Junkin DuncanChapter 5 free porn video

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In the morning I could hear the two little girls telling Angelina all about their week in school. They missed their mother, but with the love that everyone here at the ranch was lavishing on them, they weren't sad or lonely. I asked if we were going to church today.

"No, Junkin. What I would like to do is take a ride up the old trail so we can look down into the valley where the old ghost town is located. I wish it was more accessible for it is a beautiful place."

"This means horses doesn't it?"

"Yes, it is five miles to the top of the ridge. We don't have time to hike it this afternoon. You ought to get more practice on a horse. You're still one of those eastern tenderfoots."

"Maybe, but think of the poor horse." This brought an explosive round of laughter from everyone including the little girls. They knew I was just making excuses. It was decided that Angelina, Mom, Juan and I would go. Mom had been up there several times in her youth before going east. Amy and Amelia wanted to go, but Angelina said no, not this time. She promised sometime before snow, we would take tents and go camp in the valley.

It was a beautiful clear day. When we reached the top of the ridge we got off the horses and walked around enjoying the awesome vistas; both back to the southeast and the ranch, and then due west down into the valley where the ghost town was located. Several tumbled down buildings were still visible. The valley consisted of about thirty acres that surrounded the town. I was interested, as the valley was nowhere near as low as the ranch we had come from. It was only about a mile from the top of the ridge to the old buildings.

We spent an hour and then turned and headed for home. I walked down ahead of the horse. No way was I confident enough to stay on something that if it stopped I would be going over its head. I watched Mom and Angelina. They were totally relaxed, laughing and conversing with each other. I guess it was a matter of trust you had in what you were seated on. Maybe next time.

The trail actually wasn't that steep, only at the switchbacks where you reversed directions. My mind, always active, studied the trail as I hiked along down. This could be made ATV accessible with a little work. Only two places would have to be blasted. One was where the kid lost his life the previous year in a dune buggy. If those two places were widened I would certainly feel safer on a four-wheeler than on the horse that was lumbering along behind me.

When we got back down to the lease, Mom and Angelina kicked their horses with their heels and raced for the ranch house, with Juan staying with me. We paused and watched and saw the two women, one over fifty and the other approaching thirty, arrive neck and neck. I don't know which one I was prouder of. The one I gloried in her love or the one that I had looked up to since I was a child. Anyway both belonged here. Now, more and more, I was feeling I did as well.

I took off Monday morning from the airport for a tour of seven ski areas in five states. Two of them were in the northeast. Mainly I wanted to see what equipment they used on the slopes. I didn't find the slopes as large as the one that we had here at the ranch. They had more trails and more land mass, but all trails were steeper and some very narrow. This slope that we had would be classified as more novice than anything else. I did get some insight as to what I needed. I returned to the western section of the country and after visiting three areas here, I figured I had all the information necessary.

I tentatively put a binder down on one snowpacker. It had four tracks and would also groom the slopes if they were too rough. I had looked at several snow cats made by various companies and estimated I would need at least three of these--four would be better. They all had some passenger capacity, but they would be used primarily for towing some sort of sled which would double the vehicles' load. They had various engines in them, but I was inclined to stick with diesel.

I stepped off the plane Friday evening and took a taxi to Angelina's house. I had left the Forester there before boarding the plane to tour the country. I had called her and she said she would be home at eight-thirty. I hadn't eaten and I was pretty tired, but when my Angel got out of her car, I was refreshed. Maybe Angelina felt the same. We kissed and I took her out to a small Italian restaurant. "What's the matter, don't you like Mexican?"

This was becoming a standing joke and I always answered with, "You're the only thing Mexican I like."

"So how did your trip go? Did you find out everything you needed to?"

"I think so. The snowpackers we need are costly, but by choosing older, but well maintained ones, I think we can manage with less than $250,000. Those will be the most single expensive items. All told we can get this thing going for under a half million."

Angelina looked at me as if I was crazy. "Junkin, you can't seriously be considering spending that kind of money. Christ, the interest alone will be thirty-five or forty thousand dollars a year. You'll lose the ranch if this project goes belly up."

"It would be that much if we borrowed it."

"Where's the money supposed to come from if you don't borrow it?" I sat there grinning at her. "Junkin, don't tell me you are worth that much? If you are, what are you doing here at Pa's ranch?"

I turned serious. "Angel, let me explain. For some reason I bought something that turned into being worth much more than I could dream of. At the time I sold it, I had just been kicked to the curb by someone I loved. I left to get away from having to remember her. I have found someone else to love and others that have come to love me. I have found happiness and I think I have given others happiness in return. I'd like to share.

"As far as the money is concerned, I have a lot of it. Kind of rounding figures off, I'm collecting somewhere around $50,000 a month for the next three and a half years. I had some money before I came into the fortune and that is what I have been using. Just since signing the papers and coming out here, my net worth has increased by $300,000."

"But why are you working so hard? You should enjoy it if you have that much."

"How? I have just been gone five days. I've flown first class and I've stayed in the best hotels. I've eaten in the best restaurants. I wasn't happy. I wanted every one of those days to be sitting across the table from Mom and Ezra and your two little girls. Tonight and everyday from now on I want to go to bed with you. How much more can I enjoy myself than that?

"To bring this into perspective. Say I give you a couple hundred thousand dollars. Would you give up finishing your schooling? Or will you give up working in the clinic? I will if that is what you want."

"You're bluffing. You wouldn't give me that much money."

I signaled a waiter. "Would you bring me a blank sheet of paper and an envelope?"

"Certainly Sir."

