DóchasChapter 8 free porn video

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When Sarah and her friends arrived on the patio, they saw Amy's group chatting with Jean and Andy. Sarah said, "It is good to see all of you joining us for lunch." Sarah then began introducing everyone.

Once the introductions were completed, Amy said, "Let's eat. We will be quite busy this afternoon."

Although there was some talking, there wasn't much, as everyone was focused on their own thoughts. Those with Jean were working through the change in their situation, what it meant and what their future was likely to be. While, those arriving with Nancy were trying to digest all they had seen and heard. When everyone finished eating, they all pitched in to clean up, then sat around the tables sipping lemonade.

Bob said, "Jim, Amy, when do you want to start the project?"

"Tomorrow or the next day would be fine," replied Amy. "Erica is the lead on security issues, but this is something she's learned since being stranded here. While it is important, we think taking a day or so to relax would be a good start. This will also give us time to get our house keeping better organized."

"I like the idea of a day to relax," said Nancy realizing that this was an opportunity for Bob to take it easy as she thought he worked too many hours.

Rusty added, "Besides Bob, Stan, Erica and me, we should initially include Sarah, Terry and Sally. This will give us a seven member team which should be enough to quickly accomplish the basics. Although it may sound like it, I am not suggesting we limit who is on the team. This is an effort that benefits from multiple viewpoints. Also, Zoe's group has experiences and a perspective that can help us. The area we want to monitor is much larger than any we have dealt with before. While the seaward side makes access difficult, it is not impossible, so we shouldn't let that color our thinking."

Looking at the group with Jean, Sally said, "What are your backgrounds?"

Sally had hardly finished her question when Sarah gasped, placing her hands against her head as her face scrunched up in pain. Rusty and Erica quickly tried to mind link with her.

Before they could act, Amy shouted, "Shields up first, then help." Jean's group was startled by Amy's command while many of the others looked puzzled.

Amy and Erica moved quickly to mentally assist Sarah in repelling, then blocking the attacker. With the attack blocked, Sarah rested her head on her hands. While she appeared to be relaxing, she was feeling confused and disorientated.

After monitoring Sarah for a moment Amy said, "Rusty, would you help us look for damage?" Amy's comments caused Julia to gasp, prompting worried expressions on Zoe's group. "You know her much better than we do. The person who attacked her was rather reckless. We checked all her normal connections and links. They look okay to us, but we need you to verify them." Rusty looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Your active link with her will provide you with some of the information. More importantly, is what you saw when the two of you were exploring each other's minds and making comparisons."

He nodded, and then carefully looked through Sarah's mind while comparing it to his memories. In several places, what he found was quite different from before. "Amy or Erica, what is the function for these areas? They've changed significantly from my copy."

"Those are gateways," replied Erica. "Go ahead and return them to the way they were. You probably should start here. I'll monitor you."

Once they finished Sarah began to stir.

Sarah looked up. "What happened?"

"We think you were attacked by someone telepathically. Do you remember meeting your friends this morning?"


"Who were they?"

"It was most of our friends from Nancy and Bob's," responded Sarah. "They are right here," she then named them as she pointed them out.

"Do you remember lunch and what you had?"

"Yes, it was two ham and cheese sandwiches with a big bowl of soup."

"Okay. How long were you asleep after you arrived here?"

"You told us we spent 2 months in the incubators and 4 months here."

"Okay. Now stand up and stretch. Look for anything that feels different."

"Everything seems fine but I feel, maybe a little sluggish."

"Okay. Now we want Amy, Rusty and you to examine the links in your memory. You should look for links that are broken links or not connected to the right spot. Sally and Terry can join us. Rusty has a partial memory map from when the two of you were working together exploring your minds."

"Okay." Everyone watched as Sarah, Rusty and Amy concentrated on what they were doing. None noticed the faraway look on Erica and Betsy's faces.

