Junkin DuncanChapter 6 free porn video

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As they all drove out of the ranch yard, I breathed a sigh of relief. This was our last major hurdle and now I really believed we had a chance for a successful operation. When Angelina arrived, I met her before she was able to get out of her car.

"Come on Sweet, drive up to the lease and I will tell you all about how things are coming." It took a few minutes before I started explaining. I mean I hadn't been with her for three days. The mobile home for the food concession was already installed here at the top and the imitation logs were affixed.

"Mitzy hasn't been up here to see it yet, but from the way I described it, she thinks it was a brilliant idea."

"I'll bet she did. What does she look like?"

"Just an ordinary looking person with brown hair, cut short. She is tall and has a nice figure."

"I suppose you checked out the rest of her as well, didn't you?"

"Well, yes. She has a nice butt, long legs and lips just made for kissing."

My Angel stared at me to see if I was joking or if I was serious. "Angelina, don't go jealous on me. She is attractive, there is no denying that. She has a boyfriend also, so remember that as well. She was all business when I talked with her. I courted you all summer long to make you love me. I did that for a reason. I love you and don't you ever doubt it."

"I know I'm worrying a little when I shouldn't. You haven't forgotten why I was unhappy with my first husband have you? You can't blame me, can you?"

"No I don't blame you, but look at the situation in reverse. You are working with a bunch of doctors and teachers. They are always clean and smell nice, whereas I get dirty on occasion. I trust you. I'm asking you to trust me. Will you?"

"Junkin, I guess you are right. One more kiss and we should go down to the ranch. Amy and Amelia must be mad at me for not stopping when I arrived. I'm going to tell them it is all your fault."

"It is. I just had to get you alone for a few minutes."

The rest of the weekend went by way too fast. Wednesday night I gave up my usual session alone with my Angel and took my daughters with me. The girls needed to see their mother. Amelia was sick of carrying her cast around. It was too heavy and it was dirty and her skin itched under the plaster. This was along with her inability to run and play. Amy was fed up with her sister's demands on her as well.

Angelina tried to help. "One more week Amelia, and then we will see about having it removed. Maybe a lighter cast can be put on. Years ago, you know, kids with a broken leg had to stay in bed for five weeks. Count yourself lucky. Come on, Daddy will take us out to Tender Chicken."

We put the girls down in their own familiar beds where they had slept most of their short lives before I came on the scene and changed everything. They were almost immediately asleep, although it was only seven-thirty. It was decided that we would let them sleep here and get them up early in the morning in time to get to the ranch and then on to school.

"Ten more weeks of this before I can move to the ranch. I don't know if I can stand it. I miss you so and I miss the girls even more. Junkin, tell me it is going to all be worth it."

"It will be, I promise."

"I suppose that Gunther woman has been around. I'm going to have to meet her one of these days."

"Yes, she has been out at the ranch getting things organized. It is time too. We had some snow on the ridges this morning. It was just a shower, but is an indication of what's coming. The power company was out and installed another electrical entrance for her operation. There will have to be a generator for the upper warming hut and concession. Mitzy will have everything ready to go by the end of next week. She has decided to keep her motor home right at the ranch. I gave her permission."

"I don't like it, Junkin. I know you tell me I have nothing to worry about, but I have a funny feeling about her. Foolish when I haven't even met the woman."

All I could do was to shrug my shoulders. It was only a few minutes before I'm sure my Angel wasn't having any thoughts about Mitzy. I had her full attention. Later, I suggested we get the girls and put them in her bed so when I woke them in the morning they would wake up next to their mother. There wasn't room for me in the bed, but I would be waking all three of my loved ones with kisses. I slept on the couch the same as the first time I was in this house. The kids' beds were too small for me.

As we were leaving in the morning, Angelina stated, "I'll be home Friday for supper. Would you invite this Mitzy Gunther to dine with us so I can meet her?" I agreed I would.

The kids had needed their mother last night and were acting totally different than they had yesterday. I felt a little uplifted myself. I even sang some kids songs with them on the way to school. You know, I was getting into this married life pretty good again. This time it was better, though. Now I had these two little girls to love. All that love was coming right back to me every day as well.

It was a little awkward when Angelina and Mitzy met for the first time. She was prepared to dislike Mitzy, but things were soon more comfortable between the two. It was helped a little as I had asked Nina to be there with us for the evening meal.

I hadn't seen Nina since our talk on the way into the hospital two weeks ago. When she came in she kissed the girls, put her cheek up for Paco and Juan. She did the same to me and walked over to Jenny and Izzy, speaking warmly to them and the same to Ezra and Grace. In front of Mom and Pete, she paused. "Nellie and Pete, so good to see you both again. You know I'm getting to like my son-in-law more and more. I think the credit for being so nice belongs to you and I thank you for that. My daughter is so lucky."

I glanced at my Angel who was shooting daggers with her eyes at this display of affection for everyone by her mother. Nina went over to Mitzy, who was standing by Angelina. "Angie, has Mitzy had a chance to tell you yet that I will be working with her at the food concessions for the winter?"

It was immediately apparent that she hadn't. I didn't know this myself, and then I thought that Angelina wasn't going to believe me. I waited for an explosion. The only indication was one of puzzlement and a questioning look my way. "Mam, did Ezra say you could work here on the ranch?"

"I talked to Ez and Grace before I took the job. They are okay with it as long as I don't stay in the house. I will be staying in Mitzy's motor home with her. She has two other employees besides me that are living there too. Don't go blaming Junkin. He didn't need to know about this. I need the work. The store where I was employed is closing. The Reverend Jones set this up with Mitzy to hire me."

"Okay I guess, but if you cause any trouble I'm going to make Junkin get rid of you." God, how could I be in the middle of this. I hoped I never would have to settle a fight between mother and daughter.