The paper came and I creased and tore off a quarter sheet of the paper. I took a pen and wrote along the top left corner, John Duncan, my telephone number and my address. I put the date to the right. I drew a line and wrote over it, pay to the order of Angelina Betite. I wrote in the amount under that, two hundred thousand dollars and no cents. I put the numerals to the right of that. Below that I signed my name, John Duncan. I listed the bank tracking number and the account number it was to be drawn on.

"That is a check for that amount and I guarantee it is good and you can cash it at any bank. The bank might question it so when you cash it, they might want verification from me. I'll freely give it." I slid it into the envelope and handed it across the table.

"Junkin, why did you do that?"

"You said I was bluffing. I never bluff where you are concerned."

My Angel sat across from me. The envelope was being held in her hands. She contemplated it. Then she looked at me. "You are right again about how I feel. I have worked so hard to get three-quarters of the way to my degree. I can't give it up now. As far as working at the clinic, I need the experience in a medical setting. Is this going to change us?"

"I don't see how."

Angelina opened the envelope, took the paper check and tore it into small pieces. Then she put it on her plate and poured the remains of her coffee on it and stirred it until it was just a soggy mess. "Maybe it will change us a little. It is getting late and I'm tired. You said you were too. I have to work tomorrow. You will have a lot of catching up to do at the ranch."

I guess the change she mentioned was presented by a little more intensity in what took place before we slept.

The ranch had not fallen to pieces while I was gone. In fact things had moved forward on all fronts. The holding pasture was all laid out with feed bunks and places for the cattle to drink. I was worried about the water. I studied the situation. The cattle were to drink from a small stream that came from a spring up the mountain a short distance. To be sure that the water would not be fouled, we built a small dam and laid some pipe down to the edge of the pasture. I had Paco and Juan build a trough that ran across the pasture where the stream normally ran. This was off the ground about two feet and twenty cattle at a time could drink from it. At the end of it the water dropped down into the stream bed and went on its normal way.

Other things were being done. The mobile home for Paco and Juan arrived and we set it up next to the bunkhouse. We had a great time putting the log siding on it. We had to extend the roof line. This had a peaked roof already so it was just a matter of loosening the drip edge and sliding some aluminum under it and having it supported by the logs. It wasn't too professional, but no one would notice if it wasn't pointed out.

Things were taking place in the house as well. We addressed what each apartment needed. I was satisfied with my room. It was much improved when new mattresses and bedding were purchased. Angelina's room was the largest and held the bunk beds for Amy and Amelia. They didn't want to change and Angelina said that she would just as soon wait for the building of her apartment in the spring.

We hired an attorney to settle ownership. Ezra still held title, but each of us owned shares in a corporation that was named Hogan's Hacienda. Everything but the real property was included in this up to and including the silverware and cooking dishes in the kitchen. Basically we were a commune, none of us drawing wages, but all of our necessities met through the ownership of the private property. I didn't own any more than the other residents here. However, I was still the manager, the investor and the banker. The attorney railed against my decision to make my dealings with the corporation unsecured. I flatly stated that I considered those on the Hogan ranch as family. I stared the lawyer down until he threw up his hands and went onto other aspects of the meeting.

I think Paco and Juan were the ones most excited. A year ago they were penniless looking for day work and spending what few quarters they had, if any, on a beer in some tavern. Now they had a nice home, no worries, and were being treated as equals by both their sister and their father. All they had to contribute was a few hours of willing work. Work they knew was appreciated.

The only steady income came from the beef jerky. Every week our sales increased and I began to think I would have to find something else we could sell to the same customers. Then I thought how busy it was going to be when and if the skiing venture took off. I didn't want to hire extra help and I didn't want to enlarge our little group. Of course if Paco and Juan came up with women, they would be considered.

It was two weeks until the poker weekend. I was going to have to find beds for fifty extra people. The bunkhouse would house twenty-five. The living room would take twelve. I finally decided, after talking with the sheriff, that I would have enough room for the rest to flop down in the four extra bedrooms we weren't using. The sheriff told me not to worry.

"We will start playing about seven on Friday night. By Saturday morning there will be at least eight out of money. The players will have breakfast and some will sleep, but not all. By Saturday evening more than half will be broke. I hope I'm not one of them. By Sunday morning, I predict there will be only seven or eight that still have enough on the table to make decent bets. Everyone will be gone by the afternoon.

"You have to remember that this is more of a social gathering than one for serious gambling. When they want to gamble they go to Vegas or some other place."

I took one day and made the trip back to where I had looked over the snowpackers. I had a mechanic from a local Caterpillar dealership with me to look at the vehicles. He was licensed as a diesel mechanic and was familiar of course with tracked vehicles. We looked at six of the snowpackers and he approved four. I intended to buy only three, but bought the fourth one when it was offered at half price. I made arrangements for transport and I was home that evening well satisfied with the progress I was making in getting things organized.

I sent payment off to the owner of the fifth vehicle I had put a binder down on and that was unloaded at the Caterpillar garage to be gone over thoroughly. I approached a sporting goods store and offered them the chance to open an outlet at the ranch to sell skiing equipment. They suggested that I have equipment to rent. I started shaking my head no, but when they mentioned the cut I would get for each rental, I agreed.

I wasn't involved in the selling of the ski equipment, except to provide space for sales and inventory. We had to use the bunkhouse. I looked toward the horse barn and three horses were staring at me. "I promise you will always have a home." They whickered! Can't have a ranch without horses.

It was for me to go the forty miles to see my Angel once during the week. She was committed to Saturday, eight or nine in the morning until two or three in the afternoon. She was still working some in the evenings, but the clinic realized that she had homework so she was able to cut her hours back to two hours. I timed my coming to town so I could take her out to dinner on Wednesday after her hours ended. Many of these dinners were short and just to catch up on what was happening. Then it was time to show our love for each other.