After several minutes, Sarah, Rusty, Amy, Sally and Terry began backing out of their tight link. As they did they began to move and stretch. There was a definite sigh of relief around the tables when they saw Sarah smile. Rusty was the first to notice Betsy and Erica's concentration. Sarah picked up on Rusty's observation and they both started to investigate. Amy shook her head, no, as she mouthed, "shields up" to everyone. Rusty and Sarah immediately put their shields up then linked with Nancy and Julia to check on theirs. When they were done, Julia told them to check on Zoe's group, so they shifted their attention to them.

Amy and Jim spoke to those with Jean's group telepathically, eliciting several surprised looks. Amy said, "Sorry, we usually do this a different way. For those of you who are telepathic, it is urgent that we show you how to shield yourself from telepathic attacks." Most of those in Jean's group nodded, indicating they had heard, although several had surprised expressions.

Erica and Betsy came out of their trance, looking a bit tired. Amy looked at them questioningly. Erica said, "Once we knew the attack on Sarah was blocked, we tried to find the source. We found several telepaths here that we didn't know about. However, the source of the attack appears to have come from out in the valley."

"Alison," said Sarah.

"Most likely," replied Amy, "but when we scanned those in the barn, we only saw Laura, Patricia and Sophia with those capabilities, but they weren't active. However, we weren't looking for a shielded mind, so it is possible that we missed it. Now, based on the responses by Jean's group a few moments ago, it looks like we missed a few other latent telepaths."

"Your comment did surprise me. What happened to Sarah?" asked Jean, clearly concerned.

"To put it verbally," replied Sarah. "It was like someone ransacking a room looking for something. So, I am surprised nothing was broken. Why would someone pick on me for an attack?"

"I'm very happy nothing was broken," replied Rusty as he hugged Sarah.

"May I say something?" asked Tara.

"Of course," replied Erica with a smile.

"First, Alison was up and moving around about an hour after we all went to bed. I had to use the bathroom and saw her leave the barn as I came out of my room. Secondly, about, this telepathic stuff, does this mean you all know what we are thinking?"

"It is fairly easy to see the active thoughts of others, if we look," replied Amy. "Most people will sense it happening. The sensation has been characterized as the creepy feeling you associate with an intruder, but it may just make you uneasy. Fully active telepaths have techniques for shielding their active thoughts and blocking attacks. We just discovered that nearly of you are capable but several of you are actively aware of hearing telepathic communication. Until now I don't think any of you have used the ability. As you heard, we showed those we knew were active how to enable their shields, which I think shocked a few. This is probably the first time you realized that you can hear telepathic thoughts. Especially for those who aren't active, when we communicate telepathically, we can hear your response, if you direct it to us. When you have your physicals, you will get a primer in telepathic communication, how to enable and manage it. Whether you initiate communication that way is up to you."

"So, the sci-fi writers got it correct," said Andy with a smile.

"Pretty much," replied Sarah, "depending on who you read. There are some differences."

Sarah glanced over at Zoe's group as Zoe said, "I don't know about the others, but we were surprised, even though we've used it a bit since our arrival here. Although after being around Sarah and Rusty, we shouldn't have been. Sarah, we need to talk to you guys about this soon so we have a better understanding of it."

"Sure. Will this evening, if not sooner, work for you all?"

"I think so."

"It doesn't take very long to sort out."

"If you forget, we will camp out in your suite until we find the time."

"That suits us just fine," replied Sarah with a smile.

"Back to our issue," said Amy, "if we presume it was Alison, then we can rationalize a reason. Sarah is probably one of the strongest telepaths here and she was our spokesperson when she arrived. She is fairly new to using these abilities, which also tends to make her more susceptible. This just means we need to take the time to teach you as many tools as possible. It wouldn't surprise me, if someone else was probed today. Erica and Rusty you should spend as much time with Sarah as possible. Now would really be a good time to get this out-of-the-way, then we can focus on what to do about Alison."

"Nancy and Julia, how strong are your telepathic capabilities?" asked Erica.

"I don't know," they both responded, then Nancy added, "We know we have them but haven't really used them. Sarah and Rusty's assistance was a little confusing but we appreciate it."

Then Julia added, "Earlier I chatted with Erica using it but not much beyond that. When Sarah and Rusty helped us with our shields a few minutes ago, I suggested they check on Zoe's group."

"We did," responded Rusty.

