Anthro Multiverse
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Sarah and Rusty joined Jim, Amy and Erica on the patio. Sarah said, "You're not going there first."
"No, Cheri went there earlier. She is staying there to keep an eye on things for a while," said Erica. "This group has not been here before. Connie and Betsy were their doctors and Donna had the same role as she does here. Since they left us, I've monitored their well-being. Yesterday was the first time I've made my presence known. At the time, I was wearing a fairly long dress. So based on what I think they know about us, I thought, it would be better to initially wear robes."
Erica had just finished speaking when Ann's group began arriving, with Ann shimmering into view. The others followed with a short pause between each arrival. Once they were all there Erica said, "Welcome. We are glad you decided to join us. Here with me are Connie and Betsy, who you probably remember. Next to them is Jim, Amy, Sarah, and Rusty." As she spoke each name, they nodded. "As I mentioned yesterday and as you can see, this is a different location. Let us take a moment to get to know each other, then we can sit on the patio and discuss our situation."
Ann was the first one to greet Sarah. As they shook hands Ann said, "You seem different."
"We are relatively new here. I think you will find more people here than there were the first time you worked with them."
"Yes. There were only the eight of us, the AI and occasionally the doctors. This looks like a much nicer location."
"We think, it is a very nice location. We've named the AI, Donna."
"Now, why didn't we think of that? She always seemed to know when we wanted to talk to her."
"We've found her very helpful."
While they were meeting each other, Dorothy and Maria brought out refreshments. Once everyone was seated Erica said, "First let me tell you a bit more about this location, us and who is here, as that may answer some of your questions."
Erica then described the island, who was there and how they came to be there. "As you probably noticed, physically we are a little different than typical humans. Obviously we are taller, plus our feet and ankles are different. We also have what you call a mane along with a tail." As she said the last, she let her robe slide off her shoulders then turned slowly around. "There will be time later for a closer look. Our normal way of communicating is by telepathy. In addition to this we have the ability to mind-link with everyone in our family group. Some of us have other psionic abilities. Based on my observations yesterday, I suspect all of you are telepathic. Our night vision is clearer or more acute than a human's. There are other differences but we can cover those another time. Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry are a combination of us and human. Simply put, when they arrived here, the state of their health necessitated extensive corrective treatments. These involved gene modification or manipulation. As a result, they are considerably taller than us and have gained many of our attributes. Unless you have questions, we would like skip the details for now. A major difference between now and your previous stay with us, is that you will have full access to our library. It includes the information I just skipped and much more. It is accessible from the terminals in the reading room or library. Now, what can we help you with?"
"Thank you," said Sam. "We were apprehensive when you visited us but I think you understand the reason. We feel badly about quizzing you so thoroughly regarding our previous time at the other location. Jessica, Ann and Marsha monitored your thoughts as you responded, so we were pretty sure who you were by the time we finished.
"Security is a key reason we are interested in your offer. An acquaintance helped us with the security we have at the farm, but it isn't perfect. We've discussed relocating, but we aren't sure that would resolve anything, except change the antagonists. Another aspect of our hesitancy focuses on what the farm means to us. We really like its location even though some neighbors do not care for us. The intensity of their dislike for us seems to be increasing, which is a concern, and we don't know why. It is good to see Connie and Betsy again. They took good care of us when we were with you before. So with our limited knowledge of you and what you represent, we have concerns about whether coming here is a wise choice."
Erica held up her hand indicating she had something to add. Sam nodded then she said, "Let me clear up a couple of items. Before, your primary contact was the site AI, who Sarah named Donna. Amy, Jim and myself had indirect contact with you through Donna. We held back in letting you actually meet us before because of the physical differences between us. A part of the reasoning for that, was that you would be leaving at some point. In hindsight, doing that was a mistake. Our motivation was the way we saw Earth's humans reacting to people from other planets. We hope you are not bothered or put off by our differences or the way we handled it."
"I don't think we are. My intent was to lay out our concerns. Even though we've asked to join you here, we still have concerns."
