Ard-RiChapter 8 free porn video

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It has been ten years since the meeting to build an interplanetary spaceship, with the building dock completed last year. Michael had gone to the dock to officially open the dock for operation, and it had been named The Queens' Port in honor of his wives. The first modules had been transported from Leti, and the ships assembly had begun. Now a year later, the hull of the upper half had been completed, and the AI's compartment was turned over. Because there were no entrances or exits none of the humans had any idea what was taking place in that area, however Trina assured everyone that the space was more than adequate.

Maureen was starting to review the requirements for personnel to man the spaceship, and had to present a plan to the oversight committee soon. Even though the departure date was still two to three years away, there would need to be a lot of training, and finding the right people would be difficult. Maureen had polled the senior officers of the Shamrock to see if any were interested in joining the crew, however she was not surprised when all declined the offer. That would mean that the crew would be entirely green when the ship departed. The thinking was that a senior military officer should have overall command, with a Capitan for the operation of the ship.

Maureen was surprised when Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald requested an appointment with her and Colleen. When the three were comfortable, Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald got to the point of the requested meeting. He told Colleen that he wanted to resign his position as Commander in Chief of the Navy and Space commands. Colleen was speechless, but finally regaining her composure wanted to know why. Fitzgerald said it was simple really, as he wanted to be the the overall commander of the first voyage into deep space, and he could not remain CIC and be in deep space at the same time.

Colleen called her PA and asked her to have Rory O'Hara and the Group Commanders come to Maureen's office ASAP. Seconds later Colleen's and Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald pagers went off with orders to Maureen's office. When the senior officers were assembled, Colleen had Fitzgerald restate his request.

Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald then stood and said he wanted to resign his post, and requested reassignment as the overall commander of the first voyage into deep space. He could not do both jobs at the same time, and he and his wife really wanted this assignment. Rory asked if Fitzgerald realized that someone that use to report to him would now be his commanding officer.

Fitzgerald said that this was acceptable, however there was another reason for this request. He had a rare blood disease, and in ten Leti years he would be dead. If he were to take command of the spaceship for a five or ten year voyage, by the time he returned a cure might have been found.

Colleen thought to Trina to get her AI ass down here now. Seconds later Trina appeared, telling Colleen she did not have an ass but she came anyway. Colleen explained Fitzgerald's medical issue, and asked why this had not been brought to the medical research team's attention sooner. Trina said that they had been working on a cure ever since Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald had come to Leti. They had also found two other cases, however they were not nearly as advanced as Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald. As for being healthy enough to carry out his duties, there should be no problem for nine or ten years. Trina thought that a cure was six or seven years away, and Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald would be included in any treatments as the AI aboard the spacecraft could replicate any medications that were produced on Leti. Colleen thanked Trina verbally, and thought to the AI that she loved her AI ass. Both of them got a laugh from that.

Colleen then turned to Fitzgerald and asked him whom he felt he was qualified to replace him. With no hesitation he said that Shamus Mac Lochlainn was the only logical replacement. Rory reminded them that Shamus was not a member of the NUSF. Fitzgerald said that the reason Shamus was not a member on the NUSF was because he was concerned he would be asked to return to space, and he did not want that. As the commander in Chief of the Naval and Space forces, that would not be an issue. It was decided that Colleen and Rory would approach Shamus to determine his interest. If he would accept the position, it would be presented to Michael for approval. With that Maureen terminated the meeting.

Colleen and Rory were in her office discussing the events of the day when her PA said that Shamus was requesting a meeting. Colleen asked her to show him in. Shamus was surprised when he was shown in that both Colleen and Rory were there. He said he could return later if there were busy, however Colleen asked him to be seated. She asked him if they could make a proposal before he went any farther. Colleen then said there was a recent opening in the NUSF, and they understood why he had not joined the force. There was an opening that would require the individual to remain on Leti with very minimal off planet travel, however the responsibilities were great, and some of the decisions might put troopers in harms way.

Shamus said that the reason he requested a meeting was to explore if there was a place in NUSF where he could be useful. So if he could be of service and remain on Leti that would be great. Colleen looked to Rory and received a nod. Colleen then asked if he would consider accepting the position of Commander in Chief of the Naval and Space Forces.