I asked for everyone's attention. "I have a package that came today. It is from Maddie and Mazie. This is a rough draft of the booklet before it is printed. This was a university project compiling Ezra's life. There are ten copies here. I want all of you to go through it and look for any inconsistencies." I passed them around, making sure Nina received a copy as she had been alluded to in the booklet several times. She was part of Ezra's life for several years.

"This is what those two young women were doing here this summer?"

"Yes Nina, this was the summer project." It was quiet while the pamphlets were looked at. I had heard little bits of information, but this book was going to give me the essence of what Ezra's life had been like for eight decades. One of the girls was an accomplished sketch artist and had Ezra's image down pat.

None of the likenesses were posed and they caught the subject as he really was. I guess the one I liked the best was of him with Amy and Amelia standing looking at a horse.

"Can the information in this be changed at this late date?"

"Why Mam, is something wrong?"

"Yes it is. On page thirty-seven they have my name listed as Nina Gonzales. That is my a.k.a. name. My real name will be coming up in the trial of the man that Paco shot during the barbecue robbery."

Ezra was shocked. "Your name isn't Nina? Christ woman, isn't there anything true about you at all? You mean you lived with me for twenty-two years and I didn't even know your name?"

"Ezra, I'm sorry. I didn't want to shame my family. I have a sister and two brothers. I didn't want my lifestyle to get back to them."

"What lifestyle? Christ, you lived with me. You lived with me long enough to be my common-law wife and when that wasn't enough, I asked you to marry me. Where is the shame in that?"

"Ezra, I'm not going to discuss my life with you. I started out as one thing and I never changed, even when I lived here at the ranch. Enough to say I could have changed and I should have changed. I didn't though and that is why I left you. Be glad I did leave. Look what you have. You have a fine, honest woman that loves you, and you have my children that you are proud of.

"Junkin knows some of my life." This brought everyone's attention around to me. Angelina at first glared at me and then I could see her thinking. Did she trust me yet? Maybe she did, for her face smoothed out. I certainly was going to have some questions thrown at me later.

Nina continued, "You may wonder why I have shared some of the secrets with your ranch manager and not you. It is because I can see what kind of man he is. When the chance presented itself to keep me from being tied to that scum who killed Jenny's husband, he saved me from humiliation and maybe worse. I could have even gone to jail.

"I started changing when he sent me out of here before the trouble started so I wouldn't be implicated. Angelina was shocked to see me in church. I am being helped there, no doubt, but it is Junkin that has given me the faith to really try to change. I have been searching for the time when I could explain who I am and why. With Ezra's life story before you in the book that came today, this would seem to be the time to share some of it. Junkin, would you tell everyone what my name is?"

"It is Annie Grabonski." I then shared Nina's ancestry with the family. It was a revelation to everyone. I did not open up about her lifestyle. She could tell as much or as little as she wanted to about that. Nina then started to tell about having a sister and two brothers, their ages, etc.

Mom excused herself while we were talking and disappeared into the room where the computer was located. When she came back, she asked Nina, "Would a Tomas Grabonski and a Mary Grabonski Reandas possibly be one of your brothers and your sister? I have their e-mail addresses if you think they might be. Both have been searching for a lost sister named Annie for several years."

Tears started pouring down Nina's face. She stood and Mom guided her into the computer room.

Ezra was looking bewildered. Grace took his hand saying, "Come on Ez, let's go to our room. I want to read this book about your life. You are so fortunate to have had those girls here this summer."

"What about Nina?"

"Ez, you have said right along that she is in the past. Do you--?"

"You are right Gracie. There is us now." The family watched this old man that they all loved push her wheelchair through the door.

Mitzy came and sat down beside me and we discussed the food concessions. I had a pad of paper for notes and we listed everything that needed doing. Two things that were definitely needed was water for two kitchens and a central supply for propane to cook with.

The only other concerns were the porta-pottys for the skiers. This year I hadn't installed restrooms, wanting to wait and see if permanent facilities were warranted. Restrooms would have been cheaper as far as the facilities themselves, but that didn't address the sewage that would be generated. That was taken care of by the company that supplied the portable toilets. I did plan a warm place with wash basins for sanitary reasons.

Thanksgiving was three weeks from this coming Thursday. It was getting cold and some mornings we could see snow on the near-by peaks. Mitzy moved all of her equipment in and set things up. Nina wasn't here yet to work for Mitzy. The night that Mom had found Nina's siblings, she came to me and asked if I would lend her enough money to fly one way to Texas. She said that if I would, her family would see that she returned in time to be here when the first skiers arrived.

"Mam, you don't have to ask Junkin for money from the ranch. I'll give you enough. I'm pretty thrilled to think I have uncles and an aunt. I'll get Nellie to take pictures of all of us so they can see you have family too."

"What am I going to say about Ezra?"

I came up with the idea that Nina was Ezra's common-law wife and they had slowly grown apart from each other. You were still friends and you had a job right here on the ranch so you could be with your children.

"Would Ezra back that up?"

"I'll ask him."

He didn't have a choice when I went to him. Grace answered for him. "Of course he will."

The bunkhouse was stocked with ski equipment for both sales and rentals. The ski patrol I had hired earlier to train some more skiers in safety came up with a couple more retired patrol personnel, so that problem was solved. A week before Thanksgiving, I honestly believed we were ready to open, and we would as soon as we had enough snow on the ground.

Angelina had to work all three days before the holiday, but she had until the next Monday away from work and classes. Her studies were almost completed and she would be receiving her diploma the third week of December.

She had also given her notice to the clinic and was starting as nurse to Doctor Watkins on the third of January. This would put her home every night. Amy and Amelia couldn't count the days fast enough. Me, well I was looking forward to some organized home life.