"Okay let's do this," said Jim. "Erica and Amy show Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty more on shields and other defensive techniques, then they can assist Zoe's group. Betsy and Connie can work with Nancy and Julia and help them in strengthening their telepathic attributes, including defenses. Once that is complete, then they can work with Jean's group. This shouldn't take very long, so once each person completes their tutorial let's go down by the pool. Tell us if any of you start to get a headache or you feel strange, possibly as though someone is watching you. In the mean time, the rest of us can check out the pool."

When they were near the pool Thomas said, "Mommy can we swim?"

Shirley looked at Jim, who nodded, then said, "Yes."

Alice, Shirley and Susan joined Thomas in the water. They had been swimming for more than an hour before the rest joined them. Sarah thought, "Susan seems like a different person since the first time I saw her. Probably due to working with Alice and Judy."

Amy asked, "Bob, Stan, Alice, Susan and Shirley, would you mind if Erica and I evaluate you for telepathic abilities?" All of them nodded their heads indicating that it was okay.

Amy and Erica each lay back on a chair near the pool and from their appearance were apparently asleep. Sarah and Rusty watched them with their mind-link as Amy and Erica evaluated the five.

"Amy, do you feel someone is watching us?" asked Sarah.

"Yes, and I think it is the person who probed you earlier. I think we will go inside to do this. Would you, Erica and Rusty remain out here swimming and relaxing? One of you should try to see if you can locate the observer. Don't do anything, just locate and perhaps identify them."

"Alice, Susan, Shirley, Bob, and Stan, would you come inside with Betsy and me? We think it would be better to continue this inside."


Terry and Sally moved into the water and began to swim laps; they were soon joined by several others. Terry and Sally found that their hair and larger stature slowed them down a bit but could tell that their improved stamina would allow them swim longer. Nancy and Patricia played in the water with Thomas and Janice.

After watching the swimmers for a bit Sarah said, "Rusty, Erica, will you keep an eye on me? I want to try something."


Sarah then lay back on the lounge chair closing her eyes. Slowing her breathing she relaxed as if doing yoga. Looking around with her mind she could see her friends relaxing. By shifting her point of view it expanded to encompass a larger area. She then moved her point of reference higher and could soon see nearly all the area immediately around the buildings. Each person showed in the picture as a bright object, even those in the house. Those with telepathic capabilities were brighter than the others. She could see animals moving through the brush as she looked away from the buildings down the valley. The coloring of the scenery was muted so that some of the underlying terrain could be seen.

She spent a long time slowly looking over the area. As she scanned, she saw a marker for someone with telepathic capabilities some distance from them, apparently moving toward the end of the valley. Presuming the marker was Alison, she continued to scan while she kept the marker in view. After her experience at lunch, she was very careful in what, or where, she focused her thoughts.

After watching the slow progress of the marker moving away from them, she found she could anticipate its direction and speed. She shifted her focus to other details in the valley. She found several natural paths and game paths that appeared to go up and over the forbidding cliffs that surrounded the valley. They were challenging enough that it would take a determined climber to make the journey. Sarah glanced back toward the area where the marker was. It had moved a bit more toward a path leading to the cliffs.

Sarah slipped back to her immediate surroundings and after taking a deep breath opened her eyes.

"Sarah do you know where Alison is?" asked Erica with a smirk.

"Been monitoring me?" Sarah responded with a smile to take the sting out.

"Not really. Instinct, I guess or perhaps a better analogy would be 'as a bystander'."

"To answer your question, yes, I think so. While I was lying down, I tried mentally shifting my point of view. After looking around close by, I then explored the island. I could see everyone here and instinctively knew who each one was." Erica and Rusty looked at her with amazement. "At the far end of the valley, I saw a telepath, which is presumably Alison. She is slowly making her way toward the cliffs at the far end of the valley. If she continues in that direction, she should reach a trail that leads over them in a day or two, as it is much farther than it looks. There are several paths on the other side that look like they go down the cliff to the water. In all cases, they appear to be a very risky climb or descent without climbing gear. If she had chosen a different path earlier she would be headed toward the gap at the bay."

