Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 111: Hot Tub Party; 8-Ball Demonstration free porn video

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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)

Donna is competitive and has to see people trying hard to beat her for her to enjoy playing games with them, so whenever we goof off these days, I always handicap myself. I enjoy it more that way too. We negotiate, and something renegotiate, the handicaps with the various games we play, or maybe we just make up a new game heavily slanted in her favor to make it a challenge. With 8-ball, I wouldn't use any TK (Donna doesn't know about that anyway), and I told her that I'd never play direct shots but would always use a cushion or an extra ball somewhere in the shot, and Donna could have two shots in a row unless she fouled. I didn't tell her, but I also decided to play this game right-handed only. Not so much to help Donna, but because I expected to have some fun with that later.

More and more spectators drifted in, initially the clothed ones, but later more of the girls I tended to prefer. They watched and noticed the strange way Donna and I were playing, unless they were totally ignorant about the game. I was asked about it, and told them, "It's my handicap, so we've got a fair game."

Donna exclaimed, "Mark's the BEST at EVERYTHING. No one can EVER beat him." Donna's childish loyalty earned her several condescending laughs, which she VERY much did not appreciate!

Donna face hardened, and she turned to face the girls. I hurriedly rushed to her side and hugged her, "Let it go, Donna. I'll show them later, after we've finished our games." Julia was certain to insist on that anyway. I kissed Donna on the top of the head, "Make your shot, sweetie."

Sweetie, not exactly living up to her name, firmly told all the girls, "You're all STUPID!" Then she turned back to the game.

Trying to clear the air, I said, "It'd be a REALLY good idea not to insult me in front of my sister when she's holding a big stick. You might regret that, haha."

"We didn't insult you."

"Some of you laughed condescendingly at Donna's praise of me. That IS an insult to me, and to Donna, although she didn't care about that. You don't have a leg to stand on, so let it go."

They let it go. A couple of the girls immediately said "Sorry Mark." One said, "Sorry Donna," which pleased me a whole lot more. All the other girls caught on, and the apologies flew for a few seconds.

Girls continued to drift in, and a couple of minutes later one of them asked, "Why are they playing so strangely?"

The early arrivals leaped to explain, before Donna could get involved.

The spectators were THOROUGHLY enjoying the game. Seeing me bend, stretch, twist, etc., gave them a perverted thrill. For example, sooner or later (and it was unfortunately sooner, especially as I was playing only right-handed) I had a difficult shot. I started laying myself across the table the way you sometimes have to in this game. The rules require that one foot has to be on the floor, and that can result in shots with widely spread legs when the other one has to be on the table. Several girls walked to a better position straight behind me and started making impolitely detailed anatomically comments.

I froze, wondering which of the two options - proceeding with this shot, or getting off the table to play a modest duff shot - would make me look the least like a complete dick. It wasn't an easy decision, but my dignity was pretty much ruined already, so I played the shot. I missed and got several appreciative claps.

Then there was the time I had to lay myself on the edge of the table to make a shot, then adjust my position because the edge dug into somewhere I didn't want any digging to occur in, I got several laughing offers to hold my "sensitive bits out of the way." The girls were having a great time. Girls don't seem to have any shame at the best of times, and a room full of them concentrating on pulling the leg - or thereabouts - of a single naked boy, was about as far as I could get from the "best of times".

Julia wandered in and stood beside me while I was waiting for Donna to take her turn. I had just started talking to Julia when I proximity sensed Hannah walk up behind me. I could tell she was trying to 'hide' by the way she was tiptoeing and 'curled in on herself.'

[Proximity operates over 360 degrees. More accurately, it's almost certainly a three-foot radius sphere, although I haven't tested that thoroughly. As long as I'm centered, it's functioning. It's not like sight, in that it only detects intentions (even in dogs and cats, you might be amused to know. Both with very much less ki than humans, and that of cats barely detectable). But like sight, I don't have any problem processing the input. Now that I'm much more used to it, I don't get swamped by all the input. Your seeing a hundred people is no "harder" than seeing one. If they're further away, or in front of each other, you might miss some details, but it's not "harder" to process. Neither proximity nor sight takes any noticeable effort to use. If someone walks to within three feet of me, then I not only CAN - but I DO - proximity sense them, just like I would see them visually if they walked in front of me. So sensing Hannah was automatic and effortless. Once she was in range, it was easy to sense that she was "hiding", because she was trying to think herself 'small'. Ironically, it was her desire to be inconspicuous that gave her away).]

Remembering our little game at the pizzeria, I kept looking straight ahead, and said loudly, "Are we still playing that game, Hannah?"

"Argh! How do you do that?"

"There are ways." An innocuous answer, I thought, especially in making it a plural. I knew only one way to do it: kill myself twice, center myself, and have a previous experience of someone in my proximity sense so I knew what they 'looked' like. But for all I know, there might also be other ways.

"No. Seriously. How do you do that?"

"Seriously, I'm not going to tell you. It amuses me to frustrate you. Call it my revenge for trying to use me as a giant vibrator. It's not my fault if you can't work it out for yourself."

"But there's no glass that'd reflect on me the way we're standing, and I just got out of the tub so I smell the same as everyone else that's been in it, especially you."