Mom informed me that Angelina had invited two more guests for Thanksgiving. I never asked or gave a thought to who it might be. It was to be a major surprise for Pete. It was Terry and Junior. They had arrived Tuesday afternoon and stayed with Angelina until she got off work Wednesday afternoon. I wondered about this. I mean I had been married to one woman and here she was staying with my present wife.

There was no friction between them that I could see. I received a brotherly kiss and held my nephew for a few minutes. My Angel was watching me as I did, but I soon returned Junior to Terry. When Mitzy stopped in for a minute that evening, Angelina was the one to introduce Terry to her as my sister. She might think through the relationship at a later time--or maybe not.

It had been three months since I had seen my nephew--I trained my mind to think of him as Bill's baby. If I thought of me being his biological father, I knew it would cause me pain. I kept my mind on what the world knew and not what the truth happened to be.

Nina was back from Texas and had spent ten days while there with one brother and her sister. Both were solid citizens and well thought of. The other brother, the youngest and named Pedro, had not done as well although he lived in the same town. "He is more like me. He kind of lives for the moment. He has been married twice and divorced both times. Right now he is living with another woman. He has two kids by his first wife and she has two. I think they love each other and eventually will marry. She was easy to talk to. Actually they are the only ones I shared my past with.

"I would have stayed with Pedro and Camille, but there wasn't enough room. I felt indebted to Mary for saying she would pay my way home so I stayed with her. Mary and Tomas both belong to a church, but it is nothing like the one here. I told them I sang in a choir and they thought that was wonderful. I had a feeling their church was a little more strict than I could deal with. If I go back to visit, I'm paying my own way and then I can spend more time with Pedro, who is more like me."

"Hi Junkin, is it okay if I sit with you?" Terry had come in, leaving the others.

"Sure, I was just relaxing." This was mid-evening. I was on a couch and Pete had gone out to the barn to check the horses. The women were in the kitchen getting ready for the big meal tomorrow and the kids had just gone to bed.

"Junkin I have some things I want to tell you. First, Bill is losing his position at the bank. Some of it might be indirectly your fault. Bill doesn't blame you, but he can't escape the fact."

I broke in, "How is it my fault?"

"The two largest banks in the city are merging. There is only room for one manager. At one time you made the manager of your bank promise that he would never consider Bill for a position. Bill is out and wasn't even offered a lower position in the new combined bank." She held up her hand when I started to protest. "That was then and he doesn't blame you at all.

"What I want to ask you is, would you be unhappy if we moved out here somewhere? I want to be a part of Dad's life. I know Nellie and I didn't get along while I was married to you, but she is the best thing that ever happened to Dad and I love her for it. Also, and don't make too much of it, I'm still very fond of you. Bill thinks the same because you have been really decent to us.

"There is a position here in a bank in the city where Angelina lives. I'd like to become friends with her too. God, does she ever love you! You should know that. She talks about you all the time and says she could never imagine being as happy as she is now. Actually, I came west so I could talk to you and see how you feel about us."

I sat still, just looking at the floor. Terry was waiting for a comment. I swung my glance over to her. I guess it made her uncomfortable. She got up from beside me and went across the room to get a straight chair, bringing it back and facing me. This was something I took advantage of--watching her as she moved around.

"Terry, I'm still fond of you too. I don't see anything about you I can't live with if you move out here. I've made a conscious effort to think of you as my sister, and I'm succeeding better than I expected. So I'm welcoming you and Bill and looking forward to seeing all of you occasionally. When is this going to happen?"

"Soon after the first of the year." She may have still been fond of me, but she was uncomfortable around me. "I think I will go call Bill now."

"Terry, do you realize you are more considerate of me now than you ever were when we were married?"

"Yes I do, and you deserve it. Thank you for mentioning it. Night Junkin."

Angelina came in to kiss me. "I saw you talking to Terry. She told you Bill lost his position didn't she?"

"Yes, and she also told me they were thinking about moving out this way. There is a job in the city if he wants it. She then asked me if I would be okay with it? Angel, I was watching her and I can see where I won't mind at all. She is still as pretty as ever and I'm still fond of her and I love her as well as Bill's baby." I wasn't saying this well and I suppose I was rambling. "Terry said one thing that went right to my heart. She said that you love me and are the happiest you have ever been. To hear that about you just tells me how much you love me. Now if I can convince you that I love you as much myself."

"I know you do. I really do."

The Thanksgiving table was loaded down with food. Again the blessing was given by Ezra. When he finished and looked up he stated, "I know everyone is hungry so we'll eat now. When the pie is served, I would like to say a word."

It was as friendly a gathering as anyone could wish for. Everyone was more than full, but still made room for pie. Mom was the one to serve it. She had put it on plates and she just had to go around the table and set it down. Jenny poured coffee. Amy and Amelia were too full and didn't wish for milk. The table was quiet waiting for Mom and Jenny to sit.

Ezra looked as well as he ever had and extremely happy. "Okay, first I would like to inform you that Nina was in and talked with Grace and myself this morning. She felt she owed me some explanations. I have listened and when she finished she asked me to forgive her. I have done that. I will add that I did it gladly and have welcomed her to be here with her children anytime. Enough of that.

"My niece's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Boyle. I understand that she and her husband are planning on moving to this area permanently. I would like to extend an invitation to make this her home away from home. Knowing of her previous relationship with Junkin and seeing that they are at peace with each other, I know she will feel welcome.

"To cut this short, you are all related to me in one way or another. I look back to last year at Thanksgiving. There was just Izzy and me here. Angie and the kids came out and brought us the meal, but it wasn't a really happy time. She wanted me to move into town. I knew she cared, but I just couldn't do it. She left that day as unhappy about the situation as I was.