Shamus said that there was no way that he would unseat Fitzgerald just to create a place for himself. Colleen then told him that Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald had requested reassignment this morning and they were going to grant that request. Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald and his family would be assigned to the spaceship, and he would be the senior officer and diplomat aboard, however there would be a ship's captain responsible for ship operations and battle. She said that Fitzgerald felt that Shamus had more hands on experience than he did, and knew more about space than he would ever know.

With that knowledge, Shamus said that he would be very interested and wanted to know where to sigh up. Rory than asked if Shamus knew the reporting structure of the NUSF. Shamus said that the three CIC's reported to Rory, and he reported to Colleen. The final decisions on some matters were decided by the Ard-Ri, and that the Ard-Ri had never overturned a decision of Colleen's or Rory's. The Ard-Ri is a fair and just leader, and he would be honored to serve them and him. Rory asked Shamus to keep all this quiet, as there were several other items to decide before they presented to Michael the new NUSF structure.

Maureen was looking over a long list of names of potential officers for the spaceship, but was making no headway as to which were the best qualified for what position. Finally she called Fitzgerald and asked him to join her for a while. For the next four hours they went over the list of officers and had assigned all positions. Maureen asked Fitzgerald if Rorke could fill the position of executive officer for the shakedown cruise, and maybe one other cruise if it were less that one Leti year. At that point he asked Maureen if she would call him Fitz, as that what all of his colleagues called him. Then he wanted to know why Rorke was available for such a short period of time. Maureen explained that if something were to happen to the Ard-Ri, Rorke would be needed to succeed his father. The only reason that the Queens agreed to this was it was for a short time, and Rorke's wives and son would remain on Leti.

Fitz understood, and said that if Rorke were to take the XO's position, that no one could know that it was for a one year period, as some would consider this nepotism, and there would be resentment in the ranks. They would have to find a valid reason for him being transferred from the ship, and the only two to know were Maureen and him. Maureen asked if transferring him to a position of leadership as the solar system security commander would satisfy the crew members and not be seen as nepotism. Fitz thought that would work as long as it was a promotion, and the person he replaced were seen to be promoted.

Maureen thought if all worked well that the second spaceship would need a Capitan, and the Commander of Solar System Security would have command, and flight time to be promoted to Capitan of the second spaceship would be a natural. Then Rorke could be promoted to Commander Solar System Security, and later choose a different career path. However, there would have to be one additional person included in this scheme, and that would be his replacement. Fitz had no problem with that, as he knew that if Shamus replaced him he would see the need for Rorke to stay close.

The remainder of the ship's hull was coming together fast, as one deck a week seemed to be put into place. Of the thirty decks planned, fifteen were in place as an exterior hull only. The new metal was a dream to work with now that they understood the characteristics and how to mold the pieces. The cargo ship was never in one place very long, and was showing the stress of continuous service. A new version that was slightly larger was near completion when Cargo #1 developed a problem. One of the main stress beams showed a hair line crack, and the ship was immediately grounded. The main reason cargo #2 was not ready for service was her power system The delay was some shielding that was required in the inter core reactor. One of the design features was that side of the ship would open and the power plant would slide out as a modular unit. This had been designed by Shae, as she planned to have a spare power plant on every spaceship encase of catastrophic failure. Within ten hours the power plant in cargo #1 was in place in cargo #2, and power up complete. After a test cruise, the senior pilot reported that it was taking slightly longer to reach open space, but that was not major. The power plant manufacturing operation was asked to identify the material needed and expedite the completion of cargo #2's plant.

As each deck of the spaceship was completed, an atmospheric test was completed and the deck was approved for humans to work on that deck without life support systems. It seemed that the gap between decks being added and decks completed, was a separation of ten decks and growing. There were only five decks remaining to be lifted to the building dock, and those were the engineering decks and had special requirements. This ship would not have the capability for a quick change of power plants, so three plants would be installed.