"Why are you shielding your minds?" asked Ann with a puzzled expression, drawing frowns from others in her group.
"We recently found it necessary to be a bit cautious," said Erica. "Ours and Sarah's groups, plus a few others, are telepathic. Earlier today we had a bad experience. It was resolved but the event prompted us to be a bit more guarded. You indicated before that Jessica, Ann and Marsha were telepathic. Aren't the rest of you telepathic?" As she completed her comments she said, "Sarah, Rusty, would you open up to them?"
"I have just asked Sarah and Rusty to open up to you. We will monitor our surroundings while you link together."
"Hi, Ann, Jessica and Marsha," said Sarah and Rusty. "Who else do we have here?"
"You have all of us, as we are all telepathic," said Wilma. "I am Wilma. You should see all of us."
"I do see the association between all of you."
"Sarah, you look to be a strong telepath."
"So our friends have told us. We are not sure what that means. Although Rusty and I have been aware of this ability for sometime, but we are still learning the ins and outs of using it. The attack on me today was scary, but with Rusty and Erica's help the damage was fixed."
"Yes, a telepathic attack. It was an experience, I prefer not to repeat. The person who did it, was looking for information and inexperienced in accessing another telepathically. When she didn't find the information she was looking for, she became upset and was not very careful. She had a rather stressful three days or so, and was quite scared. I am fortunate that several here came to my aid and that she didn't intend to harm me."
Rusty said, "Since then we've learned some techniques for blocking attacks and limiting access by those we don't know. To me, this is similar to computer security."
Marsha asked, "Could the two of you share some of your memories with us? We would all like to know more about you. You are welcome to look at ours."
"Thank you." Sarah and Rusty replayed some of their memories since waking up and a few from their time at Nancy & Bob's. "I think we should all get together after dinner so Amy and her group can give us a briefing on their history, background and why they need our assistance. Rusty and I are willing to share how we came to be here and what we consider to be a possible future." Sarah looked at Amy and Erica and both nodded their agreement. "There are two other groups here so we ought to cover why they are here as well. At that time, we hope your group will share why you decided to move here. It is not totally necessary, but it would make it easier for the others to understand each group's circumstances."
"I don't think we have an issue doing that," said Ann and everyone agreed. "I agree that it will help us know and perhaps understand each other."
"Not all the telepath's are comfortable with this mode of communication. We are not sure why. We hope that by opening up they will make their presence known. Hopefully with no more excitement." Sarah and Erica grinned. "I have had enough mental stimulation today."
Everyone was quiet for a while, as they sifted through the information they had seen. "From what I can see, and in spite of our concerns, I think coming here was probably the best thing we've done in a while," said Ann. "Erica is nearly as strong a telepath as Rusty and Sarah. I think this is the first time I have seen this many inherently strong telepaths. You mentioned other psionic abilities. Does anyone have them?"
"Betsy of our medical staff thinks some could," responded Erica. "She hasn't had time to do the evaluations. Jim, Amy and I are nearly equal in telepathic abilities. But we I have more experience in using them. Rusty and Sarah, we believe, are significantly stronger than us. We have been coaching Rusty and Sarah on some aspects of telepathy such as shields and defensive techniques. As to additional psionic abilities, they've shown an ability to pick up new skills and enhance them very quickly. They have used a few abilities that we've only read about. In each case, they've done well with very little apparent effort." Sarah and Rusty blushed at the praise. "Personally I anticipate some of them may have other psionic abilities. Does anyone in your group?"
"We are not sure. There have been things happen that seem to indicate it, but we are not sure," said Marsha.
"Are there any other questions?" asked Erica.
When no one responded Jim said, "Please ask if you have a question. I've heard said that the only dumb question is the one that wasn't asked. Donna is available throughout the complex. She will respond when you start your query with "Donna". Sarah and Erica will give you a tour and show you where your rooms are located. You indicated to Erica that one concern you had about coming was related to your home and livestock. We are prepared to bring your livestock and equipment here. In fact, Donna can start moving them once it is dark at your farm, provided you are agreeable."