"Anyway, me and Izzy made it through until Nellie showed up. She brought a shell of a man with her and said they were staying. I know this pissed Angie off, but for me it was the saving of me. Not only because they were here, but because Angie was coming out to check up to see that Nellie didn't steal the place from me." He grinned when he said this.

"You are right Pa. I'm ashamed to say that now."

"I don't blame you Angie and I understand your feelings. Let's put that behind us. The point I want to make here is that there is one person that is responsible for all of us sitting here today. I'm talking about Junkin. He sent Nellie out here. That started things. Then he came out himself and I'm not going to embarrass him by listing all he has done for us. What I would like is to have everyone reflect back over the time Junkin has been here. Think how he has touched us all. To conclude this, this is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful."

Ezra looked at me and there were tears in his eyes--maybe there was a little moisture in my own. Should I say something? Everyone was looking at me waiting. "Is this where I give an order? You all know how I love to give orders. Seriously, I think Ezra feels fulfilled. I do as much as he does and possibly more. I'm now part of a huge warm family. I'm related to all of you. Most of all I'm home and I'm happy. Our family will grow and expand over the years, but we can never be as close as we are right now on this Thanksgiving day."

I choked up and took a sip of coffee. Wouldn't you know that I took some down the wrong way and had a coughing spell. Amy and Amelia jumped up and pounded on my back. It couldn't get better than this!

That night laying in bed with Angelina, she brought up Terry again. "Tuesday night, you know, Terry and I slept in the same bed and talked about you for the longest time. She told me about you taking her to the prom and how nice you were to her when she wasn't dressed like the other students. You pretended it didn't matter to you. Did it matter?"

"Some of course, but I had made a bargain and I was going to hold up my end of it."

"Bullshit! You refused taking her virginity. You sat out in your father's car and held her while she cried her eyes out. You're a big fraud, Junkin."

"I did take her virginity."

"Yes you did, but not that night."

"Why are we discussing this? That was many years ago. Since that time I married the woman and she dumped me after running around on me. That hurts, you must know that. The cheating, I mean."

"Well I know the feeling. I think something like that colored my outlook on life as well. At least it did until I figured out you are just what you seem to be. There is no pretense to you. How I misjudged you."

"Angel, let's go to sleep. There is snow forecast for the next three days. I want to open the area a week from this coming Saturday, so dear woman, pray for snow."

We did open to limited skiing when advertised. The ground wasn't frozen and it wasn't terribly cold. We had to be careful when packing the snow on the slopes that we didn't cut through and have a muddy spot. I was honored to make the first run from the top of the lease to the ranch house. I didn't make it all the way for the snow was too slow. We needed cold weather to make for excellent skiing.

I was very disappointed the first week we were open. If it hadn't been for the 737 students from the area schools I would have been tempted to close up and forget this operation. But the second weekend it was cold and the sun shone as only it can in Colorado. We were swamped. It snowed heavily on the seventeenth and eighteenth of December and we just had enough time to get the slopes ready for that next weekend.

And word of mouth coming from those that were the first to ski: "This is a safe place to come and have fun. Hogan's Hacienda--you know where they had the barbecue last summer. You can rent or buy equipment. They have good food and a place to get warm if you are cold. And there are hardly any lines. Old Ezra Hogan comes out sometimes and shoots the bull--Christ he must be ninety--he's been around forever."

Randall Smith came and stayed in the ranch house Christmas week. He was on the slopes all day, everyday. His son, Becker, took up with Amy and Amelia. He was an accomplished skier even though he was only eight. And before we knew it, the three kids were going up and coming down as often as we let them. Simone, Randy's wife, was a little on the heavy side, but that didn't deter her from a couple of runs early in the day. After that she helped in the house. This left Mom to drive the fifth packer we used to transport skiers when we were swamped.

I have to say everyone here on the ranch was tired out from the everyday crowds and there was no let-up in sight. Grace Lincoln turned out to be an asset as well. I was doing bookkeeping one night and fell asleep at the computer. It was late and when I awoke, I decided I couldn't concentrate on the figures. When I got up to work on them in the morning, I found them all done. Tabulated just as I had always done.

"Junkin, I can do those everyday. That way you can get more sleep. 'Course you'll just think of some other way to make more money and make us all work harder." This was said with a twinkle in her eyes. I just leaned over and kissed her, I was that happy to be relieved of the chore.

Angelina received her diploma and was now a full-fledged registered nurse. This happened on the twenty-first of December. She moved to the ranch permanently the next day. The doctor she went to work for was one of the physicians we had contracted to be on call if there was need.

There was always need as there were sprains, sometimes cuts from falls and the usual bruises and abrasions. Often the doctor would send Angelina if the description of the injury wasn't too serious. There was the ski patrol to handle anything that happened on the slopes and they usually made the determination whether to call 911 or the doctor. At the end of the first month, there hadn't been any serious mishaps.

We had a short respite in the middle of January. There was a three-day thaw and I closed the skiing down until the weather improved. There was no rain, just a fog and the temperature went up into the sixties. I didn't allow anyone on the slopes for I feared if I did, there would be ruts and ice when the temperature took the inevitable dive. I was right and we had snow before it got too cold again. This left our slopes in beautiful shape with a minimal amount of grooming.

We anticipated that we would be short-handed when last summer's robber came to trial. Jenny, myself, Paco and Angelina would have to appear. Also Nina would have to go which would leave Mitzy's crew short as well. The day before the trial was to commence, the robber entered a guilty plea and threw himself on the mercy of the court.

We suspected there was a plea deal made to gain information about the drug contacts he had inside the drug trade. Nina was asked to verify some facts she had gleaned when she was tied in with the deceased Hugo Gomez.

