Hadrian's WallChapter 3 free porn video

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Mom relented, though she didn’t seem happy about it, and I left for school early the next morning, pulling into the parking lot of the diner a few minutes later.

Inside, Jamie was sitting with Stacy, Anna, Amanda Newton, Derek Mills and Marcy Collins at a table by the window. They saw me come in and wave me over, Stacy standing to let me slide in, placing me between her and Jamie.

“I am glad you made it!” Jamie said, hugging one of my arms. Derek reached over to bump fists and the other girls smiled and waved.

“Yo, Leo. What’s the 411, man? I heard that you mixed it up with the Martins again, and like a dozen other guys. You look pretty good for single-handedly taking on a whole football team.” Derek said, laughing.

I just rolled my eyes. “I really don’t want to get into it, you know? Cops, lawyers, a lady DA. I think I am just going to keep my head down for a while.”

“Come on, man! So many stories going around, but no one seems to have the right one.” he said, throwing up his hands. Then he shrugged. “Whatevs, man, I get it. When this is all over though, I want the whole story.”

“When it is over, we’ll talk.” I said, not promising anything and getting yet another eyeroll for my efforts.

The rest of breakfast was fun, just chatting, gossiping, light hearted banter. It was a relief that folks were not pushing me on this.

When we left the diner to head to school, I was surprised when Stacy joined me at my car.

“You don’t mind, do you? Jamie’s car is going to be packed as it is. Besides, your Mustang is cooler than her Explorer!” she said, running her hand along the roof.

“Do I mind having a pretty girl in my car? Nope, not a bit.” I said as I opened her door, and I was rewarded with a smile as she sat down.

Stacy was quiet on the way to school, at least until we pulled into the parking lot.

“Leo, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. I may not answer, but you can ask.”

“You got a thing for Jamie?”

“She is beautiful, smart, as nice as can be, and a Senior, but no, no more than every other straight guy at school.” I joked. “No, seriously, I have always thought she was pretty, but I didn’t know her. Never spoke to her until a couple of months ago when all this shit started. I still don’t know her, but she seems very nice. Still, she’s a senior, class president, dates jocks and future Senators. I’d like to think we can be friends.”

“I’ll deny this if you ever repeat it, but I think she likes you. She has the same hang-up though. She is a senior, is going away to college in a couple of months, doesn’t want to get with anyone, but if she wasn’t, I think you two could make a go of it.”

“Why the sudden interest. I mean, I appreciate it, but I got the idea last night that, well, um...” suddenly tongue tied, I stopped talking before my stutter got worse.

Stacy just smiled at me, wiggling her eyebrows. Her smile faded though, and she just looked a little sad. “Leo, my last boyfriend was in freshman year at my old school. He swore he loved me, got what he wanted and dumped me for some other skank. I was, well, I was devastated. I made a promise to myself, and to my mother, to leave romance until college, or maybe after college.”

“Guys like that make it hard for the rest of us.” I said, swallowing the sudden urge to apologize for the rest of my sex.

“The thing is, a girl gets tired of Bob. I asked Jamie about you, and she said she wasn’t dating at all, which is cool and all, since I would never try to hook up with a guy that a friend likes.”

“Wait, Bob? Who’s Bob? If you are tired of him, why hook up with him?” I asked, confused.

Stacy burst out laughing and it was several minutes before she could catch her break and wipe the tears from her eyes.

“You are ... so sweet, and sometimes you seem like a wild bear, sometimes like a teddy bear.” she said, giggling.

“Leo, BOB is battery operated boyfriend, and the guy I want to hook up with is you, you simpleton. No dates, no strings, no getting possessive. Just having some fun, relieving some tension. My only experience so far sucked hardcore, but there has to be more to it than that, and you ... you get my motor going.” Stacy leaned over the center console, one hand wrapping around the back of my head and drawing my lips down to hers.

The kiss was ... outrageous. It started off hot and got even hotter. If I hadn’t been wearing my device under my slacks, I would have been unable to get out of the car for hours. When we finally broke off, it was several seconds before I could get enough blood back into my big head to create a coherent thought.


I know, eloquent, right?

“You think about it, Leo. Here’s my number, call me tonight.”

Do you have any idea how hard it is (pun intended) to sit next to a girl in class who just made an offer like that? I mean, to sit there and behave, to listen to the teacher?

Bill, of course, wanted to know the scoop on the fight at the mall, insisting that he heard that I went berserk with a sword and was lopping off limbs. Yeah, and came to school Monday morning.

The continued to get weirder too. I had so many people saying hi to me in the hallways, guys offering fist bumps, girls touching my arm as I passed, that I thought for sure it had to be some elaborate prank. A couple of months ago, I spoke to three or four people on a regular basis, and now all of these people seemed to know who I was.

The lunch table had the usual crew, plus enough extras that a second table was pushed over with ours. Jamie and Stacy sat down on either side of me, and Bill joined us. Then a half dozen cheerleaders sat down along with two of the three football players who had met me on the front steps the day I returned to school after being beaten.

When those two sat down, both tables went quiet. The biggest guy, John Newcombe, nodded to me, then tucked into his lunch. His buddy, Alex Combes, just smiled and shook his head before he too, started eating.

Jamie, always the peacemaker, started the ball rolling.

“John, Alex, surprised to see you over here.” Her voice was non-confrontational, her tone light, but the question was out there.

John finished chewing his bite, then set his burger down on his plate and wiped his mouth before speaking. “Jamie, we heard about the fight at the mall. We decided that we needed to keep an eye on things.” he turned to me. “Not that you can’t watch out for yourself, Leo, just that we don’t like the way things are going, and we don’t want anyone getting the idea that continuing this is a good idea.” He paused, taking a sip of his soda. “Besides, we can’t afford to lose any more athletes this year, we still have a chance at state in Basketball.” he finished, deadpan.

Alex was doing his best to keep from laughing and the cheerleaders didn’t even try. It spread quickly, the rest of the table joining in, and John just smiled and picked up his burger.

