Luna's RebellionChapter 3 free porn video

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Harry's council, as the girls had taken to calling themselves, had grown from just Hermione and Luna, to now include Su Li, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Sally Anne Perks, Neville Longbottom (at Hannah and Harry's insistence since Harry felt he needed at least one mate) and unofficially Professors Vector and Babbling. They met in an abandoned classroom down the hall from the charms classroom, and they soon had it outfitted for training Harry in the skills that the group decided he needed for surviving the tournament and life in general. Each of the women brought their own specialties to the table and they were amazed at how fast Harry picked up the practical aspects of magic, forcing them to reach deep into their own knowledge to continue challenging him and making him grow in his magical repertoire.

It was into one of the strategy sessions a few weeks before the second task that Harry burst in the door, slightly out of breath, and shouted. "We have a big problem. I can't swim!"

"Harry, calm down and take a few breaths." Once Harry seemed to have gotten control of himself, Hermione encouraged him to talk to them. "Now tell us why that should concern you."

"The next task is going to be in the Black Lake, and they are going to take something I will miss more than anything and put it at the bottom of the Lake for me to retrieve. The problem is, I can't swim, heck, I can't even take a bath without feeling a bit of panic."

"Why is that Harry? I don't think I have ever seen you panic about any danger, so why should water scare you?" Alicia asked.

Harry all of a sudden became rather shy, and mumbled under his breath that no one understood.

"What was that Harry?" Daphne said as she stared at this Harry that was not the confident young man she had come to know.

Harry began to look around in a panic, getting ready to bolt from the room, when he was hugged first from the left by Luna, and then the right by Hermione. It was Luna who spoke. "Harry, it is time you told your friends the truth about your life and why you have the fears you do. We are here for you and I promise that none of us will pity you for your experiences. We may feel sad for what you had to live through and want to help you work past it, but we are your friends and will not look down on you for what you reveal."

Harry's shoulders sagged, and then he allowed Luna and Hermione to lead him to a couch, where he sat and told his story with his two friends on either side of him. He told of his cupboard, not knowing his name, being a slave, test dummy, and punching bag to his relatives, and of the starvation and abuse. When asked about the fear he had for swimming, he looked scared before he finally told them the truth.

"I am pretty sure that I have died at least three times while trying to swim." The gasps of everyone when he said that almost made him stop, but the two holding onto him gave him the courage to go on. "The first time was at the community pool when aunt Petunia took Dudley and me to learn to swim when we were six. Dudley and his friend Piers pushed me head first into the side of the pool, and then when I was dazed, they pushed me under and used me as a step so they didn't have to tread water. When it was finally noticed by anyone, I had been under for more than fifteen minutes. Dudley and Piers told everyone I had gone under after telling them I could hold my breath for a long time. The ambulance was called, and I was taken to Hospital where they were going to pronounce me dead, when I began to cough up lungs full of water and then I began to breath. When my uncle brought me home from Hospital, he beat me for not dying like a normal person and instead showing my freakish ways, and then he threw me into my cupboard with no food for three days." It appeared that everyone in the room wanted to say something about his vile relatives, but the looks that Luna and Hermione gave to them stopped them from interrupting Harry's story.

"The second time was silly really. Uncle Vernon sent me out into a thunderstorm to divert water from forming puddles in my aunt's garden. I remember creating unobtrusive little waterways that fit into the artistic esthetic of the garden, and I was quite proud of the way they had turned out. I went to the other side of the house, intending to continue with my work, when a flash of light lit up everything around me and I knew no more. When I woke up, I was in hospital again, only this time, I was nowhere near home. I was pulled out of a lake about four hours North of Surrey by people on a boat that was heading to shore before the storm hit. They tried to revive me, but they kept getting shocked when they touched me. I don't remember how I got to that lake, and I don't remember how I got back to Privet Drive after staying in hospital for almost a week. All I know is I went to sleep in the bed in the room I had been placed in, and the next time I woke, I was back in my cupboard and ignored for almost a week."

