Suzannes lesson
- 4 years ago
- 26
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When Suzanne was lying on her back with my cock filling her cunt, or kneeling in front of me sliding her lips up and down my hard shaft, she was always willing and eager. The girl was in love with my cock and would do everything she knew how to do to get it to yield its load of precious cum. When she was getting fucked, Suzanne was every bit the cock-craving slut.
But when she wasn't, which was still most of the time, she was becoming increasingly unhappy. She tried to hide it from me, but it was obvious from the look in her eyes that she was no longer the giddily-in-love Montana girl that I'd been dating a month earlier. She wasn't miserable, but she was definitely unhappy. I assumed that what was happening was that she was starting to worry about what she was becoming.
She'd had a very conservative upbringing in Montana, going to church every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Despite the fact that she'd been asked out on plenty of dates in high school, she'd only kissed one boy before going away to college. In college, of course, she'd been exposed to the wider world, getting intimate with several guys, and having sex with two of them. Those experiences had helped her discover that sex could be a beautiful thing between two people who loved each other. She'd told me all of this at one time or another.
But at the core, I knew, she was still the naive little girl from Montana who'd been taught by her parents and her church that sex was essentially an evil act, one that good people only engaged in when it was absolutely necessary to create another human life. Enjoying sex was evil, she'd been taught, and women who enjoyed sex were trashy sluts.
Her enjoyment of the sex she'd had in college hadn't caused her any distress, because she'd been in love with the two guys she'd had sex with. Similarly, the mind-blowing orgasms she'd experienced during our time together hasn't been of any concern, because she'd been madly in love with me, and she'd thought I was in love with her.
But now, her love for me was starting to fade, and the sexual mores instilled in her by her upbringing were trying to reassert themselves. The love she'd felt for me before had made her feel secure about enjoying sex, but it was losing its power, and losing ground to the old taboos.
Of course, this was only her mood when she wasn't primed for sex. When she was fired up and hot to trot, she was still the same fuck-hungry nympho she'd always been. And since she tried to hide it from me, I could plausibly pretend not to notice the change in her mood. So her increasing unhappiness was nothing to worry about.
But I noticed something else. Occasionally, I would catch her looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I would turn to look at her, and, just for an instant, catch sight of wary, suspicious look on her face. Her expression would always change to one of pleasant happiness as soon as turned my head, but slowly enough that I could catch a brief glimpse into her mind.
She was starting to become suspicious of me. I had introduced her to a whole world of pleasure she'd never know before, and she was starting to suspect I had some sort of ulterior motive.
We continued our nightly outings. Each time I either brought some clothing for her when I picked her up, or told her ahead of time what I wanted her to wear. She always complied. She never confronted me about the clothes I made her wear, or the tit-fucking, although I knew they bothered her.
I suppose she realized how stupid she would sound complaining about these things, when she obviously enjoyed wearing the clothes and having her tits fucked. Also, I'm sure she was worried that if she started an argument, I might leave her. Like I said, she was addicted to the sex. I planned to drive her to rebellion eventually -- that would be necessary before the proper relationship could be established between us -- but in the meantime, I was content to let things go on as they were.
At this point, Suzanne was behaving like a textbook nymphomaniac. All I had to do was slip her some aphrodisiac into a drink, and thirty minutes later, Suzanne was lying on the floor, eagerly taking my rock-hard cock into her wet pussy, or running her lips and tongue up and down my shaft. Her sexual skills, though not complete, were well-enough developed for the time being. I spent the next month, the third of our relationship, moving her in a new direction.
Up until now, whenever I wanted to fuck Suzanne, I had to arrange for her to drink something, so I could drug her, and then wait half an hour or so for her to get hot and beg me to do it to her. This had been fine for awhile; I'd even gotten quite a bit of enjoyment out of the challenge of arranging a drugging. But ultimately, the drug was a liability.
For one thing, it was inconvenient, and occasionally frustrating. Several times I'd been dying to fuck her, and been unable to arrange a drugging. For another, if I kept this up long enough, the chances were good that Suzanne would notice me drugging her beverages. That wouldn't completely ruin my plans, but it would force me to change them quite a bit. What I needed to do was bring Suzanne more fully under my control.
I started to do this one afternoon while we were enjoying a picnic in the park. We had just finished feeding a couple pieces of bread to the ducks in the pond. (I had arranged this, and many other "romantic" activities like it, in hopes of reigniting her fading love for me.) We had returned to our spread blankets and begun enjoying the lunch I'd packed in the basket that morning: sandwiches, chips, and bottled juice.