“I was going to ask you if you knew that you were being followed around today. I saw a guy after first period, but thought it was nothing. Then other people told me they saw football players and some basketball players hanging around, and they were worried.” Stacy said, grinning. “I guess we don’t need to worry any more!”

She was prophetic, because I seemed to have company between every class, and after school, there were a half dozen jocks hanging around the parking lot. Each one of them gave me a head nod or a fist bump as I headed to my car, and it was a weird, but kinda of cook feeling.

I called Stacy after dinner, from my room where my parents couldn’t overhear.

“Hey, it’s Leo.”

“Hey stud. So? What did you decide?” she asked, sounding a little more unsure than she had this morning.

“I would be a fool to turn you down.” I said softly.

“Can you come over?” she asked. “My parents are out, said they would be home late. Dad’s on the council and Mom is his plus one at this event tonight.”

“My folks have me on sort of a lockdown, but let me check and call you right back?”

“I’ll be waiting.”

I expected my mother to put her foot down and my father to be the reasonable one, but was surprised when my mother agreed almost immediately.

“That’s one of the girls who were over last night?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

When I nodded, she just waved at the door. “Be home by midnight or else, young man.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was at Stacy’s front door, my hand poised to knock. It opened before I could, and Stacy was peeking around the edge, just her face showing.

“Come on in.” she offered with a smile, opening the door just enough for me to slip through.

She was wearing a silk gown, black of course, that showed a substantial amount of cleavage and had a slit up the side almost all the way to her ass. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra under the gown, her nipples were displayed prominently.

Stacy slid into my arms without a word, lifting her face to be kissed and I obliged.

It was soft, much softer than this morning, but the way she was plastered against me was enough to set me on fire. I could feel her firm breasts against my chest, and her hard nipples were boring holes in my chest.

I let my hands glide down her back, feeling the firm muscles and soft silk until they cupped her ass cheeks, one in each hand, and squeezed. I pulled her middle closer, feeling the heat from her sex against my thigh.

Stacy broke the kiss, her hands running over my chest for a moment, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

Her room was nothing like how I pictured it. The bedspread was pink, there were stuffed animals everywhere and the posters on the wall were classic rock bands. When I looked around and grinned, she glowered at me. “Not a word, mister. Besides, you don’t have time to play tourist...” her voice lowered to a purr, “you have way too many clothes on.”

I reached for my shirt and pulled it off over my head, laying it on a chair by her desk. Stacy stepped up and ran her hands over my chest and my abs, licking her lips. When she reached for my belt, I caught her hands.

“Let me step in your bathroom for a second, okay?” I asked, suddenly nervous. I should have removed the damn thing before coming over, but wearing the device, I had come to think of it as a mask, had become second nature. What was she going to think when she sees it? What about when she sees what is under it?

“Everything okay, Leo?” she asked, sounding concerned.

I lowered my head for a moment, thinking furiously. Then, with a shrug, I told her.

“Stacy, the reason I haven’t had much experience, and that I haven’t had a girlfriend since the 3rd grade, is, well, this.” I undid the front of my slacks, loosened the top keeper on the mask, then reached down and popped the other two before lowering my pants, underwear and mask, all in one movement.

My cock seemed to leap out, bouncing in the air in front of me. I looked to see her reaction, and cringed.

Stacy’s eyes were wide open, her hand had covered her mouth and she had taken a couple of steps back, her eyes locked on my cock.

“Jesus Christ, Leo!” she sounded shocked, horrified even.

“How, I mean, why...” she stuttered, her eyes never leaving my slowly deflating member. I was gutted, embarrassed and blushing.

“I’m sorry, Stacy. I should have told you.” I said, reaching down for my pants and pulling them up again. I didn’t bother fitting the mask, just snapped the top strap. I reached for my shirt, pulling it on before Stacy spoke again.

“Leo, wait. God, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like some scared virgin. I am sorry I embarrassed you, you have nothing in the world to be ashamed of. I just ... I’ve never knew, I mean, I’ve never seen. Shit, you know what I mean, right?”

Stacy was crying, wringing her hands.

I just waved it off. What was I going to say?

“I’ll see you in school tomorrow, Stacy.” is what I ended up saying, fleeing the house as fast as my feet could carry me.

I drove straight home, then say in my car for the next half hour, kicking myself for pretending, even for a while, that I was normal. What girl wouldn’t be horrified? Cici and that nurse; one a dominatrix who goes to sex clubs and has fucked bigger, and a nurse who won a bet. Or lost a bet. Either way, I was just a chance to get their freak on.


When I went inside, having been gone less than an hour, Mom was in the kitchen and called to me when she heard the door.

“Leo? Back so soon? No trouble, I hope.”

“No, everything is just peachy.” I muttered heading up to my room.

I had barely closed the door where there was a knock. I opened it again and Mom was standing there, concern on her face.

“What happened, Leo?” she asked, her eyes roaming me, looking for a sign of why I was upset.

“It’s ... it’s nothing Mom, really, I’m fine. No fights, no nothing.”

“Leo, talk to me, please?”

“Mom, damn it ... you want to know? Fine. I showed up, invited over for what was supposed to be some no-strings fun. A booty call, okay? Then I dropped my pants and she freaked. She freaked out, and was crying. I got the hell out, and now I am home. Satisfied? Can I go to bed now?” I said, furious.

Mom had tears in her eyes, her face full of pain. “Oh baby, I am so sorry, I was just worried about you. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” she said, slipping her arms around me and hugging me.

Yeah, I cried too. Tears of frustration, of disgust, rejection, whatever. I had been feeling much better about myself after Cici, but this, this was what I had feared for so long.

“Screw it, Mom. I’ll just get a job in porn flicks. I can get paid to get laid.” I joked, turning so she wouldn’t see the tears. “I’m fine, Mom, really. I’m just going to get a shower and go to bed.”

The next morning I skipped breakfast out, having a bowl of cereal before I left the house. I arrived just in time for first period. taking my normal seat next to Bill. Stacy came in, gave me a half-hearted wave, then hurried down to sit near the front. Jamie came in, saw Stacy and turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow. I just pretended like I had no idea what she meant, and went back to talking with Bill. When I looked up again, Jamie was sitting next to Stacy, their heads together and whispering.