"I don't feel like we are being watched as we were before," said Rusty.

"Agreed. We are aware of the game trail remnants on the cliffs but didn't think they would be useable. Sarah, if you saw a topographical map, could you point out the location?"

"Yes. Alison was nearing a junction of two trails. Beyond it the area was very open."

Erica led them to the security office with Terry and Sally tagging along. It was adjacent to the room containing the consoles that Sarah had seen the first day. Erica said, "Donna, project a topographical map hologram on the table."

Sarah looked at the map for a few moments then pointed to Alison's location."

Erica said, "That trail is probably the easiest climb to the ridge, although the other side is more of a challenge. Besides being a steep descent, the trail has some missing segments. You could probably work around them, as there aren't any great drops requiring a jump. You were right about her earlier choices. However, the trail branch leading to the bay is obscure."

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On the flight, Trudy told me her story and also explained what was expected out of me in this assignment once we reached our destination. She walked towards me and bent down on her knees. Since I was sitting, her head was at the same height as mine. She leaned forward and I knew that she was about to kiss me. I sank in and our lips met for the first time. It was like a dream. Her mouth tasted like roses and her lips like cherry. We kissed passionately for a few minutes until she let go of me....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Romy Indy Like What You See

Lovely Romy Indy has decided to pose for sexy videos with her beau, Sam Bourne. Sam just loves recording his playful girlfriend in her naughty lingerie. As Romy flirts with both the camera and with Sam, she grows increasingly turned out. Reaching out a foot to rub against Sam’s stiffie, Romy confirms that she’s not alone in her arousal. On her back on the bed, Romy keeps up her laughing act as Sam joins her. Straddling Romy’s legs, Sam puts himself in a position of power. He...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Carmin G93

The second part in Episode 93 of GangBangCreampie is of course the GaaaangBaaaangin’ and Creampie’n part! We pick up almost where we left off, (you’ll get to see Carmin “Greet the Meat” in a few days), back at the station, with our beautiful little bodybuilder sitting on the pedestal. She’s eager to get the fucking started, the guys get her clothes off, nosh on her pussy and get that big clit nice and pointy. They start off with a quick round robin’...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 6 Amateurism

I got up excited about two things. First, Moose told me he had a surprise for me. I was to meet him at the Field House, first thing. Second, Brook had sent me a text and scheduled a ‘play date’. I worried that it was too cold out, but became confused when a subsequent text told me to bring my swimsuit. I was not doing a polar bear swim, even with Brook. I found Mom alone in the kitchen when I came in. “Congratulations,” she said, as I stuck my head in the refrigerator to figure out what...

4 years ago
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Kate fucks my friend

If you have read any of my earlier stories you would know that I have been sharing my wife Kate for the last 6 months. It was not my choice though, Kate said she needed more sexually than I could give her. It hurt to hear the words come out of her mouth but it was either share her or lose her all together. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t find it extremely hot to watch her with another guy, but I know our relationship is moving from sharing to outright cuckoldry. Most of the guys Kate...

Wife Lovers
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 28

Each of us had just downed two glasses of wine and that shit already had my head fuzzy when I took a drag off the first doobie and handed it to Jacklyn. She pulled the smoke down tight, then held it in her lungs as she smiled at me and squirmed, hunching her naked ass on my lap as she tried to trap my cock in her pussy. I took a fat Mexican Red and lit the fuse on the tail-end of that skyrocket. I handed it to Josalyn and blew my smoke at her as she leaned over to kiss me. “What’s with the...

1 year ago
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Black isnt so Bad After All

Chapter 3DeeDee and John sat in the outter office, waiting for their appointment to begin.Both had been called earlier in the day and notified that their appointment time had been changed to later in the afternoon, almost the beginning of the evening. The receptionist explained that this would be the only time the Doctor would be able to see them this week and could they please be here.They both talked it over for a few minutes and agreed. The receptionist thanked them, confirmed the time,...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 2

Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....