"The last time was the summer after my first year at Hogwarts. I had been moved out of my cupboard, and into Dudley's second bedroom, or the room of broken toys as I liked to call it and everything was going fine until one of the neighbors decided to invite all of the kids in the neighborhood to go to a water park for their daughter's birthday. They were new to the neighborhood, and so they thought that it would be a good way for their little girl to make new friends. They insisted that all of the kids go, and that included me since they had seen me gardening in my aunt's prize winning garden, and I had helped them carry in packages to decorate their new home. We went to the water park, and I stuck to the shallow pools most of the day, trying to learn how to swim. When I felt confident enough, I got a float and went cruising around on the lazy river that drifted around the park. It was coming around a corner where the river was partially sucked into giant tanks to power the slides and wave pool that I somehow got pulled off my float and dragged under, getting trapped against the grate by the water. I remember trying to get anyone's attention as the water pressed down on me, but they were always just out of reach and slowly everything went black."

"When I woke up, I was in the back of an ambulance with a sheet covering my face, and I listened as a young woman sobbed as she described how they had shut the pumps down for the night and were turning off the lights to the park when someone noticed my body floating on the surface of the lazy river. Emergency dispatch was called immediately, but they could not revive me no matter what they tried. When we got to hospital, I found myself frozen as I was wheeled down a hall and out another set of doors. I heard someone say my name, and I thought it was Dumbledore, then I once again woke up in my bed, this time with bars on the window and locks on the door, with a cat flap that my food was passed through until Fred, George, and Ron came to rescue me in their Dad's car."

All of those present, including Neville who was sitting silently behind Hannah, were horrified at the trials that Harry had gone through in his short life. If anyone had looked around, they would have found that all of those present were fighting back tears as they realized that Harry would not be comfortable feeling that everyone pitied him.

It was quiet, soft spoken, kindly, unassuming Neville who blew his top and destroyed the silence that had blanketed the room like a rough, itchy woolen blanket. "How dare they write all those stories about the fabulous life of Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived and present them as truth. Every child in the magical world has been read stories about your supposed adventures, and the training that you have received since your parents died, and we now find out that they are utter bullshit! Sorry for my language, Hannah, but for the last three years, everyone in this castle, and in the greater British Wizarding world, has held you to a standard that you had no hope of meeting. Every time we have tried to approach you, Ronald I am The Best Mate of THE BOY WHO LIVED Weasley has blocked us and has informed us that if you wanted us as friends, you would have answered the letters we sent you as kids or the ones we sent you over the summers between school years."

"You ... you sent me letters?" Harry asked in confusion. "I have only ever received letters from Ron, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley, and only Hermione writes with any frequency. Well, I did receive a letter from the Ministry of Magic warning me about underage magic use, but that was done by a house elf, not me."

By now, Neville was standing, and the normally mild mannered Gryffindor was so angry that waves of magic were pouring off of him and making everyone's hair stand on end. With a look of absolute resolve upon his face, Neville drew his wand and said, "I, Neville Franklin Longbottom, heir of the Longbottom Clan, and future head of House Longbottom, hereby pledge my loyalty as tradition and honor dictate to House Potter and it's last heir in the form of Harry James Potter, Lord and Protector of the Law of Wizarding Britain and all of her Provinces and Protectorates as decreed by Royal Charter in 1644, so mote it be." Neville then dropped to his knee and bowed his head before Harry.

Harry had no idea what was going on, but he knew he needed to stand and acknowledge what Neville had just proclaimed. When he stood, he felt a weight appear on his left side at waist level, and when he looked down he found the sword of Gryffindor strapped to his waist. He held the scabbard with his left hand and drew the sword with his right hand, immediately almost dropping it when a ring appeared on his right ring finger. It was only the flood of information that seemed to flow directly in his mind, and the magic of the sword which was among other things, enchanted to never fall from the hand wielding it. Harry stood straight and true, placing the blade upon the top of Neville's head, then tapping the left and then right shoulder while he intoned in a voice that contained more than just Harry. "The Realm judges you honorable Lord Longbottom, and accepts your pledge of loyalty in this time and in the future time of change that is coming."

Everyone looked shocked at the fact that Harry and Neville were both wearing the rings that denoted them the Head of House for their families. It was Luna who broke the tableau when she squealed and clapped excitedly, before jumping around and yelling.