Just perfect. Maybe it wasn’t too late to change my mind about a new school.

When class was over, I bolted out the door, absent-mindedly waving to folks who greeted me, not even noticing the man mountain John following me as I hurried to my next class.

At lunch time, I didn’t bother going to the cafeteria, going to my car instead and driving over to McDonalds for a burger.

Forth period, Math, and Jamie sat down next to me. I cringed, but just smiled and kept quiet.

“Where were you at lunch?” she asked curiously.

“Had something to do.” I replied, shrugging. Thankfully, the teacher came in, so no more questions, though I did get a few strange looks from her during the class. We had the next class together too, but I got lucky enough to be waylaid by someone who wanted details on the mall fight, and waved her on, telling her I would meet her there.

I timed it so I slid into my seat right before the final bell, telling her that the girl had a hard time accepting ‘No Comment.’

After class, I bolted at the bell again, and after school, I practically ran to my car, pulling out of the parking lot so quickly I left tracks in the street, much to the delight of a bunch of guys who were walking nearbye.

My cell rang as I walked through the door and the caller ID said it was Stacy. I debated, three rings worth, but finally answered.

“Hi Stacy.”
“Leo, listen, I’m sorry. I am so very sorry, but I got all freaked out. I acted so childishly, and I hurt you, I know, but please, I didn’t do it on purpose. I would never hurt you on purpose.” she said, sounding properly sorrowful.

“Look, Stacy, it is what it is. No hard feelings. If we can still be friends, that would be cool. I would ask that you not spread this around though. I have a hard enough time in school without everyone looking at me like I am a sideshow exhibit.”

There was silence on the line for a minute, and my heart sank.

“You already told people.” I said, not phrasing it as a question.

“Leo, I was upset, and people notice. I just mentioned it to two people. They aren’t gossips, and I will tell them to keep it to themselves.” she sobbed, a hitch in her voice.

“Jesus, Stacy. Fuck!” I growled, my blood pressure rising. “I gotta go. Talk to you later.” I disconnected, barely stopping myself from throwing the phone across the room.


The phone rang again and it was Stacy, calling back. I sent it to voicemail, and the next two calls as well. I could not talk to her right now, not and remain civil.

I made it to dinner before I got another call, the phone vibrating silently in my pocket. I ignored it, not even bothering to look. Then the house phone rang and, before I could say a word, Mom answered.

“Hi Jamie, yeah, he’s here. Hold on a moment. Leo, phone!”


“Leo, it’s Jamie. Can I come over and see you?”

“It’s not really a good time, Jamie. Kinda busy.”

“Yeah, about that. Look, I can be there in a couple of minutes. Just talk to me, okay?” she asked, quietly.

What was I going to do, alienate one of the only people who had actually been nice to me?”

“Okay. Fine.” I said, sighing.

She was knocking on the door before I even hung up the phone.

Answering the door, Jamie stood there, cell phone in hand, smiling. “Um ... I was close bye?” she said, shrugging. Rolling my eyes, I let her in.

“Which way to your room?” she asked, taking my hand. I nodded, pointing the way, and notice my mother watching silently as I was led by the hand down the hallway.

In my room, the door shut, Jamie wrapped her arms around me, giving me a big hug.

“Stacy called.” I said, making it an accusation.

“Yes she did.” Jamie answered, her face still buried in my shirt. “She’s devastated.”

I just growled, disentangling myself gently, and sitting her down in my desk chair. I collapsed onto the bed, then scooted back so I was propped up against the wall.

“Leo, she freaked out. She’s not proud of that, and she is all torn up because she could tell she really hurt you. Then today, she couldn’t face you and hurt you again.”

“Did she tell you that she blabbed it around school? Like I need any more problems. Christ, you ... I... “ I was grinding my teeth and had to close my eyes, take a deep breath and force myself to relax.

“Talk to me, Leo. Let me be your friend.” Jamie begged, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. That she was inadvertently giving me a hell of a cleavage shot wasn’t helping me concentrate, though it did ease my temper somewhat, that there’s that.

“Jamie, some things I can’t share with you. I can’t talk about with a girl.”

“My first lover was a thirty-two year old man with a taste for young girls. I was fifteen, flattered and oh, so smitten by this handsome older guy. I felt so grown up, and so excited. He was kind, and good to me. A good lover, knew all the right moves to make. He made me feel alive, like I had never felt before, right up until the day I saw him with his wife and son at the supermarket.” Jamie said quietly, looking me straight in the eye.

“My next lover was a college guy. I was on the rebound, hard, from my dirty little affair, and he was just looking to get laid. I drank his beer, smoked his pot, then spread my legs for him. It was horrible. He had no idea what to do, and was done with the little he did know before I even got started. What little self-respect I had left was gone in one drunken night.” she continued, a sad smile on her face.

“I missed my period and thought for sure I was pregnant. I couldn’t tell you to this day who the father would have been, if it hadn’t been a false alarm. Stress can do weird things to a woman’s body. I seriously considered suicide that long, long week, but my period finally came and I cried myself to sleep for days.”

“Jamie, I...” but she cut me off with shake of her head.

“It was two years before I forgave myself, Leo. Since then, I have had two other lovers, very short term, each of them, and I was always discrete. I picked my lovers carefully, choosing only guys who I knew would not spread rumors or brag. I wouldn’t let myself feel for them, wouldn’t let myself get caught up in the romance. I have plans for my life, and it would take an exceptional man to fit into those plans. You, Leo, tempted me. You are handsome and smart, sweet and kind. You are the kind of guy that I look for. But I am a senior and I am leaving for college in a couple of months. It would never work out. So ... when Stacy asked if I was interested in you, in dating you, I told her no. I gave her my blessing.”

She was silent for a minute, looking down at the floor.

“Want to hear something funny? I thought I was being all noble. I thought I was doing the right thing, but all I felt was jealous when she said she was going to go for it. When she told me she was going to invite you over when her parents were out? I wanted to scream, to scratch her eyes out. Isn’t that a hoot?”