After finishing my first sandwich, I stood up and beckoned to Suzanne. She rose, confused. "What's the matter, Alan?"
"Nothing, honey. Just come with me." I took her arm and hurried up the hill toward a stand of trees and bushes.
"But where are we going?" she asked, confused.
I turned and smiled at her. "I have needs, too."
"Oh..." Her voice trailed off. She was perplexed, and with good reason. This was the first time I'd led her away to get fucked that she hadn't already been feeling horny. She'd had the drug, all right, but it hadn't taken effect yet. Nonetheless, she followed me.
We went in among the trees, where we were well-hidden from outside view. Gently, I pushed her down to the ground and made her lie on her back. I spread her legs and knelt between them. She was getting quite nervous. Her mind wasn't prepared to have sex in an undrugged state.
"Alan, I don't think this is a good idea..." she protested.
"Why not, honey? What are we doing here that we haven't done a dozen times before?" I asked.
"Well... I..." She took a deep breath, trying to figure out what to say. What she wanted to say, of course, was that this was all wrong, that she was the one who was supposed to tell me she "needed it," not the other way around. Obviously, she realized how selfish this would sound, because she didn't actually say it. "I don't think I... I'm ready..." she protested feebly.
"Well," I smiled, "you let me take care of that, honey." With that, I lowered my mouth to her dry cunt. She nervously forced a smile and lay back on the ground, clenching her fists at her sides.
I flicked my tongue around her cunt, trying to arouse her. It was tough going. She was extremely tense, with all her worries about getting caught and going to hell for being a slut running loose in her mind. There was no way I could possible eat her into arousal.
Fortunately, I didn't have too. The drug kicked in after a few minutes. The change was sudden and dramatic. Suzanne's body relaxed, and she began to moan in pleasure as I continued to lick her slit. She put her hands on my head, pushing it into her crotch, bucking against my mouth. "Oh, God, that's it, Alan, oh yessss..."
I probed my tongue experimentally into her pussy, driving her wild. I tasted the first gush of pussy juice as she began to respond to my attention.
"Please, Alan, I need you... I need you..."
I disengaged my mouth from her steamy cunt. Spreading her legs, I positioned myself over her. "Here I come, honey, here I come," I told her as I shoved my cock deep into her sopping wet pussy.
"Oh, yes," she moaned, "yes, yes, yes!" Through trial and error, she'd learned to use her cunt muscles to enhance my pleasure. As I fucked her, her pussy massaged my cock, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. Suzanne was an incredible fuck by now.
I soon shot my wad into her velvety cunt, which was still expertly squeezing my dick. The feel of my jism splashing into her cunt was enough to send her over the edge into an orgasm. She bucked and heaved, slamming her pelvis into me as my engorged dick shot my seed into her belly. I collapsed on top of her, spent, as she shrieked her way through her orgasm.
The key difference between our screw that day in the park and all our previous fucks was one of timing. Up until then, I'd always given Suzanne the drug, and then waited for her to tell me she was horny before fucking her. But this time, I had indicated to her that I was horny, and needed to fuck, before she had started getting horny herself. Soon afterward, though, the drug had kicked in and she'd felt the desire to screw. Her brain would associate the desire (as well as the orgasm) with my telling her that I needed to screw her. This would come in useful later on.
Over the next three weeks, I gradually reduced the number of episodes of the first kind, the ones that I allowed her to initiate, and phased in the second form, the ones that I started. Usually, I timed it so that things happened in some public area, such as a theater. We'd be sitting together watching a movie, or a concert, or whatever, when I would suddenly grab her arm and stand up, pulling her up with me. I'd lead her quickly out into the lobby and into whatever semi-private area I could find. In a matter of minutes, she'd be down on her knees, sucking my rock-hard dick like a three-dollar whore.
She had started to believe, deep inside, that simply putting a dick into her mouth would get her excited. And when the drug took effect a few minutes later, and started her pussy juices flowing, her brain took it as confirmation of this association. The Pavlov drug, in turn, helped the brain to rewire itself to reflect the new knowledge.
Sometimes I shot my load into her mouth. She would greedily swallow every last drop of jism while her body shuddered in orgasm. Sometimes I would pull away early, reposition her, and fuck her wet pussy. She seemed to especially enjoy taking it from behind. I would bend her over a table, or whatever surface was convenient, and she would lie on her stomach, bucking against me as I pounded into her sopping wet pussy. All the while, her well-trained cunt muscles would massage my dick until I came, which always got her really excited.