"We are," said Sam interrupting him. "The concerns I laid out initially represented a part of our discussion before we accepted your offer. Sorry, guess I didn't make that clear."
"That is what I thought. Now with respect to your home, we think it would be best to duplicate it here rather than move it. The house just disappearing might raise some questions." Several chuckled. "Besides, it will take fewer resources to build it here. As to possessions, if you give us a list, we can have Cheri pack them while she is there. We could probably move those here tomorrow night."
"We'll do that this evening," responded Wilma. "Building here suits us." The others nodded indicating their agreement.
"Where were you going to put the animals?" asked Sam.
"Initially in a large meadow about two kilometers from here. We thought the cattle and horses could be placed there. For the hogs, there is a small glade near the same meadow which should be suitable. It has a narrow entrance so access should be easy to manage. Both areas have more than sufficient water and food."
"Can we see the meadow?"
"Sure. Come, let's all walk over to the office where we can show you on a topographical map."
Donna said, "For this many people it would be better to use the conference room."
Erica led group to the conference room. By the time they arrived Donna had a large topographical map of that end of the valley projected onto the table. As Jim pointed out the locations he had mentioned, Donna marked the paths leading to them.
"We can use drones to monitor the area to ensure the animals don't wander off. Do any of you have any concerns with this?" Everyone in the group acknowledged they didn't have a problem with it.
"What are we going to do long term?" asked Marsha. "What is the weather like here? Where will we stay for now? Should we sell the farm?"
"All good questions," responded Amy. "As Sarah noted earlier, we've had two other groups arrive in the last two days. We have much to share with all of you and would like to do that this evening after dinner. The list seems to grow as the day progresses. But to partially answer your questions, two weeks ago we thought there would only be about ten people here for several years. This was to be a setup similar to when you provided us with babies, who by the way are doing fine. Events over the last few days have resulted in a need to significantly modify our plans. After dinner, we want to provide you with our background and how we came to be here. We would hope that each of the groups will do the same. From our perspective, it looks like the path to our future has shifted, so we need to revise our plans with everyone's input.
"As to this building, we currently have a lot of unused space in it, as some areas are unfinished. We haven't owned this island very long, but we understand that seasonal changes are noticeable and that there is more than adequate rainfall year round. The valley doesn't usually experience any extreme weather in terms of temperature. Although some of the highest ridges will have ice and snow on them at times.
"Erica and Sarah will show you around and where your rooms are located for now. Donna is responsible for monitoring all buildings and our surroundings. This includes monitoring all residents, focusing on health and security. Saying "Donna" will bring her into your conversation. The sound sensors trigger an alarm when they detect abnormal sounds, like screams, hitting, etc. Those sounds will initiate a very rapid response."
With that Sarah and Erica led them out of the conference room for their tour, leaving Amy, Jim and Rusty behind.
"Sarah and Erica, can you monitor our conversation and still show them around?" asked Amy.
"Yes," they replied.
"A small problem has arisen. Donna's hardware had two partial failures in the last two days. The power supply output dropped and there has been a reduction in processing power. We have compensated for most of the loss by utilizing resources from the ship. However, doing that creates other strains and there is a time lag due to the distance. To compound that, the number of people here increases the load."
"What needs to be done to repair Donna's systems?" asked Rusty.
"Jim and I are not familiar with those details, but we think you might be. The information about Donna's internal setup was in the data transferred to you last night. We know you haven't looked through it yet, so would the two of you have a look at it this evening or tonight."
"Sure," replied Rusty.
"I am not sure what I can add," said Sarah, "but I will do what I can."
"We know your hardware skills aren't as extensive as Rusty's but your analytical skill set indicates strength in this area. The situation with Donna's system is not critical, yet. Our concern is the loss in excess capacity that we may need in order to respond to emergencies."
"Okay. Tonight after dinner, I think we should be honest with everyone about this place and why it is here," said Sarah. "Being open with everyone should make our security easier to manage. With that in place, we can address the other issues that need attention."