Jamie had stood as she began speaking, and as she talked, she reached down and grabbed the hem of her polo shirt, stripping the shirt off and laying it on the chair. Then she reached up, undid the front clasp of her bra, letting it fall away and placing it with her shirt.

My eyes were locked on her breasts. They were perfect. Flawless, firm, high on her chest with the pinkest areola I had ever seen, even on the web. Her nipples were smaller than I imagined, but they were hard, and stuck out a half inch or more from her breasts.

Her stomach was flat and heavily muscled, She had a visible six pack and I had never seen something so alluring in my entire life.

When she reached for the button on the front of her jeans, my eyes caught the cords of muscle in her forearms, reminding me, for a moment, of Svetlana. Unlike the Amazon, her arms were soft, supple, the muscle highlighting and not strictly defining.

She slid down her jeans, taking the underwear with them, and she stood there in all of her glory. My eyes were drawn to the junction between her legs, to the neatly trimmed landing strip of hair, and the red, puffy and obviously aroused lips of her sex.

She had finished speaking and I looked up, meeting her eyes guiltily, but she just smiled, raising her hands and turning slowly in place, inviting me to look all I liked.

Her ass, oh my god. Her ass was perfect. It was hard and heart shaped, and I wanted nothing more in that moment than to reach out, touch and caress, kiss and taste that perfect, flawless skin.

When she was facing me again, she held out her hands, beckoning me. When I was on my feet, she reached for my shirt, sliding her hands up underneath, feeling my stomach and chest. Then, in one smooth movement, she lifted the shirt up, over my head, and tossed it behind me.

It was her turn then. Biting her lip, and look of passion in her eyes, she traced the muscles in my chest with a single finger tip. Moving downward, she traced the lines of my abs, dipping slowly downward until she hooked my waistband.

When she reached for my belt, my hands came up, almost with a mind of their own, but Jamie caught them, pushing them down again, and shaking her head.

She undid my belt, then unhooked my pants, sliding the zipper down slowly. With her eyes locked on mine, she slowly sank to her knees, her hand drawing my trousers down until they pooled at my feet.

My mask was on, and I could see the curiosity in her eyes and she looked at it, her fingertips tracing the outline, the straps that held it in place.

With a smile, she unhooked it, letting it drop to the floor and licked her lips when my cock tented my boxer briefs.

She looked up again, smiling widely and, without breaking the gaze, leaned forward to rub her cheek against the bulge in my briefs. She let the head of my cock, still covered in cotton, slide sideways until she felt it with her lips.

Her hand reached for my briefs, teasing then down a fraction of an inch at a time, her eyes on mine the whole time. When they caught on my erection, she broke the gaze again, one hand reaching inside to pull me out so I jutted obscenely, my briefs tucked up under my balls.

When her tongue came out and licked the tip, I groaned. The sight was so erotic, so unbelievably sexy, that I shivered. When she opened her mouth and took me inside? I felt it building, I was going to cum and there was nothing I could to do stop it.

“Jamie, I ... I’m going to cum!” I grunted through clenched teeth.

Rather than pull back, her other hand came up and gently cupped my balls, softly kneading them, fondling them and driving me right over the edge.

When she felt it start, she pulled back until just the head was in her mouth, swallowing again and again, a whimper escaping as she sucked, taking every drop I had to give and almost begging for more.

My legs couldn’t hold me, and I sat back, my ass hitting the edge of the mattress, but her lips never losing contact with my cock. Her eyes were closed, and her tongue was softly, slowly, licking around the head of my cock. I was still iron hard.

I reached down, cupping her face in my hand, drawing her up to me. The expression on her face was almost forlorn, even as she dragged her nipples up my legs, across my stomach and chest, until her lips met mine.

I could lose myself in her lips forever. So soft, so hot, but I had other things I had to do. I urged her higher, taking one of her nipples in my mouth and sucking, lashing with my tongue and she whimpered again and pulled my head tighter. I had to almost fight to free myself, but when I took her other nipple in my mouth, she groaned and pulled to her again.

She was straddling my thighs and I could feel the heat and feel how sopping wet her pussy was as it rubbed along the shaft of my cock. Her hips were hunching, forcing the head of my cock to rub her clit, her pussy lips enveloping the shaft like a silk glove.

Then, in a flash, she was moving, pushing me back and straddling my head, her own finger spreading her pussy lips and planting herself on my mouth. I speared her with my tongue, tasting, licking then burying it inside of her as deep as it would go.

She was moaning, softly but continuously as her hips moved. When my tongue was as deep as it would go, she began grinding her clit on my nose, little sounds coming from her.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes ... fuck yes, ... oh, Leo, Leo ... fuck ... oh my god!” never breaking a whisper, but echoing in my mind like shouts.

When she stiffened, I moved up just enough to suck her clit in between my lips, my tongue circling, flicking and hands full of her ass cheeks, pulling her tight against my mouth. When she came, her whole body spasmed, shaking violently, and only my grip on her ass kept her from bouncing right off of me.

I eased her down, pulling her head to my chest and cradling her in my arms. Stroking her arms, her back, her legs, I waited for her to recover.

“That was so fucking good, Leo.” she purred, licking her own juices from my chin. “Now I need you to plant that cock in me. Fuck me, Leo. Fuck me!”

I shook my head, reaching over and lifting her, centering her body on top of mine, and her grin told me she was okay with the idea.

She reached down between us, arching her back and looking down, the top of her head tucked under my chin, and she watched as she grabbed my cock, rubbing the head through her folds to make it slick. With a growl, she centered it and slowly let herself down until the head popped inside.

She froze, her eyes still locked on our joining, and a little whimper escaping her lips again. When she had adjusted, she allowed another inch inside, then lifted and sat down again, taking a bit at a time. When I felt the head of my cock meet her cervix, she gave a little shudder, then lifted her head, allowing me to see what she had seen.

It looked almost obscene, the way my massive cock was stretching her little pussy, but god damn it made me hot. About two inches were left outside, and she was impaled as far as she could go.