"This is going to be so much fun. The geezers who are hurting our world will never know what hit them." Luna shifted gears so quickly that it left everyone gaping when she got an evil grin on her face and said to everyone. "Gather round people, it is time to plan the downfall of the meddler, as well as senior psycho and his junior psycho bunch, and the rebuilding of our world from the harm they have done to it." Everyone thought her idea was a good one; it was her periodic bouts of maniacal giggling, and evil laughter that gave them all pause at the future they were planning. They all drew the line when she purposed Death to the evil overlords by fluffy, cuddly bunnies as their battle cry, it actually seemed a little too menacing the way she said it.

The day of the second task had arrived, and Harry no longer feared water or the upcoming task. Harry's council, by taking a suggestion of Neville's about how Hannah had helped him overcome his fear of flying by giving him good memories on a broom and adapting it to help Harry, had spent the last three weeks curing Harry of his hydrophobia bit by incremental bit. It started first in the prefect's bathroom with Hermione and Susan in bathing suits, holding him up in the water while he learned the different strokes of swimming. Each girl, excluding Hannah who wanted Neville to see her like that first, wanted their turn in helping Harry accumulate good memories of his time in water, and Hermione had to write home for more suits after the pureblood girls saw hers. After he began paying more attention to the girls and their suits instead of the water in the bath, they arranged with the help of Professor McGonagall, to transfigure a lap pool, and then used Runes to build a current that he could swim against, always with at least one partner right by his side. Again, when Harry got comfortable, they expanded the pool to fit the entire group and many free hours were spent playing in the water with Harry and Neville constantly blushing as the girls surrounded them in bathing suits that Hermione had her mother provide.

Now standing before the Black Lake, wand in hand and plan in the front of his mind, Harry had no fear of the water before him, only of failing to get to his best friend before time ran out. Harry had arrived at the shore long before anyone else in his nervousness, and began pacing back and for like a caged cat wanting to run free. His thoughts were filled with what he would do to the organizers of the stupid farce he was forced to participate in including his headmaster, if his Hermione had anything happen to her. He was working himself into a nervous wreck when several sets of hands grabbed him and began dragging him away from the lake and toward a tent set behind the spectator stands. He was about to fight off whoever had grabbed him, when he recognized the girl now looking him in the eyes as he continued to be forced away from the lake.

"Harry, you need to calm down and focus or you will be no use when the task begins in a bit over an hour and a quarter." Luna admonished him. "Take a deep breath and then relax. We have a cot set up for you to rest on, and once you have relaxed, there are something's that you need to know that you and I will discuss before it is time for you to leave."

Harry was a bit surprised when he was dragged through the tent which looked like the hospital wing of the castle into a second room of the tent that was set up like a lounge with sofas and pillows spread out around one cot which he was placed upon. He tried to sit up and look around, but two sets of hands held him down, while another peeled off his robe leaving him only in his shorts and t-shirt. Before he could protest, the two sets of hands began to kneed and rub the tension out of his muscles, causing blood flow to increase and getting him loose for the first time since Hermione had left the common room with Professor McGonagall the night before. Harry really wasn't sure how long he lay there, but he found that his eyes had closed when Luna started talking to him and he had to open them to see her.

"Harry, I need you to listen to me very carefully about the upcoming task. When you get to the hostages, you will need to rescue not only Hermione, but Fleur's hostage as well. Fleur's hostage is her little sister, and both Fleur and Gabrielle are Veela, which was not taken into account when they picked her to be Fleur's hostage. While the spell they were placed under is designed to keep them asleep until their head breaks the surface of the water, on a Veela who is a creature of fire and not meant to be in water, the spell will break before the hour is over. If you do not bring her with you when you get Hermione, then she will drown before anyone can rescue her." Luna grabbed Harry's chin and made him focus on her face. "Harry, promise me that you will get only Hermione and Gabrielle and get back to the surface and the judges stand as quickly as possible. I know that you will want to stay and make sure everyone is safe, but only Gabrielle will be in any real danger down there. Promise me Harry, it is important."

Harry looked deep into Luna's silvery gray eyes, searching for confirmation of what she told him, and seeing what he was searching for, he nodded and said, "I promise Luna, there and back as quick as possible. If you say that they are the only two in danger, than who am I to argue with the mysterious knower of truth and guide of my path? Besides, it would take someone completely daft to ignore you after all the times you and Hermione have steered me right."