That last point was quite clever, especially if she'd been aware of it when she'd chosen to time her 'sneak attack' now. I was a little impressed, but that was NOT going to induce me into telling her how I'd done it! I didn't want her to become fixated on discovering how it worked, as that could become a nuisance, so I said, "I'll play this game no more than TWO more times with you Hannah, just to frustrate you further. After that I won't say anything when you try it, so you'll never know whether I knew or not. You may think you're smart, but as Julia insists, you're not as smart as I am." The last point had nothing to do with anything, except that it made my 'trick' sound more natural. She does seem to consider herself smart, so taking her down a peg or two might be a good idea.

It was my turn to shoot, so I resumed the game.

Several minutes later one of the girls said, "Hey! Donna voted for stripping, so she has to strip too."

Donna was still dressed. She'd gotten dressed before the voting occurred, and then got distracted by the "Charge of the Crazy Girls", being pushed away by them, and my suggesting that she went to set up an 8-ball game. Donna said, "Oh yeah. I forgot." She put her stick down, and moved to unbutton her top.

I said, "Hang on, Donna." Turning to the girl who'd spotted the discrepancy, I said, "My sisters NEVER 'have to strip'. Second, Julia made the girls who voted that way strip to be fair to me, because if they were getting the pleasure of seeing me, it'd be fair if I got the pleasure of seeing them. That reason doesn't apply between my sisters and me, because there's no sexual interest between us. Third, you heard my sisters' logic, twisted as it was. They voted that way because they thought it would be fun and good for me. In other words, for MY benefit rather than THEIRS, so they have no need to 'pay' for their vote."

"Oh yeah. Sorry Mark. I didn't think about it before I spoke."

"And I overreacted to your comment. I'm sorry for that. I know it wasn't meant in any bad way. I'm just overprotective of my sisters, I guess. I'll take my arguments back, because they weren't called for. Sorry."

I could happily take them back, as they'd had their effect now, reinforcing Julia's themes of no sexual interest in our family (somewhat erroneous!), and my being a protective brother (which was much more accurate).

Donna said, "I better take off my clothes then."

"Why?" I asked in surprise.

"Because my reason was different than Carol's. I just thought you'd look REALLY silly playing 8-ball with no clothes on. And you do! It's great fun watching you, haha."

Loudly, over the laughter and - I'm sorry to say - enthusiastic agreement, I yelled, "You SCAMP! Get those clothes off, you little devil."

Donna, laughing as she did so, threw them off, and into a pile on the floor.

When she was finished, and turned back to the game, Julia said, "Put your clothes into a cubbyhole, Donna. We'll wait for you."

"Oh yeah. Sorry."

While Donna was running to comply, Julia said, "Mark's comments reminded me. I should have said earlier that if any of you naked girls feel uncomfortable, you can get dressed again. Don't feel honor bound because of your vote. That was just a game. You can ALWAYS dress or undress in this house, in whichever way makes you feel happiest, or that you think will give you the best chance of attracting Mark. It's completely up to you."

It truly was up to them. Julia was just letting them know that'd they'd be dishonorable and stupid to do it. Julia should probably have mentioned it ten minutes or so ago, before they'd become used to being naked around me. Snigger.

One of the clothed girls asked, "Can I get HALF undressed, Julia?"

"STUPID ME! Of course you can! Sorry. I completely forgot about that. I tend to be an all-or-nothing sort of girl! Haha. Any of you can wear as much or as little as you like. That's entirely up to how you feel about yourself and Mark. If there's some part of your body that you think Mark shouldn't look at, then by ALL MEANS keep it covered. No problem at all."

I was interested to watch the girls. Most of the naked girls were totally happy with their decision. A few of the nudies dithered a little. I guessed tempted to go put on some panties, or whatever. None of them did though. A couple of the clothed girls immediately headed back toward the cubbyholes, then a couple more followed them, then all of them left.

They trickled back, about half wearing panties only, the others in panties and bras. There wasn't a dress, blouse, pair of shorts or jeans anywhere to be seen. My sort of party! It's hard to believe, but Julia seemed even happier than me, presumably because her machinations were working so well. I should also mention, in case any of you aren't aware of it (in which case I feel VERY sorry for you), but Julia must have been VERY happy, because I sure was: girls look DAMNED GOOD in panties. In some ways, even better than not wearing panties, although nude will ALWAYS be my preference, as a matter of a deeply held personal conviction.

After the third game, which Donna won, giving her the 'match' 2 to 1, Donna said, "Can you play someone else properly now Mark. I want to see them eat their words." Donna hadn't forgotten or forgiven their insults.

Julia, who I am sure had been waiting for this opportunity, immediately said, "We don't have time for all of you to play him. Who's the best player here?"

Most of the girls had no skill at all, but a handful had played enough to require a discussion among them. Alexis was chosen.

I wanted to break first. It wasn't a big deal, but it was slightly better. The usual mechanism of tossing a coin wasn't available at the moment. I didn't have one on me, and I was pretty sure none of the others did either. For fun I looked straight at them, and said, "Who's got a coin?" A lot of them reacted, then looked up to see me smiling at them. Gotcha! I got a few chuckles too.

There were no balls on one end of the table, so I put the cue ball there and said, "Alexis, no coin, so you hit that ball hard sideways across the table. Provided it rebounds at least four times, then when it finally stops, if it's closer to that wall I'll break first, the opposite side you break first. That sounds fair, as you're doing the shot. Okay?"

Alexis couldn't argue with that. She made a hard but very deliberate stroke. It rolled to a stop where I won the break, probably because Alexis had failed to take my TK into account (hehe).

Donna called out, "Beat the pants off her, Mark!" Alexis was naked, so Donna scored some laughs.