"I would vote for that approach," responded Erica. "But for my part I need to defer to Jim and Amy."
"Erica, while it's true that you officially report to Jim and I, you are a part of the team. So we want you to always express your opinions and raise any concerns you have at any time."
"Okay. We can do that."
"We have four groups on the ship, that we need to bring up to date with what is happening here," said Jim. "At some point, we need to reevaluate what is required to repair the ship. The skill's assessments we have done on those here indicate we have some of the talent needed. To aid us going forward, we have formally designated Sarah and Rusty to be members of the crew, even though we don't expect them to join the ship. This makes it easier for them to participate in activities and eliminates some access issues. We did this to form a core group of the five of us, who would function as the ship's leadership. As their group grows, we expect all of them to join this core group. Whether they become a permanent part of the crew, is a choice that must remain with them."
"I think we have covered everything, Jim and I wanted to talk about. Oh one more thing, Sally and Terry can wear the learning helmet tonight, if they want to. See you at dinner."
"Donna check to see if Dorothy and Maria need assistance with dinner preparation," said Amy. "Also, we should have everyone eat together. Probably the best place to do that is on the patio."
"Why not set it up as a buffet?" asked Rusty.
"A what?"
"A buffet. Dorothy and Maria will know how to do it. It is the way Terry and Sally organized breakfast this morning. Basically, the food is set out on a table, then everyone passes by to fill their plate from the serving dishes. Once a person has their food, they move off to eat. Sometimes there are tables and chairs set up, other times they find a place to sit where they can to eat. Everyone should be familiar with it. It also helps with socializing."
"Donna, ask Dorothy and Maria to set up dinner as a buffet. Tell them that several of us will be down to help. Rusty, Terry and Sally will take care of their four friends. We will still eat on the patio. Also, let everyone else know about dinner."
"Okay," chorused the group both verbally and telepathically.
During this, Sarah and Erica were showing Ann's group the facilities and their rooms including some of the unique items. Going outside, they showed them the barn and equipment shed, as well as the path leading to the pastures. Everyone seemed very pleased.
They were returning to the main building when Erica said, "One item we should have noted earlier is that clothing is optional. Besides being a preference, it is also due to a sensitivity some of us have to extended skin contact by fabric, so don't be surprised to see many naked bodies." Everyone chuckled.
"We prefer to be naked as well," said Ann. "We started when we were with you before and quite often went naked on our farm. There we had to be cautious as to who was around. Although, there are times when wearing clothing is essential."
"The same is true for us."
Sarah said, "There are several things I need to do before dinner. So I will leave you in Erica's care."
"See you then," replied Ann.
When Sally saw Sarah she said, "I thought you were giving the tour."
"We were nearly finished so I left them with Erica. I thought this was more important."
Rusty joined them as they entered Judy's room. They assisted Judy with her evening exercise routine and eating. Once most of it was done, they left Sally to finish up while Rusty, Sarah and Terry went to Jill. By switching off they were able to complete the tasks a bit quicker than they expected. They were quite pleased with the responsiveness of their friends as they helped them through their routine.
Rusty, Sarah, Terry and Sally discussed their observations of Judy, Janet, Jill and Joyce on their way back to their room. They still need to exercise and let their milk down before freshening up for dinner. It seemed to them that their friends were much more energetic than the first time they saw them. Visually their bodies appeared to be fully adjusted to the changes.
Donna broke into their conversation and said, "From my perspective your observations are accurate. Current data indicates that Jill, Janet and Judy could be awakened the day after tomorrow. However, Betsy has to confirm the observations first. It will probably be another week before Joyce was ready to wake up. There is a possibility it could be significantly less than that as Joyce's progress moving more rapidly since they'd been helping."
"Nancy will be pleased to hear the news that Joyce will be up soon," noted Sally.
"Yes, but don't say anything until Betsy okays it."
"We won't and we will try to keep our anticipation under control," said Terry.