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Slutty Bhabhi Wants To Be Fucked

Hi! My name is Rudr and i am a regular reader of ISS, but now i would like to have the pleasure of sharing my experience. The story is about how i fucked my bhabhi. Well, she, Shewta; wife of my brother, Raghav; who is in distant relation. It happened that i along with my parents lived as tenants of Raghav in present city for my education. She is truly sensual and stunning. She was married 6 years ago and recently had one daughter. In her house she lives with husband and daughter on first...

3 years ago
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Erotic Experience With my Neighbour

So this erotic incident occurred in my life a while ago, I’ll be using made-up names throughout the story for obvious reasons. Also, I’m pretty young so please forgive me for my teenage like way of expressing words. A little bit about me, I’m a tall brown guy with a fair complexion. My height is 6’3 and I have an athletic build and a 6-inch penis to top it all off. Now let’s come to the main lead of the story, my neighbor, let’s call her Priya, she is in her late 20s, 5’7 tall and a near...

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Discovery Strange Relationship Version X Chapter

The Red Dragon is, I suppose, my local, in that it’s the closest pub to my house. Saying that it’s not actually terribly close, being about a fifteen-minute walk away, and I didn’t frequent it a great deal. Richard loved the place though, being equidistant from his house in the opposite direction, and hence we spent a few Sunday lunches there followed by a walk back to his house. I wasn’t all that keen on eating there, what with owning my own restaurant anyway, and I always felt a little put...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 56

“What’s going on?” Anne asked. I showed her the phone. The congressional people suddenly found some reason to be hanging around. “Anne, when the other Suburbans get here, you and Andrew are to split up and each take one back to the White House. There is no need of you two being collateral damage if there is an attempt on me. I will ride by myself,” I said. The court clerk handed me six copies of the judge’s order; typed, written and signed as he spoke it in court. I was reading it when...

2 years ago
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Kara Without Care

Once in the car and heading away from Dallas, Kara removed her suit jacket and tossed it in the backseat. She and Dirk had eaten a light supper in a downtown eatery near Kara’s office and were on their way to a nightclub in the stockyards area of Fort Worth, some thirty miles away. After entering the expressway, Kara continued the transition from lawyer to Friday night reveler. As he drove, Dirk stole quick glances at her, unbuttoning the white silk blouse she had worn under the jacket. “This...

Straight Sex
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Drinking On The Job

It was a typical day at the office for Ann, a 50-something married brunette. Paperwork and more paperwork! The only thing that was making her day a little less boring were the glances she was getting from one of her male colleagues that occupied the office next to hers. Every time she walked past him she could feel his eyes burning into her crotch and she knew he craved what lay beneath her skirt and knickers.Ann had fucked this colleague before but despite both swearing they would never...

Straight Sex
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Brady Bunch Carol and Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

2 years ago
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Mr McGregor Learns a Lesson

Benjamin McGregor sat fuming in the lobby of Intax Corporation's beautiful sales and technical center. He owned large machining company that had recently purchased three heavy-duty lathes from Intax. The damn salesman who had visited him last month had been convincing and Benjamin had thought that he was getting a deal of a lifetime. However, the machines were not worth the paper that the Intax contract was printed upon … in fact, the fucking machines were not even worth the paper that Benjamin...

2 years ago
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Noor Arora 2 Dicks In One Day

Noor arora: Hi guys, Romy (I am a guy) back to bring you more episodes in the saga of our favorite slut noor. I have received great feedback for noor’s stories and hope you guys keep continuing the love. Please do not forget like the story (give thumbs up) because that gives stories popular or editor choice status. Let’s go from noor’s pov now. Hope people are pleasuring themselves to these stories. I have received primarily male feedback. Would love to hear from the women who read iss as well....

2 years ago
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Fun Sex With Friend8217s Divorced Sister

Hi Readers, This is Sachin living in pune from last 2 years. I have been a reading these sex stories from my school days and I am very fond of them. This is the first real sex experience that I am narrating today, which happened with one of my colleagues elder sister and me. She is around 36 yrs and has good Stats 38 36 36 and is a divorcee with two childern. Please excuse me if you feel boring as I am not that good in narration. This was my first sex experience with one of my best colleagues...

