve been served.” I was bewildered more than anything else.

“Uh, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied with a surprised look and left. I guess he wasn’t used to being thanked.

A quick look at the top paper told me what I needed to know. Rick was suing me for fraud, misrepresentation, breach of contract and a bunch of other stuff. Some of the allegations were a complete mystery to me, but the long and the short of it told me that he wanted all of my lotto winnings. It was no surprise Rick had found me. I wasn’t exactly in hiding. It didn’t take long for me to complete the exam I had come to take. I put in a call to Tom. He was in court so I told his secretary that I had been served with a civil complaint. She told me to get a copy of the complaint to Tom’s office and asked who was representing the plaintiff. I recognized the lawyer’s name. He was the same guy who represented Rick on that drug plea bargain. I guess you go with who you know. I found an Office Depot and faxed the papers to Tom’s office. Tom called me later that afternoon.

“I made a courtesy call to the plaintiff’s attorney,” Tom said. “I told him that my firm is representing you and we would be responding to his client’s suit. I also asked him to direct further communications to my office.”

“What did he say?”

“About what I expected. He claims to have an excellent case and the evidence will show that you cheated your brother in law out of the winning lotto ticket that rightfully belonged to him.”

“That’s total bull.”

“You know it. I know it. I’m certain Rick and his attorney know it.”

“So what’s the point?”

“I got the impression that they would rather settle the case in an expeditious manner instead of letting the case drag on for years,” Tom said. “In fact, the plaintiff’s attorney told me he was authorized to negotiate a settlement on his client’s behalf immediately. I told him I wasn’t authorized to negotiate anything on your behalf, but I would relay any settlement offers to you for your consideration.”

“So in other words, Rick wants me to give him some money. In return he’ll go away and stop bothering me.”

“That’s correct.”

“How much money?”

“He suggested half of your lotto winnings would be a fair settlement of the case. I suspect they would settle for a lot less.”

“Tell them to go stick it, Tom,” I responded. “We’ll see them in court. And don’t listen to any more settlement offers. I don’t want Rick to get a single dime of my money.” We spent a couple of minutes discussing some other matters. I wanted Tom to draw up a will and set up a trust fund so that my family would be protected if anything happened to me. Jeez! I thought. I’m 18 years old and I already have to start thinking about my eventual death. I hoped it was a lot later than sooner. Tom referred me to a CPA and an investment adviser. I promised to make appointments with both outfits and we ended the call.

“Do you want me to talk to this Rick person,” Fredetta asked.

“No, thanks,” I said. “I have a feeling you ‘talking’ to that clown would create more problems rather than solving any existing ones. Thanks for the offer though. I may take you take you up on the offer at a later date.”

“Any time,” my latest bed partner said. Fredetta had shown up at my door not too long before that phone call.

“Which one is your bedroom, Jack” she demanded.

“His is the one on the left,” Kris said.

“Uh, what’s this about?”

“No one pays a year’s worth of my tuition without getting something in return. You’re getting my cherry right now.” The tall black woman grabbed my hand and pulled me toward my bedroom.

“You don’t have to do this,” I protested. “You deserved that tuition payment after the way you protected the girls.” Fredetta ignored my protests. I resisted a bit, but not too hard. I didn’t want Fredetta to think I didn’t want her. I did want her. The bedroom door closed behind us and we both started ripping our clothes off without a further word exchanged. I could tell the young woman was getting kind of shy when she was finally naked standing before me, unsure where to place her hands. Not nearly as self confident as she was acting a few minutes before. I decided I didn’t want a frantic fuck. I climbed onto the bed and motioned Fredetta to join me. We embraced and kissed.

“Are you on the pill,” I asked. “You won’t be be able to continue training if you wind up carrying my baby. Also, you have to ask yourself; will a pregnant bodyguard ever be taken seriously?”

“Thank you for asking,” Fredetta replied with a giggle. “I don’t believe any other man who would have bothered to ask and I appreciate your concern. To answer your question: yes, I am on the pill and have been since I was 12 years old. That was when older boys and men started badgering me for sex. The very real fear of being raped was what prompted me to start studying martial arts. To earn my tuition I became a babysitting demon.”