Jamie leaned down and kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip, then wiggled her hips once, twice, three times and suddenly, another inch. Her whole body shook, her pussy clamping down and she came again, not even moving. When her pussy relaxed, the last inch slid inside and her clit came to rest against my pubic hair.

If I had not just blown my load a couple of minutes earlier, I would have cum again right then.

Jamie had this weird look on her face, almost one of surprise, and I was concerned until a wide smile split her face. One had was rubbing her belly, almost like she was trying to find out how deep I was from the outside.

“Leo, it’s in, it’s all in there!” she said in a voice of childlike delight. “It kinda went sideways, slipped past on one side. I have never felt, never dreamed that I could feel this full.” she whispered, her hips starting to move.

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Darcie was looking forward to an uneventful Friday evening after a stressful week in the office. In a moment she would get up and make dinner but for the moment sitting on the couch was the most relaxing thing she had done all day. She'd have to get out of her office clothes - a tight black skirt and stockings and a tight fitting pullover - before too. And besides, the only one growing hungrier by the minute was she: Living alone definitely had it's perks. Today had been an especially long day...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 3 Futas First Harem Treat

Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...

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SwapChapter 29

"Hi, Eric," my father said when I answered the phone. "I thought I'd check on you. I'm also calling to thank you. The accommodations you arranged for us are fantastic." "I'm happy you're enjoying yourself," I said. "Listen, before I called you, I called Detective Newman. Hobbs finally rolled over on the cooker. Robert Jones is under arrest and in custody, and we have nothing to fear from him. Newman says he's non-violent, a nerdy chemist, not a drug kingpin. Escalante was the...

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Cuckold for Life Pt1

This is a series of true experiences I have had with my wife of twelve years. Let’s start off by saying I have been a cuckold for the past ten years. I have watched my wife suck and fuck hundreds of men. I enjoy watching and participating in these sexual encounters.I will obey anything my beautiful wife tells me to do, in return I have had a wild sexual adventure that never stops. I can remember the first time my wife Amy took control of are sex lives. She told me that my cock belonged to her...

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Roberts Story Chapter 12

(((Ringing))) (((Ringing))) A loud obtrusive ringing set upon me, I reached for the phone, tangled in naked little girls. “Hello”? “Good morning Robert” Marcus said brightly, “Wake up Erik’s girls and send them on to their Grandfather they have a day of preparing to do, and join me on the balcony for some coffee. We have some logistics to cover”. I kindly nudged and kissed the little angels awake pulling them up from the bed. They gathered their gowns...

4 years ago
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Wagons HoChapter 9

April 2, 1845 It took us some time to cross the Grand River the next morning. There weren't any real problems, but we did have to drag the hogs across. We had one hog drown, so we butchered him. It took us so long we only made thirteen miles for the day. After supper, we went to bed early. I was so tired I almost drifted off as soon as I laid down, but Millie and Tess wanted to talk. I was lying there, on my back, with an arm around each of them. I think I was really drifting in and out of...

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Car Ride With Friends Mom

I had a c***dhood friend (Matt James) whose parents owned a condo at Sugar and Matt invited me on many ski weekends. Usually Matt's older sister brought a friend as well and everyone would ski except for his mother who preferred to read and relax rather than braving the wind, ice, and cold. Matt's Mom was nice looking with big boobs. She was not overweight but was stocky with muscular legs. She was a gymnast when she was younger and while she was not small I always found her very attractive....

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Ohh Papi que rico que RICO

My lover and I are in an interracial relationship. He is an Asian man from Mandalay. And I am a Hispanic mixed female from Puerto Rico. He and I have gone through a lot in our relationship. We have even disagreed so many times and have argued. But the sex between us has always been muy PERFECTO! Something that happens betweens us quite often. It was a humid summer night and I had just finished taking a shower and toweling off. I sat on the living room couch, brushing my long wet hair, and...

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She really tried to blackmail me the beginning

The father left just when they bought the house. I just met the girls a few times around but it wasn't much more than just the occasionally "hello" and "goodbye". When i had a huge party at my place since my parents were gone (what's a pretty rare opportunity) I had a party with some friends. I invited Jenny that day, who was a really awesome girl. She was 16, 1,70m tall, had long blonde hair, a really pretty young and innocent face, and a stunning personality. When I told her my...

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Delta OriginalChapter 14 The Township of Futura

Since they had learnt that the locals called the planet Utopia, they decided to name their township Futura instead. No one was happier than Sean was when the crew moved into the dome. He wasn’t really big on screwing his love in a tent full of smelly crewmembers. Every time they tried to sneak off, someone either found them or called them. It had been a long, very frustrating two weeks for Sean and Lee. The members of the crew that had loved ones back on the ship had all managed several...

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Come On In

Sitting at my desk next to the open window was a good work atmosphere. The fresh air and slight breeze helped my dull paperwork seem not quite unbearable. I glanced up and let my eyes rest on the trees that swayed gently on this mild summery afternoon. Then my gaze was jerked rudely away from the botany, and to a figure lying on the grass. It was a girl, a very attractive and subtly sexy girl, lounging in the ankle-high fescue. She lay on her side, propped up on one elbow, appearing to study a...

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Sissy Stepson Part 4 Stepmothers Test

Part 4 - Stepmother's Test She crossed her legs and began dangling her high heel again and Carl became excited. His sissy stick started to stick up as he watch the dangling show and fashion models prancing on the run way. He had no where to escape and his stepmother noticed her panties bulging with his sissy cock. She nonchalantly let the shoe fall on the carpet and said, "Well, missy are you going to pick my shoe up and place back on my toes or can't you get up!" "Yes, ma'am, I...

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Asian Mom Step Son

“How is it possible for one little girl to create this much mess!” I thought to myself while I spent another morning picking up clothe and trash from my daughter’s room. I loved my daughter Jessie, but she’s not a little k** anymore and needs to learn to clean up after herself. I looked around her room and was met with nothing but untidiness; her bed unmade with pillows on the floor and a bed sheet clinging on to dear life of her mattress, a desk covered from coloring books to magazine...