On my break, an 'under' dropped. Within a very short period of time, so had every other under, then the black. Alexis never got a shot.

On the next game she broke, but no balls dropped. It was difficult to achieve as balls were rolling in all directions, but I managed. One use of TK was a bit obvious if you were looking for it, but I thought the risk was slight. Alexis' failure to sink a ball wasn't essential - not even close to it - but it'd make this more impressive.

It was my turn, and I sunk all the unders again, then the black.

It was my break again, so she stood by helplessly during that game too.

I turned to her, and said, "How many more games do you want to play?"

She responded, "I HAVEN'T played a game yet! Can I try one more?"

"Sure. I can do this all day. It's not hard." She gave me a look, halfway between 'dirty' and 'disbelieving'. (I might be wrong about that, as there aren't many suitable words between those two.)

On her break she managed to sink a ball. More precisely, I did not manage to prevent her sinking one. Unfortunately, snigger, the cue ball had stopped in a difficult location for her. She did her best, but unfortunately again (snigger again) she failed to sink another ball.

I was my turn, so I sunk all the overs.

"Rack 'em Donna." Donna was my helper, all the more to enjoy my victory.

It was much easier to ensure a ball fell during a break than to stop one, so I had no trouble ensuring that I potted one off my break. I finished that game too, in my usual nonstop style.

There had been, of course, lots of comments from the spectators. Mostly along the lines of "Wow!" Julia and Carol just stood there, arm in arm, smiling ear to ear.

After game five, Alexis complained, "I'm never going to win a game, am I?"

"Not unless you can clear the table off your break. Otherwise the game's over as soon as you give me a shot. To be totally honest, I can't absolutely guarantee that, because you might leave me in an impossible position, but you'd be surprised how unlikely that is. The short answer is that you're correct about never winning a game."

"But even professional players can't pot every ball like that. Not game after game they can't. It's not possible."

I called, "Rack 'em Donna!"

"{Giggle}. I told you they were STUPID."

With a light tone, I told her, "Play nicely, Donna."

I'd deliberately played right-handed the whole time, saving my ambidexterity for a good opportunity, such as now. I said, "Your break, Alexis. To make it fair, I'll play entirely left-handed from now on, okay?"

That revived her interest in the game. Alexis said, "That sounds fair." How little she knew!

She broke, but had the misfortune of not sinking a ball.

I cleared the table.

"Rack 'em Donna!"

I cleared the table.

"Rack 'em Donna!"

"Ahh, I think I'll give up now."

"Are you sure? I can do this all day."

"You could make a FORTUNE as professional player. Why aren't you doing that? Do they have an age limit, or something?"

"Yeah, Mark," inquired Julia innocently, "why aren't you doing that?"

My TK would be a LOT less obvious in camera replays in this game than it would be with bowling. Even without TK, I could probably be very good at this game, but NO WAY was I going to take this up professionally, presuming there wasn't "an age limit or something." The truthful answer was that it'd bore me to tears, and I'd HATE all the time I'd have to spend traveling away from home. Plus there were far quicker and easier ways to make far more money, such as roulette, hopefully. I knew from Julia's frustrated tirade in the car that she didn't want to talk about me being rich yet, so I just said two-thirds of the truth: "It'd bore me to tears and I'd hate all the time I'd have to spend traveling away from home. I like being with my family, and Julia is quite nice too." She poked her tongue out at me. I TK-squeezed one of her nipples.

Julia jumped in shock, then laughed heartily. The other girls were surprised. Carol was surprised too, and standing where I could see her clearly, so I demonstrated how I'd surprised Julia by lightly caressing her breast then squeezing one of hers. Carol got it, and laughed too. When Julia recovered, she explained/dismissed her over-reaction by waving her hand and saying, "Sorry, private joke."

Alexis had been waiting impatiently, and she now told me, "I don't think you understand. You could make a FORTUNE! Millions of dollars! I don't know how much the top players make, but it's got to be HUGE, with all the endorsements and everything. And you'd be FAMOUS!"

Alexis was quite worked up. Who'd have thought ANYBODY could get worked up over 8-ball! Famous: phooey. Not that I wanted to be famous - VERY much the reverse, thank you very much - but at 8-ball! Talk about useless!

Julia said, "Alexis, why should Mark bother being rich and famous at 8-ball when he can be rich and famous at bowling?"

"Huh?" said a confused Alexis, not quite able to switch lanes that fast.

"Mark is good enough to bowl perfect games, so I'm sure he could be rich and famous at that too."

Brenda, one of better bowlers asked, "Julia, you can't possibly mean Mark can bowl perfect games EVERY TIME? That's IMPOSSIBLE."

Julia turned to me, to ask, "Mark, can you bowl a perfect game every time?"

I had to be careful here, because this was one of the issues that the parents didn't want me to do because it was too freaky and attention getting. Talking about it was a lot safer than doing it though, especially as it's not completely unknown for guys to exaggerate how good they are when talking to pretty girls and sex is in the offing. "I've only played the one game since becoming more athletic, but bowling strikes was very easy for me, so I think there's a good chance I could get a very large number of perfect games in a row. It's even easier than winning at 8-ball."

Brenda opened her mouth, paused, then said, "But that's IMPOSSIBLE! No one could do that. The best ANYBODY has ever done is three perfect games in a row. Saying you can get a large number of them is RIDICULOUS!"

"Yes. Amazing, isn't he," agreed Julia.