“You can probably start cutting back on your babysitting jobs,” I said.

“That’s for sure,” the black coed replied and followed that up with a kiss. “Now, are we going to continue talking or are we going to get down to some fucking? I hope it’s some fucking because I’m anxious to find out what a man’s dick feels like inside my pussy.”

“I’m ready whenever you are,” I responded. Fredetta straddled me cowgirl style, lined up my prick with her pussy and sat back spearing herself in the process taking me by surprise. That had to hurt I thought as I saw her flinch.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. It did sting a bit though.”

“No sense in hurting yourself. Take it easy. We’re not in any rush.”

“I’ll be all right,” Fredetta said and started moving. Slowly and tentatively. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be concentrating. I didn’t move and let the girl set her own pace. Gradually she picked up her pace and smiled. “Oh, I like this!”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

Fredetta closed her eyes again and began to hum tunelessly as she rocked back and forth on my dick. I concentrated on my own feelings and admiring the girl’s perfectly fit body. My own pale hide appeared sickly beside my new friend’s dark brown toned skin. I resolved to start working on my tan as soon as possible. My first interracial experience, I realized. A child born to us would definitely have darker skin than me. The thought of fathering a biracial baby made my loins twitch and I started returning the black girl’s pelvic thrusts with thrusts of my own.

“Fuck me faster, fucker. I’m getting all shuddery.”

“I’m fucking as fast as I can,” I growled. I pulled the girl down against my chest and thrust harder finally emptying my sperm inside her.

Fredetta kissed me and said, “My finger used to offer the best sex I knew about before this. Now, it will have to take a back seat to your dick.”

“I hope your finger doesn’t get jealous.”

“My finger won’t get jealous as long as I keep using her. And I’m going to be using her plenty, but I’ll be thinking about you and your dick while I do it.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” I said and kissed her. “Are you ready to go a second round?” That’s when my phone rang and I saw it was Tom. My second round of fucking with Fredetta was much more leisurely.

“Well, that was a surprise,” I told Kristina after Fredetta left.

“A pleasant surprise, I hope?”


“Good,” my sister responded. “I knew you’d be pleased.”

“You knew she was coming?”

“Of course I knew. I arranged for Fredetta to be here.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess that makes sense.”

“It makes perfect sense,” Kris said. “No guessing about it.”

“From now on, will you please tell me when you plan on having one of the girls over?”

“That’s no fun. There are no surprises then.”

“Just the same, I would appreciate a little notice.” Actually, I would have preferred making my own dates, but it looked like Kris was having a lot of fun and I didn’t want to spoil it for her too soon.

Same as I Won?
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Across the BorderChapter 27

“Mr. Azzhat. I’m Detective Julie Johansson and I’m here to ask you a few questions. I realize that you can’t talk with that ventilator, but I’m told you can communicate by shaking your head for ‘no’ and nodding for ‘yes’. Mr. Azzhat, are you up to answering a few questions for me?” A nod. “Good. As you were told, the other three in your car did not make it. I’m sorry for your loss. But it’s my understanding that when they brought you in you told them downstairs that a car ran you off the...

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Its Nothing That You Havent Seen Before

Introduction: My ex-wife invited me to go camping with her and our son. Fbailey story number 681 Its Nothing That You Havent Seen Before We had been divorced for two years when I got a call from Charlotte, that she wanted me to go camping with her and our son. I said no but she always could be persistent. Eventually I gave in just to shut her up. Charlotte had it in her mind that we were going to backpack into some wilderness and survive off the land for ten days. Yeah, right! That bitch...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 6

I went through into reception to see my ex-wife sitting there. She was a big lady, maybe one some people would call a BBW. Today the was dressed a little more conservatively than the last time I had seen her, but only just. She wore a very tight low cut top which exposed her massive cleavage, a short skirt and when she crossed her legs, I caught a glimpse of her stocking tops.'Ah sissy' she said, 'I'm here to check up on you'I hurried outside with her as quickly as possible, hoping nobody had...