Luna gave Harry a bright smile and quickly gave Harry a peck on the cheek for luck, before pulling a hat out of her bag that was almost bigger than she was. Harry stared at his unusual friend as she held what looked like a hat made out of a real lions head.

"Luna, what is that?"

"This is my friend Encyclopedia. Daddy and I found him hurt in the jungles of Em Buri Buri in the dark heart of Africa, and the only way to save him was to carry him to the nearest witch doctor and Daddy and I agreed that it was not right to transfigure to something that did not show his noble character, especially with the Crooning Zapanamarbats around. Those creatures would soon have told the entire jungle about Encyclopedia's disgrace and then no one would fear him. Daddy wanted to make him invisible, but I thought that he would get more respect if he could still let his kingdom know that he was alive and well, so daddy and I made him a hat. When we found the witch doctor a month later, Encyclopedia decided he liked me and the fact that I fed him Nargles and Blibbering Humdingers whenever I found them, so he decided to stay as he was after Dr. Vercombo healed him up. I just got him by owl post yesterday from my father so he could help me cheer for the Gryffindor Champion, I hope you aren't offended."

"Luna, I am the only champion from Gryffindor."

"Oh, that is wonderful news Harry; I was worried that you wouldn't like us cheering for the competition instead of you." Luna then gave him another peck on the cheek before she put on her lion hat and made her way to the stands. Harry was left behind, his face holding a bemused look that was often seen on people who Luna talked to after she left, at least those who had a sense of humor. Luna was happy that she was able to distract Harry from his nerves, allowing him to loosen up so he would do well in the task before him.

It came as almost a shock to Harry when the other champions arrived for the task, and everything was a blur until his mind was cleared by the blast of a cannon, signaling the start of the task and the hour time limit. Harry watched as the three older champions jumped in the water, all of them using spells that Harry knew were seventh year at least. He stood there on the edge of the lake gathering his focus and his magic around him like he had been taught by his friends. Energy began to crackle along the surface of his skin as he prepared to follow the plan his advisors had mapped out for him, when a grating voice broke his concentration.

"Stupid Potty has no idea what to do. What's the matter scarhead, can't you swim? Poor stupid mudblood is at the bottom of the lake waiting for you to rescue her, not knowing that you will never get her and she will die under the black waves." Draco's words and the laughter of the Slytherins cut into Harry's heart, but instead of making him doubt himself, they made him even more determined.

Harry was angry. He was angry at Draco, angry at the tournament, angry at the people in charge, angry at his life at his relatives house, and angry at the stupidity of the person that put his Hermione was at the bottom of this God forsaken lake in the middle of February in Scotland in wintertime. Harry gained his focus back quickly, fueled by his rage, and as he let his magic out, it seemed as if something broke in him that was holding him back and Harry knew that he would succeed.

Harry pointed his wand of to the side of the lake, where a log was floating amongst some reeds. He didn't so much cast a spell as he released his magic, willing it to do what he wanted, and the log was soon skimming across the water to him and coming to rest in the water's edge. Harry concentrated on the runes that had been drilled into his head by his friends, as well as the shape that the log needed to be transfigured into. The log soon was hallowed out, with runes appearing down the top as it flattened out and took the form of a bench seat. What no one could see was the rune clusters that formed on the inside of the hallow log, with the control and power runes that went up through the front, into the handle bars that the former tree grew for Harry to grab. When Harry was done, what floated before him was still a log only by the fact that it was made out of wood and was sort of rounded on the sides, the result of what Harry did had more than one person in the crowd wanting to try out the thing they dubbed Harry's toy if it worked as good as it looked.

Harry quickly pulled off his robe to reveal that he was wearing a full body suit of black with his name emblazoned on the back. It was only the muggleborn and raised among the crowd that realized that Harry was wearing a wetsuit that would help keep him warm in the lake. The crowd now watched silently as Harry walked into the water and then straddled his creation. He laid his hand on a plate of runes behind the steering handles, and soon everyone heard a low thrum that was really more felt than heard by ear. The unusual craft turned slowly, orientating toward the center of the lake, and it was not noticed by many that the back was now perfectly aligned with the judges' stand and the part of the stands that held Draco Malfoy and his house of snakes. If anyone had been paying attention, they would have seen that Daphne and Tracey were sitting well in the back, and had subtly raised a shield in front of themselves, and the strange girl wearing the lion on her head from Ravenclaw.