"Huh? No, Julia. I mean it's NOT POSSIBLE." Brenda was getting somewhat agitated, but then she suddenly relaxed, and said, "Ahh! I just remembered you don't know much about bowling. You must've got the wrong idea somehow. Take it from me, no one can do that."

Julia responded, "Mark knows about bowling. Mark can you bowl perfect games every time?"

I didn't know much about bowling, other than how to cheat highly effectively. Having just bowled a perfect game I should have some authority, so I said, "Maybe not EVERY time, but certainly quite a few of them in a row. Like I said before, it's considerably easier than cleaning up at 8-ball."

Brenda opened her mouth to argue again. Donna yelled, "He CAN. I keep telling you that you're STUPID." I was proud of her loyalty, considering she didn't know a thing about my TK. I was a little less impressed with her tact, but you can't have everything. Donna didn't do her credibility any good when she added, "He can do ANYTHING!" It was nice of her though.

Carol said, "If Mark says he can do it, then he can do it. He's not exactly a braggart, is he? You saw him do it once, why can't you believe he can carry on doing it?"

Julia said, "This argument isn't worth all the bother of going back to the alley and having Mark bowl more perfect games just for you Brenda, so you'll just have to take our word for it."

Brenda said, "Let's drop it, Julia? I don't want to cause any trouble."

Julia doesn't like not winning arguments, and she also doesn't like girls not understanding my brilliance, so I didn't think it likely that Julia would drop it. This was a worry, because I feared Julia would explode in some way.

I'd gotten an idea, based on Brenda's rant about three perfect games in a row being the record. I said, "Brenda, let me put this mathematically." Which was my favorite way. "I need a number to start with, for how likely it is for someone to bowl ONE perfect game. If a really good player went to the alley tomorrow and bowled one game, what's his chance of getting a perfect game? One in a thousand, one in a million, one in ten? Just a very rough guess that you'll be comfortable working with."

"Umm. If you just want a rough number, then one in a hundred, I guess. If he was a VERY good bowler."

"Okay, so the chance of bowling two perfect games in a row is one in ten thousand, and three in a row is one in a million, right?"

Mathematics wasn't her forte and she struggled a bit, lowering my opinion of her, but she eventually said, "Yes." No doubt mostly because several other girls were already agreeing.

"And the reason you say getting many more than three in a row has never been done is because the odds get worse and worse. Bowling three perfect games in a row is one in a million, six in a row is one in ten to the twelfth, which is a trillion, nine in a row is one in a ten to the eighteenth, which is a quintillion."

Brenda was lost. The wheels weren't even going around. "Umm. I don't know. I'm not very good with numbers."


I'd been intending to use a very simple piece of mathematics. That when her 1/100th probability was reduced, then the compounded probabilities for 3, 6, 9 or whatever number of consecutive perfect games, dropped dramatically faster. And when the probability of a perfect game got to 1 (which I can do), then any number of consecutive games was possible. But this approach wasn't going to succeed with her. "Let me try another way then, Brenda. Let's say I'm great at school. Even a bit of a genius. Can you imagine that?"

Most of the girls chuckled at that. Brenda's mind was still recovering from the horror of having to think about numbers, so it took her a little bit longer to get the wheels moving. Happily for her there were no numbers in my new approach.

When she was ready, I continued, "Let's say this cunning genius, who - by the way - has a very nice, calm, even-tempered girlfriend," who responded by hugging my arm and giggling, "invents a new bowling ball. It's a very, very clever bowling ball, containing a really clever computer, a video camera so it can see, a motor to move itself, and two robot arms that it can tuck inside the ball, but can also stick out and wave around when it needs to. This is just the sort of bowling ball you'd see in a silly cartoon. Let's call it 'Barry', 'Barry the Bowling Ball'. Can you imagine Barry?" Quite a few girls giggled. Brenda was smiling, which was more than she could do when I talked about numbers, so a cartoon was definitely a better approach to use with her.

-- "Good. Now Barry's mission in life is to knock over pins. Barry HATES pins, and he LOVES to knock them ALL over. Sad to say, but Barry is a bit of a bully. So he should be called 'Barry the Bully Bowling Ball'. So, after I've designed and built Barry, I take him down to the bowling alley and I toss him onto a lane. Barry opens his eye, and down the far end he sees those pins that he hates so much. He thinks to himself, 'Right, I'm going to get you, you DAMNED PINS!' He turns on his motor, and he drives himself straight down the center of the lane. He's got an eye, so he can easily see where the center is. When he gets down to the end where the pins are, he sticks out his arms - which are very long - and he smacks every pin in the head, knocking them all down. He's having great fun now, because he's down there among all the pins, rolling back and forth, smashing into them, knocking them back and forth.

-- "He'd happily spend hours doing that, because he REALLY HATES pins, but that machine thingy that bowling alleys have, comes down from above and sweeps all the pins and poor Barry. I don't really know what happens back there, but it ends up with Barry being put into that thing that rolls the balls back down to our end of the lane. Now Barry's no dummy - he knows that after he gets sent down to the bowlers' end, then the bowler will pick him up and roll him down the lane again, so he gets to beat up EVEN MORE PINS! This makes Barry very, very happy, because he LOVES beating up pins. And that's what happens. The cunning genius inventor..."

"With the beautiful girlfriend," prompted Julia.

"With the TWENTY FIVE beautiful girlfriends, one of whom isn't very modest, picks up Barry, and tosses him onto the lane again. Barry sees all those pins standing up and looking smug, just begging for a good bashing! So he motors straight down there and knocks them all down, like they jolly well deserve. He's still smashing them all around the place when that arm-sweeping-thing comes down again. Barry thinks, 'Yippee, I get to knock over ten more smart alec pins soon.' And the whole process repeats.