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Safe as the bank

John worked as an advisor in a bank and enjoyed his time there. He got to see and talk to a lot of different people, while also playing with numbers which he liked so much. John was a rather open and friendly guy, though some may say he´s kind of nerdy sometimes. He didn´t care, as long as he got to do what he liked no one could put a cloud over his head. It was a Friday and all employees were enjoying the outlook of an up and coming weekend. John had planned to take an early one to go home...

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Do it for Daddy

I know why i am a submissive, and i know why i let myself be used and taken and controlled by the Man i love.  I let my Man tell me what to do, how to do it, what to say, and i enjoy it. He tells me "say it" because he wants to have that control over me, He wants to know that i will SAY IT whatever IT is he wants to hear. I wear His collar, around my neck and in my heart and on the fourth finger of my left hand. But those aren't the only reasons. He takes the power from me because i want Him...

2 years ago
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“That’s a fair deal. To fully disclose I need to tell you that everyone in the house I have or currently am making love with.” “That doesn’t surprise me at all. I know how to keep a secret darlin,’” she said. That made me smile. “We aren’t expected back for over two hours -- do you want to have some more, Lizzy?” “Can I get on top, Michael?” she asked me with the smile of a young girl. On our trip to the house, Elizabeth said, “Do you break in everybody like you did with me,...

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Leather Book 1Chapter 4

Sarah was lying naked on the bed, watching Kip dress. "Typical male," she pouted. "You get what you want and then you leave." "Sorry luv I've got to open the garage before my other mechanics show up. I'll give you a call when your car's ready and come pick you up." He grinned at her. "Would anytime be more convenient than some other?" "No," she grinned back. Sarah escorted Kip downstairs wearing only her birthday suit and kissed him goodbye at the door. "Call me when my car...

4 years ago
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My first porno cinema experience

I was a very horny teenager, and had started masturbating at a very early age. By the time I was 14, I was masturbating several times a day, and loved my porno mags...pre-internet days were exciting! One afternoon, I took myself into the westend of London, back when porno cinemas were all over the place. I was curious, so, getting up my nerve, I approached the ticket office to one in piccadilly circus, expecting to be turned away as I was so young. To my amazement and delight, the guy took my...

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Master STanleys Rubber Slave

I finished shining the black latex to a glossy sheen admiring my reflection as I did, I then stood back to admire my work. My wife Penny stood before me covered head to foot in latex, panting with excitement I admired the ample contours of her beautifully body. The suit was made to measure so it fit in all the right places. My mouth watered at the sight and I could see the lust in her eyes. In return she took the shining gloss and began to shine the latex suit I was wearing. You see I too...

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Feminine Fate Fulfilled

Like all of my other stories this one had been already published on Literotica. You can find it here: https://www.literotica.com/s/feminine-fate-fulfilled__ For whatever reason Chyoa doesn't include Crossdressing in the category of Transsexual and doesn't have a separate category for that theme. This story does not include any transsexuals, but I considered this category to be the most fitting nevertheless. Please, send any complaints to the mods of this site. I would like to thank my friend...

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The March of the RoseChapter 16

Tristan finally had an opportunity to talk to Graydon alone after dinner. Dunin and Beriwen were set to take an evening stroll and Anastasia, still in a melancholy mood, had retired for the evening. Graydon was sitting in the dining room nursing a tankard of ale and listening to a traveling minstrel. "I have been meaning to talk to you alone, about Anastasia," Tristan remarked, sipping from his own tankard. "She has been acting strange since this morning." "Well, she did just bury her...

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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 3 Salomes Futa Passions Displayed

Chapter Three: Salome's Futa Passions Displayed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Wednesday I hit the back button, closing my phone book app and stopping myself from calling Shelena. I threw my smartphone onto my bed. I wouldn't give in to my lust for the bullying, Black futa and her massive girl-dick. I didn't need her fucking my asshole any longer. I had Paloma and the kinky changes to our relationship. I flopped onto my bed and shuddered, rolling over in my...

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Crashing a High School party

Introduction: Becca in jr high decides to crash a highschoolers party, A friend of mines story I had overheard two high school girls talking about a party so I decided to crash it. I didnt really think I would get in being only 13 so as opposed to being embarrassed when I failed going with a friend I decided to go alone. I told my parents that I was going over a friends and asked if it was alright if I stayed the night. My school work was done so the grudgingly agreed. I put on a nice top and...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Scarlett Mae Eliza Eves Uncovered Attraction

Buying a robotic vacuum is the best thing Eliza Eves’ parents have ever done! Since it helps Eliza keep the house tidy, now she has more time to spend with her bestie, Scarlett Mae. Tonight they decide to spend that time watching a movie, although the movie is steamier than they anticipated… As the two friends sit close together with a blanket thrown over their laps for extra warmth and comfort, they start to secretly become more and more aroused. Each thinking that the other...

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having sex with my aunt

Having sex with my aunt I lived in a pretty regular neighbourhood, with not many fancy things happening. It was mostly quiet, because it was an area where most of the retired people came and settled. Our house was passed down from generation to generation and it now belonged to my uncle who lived there with his wife and kid. I was living there temporarily, as I had to prepare for some competitive exams and I was taking a year’s break for that. They were more than happy to have me, and I was...

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Sophia Ch 02

The next morning, Sophia woke up with all the covers thrown off her. It was hot! She looked up at the wall next to her bed. Her room was decorated as sunnily as possible, with yellow, orange and red everywhere. She sniffed the air through the open window next to her bed. She brushed her hair back out of her face and nearly sprang out of bed. Summer was coming. It was only two weeks until she was on a plane. Finals were the only things between her and a sweet summer. It was going to be a good...

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Paula and Tina Shaving

Pubic hair, I’m not sure why we really have pubic hair. Why do we? I vaguely remember the little twisted dark growths of beginning puberty. A few strands around my otherwise naked little puss that soon sprouted into little tufts. Two little patches of thin hair that I played with as my experience with masturbation grew and matured. Then suddenly, FUMPT, a full patch of hair. “Shave it?” Tina asked.“Yeah, I don’t like it.” I said.“You are crazy, it’s going to grow back all funny.” “No it’s not!...