The best times, though, were the times when I came on her face. While she was sucking my cock, I would reach down and give her nipples a single firm squeeze. I'd developed this as the signal for tit-fucking. She would respond by letting my dick slide out of her mouth and readjusting her position so that her boobs were level with my stomach. Then she'd place my rock-hard cock between her tits and squeeze them tightly around it. Slowly at first, she would jack her entire body up and down, squeezing and kneading her tits as they moved up and down along my shaft. Every time my cock thrust into her face, she would give it a quick lick with her tongue.
The whole routine drove me wild. Watching Suzanne bob up and down on my shaft, her eyes closed in orgasmic pleasure, I had to struggle to keep myself from coming in the first ten seconds. She was one hot bitch.
Soon I would be able to hold back no longer, and my cock would start to throb with my imminent ejaculation. Suzanne could feel this, and when it happened her response was always the same. She would take my pulsating dick in her hand, point it at her face, close her eyes, and begin to jack furiously at it.
When my jism shot from my dick onto her pretty, upturned face, she would start to shudder. As my sticky white come covered her forehead, cheeks, nose and chin, she would try to wipe it up with her free hand and bring it to her mouth. By the time I finished shooting my load, she would be experiencing a full-on orgasm, swallowing as much of my cum as she could get into her mouth. She never got it all, though, and when she came down from her orgasm she would sit there, breathing heavily, her face and tits glistening with come.
And so, three weeks after that afternoon in the park, I dropped the Suzanne-initiated episodes altogether. From that point on, I fucked her whenever and wherever I wanted to, and she had no say in the matter.
Technically, the difference was trivial; it was only a matter of changing the amount of time between when I slipped her the aphrodisiac and when I unzipped my fly. But the association formed in her brain was very different. These new encounters would reinforce in her subconscious mind the notion that she should get hot whenever I indicated a desire to fuck her. And, as usual, the Pavlov drug was making her very receptive to these sorts of associations.
Initially, she was always hesitant to go into action, like she'd been that in the park. I would always have to calm her down and eat her out or finger her twat for awhile to get her to relax. And at first, even this had little effect; she would remain tense and fidgety until the aphrodisiac kicked in five or ten minutes later, at which point she dived eagerly into slut mode.
I got frustrated during a lot of these warmup periods. It was annoying to have to sit there and twiddle her clit for ten minutes when I knew damn well that the aphrodisiac would heat her up soon no matter what I did. But this was important. So I stuck with it, and persevered through the inconvenience.
Slowly, but steadily, Suzanne learned to relax and enjoy my attention, even before the aphrodisiac hit her. Once again, she was learning a lesson, that getting attention from me would lead eventually to an orgasm. Quite soon, she had reached the point where the mere touch of my hands or mouth on her cunt would send her right up. And a week after that, I only had to give the merest suggestion of wanting to fuck, and she'd be eager to go. This was exactly the effect I wanted. Of course, I still made sure she was flying on the aphrodisiac before I let her orgasm.
Once I felt that I had sufficiently established this principle in her, I moved on to the next step. First, I set aside the Pavlov drug for awhile. At this point, Suzanne was as well-trained as was really necessary. Later, I would bring it back, but for now it would only get in the way. (Plus, the stuff was expensive.) Slowly, over a carefully planned period of six weeks, I began to lower the dosage of aphrodisiac I gave Suzanne before fucking her.
At first, her sexual enjoyment dropped off. This was the riskiest part of the whole procedure, and I really didn't know exactly what would happen. Even though I had known it was coming, the sudden decrease worried me. I could tell that her orgasms were less intense. The air of general unhappiness that had surrounded her for the past couple months thickened.
I began to pay a little more attention to her needs than I had been. It was important not to lose her now. Surprisingly, the lessening intensity of her orgasms drove her to put more and more energy into fucking, as though she thought it was her fault that she wasn't enjoying it as much, and she was trying to make up for it. I actually felt sorry for the poor girl, and even a bit guilty. Here I'd spent several months teaching her that sex was the most important thing in life, making it the end-all, be-all of her existence, and now I was pulling it away from her. And she thought it was her fault.