Weekends were for Amy and Amelia to reconnect with their mother. I understood this and more often than not, I was included, maybe staying slightly in the background while giving Angelina and the girls every chance at being a family. Amy, smaller and the youngest at five and a half, sometimes crawled onto my lap and let me hold her as Amelia talked about school and what was going on in her life. I felt we all were headed toward becoming a unit unto ourselves.

It did come to a head the last Sunday before the poker party. We had been talking for awhile and Amy was on my lap. "Mommy all the kids in my class have a daddy. I don't have one. I remember a man that I used to call Daddy, but that was a long time ago. Can I call Junkin Daddy sometimes? I really like him."

Amelia jumped on her. "Amy you can't call Junkin Daddy. I remember our father and he slept in the bed with Mom."

I could see that Angelina was without words. I spoke, "Girls, sometimes kids have dads that don't live with their moms, but they are still their father. Your dad died so you don't have one. Someday she might marry and then you would have a new dad. Amy, if you want to call me Daddy, I'll be your pretend one. Would that make you happy?"

I was reluctant to look at Angelina. This was another make or break situation in my relationship with my Angel. Would she agree to my becoming a pretend father or would this tear us apart and destroy the progress I had made up to this point?

"Amelia, how do you feel about Amy calling Junkin, Daddy? You remember your father and she doesn't."

"Okay I guess. He treats us as nice as Dad did and he doesn't yell at you all the time. When you get mad at Junkin and say mean things to him, he just agrees with you and then does something nice for you. But he agrees with you only until you understand that he was right all along and then you agree with him. Nellie told me that. Amy, give our pretend Daddy a kiss, it is time for bed."

Amelia came over and after I received a kiss from Amy she put an arm around my neck and kissed me. They disappeared into their room leaving Angelina and me looking after them.

"Was that a set-up?"

"I don't think so. Not by me anyway. Someone has been coaching them though. I guess it had to be Mom. I still don't know how you feel about me becoming their pretend Dad."

"I'm fine. Believe it or not, I couldn't be happier. I think it is time that we did the kissing." We awoke in the morning with two little girls standing beside my bed. We had talked about the future half the night and had dressed in our nightclothes. This wasn't intended, but after we made love, we had laid down for a few more minutes of closeness and fallen asleep.

Amelia remembering what she had told Amy last night said, "I guess you can be our real Dad now, you slept with Mom." I motioned for the little ones to climb onto the bed for happy hugs.

Ezra held court as the cars started arriving in the afternoon for the poker weekend. It was a jovial crowd. As they went to Ezra they laid an envelope on the sideboard. This was the five percent that each player was ponying up to play. Jenny, Nellie and Grace, with Pete helping, were setting the table in the kitchen. We had tables just outside and the seating was first come, choose where you want to sit. It was beef, beans, and cornbread, the preferred food. Mom had sheet cake for dessert--white or chocolate. Amy and Amelia served this to the men. I say men, but there were six women in the crowd.

I looked at Ezra when the first woman came in and put her envelope down. "Nelope plays poker and she usually goes home a winner. I wouldn't even consider sitting at a table across from her. She is a real shark." That got him a laugh and a kiss on the cheek. All of the gamblers were aged forty or more, including the women. There were one or two that looked to be Ezra's age. Supper was served at six and Mom and her crew had the table cleared by seven. Play commenced shortly after. It was quiet as the betting took place, both in the kitchen and at the long table outside.

The first player went broke just after eight. He didn't seem concerned. "Cards just not with me tonight. That's okay, I won $80,000 two years ago at one of these parties, so I'm still ahead." He saw four of the snowpackers that had arrived two days ago and wandered over to look at them. I drifted over and he questioned what was going on.

I explained and he thought it was a great idea. Guessed he might spread the word to the school board he sat on. Another man busted and came out wanting to know how I ended up here being from the east and all. "My Mom is Nellie, Ezra's niece. She always talked about coming out and as I was winding up my affairs, I sent her out ahead of me. Best thing I ever did."

I guess it wasn't Nelope's night either, for she came out next. "I should have dipped into the till." She explained that remark, saying she was a branch manager of a sizable bank. We had said we wouldn't be furnishing alcohol, but there was a keg brought in by a beer distributor who was inside at the table. There were a few bottles of liquor around. No one seemed to drink when they were gambling, but if they went broke they didn't hesitate.

Angelina arrived at nine. Never hesitating, she came right to me and we kissed. Nelope was the second one kissed. It was friendly and I could see affection between the two. "Nelope tried Pa on for size for awhile. It didn't last, but I have always loved her."

Gambling stopped as Angelina made her way by the gamblers. Angelina went up to Ezra and kissed him on the cheek. I had never seen her do this before. "Ezra, you and Angie stopped fighting for awhile?" This came from one of the players that had been here for the barbecue.

"Yep, got me a manager and he straightened her out. Took him awhile because she is so ornery. There is more love in the air around here than you can believe. Even some for me. Grace, can you wheel out here?" Ezra introduced Grace Lincoln and after congratulations and small talk, play resumed.

Ezra didn't keep his mouth shut, and with confirmation by the sheriff, by midnight everyone knew that I had been shot and how. Jenny had exterminated, not only a wolf that had bothered his cows, but also a major drug dealer who was trying to rob him. "Yessir, I got me a crew now and one way or another, they are all family."

None of us got much sleep as someone would wander away from the game and come looking for something to eat. The big television stayed on low and the couches were occupied with people sleeping or watching the screen. There was no noon meal as such, only sandwiches. For supper, the crowd had thinned enough so everyone could find a place to gamble at the table outside. Mom roasted pork and potatoes and had a tuna salad consisting of macaroni, cucumber, green peppers and onion on the side. Dessert was a hot apple cobbler.