Because of the unique design of engineering it was decided to install the power plants before the modules left Leti. The size of the power plant meant that it would have to be further modularized to fit in cargo #2. Engineering was totally assembled on Leti, but no inter modular connections were made. The outer hull on three sides of engineering were completed five decks high when the first module of the power plant was loaded into cargo #2, and surprise, it was too long to close the doors completely. The pilots decided to see if they could, if they dressed in life support systems plugged into the ships support systems, go and fly to the building docks. The plan was to return to Leti at the first sign of trouble, however there was no trouble, and as soon as they arrived and were secured the pilots were relived, while the backup crew took over. In just over two hours cargo #2 was returning to Leti. It took just over a week to put all of the power plant modules in place, and another three days to put the remainder of the hull in place. The last welds were completed, atmospheric test completed, and all support systems working, when a large group of engineers descended into engineering and began making all of the inter modular connections. Because of the dry run on Leti, the 2500 connections were completed in just over three hours. Shae walked in with her version of a laptop and plugged into a receptacle on the chief engineer's console. She powered up the laptop and started running a test that almost any technician could run, however only she and one other person could sign off on the test results. As the test began to run, a printer began to spit out paper with a yellow one appearing once in a while. Shae would pull the offending sheet and hand it to the chief engineer, who would in turn give it to someone who would run off and fix the problem. Of the 2500 connections, only 15 had any issues. The remainder of the problems were minor and quickly resolved. The program on Shae's laptop took two hours and forty-seven minutes to run, and upon completion a page was printed with a space for Shae's signature. She signed the page, turning to the chief engineer telling him to activate the power plant. Several people moved to their stations as the chief issued orders. Within fifteen minutes the power plant was showing signs of life. Shortly the plant was at full idle power, and the engine was fully ignited, and the environmental systems were fully functional. A mighty cheer went up throughout engineering that just about shook the ship.

Maureen, Colleen and Rory O'Hara were in the conference room by Micheal's office with him, Paps, and Tressa. Colleen stood, and began to explain the reorganizing of NUSF. She felt that the hard sell would be having a Naval Admiral aboard the spaceship also having the credentials of a diplomat. She explained that so much was going on, there was a requirement for another commander solely responsible for solar system security. The Ground Command, Air Command, and Naval/Space Command would remain in place with the addition of the Solar System Security Command. Colleen then requested approval for the reorganization. After a few questions about what each command would give up to the new command if the existing Commanders were on board with the plan. Colleen said this was their plan, as they were overloaded and would like to spend more time with their families. As for the command loss, the main command affected was the Air Command, which would relinquish all space patrol ships and pilots. Michael approved the reorganization and that the Admiral would be having diplomatic credentials.

Rory then took over and detailed the personnel changes, Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald would move to the spacecraft as the senior officer and diplomat. Briogáidire-Ghinearál Robert Kennedy would retain command of the Ground Command. Briogáidire-Ghinearál Sharon Gallagher would assume command of the Solar System Security Command. Sharon Gallagher's Executive Officer be promoted to Briogáidire-Ghinearál, and assume command of the Air Command. Finally Shamus Mac Lochlainn would assume command of the Naval and Space Command as Deiridh Aimiréal.

Michael stood and walked to the window, thinking that there was more to this than was being told, turning, he said now tell him the rest that they were not telling. Laughing, Maureen told Michael nothing could get by him. Maureen said that because Rorke had been so determined to go deep space traveling, Meghan had reached a compromise, and said that he could go for one Leti year if he left Nancy and MRF IV on Leti. When he returned, he would take command of the Solar System Security Command, and Sharon would become the overall senior officer aboard the second spaceship. When Michael heard this he liked the plan but modified it. Rorke's family would be allowed to travel with him.

Colleen started to object, but Michael silenced her with a "this is by order of the Ard-Ri, now do you have any questions." Colleen looked at the floor saying "no my Ard-Ri". Michael then approved all personnel changes, and then sent a telepathic message to all of his wives to meet him at home in thirty minutes, no excuses. All six women knew something was up, and only Maureen and Colleen guessed the reason.

As they gathered at home, all but Michael, Maureen, and Colleen were there. When the other three arrived Michael did not mince words. Telling them never to separate a family regardless of the reason. Meghan started to state the reasons for the decision when Michael cut her off, asking what part of "regardless of the reason" did she not understand. Meghan was very surprised, as Michael had never spoken to any of his wives that way, in fact never to anyone in her presence. Michael then asked if they all understood. They responded yes. Michael then restated that Rorke, Nancy, and MRF would accompany Rorke on the voyage, all of his wives nodded in agreement.