Fortunately, by the middle of the second week, Suzanne's body began to compensate for the decrease in the aphrodisiac dosage, and her orgasms started creeping back up to their previous heights. According to all the literature I'd read, this was supposed to happen; the effect of the Pavlov drug was not confined to conscious actions and desires. Rather, it reached out to affect all aspects of bodily function. If you had a pin stuck into your toe repeatedly as you listened to Beethoven's Fifth while on the drug, hearing "Da-da-da-daaaaah" in the future would cause you to feel a prickling pain in your toe. Not just wince your eyes in anticipation of pain, but actually feel real pain.
Of course, what works in one instance doesn't always work in another. So I was visibly relieves when Suzanne's body overcame the decrease in drug dosage and began to deliver inhumanly strong orgasms once again, as it had been taught. She was visibly happier; in fact, she was happier than she'd been since the first time my come had covered her face.
I kept to the planned program for the next month, fucking her at least once a day, gradually reducing the dosage of aphrodisiac to zero. Her sex drive remained rock steady for the rest of that period. I was frankly amazed at the ability of her body to compensate for the loss of the drug.
On the last day of the aphrodisiac phase-out, I phoned Suzanne and told her to be ready to go out for dinner at 6:30, wearing the red dress that I had given her on our second date.
I showed up right on time. She greeted me at the door with a kiss. "Hi, honey," she said, bright and cheery. The moment of truth had arrived.
Without a word, I placed a hand on her shoulder and began to push gently downward. With barely a second's hesitation, she sunk to her knees in front of me. Her fingers nimbly undid my pants and brought out my rapidly stiffening cock. She lovingly caressed it a few times, and then took it into her hot, wet, mouth.
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Chapter 1: A Taste of Suzanne Suzanne's this girl at work I know. She's a 25 year old brunette with a very pretty face, beautiful smile and a knockout body. A perfect hourglass figure: tiny waist, generous but perky breasts and a wonderful petite ass with just the right amount of flair to her hips. Overall she looks delicious; I've been aching to get to know her more intimately for ages, but we've never been more than good friends. I'm working late one night. I think nobody else is still...
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Buck woke up Saturday morning to Suzanne's soft hands caressing his stomach and chest. Suzanne was lying on top of him. His Cock was rock hard lying flat across his groin and stomach surrounded in the valley between Suzanne's hard nippled breasts. Suzanne was sliding back and forth fucking him in the valley between her breasts. Every now and then she would duck her head and suck the end of his 11 Inch Cock into her mouth as it poked out the top of her breasts and run her tongue into the...
Introduction: Suzanne visits in Sydney This is the sequel to Suzanne 1 to 4. Im assuming that you have read them first. As I flew home to my wife in Sydney I was worried. I was worried because the next step that I was about to take might cost me my marriage of more than 30 years. That morning Jerry and I had met to discuss the progress that we had made on the joint project that we had been working on for the past week. We both agreed that the project had progressed extremely well, and both...
Introduction: A dinner party with friends This is the sequel to Suzanne 1 & 2. The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someones mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzannes mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat...
The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someone's mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzanne's mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat up and smiled at me. “Good morning sleepy head. You took ages to wake...
Copyright November 2002 Suzanne was gorgeous. 5 feet 1/2 inch tall, 105 lbs, brown shimmering chestnut hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, hazel eyes that changed color like a chameleon depending on what she was wearing, and flawless, creamy smooth skin. She was 21 years 6 days old in June of 1991. She also appeared to have an outstanding figure. She was working as a food waitress at a major hotel. She was also attending a Christian college across from a major state university. Buck...
As I flew home to my wife in Sydney I was worried. I was worried because the next step that I was about to take might cost me my marriage of more than 30 years. That morning Jerry and I had met to discuss the progress that we had made on the joint project that we had been working on for the past week. We both agreed that the project had progressed extremely well, and both had identified new possibilities that we had not thought of when we started. Unfortunately, neither of us could devote...
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I wrote this for a friend yesterday with a hot wife named Suzanne. Much of the action is based on what he likes her to do and the rest is me filling in the blanks. I hope you enjoy!!!Suzanne’s Slutwife Weekend ….. by cyote57 June 2016Hubby’s StoryEarlier this week, I had told my wife, Suzanne, that she had been rented for the weekend. I like to give her plenty of time to get prepared and get her mind wrapped around her performances. Suzanne has been my hotwife / slutwife / submissive petwife...
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After I had met Suzanne at the conference in Melbourne, I had a strong incentive to make a trip to Adelaide. I had a standing invitation to visit a colleague at Adelaide university. I'd been putting him off until I had other business in Adelaide, but now I decided to bring my visit forward. I arranged to spend a week with him, and nights with Suzanne. Suzanne met me at the airport wearing a very short denim skirt and a white singlet top that did not quite reach the top of her skirt. It...