They quickly moved to their exercise benches. This time the exertion required was at the higher level for all of them. When they were done, they lay quietly on the benches to catch their breath. Rusty and Sarah recovered first and helped Terry and Sally into the showers. The warm water cascading over their bodies seemed to help rejuvenate them after their exercises.
"Boy, I see what you meant by your comment earlier," said Sally. "The new exercise level is really challenging. With that in mind, we should think about when we want to start Aikido practice again."
"I agree, but shouldn't we wait until Jill, Janet and maybe Joyce are up?"
"Good point. You've been up 4 days now, correct?"
"Yes, this is day four, although it seems longer," responded Sarah.
"So why don't we make a note to ourselves to wait until they are up at least 4 days. In the meantime, we probably ought to discuss it with Betsy and Connie."
"We may need to show Betsy and Connie what Aikido is," said Terry.
"Good point. Let's finish up and go eat before we turn into prunes." Everyone laughed at Rusty's comment and laughed even more when his stomach growled.
"Amy told me earlier she would like for both of you to wear the learning helmets tonight," said Sarah.
"Good," said Sally. "I've seen glimpses of what you learned and it has aroused my curiosity."
"It would make a good sci-fi novel."
When Sarah and her friends arrived on the patio, they found Ann's and Amy's groups already there. They went over to Ann's group to introduce Sally and Terry. Both Terry and Sally were shocked and let out a shriek when they recognized two of the women. They both knew them from before they were involved in the baby project. They hugged their friends.
Bob and Nancy heard the commotion and looked over. Recognizing Ann's group, they went across to join them. Once Sally and Terry settled down, Bob introduced Julia, Stan, Susan and Alice. It turned out that they had some mutual acquaintances which made for some friendly chatter. Then Zoe's group, Shirley, Thomas and Janice joined them.
When Jean's group arrived Tara said, "I hope we aren't holding things up."
"Not at all," said Amy.
Sarah and Erica noticed Jean's group was holding back and looking a little nervous. At a break in the conversation Sarah introduced Wilma and Cathy to Jean, who promptly introduced those with her. This prompted the others to introduce themselves. As several of the women in Jean's group were obviously pregnant, it quickly became the topic of conversation. Erin said, "I think I am the furthest along as I am due in about a month. Come to think of it I believe, Tara is due about the same time I am."
"Sarah told me today that I am carrying two sets of twins," added Alison, "but I'm only about 3 months along."
"Well in that case," said Jean, "it looks like we will have quite a few new arrivals." Just as she said that the groups shifted positions, drawing Nancy and several others into the discussion.
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I am Christine, a bi-sexual twenty-year-old that was stuck in that frustrating phase of life where sexual relationships seemed to be completely evading me. My friends were finding the loves of their lives while I… well, I just had my television. What seemed to be a longing for a true love quickly changed into a desire to quell my already aching lust. A couple of ‘one-night-stands’ later, I discovered that I needed something more than to just have sex. The only way to suppress my lust was to be...
Emma and Jenn had been best friends forever. Their mothers had been next to each other in the same ward and have been friends since then. They were now both 14. Jenn was the older of the two, she was tall, had long blond hair, green eyes and was attractively slim. Her father worked abroad and her mother worked long hours as a assistant bank manager, to make enough money to live in the posh estate were their house was. She had an older brother who had just turned 17. He studies at an all boys...
First TimeThere was a park pretty local to me, I've mentioned it in other stories when walking to the pub, it wasn't a cruising area as such but it did happen there. I'd never tried to use it for cruising as it was literally on my door step.It was a Friday night, I'd left the pub and took a short cut through the park, pretty normal thing to do but on my through the park I noticed a bloke leaning against a tree with one hand, I thought he was having a piss, I hung around for five minutes or so and watched...