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The Ring AOChapter 90 Homeward bound

On Monday Helena called William and asked, as Suzanne was here, for a board meeting just to formalise things. William agreed and arranged for a 2.30pm meeting time. Claire picked up Helena, Fred and Suzanne. Zac being relieved with giving Helena the news decided to rest by the pool. They arrived at VatAirCo just before 2.30 and were warmly greeted by the staff. William, Engineer and Paul were already in the board room. Helena took the position as chair with both Suzanne and Claire note...

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my girldfriend leave me and i did this D

Hello i want to tell all you this small history, i think is nice and a good memories:It was around 2007 to 2008 year, i was living with a woman for few years but we had many fights all the time, everyone here that have read my other post, know that i wear like a girl in private since i was lik 13 old ( no one would know it) and well, when i was with this girlfriend since i had 23 i think, i stopped to wear as girl because " respect". But things never went right, always fights, lies and more in...

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Mages Pratice

I was 10 when I noticed, that I was a bit different from the other children, I could do things that they could not. I could imagine thing that they could not, and I could also see thing that were not meant to be. The first time that I noticed that something was not right was when I was playing with the other kids, I saw something that they could not see, or want to see, I could never tell the difference. Of course being the goody two shoes that i was back then, i told the teachers that i...

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Convent Toilet Slave

I was on a cycling holiday in Eastern France, it was the thing to do in the Seventies - there being no cheap air flights! At Cambridge I was studying Modern Languages and I thought a three week cycling tour of Lorraine and Alsace would be good for my education, and boy, how it was. On the first Saturday in the late afternoon, I was travelling at speed, down a hill and as I turned a corner, I ran wide and went it the gravel. The wheels skidded and I slide off sideways. My body hit a door and it...

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Car Sex Took My Virginity

Hi to all and this is Rahul and I am a very big fan of ISS. I have been reading it since 2 years. This is my first story. I know you will like this story so please mail me @ about response.I am a bio medical engineer in Bangalore. My work is in office most of the time and sometimes I have to go to hospitals to assist surgeons in operation theatres while using new components of our company. So visiting hospitals in Bangalore is a usual routine for me. Once I went to one of the very big hospital...

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Adori the cum slut part 2

She started to stand up but I pushed on her shoulder so that she ended up on her knees again. "When Im here, you are gonna be on your knees unless I say otherwise." I told her. Adori glared at me and tried to stand up again. Once again I pushed her down on her knees and I also gave her a hard slap across her face. I grabbed her hair and dragged her backwards so that she had to steady herself with her hands not to fall. I adjusted her head so that her mouth and throat were aligned and...

2 years ago
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Daddy Urges 3 revised

Words spoken by Jenna's mom as I walked into our bedroom. Fear erupted in me with a mixture of confusion, mother and daughter had previously had a conversation. Jenna had smiled at me as we past each other on the stairs so I was caught off guard by my wife request. "She told me she had a great weekend, especially on Friday night." said my wife. "That's great, I am glad she did!" "Did you have anything to do with it?" Alice said. That was a loaded question I thought. "What do you...

3 years ago
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The Pink Pet

The Pink Pet I sat alone on my computer up late at night long after the sun had gone down. My nightly routine of going about the internet looking for different fetish sites and chat rooms was yielding its usual dull results. Little did I know that I was just one click away from a different life, and I made that click that night without even knowing it. I was constantly in search of a woman who would share my deepest darkest fetish. No one knew it but every night I would put on three...

1 year ago
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Zatanna and Artimas humiliated

Zatanna and Artimas where given a mission to stop a villain calling her selif the humiliation mistress. As they track the villain to an old building they start to sneak inside. But all off a sudden bright lights flash on as a figure on a huge screen appears welcome girls or should I say my new little play things. I hope you like to be embarrassed and humiliated the figure grins. Artimas and Zatanna both shout not a chance. Really the figure on the screen says giggling but I’ve already done it...

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Sexy Mom And Innocent Son

Hi I am Rajesh from Bangalore. I am narrating this story stepping into shows of my Mom. So, I am taking role of now through out the story. Imagine yourself as a mom narrating it. It is a purely fantasy. No real characters involved. Coming to the story , I am a mom aged 40 having sexy measurements of 36-28-36. I am short and milky white like Actress Tamanna in Bahubali. I have blue eyes. I lost my husband when i was 30 in car accident. I am living with my son aged 21 now. He is tall and slim but...