I was dead serious when I wanted to stop Jewel, but she was making it harder, in more ways than one. "Haven't you ever thought about my soft red lips around your dick, Siggy? My mouth is so hot and warm and I've never had a complaint about my blow-jobs and I never make a mess. I'll swallow all you have to give. Suzie will never know and we can both fulfill a fantasy." Jewel Marie was whispering in my ear to my weakening constitution. I was pretty needy at the time and looked forward...
Jenny and Olivia lived next door to each other and, even with the age difference, got on well.It was unusual given that Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and Olivia was seventeen-years-old. However, Jenny enjoyed the friendship of the teenager, and Olivia loved being around a grandma figure. So, as time went on, Olivia would often knock on Jenny’s door with a cake or biscuits she had cooked herself and they sat in the kitchen and chatted about what they had been doing, just like friends...
SpankingJaden looked at the three bare bottoms facing her, as her two sisters and step-mum had their noses pressed against the wall with their hands on their heads and were fully naked as they spent time on their naughty spots thinking about why they were going to be spanked.The three bottoms belonged to Jaden’s step-mum, Valentine, and her two sisters, twenty-three-year-old Velvet, and twenty-year-old Alexis. Jaden smiled as she looked at each of the three bare bottoms which she was going to turn red...
SpankingSuzanne had been telling me for weeks how much everyone had loved the weekend we agreed to be used. In part, I think while she was right, she really, really liked getting used hard, and liked watching me get used hard, too. I couldn't blame her... I was starting to enjoy it, myself. "Let's do it again! I've got a few new ideas you'll like..." she said in her sultry, suggestive tone. "I'm game. " I agreed. "But I want to be thoroughly used this time. ""You weren't last time?! My, what big balls...
Lisa's point of view Surprisingly, to me, the politician refused to leave until Ted was looked after. He pulled off his jacket and firmly took charge. "I was a combat medic in the army years ago. I haven't forgotten everything. Hmmmm." He moved Ted's hair and examined his head. Then, he wiped his hands on his shirt and opened Ted's eyes one at a time, giving each eye a quick look. "Good news, it doesn't look bad. It looks like the bullet glanced off and didn't penetrate." I...
I woke up with a splitting headache, note to self never drink Jack Daniels again, and my cock feels like it has been munched in a vise. Every pore on my skin reeked of last night's sex. All and all though, I was satisfied. Now, all that was left for me to do was to get ready for my ten o'clock meeting. I showered, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee and a crescent in the hotel lobby. The cab ride out to the account was uneventful and I suspected that the meeting would be just as uneventful...
I stood chatting with some of the other attendees that I had met at other such conferences. A very attractive young woman joined our group, I guessed that she was a student, and so I made an effort to include her in our little group. “Hi! I'm Bill Smith. I'm guessing that you are a PhD student. Am I right?” “Yes. I'm Suzanne Jones. I'm in my first year of a PhD at Adelaide Uni.” I introduced her to the rest of our little group, and we all chatted together for a while, until the...
It had been a couple of weeks since the last party, and Suzanne came home from work one evening with Kait in tow. It wasn't unusual, but they both seemed preoccupied as we all conversed. After a few minutes, Kait finally looked at me and said: "So we have an idea about the next party we need to run by you..." her gaze sliding from me to Suzanne.Suzanne quickly said "We're going to have a few more people this time. ""Ok...." I said, feeling like I was missing something. "And we want to have a...
I have to admit that she had a convincing sincerity to her pleas. My heart ached for her as I began to take her to heart. I wanted to forget the problems I had with her story, but didn't see how I could, until now. She poured her heart out to me so convincingly, that I forgot that I was as much the fault of our break up as she. "We'll try to make it right babe, I promise." I told her. "Don't cry anymore. If it doesn't work out, it won't be not for trying. I promise you that. Just...
Story Fourteen: Slut Takes Charge By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure stepped out of the mist and opened the front door of the house. For once, it wasn't entering a public place. Even the house party it had visited a few panties ago had been open to all. So many youths had flooded in and out of that house, anyone could have entered unnoticed. But at this residence, anyone who didn't belong would stand out. Even the figure. The...