Nina was nearly a part of the ranch again--not with Ezra, though. Being the mother of Angelina, Paco and Juan, and the grandmother of Amy and Amelia, she was welcomed. Angelina had got over the hateful feelings she had harboured since her mother left her father. Ezra was civil to his former companion as well. Gracie had much to do with this and was friendly with Nina. I guess she saw Nina as an equal--but she was in and Nina was out, so why have ill will.

Terry went back east after Thanksgiving, but kept Mom and Pete posted on her family's move out here to Colorado. She had leased a house in the city and had moved into it during the week of the New Years. I knew she and Mom often talked, but she and Bill had been too busy to visit.

Everyday was the same as the previous. School vacation in February was especially hectic. It seemed as if all the kids brought their parents to show them how well they could ski. We were pleasantly surprised when Maddie and Mazie made a visit to us. They both had new boyfriends with them. This didn't bother Juan as he and Sharon were definitely a couple by this time. Paco was odd man out in this instance.

Same as Junkin Duncan
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Sweet talk

"Hummm how I really like thst trimmed path to heaven, Miss Nat...A true path into lust, desire and soul lost. That would be a true lost if lust would somehow fall asleep... The star should never be abble to lost their light." I thought all the angels where in heaven and you wanted me to take me there, into true heaven... you little devil""But aren't good angels and bad angels ..but angels:)))""I want to be a fallen angel, wouldn't mind to fall into your arms, lap and much more else.""But you...

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Little Black Crack Whore

I had the nicest yard in the neighborhood. That's not saying much, I had grass and a few trees. I actually mowed my lawn and raked and stuff like that. Most of the other houses had dirt lots. I think the only reason I bothered was because I actually owned my home. I liked having a decent yard but I hated doing the work because there were always several neighbors sitting on their porches just staring at me. It was on one such occasion that I met her. I was mowing as fast as I could...

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Message From The Deacon

I guess I could have just walked up to her porch and rang the bell. That is how my Uncle Deacon would have done it. Deacon could sing that song of his and everyone believed him instantly. If I tried it, I would have gone to jail at the very least. I had been hanging around the medium size town just east of the Mississippi river for two days waiting for a chance. It came on Sunday after the evening services. I hadn’t bothered to go inside, I had seen a thousand screaming Baptist ministers in my...

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Neighbor Camilla

This is a work of fiction, if you do not like it move to another post.Chapter 1:I sit looking out my window thinking about my life and the past couple of years, living in the city in this nice apartment with wonderful neighbors and now friends. I first moved in and the older man that lives next door, Alex, offered to help. I was glad for the help, and as the day went found myself more and more attracted to him. I knew he was attracted to me, the number of time I caught him looking at me and my...

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BurrChapter 22 A Little Trouble

It was snowing when we left the house on Sunday afternoon and there was an accumulation of six inches on the ground when we arrived at the school at 6:15 p.m. Driving was hazardous, there was a layer of ice on the road surface before the snow started to fall, and I was concerned that Ned would be stranded on the road before he got home. At seven P.N. it was snowing even harder and another four inches were on the ground. The Sunday evening formation was cancelled for the first time that...

1 year ago
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Watching the Boys Part 6

I laid there in the hot confines of the garage rafters recovering fromthe ejaculation I had while I watched Jamal and Jonny, a boy I'd fantasizedabout for so long, get fucked on the washing machine. And the worst partabout it is that the boy begged for Jamal to fuck him. My mind swirledwith the comments I heard during the fucking. Jamal was going to go afterBen! And his best friend Jonny was going to help him! I grabbed Bryan's suitcase, what I originally came up to get, anddropped it...

2 years ago
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The Awkward Brother Part 2

If you haven't read part 1, I recommend that you read it before you read part 2. That made us both wide awake. We both scrambled up at the same time but that only got us tangled up in each other and we wound up falling off the bed, creating a bang that a deaf person could have heard. We stayed silent for a few seconds before we heard Mom say, "Are you guys alright up there?" That was when we heard the footsteps coming at a pretty fast pace up the stairs... "Shit shit shit!" I tried to...

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Wedding Dresses

My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...

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The Club Prologue Part 2

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but when we got to the top of the stairs, the reception area was brightly lit, with some beautiful pictures on the walls. The receptionist was a young woman that would not have been out of place in any corporate reception.“Hello, Lisa, Peter,” she said with a smile. “We need to do some admin first. I have a registration form for each of you, plus a questionnaire. I also need to take a payment from you to cover both the guest membership and the course fee.”I...

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My Sisters Sleepover Pt 2

Waking up with a devious grin on my face, I make my way downstairs and casually stroll into the kitchen. As I hunt for something worth eating in the cupboards, I begin to feel as if I’m being watched from behind, but just before I have the time to pick myself up and turn around to find out who’s watching me, I painfully feel this huge, powerful slap across my arse. ‘What the fu..!?’ I scream, suddenly turning around. ‘Hey, you, thanks for last night, I totally enjoyed having you between my...

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I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her

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Would You Die for Me

"Would you die for me?" The shadowy female hitch-hiker asked me not fifteen seconds after she got into my car. I don't normally pick up hitch-hikers, even rather lovely young and attractive appearing female ones, but when I saw her walking along the side of the lonely county road, miles from anywhere, hunched over in the cold late autumn rainy drizzle, something other than my head told me to hit the brakes and stop for her. Now, just a few moments later, I was wondering if I had suddenly...

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The Ah KungChapter 3

The driver made no attempt to speak to Roger as they drove into San Francisco and when Roger asked something the driver gave one word answers. After they had driven for a couple of miles Roger stopped trying to engage the driver in conversation. When they pulled in front of the New China Hotel the driver stopped in front of the hotel and parked illegally. He opened the door for Roger and then walked in front of him into the hotel. The driver walked up to the desk and told the pretty woman...