-- "Barry is a very enthusiastic bully and very good at it, so he ALWAYS gets all ten pins. So each time the genius with the twenty five beautiful girlfriends and two wonderful sisters tosses Barry onto the lane, Barry always gets a strike. He NEVER fails. I'm sure you can see that after twelve tosses, Barry's owner's got a score of 300. Now the next game starts, but Barry doesn't care anything about games; he just hates PINS. So on the thirteenth repetition, Barry just thinks, 'Yippee, ten more stuck-up pins to knock down', and motors down there to deal to them. Same on the fourteenth repetition, and all the way to the twenty fourth repetition. Barry's owner, me, now has two perfect games in a row. A few minutes later Barry's had the pleasure of knocking down 120 more pins, and I've now got three perfect games. Barry's having a GREAT day! He's a computer, so he doesn't get tired, and doesn't need to rest. So how many perfect games in a row could I get?"

-- Everyone was too wrapped up in the story to respond, so I said, "Brenda! How many perfect games could I get, if I had a bowling ball like Barry?"

"Huh? What?"

"If Barry really existed, and I took him to the bowling alley, how many perfect games in a row could I get?"

"But Barry's a cartoon!"

Sheesh! "Work with me PLEASE, Brenda. Pretend I really, truly had built a bowling ball like Barry, who got a strike EVERY SINGLE TIME he was bowled, how many perfect games could I get in a row?"

"If he was real?"

"Yes, real AND could get a strike EVERY SINGLE TIME. How many perfect games in a row?"

"Umm. As many as he wanted. As many as YOU wanted. Do you mean he's real? Have you really built a ball like that?"


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My journey part 111

My journey part 111.After a few minutes of this he asked if I felt ready and when I said yes he asked me to kneel in front of him facing away as it was not quite so uncomfortable in that position for the first time as I could move around more easily if I needed to do so, I did as he asked and he put more Vaseline in and around my arse hole and loads on his cock and came up behind me and steadied himself with one hand my hip using the other hand to guide his cock up and down my crack before...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 281 My HouseWarming Party

Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 390 The Heavenly Costume Party

Saturday, August 11, to Monday, August 13, 2007 Having described the "Nevaeh As An Angel" plan so thoroughly, I'll leave that aspect out of my description of the party. I'll describe other parts of the night, plus where Julia and I had added to the plan. Nevaeh hid just inside the mouth of the emergency tunnel for the best part of an hour, waiting until the party was going well. Boring for her, but Julia wanted her creation to have a grand entrance with maximum effect. Julia had told...

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Hot tub party

Hi im J a 40 something fitness instructor , i know everyone and there wife is a fitness instructor these days but i have been doing it over 20 years and have built up a nice businessIm also very lucky in that my job keeps me very fit and my body in great shapeIm 5 ft 10 with enhanced 36dd boobs and am usually quite tanned as i like to look healthyI want to tell you about a couple of my clients, names changed for obvious reasonsClaire and Paige are a couple i have personal trained for a few...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 284 Pirate Party Motivating Soccer Players

Monday, September 26 to the end of 2005 (Continued) The usual jock-related crap didn't occupy much of our time, as there were too many other fun things to do. Carol and I had both enjoyed "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (I'm pretty sure for different reasons, although we both agreed that we liked Johnny Depp), so I booked out one of the local movie theaters on Nov 7, the day "Dead Man's Chest" came out. Me, Carol, and a hundred of our closest friends saw the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 389 Planning for the Costume Party

Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...

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Kim and I Met at a Hot Tub Party

Amber and Kim: I was married to Justine for two days short of one year. It was nearly our first anniversary and I came home with a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy and a bottle of cabernet. I walked in our front door, put everything down and walked into our bedroom. I was surprised to find a half dozen cardboard boxes sealed with masking tape sitting on top of our bed. Jus was putting my clothes into the one box which had not yet been sealed. I asked her what she was doing and without a bit...

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Karas Hot Tub Party

Kara held the skimpy top in front of her. She draped it over her bare breasts and hooked it in the back. It had a one inch band of stretch denim that went across the tops of her breasts and fastened in the back. It was tight enough that it didn't need straps to support it. Hanging from the denim was four to five inches of white lace hankie type material. That was it. Tonight, for the first time since her prelaw days, Kara was going out alone, actually with her friend Leia, but she didn't have...

Straight Sex
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Wifes Wet TShirt in Hotel HotTub

My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...

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Hotel hot tub

Introduction: I always try to pull real life in to my stories. Most of them involve people I know or have seen. This one came to me while hanging out at a hotel with my family. I also enjoy hearing from people that enjoy my stories. If you like them, feel free to drop me an email. Let me know what story you like best or lets chat sometime. For the past 12 years, one of my favorite activities has always been fucking my wife. Of course, as with all things, work, normal day-to-day things and the...

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Hotel hot tub

We are a pretty normal married couple. I am in my mid-40s, 6’1 with short light brown hair, blue eyes and a fairly athletic build. I have a small spread that has started to appear around my midsection which also comes with aging. I am pretty proud of my slender build and even more satisfied with the hard 8 inches that can rise when the occasion presents itself. My wife is also quite attractive. She is just a year younger than I am. She is 5’7 with long brown hair and eyes. She has...

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Hotwife in hot tub

We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...