Whitney masturbates to a cache of sex videos her stepfather Eric has on his computer. The videos feature him fucking different women, all of whom are dressed in schoolgirl skirts-the same outfit he bought for her. She gets off watching these videos. She wants to make a secret sex tape with him. As rubs her pussy, Eric walks in on her. She confronts him about the sex tapes and his motivation behind buying her the outfit. He denies his attraction to her, at least until she throws herself on him...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Jekyll Griffin, the great grandson of Dr. Jack Griffin, first invisible man and Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde. I have inherited both of their gifts, unfortunately for me. Many Wiccan Witches have expressed an interest in me, hoping that I will reveal to them the Family Secrets of Invisibility and the infamous Hyde Formula. Try as I might, they do not believe that those secrets are destroyed as being like the MONKEY'S PAW , I should know because my family has had to deal...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2: The boy ran breathless his lungs screaming for air, burning with the fire that comes when you have ran well after you could hardly breath. His fear for his life pushing his body to the limits, sweat running into his eyes blinding him. He could see the light from the watch fires ahead in the distance, however the wild blood lusting screeches of the creatures chasing him were closing in faster then the bouncing lights of safety. His feet were...
Erotic Fiction"God Mother. Dad was right. You are The Queen of cocksuckers." The guilt set in immediately. Rose had just swallowed her son's ejaculate for the second time of the evening. She had FUCKED her own son. Rose arose from Brad's bed and ran to her own bedroom. She locked the door behind her, worried that Brad would follow her for more incestuous sex. She cried herself to sleep, not just because she had had sex with her son but because she had enjoyed it so much. Her first fuck in over a year...
Punished by Parents in Law. Part One My name is Kym. I am 29 years of age, and have been married to Michael for3 years. I am a slut, and I am in deep trouble with my parents-in-law. I deservesympathy but I do not seem to be getting any. My troubles started nearly six months ago when Michael was away on a businesstrip. My friend Colleen invited me out to a local bar for drinks. I am notnormally much of a drinker but on this night I did let my hair down. I am ashamedto say it but I was drunk....
Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...
Ronald E. DeLoach, II stood up from his workspace and walked to the community kitchen. He filled up his water bottle while studying his mobile phone. An email came through requesting his attendance at a supplier meeting in a week and a half. He had no desire to travel to the windy, cold city right before Christmas. But, as Head of Operations for the Midwest at a sizable personal services software platform company, he had little choice. The only silver lining was his thought that he could...
Tina was awakened by the door to her cage opening. She looked up to see Alex and Sue standing there. "The whore as peed on herself and phew she stinks. Clean her up while I fix her breakfast. Alex said. Tina hadn't gotten much sleep at all. She was hungry and thirsty but the fire in her clit was much more bearable now. It still burnt but not so intensely. Tina was thoroughly humiliated having had to pee in her panties and having the stale urine smell in her nose most of the night. Sue...
My sister rents a room.Our parents moved out of the country on business. I at the time had a girlfriend and wanted to stay. I had a fairly decent job but my parents felt guilty moving so far away and helped me with a down payment on a house.I got kind of well..... I love being nude around the house and even the yard which is a bit secluded by tall trees.I really, really like being nude outside, my girlfriend not a big fan. She many times called me a perverted exhibitionist.I also love dirty...
Gots to clean u up, dirty Bitch. Lamont turned on the water, hot only. Lisa struggled to get up but Lamont closed the shower door. HOT WATER POURED ON THE BITCH. Unable to summon any strength Lisa leaned against the door as the hot water POUNDED down on her. Let me out. Please. It is too hot. Please let me out. OHHHHH it is so HOT The whole bathroom fogged up from the hot water. Lisa crouched against the door trying to get away from the heat. Finally Lamont relented,...
Betsy said, "That completes the presentation enumerating the changes that occurred in the females of Sarah's group." Sarah, Terry and Sally joined to say, "Betsy, we are very pleased with the changes to our bodies." Sarah then leaned over and kissed Betsy on the cheek. It was quiet for a moment, then Claudette's voice carried over the group as she said, "Looks to me like you did the right thing." Everyone murmured their agreement. Regaining her composure, Betsy said, "The changes...