Suzanne had always tried to be very active and helpful with many of the church activities. Tonight she was there getting the fellowship hall decorated for a charity auction for Saturday night. Her little group was made up of a few other women that she knew well and also the church maintenance man, Chester. He had always been very helpful to all the various groups and tonight he did a lot of the heavy set up work while the women did the signage, decorating and seating arrangements.Gradually the...
Suzanne Suzanne?s ReturnPart IBy: R.J. Silverwood([email protected]) I stood in the middle of the small, musty-smelling, motel room towel-drying my hair as I watched Suzanne twist and squirm, lying naked and hog-cuffed on the bed. I?d give anything to have a picture of this, I thought.? Her wrists handcuffed behind her, her ankles cuffed together, pulled back and pad-locked to her wrist cuffs.? The same padlock was also used to lock both sets of cuffs to a small steel ring, which...
One night when Mitzi and I were fucking when she said that she REALLY needed to go pee. I laughed and told her that THAT would just have to wait, it was getting really good and I was NOT about to stop now. I kept fucking her hard and she kept screaming and squirming and telling how bad she had to pee. I told her HELL NO, Hold it! Well, the sadist in me came out a little and I intentionally fucked her as long and as hard as I could. I seemed to be lasting even longer than usual. I think the way...
My conservative secretary Suzanne was a sexy old lady in her early fifties. One day after hour, I had gone back to her office to pick up some papers I had forgotten there; but, instead of those documents, I had found there at her empty desk just a pair of dirty panties. I had smelled the cloth and had stroked myself sitting at her own chair… Some days later I invited Suzanne for a drink after office and she accepted.We became regular lovers; since she was divorced and my sweet wife Ana allowed...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
Introduction: The gorgeous, extremely promiscuous mother of the bride-to-be, and the filthy rich single father of the groom-to-be, negotiate the terms of a prenuptual agreement, body to body SUZANNE IS A VERY BAD GIRL It was the morning after the party at Stone Daviss mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brads wedding to Suzannes daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this years Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came...
The morning after the 50th reunion party…I opened my email to see a message from Suzanne. We had never corresponded much…but our emails were available on the class website.I assumed she had some comment to make about the previous night’s “activities”. She mentioned those “activities” only in passing…she wrote” I thought a pervert like you might find the attached video interesting”.That was all she wrote. Intrigued I started watching the video…half expecting a nudie film of Suzanne... Instead I...
Steph walks into the candlelit bedroom. She is wearing a black corset with a pair of black crotchless panties. She sees her lover Tim standing there before her.Usually Tim is the one in charge of their sexual interludes. But tonight, she's the one who has all the power.Tim is 6'1 with black hair, brown eyes, and a 10-½ inch dick. She thinks he looks so deliciously handsome in his black leather boxers.Steph is 5'8 with brown hair, brown eyes, 40B breasts, and an amazingly tight pussy.She walks...
It was the morning after the party at Stone Davis’s mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brad’s wedding to Suzanne’s daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this year’s Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came awake from a deep, champagne spiked sleep. She looked over at her still sleeping husband, Walt, and then slipped quietly out of the huge bed leaving him there to continue his rest. She went into the...
Introduction: A mother uses her sexual skills and body to negotiate her daughters prenuptual agreement SUZANNECLOSES THE DEAL CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stones balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzannes gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mother Takes Charge By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, the president of the Institute of Apotheosis, shook her head as she stared at the camera feed of her two eighteen-year-old children each lying unconscious in separate storage rooms, locked inside and kept away from the others in the Institute. It was all falling apart. Guilt pressed down on her. Dr. Blavatsky...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stone’s balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzanne’s gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed it to her, saying, “Put on a fresh coat of lipstick and straighten your clothes out.” Doing as she was...
It was a lazy afternoon when Madame Joan rang me with a special request from one of her dominatrix, Madame Alison. She asked: “Could you please bring Madame Suzanne to my establishment to impose some discipline and humiliation on a wayward slave?” “Of course” I replied. I immediately rang you to see if you were free, and, yes, you were, so I arranged to pick you up. “Come as you are, it’s urgent”, although I knew that you would have a shower first. “And don’t wear any underwear!” You were...
AnalThis is the second part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge. In this chapter the transformations that Ken and Kristy underwent in chapter 1 take root in the changelings minds affecting mannerisms, desires and instincts. Also, unknown to Sandy the talisman had further reaching affects on Ken and Kristy. The most obvious is the ten-fold increase in their already substantial libidos. Less obvious is the size of Kristy's new penis. Ken's penis was large,...