1 year ago
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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 6

“I’m sure you are full of questions,” Hera says, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. “I am not here to give you answers. That is not my job. But you stay on my good side and I will make sure you get the things you want.” Page’s ears perk up at the sound of this. She quickly sits upright, eyes like saucers hoping to gleam something from this woman. “Do you know something?” Hera places a finger on Page’s lips. “I told you that I’m not here to answer your questions. You can ask Zayne...

2 years ago
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With Poonam In The Presence Of Her Husband 8211 Part 3

Hello, this is Rushik back with the final episode of “With Poonam In the Presence of her husband at Lonavala “ yes I am late in part as time didn’t permit to post this episode, anyhow the response to both the parts were good and people can connect to me at Coming back to the incident where I stopped, I took a cold shower to bring down my body temperature and I wore a short and tee shirt, it was already 7.30 and it got very dark outside. And Mr.Retesh has come back after a walk. He then went...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 11

As Bobbie began to awaken from her sound sleep, she just stretched her muscles and realized she was in Kris's arms. After only a single day, she realized that her new sister's body was utterly perfect. She was beautifully muscled with wide shoulders, full breasts and a flat belly. Her very slim waist flared out smoothly to slim hips and very tight little buns, then flowed down to the most beautiful legs Bobbie had ever seen on a woman. As Bobbie was about to drift back into a deep sleep,...

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The Shape Of Things To Cum

She regarded her reflection intently, wearing only black hold-up stockings and patent leather high-heeled court shoes. Drawing her hands up to her breasts she teased her nipples with her fingertips until they hardened, then rubbed the gel into them that would freeze the flesh into place for a few hours, ensuring that her nipples would remain prominent for the rest of the evening. After wiping her hands with a tissue, she let them stray to the pink folds around her vagina. Spreading her...

4 years ago
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Cassis ass

Cassi and I had anal sex once before when we first started dating. But after the first time we didn't really do it or chat much about it for a while. Then the night after movies we chatted a lot about it and eventually with a bit of help from my stepsister we managed to have some alone time together at my parents house.Cassi and I rather quickly made our way to the bedroom where we undress each other. Once naked I laid her down on her back and made my way to between her legs. I started muffing...

2 years ago
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Apni Didi Ka Apna He Maza 8211 Part V

Dosto aap logo kay beach aaj apni didi ka apna maza ka part 5 lay kar a raha hon , mare es story ko aap sab dosto nay like kiya or jo dost mail kar kay batatay rahay un ka be bhohat shukareya . well friend kuch dost boltay hain es story main ap nay kab chudai karni hai to dosto , apni real behan ko chodna itna esay nahi hota jasay hum stories main read kartay hain or kuch he log hain dunya main jo apni real behano ki mast jawani ka maza lay saktay hain ,or i think wo behan lucky be hon gay ....

4 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 3 I meet Julie

In Kerrie’s Journey: Chapter 2: I explore online, I described how, after an erotic massage in Phuket by a woman, I came home and started to explore online. I was keen to understand the growing need in me to be touched again by a woman. Eventually I discovered a lesbian chat site. There I found other women, who like me were exploring their bi-side. They introduced me to the joy of cyber sex.At home I continued to have a great sex life with my husband, Tom. Indeed if anything I was hornier; a...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Codi Vore Big Titty Codi8217s Creampie

Codi is trying to get a workout session done at home so she has her personal trailer Tyler come in and start stretching her. Tyler has her stretching in positions without being aware of how big her tits are. It gets to a point where she bends over and oop! Her massive tits are out. Tyler notices but she doesn’t mind keeping them out so they keep working out. It comes to a point where Tyler stretches Codi and she can see his penis sticking out of his shorts! Codi is a fan of personal...

4 years ago
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Just Like Family

Put the first name as a guy's name (narrator) Put the last name as a girl's name (Friend's sister) I fulled into my best friend Kyle's driveway, turned off the ignition to my car, and got out. I saw that he wasn't there, which wasn't that unusual, especially since I came over for dinner. I was guessing that him and his boyfriend (Kyle was gay) had went to get groceries. Oh well, no big loss, his sister Doe was still home, and she was definitely fun to hang out it. More importantly, she was...

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