Harry seemed to waiting for a signal, and it came less than ten minutes after the start of the task when a mighty lion's roar sounded from behind the Slytherin section, making everyone including the judges, turn and look up in the stands at where it came from. While everyone had turned away, Harry reached for the handles, and activated the controls that he and his friends had modified from his precious Firebolt. A surge of power went through his craft, and for a moment, it seemed that the front of the hollow craft was sucking in all the water around the front. With a roar of its own, Harry's craft leaped forward carrying him across the water; while behind him a massive rooster tail of near freezing, Scottish lake water arched up and then came down upon the distracted judges and the entirety of the Slytherin house.

Harry screamed in joy as he flew across the water on his way to his destination. This was almost as good as flying his Firebolt, and he was definitely keeping this after the task was done, though he wasn't sure how he was going to use it during his stay at Durskaban Prison in the summer. He was so focused on the experience of speed and fun that he forgot to pay attention where he was and he soon realized that he had passed the place he had been heading for. Backing off the power, Harry turned his craft around and headed back to the place that the rune screen was indicating Hermione was being held. When he reached the spot, he slowed until he was drifting, and then he implemented the next phase of the plan by once again placing his hand on the rune screen in the console in front of him.

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Friday Chuck Oh, my goodness, I felt so good, so warm, surrounded by so many ladies. When I opened my eyes, I was face to face with Lisa, who was staring at me. I was alarmed at first, as I thought she might be dead with her eyes open, but the smile that came to her face told me there was no problem. She kissed me gently and said, "Good morning, Lover. Do you remember what I told you last night?" I smiled in return, "The same as I feel toward you this morning. Yes, Lisa, I love you too....

4 years ago
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Michaels MansionChapter 05

As soon as Serge finishes the work Will has a real estate agent in to take photos of the apartments, common areas, and the grounds. He uses the same people who are handling the rental of the town-houses and the houses the Trust owns in the new development. With the apartments in the Manor coming on-line the Trust now has ninety-five quality places in a premier location in the city close to shops, transport, and schools. Instead of paying to advertise the apartments in the local newspaper...

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BounderChapter 6

It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench their thirsts. The air had been...

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Queen Neferu

The sun had begun to set, its last rays reflecting on the Nile as it flowed through the city of Thebes. The city had been built long ago by the ancient Pharaohs, and from where they ruled their Kingdom that stretched from the Niles source in Upper Egypt and beyond to its mouth in Lower Egypt where it emptied into the sea. Thebes had witnessed much history, seeing both good and bad times. Today the city is the largest in Egypt having prospered under the reigns of the current Pharaoh Nehsey and...

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Memorable First Night

Hello Friends. I am Ronak Parikh, residing in the state of Gujarat. I am ft tall and a little heavy. I had decided from my adolescent age that i would be a virgin till my marriage. At the age of 25 years after settling down properly i decided to get married. I found my dream partner and my princess named Urshita. Though it was an arranged marriage however we fall in love. Finally the marriage day Arrived, It was beautiful evening of December TH, 2012 that we got married. It was an evening...

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The waitress Part 1

Hope you enjoy ;] ------------------------ At 6'11 and 330lbs Paul Zingman wasn't the type of guy you'd fuck with. But, despite his threatening stature, he could never avoid fighting. He was by no means an attractive guy, with a scar across his neck from a fight and a stubbly shaved head he was actually quite scary. Tom Landrews walked into Chuck's Pub just as Paul was body slamming a guy into a table. He couldn't help but to notice Paul's remarkable strength and size and knew he'd be...

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My Niece I Part 7

Thanks for the comments, and suggestions. this is a true story unfolding as we go, so it has all happened by the time I write this. the next episode is also a bit long, but I hope you can bear with me. We all slept well or so I thought, but when I woke up neither of them were in the bed. I got my bearings and heard the shower going in the other bathroom. I got up and walked towards the sounds when I found Renee curled up on the couch with a coffee. “Morning beautiful, are you...