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The Salesman Chapter 3 Practical Demonstration

The day had finally arrived for Mark to put on his practical demonstration of the equipment that he was trying to sell. The organising had been harder than he originally imagined. Michelle had been initially sceptical about meeting outside her company HQ but Mark had assured her it would be more than worth it. Promises had been made for her, if she wanted to take an active part in the utilisation of the sex toys within the demonstration. Not only was getting Michelle on board hard but he had to...

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Mistis Adventures Part 111

That evening, Cathy came home, smiling more than usual. Billy and Bruce were over at the Kelly farm, helping Pete, and hadn't returned yet, but Robbi and Gail noticed right away. Abe was distracted. He was on the phone, in the living room, talking to someone, they didn't know who.Cathy walked in and set her valise down, and simply said, "Mission Accomplished!" Both knew what the "mission" was. Cathy had confided in both of them about what she had planned. Gail glanced into the living room to...

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Episode 111 a vanilla weekend

Hi my name is Amy, I’m roughly nineteen and a student at Southampton. My boyfriend Will is away for the weekend, and I’m already getting frustrated. You may know my big sister Annie, better known as Anna Dominatrix, who always loved to boss me around when we were younger.My first memory of watching her having sex, other than masturbation - which we always did together under the bedclothes, was when she brought a girlfriend home from school.They were naked in the back garden - I don’t think...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 111 Back On The Ice

"I did it! I finally got through the thing, every day this week!!" Sophia was exultant. "Yup. And with time to spare," Warren said. "I still can't believe you got back this quick," June, their coach, commented. It was the beginning of October. Sophia had given birth only a month and a half earlier, and had pushed herself to get back on the ice right away. It was painful and difficult, but it had worked. They were almost right back in form, with over a month to go before Cup of...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 111

Phil went out the front door and crossed straight to the car; me, not so much. Still naked- no, really, worse than naked - I peered around the corner of the doorway and out onto the street. About the only thing to be thankful for was that Phil had parked the limo right at the curb across from the doorway, so at least I didn’t have to walk across the street bare-assed. And I had the cooler in front of my caged cock. It didn’t do much to hide the plug in my ass, though. Phil unlocked the...

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Learning CurvesChapter 111

Nine people were invited to the suite at Calder City’s nicest hotel. Phil and Hailey had stayed in a single room the night before but Beth had decided she wanted privacy and space for the luncheon. She was determined to put the important portion of the day first. As soon as she walked in the door, she wrapped Hailey in a warm hug. “I am absolutely thrilled that you and Philip are engaged,” she said as she released the young woman and lifted her hand to look at the ring. Her smile widened....

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Deputy PorterChapter 111

He turned so that I could see his full length and thickness. His cock was big, how big exactly I had no idea. I was sure that it was going to cause some discomfort for both Reggie and me before this night was over. He didn't ask me anything I think somehow he knew I wouldn't cause any trouble so he was concentrating on Reggie. I couldn't say that I blamed him any. She was more his age and more attractive than me. Much less likely to have any experience with this kind of thing. "Kiss...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 111

The moment Sandra entered Brenda's office; Brenda stood up and walked around her desk towards Sandra. "There you are," she said with a smile. "Let's go sit over there." Sandra looked in the direction Brenda was motioning and saw a table there, set for two people. She let Brenda guide her to it. After Sandra was seated, Brenda removed the silver plate covers and joined her student. "Your mother told me you like tomate-crevette," Brenda said. "Yes, I do," she answered, while...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 111

For a week or so, everything went back to normal. I simply made it a habit to call them "idiots" anytime I thought I might say something I'd regret later. Whatever West thought my problem was, he was wrong. I had a house full of fuck toys; there was no problem. They were idiots; you don't say 'it' to idiots. We were all at dinner when the visitor buzzed the front gate. "I'll get it." Yann was closest to the door anyway. He came back a good little while later. "You go on...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 111 Fists Cant Tell

(Sanosuke and Anji trade blow after bloody blow.) Yumi: What is this... They're both using the Futae no Kiwami, but neither one can finish the other. Kenshin: No... I wouldn't be surprised if one had already defeated the other. They're both only going on by believing they cannot lose. Their spirits have long overcome their bodies. Since the Futae no Kiwami isn't the deciding factor anymore, the fight is completely even. Saitou: You really think so? Didn't you notice? He's one of the...

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My Little VentrueChapter 111

~~Antoinette~~ Jack had seen her. She knew he must have. And yet, he gave chase into the forest, with Beatrice over his shoulders. So committed was he to his plan, to his need for revenge, that he would ignore her approach, the Prince of Dolareido, and his lover, to pursue it. It was not Jack she saw. It was the curse, a relic from ages past, from those infuriating striges and their obsessive need to disrupt the lives of Kindred. The curse. The damned, bloody curse, that crawled into her...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 111 This Dont Make Us Lovers

Since I had to entertain the TV clowns, I decided that we needed a trip to The Cop Out. I had no idea which of the two clowns was on duty that evening, but I was pretty sure I would know soon enough. "Hi," I said into the phone. "This is Maxine." "Yes, I recognized your voice. So what can I do for you?" Cheryl asked. "I thought I would go to the Cop Out club for a drink after dinner tonight. Would you like to come along and meet some local public servants." "Cops," You are...