By early Sunday morning, the $250,000 less the 5% that came in, was being held among the remaining seven gamblers. It was agreed that at eleven a.m., the game would cease and whatever you had before you on the table was yours.

All seven were winners, having more than what they arrived with. They each threw a thousand into a pot for a tip to Ezra for hosting. This was in addition to the nearly $400 that had been tipped to Amy and Amelia for being so cute when they served the desserts.

It was a lucrative weekend amounting to $12,500, the agreed on 5% cut, $7,000 goodwill tip and $400 to the girls. We had a lot of free word of mouth advertising, both for the new ski area and for the proposed fair next year on Labor Day. We had given out free samples of beef jerky and had almost $900.00 in orders to be delivered. Everyone had a great time with no fights or disagreements over money. We decided we could do this again if it was proposed.

Sunday night when we put the girls to bed, Angelina said the girls didn't have to sleep in the bunk beds. They could sleep together in her bed. She was sleeping with me. In the morning they had permission to knock on my door and ask, "May we come in Daddy?" They had to wait for an answer from either their mother or me. It was never long before a yes was forthcoming.

"Junkin, may I speak to you please?"

"What is it Jenny?"

"Awhile back, you said it was okay for Izzy and me to get married. Then you said you thought it was okay for us to have a family. I think we should be getting married very soon. You know, to keep the neighbors from talking."

"Fine, we will arrange it. Do you want a church wedding or do you want to have it here in the ranch house? How about a honeymoon? Would you like to travel somewhere? You can you know. The ranch will give you money enough for anywhere you want to go. How about Hawaii?"

"No Junkin. Just maybe three days off when we don't have to come down stairs or do chores. I want to show Izzy how happy I am with him. He is a special person you know."

"You have it Jenny. Just think you will soon be Mrs. Israel Hogan. That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? May I hug you?" Tears were in Jenny's eyes as she broke away to tell Izzy they were getting married. Twenty minutes later Izzy hunted me up, grabbed me and hugged me. Nothing was said and nothing had to be.

The two were wedded the Sunday afternoon following our talk. It happened right in the living room where they were at home and comfortable. An unlikely couple but none could be happier. Ezra handed Jenny to Grace, her mother and matron of honor. I was standing beside Izzy as his best man. Mom manned the camera and her photos turned out as only she could have them.

The newly married disappeared up the stairs after the evening meal. No one saw them to talk to until Wednesday when normal life resumed. We knew they hadn't stayed in their room all that time for I could hear them in the kitchen getting food and we knew they went for a ride up to the lease in the moonlight. I told Angelina all about it Wednesday evening, my date night with her. She thought it was so sweet. "I envy them!"

"Is that a hint for me to propose to you?"

"No, not at all. I think we should know each other at least six months before something like that is considered."

This surprised me for I expected now that we were sleeping together every chance we had this would be the next natural move. This conversation took place while we out for dinner. Then I remembered her telling everyone at the ranch that we were sleeping together, but that we might not go any further with it.

I didn't make any comment. I'd wait until six months were up if that was what she wanted. I just continued eating and then started reporting how things were progressing at the ranch. I think Angelina was disappointed I had dropped the subject, not agreeing or disagreeing. I smiled when it was brought up later that evening. Somehow I knew it would be.

"You didn't say anything earlier when I said we should wait six months before getting married. Talk to me."

"Okay, proposing and getting married are two different things. A man can propose to a woman anytime when he decides he loves her and wants to get married. He can even propose and be accepted without knowing when it is going to happen. I can't see how I can marry you and have a honeymoon until next spring at the earliest. That would be as soon as we shut the ski area down and before the cattle go out to pasture. Of course a honeymoon and a marriage go together, but considering the way we are living now they could be two separate events."

"Damn it Junkin, you're confusing me."

"I don't want to confuse you. I'd propose right here and now. We are living almost as a married couple. I'm certainly getting all the benefits. I am the most willing participant, but I have let you govern that agenda. I certainly haven't forced you. I have been burned by being married, but I haven't given up on it. I believe in it totally. There are two little girls that call me daddy, but I don't feel as if I am until I marry their mother."

"You didn't seem to mind when there was all of the free love floating around the ranch this summer. The only ones married in this whole house were Nellie and Pete."

"Maybe not then, but some things changed me. At that time I was still getting over Terry and the way she divorced me. I learned something from her and that hurt more than you can imagine." I didn't continue. I couldn't.

We had been laying in bed in the dark. Angelina sat up and turned on the light. "Junkin, when Bill Boyle rode out from the airport with me, he was decidedly nervous about meeting you. He said he almost didn't come, but Terry wanted to see her father, so he came anyway. Then when you two met, you said something to him and he calmed right down. Bill isn't the father of Junior is he? You are. That's what Terry told you, isn't it?"

I reached over and turned the light off and we were in the dark again. I couldn't answer. "Junkin, does family mean so much to you?"

"Yes it does. Did you know Nellie isn't my real mother? My own mother died when I was only two years old and I don't remember her at all. Then Dad died two years after I married Terry. Pete has been the best father he could be to me, but Terry wanted to rise in the world and she did it on the pain and suffering of her father when she practically disowned him. And then I find I gave away my firstborn before I even knew about him. I could fight for him, but what purpose would it serve?"

Angelina was quiet which I was thankful for. "I came out west and met you. The first time I saw you, you were bitching about Nellie and Pete freeloading off your father. Then you started in on me. You know something? I didn't care. I was in love. You want to know something else? Everything I have done has been a form of courting the one I love. Angelina, I'm not going to wait two more months to propose. Will you marry me? It is now up to you to accept or reject my proposal."