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Priapus BrideChapter 3

After he is clean, she replaces his cock into the loincloth and stands up. She now, removes her garter belt and sandals, and rolls two elastic garters to hold up her stockings. She then picks up the whip, kisses it and hands it to Sampson. She walks towards the statue. She faces the Roman God of Lust, and raises her hands to him. She cannot reach his hands, but her wrists do reach the cuffs. Her perfect back is towards the audience. The brunette girl approaches her and fastens her wrists...

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My wife Lisa

THE DAY I CAME HOME EARLYI am a 45 year old man who has a, while not beautiful but extremely attractive wife named Lisa who just turned 36 a few days ago. We have been married for 16 years and live in an upscale, middle class neighborhood out side a large southern city in South Carolina. I am the chief buyer for a very large company and work from 8am usually to 6pm each afternoon. It usually takes me about 45 minutes to commute back and forth to my job. We have a 16 year old son who spends most...

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The Medieval Marine Part Seven

As her general and his troops settled in for the winter, Cecilia started getting very disturbing reports from some of the villages. Marion was starting to really make herself a pain in the ass. Villages were declaring their allegiance to Marion and she was gathering troops around her. General Kleist of course wasn’t worried, after all what could a woman rebel and a few villages do to him. The worst bit of news for Cecilia came in just after Christmas and was that Marion appeared to be...

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Finding Whats Been Missing Ch 01

Laid off.. I could still hear the words ringing in my ears. I just couldn’t believe it. 35 years old, no career, no prospects in site. I don’t know why I thought my husband would be more comforting. It wasn’t in his nature to nurture me, console me, why should this be any different? Once again, I would find my way through this on my own. The weeks turned into months, slowly at first, but soon enough, I was adjusting to being a housewife. No more did I need the rush of the stock market to make...

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lucky guy part 1

Ive been with my girlfreind may for around 3 years now,she was my fuck buddy until we decided we wanted a realationship.Although we dont live together as i like to keep my apartment for a bit of space now and then.After a while the sex dried up and we were more freinds than lovers which was nobodys fault it just turned out that way.May had a daughter,a very spoilt daughter who was growing up quite quickly,Raynor was 21.I had never thought of her sexually,that is until May asked me to decorate...

2 years ago
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Use Of Honey And Jam With My Girlfriend

Hello doston, mera naam Pratek hai(name changed) main Lucknow se hun ye ghatna meri gf jise main angel kahke bulata hun ke bech ki hai, Delhi mein rahti hain. Hum dono pichle 5 saal she relation mein hain aur 2 saal se sex kar rahe hain main 28 saal ka hun aur wo 26 ki chain. Coming to the chudai story now, but before that let me describe our physical status I am 5 feet 9 inches tall average looks with average size 6.5 inch coock. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall with fig 36.28.32. Curves at the...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 28

I was pleased to discover that we’d be able to get a table after only a short wait. With last-minute plans on a Friday night, a short wait was not a sure thing by any means. We spent the time at the bar, where I had the pleasure of watching Alli, short skirt and sans panties, try to slide up onto the high bar stool without becoming intimate with the room. She slapped my arm when she saw me smiling at her struggle, and then I stood alongside her at the crowded bar, the two of us conversing in...

Wife Lovers
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Aag hi aag

Hi friends I’m Arun from Gujarat. Main apko aaj phir mere saath hui ek ghatna batane ja raha hun. Main jis company me job karta hun wahi per ek ladki job karti hai. Uska naam Krishna hai. Hum office me dost ki tarah hi hai. Wo bahot sexy hai uski figure 36-30-36 hogi. Sexy curvy body hai uski lekin use propose karne me muje daar lagta tha. Kyu ki hum sab ko pata tha ki uski sagai ho chuki hai. Lekin apke nasib me jo ho wo apko milta hi hai. Ek din office se saam ke 7.30 baje main nikla bahot...

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Limits Tested

My wife and I have been married for quite a few years and have two teen-aged c***dren. Even though we are reluctantly middle-aged, regular hours in the gym, on bikes, and on the soccer field have kept us in pretty good shape and looking more youthful than our years. Physically my wife is slender and girlish, and having been graced with more than ample manhood, to this day I find the tightness of her narrow hips reminiscent of teen-age nights in the back seat of a car.Like most people in our...

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The ProfessorChapter 3 Holidays Families and a Photograph

After the three of us ate Sunday breakfast at my kitchen table and then some continued clean up from the party, I drove the two teens to the Dillon train station and watched them get on the ten-fifteen into the city where they’d change trains and head out to Westborough where they lived. I learned over breakfast that they occasionally left bicycles locked up at their home train station to speed the trip to and from home when they were using the train. I silently wondered what they did when it...

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A Second Chance Chapter 49

SATURDAY, June 11, 2016 Saturday was a busy day for Rachael. She had an appointment with Gary and Mrs. Winchester, the older lady who lived next to the church. She wanted to look at a vacant room at the Riverview Nursing Home, and decide if she wanted to move there. Kevin Ripley, a Hobo Army member who had known the older lady when they were both in the Horticultural Society, was also coming. Gary picked up Rachael before Mrs. Winchester, not wanting the woman to feel concerned...

2 years ago
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Transferring Movies To DVD

Transferring Movies To DVD I was enjoying my new VRC to DVD copying machine. I transferred my favorite movies, our home movies, and especially all the sex videos that I had taken of my wife over the years. A month later at a party Marilyn got me away from the crowd to talk. She said that my wife had told her that I was putting my movies of her onto DVDs. I smiled because my wife had told me that Marilyn had expressed quite an interest in it. When she asked me if I had to watch the...