As the year closed, the crew of the Ulster was announced. The senior officers were Deiridh Aimiréal Fitzgerald as fleet commander, Capitan Kelsey Flynn, Executive Officer M Rorke Fearghas III, Chief Engineer Failenn Gallagher, and Chief Medical Officer Nancy Fearghas. There were eighteen officers, seven junior officers, 340 enlisted military personnel, 130 civilians, and 42 children. The crew named quarters assignments were the responsibility of the Executive Officer except for three, Fleet Commander, Captain, and Executive Officer. His cousin Failenn Gallagher approached him requesting quarters close to Kelsey Flynn, as they were dating, and sometimes liked to spend nights together. Rorke and Nancy laughed, asking what he was to do with the Chief Engineer's quarters in Engineering. Failenn said she would give it to her second, because he had a large family.

The second Spaceship was well under construction, and was waiting for the Ulster to clear the building dock. The plan was to launch the Leti a year after the Ulster left the building dock. Maureen was worried how she could come up with another 500 crew members and still maintain solar system, ground, air, and sea support in the NUSF. She knew who the Fleet Commander would be, but that is where it stopped. Maureen was concerned when Trina appeared and told her to wait until the Ulster returned from the first mission. Maureen put crew staffing aside for now.

As fall approached and the Ulster moved from the Building dock under its own power, moving to the far end of the dock that had been built to accept spaceships not requiring major repairs. The shakedown crew of 100 crew members were aboard loading supplies and any spare parts they thought might need. Along with the crew were most of the senior designers and techs. On October 12 Ulster departed for a ten day shake down cruise.

As the Ulster backed away from the ramp, the ride was so smooth that they hardly knew they were moving. Turning toward their sun, the Captain ordered ¼ impulse speed to move them away from Leti. After fifteen minutes he ordered ¾ impulse, and the ship moved as if it were made to run. After running at full impulse speed for an hour, the Captain called the Admiral and Executive Officer for concurrence to run at warp 1 for 8 hours. The three agreed that was in the shakedown plan, so the Captain ordered Warp 1. The transition to warp speed was smooth, and the view into space was black, which was consistent with a view in a spaceship traveling at warp speed. All crew members had checks that were monitored and logged with the AI. All the logs were compared with known logs from the Four Leaf Clover and Shamrock.

After running at warp 1 for 2 days the Captain ordered warp 5. The ship was still traveling smoothly when an alarm sounded showing a ripple in the folds of space. Captain Flynn ordered a drop of speed to ½ impulse. As soon as they dropped from warp speed all sorts of alarms went off indicating a battle was in progress. The senior AI told the Admiral and Captain the attacking ships were from the same alien species as the ship that was attacking the Shamrock when they found her. Captain Flynn ordered the destruction of the three attacking ships, and laser cannons made short work of the three ships as they were not expecting an attack from the rear.

Captain Flynn had communications try to contact the large ship that was the object of the attack. The response took them all by surprise. A woman appeared on their viewer wanting to know who they were, and to thank them for there assistance. What was more amazing was she spoke perfect Gaelic. Looking at Admiral Fitzgerald, the communications camera focused on him. Introducing himself, he told them he was from the planet Leti, and this was the maiden voyage of the spaceship Ulster.

The woman introduced herself as the Ambassador of a civilization which had been destroyed by the greed and the hunger for power of a few men. They had been living on a small planet for several thousand years until they were found, and they knew that they had to leave or become food for those bastards that had just been destroyed.

Admiral Fitzgerald asked, "what was the ruler of your civilization called"?

"Our king was called the Ard-Ri, why would you want to know that," asked the Ambassador.

"It will become clear soon just one more question, are there any direct descendants of the Ard-Ri aboard your ship".

"No," replied the Ambassador "the son of our Ard-Ri was on a ship named the Four Leaf Clover with about 10,000 of our citizens, however we have never found him".

"Ambassador, I am a descendant of the people that were on the Four leaf Clover, and we live on a planet named Leti. The crest of our Ard-Ri is now on your screen, is it recognizable to you?"

The look on the Ambassador's face told the story. Admiral Fitzgerald had the National Anthem played, and saw every member on the other ship come to attention.

"Ambassador, how many people do you have aboard your ship, and would you like to return to Leti with us"?

There was a long pause as the Ambassador seemed to be in a state of shock. Finally returning to reality the Ambassador replied, " there are 33,000 men, women, and children aboard, and yes we would like to return to your planet with you".