"Yes Junkin, I will become Mrs. John Duncan. When would you like to get married?"

"I'd like it soon before we get busy with skiers, but I will leave it up to you. I have already told you you won't get a honeymoon until spring. It isn't because I am cheap either."

"I know that. God do I ever know that. I would be satisfied to have a wedding just like Izzy and Jenny had. There is one thing I would like to do during those three days though. May we go up over the ridge and down into the ghost town and camp overnight? Of course we won't be alone. We never would get away from Amy and Amelia."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. May I kiss you to seal all of these plans?"

We were going to be married Friday evening, Columbus Day weekend. However there had been a tenement fire in the city the night before and several people were injured. It was lucky there were no deaths, but all medical personnel were required to come in and help at the hospital. Angelina was crying when she called to tell me about it. She was compelled to be on station all three days.

Same as Junkin Duncan
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Home AgainThe senior year at the university was over at last. Tom had already broken up with Carrie. She was his mother's age and married. It wouldn't have lasted no matter how good the sex was. There had been two others before her, both similar ages, both married. He was handsome and could have had his pick of beautiful coeds. They never seemed to offer the same excitement. ------oOOo----- Tom had been home nearly a week. The house was on several acres on the outskirts of town - rural...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Reese Robbins Sophia West Galentine8217s Day

Reese Robbins is bummed out since she’s alone on Valentine’s Day. Her stepmom, Sophia West, notices Reese’s low morale and comes up with an interesting idea. Since they are BOTH alone for Valentine’s Day, why don’t they spend the day pampering EACH OTHER? They could call it… Galentine’s Day instead! Reese loves the idea, and the both of them spend the entire day treating themselves. Though at one point, Reese laments that there’s ONE way she...

2 years ago
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Mera Pahela Pahela Pyaar

Hello dosto how are you all? Yemeri first story he and I hope ki aap logo ko pasand aaye , me kai saal se is story ka reader hu, mene isme maximum story padi he or khas karke muje pados ke bhabhiki chdai or bahen ki chudai wali story bahot pasand he, kher mene bhi aap sabhi se inspiration leke meri story aap lolgo ko sunane ja raha hu, agar koi galti ho gai ho to maaf kar dena, or apni comment muje meri email i.d per mail kare Pahele me apne bare me bata du mera name kabir he,me gujrat ka...

1 year ago
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Aged to Perfection

I guess we all walk around with a lot of preconceived notions about things and, I suppose, for most of them, we carry them with us throughout our life. But there are a few that, in living our lives, we run dead up against an exception to these firmly-implanted ideas and they have to change. That happened to me last year when Olivia and I were looking for a house to buy. Olivia is my girlfriend, we’d been together nearly five years and felt really good with each other and had decided to do what...

3 years ago
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brother and Friend Offer Comfort

I was looking forward to the weekend. It had been a hard week at school. Finals week was hard enough, but in the middle of the week I caught my boyfriend Roy making out with another girl. I decided to meet him after one of his finals and as I headed to the building I saw him pressed up against some chick. I was angry, very angry. I walked up behind him, "Having fun?" He spun so fast he knocked the chick to the ground. "Michelle," he said. "What are you doing here?""Well," I replied. "I was...

4 years ago
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ANTICIPATION When Kelly heard from Mary about the trip to Central City gloryhole, she jumped. Literally. . “TAKE ME THERE!! Talk about Heaven!” “Oh, Kelly, can you imagine two hotties like us walking in there and asking for one of those rooms? We’d start a riot!” “Maybe we should go real trampy, you know, dress like sluts.” “Do you think a girl could drown in come?” giggled Mary. “We could ask Puttana. Well, you know I have a big...

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DawnChapter 7 The Card Game

Back at the Dean mansion, they met Alan as he drove up after work. "Well, hello, ladies, where have my two lovelies been this afternoon?" he asked. Dawn glanced at Melody, but there was no hesitation in her reply. "I took Dawn to meet Tony. We had a nice time," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Did you two get along?" Alan asked Dawn. "Do you mean did he fuck me? Hell yes. That man is hot, truly hot. He's almost as hot as you are, Alan. Not hung quite as well, though," she...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 11 Duelling with Tabatha

We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared. 'You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence. 'Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and...

2 years ago
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Erotic Moments With My Dearest Love

Well hello, there my fabulous readers. I, the Greywolf is back here in front of you guys presenting another fantasy to you guys. This time the story narrates the incidences that how I and my girlfriend share some extremely erotic moments but with an extremely high risk also. Disha, my girlfriend’s name is Disha. Well if we come to her physical features, she is extremely fair first of all. She is quite short by the way, only 5 feet 4. Her figure is quite on the chubbier side. But luckily she is...

2 years ago
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The Party

Gabriela, a toned slender woman of twenty six, stood in 1" inch black heels perfectly posed to show off her model figure. She scanned the party much anticipating to see her old lover when something else caught her eye. Walking toward her with a walk that would have stopped traffic and a look that would have detoured any one from every approaching her, a bombshell. She breezed into the room with confidence and demanding attention. Gabriela gazed at her as though her was walking in slow motion....