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Chicago Adult Theater

I lived in Chicago for most of my life starting the year after college. It was the late 1980's and I was a struggling, underpaid and overworked, twenty-something single bisexual woman, but I always found a way to have fun. Lots of bars and night clubs, lots of dancing and lots of dates. I had a few steady boyfriends and girlfriends and always a constantly changing group of friends with benefits. I was exploring the limits of my sexuality and was constantly finding that my limits were easily...

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Asian High School Wife Pt 8 Homecoming Pro

Two months ago I met and married my wife Kana, and life had never been the same after that. Kana was 18 years old, a Japanese girl still in high school. I married her to get her out of her repressive home life and incredible sex had followed for several times a day almost every day after that. Until I had to go out of town on business. By then my dick was so raw from fucking and I was so exhausted from lack of sleep that I was excited to be away from her for eight or nine days just to rest. But...

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Whiskey and Cum

I was really getting to like Carol she liked rodeos, stock car racing and really enjoyed a Brad Paisley concert I took her to. Soon it was date number four and both of us knew that if she did not put out tonight this relationship was over. We pulled up to my new log cabin, and I could see by the look on Carol’s face and that that she was probably thinking” there is no way I’m not fucking this good looking rich guy tonight”. I felt the same way; there was no way I didn’t want to fuck my skinny...

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Rachels Fire 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Parts of this were posted in an earlier form as ‘Roger Simian’. BTW, the punctuation and style are SUPPOSED to be a bit weird. Just me being all wacky and experimental – haha. (COMPLEXION) The author of *Miss Babylon 1999* sits naked lonely and drunk up there in her bedroom/ slurping straight vodka from a coffee mug and gazing distractedly into the Looking Glass. Its not little blonde Alice she sees staring back at her though. More like a scrawny Snow White. Ink-black hair...

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Horny Sex Starved Mother In Law and Wife

I can only tell you my wife's labia was once petite. When this woman was 20 her labia and pussy was sweet and smelled perfect enough to adore and marry. Through the years of fucking Jen's pussy became so fragrant that her panties would smell up the closet and all my clothes smelled of her fragrance. People would approach me on how well I smelled on a daily basis as my clothes smelled of her scent in a very musky and good way. Then she turned forty...her pussy turned from sweet to musty and...

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A little understanding

Our parents are....ignorant, to say the least. My brother and I have desires for our lives that are far beyond what our parents want, and as a result, there's quite a few arguments, and an obvious disconnect between us.I parked in the driveway, and took a look to make sure my baby was looking beautiful before I went in the house. My baby is a '69 SS Camaro, black with an orange rally stripe, and it's my pride and joy. It was a gift from mom and dad when I turned 17 last year.The sounds of an...

4 years ago
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Even Steven

Andrea stepped down off the bus, feeling self-conscious. She shifted her daybag to the other hand, and hurried away from the stop, positive that everyone on the bus knew exactly what she was doing. The feeling was silly, but it hadn’t stopped her from worrying through the entire ride across town. In a block or two, she would be safely inside, and she could forget all about it. Andrea turned her thoughts to the weekend. She didn’t have much in the bag – just one change of clothes, and a few...

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mother desire

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see real homemade porn videosI was sitting in my dark living room sipping on a mixed drink and fuming. It was nearly midnight. Because my fifteen year old daughter had been caught sneaking out in the past I had checked her room before I went to bed and found that she was out again. Now I was sitting in the dark and staring at the clock on the VCR and waiting for her to come home so that I could kill her. Well, not really. But I was furious and she was going to know...

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House Hunting with a BBW

It was time to move. I had come into some money from good investments and inheriting some money I decided an upgrade was in order. SO I went to a local Realtor and made an appointment to talk to somebody about finding the perfect place. The receptionist gave me a date for the next day with a woman named Jennifer. When I arrived at the office the receptionist showed me into the office and showed me to an office and told me to have a seat and Jennifer would be with me shortly. It was not...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl If You Dare

I walk into the living room of the apartment I share with four other girls. Danielle is sitting on the couch watching TV, with her current man, Blake. ‘Hey Brianna. Where you going all dressed up?’ Danielle asks. ‘To a party, for a friend of mine.’ ‘Oh well have fun.’ ‘Where’s everybody else?’ I ask Danielle. ‘Nicole is with Jack, or that’s where I’m assuming she is. Addison is at work. Chely is, who knows where?’ ‘Wow, we never seem to all be home at the same time anymore. Well I’ll see...

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the halloween haunted house

''hey sam you saw my spiderman?''''no last time he was going to the haunted house''mommy coudnt find me , Spiderman was slurping on a jelly big candy on his knees ,a pillow under it , the big juicy cherry candy feeling way too nice and warm in his mouthMike on the other side of the wall was keeping himself full of that jelly cherry ooze, getting it back to the boy , his little mouth and tongue was feeling way too good , it felt wrong but at the same time sp right to let the young white boy...

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Transitions Part 3 Betrayal

(TG) Transitions Part 3 The Betrayal By Colleen Shepherd Chapter 13 School Daze I arrived at school and went to my assigned home room. As the class filled with other students I could feel the eyes of some of the other students on me. I knew that no one knew who I was so I had to assume they were checking out the new girl, no doubt they were wondering who I was. The teacher took attendance by calling out everyone's name. When she got to mine the whole class looked at...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part1

Hello dosto,mera naam kartik hain aut me ek south Indian family me paida hua hu. Mere ghar me sirf teen Jane rahte hain. Mere dad(50 yrs), meri mummy leela (45 yrs) air main. Aap sab to jante hi hai ki ek south Indian aurat ka figure kaisa hota hai. Bade Baal , tight boobs , mast gaand aur Lund chuswane layak muh. Usi tarah meri mummy ka figure bhi kuch aisa hi tha- unke chuche is umar me bhi ek dam tight hai aur jab bhi chalti hai to gaand aur boobs aise uchalte hai ki kisi ka bhi Lund khada...