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HandsOnHardcore Tori Dakota Hot Russian Anal Sex Addict

Our favorite new anal sex addict Tori Dakota is filmed getting her fix and getting kinky with her favorite massage therapist, Jay Snakes, inside her mansion in today’s Hands On Hardcore 4K premium porn house call. Join the busty blonde glamour model in the bath as she fingers her shaved pussy and loves on her huge jugs before Jay arrives. Once her gorgeous body is splayed out on the table, her curvy ass is just too irresistible and you get to watch Mr. Snakes slide is cock between the...

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A Spin on the Sex Life or What was I just In

Bill and Stacy had been married now for two years when they found themselves visiting Bill’s parents during Christmas. Being the only married couple of Bill’s siblings, it had become customary for them to sleep in the largest guest room in the house. This room contained the double bed that just happened to be Bill’s parents old bed from when he was younger and living at home. One of the advantages to having this room was that it was directly across the hall from the bathroom, making it very...

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Daniel, Bruce and Charlie, my three tormentors, would often run me down and take what they wanted, more times then I care to think of was I made to get on my hands and knees and service one or all three of them, they had little or no mercy when it came to sexual intercourse with me. I stayed awake at night crying after each episode that I had endured. The great shame of having to tell an adult that I was made to submit to accept sex from three guys was enough to keep me from reporting them to...

2 years ago
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Finding Miss or Mrs Right

CHAPTER 1 The trouble with women is they act unpredictably, Gerard Evans snorted into the wind, leaning against the safety railing of the pier. He had reason for that grumble. Yesterday Gerard had been shafting his girlfriend Peggy on the dinning table when his mum walked in with her friend Mrs Walsh. There was hell to play. Peggy who was terribly embarrassed swore at Gerard and said he’d claimed his fucking mother wouldn’t be home for at least another hour. His mom slapped Peggy yelling...

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The Dino and The Beagle Boy

Botched Job always felt like a little boy in the presence of Grox. Maybe it had something to do with their difference in size, or maybe because Grox had such a strong personality that made the beagle boy feel secured and loved. They undressed but kept their undies on. That way they lay on the bed and started to kiss. Playful at first, but soon their desire took over and their kissing became more hungry, wild, licking, sucking and softly biting. They were pressing their bodies against each...

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The Neighbors Boy Chapter 6

The Neighbor's Boy - Chapter 6 Welcome to Chapter 6. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. Laura's story with Matt continues. Again, I would appreciate your reviews/comments/suggestions. Chapter 6. Not long before lunch, an instant message from Barry came in, "Please come to my office!" "In a minute," I replied. Slipped back on my heels, and made my way over to Barry's office. "Hel --" Before I could finish my greeting, "You were late this morning! Why...

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Kat My Sex Life Part 1

Mr. D’Angelo was the director of the department I worked for. I was working for the company for two weeks when I was told to go to his office one day because he wanted to talk to me about career opportunities. He told me that although I got hired, the first 6 months were really a trial period where I would be evaluated. He said so far I have been doing well. He asked me what I would like to do. I didn’t know how to respond I just said “I don’t know yet.” He asked me if I wanted to make...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 Leamington Spa

Next morning Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann was waiting on the towpath alongside Britannia at five minutes before nine. We set off, crossing the canal at a nearby bridge and rode the three miles into Leamington Spa. During the journey we chatted, mainly on military matters, although I was dying to ask whether he had spent the night with the Duchess. He occasionally gave a yawn, and I noticed what could be a love bite on his neck, only partly covered by his stock. Taking account of his general...

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The Birthday Bitch

“Mmm, fuck...keep doing that. Don't stop until I cum.” I tightened my grip on Will's hair until I was certain it must hurt. He knew enough to take my words seriously; he licked and sucked my clit with increased fervor, knowing that if I didn't cum, he wouldn't, either. Probably not for a while as he'd be wearing his cock cage every day. Not that I really needed the cage to keep him in line. He was an eager little fuck toy who enjoyed being used, abused, and humiliated as I saw fit. If I told...

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You Lay In Bed

You lay on the bed, the sheets cool against your back and limbs. You pull slightly against ropes that tie you down leaving you open and exposed. Candles burn around the room but the soft black velvet of the blindfold casts your world into darkness. Someone moves beyond your reach, the soft rustle of the sheets on the bed is all you hear as you feel a warm breath and familiar soft lips caress your neck sending a shiver across your skin."Don’t cum," they whisper into your ear.You quiver in...

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Dressing Up and Dressing Down

"Aha! You are beaten, foul creature. No longer will you plague these lands. Now I shall end thee with a swift stroke of my blade!" "Uh, please ... please I beg of you. Spare my life," she said dryly. "You ask for mercy? After all the evil that you have done? It is my duty to bring you to justice," he said with much enthusiasm. "There must be a way I can- Really, Derek? Do we have to go through all this?" Lisa complained, gesturing to the papers in her hand and the costume she was...

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Staceys Mom

Brad Halstead had never heard of the band Fountains of Wayne, but when he heard their song “Stacey’s Mom” playing in his teenage daughter’s bedroom memories of a wonderful time in his life flooded back. About fifteen years ago Stacey Keen was his best friend. There weren’t many kids their age that lived close by, so they gravitated together much of the time. She was something of a tomboy and they played around the neighborhood together in the long, hot summers of their late teenage years....

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ThisGirlSucks Peyton Robbie Cleansing Of The Throat

Peyton has been reading some very odd online news publications as of recent. She stumbled across an article talking about how if you give some exceptional deepthroat head, the suction part of it acts as a detoxifier for the entire body! Shes been wanting to suck some cock so bad for a while anyway, so she called Ike over and he was glad to fill her up. Peyton was really looking to cleanse herself deeply, so she sucked that dick with all of the pressure her body could forge. She sucked it so...

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Taken at a Rest StopChapter 5

I glanced up nervously. The volume of the quiet murmur coming from off the set was increasing. I was surprised to see that the crowd of men standing around the outside of the fake bedroom had just about doubled in size. There seemed to be close to twenty-five men, give or take half a dozen, standing around watching me now. They were all ages and all races and all shapes and sizes. I told myself that at least it wouldn't be as bad as that night in the bar. There were only half as many men...