Holy moly, Bridgette B. looks absolutely stunning. The hot blonde wears booty shorts and shows off her enormous cleavage in today’s epic DDF Network glamour porn. The hot Milf with a nice curvy ass can’t wait to swallow the cocks of Danny Mountain and Bambino in this sperm-loaded XXX masterpiece. The slim glamour babe kneels down to suck those monster cocks which makes her pussy wet AF! Soon, this amazing hardcore action movie turns into an unforgettable threesome, loaded with...
xmoviesforyou"Okay," I said looking around at everyone still seated at the breakfast table. "Based on the things you've said I've conceded that my theory about destiny magic holding you locked to me might be a big steaming pile of crap, but that pile doesn't necessarily have to stink to high heaven. Suppose it's an on again off again thing. I mean what if this magic jumps in when it feels like it and then jumps back out when it feels like it. That would explain how we all fell in love so quickly,...
Author: XXXAuthor Aarushi stood frozen at the same point for what seemed like ages. The two men, Professor Agnihotri and Asst. Professor Joshi, were waiting impatiently for her to start stripping. “Why are you taking so much time?” asked Professor Agnihotri angrily. And his voice as if brought some life back in Aarushi. She stopped thinking any longer, and decided to follow whatever her professor ordered. It was too late as well. She herself had put her in that situation. And there was no point...
Friends for years, we'd flirted for ages on the internet. Typing out what we'd do with each other if we ever had the opportunity. We both had partners, but both weren't sexually satisfied. So we tried to figure out ways to meet up, but everything was deemed too risky. And then out of the blue, when we were at her place, our respective partners were downstairs together... Quickly, she says, we've got maybe 3 minutes. As if prepared for this chance, she'd worn a skirt, and I immediately...
Group SexHi friends. My name is seema . I am a housewife. I am sharing my experience that happened 4 years back. Before that i will give you my brief introduction i am 36 year old. My figure is 34b 32 38. I am a mother of 1 kid. The incident happened when my hubby was out of station due to business purpose and i was starving for sex. I was staying alone with my inlaws and 2 servants. One day when my inlaws went to attend a marriage ceremony to mumbai, i was thinking to do something to ease my urge. I...
I am great grandfather, grandfather and father in one line of descendants. You have heard the song “I’m My Own Grandpa?” My theme song ought to be something about, “I’m my own worst enemy.” I’m an old man now and look back on the genetic shit storm I’ve created and wonder why my daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters let me live without at least castrating me. The last time I got charged with a sex crime, statutory rape I was seventy-two years old. That was three years ago and...
Hi all. This is Sunitha, hope you remember me. I have submitted about my sexual affairs with my father-in-law under the story series ““. While I was checking my mails, I got a mail from a reader requesting me to write her story. We got in touch and I was impressed by her experience. Here is her experience. Hi, this is Riya and in this story, I am going to narrate how I became a slave to my servant. Before going to what happened and how it happened, let me tell you about myself and my family. I...
She fretted through a cup of coffee that cloyed the top of her mouth, rinsed the cup and put it away. Then Lauralee said the hell with it and poured herself a drink. Out at parties with her husband, she had managed to nurse a weak drink most of the evening, and only took two, at most. Now she didn't mind a jolt or three, to loosen things up; another surprise for Marshall. Oh lord, she thought; what a miserable, uptight woman she had been, slicking off all her little pat answers as to what...
I was in a new city and looking for an apartment to rent. My girlfriend and I searched through the listing and found a place that we wanted to see. A quick call to the listing agent later, we set up a showing and agreed to meet her there. As soon as I saw the agent, I knew. I seemed to have a sixth sense. Always able to detect a special “girl.” A girl with something extra. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and she knew it. Without getting caught by my girl, I’d smile and she would knowingly...
"Stop! This is filthy! No! No! I don't need it!" Laura squirmed with what little control she had left, her pelvis shaking frantically so that her belly swayed from side to side as if to evade Rover's rapidly approaching cock. She cringed, mad with shame, as the tapered head searched between her trembling white thighs, homing in on the soft, moist pubic center in which lay her sparse blonde curls and her lustfully twitching cuntal lips. Mark snickered and grabbed Rover's haunches,...