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The Unit

Corrientes rested her weapon against the wall before looking out through the gap at the moonlit fields beyond. Across from the shed, the fields were how they first came into contact with the enemy, but from where she was Corrientes knew where the fire was coming from straight away - a small shed with an opening in it and the enemy hadn't seen her. She lay down and aimed her weapon, her young eyes keen - waiting for the muzzle flash, before letting her round go. She entered the shed and found...

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GotMylf Quinn Waters Sweet Surrender

The gorgeous Quinn Waters doesn’t want to be single anymore, so she hired a service to see how they help. When Dr. Rich arrives, he asks the stunning MILF to try on a new wardrobe and gets her to enjoy the moment. Things start heating up and eventually exploding when the doctor tries kissing his patient. Shocked that this wasn’t part of the contract, the specialist asks Quinn how bad she wants to achieve her purpose, so she slowly gives in to his charm and horny intentions,...

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Wife Becomes Black Cock Exclusive

By DeeAnnaMontana: (Some parts written by me)I'm going to start this off with a "Don't try this at home" warning. Seriously, you can't plan things this well, and you can't make things like this happen. It happened for us through years of unpredictable circumstances, and a series of events that the best choreographer could not imagine in their wildest dream.And my wildest dream is what turned into reality last night. More reality than I could have imagined or made up.Where shall I start? Lets...

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Tales of Mrs Abbott Girl Next Door Part One

Serena ‘Thank you, Serena.’ A firm, smack on my ass is followed by my bed dipping as Gary awkwardly crawls his way off the side. Oh, yippee. I grimace because he can’t see my face, it still being smushed into one of my deep feather pillows, and all. I push myself up and manage a small giggle that my mother would recognize as false. ‘No, thank you, Your Honor.’ I flash a wide, innocent smile, and then barely catch the corner of my bottom lip between my teeth for ultimate effect. I know how to...

3 years ago
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Neighbors Hot SIL Fucked To Her And My Satisfaction

Hi everyone this is your friend Amaan again with a new story which I am sure gonna accelerate your lust to peek. For those who don’t know me let me introduce to you myself, I am Amaan, 25 years of age athlete body height 6’1” fair color and a huge appetite for sex. I lost my virginity long back to one of my neighbor aunt. She was a desperate woman lacking her husband’s contribution on the bed. Anyways coming back to the story it is about how I managed to bed my neighbor uncle’s sister. But...

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Panties Chapter 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Panties Chapter 2: Jaclyn's Discovery (Jaclyn comes home and finds out) Jaclyn drove up to the house and pulled in the driveway. She was a little tired and felt grungy after having just come straight home from basketball practice. She hopped out of her car and lazily made her way up to the front door. Right as she opened the door...

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Pleasure GELF

Prima 9. The Future. I don't remember much before I was awakened. I didn't have a name originally. Just a number. PG#2654 G/A/SB. The "G/A/SB" stood for my breed. "Gay/Average/Swimmer's Build" was what mine stood for. Now I was Matt. The Pleasure Genetically Engineered Life Form Program or "Pleasure G.E.L.F." for short was started before the Earth died and mankind had taken to the stars to find a new home. We were the ultimate expression of sexual gratification. Man's attempt at creating the...

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Getting The Contract

People looking at my wife Jean and myself nowadays see us as a successful couple, both in our relationship and our business life. We've been married for ten years and have managed to grow ever closer in that time; to me Jean is more beautiful at forty than she was at thirty when I married her, despite the years her 36-24-36 figure is almost as firm as in her youth, her auburn hair has no hint of grey, her eyes still sparkle with mirth and sexual desire. Jean tells me that I've grown more...

2 years ago
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Stranger Relations in Journey

Hello Frnds… I am Leon and this is my first submission to you all.. Its the chat which I am wrting and tomorrow I am going to enjoy sex with this girl whom I met online few days earlier… It started when we talked about sex and thought of roleplay.. and frnds believe me its really hot and it works… here it goes: Samy: hello Sonia: yeah Samy: ok ok Sonia: main bhi hokar aayi Samy: kaha ja rahi ho Sonia: susu karne Samy:ok Sonia: m back Samy: sachi batao tumne kabhi adult movie nahi dekhi Sonia:...

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Anna Balucki

The young woman tried very hard to sell me on the local area network system that her company had for sale. She was charming and witty and entirely barking up the wrong tree. I had to tell her that my interest in the system was purely personal and due to admiring how a neat idea was carried out. My company was not the sort to use it, and if the service department was any good (and if the system was) we would never be called in to fix problems if somebody else got it who we consulted for. ...

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End of Me

....I looked at him while I was standing in line for coffee, admiring his butt...He had a problem with his order and was asked to stand aside, I said "hi", and said "don't stress" and smiled at him.He asked if I'd join him, I said: "sure!"I told him what I did for a living, then he told ME! I was shocked to the CORE! I'd NEVER met a professional executioner before!I asked him, "How do you sleep at night"? "Very well, Thank-you" he replied.I asked: "You really put others to death?"HOW can you do...

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Road Trip GirlFriends Dad Fucks Me

I can't believe this is happening.So I'm going to write this story as it happens because it's happening to me RIGHT NOW and I'm freaking the fuck out and it's helping me to pretend I'm busy on my phone because holy mother fucking holy shit balls.I'm on a cross-County road trip with my 22-year-old college girlfriend Kelly, and her family. We're traveling in their three row Honda Pilot as we transport some of the family's artwork to a fairly well known gallery in Chicago where my girlfriend's dad...

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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

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