"Ambassador, I trust that your Captain is close, as what I am requesting is a military strategic move. Our ship can house 30,000 people, and by squeezing and double bunking we can accommodate everyone. Your ships AI's will be accommodated with our ship's AI. I would then like to destroy your ship for many reasons. First, there may be homing devices planted aboard that would lead the aggressors to our planet. Secondly, if there is debris from four ships when they come looking, I hope the belief will be that all ships were destroyed in the battle. In fact your ship's hull will be mostly in tact, which will cause a lot of confusion.

The Ships Captain appeared, and told the Admiral that was brilliant, and wanted to know how they should proceed.

The Ships AI told the Admiral that it was imperative that he and the Captain meet with it immediately. As the three met, the AI told them that one of the containers transferred was an explosive device, and capable of destroying all living and planet matter within a light year. It seemed that the Ambassador and the Captain had trigger devices that could detonate the device at a very long range. The AI suggested that they make it appear that the ship was destroyed and that the ship's crew would believe that it was destroyed. The AI also informed them that the senior AI on Leti was being updated on all events, and had ordered a scan of all people being transferred to the Ulster to see if there was a plot to harm the citizens.

The Admiral agreed to all of this, and requested the Ard-Ri be updated and asked for orders as how to proceed. Captain Flynn asked if the explosive device had been disarmed and where was its location on board his ship. The AI assured Captain Flynn the device was disarmed and had been deemed safe.

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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 4

2nd Saturday At breakfast, Gloria happened to sit at the same table with Judy again. That wasn’t unusual. She liked her counselor a lot, and being both excited and worried about what might happen with Arden may have nudged her toward sitting with someone she felt comfortable with. It was for that reason that she happened to be there when the camp director came to the table to talk to Judy. “I’ve got the shopping list for the supplies we’re running low on,” said the director. “It’s not too...

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"Good morning sweetie," Mike had been up drinking coffee and writing on the computer for his usual two or so hours already. As Jan groggily made her way to the motorhome's small bathroom, Mike continued, "are you ready for coffee?" "Yea, please," was all that Jan could manage. Mike was a morning person and Jan tried to be. But, after so many years of marriage that was about all she could manage. Mike saved his work on file and fixed Jan her coffee. He knew exactly how she...

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Like to cook? You become a chef. Have an interest in education? Most likely end up a teacher. Me? I wanted to fly, so I became a pilot. Over the years I finagled myself a pilot license with several ratings, then later a spot with an Air National Guard outfit. Unfortunately none of the big airlines was hiring when my time was up, so I had been with a little regional carrier for about two years now. Throughout my trials and tribulations the only constant in life was Amy my wife. My lovely Amy...

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SardinesChapter 1

Nobody understands. Except Chrissy and she can’t do anything about it. I’m Mallory, Mal for short, and I’m tired of people looking at me “like that” and stereotyping me. So I’m going to tell the story of how things got the way they are. Then maybe people will understand. And if they still don’t? Well, then fuck ‘em. Because I’m happy about how things turned out, whether other people like it or not. Chrissy was my best friend growing up. We weren’t like other best friends, who got in fights...

4 years ago
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Shepard picks his own crew

Chapter 0 - Ashley and Tali in the CIC ready room of the Normandy Ashley and Tali in the CIC Ready room waiting for Shepard to come on board to brief them both. While waiting Ashley had already put her strap-on now on then start to push hard into Tali's caring ass she kept push harder each time in and out. She could her scream and shout aloud. Knowing Tali was in pain from this just made Ashley more willing to fuck her harder. She told Tali that she requires to take her place on board this...

3 years ago
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Sardar Meri Weakness Hogayi Part 8211 2

Iss ki safi readers ko kumari ki tharap se namaskar.Meri peechle likhi story ko aap loko se khoob prerana mili isliye fir likhne ki mood aagayi.Bahuth lok ko doubt hai ye sab real hai ya nahi.Bilkul real hai ye sab kahaniya.Meri hindi uthani achi nahi hai.Ase fi kuch lok bole.Mem kerala se hum.Isliye hindi me kamjor hai.So aap lok se kshama mangthi hum.Jara sahan karlena.Iski pahali part nahi pade wo padne ke bad hi yeh part pade ye meri request hai.Ab chalthe kahani par. Usi dhin beech se...