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Well, what to do now? Marge walked in and caught him red handed. No, “red dicked” would be closer to the facts. Merry’s lipstick was smeared all over the head of his cock. Her lips were attached to the end of the damned thing and she had a suction going. Dell looked up as his wife Marge stepped out on the back porch and looked at the scene before her. His mind searched and discarded a hundred logical reasons to explain how his cock ended up in his next door neighbor’s mouth. Had he really...

3 years ago
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My first time with a man

My love of cock had started out when I was a young boy. Like most I would seek peeks in the locker rooms at school and in the restrooms. I hid this for many years out of fear of what people would think of me. I knew that I was raised by a father that was totally against this way of thinking so i kept it bottled up inside. Only thinking about it when I jerked off. After several years in the Army where again I had to hide it. I was starting to get desperate to find out what it would be like to...

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I was staring at her again. She sat next to me on the back porch of the house we rented together. Her long midnight-colored hair cascaded over her left shoulder stark against her pale skin. Then her beautiful, hazel eyes blinked at me and her lips curled into a smile as she finished exhaling smoke.“Your hit,” she said to me as she handed me the pipe.I took the glass pipe from her along with the lighter. She smiled at me again and giggled. I couldn’t help but giggle too as I lit the pipe and...

Oral Sex
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United my mother with me

United my mother with meThis is the story of how my mother and I became lovers when I was 18 years old and how our relationship became more intimate later. My mother’s name is Malathi and my name is Prabhakhar. We are a middle class Malayali family. My mother was married at the age of 18 to her uncle – my grandmother’s brother – when he was 40 years old, after his first wife died. I was born the same year she got married and after me, she had two girls and a boy was born just a few months...

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Getting Nailed

Although the conference was crowded, I spotted her the second I walked into the hotel bar. She still couldn't pull it off, I thought. She had all the makings, but somehow it never quite came together. By all rights she should have gotten the executive promotion. She just didn't have the style. But style was what I did best, and I loved it. I approached her. I crossed the room in my tailored suit. It went well with my chiseled jaw, 6 foot 3 inch strut, and my perfect hair. I...

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Modern Relations part 05 Alex and her Mother Summer of Love

“Well, was I right about Halloween being fun?” Alex asked Kevin.“Yeah, I’m... I’m kind of blown away. I’ll never look at Cynthia the same way again.”Alex looked askance at Kevin. “No questions about my behavior?”“Well, how do you feel about it?”“I was worried, but my disguise worked, so I reveled in it. Looking back? No regrets,” she said, then gazed searchingly in Kevin’s eyes. “How about you?”“Me?”“My story, does it change the way you look at me?” Alex blushed shyly. Kevin shook his head....

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Charlotte Star, a masseuse, is pleasantly surprised when the next client that walks through her door is her old friend, Thomas Robinson! It’s been so long since she’s seen him last and he looks even more handsome than ever. She’s had a crush on him forever but he’s only ever seen her as a friend… but maybe today she can change his mind with an extra special massage! But Thomas is a bit shy to be massaged by Charlotte since they’re friends. It takes some...

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The Masturbation Lab Part II

Two days after the first lab session that Annie had with Rob, she ran into another woman that she had seen in the general lab session with Dr. Lubewell. Annie approached her and said “Aren’t you in the physiology lab, you know the one on human masturbation?” “Yeah, I am, I thought I recognized you. My name is Stephanie Mc Allister, and you are. . .?” “I’m Annie Stenorius, I’m a junior at the University.” “Nice to Meet you Annie. What’s your take on this whole thing, I mean do you have time to...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 39 I Was Dropped On My Head

March 3d, 2019 Hello Everyone, Last Saturday, I was dropped head first on concrete. I was attending a meeting of one of the groups my wife and I do charity work with. The meeting was being held in one of the members shops. He had an inversion chair that he was letting people try. I have wanted to use one since the 1980’s. In I went, over I went and headfirst into the concrete I slammed. My shoes were not on tight enough and my momentum pulled me out of them. I thought I had broken my...

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Home Alone Almost

Greg woke up, urgently needing to pee and was about to put some clothes on but remembered that he was alone. Both his college-age daughter, Bree and his wife, Laura were at work. Finally, he was alone and had the house to himself for the day! No need to put something on especially since he desperately needed to empty his bladder.Greg bounced out of bed, walked down the hall, naked with a half-stiff cock bobbing up and down ready to burst. He opened the bathroom door just as Sandy, his...

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Little Miss Sissy Whore

Chapter 1 -- The Pick-up Every year I waited eagerly for the three days when PC-Expo was back in town. In the past, I was always able to find some willing and naive out-of-town female to pick up, "do the nasty," and say my hasty good-byes. Most of them were from some small hick town and were entranced with the Big Apple. In fact, that was both the nickname for the city, and for me. Most women just couldn't wait to sink their teeth into me. So there I was, looking for some love, on the last day...

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Unwillingly Seduced Part Three

I stood at the beginning of the pier, cell to my ear, looking back at Slainte, at *him*. Waiting for his order, to tell me what I wanted to do and how to do it, feeling small and needy...and desperate.“Tell me what to do...”I heard him chuckle over the cell, “First, in your purse, is there a pen?”I dug into my purse and actually found a ballpoint pen, “Yes.”I watched him smile. He tapped his mouth as if in thought....fucking tell me...A contented sigh came over the phone, “Very good. Still...

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WildOnCam Lilly Bell Yumi Sin Make Each Other Cum LIVE

Lilly Bell is ready to have a hot show with Yumi Sin. She just wants to get her face all up in that beautiful pussy and see how well Yumi can make her cum. Lilly loves feeling Yumis fingers run through her bush before finding the wet entrance to that beautiful wet pussy! Yumi wastes no time making Lilly moan out loud and wants to feel her cum all over her fingers. Lilly has some toys and is ready to see Yumi cum for her too! These babes have a hot time together and really want to help make you...


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