2 years ago
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Mom and I Equal Love 4

Mom went to her bedroom to get dressed for a night out as I went to my bedroom and got dressed as well and returned to the living room to wait for mom as she asked me to when I had finished dressing.What I had put on was a western dress shirt and my best pair of blue jeans socks and western dress boots.A couple of minutes after I had sat down on the couch in the living room mom came in wearing a sleavless white blouse with a short blue pleated skirt that stopped half way to her knees in a pair...

3 years ago
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The Vainglorious Villainy of Vanessa English

Vanessa English is the classic rich bitch. A billionaire who is never satisfied. More is always the answer, especially if it’s money, power, or fame. Sometimes she’s still in high school. Sometimes in college. Sometimes the CEO of a major corporation. One thing stays the same: she’s always the villain. Like any good villain she has her weaknesses. For Vanessa that weakness is her appearance. A knockout in public, Vanessa is a head turner always dressed to the nines, behind the scenes she’s...

2 years ago
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My wife; Jen and I recently bought a travel trailer and I must say I am really enjoying it. We decided to take it out to a local state park that has natural spring. Everything is amazing there tons of trails, wildlife and the spring is gorgeous the ground slopes down to stonework that surrounds the crystal clear body of water that feeds a river. We arrived late and of course setting up camp is somewhat of a daunting task especially for new campers. Backing the trailer into the spot was proving...

3 years ago
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You and you party of thieves entered Loreline's castle, her domain. The riches buried beneath her lair of pleasure, inside of the great iron vaults, outweighed the pleasurable ends that met others that ventured where you venture now. The way down was spent avoiding her slaves, all dressed in black latex, with only the tiniest of slits where their eyes were. All of them had stiff erections at all times and all of them could barely walk as they shook in pleasure every few steps. Some carried...

2 years ago
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My mom my wife

Hi dosto me rahul me aap sab ki mtao ke chut ko chhu kar aur aap logo ki bahno ke bobo ko daba kar pranam karta hu. Me ab aap apne aur apne pariwar ke bre me btana chahata hu mere gharme me meri ma suman jo 38 years ki he wo ak bahut hi sexy aurat he uska saiz 38 30 34 he me unse bahut pyar kartahu aura mera ak 1 year ka beta aap soch rahe honge ki mene apni wife ke bare me kyo nahi bataya lo ab batata hu meri patni ka nam suman he ha meri ma joki meri dharm patni bhi he aur mere bache ki ma...

2 years ago
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My Hot Kiran Aunty

Hello, friends, my name is vijay singh and I am from punjab patiala city. My gmail account is my age is 20 and my height is 5 fit 5inch body is well muscles and my cock size is 7 inches long and 3 inches thick and I am m.Com 1st year student. I am the regular reader of indian sex stories I read all story’s of story on iss bt I am more and more interested in autys story’s kyu jo maze aunts ko chood kar aata hai wo maza kisi ladki ko chood kar nahi aata kyu ki aunts ko sex k bare me jayada pta...

2 years ago
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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

1 year ago
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Becky Goes Black

“Nice ass, Becky!” Marcus yelled from the top of his lungs from the other side of the school’s hallway, directing his crass comment at me. Fucking prick. I hated Marcus. I dealt with him enough throughout high school. It was senior year, and I was still dealing with him! He was one pompous asshole. Black and lean with firm, hard muscles and muscular thighs, Marcus was a multisport all-state athlete, played defensive back in football, and he was lauded for it. He liked to call himself...

2 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 9

I closed up my laptop. “I’m glad I turned the day-to-day finances over to you,” I remarked. “For the past two months we’ve had nice surpluses at the end of the month and November is shaping up the same way.” “Thanks,” she said. I started undressing for bed. Andrea performed her nightly routine in the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom in her robe, which by now barely closed in front. She slipped it off and stood sidewise to me, nude, and ran her hand along her belly. “Look how huge I...

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A Man For Valentines

The snow crunched under the tires of her jeep, prompting Elizabeth to switch over to 4-wheel drive. The deep snow was twinkling in the faint glow of the streetlights, catching the light and throwing it in all directions. Christmas lights were long gone from this country road but the crystal snow kept it looking warm and cheerful. Sometimes she had regretted moving out of the city, especially during her daily commute when the weather turned nasty, but days like this reminded her why she did it....