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In response to that, she squeezed me really hard. “Careful, dear ... I’m on a hair trigger right now.” “Sorry,” she said pulling her hand out and off me, but licking it nevertheless. We both fell asleep for the last hour of the drive. She had gotten up on my lap and her head was on my chest. She’s only about five foot two, and maybe one hundred pounds. To wake us up was Jennifer sitting in her seat saying, “You two look comfy,” too loud. “She fell asleep the moment she sat on my lap,...

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Family LettersChapter 111

Dear Marissa, Wow. Some of your letter I didn't understand. Remember I'm a fifteen year old pregnant girl who never took a single high school class. High level multi-dimensional physics is not exactly something I'm good at. Ask me to point out the best route to drive a tank and I can do that with no problem, but the concepts you are writing about might as well be Arabic or Chinese. I'm just glad that the computers of the Confederacy are powerful enough to solve the equations required to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 111

Irish Birth Control Mrs. Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin when she met up with Father Flaherty. The Father said, 'Top O the mornin' to ye! Aren't ye Mrs. Donovan and didn't I marry ye and yer hoosband two years ago?' She replied, 'Aye, that ye did, Father.' The Father asked, 'And be there any wee little ones yet?' She replied, 'No, not yet, Father.' The Father said, 'Well now, I'm going to Rome next week and I'll light a candle for ye and yer...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 111

Andy drove around until his gas gauge neared empty. He found himself near his high school and only a few blocks from his old neighborhood. He knew driving a new vehicle through there would paint a target on his back so he pulled into a gas station near the school. He filled his tank (and goggled at the price) before going into the store to find something to eat. He nodded at the kid at the counter - a junior at Eisenhower. Andy didn't know the guy's name but he recognized the face. He...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 111

"We still have a problem," Diana said. "I doubt if Billy has ever used a litter box. So how are we going to train him to use it and not pee on the carpet? Since there aren't any pet stores in Winter Park, I guess we can order a kennel on the Internet and have it overnighted, but as late as it is, it will still be day after tomorrow before it gets here..." "Yeah, we were lucky the grocery store even had litter boxes. But we're ahead of you about the kennel," Jeff said. "Arlene had an...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 111

Allie and Shelly took a long look at the twisted naked bodies on their bed. They had introduced an enthusiastic Erin to what sex with a porn star could be like. Erin liked sex. She liked every sort of sex she had ever tried – solo, with men, with two men, with more men. She had let a girl lick her pussy for her once but she hadn't returned the favor. She returned the favor several times with Leslie, Allie and Shelly. In fact, she was insistent that she finish out the night by making sure...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 111

Both Laura and Trina were deliriously happy, genuinely in love, unable to keep their hands off each other, unwilling to go a day without seeing each other, talking on the phone all the time. Laura hadn't felt this deep, fervent longing for another since Jonelle. In fact, she still felt it for Jonelle now and then, but it was hard to keep up a constant longing for a woman who lived in Dallas and had married again. She had a secret place in Laura's heart, but Trina was right here, right now,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2111 Celebration

I never thought about how normal life could become. It’s not that nothing happened in our lives, but that we all kept doing stuff like it was just the normal thing to do. Courtney did a lot of traveling out to California over the next few months. The company that bought her software still wanted her to have input on how they developed it for the consumer market. Jennifer traveled with her, of course, and I found that our businesses were all functioning with more and more non-clan members in...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 111

One of the things that had bothered Heather the most about Spearfish Lake had been the inaction. She had trouble doing nothing, and it caused her trouble. However, when the time came for action, there wasn't much that could slow her down. John was waiting when she got back to her apartment, still coatless and shivering, but mad enough not to notice. "Where have you been?" he asked, a little concerned. "John, can I borrow your computer?" she asked, ignoring his concern. "I've got to...

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MagicianChapter 111

The war may have been over, though there was still some tidying up to do. There were still rogue units of Sidhe out there turning to banditry as well as what remained of the fanatical Nephilim, though most of those had perished with the destruction of the fortresses. The vast majority of the Sidhe units still in the field had come in to claim amnesty from Verenestra as she held court in Keldravan. In all cases it had been granted, though a large minority had had terms attached to monitor...

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Three Square MealsChapter 111 Healing broken souls and shattering dreams

John gave Irillith a moment alone with her sister, watching as she hugged her twin and whispered earnestly in her pointed ear. Tashana was unable to return the tender display of affection, still restrained as she was in the set of grav-cuffs, her legs parted and arms held aloft. Instead she simply leaned into her sister, eyes closed as she savoured the loving embrace. He walked over to the twins and stroked the back of Tashana’s head, brushing his fingers through her snowy-white mane. “I’m...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 111

Stay thanks to St John‎ for this group... It was the old days of the American west. A young man has left his home back east, to seek his fortune in the wide open spaces. He arrives in town, and sees the local saloon has a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign in the window. He goes into the bar, and speaks to the owner, who sizes him up, and offers him the job. He adds this: “One thing. If you ever hear, ‘Big John’s a-comin’’, just get out of here as fast as you can!” He works there for a few weeks, when...