Katie had gone away by herself. She was fed up with her so-called boyfriend and had to take a week's holiday before September anyway or lose it.Finally, after an uncomfortable flight and a hot sticky taxi ride, she flopped down on her Air B&B bed and admired the stunning view of the sparkling sea.Katie's thoughts naturally turned to sex. She had been horny on the plane. Horny and hurt because her boyfriend had gone off with his mates on a stag weekend, and she knew what that could...
MasturbationYou decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...
I am 35 years of age and married to sexy woman for years but I love cock too. I often visit my local gay/bi sauna when I get the urge for cock. On this particular time it was an hour or so befor it closed. The man who worked there did tell me that it was empty as he was shutting in a hour but I said it was ok as I could entertain myself and enjoy the steam room and jacuzzi. He gave me my towel and locker key as normal. I always wear s pair of my wife's panties when I go as I love the chance of...
08:30, 30 August Jamie woke with a nagging, throbbing pain in his back. He tried to ignore it as he let his brain wrestle with the issues he still faced. If the Pakistani teenager had been accurate, there were still four camps holding captive survivors, two in Glasgow and two in Edinburgh and he needed to come up with a plan to liberate them as soon as possible. He was also thinking about all of the expats sailing across the Atlantic in their various sized boats. He had no way of knowing...
Suddenly, Carol felt her passionate neighbor slipping downward in the bed. She popped her eyes open, raising her head to watch in excited anticipation as the older girl’s voluptuous white curves slithered warmly downward on top of her, easing Carol’s own legs and thighs insistently apart with the wedging pressure of her supple, shapely body. With her hands, Peggy spread the rounded fullness of Carol’s trembling thighs even wider open until her blonde curl-sprinkled loins...
WILLIE: Alright, I think I should try to explain the dramatic changes that came over Frederick since we all returned from Auntie's Island. In the bedroom ... well if the other girls are writing their observations to Ann like this, I'm sure they must have mentioned it. Frederick TAUGHT me about sex ... I mean, I didn't know a thing before we first made love. And ever since that night, I just can't think of ANYTHING that's happened to me sexually that I haven't really (really, really)...
I slouched down in my plush couch and studied the numerous bright video monitors around me. They showed scenes of the shopping mall around me, scenes of young, old, men and women all walking around happily, entranced by the sights and sounds around them. I saw them through the video feed, but even without that, I knew what they were feeling, I could feel it like a warm breeze slowly pushing at me. It was intoxicating, I could feel their stimulation, their desire, their greed for the sights...
Hi guys, I am suraj. Mai aj apko mere jeevan ki ek sachi ghatna batane ja raha hu, kyonki ye meri pahli kahani hai so kuch galti agar hoti hai to maf kar dena aur ho sake to mujhe reply kar dena. Mail id- Bat kuch 6 mahine purani hai jab maine recently ek company join ki thi as an civil engineer. Job ke chalte mujhe pune se raipur shift hona pada, jaha mere company ka construction site chal raha tha. Mera site raipur se 35km tha to mujhe vahi pe apna accommodation plan karna tga kyon ki mai...
Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always...
Jewel moans softly as she wakes up. Her ass still hurts a little from yesterday, but nevertheless she smiles, thinking about the way her sister bent her over the couch and thrust that thick, pink phallus up her tight, little ass. She looks over to see Clarissa still sound asleep and then she sees the time. “Why the fuck am I up so early?” she groans. She rolls out of bed—the strap on falling to the floor as she does—and goes downstairs to get something to eat. Ten minutes later, she is...
When college started she met up with a guy while moving into her dorm. Jeff helped her move her tv and computer into the dorm and even set everything up for her. Jeff was a cute guy, not a nockout but cute. He was a bit like a smartass but he was very helpful to her. They exchanged numbers and he left. Taylor headed to the store. The whole time she kept thinking about Jeff. Taylor has always had abit of a wild side. She was always very horny. She wasn’t all that attracted to Jeff but he had a...