4 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 8

Rachael Hooper was worried, her daughter, Kate, wasn't home. Although she was a headstrong young girl she knew her responsibilities, Rachael knew this, she also knew that Kate wasn't the type to blindly go with strangers, she smiled, Kate was more likely to cause them more harm than they would to her. No it was the fact that Kate wasn't home on time! Rachael looked at the fridge, as expected there was the envelope on there, Kate had moaned about this - it was something they'd...

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Mardi Gras Madness

Nick Larkin and I were tripping our nuts off on some really good blotter when we saw her sauntering through the crowd of revelers, most of whom were just as buzzed as we were. No doubt about it; she got some stares, even for a Mardi party. It was the Saturday before Mardi Gras in 2001. I was still single at the time, sharing a house in Mid-City with Nick, an old friend from college (UNO, not Tulane). I remember that it was warm that night, very warm and extremely sultry, even by the standards...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4Cherri discovers the men using Yolanda for a sex toy, using her for a movie. The older woman finds out more about the girl and decides to have Yolanda live with her to teach the immature girl more about sex and life after making the gullible youngster cum. Cherri tells Jim about a Thai movie on Xhamster with a girl she knows.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1 Wants To Get Pregnant Pt...

2 years ago
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Sardar Aur Mein

Indian Sex Stories .NET ko bahuth thanks bolke yeh story suru karum.Meri nam kumari.45 age.5.5 ft height.38 36 42 meri body shape gori.Meri pahali story ”pahali bar sardar ke sath sex publish hoke 3 din hi hua.Bahuth emais aaye.Kuch lok ko yah icha dhe ki afi ki sambhav likhne keliye.Isliye kal ke din aur rath hue sambhav sunathi hum.Iss ki sab readers ko very very thanks specially jo message feje unko. Muje jo message feje unmem jadha sardar lok dhe.20 sal se lekar 52sal thak ki.Un mem ek...

3 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5Yolanda is taught about enemas and plays as a daughter for her new Mommy. Cherri watches on the new hidden cameras as Yolanda's husband Jack messes with Beth.====== OPENINGCherri started talking to the young girl as soon as they got in her car to drive home. The woman wanted to bring out the youngster's sexuality and make her more comfortable with having and doing sexual things. Especially with Cherri."Yolanda baby I want you to be my girlfriend and I'm going to...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty men's lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1 Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 2 OPENINGYolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black...

1 year ago
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Edwards Laboratory

========== (Author's Note: I've always wanted to redo my original "Edward's Laboratory" story, and I feel like this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only will the story be rebuilt from the ground up, but I'm also throwing in several unreleased "Gadget" stories I've toyed with in the past. Feel free to add your own chapters/branches/gadgets, and write the thing however you prefer. My only rules for this story are the general rules of the site itself, so go nuts!) (Second Note:...

4 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 3 Revelations

Billy's story I was having breakfast when mom answered the phone, it was Kate, I didn't know what to say to her, but I had to say something "Hello Kate," not very original but then she shocked me with her next words, "What would you say if I said Fried Fish?" she asked, I couldn't answer at first, it must have been coincidence, she couldn't really be saying that, I wondered if I should answer, then decided that I had to. "Apple sauce!" I said, now it was her turn to be quiet, I...

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Harding HouseChapter 6 Meeting the Family

Kate's Version The service was boring as always, I knew mum wanted me to go to communion classes, but I couldn't see the point, finally the hymns had finished and we could escape from the confines of the building, but the vicar was there at the front saying goodbye to his flock, "Hello Kate," he said to me, "I understand that you'll be taking the classes this Thursday, I'll be happy to see you there." I turned to mum who was just smiling away nodding. I pulled on her arm as we were...

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Cardinal Sin

She had been dreaming of this day for years now. Her love for him had been burning insider her like a furnace. ‘Tis a sin!’ They would say if anyone found out, but Sister Pamfry didn’t care anymore. She loved Cardinal Vogue and he loved her. It all started a few years back. Sister Pamfry, then known as Catharine Pamfry, had just become a nun after throwing away her life of greed and deception. She came to the newly built St. Joan of Arc Nunnery in Domrémy, France. It was a big change from her...

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Cardinal Sin

She had been dreaming of this day for years now. Her love for him had been burning insider her like a furnace. "Tis a sin!" They would say if anyone found out, but Sister Pamfry didn't care anymore. She loved Cardinal Vogue and he loved her. It all started a few years back. Sister Pamfry, then known as Catharine Pamfry, had just become a nun after throwing away her life of greed and deception. She came to the newly built St. Joan of Arc Nunnery in Domrémy, France. It was a big change...