2 years ago
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A Sex Addict Slut Making World Go Around

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, i do. Its been great fun for last 3 years, I have everything going for me, I am the creative head of an advertising firm, my creative juices are flowing overtime, family is in great place enjoying my money to great deal, being successful has...

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Education of the SistersChapter 4

Next day Dipu turned up for work. He was a handsome boy and at the right age for what I had in mind. For a day or two I let him get acclimatized to the work and I explained his duties to him etc. After four days Dipu started to feel comfortable in his new work place. Ritu was always in and out of my room asking "when" I said wait. No doubt the other girls were just as impatient as she was. On the fifth day I decided to test the waters. I left some sexy magazines with pictures of naked...

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Rubys New Life Part 1

My name is Ruby. I’m 18 and pretty average. I’m 5’ 6” and 125 lbs and athletic. Brown hair and brown eyes aren’t what I would call exciting, but the boys seem to like me. I had a normal childhood, raised by my father and my older brothers. My mother was long gone and no one knew where. When I turned 18 things changed. My older brother was attending the nearby college and he and I started fooling around after school. He taught me how to enjoy my body and how to please him and one...

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The Office Swap

The Office Swap Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea suggested by Jennifer] Simon Harris opened up the doors to his office one early October morning. He checked the office's answering machine for messages. Finding that none had been left overnight, Simon walked into his office to look over the application he had received for his company's new position one last time. Simon's business was small in size. He only employed three workers. One was a low wage office girl who...

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Midlife Crisis

A dark and stormy night... Or a dark stall in a dingy bar... Or ... nah it is a dark stall in a dingy bar that I NEVER would have entered except for this new lady in my life. At least she might be 'in' my life. She almost wasn't a few days ago ... that all changed with a blowjob in my car after a night of drinking. Not her house, not my house, just in my car parked outside another bar ... Men are so so stupid! Well, shouldn't denigrate all of the males - just me - they need to deal in...

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Three Choices

This is a short story with no sex to speak of. It is not autobiographical and obviously total fiction. As the author, I have the right for my characters to behave exactly as I want them to behave. If you disagree, write your own version of this little story and post it. You have my full permission. I awakened in a cold sweat. The nightmare that caused a strong feeling of dread, disaster and tragedy all rolled up in the worst feeling in my 32 years. I slowly pulled the covers back so as not...

1 year ago
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Ms Marca One Night Stand part 3

Ms Marca      One Night Stand   Part 3     I couldn't stop my heart from racing the way it was jumping inside my chest; I couldn't stem down the tide of happiness that was racing through my veins: Thank god my husband was actually going to be away for a while, all week to be exact. It was enough for me to make do with. This morning while I was in the shower, my ears had been glued to the door and I'd overheard him booking his flight. It was scheduled to...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

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The Best and Worst Birthday

Last night the club had practically been ablaze. The spread in the newspaper the week prior had ensured that the ‘hottest club in town’ would definitely be at maximum capacity for the rest of the month. With all the new trends and recent fascination with all things retro, The Hive was a welcomed addition. Taking a cue from the roaring twenties, the club was a fresh jazz scene with all the specs to accommodate a lounge, bar, and dance floor. The thrown back atmosphere had some serious allure and...

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Getting Some Divorcee PussyChapter 2

I'd actually fucked other divorcees or women like Diana before I had the chance to do her, but with Diana I was feeling a bit more adventurous and bold than usual. I'd just met Diana in a local motel and made her semi-seduce me by undressing herself to prove that she was really interested in fucking with me. She'd gotten me so hot and so aroused as she undone her blouse and gotten down to only her bra and high-cut French panty that I'd just thrown her back onto the bed where she was...

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“This is not going to turn out well,” I remarked, panting slightly as I tried to regain my breath. The joining had been quick. It was the rapid release of a sexual tension that had been building for some time, like the explosive snap of a large rubber band. My partner smiled down at me, panting as well. She held my meat captured in the warm, moist recesses of her love canal. “She told me this might happen,” Sandra said. “She did?” was my amazed response. The she was my wife. Sandra was an old...