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Celias Social Justice

The girl was strange.  Celia was the youngest of five girls in the family.  She was halfway to her fourteenth birthday and she was making a plan.  Then, I am a strange girl too, with my own plan.  Celia was my best friend back then.  I could not even tell you where she is or if she is still alive.  This all happened ten years ago.Celia and I agreed that we would accomplish two things by the start of the school year, lose our virginity and sacrifice our bodies sexually to create some social...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Wife Dad MotherinLaw and Me

Originally published as Best Father's Day Gift Ever but due to low response I am re-posting under a different title. True storyIf you have read our earlier posts, you will know that nearly 6 years ago my dad, Liam, had done a nude painting of Babs, which she gave to me for my birthday. You will also know that Babs and my dad have had sex before also on more than one occasion. My dad and I look very much alike so it wasn’t difficult to see why Babs fancied him so.Last year, Bab’s mom Helen was...

1 year ago
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main aur maami82308230akaily tanha

Hi frndz main hoon prince. main iss ka boht bara aur purana fan hoon,aur aj main chahta hoon k ap tak apni aik story bhe pohncha doon jo k meri aur meri mami k drmyan hoay sex ki hai..meri koshish to yehi hai k main ap sb ko aik hoottt story paish karon per ye mera frst time hai is liye agar koi galti ya kami rh jae to advance sorry…. Ap ko ye story kesi lgi?? mjhe princehot4you pe mail kr k zaroor batiye ga… main aik average guy hoon.lahore pakistan ka rhne wala hoon..lund size normal hai...

4 years ago
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Sandrines Bet Part Five

Danielle rose and enlisted a couple guys to move the dining room table. The dining and living rooms adjoined in the shape of an L. She had them place the table on a diagonal in the middle of the floor some feet off the inside corner, half in the dining room, half in the living room. Then she was off down the hall and soon returned with a large armful of bath towels. These she spread in a couple of layers over the surface of the table. Then she was behind Sandrine with the Leatherman. The tool...

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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

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Fallen Angel Dream

You stare deeply into my deep blue eyes with an intensity I had never seen before. As dark wings suspend us in the air I allow myself to drink in those eyes that suck me in like a black hole. Comfortable being pressed tightly against your naked, clean, muscular chest my mind is bombarded with delicious thoughts. You are holding me to you in a way that makes me wonder if you are afraid to drop me. If I began plummeting toward the earth would you catch me?Lost in transit we slowly descend back to...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgifs, aka r/Tgifs! Listen, let’s get something straight. I’m straight. But I’m willing to see all kinds of sites to give you guys what you need in order to jerk off. And the last thing I would do is watch a bunch of traps jerking off on their camera or having sex with men or women. Okay, maybe trannies having sex with women isn’t so gay, but that first one and second one definitely are. Anyway, the reason I say all this is because I’m going to check out /r/Tgifs for you guys today. This...

Reddit NSFW List
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I Fucked My Best Friends Mom

I can’t believe it but I fucked my best friend Matthew mom last week and it was the best sex I've ever had! Nannette is one of the hottest women in Palm Harbor if not the whole state of Florida. Matthew and I have been friends since middle school, I should feel guilty, but I feel no regrets about what happened. At the age of 33 I feel very lucky to have such a hot, sweet and sexy older woman to teach me the ropes. My cell phone goes off and a quick look tells me it’s another text from ...

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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 3

Justin I sat in my car, feeling numb. Yeah sure, I know Ina doesn't give a damn about me anymore. But she should have had the decency not to fuck my twin brother, shouldn't she? I felt like someone clawed a hole in my chest. I pressed my forehead against the wheel, trying to figure out a way to breathe. Tears slid down my nose, finally dropping on my dress. When I got home I took a shower and put on an oversized shirt and cutoffs. Then I went back downstairs and waited for Warren. At 2:14 a.m.,...

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Fate and Destiny Pt 01

This novella is in ten chapters with a short epilogue, it has been split into two submissions to Literotica. Specific dialogue and scenes in this work are fiction, however, the general plot happened almost as written here. Names, locations, and characters have been fictionalized to protect what remains of the reputations of those that survive. Many have forgotten these events, but I remember, although I was only a minor character I was close enough to see first-hand how the affair unfolded and...

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A Lucky Break

Where should I start?? Well I just turned a young 46 and have been divorced for a little more than two years. I was married for eighteen years and we never had children (my fault according to the doctor). After my divorce I didn’t get back in to the dating mode for almost a year. Once I felt like starting over I dated guys around my age whom I met through friends and family but it seemed like they all had baggage or issues. That lasted for maybe six months then I went back to hanging with...

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Fucking My Sis by Mistake

My name is Tamizl its not my real name, iam 26years old bachelor living in bangalore with my parents. This incident happened in coimbatore 1year back, after finishing my diploma i started working for a company in bangalore, life was going smooth with out any problem until my brother(my moms sister’s son) got married 2years back. At first i did not have any bad feeling about my sister in law but once our family member arranged a trip, from then it all started. in the trip we both became very...

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Corrupting My Younger Boss

I started a new job in hopes of finding something more satisfying in a career, and while I didn't find that in the job itself, I just so happened to find it in my manager. So you can imagine my disappointment when only two weeks later, I find out that you're leaving in a week. You tell me that you can throw away the management experience for the degree you've always wanted because you aren't that old. What I didn't expect was those next words to come out of your mouth: you're 19, and just...

Straight Sex
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Forbidden Fantasy

Savanna and her husband Greg decided to spice up their love life. Their k**s were grown and gone. But their love life had suffered. Savanna had spent many years going to bed once the c***dren did and passing out. Unaware her husband would come to bed later in hopes of some intimacy only to find his wife passed out, snoring. Greg himself turned to looking at porn and masturbating as normal routines for him as the years went on. He loved his wife, and very much desired her, he truly appreciated...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 7 New Rules and Playing DressUp

Standing up, Robin looked at her two naked siblings, and realized that, strangely, she did not feel as awkward as she thought. Her night of nudity at the party had sort of gotten her used to this ... somewhat. “I wanna wash off a bit, and go ... you know ... pee ... I will be right back ... I almost could use another shower, sheesh...” she said trying to make a joke, as she picked up a bit that had dripped from her chin to her chest... Walking across the floor naked was strangely exciting...