2 years ago
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Shard of DestinyChapter 3

Deland, Massachusetts June 8-9, 2003 Ben That, young man, is a very long story. Ben’s mind reeled, bordering on full blown panic. He was asleep, but also awake, and there was someone in his mind speaking to him. Was this demonic possession? Was this schizophrenia he was experiencing? He thought the latter was more likely, never being able to rationalize the possibility of angels or demons in his engineers mind. Ben also remembered reading an article that said people of high intelligence...

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"I got your email...Sss. Emails." "Come in, Kim. Sit down." Kim gave up struggling to close the heavy fire door to Clare's office and sat down opposite her employer. Clare was a large lady. That was putting it politely. She was huge. Too huge to wear proper business clothes. She had made an effort to accessorize her outfit with a silk scarf and expensive spectacles, but it was still basically a vast purple kaftan. Sacks of fat flesh spilled over the arms of her leather "executive" chair,...

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My dad had a stepbrother named Hardy. Hardy was actually his surname and his first name was Harold, but he hated his first name and always insisted on being referred to as Hardy.My dad, Arnie, and Hardy became stepbrothers when they were sixteen-years-old. With both their parents being divorcees, Hardy’s mother married my grandfather. The two boys had been born three months apart and had not only become stepbrothers after the marriage of their parents, but also best friends.Two years later,...

Gay Male
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Bernard Male Bestiality

Introduction: It gets you that way dont it? She observed. Bernard Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of girls suck and fuck each other, tongues and fingers going to work. Breast to breast or sixty-nine, I dont mind. Its a...

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Billiards Room Encounter

Hello everyone. I am a big fan of ISS stories especially seducing office staffs. My name is joy and I am from Gujarat. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall have an average physic. This is my first story I hope you will enjoy my first encounter with my receptionist. Her name was Rita. She is a mother of one child her age is around 30. She has a very good pair of boobs and very beautiful rose like lips. Coming to my story we were having a common receptionist for ten offices. I mean we have a common phone...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant PART 1 TO PART 5====== PART 1 ======Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt...

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Mardi Gras Reflections 6

Mardi Gras reflections Mardi Gras Party Chapter 6 "Charlene! You look outstanding girl!" I gushed, and she did too. She just smiled. She was dressed up in her wedding gown and it was something else. Mistress had said her wedding gown was similar to mine but it wasn't. Oh sure, it was erotic but there where differences, but she still looked like a slut that was getting dressed up to be married. Perfect. "Well honey, thanks for showing me the ensemble. Karl is going to be floored....

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Mardi Gras Catrina

Josh wanted to go to this year's Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans. He had been several times while he was in college and had a real blast. The difference this time is that he was married. Married and had two children. Two boys, ages three and five. His wife of seven years, Catrina, didn't want to go but also didn't want her husband to go by himself as she had heard about all the wild and crazy parties that went on in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Josh and Catrina decided to leave the...

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Bernard Male Bestiality

Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of girls suck and fuck each other; tongues and fingers going to work. Breast to breast or sixty-nine, I don't mind. It's a male thing I guess, though I am not sure what the girls think....

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Wizards Apprentice 1 Warmuth Bridge

The color of magic was what started it all. I was only a boy of three, so I did not know that it was the year 381 Regus Cani, the 381st year in the reign of King Canilus the Eternal. Not that I knew that either, nor did I know that it was the year that would come to be known as 'The Red Death'. I did not know that half the world was ablaze and the half that wasn't was quickly dying. As a boy of three I watched with my parents as the wizard Belmont of Archille razed the slums of Mardain...

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Mardi Gras With Kelly

It was the weekend before Mardi Gras in 1999. Let me tell you how this started: I blame Joe Francis, the guy behind Girls Gone Wild (GGW).It was several months prior to Mardi Gras when Kelly and I saw some GGW ads on TV. Honestly, it was right up our alley. Kelly had an exhibitionist streak, which turned me on immensely. We bought a few of the GGW videos and had some great sex as we watched nubile young women drunkenly flash their goodies to strangers. Kelly lamented about being born 20 years...