1 year ago
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Young Chennai Boy Wit Mature Aunt 8211 A Young Boy Tale

Hi Indian sex stories readers !! I have been following Indian sex stories for many years !! This is my second story in iss !! I hope you guys will enjoy the story !! Let me explain about myself here ! I am a 18 years boy living in anna nagar chennai my name surya usually nowadays my age guys are falling in love with mature aunts !! And I m not exceptional in it ! I love aunties a lot ! They are caring , sexy and not satisfied ! I love them and satisfy them ! Let me come to the story ! Its about...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Chanel Preston Meeting With The Teacher

Chanel Preston’s is pissed. Her daughter, Scarlet, is a straight-A student but since she started taking Charlotte Stokely’s class, her grades have dropped to a C. Charlotte, Scarlet’s teacher, listens attentively, but is not in the mood for anyone’s shit. She informs Chanel that her daughter is gay, and that perhaps the fact that she can’t confide in her own mother might be the result of her lackluster grades. Chanel Preston gets furious and tries to intimidate...

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Adventures of Peter and Louise 1 The Lone Sunbat

Back in the early 80’s when in my twenties and still coming to terms with my sexuality , I lived in North Yorkshire and would enjoy days riding my motorcycle to the coast and walking along the coastal trails. I set out on a hot sunny day to walk along the coastal path between Whitby & Scarborough. The path in those days was very secluded in parts and as it was mid-week there were very few walker’s out. As I rounded a cove the path dipped into a hollow & to my surprise there was a...

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slurred and dreamlike. No one heard her say that. She was alone in her small bedroom, laying naked in the dark, staring at the ceiling. She was only now slowly realizing that she'd awoken from her dream and that her left hand was softly cupping her pussy. She closed her eyes, not caring that she was awake, and continued thinking of Derek, the school bus driver. In her fantasy she was squatting over him naked, getting ready to press herself down onto his hard cock. She was...

3 years ago
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Nurse In Bus

By: Prat_prat Hi all, All this time long I was visiting ISS and had a good time at night/day used this site as my tool for masturbation at its best, Now I felt like sharing my experience which happened with me 4 years back, first of all to tell about myself. I am a 24 year old guy, 5.8 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average body from Mumbai, Now to tell about the goddess of love who showed me the heaven in the bus, her name is Ratnamma, 28 years old, 5.5 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average a...

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The Las Vegas Weekend

Like most days, what the mailman leaves in the mailbox is mostly junk mail or advertisements, along with the normal monthly bills and today was much of the same. I quickly tossed out some of the advertisements and sat what I knew were the phone and water bill to the side and thumbed through the others. Most were just crap, but one in particular seemed a bit interesting, if not unbelievable. A solicitation from a Visa card company was offering a special deal on a balance transfer in excess of...

2 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 29

“How does this work again,” I asked, looking over at Pierre who was trying to beg for mercy over Jacques’s screams. “Push button, pull back and then forward again, and it’s ready, quite simple really.” His screams joined Jacques’s as I put the next dart in his stomach. “And very quiet when you shoot someone with it.” I chambered the next dart and walked over to Adrian. “It’s a deadly neurotoxin. They planned to use it to kill me after I disposed of you for challenging me. I’ve heard the...

3 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 24

We left for my parents’ house after our Friday classes. The trip was quiet and we pulled in at their drive and went inside. My mother was there and hugged us both. Dad was due momentarily. He came inside and hugged my mom first. He then hugged Agnes before giving me a hug. He said, “You two are looking good. I think the prospect of getting married is helping both of you, not that Agnes needed much help.” He grinned. “My Viking is doing well for me. We’re happy.” She grinned back and hugged...

4 years ago
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At the Summit Ch 04

Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. * * * * * AT THE SUMMIT by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Part 4 * * * * * 1997 – Before the Summit Dean looked directly at Laetitia. He somehow expected a confrontation, he was becoming excited himself–...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Holly Hendrix Full Anal Service For 19YO Holly

Tiny, 19-year-old Holly Hendrix teases in fishnet stockings, a tutu and sky-high heels. After spreading her tight asshole for director Mike Adriano, the micro slut kneels for a slobbery, deep-throating blow job, disorienting the experienced stud with her amazing oral skills! Holly coaxes Mike to cum multiple times through a blistering anal blowout. And she shows off her prolapsed anus vibrantly! The dark-eyed slut’s intimate ass-to-mouth cocksucking and lewd rectal gaping climaxes when...