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The Way of WarChapter 11

Shaun was sitting in reception, flicking through a magazine, when he saw her coming through the doors. She was wearing a white summer dress with a full skirt and a halter neck. Her hair was loose and brushed back to fall down over her shoulders. He noticed, as he stood to meet her, that she had applied some makeup to her face. “Good afternoon Sharon,” he said as he met her. “Hello Shaun, I haven’t kept you waiting too long I hope.” “Not at all and seeing you out of uniform makes the wait...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 21 First Thoughts

"What if I screw up?" she asked in a panicky voice. "Honey, tell Sam to do this. He is the guy who always gets ideas. "I just know if I go to Sacramento, except as a tourist, I'll mess things up royally. Tell Sam to do it." "Sorry, Chicken Girl," Sam came up behind them. "They want you. I have the thankless task to try to make you look good and not step on your own dick in public." "She will never step on it," Mark announced, as he smirked at his lover. "I happen to know she...

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Rumspringa Part 1

This happened to me in collegeThe year was 2000...Some of you may not know this, but Ohio has one of the largest communities of Amish people in the United States, larger even than Pennsylvania, which is famous for its Pennsylvania Dutch country. In Ohio, they dwell mostly in Holmes County, about sixty miles from where I grew up in Licking County (yes, Licking! no lesbian jokes!). There is a tradition among the Amish, which is largely hushed up, because it is so contrary to the Ordnung, or code...

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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 6

July, 1949 Sunday afternoon, when we were alone, I asked Dad, "What do you plan to do about the bookie?" "I've been thinking about it and I think we have to be a little devious. I'll call Joe Jones; you listen in." Dad dialed and I listened. "Joe? This is Doug McLoud, next door. I have a little problem I hope you can help me with. I just got a hot tip and I'd like to put some money on it, but I don't know a bookie. Can you recommend one?" "Sure, Doug. I usualy use Everett...

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more pool cock black of course

Ever since I was young I’ve always loved being in and by the water. When I moved to a metro area far from a beach I didn’t get to be by the water as much as I would like to. So when I was looking for a place to move into I wanted to find an apartment complex with a nice pool. And I did. And for the last three years every summer I lay out by the pool and swim every chance I get. I usually lay out in the day time when everyone is at work. But my new job didn’t allow for that. So when I did layout...

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Camilla calls me up

My sweet wife Ana had gone away to visit some friends in the East Coast.The next day after she left, her wild girlfriend Camilla called me up.That slutty babe had even surrendered her tight asshole to me and I knew she wanted me to get some fun; since she knew Anita was out of town.She asked me to go to her house in the late afternoon. She was also home alone; her husband had gone fishing with some friends. Camilla opened the door wearing a knee length t-shirt, her hair looked damp like she...

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Fantastic Anal Sex With Petite Maid

Hello, all. I am a 20-year-old boy residing in Bangalore. I live with my parents. So, we have this maid working for us for several years now. She is a cute petite girl. She has got the perfect ass. Tight but jiggly at the same time. A trimmed pussy too! Who does not love it to be clean and trimmed?! She is a freak in the bed. She is hardly even 23 years old, her husband left for another woman after getting my maid pregnant. She’s running rounds to the court every weekend nowadays and still...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Six

Maid for the Job Chapter Six I woke feeling excited about the new day, and had grown so accustomed to my situation that I didn't even think about the oddity of what I was doing as I stepped into the corset and tightened it around my waist. The various actions of sliding stockings up my legs and clipping them on to suspender belts, clipping a bra behind my back and applying mascara and lipstick seemed to come naturally. Actions that were so obviously feminine and a scant two weeks...

4 years ago
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a ponys life

i look in the mirror in front of me for the first time i am not embaressed or ashamed . i actually like what i see,turning my head to see my hair flowing free for once. i turn my body sideways next.my hands look so natural behind my back now,the glint of the cuffs nakes me smile.i test hem,reassuringly snug and secure.looking down i can see my heels ,4 inches i have taken the last 3 weeks to learn to balance on.i lift one foot ,proud i now longer wobble, i can hold this pose. i lift my knee...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part II

Part II To be feminine, one must surround oneself with feminine things, Mother informed me. I didn't have to run next door every time I wanted those wonderful girly feelings, Mother said. She decorated my room so I'd start feeling like a bridesmaid. Apparently there are three important things that happen in a bride's preparations that I'd have to participate in. First was a bridal shower. I explained to Mother that Richard wasn't going to be there, so asked why I had to attend. She...

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A Master Comes CallingChapter 4

Bess’s managed to get home naked and only just avoided running into her own father as she ducked into the bathroom and click the lock. She called out, “Sorry Dad, I am about to burst! I will be taking a shower and then off to bed, good night and love you” as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror she could not help but smile it certainly had been a good night, the tracks of white spunk had dried like an old river bed, her hair was matted and she smelt like a brothel (Not that she knew what...

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Granny at the Garden Centre

This happened in 2001Donna had sent me to a garden centre to collect a new Christmas tree about 15 miles from home. I soon located the correct tree and after paying and putting it in the car I decided to have a coffee in their café. I got a drink and was sat in the corner minding my own business when an older couple seemed to be having a disagreement opposite me, the café was quiet it was a Monday morning.He was whinging on about something and she said “just go and sit in the car you miserable...