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Six Times A DayPart 111 Games People Play

Kim walked up the path leading to the front door of the Plummer house. It was quite dark outside since it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, but the path was well lit. As she came to the door, she saw two burly men dressed in work clothes carrying a lot of equipment headed the other way. They politely nodded their heads in her direction as they passed, but while still in Kim's earshot one said to another, "Did you see that? There goes ANOTHER one! What is this place?" The other...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 111

"So you want to do this. He knows the location, the condition of our people, and the numbers and types armaments. We absolutely want to know and we don't give a crap what shape he is in when he talks. He most likely will not be filing a complaint," the mission commander said. "So you want to take the first crack at him. Remember he is a drug dealer not a terrorist. We don't have time to fuck with him and he has no rights." "I'll see what I can do," I said. "His name is Hector,"...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1111 The Last Dance

Prom was a logistical nightmare. Carl had done the daring and almost unthinkable and bought three tickets. He made no bones about the fact that he was taking both Brenda and Louise to the prom. It used to be that only male-female couples were allowed to go to the prom. The tickets were for two people. Then a few years ago there was an uproar about allowing people to go stag to the big event. Of course, it was almost all girls who went stag. Why would a guy rent a tux and go to a dance if he...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 111 Miss Nina Vaginsky

Jessie Harper watched with delight as Bjorn Erikson displayed his wonderful naked body to the crowd and the judges. The guy had obviously been practising his cat-walk style and moved about with a very fluid motion that seemed to really impress the judges. Bjorn’s still semi-erect penis also seemed to have a grace and a charm all its own as it swung along in all its gallant style with the foreskin pulled back nicely from the penis knob. When Bjorn was facing the judges and the audience he...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 111 I Need a Break From Spring Break

“Mr. Smith. We will be transporting you to the designated transfer point,” the pilot told me. “Estimated arrival in forty-five minutes.” Where am I going now? I still have a few days before I’m supposed to be home to go to Lenny’s pool party. I hope his little sister and her friends aren’t seriously expecting me to screw them. The helicopter flight turned out to be completely uneventful. We went over mostly rural land before landing on top of a large building. My gear was unloaded onto a...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 111

Vicky, Ching Lee and I met Andy and Robert in the command center. ‘‘Is our encryption technology we use in the big black book still secure? Secure enough that the FBI or CIA cannot break it? I’m going to need a way to communicate with you that doesn’t show up on the White House systems. Every phone conversation is recorded and transcribed into official records that can be subpoenaed. The same is done with official computer traffic. I’m still going to need to communicate with you and not be...

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Double TearsChapter 111

“I am the current curator of the black trunk and the stories it holds within.” —Hope Barrett, Discovering Oscar THE WEEKEND WENT WELL and we even improvised on my scenario a bit as we played during the festival. It was a real treat to be ‘called before the king’ to perform at the Royal Feast Saturday evening. And we got a free meal. And tips. One thing about having the whole pod surrounding us when we performed was they all had a little sign that said ‘Tips for Marvel and Hopkins’ and a...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 111

After their performance on their first assignment in Colorado back in October of 1896, the six Young Bucks’ names became well known at the Western District U.S. Marshal’s Service office in Kansas City. During the next two years they were called upon time and time again to settle disputes. They were sent to the Missouri border town of Fort Scott, Kansas, to help settle a railroad union dispute that had already gotten out of hand with clashes of violence by the time they arrived. With strong...

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Jack and JillChapter 111

I reached up and turned off the alarm. "Come on, Babe. Time to get up." "Uhhmm. Leave me alone." I smacked her on the ass. "Come on. Karate in one hour." I walked downstairs and was almost knocked over by Bozo on the way down. I opened the kitchen door to see Mary sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. "Hi, Jack." "Mary. Where were you last night?" "I went to the dance. You know that." "Not then. This morning." "I was at Charlie's." "At 5 in the...

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A Fresh StartChapter 111 Dog Fighting and Legislation

Rick Santorum’s closing comment sounded true. “We are going to start a dog fight over this!” The agenda was that, beginning immediately, we would all get with our staffs and come up with ways to get a full-blown investigation going through the House Ethics Committee. We would each start giving speeches in the well of the House, and with eight of us rotating, we should be good to give a speech every other week. We would start the beginning of the following week. As the meeting broke, I...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 111 Old Wounds

She'd been asleep. Doubtlessly dreaming of family and friends left behind on Majesta prime. Nagi remember being excited, as always, she supposed? on the prospect of seeing a New World. Wondering the same sort of things any girl of fourteen standard galactic years did. She'd had her moment of temper of course, demanding why she should have to go? Perhaps father would begin advising construction of a new spaceport on planet Boralis as newly appointed master architect for the imperium, But...

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08 TogetherChapter 111

Present – Thom and Ben – The wedding lunch I make sure the security is good at the hotel but I don’t notice Mira or Ira so I call on the radio, “Angels of Death are you in position?” One of them giggles, “Thom, if you don’t see us then we are certainly in position. I could easily remove that hat from your head and never bother your hair.” The other one asks, “Did you acquire our presents in Denver?” It was time for me to tease them, “Hell yes we did! You might want to make sure you keep...

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Runaway TrainChapter 111

Regina had timed it so that we walked out of the Burbank studio in close proximity. There was a small crowd out front and I dutifully waved while Regina posed with her arm around Vicki’s shoulder. The younger girl rolled her eyes at me and I gave her a grin. Then we got into the SUV and headed out. “OK, where are we going?” Jill said, pulling up the navigation feature on the car. “There is a store in Beverly Hills,” I said. “It’s near where Liz and I had dinner the first time I was...

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There and BackChapter 111 Overload

My nose started pouring blood as I picked up the mana of the fourth emissary. My vision went blurry, my balance was off, and I started to sway unsteadily on my feet. One more, Sierra. Just one more. Not that I had any idea what I’d do with the general once the emissaries were subdued, but I could only take it a step at a time. I spent a moment trying to adjust to the flood of mana, removing my helmet and gripping my nose to stem the bleeding, before reaching out once again. I was so...

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