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Cum Pooled on a Tiled Floor

‘Oh no you didn’t!’ Becky yelled as I filled her honey pot with my man juice. ‘Really, Blade? Please tell me that you didn’t just cum!’ All I could do was just smile at her as I pushed her slender body into the bed. ‘Damn, Blade, you just entered me! You didn’t even give me time to enjoy it! I can even feel you going soft inside me. And I am dripping wet! Geez!’ ‘What can I say? Becky, you just have that effect on me.’ ‘You didn’t even thrust! You just slid it inside and popped! I didn’t even...

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Kellys First Time

The divorce was at last complete. Steve felt like a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders. They ended up selling the house, since neither could justify staying in one that large now. It was lucky for both that a buyer came along almost immediately, one that was pre-qualified and who was happy with the asking price. He split the profits with her, and was able to pay cash for a new house, one with a larger yard out in the country, with a privacy fence around the back yard. It was a two...

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AssParade Rose Monroe Bangs Construction Worker

Rose Monroe had a little treat arrive at her front door. A construction worker cam by to tear down some rocks that she had in her back yard. Rose couldn’t resist him, and she was into him the moment she saw him. She even started spying on him through her blinds and masturbating at the same time. But she got a bit carried away and he spotted her peeking. He came up to the window and asked her for a cup of water. Once she came out with the cup of water, her intentions were different. Rose asked...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 9

My alarm went off, I got out of bed, putting my robe on to go shower, but before I could do that, I was going to pee in my mouth once again. I hated morning piss. I did drink my piss 3 times yesterday, it wasn't near as bad as morning piss. I showered, brushed my teeth and went down stairs to have breakfast with mom and dad before we all had to leave. Dad left first. I was up stairs getting dressed in normal clothes, I had put my slut clothes in my book bag. I knew I was going to be exposed...

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Chronicles Of A Dirty Slut

Carol still was a tight-bodied hottie of 35 when her husband died in a car crash 14 months before her twin sons, Luke and Jude, turned 18. She had brown hair and a lovely face. Her often-wet cunt somehow had the look of a brazen tart, while she carried a fine arse above well-turned legs. Before her kinky, dominant husband, Greg, had died, however, he’d often told her that her “cow udders were obscenely huge”, though he loved them, liking to harshly squeeze and slap them. In truth,...

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Idle Hands

Idle Hands They say that idle hands are the devil's playground. I know now that that is true. My wife and I have been married for ten years. We are both successful in our careers and decided not to have c***dren. We fell into what can only be called a "funk". We both would arrive home at six o'clock, eat dinner and spend the night staring at the television until eleven, fall asleep and get up the next morning and repeat. My wife had remained thin...

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And Then Came Lori

It was late September, my wife and I had checked in to a resort golf course in the middle of the week that we go to, at least once a year, because the course is great. The place was pretty well deserted when we checked in, which was nice for us, no crowds, no waiting and the desk clerk had a message from the club pro, whom we had gotten to know pretty well over the last few years. I called him, he asked if we would do him a favor and let a female guest play with us, as there was nobody else for...

Group Sex
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No Request Needed

Life had certainly improved for eighteen-year-old Ella as she became subjected to the discipline regime which she had actually asked for, which involved Mrs L, her forty-three-year-old landlady and friend of her mum, giving her the cane when she broke any one of the innumerable rules set for her. Ella sometimes just couldn’t stop herself thinking about being caned and got more and more aroused as she pictured herself bending over once again for her bare bottom to be caned. Sometimes she would...

1 year ago
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Decisions Bleach

"ICHI-SAN!" "GAWK!" Ichigo half gasped, half choked as he was screamed awake by his sister Yuzu calling from downstairs. He attempted to block out her caterwauling, and cover his ears at the same time. He slammed his palms against his ears with enough force to make his eardrums pop, then ring. He blinked rapidly trying to clear his vision as he scrambled to get up to get ready for school. Unfortunately, his blankets had other ideas for him; they were still tangled around his legs. As he...

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