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Plugged InChapter 3

“We are still having trouble with integrating the human emotion with Aphrodite’s system,” Kate says turning from the window providing her with a view of the city below. “You have to unlock the secrets to it.” Lucy scrunches her face and frowns. “I’m sorry that I can’t remember any of it. I can’t even remember how to unlock it.” Kate’s expression softens and she steps away from the window toward her partner. “I know you are having memory troubles. The doctors did say that you may have some...

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A Young Boy Remembers The Best Guitar Player I Never Heard

I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent's modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie's guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string twice. Those two notes sounded like something I had heard my Aunt play. At that moment, my Aunt Jeannie walked through the living room. Instead of being upset at me for fooling around with her guitar, she smiled in amusement at what...

4 years ago
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Your Sister And Her Money Problem

You lived at home with your mum and dad while your sister had recently moved out to live with her boyfriend. She now had to start paying rent in order to stay there along with her normal outgoings such as makeup and clothes. Lily is about five foot with brown hair and C cup tits, and nice ass and cute face. *message to find out how to get pics of her* About three months had passed since Lily had moved out and you could see she was struggling financially... One day you were hanging out with your...

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Eden RescueChapter 9

It was a truly massive undertaking, perhaps the largest that humankind had ever attempted and certainly the most complex. Basically it fell into two broad subdivisions. The first, and the most spectacular in scale, was the building of the ark itself. No existing spacecraft offered anything even close to the capacity that would be needed, as Meiersdottir and Eden Rescue came to envision the project. They wanted to save not only the intelligent native population in enough numbers to assure...

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Fearless Phil

Philip was initiated into the world of women's needs and his own power when he was only fourteen. His young aunt discovered him abusing himself in the shower at the family's beach cottage one afternoon when she returned from sunning herself on the crowded shore. "My god," she said aloud when she saw his upright prong with his fist about it. "Don't waste that." Quickly she peeled off her one-piece bathing suit and slithered into the curtained stall beside the blushing boy who stood...

1 year ago
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Send in the Clone

Ryan grabbed a towel, having just finished a quick shower. With their son off at his parents' house for a few days, he knew what his wife's suggestion to take a shower right after dinner meant. They were both a couple of days overdue for some alone time, and breaking that fast always resulted in mind-blowing sex. He toweled off, gave his hair a cursory blow dry, and pulled on a pair of boxers he didn't expect to be wearing long. Opening the door to see Jane still dressed in the casual...

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Ready for Summer

Damian Fields was tapping away on his iPad when his wife of five years entered the room. She started, “Hey, baby! Whatcha doing?”“Looking at pro football stats. What’s up,” the construction worker shared.“Well…”“Are you pregnant,” Damian asked matter-of-factly.“No,” the woman laughed. “Ah. Okay. What’s up, baby girl?”“I just got off the phone with my dad. He says Braylin got an internship here this summer. He and Alicia are wondering if he can stay wth us.”Damian shrugged his shoulders and...

2 years ago
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Joe was sixty years old and he loved fucking the young street whores behind a bush in the park. He had the young blonde's shirt undone sucking on her nipples and her panties were around her ankles as he three fingered her cunt. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and put her hand on it and she began stroking him as he then put three fingers in her ass and fucked both holes. Joe had a seven inch cock that was thicker than a pop can and he loved ass fucking. Shoving his thick meat in a...

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Olivers Training Begins With Me

“Give me the usual, Tim,” I said. Tim was the bartender at the local college hangout bar. “Yes, ma’am,” he said. Tim was kind of cute but way too old for me. I estimated him to be in his late twenties. I came to this bar every few months to pick out a college freshmen to be my lover for the semester. I didn’t care for jocks or muscle heads. I preferred the geeky smart types. My name is Cheryl and let’s just say I’m old enough to know how to do everything right. Most men my age try and get me...

1 year ago
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Spring Break

I knew it was going to be a different Spring Break when I saw the 6'3" 250 lb guy climbing onto the balcony of our second-floor room at the Holiday Inn. My two buddies, Jeff and Rollie, and I were heading out for some food, but I figured we might want to check on the action outside. The big guy waved at us and proceeded to look up. I headed over, opened the sliding glass door and asked him what was going on. Big grin. "I'm tryin' to climb to those chicks on the 6th floor." I looked up. There...

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Taking Virginity Part 3

In the first indian sex part I described how I had met Raju a gay and a football player when my wife had gone her Mom’s home and had sex with him; in second part I described how the young teenage Raju rough fucked me and gave the upmost pleasure to my virgin ass-hole and took my ass virginity. In this part shall describe how he made my intention of one night stand into a long romantic relationship. Raju started to shoot his teenage cum in my mature ass-hole and with strong and rough fucking he...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 13 Weekend With New Friends

Friday afternoon, Alex, Kristy, Beth, Danny, and I all piled into Alex and Kristy’s cars after school and headed off to Lake Pleasant up north for the weekend. Beth was alone with Alex, I think she was starting to like him a little. Danny and I were with Kristy and Danny let me get shotgun. The drive up there was pretty short, only 45 minutes and that was longer than usual due to traffic. The cabin looked small, but there were 3 bedrooms all with king sized beds and a bathroom ensuite. The...

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Gast Schwester

Einpaar Jahre her machte ich einen Auslandsjahr auf einer kleinen Farm in Amerika. Meine Gastfamilie bestand nur aus den beiden Elternteilen die zwar Kinder hatten, aber die Kinder lebten nicht mehr zuhause da sie schon 20 und älter waren und alleine lebten. Das Haus indem ich war, war SEHR groß es war eine Verbindung von 2 Häusern ein neues und ein altes, im alten residierte ich und meine Gast Eltern im anderen also waren wir sehr abgeschieden. Ich muss zugeben, dass das Jahr ziemlich...

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