Straight Sex
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I have a lot of idle time. While it is definitely the devil's tool, at my age, I don't mind it one bit. And sure, while I sometimes get into trouble, it's okay. I'm not hurting anybody. On my daily trips into the village, I often hang out and shoot the breeze with the help. I stop at the hardware store, the local market stand, the post office and finally the pharmacy. I know several of the employees outside of their jobs. Some are kids of townsfolk I know, some are fellow boaters and some are...

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Harish and Prachi

As I came into the house my wife Renu was sitting on the sofa wearing her jean dress that buttons up the front and barely covers her ass. I asked her what we were doing tonight and she told me we were going out to eat with Prachi and Harish. We were to meet them around seven at a nice restaurant. I went into our room to shower and noticed clothes already laid out on the bed for me. I took my shower and thought of how good Renu looked, but remembering that the dress had a couple of buttons that...

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Bottle of Dreams

EIGHT Return of the Green Couch Conrad Lee & Shelby Flowers "Bottle of Dreams" Brittany Clifton was your usual housewife, mother of five and loving wife. And though she was pretty happy with her life deep down she wished for more excitement even though she wouldn't give up her happy little home for anything. Brittany and her husband Tim had a deal where each of them would get a weekend off; Tim would have one weekend while she would have the following. While Tim used his...

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FITZChapter 9 Conspiracy and Duplicity

Jordan Miller loved to fuck and be fucked. It shamed him too. Not when he fucked his wife of course, and his joy in doing it over the past ten years had produced 8 children, six girls and two boys. But fucking Kat and Billy had been his biggest thrill and biggest shame. Being so different from his Teutonic wife, all flesh with huge breasts and butt, relentlessly toning them to please him, Kat's petite, tight form as she climbed over him like she climbed walls and pressed her tight little...

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Me And My Sexy Aunt Shalu

First of all a bigggg thanks to my readers who gave feedback to my previous story.Those who knew me can skip this introduction and directly go to the story.For new readers,hi friends this is madhu from bangalore,23 years old with 6-7″Dick and 3-4″ girth.Those who didnt read my previous story, I am attaching the link below. This is a real story but added little fantasy to spice up the story for readers. I had shown the video to my aunt shalu that I recorded while she was banged by tailor...

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Nadine and Jos Blowjob Swap Part 4Jo

I certainly was jealous watching JoAnne drive away in the car with three Johns. She was working as a street prostitute tonight, a fun idea that my girlfriend and local weather girl had come with. Nadine herself was about to climb into another car. But the way Jo had been so eager and compliant earlier that night at Jake’s parking lot barbecue made me think… Man! Jo was quite a girl! Let’s review. She’d come out to do tricks tonight dressed in tight white hot pants, a tight red halter top and 2...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 6

“I can pull a rabbit out of a hat. I can pull it out, but I can’t put it back. I can make love ... disappear. For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer. Step right up! For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer.” -Warren Zevon, “For My Next Trick, I’ll Need A Volunteer“ “I never asked for this.” Gino Giovanni, the young actor playing Count Vincenzo Ramon de San Finzione spoke to the grown men gathered in the cave with him. Cigarette smoke rose up to the roof of the cave from the actors’...

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Brooke I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her "career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had...

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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 6

Arrian walked into his room after a particular long and grueling day. First, the school bully threatened his sister and new friend Samantha. After he quickly fixed that problem, he kissed his mother, not deeply, but a kiss none the less. While the kiss excited Arrian to no end, he was deeply disturbed. How could I kiss my own mother! Samurai, you must focus, we have much to discuss. Arrian changed his clothes, putting on a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants. Then he sat on the floor in...

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Kyle Robbie

KyleI grew up in a most unusual family that most people would refer to us as very, ‘liberal.’ From my earliest recollections I could recall seeing dad, mom, and my sister, naked. Nudity was simply the norm in our house. We lived on a fairly big property in a large four bedroom house. In our backyard, we had an unattached apartment consisting of a lounge, dining room, kitchen, and en-suite bathroom. When my sister Shelly and I were younger, visiting family and friends usually stayed in this...

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