Group Sex
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Wizards Apprentice 2 Wardstones and Wood Witches

I was given a horse by King Tynis, as a reward for my part in the events of Warmuth Bridge, a warhorse. Tarn was his name, and he was a fine, fine beast. It did not take my master long to find a way for me to put him to use. "It is time for the North Ward at Starhill to be restored," my master told me one day. "You will ride to Starhill" "Yes master." "Take the Hadof with you for your studies." I nodded. The Hadof works dealt with the runes of the southeastern islands, and in...

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Postcards from THE ESTATE The Womanizers Guy Hughes

Author's note: When we hear the term "womanizer" we think of a Bill Clinton, a Ted Kennedy (or any Kennedy), a Donald Trump--some straight man who can't resist chasing women even if he has a wife or girlfriend. The term is both glorifying and preoperative, but only mildly so. Not exactly the male equivalent of "slut." At THE ESTATE--that extensive rural retreat that once was the private residence of a late nineteenth century robber baron--the term has a nearly opposite meaning. And THE...

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Harding HouseChapter 7 Locked in Sleepover

Billy's story I looked at the foot of the bed, there was a brass plaque screwed onto it. Elizabeth Harding A Beauty in repose I pointed this out to Kate, she nodded. "So the only person in the family grave is Josiah himself! I hope he's lonely there." Her voice showed how angry she was, I told her what Darcy had said about there being no spirit in this part of the room she nodded absentmindedly, she seemed to be thinking to herself, and then she looked up. "Billy?" She started, "I...

3 years ago
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Junkyard Bitch

Copyright© 2002 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Damn, he better appreciate this, Rosie thought as she pulled up to the dilapidated shack with the weathered 'office' sign hanging precariously over the door. After turning off the engine Rosie stepped out of her car then walked reluctantly toward the building. As she stepped through the door Rosie found herself hoping that the building would remain standing long enough for her to get back outside. "Hello?" Rosie inquired, her voice...

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Richards Tales More Fun With the Coach

She entered the shower, feeling a little bit of Richard's cum still seeping out of her. She quickly showered up, making sure to get her freshly fucked pussy clean of the cum. After she finished in the shower, she toweled off and walked back into the office. Richard was awake, still naked and sitting on the edge of the desk, when she entered and he grinned at her, "that was the most incredible sex I have ever had." She laughed lightly, "glad I could be of assistance," speaking almost...

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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

Gay Male
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Mardi Gras Time In New Orleans

A fine sheen of sweat glistened over her body as she readied herself for the shower. The sound of the Mardi Gras seemed to pulsate through the walls of her hotel room. It hadn’t stopped since she arrived early that morning. But she had been so jet lagged from the trip that she had to try and get some sleep before she ventured out. As she showered Fran thought about her trip. It was her lifetime wish to come to New Orleans. The food, the music, it had all appealed to her senses and she saved...

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Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras By Boduke I was visiting New Orleans for Mardi Gras, that's when it all happened. I knew there were some weird things that went on down there at Mardi Gras, but I never expected what happened to me. I was walking down Bourbon Street a couple of days before the big event, scoping out the area. And I noticed a costume shop down a dark narrow alley. At the mouth of the alley were several drag queens, all of that should have caused my mind to throw up at least a few red...

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Mardi Gras Party

Maxwell Anderson Jr., or Max to most of his friends, had waited years to be allowed to attend his parent's annual Mardi Gras party. It was considered by many in their social circles to be the grandest party of the season. Max's mother, Edwina Anderson, was born and raised in New Orleans, and left when she married Maxwell Sr. so he could take a position that ultimately led to his running his own law firm. Edwina, like so many other wives of wealthy and successful husbands, was a 'bored...

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Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what Ruth had just Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what Ruth had just proposed. >Hels, I think I found the answer to our cash problems...look at this: > > Jeopardy!? Helen shook her head.? She enjoyed the show, and so did other viewers...millions, tens of millions of other viewers.? But for Ruth to actually want to take the money and sit in the live audience...what was...

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Orchard Ch 2

Tricia didn’t even look to the left as so passed the orchard, driving exactly at the speed limit but gripping the car’s steering wheel is if it were the life preserver being tossed to a possible drowning victim. Again, the day was hot, as it was just last week when she first passed this way and had stopped. And again, she left her job with the same frustration and anger she experienced seven days earlier simmering just beneath the carefully crafted veneer of her facial expression. She’d be...

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